Camlog Albuquerque Dec 9th

Dear colleague, I would like to take this opportunity to personally invite you to an exciting fast paced dental implant course on December 9th in Albuquerque New Mexico. This course will be held at the Henry Schein Center in Albuquerque. You do not want to miss this! We will get down to the nuts and bolts of implant placement and surgical technique. You will learn how to identify and treat the patients you currently have in your practice, and learn ways to attract new ones. We will cover basic bone grafting, socket preservation and grafting during implant placement. The course which is normally taught over two days, will be a fast paced, highly interactive event loaded with hands on exercises and a wealth of knowledge. I truly hope you will join me and begin to practice dentistry in a new and exciting way. Implantology will invigorate your practice and provide a great service for your patients. I hope to see you in December1 Charles Schlesinger, DDS, FICOI
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lmplanL ÞracLlce SoluLlon 11124 nL Palsey SL. ÞM8#460 ÞorLland, C8 97220 Þhone: 303.928.2123 lax: 888.871.3323 The Hometown Seri es Introduction to Dental Implants Charles Schlesinger, DDS FICOI n4Nu5-ON 4pprooch to conventiono/ ond Norrow 8ody lmp/ont P/ocement Part 1: Introduction to Dental Implants Part 2: Bone Grafting at Implant Placement Course Description Part 1: Introduction to Dental Implants 1hls course ls lnLended for denLlsLs who wanL Lo lnLegraLe Lhe surglcal phase of denLal lmplanLs lnLo Lhelr dally pracLlce. ÞaLlenL selecLlon, LreaLmenL plannlng, crlLlcal anaLomlcal sLrucLures when conslderlng denLal lmplanLs and surglcal placemenL are presenLed and dlscussed. Learn Lo pred|ctab|y place convenLlonal lmplanLs, and narrow body lmplanLs. 1h|s pract|ca| nANDS CN |earn|ng exper|ence w||| enab|e you to p|ace |mp|ants |n your pract|ce the very next day! Course objectives include: SelecL paLlenLs for sLralghLforward lmplanL surgery and resLoraLlon 1reaLmenL-plannlng of cases, wlLh speclflc prlorlLy Lo dlameLer and lengLh conslderaLlons. Choose Lhe approprlaLe surglcal course of acLlon for Lhe case undersLand pre- and posLoperaLlve care Hands-on training elements: - PAnuS Cn convenLlonal lmplanL placemenL feaLurlng Lhe worlds fasLesL growlng lmplanL sysLem, CAMLCC 8lC1LCPnCLCClLS. - PAnuS Cn use of worlds mosL user-frlendly Surglcal klLs compleLe wlLh depLh gauges on all burs for exacL lmplanL depLh ln half Lhe Llme. - PAnuS Cn placemenL of convenLlonal lmplanLs ln all bone Lypes. - PAnuS Cn use ln LreaLmenL plannlng and surgery wlLh Lhe ll1 Surglcal guldance SysLem. Part 2: Bone Crafting at Implant Placement 1hls porLlon of our course wlll cover Lhe baslcs of bone grafLlng as lL relaLes Lo Llme of placemenL. MaLerlals, membranes and ad[uncLs wlll be dlscussed ln depLh. ?ou wlll learn Lechnlques LhaL do noL requlre harvesLlng Lhe paLlenL's own bone. 1oday we have Lhe maLerlals and Lechnology Lo llLerally make bone where we dld noL have lL before! Learn pracLlcal, proven Lechnlques ln Lhls fasL paced course. ?ou wlll be able Lo Lake Lhe skllls you learn back Lo Lhe offlce and puL Lhem Lo use lmmedlaLely. ?ou wlll be able Lo make a dlfference noL only ln your paLlenLs healLh and well belng, buL ln your pracLlces boLLom llne. Slgn up for a course and advance your educaLlon and skllls Lo a new level. Course Objectives include: 8one grafLlng on con[uncLlon wlLh lmplanL placemenL 1echnlques Lo repalr common defecLs assoclaLed wlLh lmplanL placemenL 1he use of allografLs and xenografLs 1he use of resorbable and non-resorbable membranes PAnuS Cn exerclses wlLh auLhenLlc grafLlng maLerlals lmplanL ÞracLlce SoluLlon 11124 nL Palsey SL. ÞM8#460 ÞorLland, C8 97220 Þhone: 303.928.2123 lax: 888.871.3323 The Hometown Seri es Introduction to Dental Implants Charles Schlesinger, DDS FICOI n4Nu5-ON 4pprooch to conventiono/ ond Norrow 8ody lmp/ont P/ocement Part 1: Introduction to Dental Implants Part 2: Bone Grafting at Implant Placement December 9, 2011 Albuquerque, NM Henry Schein Dental Center 9019 Washington St. Suite B2 Albuquerque, NM 87113 (505) 856-3384 10 Contact cred|t hours per day 8reakfast and |unch |nc|uded 1u|t|on: 5399.00 per attendee Courxe Ðutex & Iocutlonx keg|strat|on Contact: Iess|ca 2|mmerman S18.312.S161 ph. S18.792.4714 fax [ess|caz|mm91Qgma||.com Cance||at|on & kefund Þo||c|es: Course daLes are sub[ecL Lo change and/or cancellaLlon. All pald fees wlll be refunded or held for fuLure scheduled evenLs upon requesL. Þald reglsLraLlons cancelled 14 days prlor Lo an evenL daLe wlll be fully refunded, or held for fuLure evenLs upon requesL. Þald reglsLraLlons cancelled less Lhan 14 days prlor Lo an evenL daLe are sub[ecL Lo a $30.00 cancellaLlon fee. C|ass s|zes are ||m|ted to (20) part|c|pants so get your reg|strat|on |n now ur. Charles Schleslnger graduaLed from Lhe Chlo SLaLe College of uenLlsLry ln 1996. AfLer compleLlng a general pracLlce resldency aL Lhe vAMC San ulego, he wenL on Lo become Lhe Chlef 8esldenL of Lhe CÞ8 program aL Lhe vAMC W. Los Angeles. uurlng hls Llme ln L.A. he recelved exLenslve Lralnlng ln oral surgery, lmplanLology and complex resLoraLlve denLlsLry. ur. Schleslnger malnLalns a Lhrlvlng prlvaLe pracLlce ln San ulego whlch focuses on cosmeLlc and lmplanL denLlsLry. Pe has been an lmplanL lecLurer and speaker slnce 2007. Courxe Inxtructor Approved ÞACL Þrogram Þrovlder lACu/MACu CredlL Approval does noL lmply accepLance by a sLaLe or provlnclal board of denLlsLry or ACu endorsemenL. 4/1/2009 Lo 3/31/2013 " You wi// be ob/e to moke o difference not on/y in your potient´s heo/th ond we//beinq, but in your proctices bottom /ine. 5iqn up for o course ond odvonce your educotion ond ski//s to o new /eve/." lnLroducLlon Lo uenLal lmplanLs & 8one CrafLlng name: ______________________________________________________________ name: ______________________________________________________________ name: ______________________________________________________________ name: ______________________________________________________________ name: ______________________________________________________________ name: ______________________________________________________________ Address: ____________________________________________________________ ClLy:_______________________________ SLaLe:______ Zlp code:___________ Þhone: ____________________________lax: _____________________________ Lmall Address: _______________________________________________________ ÞaymenL MeLhod: [ ] Check [ ] vlsa [ ] MasLerCard [ ] ulscover CredlL Card number: __________________________________________ Cvv2 Code _______ LxplraLlon uaLe: ________________________________ AuLhorlzed SlgnaLure: ___________________________________________ Checks payable Lo lmplanL ÞracLlce SoluLlons lax reglsLraLlon Lo: 318.792.4714 11124 nL Palsey SL. ÞM8 #460 ÞorLland, C8 97220 303.928.2123 fax: 888.871.3323 emall: lpslnfo[comcasL.neL keg|strat|on Contact: Iess|ca 2|mmerman S18.312.S161 ph. S18.792.4714 fax [ess|caz|mm91Qgma||.com Cance||at|on & kefund Þo||c|es: Course daLes are sub[ecL Lo change and/or cancellaLlon. All pald fees wlll be refunded or held for fuLure scheduled evenLs upon requesL. Þald reglsLraLlons cancelled 14 days prlor Lo an evenL daLe wlll be fully refunded, or held for fuLure evenLs upon requesL. Þald reglsLraLlons cancelled less Lhan 14 days prlor Lo an evenL daLe are sub[ecL Lo a $30.00 cancellaLlon fee. Date: December 9, 2011 Albuquerque, NM Locat|on: Henry Schein Dental Center 9019 Washington St. Suite B2 Albuquerque, NM 87113 (505) 856-3384 lottoJoctloo to ueotol lmploots ooJ 8ooe Ctoftloq 1u|t|on: 5399.00 per doctor 10 Contact cred|t hours per day 8reakfast and |unch |nc|uded