TABLE OF CONTENTS ARTICLE 1 – RECOGNITION.....................................................................................1 Section 1.01 Scope of Agreement ...................................................................................1 Section 1.02 Full-Time Employee Defined.....................................................................1 Section 1.03 Part-Time Employee Defined ...................................................................1 Section 1.04 Out of Bargaining Unit Assignment...........................................................2 ARTICLE 2 – HOURS OF WORK............................................................................... 3 Section 2.01 Workweek...................................................................................................3 Section 2.02 Shift Schedules............................................................................................3 Section 2.03 Meal Periods...............................................................................................3 Section 2.04 Rest Periods (Dispatchers/Controllers/Call takers)....................................3 Section 2.05 Callback .....................................................................................................3 Section 2.06 Involuntary Holdover..................................................................................4 Section 2.07 Extra Hours/Overtime Sign Up List...........................................................4 Section 2.08 Vehicle Preparation and Restocking...........................................................4 ARTICLE 3 - JOB OPENINGS..................................................................................... 6 Section 3.01 Filling Job Openings...................................................................................6 ARTICLE 4 - TRADES AND GIVEAWAYS ..............................................................7 Section 4.01 Introduction.................................................................................................7 Section 4.02 Trade Requests............................................................................................7 Section 4.03 Trade Lengths ............................................................................................7 Section 4.04 Trade Approval ..........................................................................................7 Section 4.05 Trade Responsibility...................................................................................7 Section 4.06 Exception....................................................................................................7 Section 4.07 Non-Precedent ............................................................................................7 ARTICLE 5 - FLOAT PERSONNEL............................................................................8 Section 5.01 Float Personnel............................................................................................8 ARTICLE 6 - CORRECTIVE ACTION.......................................................................9 Section 6.01 Corrective Action Principle........................................................................9 Section 6.02 Definitions of Corrective Action................................................................9 Section 6.03 Investigations .............................................................................................9 Section 6.04 Corrective Action Procedures...................................................................10 ARTICLE 7 - GRIEVANCE PROCEDURES............................................................11 Section 7.01 Grievance Procedure.................................................................................11 Section 7.02 Grievance Levels......................................................................................11 Section 7.03 Arbitration.................................................................................................12 ARTICLE 8 - PERSONNEL FILES AND RECORDS..............................................14 Section 8.01 File Maintenance.......................................................................................14 Section 8.02 Access ......................................................................................................14 Section 8.03 Rebuttal ....................................................................................................14 Section 8.04 Authority to Release.................................................................................14 ARTICLE 9 - ADMINISTRATIVE LEAVE.............................................................. 15 ARTICLE 10 – PROBATION...................................................................................... 16 Section 10.01 New Hire Probationary Period................................................................16 Section 10.02 New Classification Probationary Period.................................................16
ARTICLE 11 - LONG DISTANCE TRANSPORTS................................................. 17 Section 11.01 Definition ...............................................................................................17 Section 11.02 Assignment ............................................................................................17 Section 11.03 Communications ....................................................................................17 Section 11.04 Expenses ................................................................................................17 Section 11.05 Lodging...................................................................................................17 ARTICLE 12 - SPECIAL TEAMS.............................................................................. 18 ARTICLE 13 - FIELD TRAINING OFFICERS AND PRECEPTORS.................. 19 Section 13.01 Field Training Officers ..........................................................................19 Section 13.02 Preceptors................................................................................................19 ARTICLE 14 - TRAINING AND CONTINUING EDUCATION............................20 Section 14.01 Training and Continuing Education........................................................20 Section 14.03 Clinical Investigations ...........................................................................20 ARTICLE 15 - EMPLOYEE PARKING AND OPERATIONS CENTERS........... 22 Section 15.01 Parking ...................................................................................................22 Section 15.02 Lockers....................................................................................................22 Section 15.03 Operations Centers..................................................................................22 ARTICLE 16 - HOLIDAY PAY.................................................................................. 23 Section 16.01 Holidays..................................................................................................23 Section 16.02 Holiday Pay.............................................................................................23 ARTICLE 17 - LEAVES OF ABSENCE.................................................................... 24 Section 17.01 Workers Compensation Leave ...............................................................24 Section 17.02 Military Leave of Absence .....................................................................24 Section 17.03 Family and Medical Leave .....................................................................24 Section 17.04 Personal Leave of Absence (PLOA).......................................................25 Section 17.05 Funeral and Bereavement Leave ............................................................25 ARTICLE 18 - JURY DUTY AND SUBPOENA APPEARANCES.........................26 ARTICLE 19 - DISABILITY INSURANCE.............................................................. 27 Section 19.01 Long Term Disability Insurance.............................................................27 Section 19.02 Basic Life & Accidental Death & Dismemberment Insurance...............27 Section 19.03 Supplemental Life & Supplemental Accidental Death & Dismemberment Insurance............................................................................................27 Section 19.04 Short Term Disability Insurance ............................................................27 Section 19.05 Supplemental Disability Insurance.........................................................27 Section 19.06 Unemployment Insurance.......................................................................27 Section 19.07 Workers' Compensation..........................................................................27 ARTICLE 20 – SENIORITY........................................................................................28 Section 20.01 Seniority .................................................................................................28 Section 20.02 General Seniority ...................................................................................28 Section 20.03 Classification Seniority...........................................................................28 Section 20.04 Loss of Seniority.....................................................................................28 ARTICLE 21 - LAYOFF AND RECALL................................................................... 30 Section 21.01 Notice of Layoff......................................................................................30 Section 21.02 Recall from Layoff..................................................................................30 ARTICLE 22 - UNIFORMS......................................................................................... 31 Section 22.01 Patches, Decals and Insignia...................................................................31
Section 22.02 Uniform Allowance ...............................................................................31 Section 22.03 Replacement............................................................................................32 Section 22.04 Inclement Weather Apparel ..................................................................32 ARTICLE 23 - HEALTH AND SAFETY.....................................................................33 Section 23.01 General Safety.........................................................................................33 Section 23.02 Immunizations.........................................................................................33 Section 23.03 Safety Equipment....................................................................................33 Section 23.04 Physical Examinations............................................................................33 ARTICLE 24 - PAID TIME OFF (PTO).................................................................... 35 Section 24.01 Accrual....................................................................................................35 Section 24.02 Absence ..................................................................................................35 Section 24.03 Requesting PTO .....................................................................................35 Section 24.04 PTO Cash out..........................................................................................36 Section 24.05 Payment upon Termination.....................................................................36 Section 24.06 Coordination of Benefits ........................................................................36 Section 24.07 PTO Donation.........................................................................................36 ARTICLE 25 - POSTS/QUARTERS...........................................................................38 Section 25.01 Posts .......................................................................................................38 Section 25.02 Quarters...................................................................................................38 ARTICLE 26 - WAGES................................................................................................ 40 Section 26.01 Wage Schedules......................................................................................40 Section 26 02 Salary Advancement...............................................................................40 Section 26.03 Appointment...........................................................................................40 Section 26.04 Pay Step upon Advancement to Higher Classification...........................40 Section 26.05 Overtime.................................................................................................40 Section 26.06 Extra Hours Compensation.....................................................................40 Section 26.07 Hold Over/Late Call................................................................................41 Section 26.08 Reporting Pay..........................................................................................41 Section 26.09 Pay Differentials.....................................................................................41 Article 27 - Employee Benefits......................................................................................43 Section 27.01 Insurance Benefits...................................................................................43 Section 27.02 Medical Benefits.....................................................................................43 Section 27.03 Dental Benefits .......................................................................................43 Section 27.04 Vision Benefits .......................................................................................43 Section 27.05 Employee Assistance Program (EAP) ...................................................44 Section 27.06 Domestic Partners .................................................................................44 Section 27.07 Seeded FSA.............................................................................................44 Article 28 - 401(k) Plan..................................................................................................45 ARTICLE 29 - UNION RIGHTS, ACCESS, AND SECURITY...............................46 Section 29.01 Union Security .......................................................................................46 Section 29.02 New Employees......................................................................................46 Section 29.03 Check-off................................................................................................46 Section 29.04 Indemnification.......................................................................................47 Section 29.05 Union Access .........................................................................................47 Section 29.06 Bulletin Boards.......................................................................................47 Section 29.07 Stewards..................................................................................................47
ARTICLE 30 - MANAGEMENT RIGHTS................................................................ 48 Section 30.01 Introduction ............................................................................................48 Section 30.02 Operations...............................................................................................48 Section 30.03 Policies and Procedures..........................................................................48 Section 30.04 Incentives ...............................................................................................48 Section 30.05 Deployment ............................................................................................48 Section 30.06 Non-Precedent.........................................................................................48 Section 30.07 Notification ............................................................................................49 ARTICLE 31 - SUBSTANCE AND ALCOHOL FREE 'WORKPLACE AND TESTING..........................................................................................................................50 Section 31.01 Purpose ...................................................................................................50 Section 31.02 Representation.........................................................................................50 Section 31.03 Random Testing .....................................................................................50 Section 31.04 Changes...................................................................................................50 ARTICLE 32 - NO STRIKE/LOCKOUT................................................................... 51 Section 32.01 No Strike ................................................................................................51 Section 32.02 No Lockout ............................................................................................51 Section 32.03 Violation ................................................................................................51 Section 32.04 Union Action ..........................................................................................51 ARTICLE 33 - MISCELLANEOUS............................................................................53 Section 33.01 Employee Information ...........................................................................53 Section 33.02 Repair and Replacement of Personal Items............................................53 Section 33.03 Operational Policies and Procedures .....................................................53 Section 33.04 Subcontracting........................................................................................53 ARTICLE 34 - CONTRACT BARGAINING UNDERSTANDING........................ 54 Section 34.01 Full Understanding and Waiver .............................................................54 Section 34.02 Savings and Severability.........................................................................54 Section 34.03 Gender Intent .........................................................................................54 Section 34.04 National Disasters...................................................................................54 Section 34.05 Amendments...........................................................................................55 ARTICLE 35 - TERM OF AGREEMENT................................................................. 56
This Agreement is made and agreed to and to be in effect between AMERICAN MEDICAL RESPONSE (hereinafter "AMR" or the "EMPLOYER") AND TEAMSTERS LOCAL UNIONS 58, AND 223, (hereinafter referred to as the "Union") affiliated with the International Brotherhood of Teamsters for the purpose of adjusting the wage scales, schedule of hours, general rules and regulations affecting the employees and members of the Local Unions. ARTICLE 1 – RECOGNITION Section 1.01 Scope of Agreement The Employer recognizes the Union as the exclusive representative for all regular fulltime and part-time Paramedics, Emergency Medical Technicians ("EMTs"), Controller-I, Controller-2, Call-takers employed by the Employer in Clackamas, Multnomah, and Washington Counties, Oregon, and Clark and Cowlitz Counties, Washington, and all other operations, facilities and classifications within the bargaining unit certified by the National Labor Relations Board (hereinafter collectively "employees"). All other personnel are excluded, including guards and supervisors, as defined by the National Labor Relations Act. Section 1.02 Full-Time Employee Defined Full-time employees are defined as employees who are scheduled to work an average of forty (40) hours per week or greater over any three (3) consecutive month periods. Fulltime employees may apply to become part-time employees. The employee must request such a change in writing to the Employer at least thirty (30) days prior to the desired date which the employee wishes to change to part-time status. An employee-initiated request to change status from full-time to part-time shall be based on operational considerations at the sole discretion of the Employer. Section 1.03 Part-Time Employee Defined Part-time employees are defined as employees who are scheduled to work an average of less than thirty-two (32) hours per week over three (3) consecutive month periods. Parttime employees must work a minimum of two (2) pre-scheduled shifts per month on an ambulance in order to retain their employment with AMR unless no work is available. Part-time employees must submit written availability schedules identifying all dates and/or shifts the part- time employee is available and willing to work each month. The Employer may employ bargaining unit employees in the capacity of part-time supervisory staff. Such employees will be trained by the Employer to fulfill a limited supervisory rule on a part-time basis. Part-time supervisors are not bona fide supervisors within the meaning of the NLRA and remain bargaining unit employees covered by this Agreement while serving as part-time supervisors. Part-time supervisors shall continue receiving a pay differential established by the Employer.
Section 1.04 Out of Bargaining Unit Assignment Those employees who are normally covered by this Agreement who accept and are temporarily assigned in an out of bargaining unit assignment (OBUA) as a Supervisor, or performing any other work for the Employer not covered by this Agreement, shall not be considered an employee as defined in this Agreement for the term that they are on an OBUA. Employees who return to the bargaining unit shall be returned to their former classification. The period of OBUA shall be counted for the purposes of benefit accrual under this Agreement, so long as the term of the OBUA is less than six (6) months. Should an OBUA last longer than six (6) months, the employee will forfeit any accrued seniority. The employee shall have his accrued seniority frozen as of the date he leaves the classification, for a period not to exceed six (6) months.
ARTICLE 2 – HOURS OF WORK Section 2.01 Workweek A workweek for the purposes of this Agreement begins Monday at 0800 hours and ends seven (7) twenty-four (24) hour periods later the following Monday at 0759 hours, or any other seven (7) consecutive day period as designated in advance by the Employer. Hours worked will be calculated to the nearest quarter hour unless otherwise provided for in this agreement. Section 2.02 Shift Schedules Full time employees will be scheduled to work either a daily shift schedule or a 24-hour shift schedule. Daily shift schedules consist of 8, 10, and 12 hour shifts. A 24-hour shift schedule consists of one (1) shift on duty followed by two (2) consecutive shifts off duty, or any arrangement of 24-hour shifts allowed by the Employer’s applicable county provider contract and agreed to by the Union. Section 2.03 Meal Periods The Employer recognizes the necessity for employees to take their rest and meal breaks in order to refresh and nourish their bodies. Twenty-four (24) hour shift employees shall be allowed three (3) paid meal periods consisting of one-half (1/2) hour duration each. Daily shifts (including dispatchers/controllers/call takers) shall be allowed one (1) thirty (30) minute paid meal period for each eight (8) hour work period or any portion thereof over four (4) hours. The provisions of this Section are meant to be minimums only and are not intended to conflict with the laws and regulations of the appropriate State and Federal governments. Meal periods may be interrupted by Priority 1 (Code 3) calls, including life threatening emergencies, critical care transfer calls, requests for immediate response and post moves When available, units are above a 50% staffing level in a county/division, a minimum of one unit will be allowed to take their full meal period uninterrupted. Section 2.04 Rest Periods (Dispatchers/Controllers/Call takers) Controllers/call takers shall be provided fifteen (15) minute rest periods during each half of their shifts. Section 2.05 Callback No employee shall be subject to mandatory or involuntary call back to work from non-work hours or vacation time. No employee shall be subject to discipline for failing to respond to any telephone call or page while not engaged to work by the Employer
Section 2.06 Involuntary Holdover Employees are deemed to be on involuntary holdover status when they are not completely relieved from the performance of work-related activities at the end of their scheduled shift for any reason whatsoever. The Employer will make every effort to avoid the involuntarily holdover of employees. The Employer shall maintain sufficient staffing levels necessary to maintain a system status posting plan to meet response time requirements. Employees may be involuntarily held over past the end of their scheduled shift for up to one (1) hour in low level situations or three (3) hours in the event of a Short Notice CallOff situation. If the hours result from the non-appearance of an employee for scheduled work or for coverage during low system levels, employee(s) in the same classification who performed such work at the same station immediately preceding such hours will be held over for up to three (3) hours in non-appearance situations, or up to one (1) hour in low system level situations, provided that such employee(s) have the necessary skill and knowledge to perform the work to be done. If all such employees are not needed, the holdover work will be offered to such employee(s) with the most classification seniority. If the senior such employee(s) do not want the work, it will be assigned to such employee(s) with the least classification seniority. Section 2.07 Extra Hours/Overtime Sign Up List The Employer shall post an overtime sign up list on the first day of each month for those employees desiring overtime work in the following month. The list shall remain posted for a period of ten (10) days in order to allow employees the opportunity to indicate their desire for overtime by signing their name to the list. Full-time employees who have requested extra hours by signing the overtime list will be offered the work in order of their classification seniority, provided the employee has the necessary certification, skill, and knowledge to perform the work to be done. Employees may specify which duration(s) and type(s) of shift they are signing up to work. Should an employee fail to respond to the Employer's attempt to assign extra hours work based on the sign up list for each date, the Employer shall attempt to contact the next person on the sign up list for the extra hours work. After the Employer has exhausted the extra hours list for the particular date, the Employer may assign extra hours assignments to any available Employee willing to work extra hours. After an extra hours shift has been assigned based on the above criteria to an employee in the classification of the vacancy it will not be assigned to another employee. Extra hours assignment may be cancelled if there is no longer a need to fill the vacancy. Section 2.08 Vehicle Preparation and Restocking. All Employer ambulance units shall normally be granted 15 minutes at the applicable
hourly rate of pay at the beginning of their shift in a "non-posted" status for the purpose of adequate equipment and vehicle preparedness. Employees must promptly notify dispatch of their "in service" status at the beginning of their shift. If the vehicle or equipment is incapable of being in service the employee is responsible for immediately notifying dispatch and a supervisor. The Employer shall attempt to post on-duty field operations employees at their originating base of operation within sufficient time, (approximately 15 minutes) prior to the end of their scheduled shift to allow the employees to complete their concluding shift activities.
ARTICLE 3 - JOB OPENINGS Section 3.01 Filling Job Openings Job openings for bargaining unit positions, including shift openings, will be offered to full-time employees who have submitted written transfer requests for such positions as follows: (1) in order of classification seniority in the classification where the opening exists; (2) as a reasonable accommodation for a bona fide medical condition necessitating a shift change within the employee's classification without bumping more senior employees; (3) in order of general seniority based on the highest level of certification. If job openings cannot be filled with full-time employees pursuant to the preceding process, the Employer may select a part-time employee to fill a vacancy if part-time employees apply for the position. Should more than one part-time employee apply for a position, the part-time employee with the earliest hire date shall be awarded the position. Employees who upgrade their certifications shall be given preference by the Employer for any new job openings before the Employer hires a new employee. Employees may not transfer to an open position in a lower level classification within the bargaining unit. This paragraph will not apply to Lead Paramedics who opt out of FTO status or, by mutual agreement with the Employer, accept non-Lead Paramedic status. Mutual agreement under the preceding sentence will not be a precedent for any other case. The Employer will provide the Union with copies of job descriptions for all bargaining unit positions and will give copies to each employee of his/her job description if requested by the employee.
ARTICLE 4 - TRADES AND GIVEAWAYS Section 4.01 Introduction Employees who desire to trade or give-away their scheduled hours of work (situations which are collectively referred to as "trades") must follow the Trade procedure. Section 4.02 Trade Requests Trade requests must be made in writing or by electronic means from all employees trading into and out of the trade via single or coordinating documents given to the Employer scheduling department or immediate supervisor. Section 4.03 Trade Lengths Trades will be for full shifts or minimum increments of six (6) hours at the beginning or end of a shift, unless supervisory approval is obtained for a trade of less than six (6) hours. Section 4.04 Trade Approval Without limiting the other grounds on which trade requests may be denied, the following are situations in which trade requests may be denied: • When a trade involves more than three (3) employees trading "into" a scheduled shift. • When a trade involves different classifications. • When the trade would result in payment of premium rates not otherwise payable for the hours involved. • When the trade would cause an employee to work more hours than applicable County limits. • When the trade request is not received at least three (3) calendar days in advance of the first trade date unless otherwise approved by a supervisor. Section 4.05 Trade Responsibility Once a trade is approved, the employee accepting the trade into a scheduled shift is solely responsible for working the accepted shift. If the responsible employee does not work the accepted shift, the employee's PTO will be charged for the missed hours and their absence shall be treated as an unexcused absence. Section 4.06 Exception If an employee makes a trade or give away due to denied PTO the trade(s) will not be unreasonably denied. Section 4.07 Non-Precedent Neither the approval nor denial of a trade request, or the reasons for such approval or denial, will be a precedent for any other trade request.
ARTICLE 5 - FLOAT PERSONNEL Section 5.01 Float Personnel Float personnel are defined as full-time Paramedics, EMT's and Dispatchers who are not assigned to a regular shift, but are assigned to a regular shift rotation. Float personnel will be assigned to a day, swing or night rotation on an existing 12/42 or 24/56 shift schedule variable by county location. 1.Multnomah County: Day floats will be assigned shifts beginning between 0400 and 0900 hours. Swing Floats will be assigned shifts beginning between 1000 and 1500 hours. Night Floats will be assigned shifts beginning between 1500 and 2100 hours. 2.Clark and Clackamas Counties: Day floats will be assigned shifts beginning between 0400 and 0900 hours. Night Floats will be assigned shifts beginning between 1500 and 2100 hours. Float employees are to have a minimum of ten (10) hours between work assignments unless waived by the employee. Twenty-four (24) hour floats may be assigned to day, swing or night shift; however, 24-hour employees may not be assigned to work more than one (1) such shift on any given day. Day, swing, and night floats will be paid for a minimum of twelve (12) hours each shift. Twenty-four (24) hour floats will be paid for 24 hours regardless of the length of shift they are assigned to work. Float personnel may volunteer to work hours or shifts outside their normal hours or day, swing or night float rotations.
ARTICLE 6 - CORRECTIVE ACTION Section 6.01 Corrective Action Principle The Employer and the Union recognize that the intent of corrective action is to remedy performance problems and modify inappropriate behavior. While the Employer will attempt to accomplish those objectives through training, education and "informal corrective action," the Employer reserves the right to impose "formal corrective action," up to and including discharge, based on just cause. Section 6.02 Definitions of Corrective Action 1. Informal Corrective Action Informal corrective action includes verbal counseling, verbal warnings, verbal reprimands, written warnings, written reprimands and administrative remarks. Written warnings/reprimands shall be considered automatically grieved and will only be processed if and when the written warning/reprimand is the basis for further correction action. Informal corrective action shall not be included in an employee's personnel file, but may be retained in a separate supervisory file and referenced in an employee's annual performance evaluation. Employees shall be allowed to review and sign any informal corrective action and shall have the right to submit written rebuttals to any informal corrective action. Records of informal corrective action may not be considered for purposes of future formal corrective action if more than twelve (12) months old. Informal corrective action shall not be subject to the grievance and arbitration process. 2. Formal Corrective Action Formal corrective action consists of suspensions, and discharge, and shall be based solely upon unsatisfactory work performance arising out of circumstances which occurred during the twenty-four (24) month period immediately preceding the date of the suspension or discharge notice. The Employer and the Union understand and agree that each individual case shall be judged on its own merit. Serious or repeated offenses may result in discipline commensurate with the offense and shall be based on just cause. Section 6.03 Investigations Employees shall be entitled to Union representation upon request during any investigatory interview/meeting with the Employer that could lead to formal corrective action. The employee representative shall be a duly authorized Union steward or Union representative.
Section 6.04 Corrective Action Procedures The Employer shall notify the employee in writing of any formal corrective action. The notice of corrective action shall identify the specific reason(s) for the corrective action, the work rules allegedly violated, and the effective date of the corrective action. Notices of formal corrective action involving suspensions or discharges shall be concurrently sent to the Local Union by U. S. Mail and facsimile transmission. If the employee and the Union believe final formal corrective action is unjustified, the matter may be appealed through the grievance and arbitration provisions of this Agreement. Within fifteen (15) calendar days after the filing of a grievance appealing formal corrective action, the Employer shall provide the Union with copies of all documents and materials considered and/or relied upon by the Employer as the basis for the formal corrective action, including but not limited to, investigative reports, witness statements and physical evidence.
ARTICLE 7 - GRIEVANCE PROCEDURES Section 7.01 Grievance Procedure The purpose of this procedure is to provide for the timely adjustment and resolution of grievances.
A "grievance" is any dispute brought against the Employer by the Union and/or a bargaining unit employee alleging a misinterpretation, misapplication or alleged breach of this Agreement. The "date of occurrence" is the date when the Union or the employee filing the grievance knew or reasonably should have known of the event that is the subject of the grievance or is the effective date of final corrective action. The Union may file a written grievance directly at Step Two when the subject of the grievance affects a majority of bargaining unit members or resulted from the actions of an Employer representative holding a classification higher than the employee's immediate supervisor.
4. By mutual agreement of the parties, concurrent grievances arising from the same incident or core facts may be consolidated into a single grievance.
Any grievance that is not filed or prosecuted within the time limitations set forth herein shall be deemed waived. If the grievance is not appealed from one level to the next within the time limits specified in this grievance procedure, the grievance will be considered settled without setting precedent. If the Employer fails to respond to the grievance within the time limits specified in this grievance procedure, the grievance may be advanced to the next level. The Union and the Employer may, by mutual agreement in writing, extend time limits at any step of the grievance procedure for a specified period of time. Bargaining unit employees who are grievants shall be given time off with pay during their regular work hours to attend grievance meetings with the Employer and formal grievance proceedings. The Employer and Union shall produce non-privileged and non-confidential information relevant to the particular grievance in response to written requests from the other party for such information. Responsive information must be produced to the requesting party within thirty (30) calendar days from the receipt of the request.
Section 7.02 Grievance Levels Step One: Grievances shall be reduced to writing and submitted to the Operations Manager/Director or his/her designee within fifteen (15) days of the date of occurrence. The Operations Manager/Director or his/her designee shall respond to the grievance in
writing within fifteen (15) calendar days after submission of the grievance. Step Two: If the grievance is not resolved at Step One, within fifteen (15) calendar days of the receipt of the Step One response, the grievance shall be reduced to writing and submitted to the General Manager of Operations. The parties shall meet in an attempt to resolve the grievance within fifteen (15) calendar days after such submission and the General Manager of Operations shall respond in writing within fifteen (15) calendar days from the date of the meeting.
Step Three: If the employee is dissatisfied with the Employer's decision, the Union
representative, within the ten (10) days of receipt of the Employer's response, may submit the grievance to a Joint Conference Board comprised of two (2) persons selected by the Union and two (2) persons selected by the Employer. The Board will hear the facts of the case at a mutually agreeable date and time and will be required to render a decision at the end of the hearing or within a time frame agreed upon by the parties. The decision of the Board shall be final and binding unless it is deadlocked. In the event the Board is split two (2) and two (2) as to the merits of the grievance, the Union may proceed to arbitration. Step Four. If the grievance is not resolved at Step Two or Three the Union may submit the grievance to arbitration within fifteen (15) calendar days from the date of the Step Two or response or the effective date of final corrective action, whichever is appropriate. Section 7.03 Arbitration The parties shall request a list of seven (7) labor arbitrators from the American Arbitration Association. Within fifteen (15) calendar days following receipt of the list of arbitrators, the parties shall select an arbitrator from the list using an alternative striking method. The arbitration shall be conducted in accordance with the American Arbitration Association's rules for Voluntary Labor Arbitration. The arbitrator's authority shall be limited to resolution of the particular issue(s) submitted to the arbitrator by the Union and the Employer and the authority conferred by this Agreement. The arbitrator shall have no authority to alter, change, ignore, delete from or add to the provision of this Agreement. The arbitrator's decision shall be based solely on the evidence and arguments presented by the parties. The decision of the arbitrator shall be final and binding on the parties. The arbitrator shall have the authority to issue or direct the issuance of subpoenas for the attendance and testimony of witnesses and the production of documents and things at the arbitration hearing. The arbitrator shall also have the authority to resolve any pre-hearing motions. The party filing the grievance shall have the burden of production and proof at the hearing, except for grievances appealing the imposition of corrective action where the Employer shall
have the burden of production and proof at the hearing. Back pay awards shall be based on the economic provisions contained in this Agreement and subject to off set for unemployment benefits and compensation earned by the grievant during the back pay period. The back pay period shall be limited to twelve (12) months prior to the date upon which the written grievance was first submitted and continue through implementation of the arbitration award. The fees and expenses of the arbitrator shall be paid by the losing party. Unless mutually agreed upon, costs and fees for court reporters and hearing transcripts shall be born solely by the party requesting such services. The parties shall bear their own expenses for legal representation.
ARTICLE 8 - PERSONNEL FILES AND RECORDS Section 8.01 File Maintenance The Employer shall maintain employee records in accordance with applicable state and federal laws and this Agreement. Section 8.02 Access Employees and authorized Union representatives shall have access during normal business hours to employee personnel files in accordance with legal requirements. Employees are entitled to receive copies of documents placed in their personnel files. Section 8.03 Rebuttal Employees shall have the right to submit a written rebuttal to any document placed in their personnel files. An employee's written rebuttal shall be attached to the document and maintained with it for as long as the document remains in the employee's personnel file. Section 8.04 Authority to Release The Employer shall not release information from an employee's personnel file to any third parties unless authorized by the employee or compelled to do so by a valid subpoena or court order.
ARTICLE 9 - ADMINISTRATIVE LEAVE The Employer may place employees on an unpaid administrative leave pending investigation into allegations that could lead to corrective action of a multi-day suspension or greater. Employees shall be provided written notice of the allegations against them when placed on administrative leave. Employees shall also be advised of the obligation to cooperate in the investigation and remain available for an administrative interview while on administrative leave. The Employer shall concurrently provide the Union with a copy of the written notice. Employees shall be allowed to use available accrued paid time off ("PTO") while on administrative leave solely at the employee's option. In the unusual event the administrative leave continues beyond fifteen (15) calendar days, the employee shall be returned to full paid status and remain off duty for the remainder of the administrative leave. However, employees placed on administrative leave following suspension of their clinical privileges by the department of health or following an arrest for alleged serious criminal misconduct may be continued on unpaid administrative leave until completion of the department of health or criminal proceedings. At the conclusion of the administrative leave, employees shall be returned to their regular assignments and/or served with notice of corrective action. If no corrective action is initiated, employees shall be fully reimbursed for all lost PTO and/or pay while on administrative leave. If corrective action is initiated, employees shall be reimbursed for the difference between any lost PTO and/or pay and the corrective action. Employees may grieve the corrective action as provided in this Agreement, including the loss of PTO and/or pay while on administrative leave.
ARTICLE 10 – PROBATION Section 10.01 New Hire Probationary Period The first six (6) months of initial employment for all employees is considered a probationary period. To ensure proper knowledge and skills employees may be evaluated at various times throughout their probationary periods. The Employer reserves the right to discharge employees at any time during the probationary period, with or without cause, and such action is not subject to the grievance procedure. The Employer may extend an employee's probationary period for an additional period not to exceed six (6) months by sending the employee and Union written notice of such extension prior to the conclusion of their original probationary period. The extension notice shall state the duration of the extension and identify the performance concerns and reasons for extending the probationary period. Section 10.02 New Classification Probationary Period Employees who change job classifications or move from part-time to full-time status shall be required to successfully complete a six (6) month probationary period for their new classification, but in no event shall an employee be required to complete a second probationary period when making a lateral classification transfer from one Employer location to another within the bargaining unit. To ensure proper knowledge and skills employees may be evaluated at various times throughout their probationary period for their new classification. Employees who do not successfully complete the required probationary period for their new job classification shall be returned to their previous job classifications at their previous wage and benefit levels.
ARTICLE 11 - LONG DISTANCE TRANSPORTS Section 11.01 Definition Long distance transports are defined as calls that require employees to travel in excess of 150 miles from the crew's home base. Section 11.02 Assignment Long distance transports shall be assigned using the following prioritized process: 1. To an appropriately staffed volunteer crew that can complete the long distance transport before the end of their scheduled shift.
To an appropriately staffed crew that responds to an all call page for the long dis tance tr ans por t w ithin r es pons e ti me cons tr aints . To an appropriately staffed crew that can reasonably complete the long distance transport before the end of their scheduled shift. To the appropriately staffed crew with the longest remaining on duty time at the commencement of the long distance transport, or at the Employer's sole discretion, to a crew staffed with bargaining unit employees with a higher level certification.
Section 11.03 Communications The Employer will provide each crew assigned a long distanced transport with a working cell phone and charger. Section 11.04 Expenses The Employer will provide each crew assigned a long distance transport with an active credit card with a sufficient balance to cover any reasonable expenses, including but not limited to, vehicle maintenance/mechanical problems, meals, lodging, and other contingencies, or promptly reimburse employees who reasonably incur such expenses during long distance transport. Section 11.05 Lodging If a crew is required to perform or volunteers for a long distance transport that is four hundred (400) miles or more one way, the Employer agrees that the crew shall have the option to obtain hotel accommodations (reimbursed/paid) for no more than eight (8) hours by the Company after delivering the patient. In addition, the employees shall be paid portal to portal for all hours spent completing the transport. Employees who exercise the option of obtaining hotel accommodations shall notify the on-duty supervisor of their whereabouts and decision to seek hotel accommodations. Employees are expected to return to base as soon as practical following their overnight accommodation. Employees who choose to obtain hotel accommodations shall be required to follow all policies and procedures relating to appropriate conduct as an employee.
ARTICLE 12 - SPECIAL TEAMS Special teams are any team which requires additional training above standard certification for EMT, Paramedic or Dispatcher, specialty certification, additional immunization and/or deployment out of the AMR Oregon / SW Washington standard operating area. Special teams are: Reach and Treat, River Rescue. Personnel who wish to participate on special teams or respond to disasters outside the area covered by this bargaining agreement acknowledges such service is voluntary. Initial training for special teams will be provided by the Employer without cost to the employee; however, the employee's time related to training is voluntary and is uncompensated. Employees who successfully complete the course and are assigned to a special team and maintain "active" team member requirements will be provided refresher training without cost to the employee and will be compensated for their training time specific to their special team requirements. "Active" team member status is defined as an employee with up to date and appropriate training in their special team's capacity. The Employer will maintain personnel rosters of all members of special teams along with active or inactive status, including continuing education and training standards. Assignment to any special team deployment schedule will be at the discretion of the Employer. Special team members who are placed "on-call" for recall/deployment will receive a $60 stipend for each 12- hour on-call period, over and above the appropriate hourly rate for work performed during a recall/deployment
ARTICLE 13 - FIELD TRAINING OFFICERS AND PRECEPTORS Section 13.01 Field Training Officers Field Training Officers ("FTO") and Communications Training Officers ("CTO") are bargaining unit employees trained, selected and compensated by the Employer to instruct and evaluate new and existing employees in accordance with established standards and procedures. While FTOs and CTOs are responsible for evaluating employees on their clinical competence, the Employer makes the final decision concerning clinical competence and is solely responsible for the employment status of employees, subject to the terms and conditions of this Agreement and any applicable local, state and federal laws. FTOs and CTOs shall not be liable or responsible for the negligent hiring or retention of any employee they evaluate. FTOs and CTOs shall receive a pay differential in accordance with the Pay Differential Article of this Agreement. Section 13.02 Preceptors Preceptors are bargaining unit employees trained, selected and compensated by the Employer to instruct and evaluate Paramedic and EMT students in field operations pursuant to established standards and procedures. Preceptors shall receive a pay differential in accordance with the pay differential Article of this Agreement.
ARTICLE 14 - TRAINING AND CONTINUING EDUCATION Section 14.01 Training and Continuing Education The Employer shall provide continuing education courses, in service training and other forms of training and education needed to meet certification and licensing requirements and to satisfy additional Employer (including the Employer's physicians and medical program directors) and governmental agency requirements at no cost to employees. The Employees shall be compensated at the employee's regular straight time hourly rate for all time spent in training and education as described in this Article, including travel time. However, employees who fail to register for and attend employer-provided courses will be required to identify, attend and pay for any external courses necessary to maintain federal, state, local and employer-required education/training to maintain certification and licensing requirements for their assigned jobs. The following courses shall be provided as needed to ensure all bargaining unit employees' certifications remain current: BCLS or its equivalent ACLS or its equivalent PALS or its equivalent PHTLS or its equivalent The Employer shall present a 48-hour training course every other calendar year that satisfies National Registry of EMTs and Paramedics refresher requirements and where required, the Critical Care Transport Paramedic (CCTP) training course on an every other year basis at no cost to employees. All time spent attending any Employer or governmental agency mandated training plus twenty-four (24) hours per calendar year for continuing education courses will be compensated at the employee's regular straight time hourly rate and will not be considered as hours worked for overtime purposes.
Section 14.02 Expired Certifications Any employee found working with an expired State EMT/Paramedic certification shall immediately be discharged from employment. If an employee notifies management that they are unable to work due to lapsed certifications, licenses, or other requirements, the employee may be placed on unpaid inactive status without the loss of seniority until the employee attains the proper certifications. If the employee does not obtain the required certifications, licenses or other requirements within sixty (60) days, the employee will be considered unemployable and shall be discharged. Employees on unpaid inactive status due to an expired certification cannot be guaranteed a return to their position or assignment. Section 14.03 Clinical Investigations Should an employee be under review or investigation for any reason other than peer chart
review by the Employer's Clinical Education Department or other department or group similar in purpose, the Employer shall notify the employee of the review or investigation and detail the allegations or clinical concerns. Upon completion of such review or investigation, the Employer shall notify employees in writing that the investigation is complete and further advise the employee in writing of any findings and conclusions, as well as any plans for improvement or remediation. The Employer shall simultaneously send copies of all notifications required by this section to the Union.
ARTICLE 15 - EMPLOYEE PARKING AND OPERATIONS CENTERS Section 15.01 Parking The Employer will provide no cost parking for employee vehicles, motorcycles and bicycles at all Operational Centers. The Employer will continually explore options for enhancing employee parking for bargaining unit employees. The Employer will also use its best efforts to establish and maintain safe and secure parking for employees. However, the Employer cannot guarantee the safety and security of employee vehicles, motorcycles and/or bicycles. The Employer is not responsible for theft, damage or vandalism to employee vehicles, motorcycles and/or bicycles parked in Employer parking areas. Section 15.02 Lockers The Employer will continue providing lockers for daily shift employees. The Employer will not be responsible for theft, damage or vandalism to personal items stored in such lockers. If the employee elects to occupy a locker provided by the Employer, the employee agrees to allow the Employer access to the locker upon request and only in the presence of the employee. Section 15.03 Operations Centers The Employer will provide the following amenities at its primary Operations Centers located in Clark County, Cowlitz County, Clackamas County, Multnomah County and Washington County: A. The Employer shall provide a bottled water service or filtered water, coffee and tea service. B. The Employer at its discretion will provide and maintain an exercise center in each operations center. C. The Employer shall provide shower and dressing facilities. D. The Employer shall provide a "crew lounge: area supplied according to the posts Article of this Agreement. Additional couches and recliners may be provided by the Employer if the Operations Center supports a large number of employees.
ARTICLE 16 - HOLIDAY PAY Section 16.01 Holidays There are nine (9) recognized holidays as follows: New Years Day Martin Luther King Day Presidents Day Memorial Day Independence Day Labor Day Thanksgiving Day Christmas Eve Day Christmas Day Section 16.02 Holiday Pay Employees who work a recognized holiday shall receive "holiday pay" regular pay for the full scheduled shift plus a premium of one- half (0.5) time at the employee's applicable hourly compensation for the shift. Employees are deemed to work a holiday only when their shift begins during the holiday. The duration of a holiday shall be midnight to midnight. If a fulltime employee's shift is canceled on a holiday due to deployment reduction, the employee shall be paid for the entire shift at the employee's regular hourly rate as hours worked. Employees shall only be eligible for holiday pay for hours actually worked when the shift is cancelled on a holiday. Employees may not pyramid overtime or holiday pay.
ARTICLE 17 - LEAVES OF ABSENCE Section 17.01 Workers Compensation Leave Worker's Compensation Insurance benefits shall be granted in accordance with all applicable laws. Employees who suffer a work-related illness or injury that renders them temporarily unable to perform their regular job duties shall be granted a leave of absence for a maximum of twelve (12) months from the date the leave commences. Employee's who suffer a work-related catastrophic illness or injury as defined by the Employer's workers compensation carrier shall be allowed to reapply for employment up to thirty-six (36) months from the original date of injury, provided the employee has been provided a complete release from their physician and upon reemployment shall have all seniority restored. In lieu of a leave of absence, the Employer may offer limited or light duty work for a maximum of ninety (90) days to employees who suffer a work-related illness or injury, whenever such work is available and the employee is able to safely perform such work. Employees on a leave of absence due to a work-related illness or injury shall continue receiving all health benefits for a maximum of twelve (12) months provided the employee continues paying his/her normal contributions for such benefits. Employees may elect to discontinue health benefits while on a leave of absence. Section 17.02 Military Leave of Absence Military Leave will be granted in accordance with the Uniform Services Employment and Reemployment Rights Act of 1994, as amended, and applicable provisions of state and local law. Reinstatement shall be governed by the federal, state, and local law referenced above. All requests for military LOA must be accompanied by a copy of the employee's military orders upon return from active duty. Section 17.03 Family and Medical Leave Family and medical leave shall be granted in accordance with all applicable federal, state and local laws. Family and medical leave may not exceed twelve (12) weeks. However, at the Employer's discretion, employees may be granted a medical leave beyond twelve (12) weeks to a maximum of nine (9) additional months. Employees may elect to use accrued paid time off ("PTO") while on approved family and medical leave. However, intermittent and reduced time family and medical leave, including partial day absences, will be charged to the employee's available PTO. Once an employee's PTO is exhausted, the remainder of any family or medical leaves will be unpaid. Health benefits continue during family and medical leave provided the employee continues paying his/her normal premium contributions for such benefits. Employees may elect to discontinue health benefits while on family and medical leave.
Employees continue accruing seniority while on family and medical leave. Section 17.04 Personal Leave of Absence (PLOA) Full-time non-probationary employees may be granted at the Employer's discretion an unpaid Personal Leave of Absence ("PLOA") as follows: 1. A PLOA must be at least fifteen (15) calendar days and generally may not exceed sixty (60) days. However, employees may be granted a PLOA up to twelve (12) months for education purposes and for the death of a spouse, domestic partner or child. Further exceptions may be granted in the Employer's discretion based on the particular circumstances. 2. A PLOA must be requested in writing at least fifteen (15) calendar days in advance. Employees may not take more than one PLOA within any rolling twenty-four (24) month period. Employees on a PLOA shall continue accruing seniority during the PLOA and may continue existing medical, dental and vision benefits by continuing to pay their normal contributions for such benefits. Employees on a PLOA of less than sixty (60) days shall be returned to their former positions and assignments upon expiration of the PLOA. Employees on a PLOA of greater than sixty (60) days are guaranteed reinstatement to a position in their former classification at the wage rate appropriate to their seniority levels. If such positions are not then available, Employees will be offered the first opening in their former classification. If no position is available, Employees will be placed on lay off status. Section 17.05 Funeral and Bereavement Leave When a death occurs in an employee's immediate family, the employee shall be entitled to a funeral and bereavement leave as provided in this provision for the death of each immediate family member. For purposes of this provision, "immediate family" is defined as current spouse, child, sister, brother, mother, father, current mother-in-law, current father-in-law, grandparents, grandchildren, and domestic partner domiciled within the employee's household. The Employer may require proof of death and relationship. Employees will be paid for regularly scheduled missed shifts, excluding overtime shifts, as time worked up to a maximum number of shifts per occurrence as follows:
Employees working an 8-hour schedule – 5 shifts Employees working a 10hour schedule – 4 shifts Employees working a 12-hour schedule – 4 shifts Employees working a 24-hour schedule – 3 shifts
The Employee shall notify the Employer as soon as practical of the specific dates to be taken as funeral and bereavement leave. Funeral and bereavement leave shall be taken in consecutive shifts at the employee's discretion, but no later than thirty (30) days after the passing of the immediate family member. An employee on scheduled PTO may receive bereavement leave credit.
ARTICLE 18 - JURY DUTY AND SUBPOENA APPEARANCES Full-time employees who are summoned for jury service or who are subpoenaed as witnesses shall be excused from scheduled duty upon presentation of the summons or subpoena to the Operations Manager or designee. Upon return to scheduled duty, the employee must present a statement provided by a member of the court, hearing body, or subpoenaing party, confirming the employee's participation as a juror or a witness and the dates of attendance. Employees shall be compensated for the difference between any juror fees received and their regular pay for scheduled work hours missed because of jury service up to a total of eight (8) weeks per year. Employees shall be compensated for the difference between any witness fees received and their regular pay for scheduled work hours missed because of service as a witness in any legal or administrative proceeding concerning matters arising from the performance of their work duties. In addition, employees shall be compensated for all time served as witnesses in any legal or administrative proceeding conducted outside the employee's regularly scheduled work hours when subpoenaed by the Employer. Employees shall also be compensated for all time served as material witnesses in felony criminal cases (Capital and Class A cases) when subpoenaed by the District Attorney or State Attorney to testify concerning matters arising from the performance of their work duties. Employees shall not be compensated for missed work hours when subpoenaed by or on behalf of a present or past employee of the Employer to testify in a legal or administrative proceeding initiated by the present or past employee against the Employer. However, the Employer shall ensure the employee is allowed time off for the legal or administrative proceeding in response to the subpoena and allowed to use accrued PTO for the missed work hours. If the employee is excused from the jury or subpoena obligation and more than four (4) hours remain in the employee's regularly scheduled work shift, the employee shall contact the Operations Manager or designee regarding whether the employee should return to work to complete the remainder of the scheduled shift. Employees who work other than a twenty-four (24) hour shift shall have at least eight (8) hours off between the completion of their jury or subpoena obligation and their next scheduled shift.
ARTICLE 19 - DISABILITY INSURANCE Section 19.01 Long Term Disability Insurance The Employer shall pay one hundred percent (100%) of the long term disability premiums in the amount specified in the Benefit Plan for all employees. Section 19.02 Basic Life & Accidental Death & Dismemberment Insurance The Employer will pay the premium for life and accidental death and dismemberment ("AD&D") insurance equal to two (2) times the full-time employee's annualized base earnings. The Employer will provide full-time employees the opportunity to purchase additional life and AD&D coverage in an amount equal to up to four times the employee's annualized base earnings. Section 19.03 Supplemental Life & Supplemental Accidental Death & Dismemberment Insurance The Employer agrees to make available for employees to purchase additional coverage through an approved Company vendor, whereby the employee shall be responsible for one hundred percent (100%) of the Supplemental Life and Supplemental Accidental Death and Dismemberment Insurance premium through regular payroll deductions. Section 19.04 Short Term Disability Insurance The Employer shall make available a short- term disability plan the cost of which shall be paid one hundred percent (100%) by the Employer. Section 19.05 Supplemental Disability Insurance The Employer agrees to make available for employees to purchase additional coverage through an approved Company vendor, whereby the employee shall be responsible for one hundred percent (100%) of the Supplemental Disability Insurance through regular payroll deductions. Section 19.06 Unemployment Insurance Unemployment insurance is a coordinated federal/state program designed to provide economic security during temporary periods of unemployment for eligible individuals. Jobless benefits of this program are derived from payroll tax entirely paid for by the Employer and based on the employee's earnings. Section 19.07 Workers' Compensation Premiums for worker's compensation insurance are paid in full by the Employer and are based on rates established by the Bureau of Workers' Compensation depending upon the risk factors of the job. Employees who are injured in a job-related situation or illness must immediately notify their Supervisor.
ARTICLE 20 – SENIORITY Section 20.01 Seniority The Employer will maintain a database of employees by classification. The database will list general and classification seniority. The classifications are Lead Paramedic (including Field Training Officer ("FTO")), Non-Lead Paramedic, EMT Intermediate (including EMT I.V. Airway and EMT I.V.), EMT Basic, Wheelchair-EMT, Wheelchair, Non-EMT, Controller-I, Controller-II (including Communications Training Officer ("CTO")), and Call-Taker. Section 20.02 General Seniority General seniority is defined as the length of employment in the bargaining unit, except as modified by written agreements between Employer and any labor organizations when they were the bargaining unit representative. Bargaining unit employees who work as bona fide supervisors without a break in employment shall retain all general unit seniority intact and in its entirety upon return to the bargaining unit. Section 20.03 Classification Seniority An employee's classification seniority is defined as the employee's length of full-time service in their classification. Employees retain classification seniority only for the classification in which they are actually employed. Classification seniority is lost after moving from one classification to another classification, except that employees exercising the option to return to a former classification pursuant to the Probation Article, or employees moving from Lead to nonLead status, retain their classification seniority in their former classification as if the employee had never transferred from that classification. Full-time employees who convert to part-time status shall have their classification seniority frozen. Full-time employees converting to part-time status shall not suffer a reduction in pay level and will accrue annual pay steps. The Union will calculate the classification seniority for employees returning to full-time status after converting to part-time status. The Union will provide the Employer with the employee's effective classification seniority date based on the employee's prior frozen classification seniority and date of return to full-time status. Section 20.04 Loss of Seniority An employee shall lose all seniority rights for any of the following reasons: 1. Resignation 2. Discharge or termination.
3. Twelve (12) months of continuous layoff. 4. Fails to respond after being recalled from layoff by notice sent by certified mail. 5. Unauthorized absence for two- (2) consecutive work shifts, unless absence is for unforeseen and unavoidable circumstances. 6. Failure to report to work at the conclusion of any authorized leave of absence.
ARTICLE 21 - LAYOFF AND RECALL Section 21.01 Notice of Layoff Should it become necessary for the Employer to reduce the size of the workforce, the Employer shall notify the Union at the earliest possible opportunity, but in no event less than seven (7) days prior to the layoff. Prior to any reduction of the workforce, the Employer and the Union shall meet to discuss the impact on employees and/or discuss possible alternatives. Lay-offs shall begin by inverse order of seniority within each affected classification. Section 21.01(a) If Multnomah County changes its staffing standard from two paramedics to a Paramedic/EMT configuration, the Employer agrees to transfer displaced Paramedics to another Paramedic position within the bargaining unit fro which they are qualified or become qualified within twelve (12) months. Should the Company change the configuration of job classifications in a county other than Multnomah, the Comp-any shall meet and negotiate the impact with the Union. Section 21.01(b) In the event a county, division or section is sold or otherwise transferred, all employees within such county, division or section shall be laid off. Whereupon, the Company agrees to meet and negotiate the impact of such layoff with the Union. Section 21.02 Recall from Layoff As positions become available, affected employees shall be recalled beginning with the most senior employee within the classification where such opening has occurred. Employees shall be eligible for recall from layoff for a period of twelve (12) months. Employees recalled within six (6) months from the date of layoff shall be reinstated to a position in their former classification and shall have all benefits levels restored as if they had not left. Employees recalled after six (6) months shall be reemployed but shall not have their health benefits, PTO or wage scale level restored to their previous levels. The Employer shall notify employees of recall by certified letter. Any employee who fails to respond to a written recall notice within seven (7) days, or declines a recall offer, will be removed from the recall list
ARTICLE 22 - UNIFORMS Section 22.01 Patches, Decals and Insignia Any patch, decal, or insignia required by federal, state, or local government as well as any patch, decal, or insignia required by Employer will be furnished at the Employer's expense. All Employee name tags will be furnished at Employer's expense. Employees shall be allowed to display one (1) Teamster Union pin on their uniform provided the pin does not contain any campaign information or is not a safety hazard. Section 22.02 Uniform Allowance Employer will provide a uniform allowance "account" for employees to purchase Employer required uniforms and approved optional items from authorized vendors. 1. All full-time employees shall receive a uniform allowance of $350 per year which shall be inclusive of boots and jackets. Any unused portion of this allowance will be carried forward from year to year for future uniform and accessory purchases. An employee may elect to purchase a pair of binoculars to use during the course of their employment utilizing their Uniform Allowance account. 2. All Part-Time Employees shall receive a uniform allowance of $250 per year which shall be inclusive of boots and jackets. Part-time employees shall not carry forward a uniform balance of more than a $500. Part time employees whose uniform balances exceed or equal $500 allotment shall not be entitled to a yearly allowance. Part time employees whose uniform balance falls below $500 shall receive a yearly uniform allowance of the difference between their existing balance and $500, but in no event shall the yearly allowance exceed $250.
For River Rescue Technicians, the allowance will be $50 per year for the specific purchase of swimwear and safety equipment. For full-time employees, any unused portion of this allowance will be carried forward from year to year. For part-time employees, any unused portion of this allowance is waived if not used within a 12-month period from the employees hire date. For Reach and Treat Team members the employer will provide an additional $350 per year. This allowance is to be used specifically for the purchase of required clothing and equipment for functioning in the Reach and Treat environment. Only employees on the Employer's Reach and Treat Team are eligible for this allowance. Any unused portion of this allowance will be carried forward from year to year for future purchases of clothing and equipment necessary for the Employer's Reach and Treat Team.
If items required or necessary for River Rescue or Reach and Treat operations are not available from the Employer's approved vendors, the Employer will reimburse employees
who purchase such items at retail establishments, provided the employee has received prior approval. Employees shall submit retail invoices or receipts to the Employer. Amounts reimbursed will be subtracted from the employee's River Rescue or Reach and Treat team allowance. Section 22.03 Replacement If an employee's uniform, including uniform coat, is damaged as a direct result of the employees performance of his/her job duties, the employee shall use their uniform allowance for replacement. In the event an employee does not have sufficient funds in their uniform allotment to replace the damaged clothing, the Employer shall replace the damaged clothing at the Employer's expense. Damage as a result of normal wear and tear shall not be covered by this provision. Section 22.04 Inclement Weather Apparel During inclement weather, the Employer shall provide boot chains or similar non-slip devices and allow employees to wear AMR approved additional weather appropriate protective clothing such as head gear, gloves, scarves, outerwear, and foot wear for the purposes of protection from the elements.
ARTICLE 23 - HEALTH AND SAFETY Section 23.01 General Safety The Employer, shall at all times, provide safe materials, equipment, vehicles and working conditions for all employees covered under this Agreement. The Employer will provide regular OSHA training and instruction in driver safety and proper lifting/extrication techniques to those employees whose duties and/or job performance would relate to or benefit from such training. It is specifically agreed that compliance with all local, state and federal laws relating to working conditions, safety and health shall be an integral part of this Agreement. No employee shall be required to perform unsafe work or work with unsafe equipment which would be hazardous to his/her or to his/her co-workers and/or a patient's health and safety. Employees who violate company safety rules and regulations may be subject to corrective action. Section 23.02 Immunizations The Employer will offer at no cost to employees the following immunizations and testing: 1. Hepatitis B inoculation series (HBV) 2. Tuberculosis PPD test (purified protein derivative) 3. Flu Shots 4. Any other immunization deemed necessary by the County Health Officer will be paid by the Employer 5. Tetanus as a result of an on the job injury Section 23.03 Safety Equipment The Employer shall provide the following safety and protective gear for each ambulance: 1. 2. 3. 4. Hearing protection Biohazard kit: includes a gown, goggles, face shields Reflective vests Hazmat placard books
Section 23.04 Physical Examinations The Employer retains the right to subject employees to fitness for duty examinations to ensure employees can safely perform the essential functions of their job classifications. The Employer may subject employees to fitness for duty examinations only when there are objectively identifiable reasons to believe an employee may not be physically or mentally capable of performing the essential functions of their job classifications. Before the Employer may require an employee to undergo a fitness for duty examination, the Employer shall document the objectively reasonable justifications for believing the employee may not be physically or mentally capable of performing the essential functions of their job classifications and shall provide the employee with a copy of those justifications at least forty-eight (48) hours prior to the examination. The Employer shall be solely responsible for the cost of fitness for duty examinations.
Medical personnel conducting fitness for duty examinations pursuant to this section shall be Board Certified in Occupational Medicine or Psychiatry as appropriate. Medical personnel conducting fitness for duty examinations pursuant to this section shall only report to the Employer whether the employee is fit or unfit for duty, and if unfit, identify the employee's functional limitations to performing the essential functions of their job classifications. Medical personnel shall not disclose any additional information and Employees shall not be required to authorize a greater release of information to the Employer. Employees who are found to be fit to perform the essential functions of their job classifications shall be allowed to continue working their regular positions and assignments without restriction. Employees determined to be unfit for duty shall have the right to an independent examination and to obtain a second opinion solely at their own expense. In the event a third opinion becomes necessary to resolve a substantial conflict between the first and the second opinions, the Employer shall bear the full cost of the third evaluation and opinion. If the employee is found fit for duty following a third examination, the Employer shall reimburse the employee for the full cost of the second examination and opinion. Employees determined to be unfit for duty shall be afforded all rights under federal, state and local laws, and the provisions of this Agreement with respect to their employment. Employees shall receive their regular compensation for all time spent commuting to and from a fitness for duty examination and for the time spent in the examination itself.
ARTICLE 24 - PAID TIME OFF (PTO) Section 24.01 Accrual PTO is a form of paid time off that includes vacation, sick leave, and all other forms of paid leave. A full-time employee will accrue PTO in accordance with this article. PTO will be accrued as follows: • .050 of a PTO week until the employee has two (2) years of continuous employment (approximately 2.6 weeks per year); • .060 of a PTO week after two (2) but less than four (4) years of continuous employment (approximately 3.1 weeks per year); • .069 of a PTO week after four (4) but less than six (6) years of continuous employment (approximately 3.6 weeks per year); • .076 of a PTO week after six (6) but less than eight (8) years of continuous employment (approximately 4.0 weeks per year); • .086 of a PTO week after eight (8) but less than 12 years of continuous employment (approximately 4.5 weeks per year); • .106 of a PTO week after 12 but less than 15 years of continuous employment (approximately 5.5 weeks per year); • .115 of a PTO week after 15 years of continuous employment (approximately 6.0 weeks per year). All PTO accrual shall be converted to an hourly accrual as identified in the Appendix to this Agreement and shall thereafter be recorded in hourly increments. The Employer upon request from an employee will provide in writing to the employee their PTO balance. Section 24.02 Absence There will be no PTO accrual for any week of employment when the employee was absent from full-time employment for the entire week for any reason, other than because the employee was on PTO. PTO shall accrue for employees who are on an approved light duty work assignment resulting from a workers compensation claim. Section 24.03 Requesting PTO PTO must be taken in full-shift segments but no PTO may be taken until after completion of the employee's probationary period. PTO will be scheduled by the scheduling supervisor, after consultation with the employee. PTO requests should be made as far in advance as possible, but not more than 12 months in advance. In case of requests by two or more employees for the same PTO, which Employer determines would affect proper scheduling if more than one such employee request were granted, the conflict will be resolved as follows: 1. Requests for such time off will be resolved in favor of the earliest request(s). 2. If two or more such requests are received on the same date, the employee(s) with the longest continuous employment will be given preference. 3. Requests for PTO to be taken on the same date will not be denied due to
scheduling considerations if no more than six (6) for Multnomah; four (4) for Clark and Clackamas; and two (2) Cowlitz, Special Services and Communications divisions employees would be off for any reason on that date. Pay for PTO will be 100 percentage of what the employee would have been paid for the shift(s) taken off if the shift(s) had been worked by the employee as part of a regular schedule. The Employer recognizes that employees may become ill or injured rendering them unable to work or to provide substantial advance notice of an illness or injury. Employees may request PTO for illness or injury with less than eight (8) hours' advance notice to the Employer. Employee’s who provide less than eight (8) hours’ advance notice three or more times in a rolling calendar year shall be subject to corrective action. Section 24.04 PTO Cash out Any PTO in excess of the equivalent of 2 weeks in an employee's account may be cashed out twice yearly and paid to the employee in lieu of taking such PTO. Employees may not have more than twelve (12) weeks of PTO. Time in excess of twelve weeks shall automatically be paid out on the employee’s anniversary date. Payments under this section will be paid at the employee’s predominant hourly rate of pay as if the employee had taken the shift(s) off as PTO. The employer’s current practice of twice yearly cash out upon employee request shall continue. Section 24.05 Payment upon Termination After one (1) year of employment, an employee will be paid upon termination whatever remains in the employee's PTO account at the rate of the employee's predominantly scheduled shift duration; provided, however, that all such PTO shall be forfeited if the employee quits without giving at least two (2) weeks' notice. Section 24.06 Coordination of Benefits If an employee is eligible for PTO and is also receiving benefits for the same period under any illness or disability program, public or private, to which Employer contributes, no PTO will be payable. Section 24.07 PTO Donation If an employee employed at least one (1) year is on a family or medical leave of absence to which federal or state family and leave law is applicable and the employee has exhausted all of his/her PTO, the employee on leave may qualify as a recipient of other employees' scheduled PTO, as follows:
Any other employee with a PTO account balance may authorize Employer in writing to transfer part of the donating employee's PTO account to the recipient's PTO account. To be effective, the authorization must be received by the Employer during the recipient's family or medical leave of absence. The donor's PTO account will be reduced by the amount of the transfer.
A donor may make only one transfer authorization for the recipient's PTO and such authorization may not exceed one week from the donor's PTO account at the time of authorization. Donations may not exceed three (3) weeks of PTO to the recipient's PTO account at any time. The transferred PTO will be treated as part of the recipient employee's PTO account, for purposes of taking, pay, and weekly indemnity or disability plans. It must be used during the same family or medical leave of absence as when it was authorized.
ARTICLE 25 - POSTS/QUARTERS Section 25.01 Posts The Employer may place employees at posts in areas it deems appropriate for its business activities and at its sole discretion, provide alternate posting facilities for the purpose of providing restroom facilities. The Employer agrees to a joint Employer-Union committee to review issues regarding posting facilities. Section 25.02 Quarters Quarters for daily shift employees, when provided, are not intended as sleeping facilities, but are intended for employees to rest, to eat and to complete paperwork between assignments. Quarters for 24-hour employees are intended as living facilities for the duration of each shift. New Quarters location(s) will be approved by the County/Division Operations Manager. The Union and the Employer recognize that workload requirements may prevent employees from having sufficient time to clean quarters. Therefore, employees are expected to ensure that the quarters are clean upon arriving at the location. The Employer will provide for each quarters the following items in good working order: 1. Vacuum if appropriate for carpeted facilities 2. Broom and dustpan 3. Mop and mop bucket 4. Appropriate cleaning chemicals, cleaning brushes and gloves The employer will provide for each quarters the following items to be restocked as needed: 1. Toilet paper 2. Paper towels 3. Hand soap 4. Light bulbs All quarters shall have the following: 1. Desk, lamp and desk chair 2. Minimum 19 inch television 3. Basic cable or satellite service, if residential service available 4. Microwave oven 5. Adequate heat and air conditioning 6. Electricity, water, sewer, garbage service 7. Telephone for making local calls. Long distance and toll calls will be paid by the employee. 8. Dinning table and four (4) chairs 9. Window shades/blinds, curtains for privacy from public view 10. Appropriate comfortable seating of a combination of chairs and couches to accommodate three (3) individuals. 11. End tables and lamps
12. Bathroom facilities In addition to the items listed in this Article, 24 hours posts shall have the following: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Refrigerator/freezer Stove where permitted by code Drinking water filter Dish soap Clean linen including sheets, towels (bath and kitchen), blankets minimum of two (2), appropriate for climate), pillow cases, and mattress pads. Laundry exchange or service Minimum of two (2) twin Beds with quality mattresses in separate sleeping areas. Quality dishes, pots, pans, plates, utensils, flatware, glasses, drink ware. Coffee maker
If any of the above items become damaged the Employer will immediately repair or replace the item as needed. Replacement and repair of the above items will be the sole responsibility of the Employer and will be done when an item becomes unserviceable. Employees assigned to quarters will be responsible for keeping the quarters and related equipment and supplies clean and serviceable. However employees are not responsible for capital improvements or routine maintenance to quarters. If any of the items in this article are not provided or cannot be made serviceable by the employees, employees assigned to the quarters will be responsible for notifying the supervisor. Upon exiting quarters, whether provided for 24 hour or daily shift employees, employees are required to ensure that all lighting, water, television, and heating and/or cooling elements are turned off, and that the quarters are cleaned and locked.
ARTICLE 26 - WAGES Section 26.01 Wage Schedules • Effective with the first pay period after ratification - 3.5% across the board, all classifications • Effective with the first pay period after November 1, 2008 - 3.5% across the board, all classifications • Effective with the first pay period after June 1, 2009 - 3.5% across the board, all classifications • Effective with the first pay period after November 1, 2009 - 3% across the board, all classifications • Effective with the first pay period after June 1, 2010 - 5% across the board, all classifications Annualized wage schedules for bargaining unit employees are contained in Attachment “A" of this Agreement. If ratified by May 31, 2008, full time employees who have been employed by the Employer for six months or longer shall receive a $500 signing bonus, to be paid in the first payroll period in June, 2008. Section 26 02 Salary Advancement Employees (including part-time employees) shall advance to the next step on the wage schedule for their classification on each anniversary date. Section 26.03 Appointment The Employer may consider an employee's previous years of fulltime ambulance transportation experience in determining the appropriate starting pay grade, but will in any case, apply a minimum credit of one- half of the employee's previous years of experience to a maximum of seven {7) years, However, current AMR employees who transfer into the bargaining unit from another AMR location shall receive full credit for all previous years of experience with AMR and shall be placed at the pay grade and receive PTO accruals and benefits corresponding to their years of service. Section 26.04 Pay Step upon Advancement to Higher Classification Employees who advance to a classification with a higher pay scale shall be placed on the higher pay scale at the next higher pay step that is at least three percent (3%) above their former pay rate. Section 26.05 Overtime Paramedics, EMTs, Controllers and Calltakers shall receive overtime compensation at one and one-half times (1.5 X) their applicable hourly rates for all hours worked over eight (8) per shift. Section 26.06 Extra Hours Compensation If a full-time employee works extra hours, the employee will be paid the applicable
hourly rate specified below. If the employee in that week also works the full number of shift hours for which the employee would have been regularly scheduled if the week had been a normal, full workweek (excluding shift hours from which the employee has traded "out" and PTO hours taken if scheduled at least three (3) calendar days in advance), the premium overtime hourly rate of pay will be used. 1. If the extra hours work period is eight (8) hours or less, as assigned before the period begins, the applicable 8-hour pay scale will be used. 2. If the extra hours work period is over eight (8) and up to ten (10) hours, as assigned before the period begins, the applicable 10-hour pay scale will be used. 3. If the extra hours work period is over ten (10) hours and up to twelve (12) hours, as assigned before the period begins, the applicable 12-hour pay scale will be used. 4. If the extra hours work period is over twelve (12) hours, as assigned before the period begins, the applicable 24-hour pay scale will be used. Section 26.07 Hold Over/Late Call Employees held over past the end of their scheduled shift shall be paid at the overtime rate of two (2) times the regular hourly rate of pay for all hours worked following completion of their scheduled shift. Section 26.08 Reporting Pay An employee who reports to work for an extra scheduled shift as requested by the Employer and whose extra scheduled shift is unavailable due to an Employer scheduling error shall be compensated for four (4) hours at the employee's applicable hourly rate and shall be released from duty. If the Employer makes a reasonable attempt to contact the employee via telephone or message to cancel the work period in advance, no reporting pay shall be granted. In the event alternative work or an alternate shift is available and the employee wishes to accept such an assignment, the employees shall forfeit the four (4) hours reporting pay and shall be paid for all hours worked. Section 26.09 Pay Differentials Specialty pay differentials are intended to compensate for additional responsibilities, job duties or unique working situations.
Leads: The Employer may designate ALS or BLS Leads. As needed, the Employer will develop a list of candidates for assignment to the Lead phase of the Field Training and Evaluation Program (“FTEP”). Candidates will be offered placement into FTEP in order of seniority, or assigned in order of reverse seniority if all candidates decline placement when offered. The Lead will have primary responsibility for the crew's performance. When two Leads are assigned to the same crew, the Lead with the longest continuous service as
a Lead will be in charge. Lead status will be for such period of time as designated by Employer. Employees designated as Leads will be paid an hourly Lead differential of seventy ($.70) cents in addition to their regular hourly rate of pay as set forth in the wage scales attached to this Agreement.
FTOs: The Employer may designate Field Training Officers (“FTOs”) for instructing probationary employees and evaluating employees. FTO status will be for such period of time as designated by the Employer. While designated as an FTO an employee will be paid an FTO differential of seventy ($.70) cents for lead status and one dollar and fifteen cents ($1.15) for FTO status in addition to their hourly rate as set forth in the wage scales attached to this Agreement. CTOs: The Employer may designate Communications Training Officers (“CTOs”) for instructing probationary employees and evaluating employees. CTO status will be for such period of time as designated by the Employer. While designated as an CTO, an employee will be paid an CTO differential of one dollar and fifteen cents ($1.15) for CTO status in addition to their hourly rate as set forth in the wage scales attached to this Agreement. Preceptors: Employer may designate Preceptors from among Leads. Preceptors will be assigned to instruct interns. Preceptor status will be for such period of time as designated by the Employer. While serving as a Preceptor, an employee will be paid a Preceptor differential of seventy ($.70) cents for lead status and one dollar and fifteen cents ($1.15) for Preceptor status in addition to their hourly rate for hours worked as a Preceptor with an Intern. While receiving the Preceptor differential, an employee will not be paid the FTO differential.
Article 27 - Employee Benefits Section 27.01 Insurance Benefits The Employer will provide full-time employees a Section 125 health and welfare benefits program which may include medical, dental, vision, life and disability plans. Plans will be provided as described in the AMR Consumer PPO plan summary and under the existing Kaiser HMO plan. Any and all disputes arising over payment of services provided pursuant to the plans offered shall not be subject to the grievance and arbitration process, but shall be settled pursuant to the provisions of the Benefit Plan documents. In the event of a modification of benefits is required during the life of the agreement, the Employer agrees to meet and discuss such changes with the Union prior to their implementation. The plan year is considered to be January to December. Section 27.02 Medical Benefits The Employer's share of premium payments for current employees shall be an amount equal to the amounts listed below with the exception of employees hired on or after January 1, 2008 whereby the Employer’s premium cost share shall be 75% of the lowest cost plan for all coverage levels. Employees hired prior to January 1, 2008 The Employer's payment will be an amount equal to (1) 100 percent of the premium for the employee coverage under the Employer plan selected; (2) for first dependent coverage, 100 percent (75 percent for the first dependent coverage of an employee who has been employed less than two (2) consecutive years) of the premium for the Employer plan with the lowest dependent premium for that category of dependent coverage; and (3) for coverage of other dependents, 75 percent (80 percent for coverage of dependents of an employee who has been employed at least ten (10) but not more than fourteen (14) consecutive years; 85 percent for coverage of dependents of an employee who has been employed at least fifteen (15) consecutive years) of the premium for the Employer plan with the lowest dependent premium for that category of dependent coverage. However, the Employer payment for an employee will not be less than the Employer payment for that employee at the time of the interest arbitrator's decision, if the employee remains with the same insurance and category of coverage, but not to exceed the premium for that coverage. Section 27.03 Dental Benefits The Employer shall pay seventy-five (75%) percent of the Dental insurance premium and the employee twenty-five (25%) percent. Employees choosing the dental buy up Program shall pay one hundred (100%) percent of the added cost above the Employers seventy-five (75%) contribution. Section 27.04 Vision Benefits The Employer shall pay fifty percent (50%) of the Vision Insurance Premiums and the
employee fifty percent (50%) percent. Employees choosing the vision buy up Program shall pay one hundred (100%) percent of the added cost above the Employers fifty percent (50%) contribution Section 27.05 Employee Assistance Program (EAP) The Employer recognizes that early recognition, intervention and treatment are important for successful rehabilitation and for reduced work, personal, family and social disruption. An Employee Assistance Program will be made available to all eligible employees. The Employer reserves the right to, in addition to any corrective action and with reasonable cause, to refer an employee to the EAP for assessment and treatment. Section 27.06 Domestic Partners Health insurance coverage will be extended to domestic partners to the extent required by any applicable federal, state or local laws. Section 27.07 Seeded FSA In order to offset the cost of out of pocket co-pays and deductibles the Employer shall establish funded flexible spending accounts for each employee enrolled in the Consumer PPO health insurance plan in the amounts listed below. Effective Date January 1, 2009 Coverage Level Employee Only Employee +1 Family Employee Only Employee +1 Family Amount $250.00 $500.00 $750.00 $250.00 $500.00 $750.00
January 1, 2010
Article 28 - 401(k) Plan The Employer will provide a 401(k) Plan for eligible bargaining unit employees. Employees become eligible for participation after six (6) months of continuous employment and one thousand (1000) hours of service. Employee may make Elective Contributions subject to the Plan Document and federal guidelines. Pursuant to the Plan Document, for each payroll period, an eligible employee may contribute from 1% to 15% of their salary on a before-tax basis. For every before-tax dollar the employee contributes during a payroll period, the Employer will make a matching contribution of $1.00 up to three percent (3 %) of the employee’s salary. The vesting schedule for the Employer matching funds shall be four (4) years. Pursuant to the Plan Document, the Employer does not match Elective Contributions that are catch-up contributions (contributions in excess of the Plan and legal limits that are made by participants who are at least age 50).
ARTICLE 29 - UNION RIGHTS, ACCESS, AND SECURITY Section 29.01 Union Security No later than the thirty-first (31) day following the beginning of their employment, or the effective date of this Agreement, or the execution date of this Agreement, whichever is later, every employee subject to the terms of this Agreement shall, as a condition employment, become and remain a member of the Union, paying the periodic dues and initiation fees uniformly required, or, in the alternative, shall, as a condition of employment, pay an agency fee in the amount equal to the periodic dues and initiation fees uniformly required as a condition of membership, or, if the employee objects to the payment of that fee, shall, as a condition of employment, pay that portion of the agency fee that is related to the Union's representation costs. Employees who fail to join the Union and/or fail to pay the monies required by this Agreement, upon written request to the Employer from the Union, shall be discharged from employment. Section 29.02 New Employees The Employer shall furnish the Union with the names and addresses of newly hired employees covered by this Agreement within five (5) days following the employee's date of hire. Notification of employees hired and assigned duty stations in Clark and Cowlitz Counties shall be sent to Local 58. Notification of employees hired and assigned duty stations in Multnomah, Clackamas and Washington Counties, shall be sent to Local 223. The Employer will notify all newly hired employees covered by this Agreement that the Union is recognized as their bargaining representative. The Employer will continue the current practice regarding Union access to NEO's (New Employee Orientation.) Section 29.03 Check-off The Employer agrees to collect for the Union the payment of Union dues, lawful agency fees and initiation fees, any other such payments from the wages of all employees who are members of the Union and remit same to the Union. Upon receipt of a valid, completed check-off authorization from an employee in the bargaining unit, the Employer will deduct from the pay of such employee during each calendar month, a sum equal to that employee's Union initiation as applicable and monthly membership and assessment dues.
Section 29.04 Indemnification The Union shall indemnify and hold the Employer, harmless against all claims, demands, actions or other liabilities, including the Employer's reasonable attorney's fees, that may be made against or incurred by it arising from or by reason of any action or inaction by the Employer in reliance upon the Union's representation furnished to the Employer by Union or employees for the purpose of complying with any of the provisions of this agreement. Section 29.05 Union Access Duly authorized Union representatives shall be permitted to enter the Employer's premises at all times to meet with employees in order to conduct legitimate Union business, provided such activities do not interrupt or interfere with the work of any employee. All business and conversations between Union representatives and employees will be conducted in private locations so as not to be observed or overheard by patients or the public. Union representatives must notify the Operations Director, or his/her designee in charge of the facility, at the time of entry on the Employer's premises. Section 29.06 Bulletin Boards The Union shall have the right to place and maintain Union bulletin/message boards and post notices at all operations centers, quarters and posts. Union communications will be maintained by Union representatives and shop stewards, with the posting and removal of communications and publications to be handled solely by the same. Union communications shall not be of a derogatory or inflammatory nature. The Employer shall receive copies of all materials to be posted by the Union prior to or at the time of posting. Section 29.07 Stewards The Union shall have the right to designate a reasonable number of employees (approximately 1 steward per 20 employees but not less than two (2) per operational unit or County) covered by this Agreement as Stewards. The Union shall notify the Employer in writing of the names of these Stewards. Stewards shall not interfere with the operations of the Employer's business and generally may not perform duties normally associated with the Steward's position during the Steward's regular work shift. Stewards, when requested by the Employer to participate in Union activities, shall suffer no loss of pay while on duty. It shall be the responsibility of the Union to ensure a steward is available to employees who exercise their Weingarten rights. In the event a union steward is not available within twenty-four (24) hours from the time an employee seeks representation the employee and the Union will have waived such right to representation.
ARTICLE 30 - MANAGEMENT RIGHTS Section 30.01 Introduction Employer has the exclusive right to manage, control, and conduct its business in all matters, except as such right may be expressly limited by the provisions of this Agreement. Section 30.02 Operations The parties agree that the Employer's rights include the operations of the Employer's • business, the direction of the working forces, the planning and control of operations, the introduction of new or improved facilities or methods of operation, and the determination of the number, size, and locations of its facilities or ambulance units. The Employer has the right to terminate, merge, consolidate, sell, or otherwise transfer business or any part thereof. The Employer has the right to lay off employees from duty because of lack of available work or for other legitimate reasons, to transfer employees, to determine the minimum qualifications of experience, health, or fitness for any job covered hereby, and to select, require, and administer proficiency examinations. Section 30.03 Policies and Procedures The Employer shall have the right to continue, change, establish, or eliminate current policies and procedures. If the Employer changes, eliminates, or adds to any provisions of its current policies and procedures, it will notify the Union at least seven (7) days in advance of the effective date, by mailing the provisions to the Union. The Union may respond or seek clarification between the date of such notification and the effective date. The modifications will then be effective to the extent they are not inconsistent with the express provisions of this Agreement. Section 30.04 Incentives Any and all aspects of compensation, including incentives and bonuses, which are not specifically determined by this Agreement, may be initiated, instituted, continued, or discontinued without notification to and/or consultation with the Union. Section 30.05 Deployment The Employer is bound to response time commitments and reserves the right to amend the shift and unit deployment plans as it deems necessary in furtherance of contractual obligations or performance standards, and is not required to notify the Union prior to the change. The decision to make such changes will not, except with respect to filling job openings as defined in this Agreement, be negotiable or grounds for a grievance. Section 30.06 Non-Precedent If the Employer fails to exercise any one or more of the above rights, powers, or authority from time to time, such failure will not be deemed a waiver of the Employer's right to exercise any or all of such rights, powers, or authority in the future.
Section 30.07 Notification The Employer shall notify the Union prior to the implementation of any management right or decision that materially impacts or affects matters within the scope of representation for bargaining unit employees. The Employer may take action only after satisfying its obligations under the National Labor Relations Act. If, after written notification to the Union regarding such actions, the Union fails to respond within seven (7) calendar days, the Union waives its right to meet and confer on the particular matter.
ARTICLE 31 - SUBSTANCE AND ALCOHOL FREE 'WORKPLACE AND TESTING Section 31.01 Purpose The Union and the Employer are committed to maintaining an alcohol and drug free workplace for the safety of employees, patients and the public. The Union and the Employer agree that bargaining unit employees shall be subject to the "AMR Substance Abuse Prevention Policy" appearing as Addendum "B" of this Agreement, except as provided in this Article. Section 31.02 Representation Employees shall be allowed to contact a Union representative and obtain Union representation prior to submitting to any substance test authorized by the "AMR Substance Abuse Prevention Policy." The Union representative shall be contacted and arrive at the testing facility within 30 minutes. An employee's contact and request for representation shall not delay the employee's submission to a substance test beyond 30 minutes. The employee representative shall be a duly authorized Union steward or Union representative. Section 31.03 Random Testing The Union and the Employer agree that any system of random or periodic substance testing shall be prohibited for bargaining unit employees, unless performed in accordance with a "Last Chance Agreement" as specified in the "AMR Substance Abuse Prevention Policy" appearing as Addendum "B" to this Agreement, or specifically required by a contracting agency or law. Section 31.04 Changes The Employer agrees to meet and negotiate with the Union over the implementation of any system of random or periodic testing specifically required by a contracting agency or law at least ninety (90) days prior to the required implementation date. Such negotiations shall include the specific requirements of the program, the process for implementing the program and the impact of the program on affected employees.
ARTICLE 32 - NO STRIKE/LOCKOUT Section 32.01 No Strike During the life of this Agreement, neither the Union nor any of its members will in any manner whatsoever incite, ratify, encourage or sanction any work stoppages, strikes (including sympathy strikes), slowdowns, sick-outs, picketing, boycotts, sick-ins, cessation of work, paper strikes (deliberate failure to submit timely, quality, accurate and complete reports and billing information), withholdings of services, and other economic actions against the Employer at any Employer location within the bargaining unit covered by this Agreement. The Employer and the Union recognize that the duties performed by employees involve life and death situations. Failure to immediately transport patients to hospitals and other designated medical facilities and respond from hospitals and other medical facilities to patients can result in compounding the problems of already ill and injured patients. Yet, it is also recognized that bargaining unit employees have a need to communicate with other Union employees who are engaged in job actions. To meet both of these needs, the Employer and the Union agree that: Under no conditions shall employees delay the transport of any patient because of a picket line or any other such job action. 2. Under no circumstances shall employees delay a response to a request for service due to any Union job action. Employees are expressly prohibited from delaying the response to any request for service or the provision of any care and/or required transport. 3. Employees may, after crossing picket lines to deliver patients and following such patient delivery, return to the picket line and explain to picket captains or other picketers why the picket line was crossed. Employees shall at all times remain available for dispatch by the Employer's Communication Center and immediately respond to patients or standby post locations as requested.
Section 32.02 No Lockout The Company will not lockout any Employees during the term of this Agreement. Section 32.03 Violation Employee's who violate this Article, either individually or collectively, shall be discharged from employment. Any such discharge may be grieved under the Grievance Procedure of this Agreement; however such discharge shall be presumptively appropriate for a proven violation of this Article. Section 32.04 Union Action Should there be any work stoppages, strikes (including sympathy strikes), slowdowns, sick-outs, picketing, boycotts, sick-ins, cessation of work, paper strikes (deliberate failure
to submit timely, quality, accurate and complete reports and billing information), withholdings of services, and other economic actions against the Employer at any Employer location within the bargaining unit covered by this Agreement during the life of this Agreement, the Union, following notification from the Employer to an officer of the Union, shall immediately take the following action: 1. Advise the Employer in writing that the Union did not call for or sanction the action. 2. Post notice on Union bulletin boards publicly disavowing such action. 3. Notify involved employees of the requirements of this Article and instruct them to cease their actions and return to work immediately if this has not been done. If requested by the Union to assist in the delivery of such notification to the employees, the Employer will facilitate the same.
ARTICLE 33 - MISCELLANEOUS Section 33.01 Employee Information Within thirty (30) days following execution of this Agreement, the Employer will provide the Union with a list of employees covered by this Agreement, showing names, addresses, job classifications, work locations, shift assignments, dates of hire, employment status, pay steps, pay differentials, PTO balances and PTO accrual rates. Upon request, the Employer will provide the Union with updated information on a quarterly basis identifying any changes in employment status, employee job classifications, work locations and shift assignments. Section 33.02 Repair and Replacement of Personal Items The Employer at its sole discretion may repair as new or replace personal items or equipment damaged in the course of employment and not occurring as a result of an employee's gross negligence up to a maximum of one-hundred dollars ($100) per item. Section 33.03 Operational Policies and Procedures Within 30 days following execution of this Agreement, the Employer shall provide the Union with copies of all existing operational policies, procedures, memoranda and work rules in effect as of the execution date of this Agreement. All operational policies, procedures, memoranda and work rules shall be fully disclosed and accessible to employees before being enforced. The provisions of this Agreement shall prevail over any inconsistent operational policies, procedures, memoranda and work rules. Section 33.04 Subcontracting Should the Employer find it necessary to enter into arrangements with other providers to perform job duties routinely performed by bargaining unit personnel, such arrangements shall not result in layoffs or changes in full-time to part-time status for bargaining unit employees.
ARTICLE 34 - CONTRACT BARGAINING UNDERSTANDING Section 34.01 Full Understanding and Waiver This Agreement sets forth the entire understanding of the parties regarding the matters contained herein. All prior agreements and understandings, whether written or oral, regarding the matters contained in this Agreement are superseded. The Employer and the Union acknowledge that during the negotiations that resulted in this Agreement, each had the unlimited right and opportunity to make demands and proposals with respect to any subject or matter not removed by law from the scope of collective bargaining. The understandings and agreements reached by the parties after the exercise of those rights and opportunities are set forth in this Agreement. All existing rules, regulations and policies within the scope of collective bargaining, which are not covered by this Agreement, shall continue in full force and effect during the term of this Agreement. Each party voluntarily waives the right to bargain collectively with respect to any subject or matter contained in this Agreement and with respect to other matters not specifically covered by this Agreement for the duration of this Agreement. The fact that a proposal was made and withdrawn by a party during the course of negotiations leading to execution of this Agreement shall not be used to prove the party making and withdrawing the proposal has in any manner given up any rights granted to the party elsewhere in this Agreement. The waiver of any breach or enforcement of any term or condition of this Agreement by either party shall not constitute a precedent in the future enforcement of any such term or condition. Section 34.02 Savings and Severability Should any provision of this Agreement become invalid, unenforceable or unlawful by reason of any existing or subsequently enacted legislation, or by declaration of any court of competent jurisdiction, all other provisions of this Agreement shall remain in full force and effect for the life of the Agreement. In such event, the parties shall immediately enter into collective bargaining for the purpose of developing a mutually satisfactory replacement for such provision. Section 34.03 Gender Intent Whenever words denoting a specific gender are used in this Agreement, such words are intended and shall be construed as to apply to either gender. Section 34.04 National Disasters In the event of a national disaster, the wages, hours and working conditions established by this Agreement shall be suspended, and the Employer shall be relieved of all obligations under this Agreement, for employees who volunteer and are deployed to work as part of an Employer sponsored disaster response team or effort. The wages, hours and anticipated working conditions for employees who volunteer for such work shall only
apply in the event of and during the term of a disaster or catastrophe, such as fire, flood, earthquake, hurricane and other acts of God outside the Employer’s control that disrupt the Employer’s normal operations . The Employer shall use its best efforts to inform all volunteers of the wages and hour an anticipated working conditions at the point of deployment of such volunteers. Bargaining unit employees volunteering shall be subject to the just cause provisions and grievance procedure of the collective bargaining agreement. 34.04 (1) Local Disasters In the event of a local disaster, the Employer shall be relieved of all obligations hereunder relating to scheduled paid time off, lunch and rest periods, job postings, shift changes and transfers in the event of and during the term of a disaster or catastrophe, such as fire, flood, earthquake, hurricane and other acts of God outside the Employer’s control that disrupt the Employer’s normal operations. In the event that an employee is on shift when a disaster occurs or the Employer designates a disaster situation, the Employer shall make every reasonable effort to allow the employee sufficient time to ensure the welfare of the employee’s family. No employee shall suffer a financial hardship when pre-approved PTO is cancelled by the Employer as a result of a Local Disaster. The employer agrees to reimburse an employee for fees associated with the cancellation of pre-paid arrangements, provided the employee can show verification and documentation that the employee did incur a nonrecoverable loss when the employee did diligently attempt to recover or delay plans at no loss to the employee. Any PTO that the employee would have used will be credited back to the employee’s PTO bank. Claims relating to the cancellation of an employee’s vacation shall be made as soon as possible, but no later than thirty (30) days following the cancellation. In order to be eligible for reimbursement under this provision, the employee must be able to show verification and documentation that the PTO was planned and pre-paid to the declaration of the Local Disaster. Except as provided by the first two paragraphs above, bargaining unit employees shall be covered by the terms and conditions of the collective bargaining agreement. Section 34.05 Amendments This Agreement is subject to amendment, alteration, or addition only by mutual written agreement duly executed of the parties.
ARTICLE 35 - TERM OF AGREEMENT This Agreement shall remain in full force and effect from the date of final execution by the parties, except as otherwise specifically provided herein, through and including June 30, 2011, and continue in full force and effect from year to year thereafter unless notice of desire to amend or terminate the Agreement is served in writing by either party upon the other at least ninety (90) days prior to the date of expiration. American Medical Response Teamsters Local Unions 58 and 223
________________________________ Randall Strozyk Date Divisional Chief Operating Officer ________________________________ David Banelli Date National Vice President, Labor Relations
_________________________________ John Silva, Date Teamsters, Local 58 _________________________________ Clayton Banry, Date Teamsters, Local 223