100% Job Oriented Industrial Training Program in Delhi NCR
Are you looking or industrial training! Funki orange technologies is a best
mobile application and web development based company that provides
professional and industrial training which will be quite helpful for student's
career, this Company is located in Sector- 5 !oida" Funki #range technologies
having wide range of options to choose industrial training according to student's
requirement such as "eb a##li$ation% &obile a##li$ation' iPhone
a##li$ation% android a##% iPhone a##li$ation and iPAD a## et$"
Funki #range $echnologies offers Industrial Training in Delhi NCR with
%&&' (ob )ssistance
(ligibility)- *"$ech+,"$ech+*C)+,C)+*-+,SC ./$ 0 CS1"
Period o Training)' 2 weeks, 3 months, 2 months"
The Industrial training is oered li*e in' )ndroid, i4hone+i4ad, 4hone5ap,
464 + ,yS78, 9ordpress, :rupal, Cake 464, 6$,85
Industrial Training or (ngineering +tudents
9e provide training technologies like 464, drupal, wordpress, CSS, Flash,
Corel :raw, :reamweaver, and )dobe 4hotoshop" 9e are providing 2
9eek+,onth /ndustrial $raining in :elhi !C; which are beneficial for
graduation and post graduation students"
Funki #range technologies, +ot,are Com#any -or Industrial Training in
Delhi and Noida" $he obation" #ur
training department have computer labs along with other stuffs" $here are some
top /$ and embedded training corporation in noida which gives all these
facilities for the technical students for producing their 2 months industrial
training valuable" Funki #range technologies, industrial training programs aims
to train you on different platforms with live industrial pro