Canadian Experience Class (cec)

Canadian Experience Class (CEC) is one of the best ways of getting permanent residence in Canada. It refers to the process of submitting through which Permanent Residential status can be gained in Canada. It puts an end of the work visas.
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Canadian Experience Class (CEC) is one of the best ways of getting permanent residence in Canada. It refers to the process of submitting through which Permanent Residential status can be gained in Canada. It puts an end of the work visas. Under Canadian Experience Class (CEC), an application has to be submitted by the individual, not being an employer. It will set back at the least expense, approximately $1,000 to $1,200 including fees towards application, landing and medical. It is a great help for people having completed their time in Canada and have one year of professional experience or study in any field in Canada. It helps people interested in taking part in the country’s economy. It is a good option for temporary international workers or international students. Benefits of Canadian Experience Class: 1. You become entitled to work in Canada and can change your job whenever you wish. But you cannot work in Quebec. 2. It is a way of moving towards Citizenship which is the final aim of many people migrating to Canada. 3. The tenure of Canadian Experience Classis five years. It provides more time to see if you want to settle in Canada .You can again renew it after the five years. 4. You can still apply after leaving the country as well. You can apply after completing two years of work or study. Drawbacks of Canadian Experience Class: 1. It is quite expensive. 2. It includes lot of paperwork accompanied by documents. 3. The time required cannot be predicted. 4. You need to be amongst Type O, A or B on the NOC list, which does not include many Irish workers working in Canada. Qualifications required: 1. A first criterion is proficiency in the English language. 2. Paperwork from your own country is also an important criterion. It includes all of your College and University results, certificate from the local police authorities, birth certificate, etc. 3. Medicals are to be done during the process including blood tests, urine tests, x –rays, etc. These are to be done by a CIC approved doctor. Immigration Lawyers can help you with the process in lieu of a fee. Canadian Experience Class (CEC) has been designed to determine the eligibility .It is based on facts. If you can fulfill the requirements, you will receive the permanent residency. You do not require convincing them for that. The paperwork is easy, but diligence is necessary. The application form has to be filled up clearly. There is a facility to call the general CIC number for asking any questions about the application and the application status can be checked online. You have to make yourself ready for any period of waiting time, and there might be different wait times between two persons even though both applied at the same time. There is delay in the pace through which applications are processed. There is a website helping in reading the required information. Justin is writing articles for more than 2 years about Canada immigration news , CIC Announcements Read all related articles about apply for CEC or visit our website for more Canada trending news.