Common Council of the city of buffalo
Richard A. Fontana, Council President Bonnie E. Russell, President Pro Tempore Demone A. Smith, Majority Leader FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Contact: James N. Jackson, Leg. Assistant (716) 851-5106
SEPTEMBER 18, 2012 ESTABLISHING THE CITIZEN’S EDUCATION OVERSIGHT COMMITTEE—The Council approved a resolution, sponsored by Majority Leader and Masten District Council Member Demone A. Smith, establishing a subcommittee to be called the Citizen’s Education Oversight Committee that will address local education issues. Recently, there has been increased interest in citizen and parental involvement in the Buffalo Board of Education and Buffalo Public Schools (“BPS”). The Council supports increasing parental and citizen involvement and greater stakeholder understanding of the operations of the Buffalo Board of Education as a way to enhance stakeholders’ ability to effectuate change and influence decision making in BPS. This subcommittee will be authorized to review and analyze educational needs, relevant data, and policies and practices of BPS; review and analyze the structure and funding mechanisms of BPS; make recommendations to the Common Council and the Mayor concerning more efficient and effective ways for BPS to provide children and adults with the education they need for personal success; and to look into BPS’s evaluations of persistently low achieving schools. BANNERS TO BE HUNG IN THE CITY OF BUFFALO The Council approved a resolution, sponsored by Delaware District Council Member Michael J. LoCurto, permitting the Rugby Road Block Club to hang decorative banners on Rugby Road between Linden and Colvin Avenues, provided all DPW and Arts Commission requirements are first satisfied.
WAIVER OF FEES The Council approved a resolution, sponsored by Council President and Lovejoy District Council Member Richard A. Fontana, directing the City of Buffalo Department of Permit and Inspection Services to waive all 2012-2013 construction permit fees and contractor license fees for Habitat for Humanity of Buffalo. Waiving these fees will assist Habitat for Humanity in accomplishing their goal of increasing home ownership in the City of Buffalo.
SALE OF CITY OWNED PROPERTY—The Council approved transactions relating to the following City owned properties: Ellicott District o 463 East Utica Street was sold to Ms. Priscilla Lee Geter for $15,000.
APPOINTMENTS The Council appointed the following individuals to positions within the Office of the City Clerk and the Fillmore District Council Office: o Fillmore District Council Office Jeremy Kaczynski (Intern V) o Office of the City Clerk Damon Palmer (Assistant Legislative Aide) Monica Lewis (Intern IX) The Council approved the appointment of the following individuals to the position of Police Officer within the City of Buffalo Department of Police: o Ibrahim H. Abdul-Wahed o Anniel J. Vidal o Padraic O. Allman o Jon P. Weber o Nicole M. Anguish o Ana L. Mojica o Ian L. Baker o Jako J. Mondal o Patrick D. Boice o Larry Muhammad Jr. o John M. Losi o Michael J. Palizay o Lauren M. McDermott o Brian S. Rachuna o Caitlin M. Meegan Fitchlee o William T. Hoffstetter o Robert J. Mercurio o Rachel E. Isch o Michael Missana o Robert F. LaRusch o Adam M. Wigdorski o Michael J. Lehner Jr. o Joseph B. Acquino o Patrick B. Long o Amanda L. Rivers o Michael L. Coppola o Jasmine M. Olmstead o Robert J. Felschow III o Jason K. Schnelle o Frank J. Gatti o Justin P. Tedesco o James M. Hall Jr. o Jennifer L. Vaccaro o James J. Hamilton Jr. The Council approved the appointment of the following individuals to positions within the Department of Permit and Inspection Services: o Building Inspector Angela White o Chief Building Inspector Peter Klemann o Chief Electrical Inspector Charles Moore LICENSE AND PERMIT APPROVALS—Upon the recommendation of the Department of Permit & Inspection Services, the Council approved the following license and permit applications: Delaware District o Permit to Convert Portion of Building to Bakery/Take-Out Restaurant 2
Y. Amin, owner of the property located at 1146 Hertel Avenue. o Permit for a Restaurant D. Simpson, owner of the property located at 802 Elmwood Avenue o Permit to Change in Use-A Portion of Building to Sit-In Restaurant A. Terragnoli, agent of the property located at 765 Elmwood Avenue. o Food Store License Village Beer Merchant LLC, located at 1535 Hertel Avenue. Ellicott District o Restaurant Dance License Town Ballroom, located at 681 Main Street. o Used Car Dealer License FIYY Life Auto, located at 283 Broadway. o Restricted Use Permit YS Bad, Inc., located at 334 Delaware Avenue Fillmore District o Permit to Re-Establish Sit-in Restaurant and Front Patio L. Runor, owner of the property located at 488 Franklin Street AKA 62 Allen Street. o Sidewalk Café License The Bend on Allen, located at 256 Allen Street. o Food Store License Family Dollar Stores of NY Inc., located at 928 Broadway. Lovejoy District o Permit for a Freestanding Sign R. Bender, owner of the property located at 1374 Seneca Street. o Food Store License Dheyab Market, located at 2594 Bailey Avenue. Niagara District o Flea Market License The Peddler Buffalo Corp., located at 625 West Ferry Street. o Food Store License Khatiza Gift Shop, located at 314 Hampshire Street AKA 316 Hampshire Street. Alhannah Food, located at 901 Niagara Street. North District o Food Store License S & K Market, located at 179 Military Road. University District o Restaurant Dance License Caribbean Experience, located at 2897 Bailey Avenue.
CLAIMS, CONTRACTS, CHANGE ORDERS & AGREEMENTS Upon the request of the Comptroller of the City of Buffalo, the Council: o Authorized the contract between the City of Buffalo and Cardvark, on behalf of and in conjunction with TSYS Merchant Solutions, LLC, for payroll debit card services. This approval will allow a program to move forward whereby City of Buffalo, Buffalo Board of Education and Buffalo Sewer Authority employees will 3
be able to directly deposit their payroll check into a payroll debit card program. This program will assist employees who do not have or use a checking or savings account with a financial institution. Upon the request of the City of Buffalo Office of Strategic Planning (“OSP”), the Council: o Authorized OSP to enter into a permanent utility easement agreement with National Grid that will allow for installation of a new pole and one anchor on City-owned property located at 229 Woodlawn Avenue. The installment of this equipment will ensure code-compliant electrical service to the property at 125 Purdy Street. o Authorized a Conditional Roadway and Porte Cochere Easement Agreement, Revocable Sidewalk Café License Agreement, and Access Agreement for certain portions of City right-of-ways to facilitate the redevelopment of the Tishman Building, located at the corner of Main Street and Lafayette Square, into a 123 room Hilton Garden Inn Hotel. o Authorized a PILOT agreement between the City of Buffalo, the County of Erie, Liberty Affordable Housing Inc., Mariner Towers Associates LLC, and Mariner Housing Development Fund Company, Inc. for the Mariner Tower Apartments Project. This project will result in the rehabilitation of the 292 unit housing complex located at 286 Efner Street. All of the units in the housing complex will be affordable for households at or below 50 percent of the area median income. o Authorized Rocco Termini, on behalf of 338 Ellicott Street, LLC., to use approximately 3.86’ of city-owned property located at 332 Ellicott Street. 338 Ellicott Street, LLC. intends to renovate the building located at 338 Ellicott Street into a restaurant and use the strip of land as an emergency egress for their patrons. Upon the request of the City of Buffalo Department of Assessment & Taxation, the Council: o Authorized the Department of Assessment and Taxation to draw a warrant on General City Charges, totaling $323,706.48, in favor of the City of Buffalo due to omitted or incorrect exemptions, assessment errors and changes in assessments related to Small Claims and Certiorari judgments for taxes on various properties. Upon the request of the City of Buffalo Department of Public Works (“DPW”), the Council approved the following contract change orders: o The contract with STC Construction, Inc., for the Colonel Ward South Basin Improvements Project, was increased by $259,671 to complete the removal and processing of residual from the settling basins and lagoon in order to maintain settled water quality. The contract was initially awarded in the amount of $1,702,651 and with this change the contract will increase to $1,962,322. o The contract with Destro & Brothers Concrete Co., Inc., for the D.A.R. Drive Road Reconstruction Project, was increased by $180,000 to relocate the City of Buffalo Division of Water’s pipe yard. The contract was initially awarded in the amount of $1,020,975 and with this change the contract will increase to $1,200,975. o The contract with Marquis Engineering, P.C., for city-wide infrastructure inspection consulting, was increased by $180,000 to continue infrastructure inspections through the end of the 2012 construction season and extend services 4
into the 2013 construction season. The contract was initially awarded in the amount of $340,000 and with this change the contract will increase to $520,000. o The contract with Urban Engineers of New York, P.C., for city-wide sidewalk inspection consulting services, was increased by $100,000 to continue infrastructure inspections through the end of the 2012 construction season and extend services into the 2013 construction season. The contract was initially awarded in the amount of $139,428 and with this change the contract will increase to $239,428. Upon the request of the City of Buffalo Department of Public Works (“DPW”), the Council: o Authorized DPW to hire and enter into an agreement with MXI Environmental Services as part of the City’s hazardous waste drop off program. The costs for services are estimated not to exceed $34,000. o Authorized DPW to hire a consultant to provide construction phase services for multiple projects consisting of right-of-way infrastructure improvements. The costs of the consulting services are estimated not to exceed $150,000. o Authorized DPW to hire a consultant to provide architectural and engineering services for renovations at Coca Cola Field. The scope of this work includes roofing reconstruction, addressing drainage and moisture damage problems in various areas, general lighting improvements, chiller replacement, and boiler replacement. The cost for the consulting services is estimated not to exceed $50,000. o Authorized DPW to engage the services of a consultant engineer to prepare plans and specifications and to advertise for bids for the upgrade of the Hatch Restaurant and Food Service Area at the Erie Basin Marina. This work will include the reconfiguration of the interior of the restaurant, demolition of the ice cream gazebo, construction of a new clam bar and ice cream building, and upgrades to the current food service and storage buildings. The estimated cost for these services is $500,000. o Authorized DPW to engage the services of a consultant engineer to prepare plans and specifications and to advertise for bids for the installation of a new floating dock system near the intersection of South Street and Hamburg Street on the Buffalo River. This work will include survey of the area and design of the appropriate dock system. The estimated cost for these services is $120,000. Upon the request of the City of Buffalo Department of Public Works, the Council approved the following reports of bids: o Of the bids that were received for the Painting of Streetlights Citywide 2012 Project, E&M Star Painting was the lowest, with a bid of $186,451. o Of the bids that were received for the Streetlight Repair in Place Citywide 2012 Project, South Buffalo Electric, Inc. was the lowest, with a bid of $262,500. o Of the emergency bids that were received for the Gloria J. Parks Community Center Emergency HVAC Reconstruction Project, John W. Danforth Co. was the lowest, with a bid of $12,000.
For any questions, concerns, or further information regarding the above, please contact your District Council Member, the Common Council Legislative Staff Office, or the respective City Department.
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BUFFALO COMMON COUNCIL Richard A. Fontana Council President Lovejoy District 1315 City Hall 851-5151 Michael J. LoCurto Delaware District 1405 City Hall 851-5155 David A. Rivera Niagara District 1504 City Hall 851-5125 Bonnie E. Russell President Pro Tempore University District 1508 City Hall 851-5165 Darius G. Pridgen Ellicott District 1408 City Hall 851-4980 Joseph Golombek, Jr. North District 1502 City Hall 851-5116 Common Council Legislative Staff Office 1413 City Hall 851-5105 Demone A. Smith Majority Leader Masten District 1414 City Hall 851-5145 David A. Franczyk Fillmore District 1316-A City Hall 851-4138 Christopher P. Scanlon South District 1401 City Hall 851-5169