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Also by Dr. Afrika The Gullah People Ie Nutricide Llaila O. Afrika VISED AND EXPANDED 7 TH EDITION uvu."u·.... Sex Laws & Herpes Treatments   The Overlooked Revolution ......................................................................................... xx>  Medicine... ............................................................................................................ xx  Diet .......................................................................................................................  xx:  Ma'at Principles ofDiet.. ................................................................. :  ............ ........xx  Eat Snacks  and Dysfonctionality ..... ......................................................................xx:  Snack Food Groups.......................... ................................................................. ..xxx  Medicines.  Machines  and Ignorance ............................................................ :  ... ..XXX\  The Deck ofCards..................................................... ..  The Mystery System .. ................................................................................................ x  Section One: DisMEase  Treatment and Health  .................................................. ,  ........... .  i-\bscess............................................................................................................................. .  .., ............................................................................................................................... .  Gland Exhaustion ................................................................................................ .  ·ftUlt;;H  (Pathology).......................................................................................................409  Treatment ojLeukorrhea................................................................................ ....... 409  Fibroid Tumors,  Cause and Cure........................................................................... .416  ofFibroids....................................................................................................... .421  recrtment Modalities ................................................................................................ .423  View of "Women's Holistic Health" ............................................................ ..427  llL"         Addiction................................................................................................ .428  Steps...............................................................................................................428  Hunger......................................................................................................... .433  Black Un-Disease  ...........................................................................................438  trition;al Remedies ......................................................................................................446      Herbs, Africa and History.......................................................... .449  Invasion of Ancient Africa for  Medicinal Herbs .......................................... .451  Trade................................................................................................... .458  Controllers......................................................................................................463  Europeans......................................................................................................469  Seduced  by  Ignorance  and  Research  Research should beused to frod the' art and science ofa subject in order to find out the facts. However, research as used by Caucasians has other meanings. Caucasians have an over abundance ofresearch projects and institutions and devote large sums of money to them. When you research any subject it means that you lack knowledge about the subject In other words, you are ignorant ofthe subject. In this case, we have a   (European) that is ignorant. \ African civilization did not and has not lacked knowledge. Ancient Africa was the first civilization that used its vast knowledge base tollOlistically mas- ter technology and medicine. The major problem that the Caucasians have with African functional research is that it is holistic. It is written by using words as structural, mental and spiritual symbolism called homonyms. The African spiritually based organic rhythmic conceptualized science is difficult for Caucasians to comprehend. Caucasians have devised a way to acculturate, translate and fragment African science so that they can understand it They call this fragmented translation "Research." They use non-holistic laboratory stud- ies, statistics and experiments to understand African holistic functional research. It is obvious that the Pyramids took functional research established over 5,000 years before they were built. In other words, the research era in Africa was over and only products of past research appear such as the Pyramids ofGiza. The functional research for holistic medicine was arrived at long before the ancient text (papyrus) was written. Written documents are evidence that African functional research was done holistically. The Turin papyrus is 54,000 years old (11 th to 12th Dynasties). The 12th to 13 th Dynasties include the Ramesseum papyrus and the Kahun papyrus. These papyri reveal high levels of holism. The 19 th Dynasty has the Chester papyrus and the Berlin papyrus, which has func- tional research. The Ebers and Edwin Smith papyri are full text, comprehen- siveand are used more and more by holistic medical scholars. The creation and introduction ofmedical terms is African. These papyri and other writings gave the world these terms: kidney, saliva, dura mater, sarrow, testicles, buccal cavity esophagus, brain, throat, tongue, bile urine, tlterus, vulva, stomach, ear, intestines, trachea, lung, spinal cord, heart, disease, rectum diaphragm, labia, vagina, perspiration; liver, gall blad- , baldness, muscle, cerebrospinal fluid, spleen, air, obesity, bone, abnomen and many other terms. This indicates that pre-historical research and knowledge was obtained by Africans . . constant demand of Caucasians for scientific proofs, statistics, rituals and ceremonies and documentation is their search for a ritual XXVI xxvii  AFRICA'! HOLISTIC  HEALTH  and  ceremony that  allows them to  get  Once the  is  translated and applied in a scientific way, CaucasIans label the research  mod- em" or a "recent discovery." This word, "modern" is the new word for stolen  info11llation  and makes you forget that the  research was  already  done by  Africans. Most ofthe Caucasian research is redecorated  that was  raped from Africa. They use  and  monies to disguise the rape. TheIr SCIence IS  a f011l'l: of mfo11llation .colomal"  ization of science, White Supremacy and culttrral ?tas. The Caucas.Ians have  discovered  science  in  the  same way that they discovered  They  invaded the ancient African Egyptian science know I  raped, and  burned ancient African textbooks. They call African SCIence pnIDltlve, then  take that same science, give it a new name and call it a modem discovery. They  seduce themselves into believing that gynecology, ophthalmology and  medical sciences are  modem when in  fact,  Athotis,  the son of Mena (  3,000 BC), wrote an encyclopedia  th:se sucljec'ts.  To compound this ignorance, non-HolIstIc, White raCIst histonans such  Diodorus  Strabo  Herodotus  and  Monetho  personally reported on  research  anciedt Africa. However, this fact is ignored by "modem"  Caucasian scientists and historians. These culttrral spies (historians)  to create the present historical ignorance.  Caucasians in  search of  edge have  invented a  new  ignorance called "research" and  have  seduced by their own ignorance.  .  .  Research institutions and projects are not simply operatmg  the  of truth and knowledge. Research is funded and politically  the monies ofthe Drug and Junk Food companies and the mIlitary.  has become a business that operates to stay in business. It operates  to the automobile business. Each year, they produce a new model car  unproven new technology or research  in order to inc:ease  For example, the United States ofAmenca IS  not a country. It IS.  a  Slavery was not a crime. It was a business. When ch.attel  (chams)  ,  ended  the ownership of the non-chattel slavery busmess  was  ,  from  individual slave masters to  the United States as  master.  a larger business (United States) taking  smaller busmesses ..The  "Emancipation" means transfer ofownershIp. Slaves were  .  freed.  The profit from non-chattel slavery is a perpetual eCOn?mIC  tance, the same as the profits from research and profits  dISease  try.  Diseases  such as  AIDS  Cancer  no  longer diseases.  They  businesses.  The research and dIsease busmess are the new Slave  and  the  consumer is  the  slave.  It is  a  continuation  o.f slavery  .  knowledge  and  health slavery).  People  a:e  mto  belt.evmg  research is pure and an honest branch ofSCIence. It IS  not and. WIll  be that. It is a business. A pure science carmot com.e  SOCIety  White Supremacy psychosis. You cannot get a  of  science) from a crooked tree (White Supremacy). SCIence IS  a  ,XThitp  <::nnremacv.  Research has to be evaluated based upon  Seduced by Ignorance and Research African-centeredness  before it can be  African accultirrated  and  '.. ...  scientist must use African-centered research in  its  ,  m orderto recover, sustain and maintain the health ofour race. African  should use Ma'at cultirre and holistic health  as  of  bves.  The  disease  treatment methods and  healing  ntilals and ceremonies that pe1petitate the culttrre. Culttrre  the language that enables you to spiritually, mentally, emotionally and  a health tt:eatment  (make it so-called modem). The    for diseas.e has to nurrur cultirre. Disease, as explained  by African  IS  upon a mixtirre of the past, present,  ancestors. Research mto African Ma' at healings and healers reveals  occurs when an individual's wellness changes from the culture's  )tarldaJ:d to a state that cannot adapt or conf011ll to wellness. Nonnal  standards  have to  be consistent with  and  reflect  the culture.  b.e based upon an  !ruth is people and people  IS not  abstract Idea or a SCIentIfic laboratory experiment  Truth IS  an  ofa culture. Healers are agents of a cul- Afri.can  mIX  and  accept  an  alien  culture's  wisdom  .  accreditation then African healing science and  and  to  An African that changes any aspect  healing  IS performing a delicate surgery. One slip of  '.."o  .....    knife (error)  can cause African culture to become colo- diseased..  a change in treatment is like digging a well  to dig deep mto African cultural soil to reach an under-       healing modality. Ma'at guided  to  dIg mto African healmg systems. However,  Caucasian  cD?trolled by the political, economic and military indus- funding source. Inmany cases, their research outcomes are            as well as research and data altered in order to sat- ,  This makes the research itself dubious. It is essen- but discovering more power over the minds  It IS  a research that uses  scientific language to  state of Ignorance  called knowledge,  facts  and proofs  = order to clearly w:derstand science as culture, you must first  of  ofthe children,  elders and parents. If  VIOlent  and deceitful,  then  their science  deceItful. SCIence is people. People are science. A science  ,  perfect,  or purer than the  people  that created it.  done by a Caucasian scientist is merely another reflec- morality and  ignorance.  Health  pnmitiveness  with science  language  and  Ignorance.  Caucasians search or research for some- they are always discovering something that has already  xxviii  AFRlCA.'\j HOLISTIC  HEALTH  .  d)'  Caucasians believe they discovered America- beenfound (d1scovere  ,I.e.,  .  a land already occupied and  by  research.  They must  Black folks  should not  CMa'at and translate it. The key  scrutinize it for truth,  It  (culture) to the  subject. Music,  to  making an evaluatlOn. IS  to attac  P words  art and research is people  mathematics, religio.n,  bIOlogy,  coru::.ected to people in order to  ( culture). These subjects have to  e  cis Y h as "snack food" is not merely  b ·  t  F r example  wor  suc understand the su  .. a  fi' Th  anc1'ent Caucasians (cave dwellers  .  .,  1  m another  onn  e  .  a food dem, It IS peop e  .'  ')had food shortages due to fammes  and those too uncivilized to hve m  £ ad from each other in order to sur- andthe Ice Age. Consequently, they stdo The0  ds "snack food" reflects peo- hed  food-snack foo.  e wor  .  th' vive, they snatc  .. h  valid and alive. Their research IS  err  ple, people (culture) make resefarthc.  lture  Caucasian research was not and  eulture and satisfies the needs 0 cu  ies  is not done to benefit or serve African poop  .  RACES OJ' HuMANS  'fi dbased upon Melanin content of the body. 1 Races are c ass1  Ie  !v. TED  COLOR RACE 6(Highest) BlaCk., BluelBlack (Highest Melanin Content) Africans (Melanin is Selenium Centered) Nawe Indians 5  BlacklBrown, Brown (MexicanS, Malaysians, etc,) 4  Brown, Red Na1ive Americans, Japanese Orientals 2 and 3  1(lDNest)  Yellow, Mixed, Mixed Brown White eaucasians (Melanin is Sulphur Centered) .  h  used to set norm values, calibrate  The Caucasians'  .  n their science  machines and measunng  .  tUPOfthe Willte race  The CaucaSIan  .  I  1 rrns and the blOC  enus ry 0 . . ' . d'  ra1 nes), cu tura  no  . h  th  least melanin  vltamm  an  nune  rate  themselves  as  the  race  bl  e d chemistry i;at the Caucasian nor- content. When a Black person s  .o?  .  mal (healthy) level, they abre  as well  as  medical  Health  standards  are  upon  d  d allowance of vitamins and.  al values  dally recommen  e  '  laboratory, norm.  '  fherbs and drugs, baby's formulas,  mine:als, therapeutIc dosages 0develo  ment schedule,  and brain      reactlOns, human  d and  ythpological people  (Greek farry  Their psychology  IS  base  upon m  Oedipus).  The Overlooked Revolution There is an overlooked revolution in Black worldwide culture. Socially, Black  people have protested, marched, rebelled, voted, sang, and cried for a revo- lution for Black Nationalism,  freedom, justice, self-identity,  self-destiny,  equality and the reaffirmation ofAfrican medical treatment concepts. Today,  Blacks are totally enslaved by another culture's (Caucasian) diet and medical  system. They have become a Black Nation ofNutritional Uncle Toms who are  denied the HUfllanRight to practice their culture's medicine (i.e., denied insur- ance coverage for herb and folk medicine). An African health practitioner is  denied the legal right to practice and is considered unscientific.  The Africanization ofCaucasian culture has occurred in Black culture. For  example,  Africanization  of English  has  resulted  in  the  Negro  Dialect,  Africanized European music resulted in jazz, Africanized religious music  resulted  in Gospel,  the Africanization of the waltz resulted  in  the jitterbug  and the impact ofthis African thrust has caused Black (African) Studies in col- leges. The reclaiming ofAfrican clothes and garments, hairstyles (cornrows),  languages, names, and history has demonstrated the extent ofthe social rev- olution. Yet one major step has been overlooked in this process: the reclaim- ing of African herbal medicine and a natural whole foods diet and lifestyle.  Wholistic thinking is the key to understanding Caucasian cultural bias and  White racism as applied to diet and medicine. Wholism means that everything  (i;e.,  air,  water,  fire,  earth,  electricity,  colors,  metal) has a  form  (physical  and spirit energy state. This wholistic concept was a part  ··ofAfrican cultures that existed before the Sahara Lake became the  Sahara  ..•.  Desert. In any case, European cultural bias and racism has contaminated and  ,ah;tortedAfrican medical and dietary writings. In fact, all Chinese, Japanese,  .unUJ-JUiI\.OU  cultures and their forms ofyoga, meditation, exercise, diagnosis,  ·tre,amlcnts are biased in  that they accentuate their own cultural frame of  and disregard that the  source  of their science  and art is Africa.  civilization (frame  of reference) was built on a  Ma'at approach  to foods,  wellness,  diet  and  herbal  medicine.  Blacks  who  accept  science as the only true science are whitewashed. Black folks who  use their own culture's healing art and science are addicted to Caucasian  . They are accepting the fact that African culture produced calculus, psy- bureaucracy,  biology, medicine,  astronomy,  algebra,  architecture,  and anatomy while at the same time emotionally rejecting the African  diet and medical art and science. They are practicing self-hatred on  0nsciOlls levels and ignoring the obvious facts on a conscious leveL  ,me'Ulcal  writings  of Imhotep  (Egyptian God of Medicine) are  the  documents written. Imhotep's books were stolen from Africa  at Karl  Marx University ir1  Leipzig,  Germany.  Imhotep  ten volumes  on holistic treatments,  diets,  and foods  over 2,000  xxxi  AFRICAN HOLISTIC REALTII  years before Hippocrates  (European father  of medicine)  born.  Part?f  Imhotep's principles appear in The Canon books wnt- ten by a Black Muslim. named Avicenna, who used Islanuc culture: :£:Ie  and  another Black Muslim,  named  Rhazes,  influenced European medicme.  In  fact  Rhazes wrote about a hundred medical books that utilized natural foods,  herbal  remedies,  and diets.  All  major European medical schools used his  books extensively in the  15 th  and  16 th  centuries.  Of  the  aforemen- tioned works  are  distorted  and  contaminated by the  Islannc  culture  the  authors and racist biases ofthe European translators. Nonetheless, the African  wholistic natural foods and herbal concepts were clearly in their works.  Europeans' cultures and science use  good (drug  against evil  (bacteria, virus) fragmentation  or the  so-called  In other  words, they separated the mind, the body and the spmt.  treat  mind in a psychiatric clinic; the spirit in a church, and the body m a hospItal  while African science includes  the  spirit, mind and body.  present, past and  future as a whole-wholistically. In fact, orthodox Caucasian science does Dot  include the  spirit's  affect upon the body,  mind,  diet,  or  Caucasians do not see culture as the foundation for the healing art and SCIence.  Culture creates the  individual and family.  It provides the rewards, pun- ishments, and values for an individual's emotional, mental, physical and spir- itual personality. Culture serves the individual an? individual  culture.  An individual's healing art and science serves therr culture.  whohstc foods  or medicine book written from a Chinese, Japanese Of CaucasIan cultural per- spective is unacceptable to Black    needs:  is not 0r:e insti- tution (science, medicine, mathematics, physlcs, chemIStry)  cul- ture, which has not become wet with White racism from soaking m.o:rer 3,000  years ofWhite Supremacy. Caucasians wholistic health ru:d medicme  White Supremacy detoxification  and  therapy.  Many ObVIOUS  facts  pomt  to  the  need to  abandon Caucasian culture's wholism  other than the PredatoIy  White Supremacy Psychosis involved (see The mindset ofCaucasians with PredatoIy MilitarIstic White Supremacy  Psychosis is a thought process in which the C::mcasian  good and  are tools to use to manipulate and control Africans. EVIl.IS  and mam- tained to control good; good is created only to control evil.  good, there  is evil  and  within evil,  there  is  good.  Good  and evil are lDlXed  toge!her as  one. Evil  (slavery)  is rewarded with  good  (wealth).  Good (wealth)  pun- ished with evil (embezzling, robbery,  stealing ofmoney,  Good lS  used  to terrorize (forcing the Caucasian rules and laws upon Africans).and then bad  (racial profiling, racism,discrimination, etc.) is. forced upon  fol- lowing Caucasian  good (rules  and  laws).  Africans must keep m mmd that  you do.  not protest, vote,  demonstrate or march to get rid of a mental  (psychosis).  Mental  illnesses require  Blacks  psychotherapy is needed to treat CaucasIans Wlth the PSYChOSIS,  it  that the African has Co-Dependent Addiction to White  An;p.lln" cannot overlook China's mental  illness,  called HerolD AddlctIon,  The Overlooked Revolution "":hich was treated successfully. The mentally ill either got treatment or were  killed. Needless to say, they were  100% successful in solving the mental ill- ness (drug) problem.  Britain forced Heroin on China  which resulted in the  1839 Opium War.  '  have  biochemical, nutritional and dietary needs.  These  ne,eds  artse because Blacks are Melanin dominant and have spe- CIfic bodily ditfurences as compared to less Melaninated races. For example,  ove:  ofBlack people (worldwide) cannot digest cattle milk. Inadditio.n,  the mtestinal  acteria,  fungus  and yeast) that naturally live  in  people s    are umque to Blacks.  Subsequently, Blacks assim- date food  lD  as  Melanin improves the efficiency of  Despite centuries ofeating a non-AFrican diet and liv- mg m  controlled countries outside ofAfrica, the Africans intestinal  the  sa:ne as  it was  in their ancestors' stomachs  2,000 years  ago  Melanm (black color pigment)  is  obviously most abundant  m Blacks. This melanin aids in protecting Blacks from the ultra- VIolet rays  sun. It also increases the speed and storage ofnerve artd brain  messages.  Africans  largest mid-brain and  have  more  harmony  between the left andnght hemIspheres ofthe brain, more fast twitch muscles  and the highest amount ofvitamins and minerals in the body as compared  other races. The Black woman's vagina is longer, the minor lips ofthe vagina  are larger and breastinilk has higher nutrients as compared to women ofother  races. The Black woman's birth canal is the most efficient and sealed tighter.  Black people's blood Ctystallizes differently from Caucasians' blood. These  are some ofthe many feasons why Blacks have a unique biochemical  nutri- tional, medical and dietary need (See Anatomy Chart).  '  Traditional African Diet  Fiber............... .........  8 times higher than Caucasian processed food diet  Sodium.....................  Vt;th of processed  food  diet  Calcium.....................  7 times higher than processed food diet  Phosphorus.................. 5-8 times higher than processed food diet  Vitamins..................... Higher levels ofwater and fat-soluble vitamins  Sunlight.. . .. . . . . . ... . . ... . ..  80% more sunlight stimulation for the Pineal Organ  (so-called gland)  Water.. " . . . .. . . . . . .. . . . . . . ..  90% higher water intake  Vegetables and Fruit. .....  85% higher and organic  Meat........................  15% organic animal flesh (includes insects) was eaten  during cultural and health decline  Breastmilk..................  Cow's milk is  indigestible, causes colds, allergies,  diseases  and mood swings  xxxii xxxiii AFRICAN HOLISTIC HEALTH Milk Human Cow (Not for Humans) Protein-total % 1.0 to 1.5 3.5 to 4.0 Casein % 50 82 (main protein in cow's milk) Whey % 60 18 (watery part of milk contains lactose, vitamins, minerals, lactalbumin, fat) Calcium-phosphoric ratio 2:1 1.2:1 Vitamin A (per liter) 1,898 1,025 Niacin (mg. per liter) 1,470 940 Vitamin (mg. per liter) 43 11 Reaction in the body alkaline acid MEDICINE European orthodox medicine (synthetic drugs and surgery) is based upon predatory military logic and is organized to treat symptoms in a triage method. African medicine is organized wholistically to treat the spiritual, mental and physical causes ofdis-ease. For instance, the body tries to main- tain adaptability (which means adjusting holistically). Whenever the body is overloaded (biochemically imbalanced), it tries to get rid of the toxic (imbalanced) state. It uses urine and bowel movements to keep it free of toxins. Ifthe urine and bowels fail to eliminate toxins, then the skin is used for a bowel movement (bumps, acne, blackheads, herpes, rashes, measles, smallpox, etc.). Ifthis fails to cleanse the body, then the lungs and nasal cav- ities are used to get rid oftoxins (sinuses, running nose, bronchitis, catarrh). The body uses a warning signal such as a headache to notify you ofa toxic state. In African wholistic medicine, the cause ofthe toxic state would be treated with massage, acupuncture, aromatherapy, herbs and a cleansing diet. European medicine stops or suppresses the symptoms ofdisease with aspirin, cough suppressants, antihistamines, etc. This causes tI;te body to remain toxic and these toxins cause dis-ease. The symptom treatmg system keeps the individual in a disease state. This causes Blacks' health to be exploited by diseases for economic profits. DIET The contemporary junk food and fast food diet is based upon denatured, highly refined, processed, genetically and non-foods. This modem stuff looks like food, tastes like food, smells like food, but amounts to chemical waste Gunk food) and a type ofsynthetic dirt. The Overlooked Revolution The most damaging criminals in the modem diet are bleached white flour sugar. flour is constipating because it has no fiber (non- digestible roughage). FIber allows food to exercise and cleans the digestive organs and leaves the body at a normal rapid rate. Bleached white flour is robbed.of over t:venty-two vitamins and minerals. White sugar has no fiber, no nutrients and mcreases the sugar level in the body beyond its natural level results in deprivation, diabetes, high blood pressure, nerve and bram damage, kIdney failure and eye deterioration. Fried foods are non digestible, constipating, and partially used by the body. The combination of foods with edible drugs such as preservatives, additives and dyes results m behavior control and chemical warfare upon the health. It is common knowledge chemicals (drugs, aspirin, depressants, amphetamines) influ- ence behaVIor and alters moods. The eating of these chemicals indirectly causes I?botized nu?itional (limits the range ofthoughts and wellness). African coprolite (fossIl food and feces) studies reveal a natural diet in Africans. The scientific analysis ofcoprolites verifies that Africans ate whole foods, bee pollen, herbs, nuts, vast variety ofraw vegetables, and some cooked foods. Ancient fossilized African foods in no way resemble modern foods. Eating a processed food diet is against life and against the African culture. African Empires, civilizations, music, art, philosophy, science, medicine and culture is built upon wholistic foods and medicine (see music, science and psychology chart). who eat a modern diet are being oppressed and enslaved by CaucaSIans through their stomachs. This dietary enslavement :e sults in dis-eas.es, constipation and bodily destruction. Eating this modem Junk food ( chemtcal waste) results in the abandonment ofBlack acculturated di.et and African Any social cry of Reparation, Human and Black Llberation by a nation of constipated Blacks is a cultural Joke. Blacks must revolutionize their diets and stop eating fast foods and eat slow foods (whole, unprocessed). There are no people who are free ifthey are controlled by another people's foods. Blacks must reclaim control of their stomachs and see African culture and Ma'at in the diet. African wholistics is still a part ofBlack culture. Wholism in Black cul- ture is based upon "concept." Concept is the inclusion ofevery part ofa pic- ture..For example, Black "concept." thinking (whole picture or story) when applIed to health, as well as language, is evident. Blacks use the word :'bad", has m,:anings based upon the particular story (concept) III whIch It IS used. Bad can mean fine, excellent, expensive, intelligent, sex and terrible. It takes its meaning from the context ofthe whole picture Howe,:er,   health, as well as language, is neg- atIvely analytICal (meanmg diVIde, good vs. evil, fragment, isolate). Subsequently, bad means bad and the further conjugation (i.e., badder, bad- dest) ofthe word are degrees ofbeing bad. European wholistics is not inherently concept-oriented. It is frag- mented. Subsequently, it can analyze the nutritional worth of herbs and foods, not the intelligence of an herb or the spiritual use or purpose of the AFRICAN  HOLISTIC  HEALTH  herb; They isolate a dangerous chemical or nutrients of a herb and then con- clude that the entire mixture ofhealing nutrients in the herb are dangerous.  Furthermore,  anything that cannot be done  in  a so-called scientific  labo- ratory (analysis) does not exist. Often when Caucasian scientists mention  African wholistic herbal use (a science ofherbs over 10,000 years old), it  is negatively called unscientific, vooqoo, witchcraft, mysticism or cultural  ignorance.  This  is  Caucasian  cultural bias  and White  racism. Actually,  African-centered wholistic health, herbal medicine, healers and whole food  diet utilize the total energies of the plants (spiritual, intellectual, nutrient)  rather  than  the  partial  nutrient  values.  So,  it  followed  that  a  whole  (unprocessed)  plant  treated  a  whole  person.  The  primary  differences  between European and African wholistic health is in the concept and ana- lytical (fragmentation) approach. African wholism never divided, isolated  a nutrient  or fragmented  a  plant to understand  its  personality.  Plant per- sonalities are very specific properties associated with a particular plant. A  ''plant personality"  causes  it to  treat,  heat or cool  a particular part of the  body or organ. It also affects the speed or slowness of its use in the body,  Each plant or treatment has  a  ritual  and ceremony associated with the  plant's cycle, the time of day it is picked, and the day ofthe week it is pre- pared.  The  zodiac sign, deity andlor the personality of the plant,  patient,  healer or dis-ease has to be given attention, primarily, because wellness or  dis-ease represents a spiritual, mental and physical part ofthe culture. The  culture dictates that the herb, as well as  the person taking the herb, are in  communion with God. Plant personality dictated the choice ofplant (herb)  to use in disease treatment. Isolating an herb's nutrient or chemical is like  having two blind people describe an elephant-the one at the tail says the·  elephant is  skinny,  and the one  at the foot  describes  the elephant as  tall  with a shell (toe nails). Isolating an herb's nutrient or chemical destroys its  wholistic value and destroys the healing effect of its characteristics (plant  personality) .  The choice  is  simple. Blacks wbo accept another culture's definition  ofhealth, healing, medicine and food are enslaved by that culture via their  stomachs. These nutritional slaves can be seen smoking tobacco and mar- ijuana cigarettes  (the lighting of them turns  them into a synthetic chemi- cal,  a non-food which destroys the oxygenation of blood, produces poor  quality sperm), using synthetic drugs,  drinking sodas  (a synthetic chemi- calized liquid sugar), eating white sugar products (i.e., candies, pastries- which produce low and high blood sugar and sugar addiction),  bleached  white  flour  (produces vitamin  deficiency and  cancer),  drinking  alcohol  (destroys brain cells),  and eating denatured fast  foods.  These  nutritional  Uncle Toms and dietary slaves produce children who eat like Caucasians.  They are slaves by African wholistic definition and Caucasoid Blacks, The  "overlooked revolution" or Africanization ofBlack health (African-centered  art and science of health) can no longer be overlookedl  The Overlooked Revolution XXxv  MA'AT  PRINCIPLES OF DIET Use  these principles  as  your diet  'd  l'  craving for sweets  junk food,>  f: .e  meso  If you are hungry and have a  evaluate your emotions and re  '  a C. enmg    alCOhol,  snack  foods  etc  .  asons 1.or crnvmg and  I tb ", clples.  Question your emotions (fe  r ) d  re ate  em to Ma'at prin- e tngs  an  reasons based upon Ma'at.  Truth  Am I really hungry? A  I  "  ,  .  m  medlcatmg emotions with  Junk  Does my body need nourishment?  m  r be.ill?,  slave to my taste bUds? Am r treat'  '  tood as  If It IS  a "slave" and m '.  mg master"?  y  eatmg It  as  "the slave  Justice  my  of food give nutritional justice to my  o  y  or does It nutritionally starve mv body? Righteousness  Is the fo  d  d  .,  o  goo  lor God:s Temple (my body)? Is there  a healthy snack I can eat mstead ofjunk? Harmony  How does eating junk food serve my body and benefit  my welIness? Balance  Does  this food maintain my biochemical balance  or does It Cause a negative drain ofenergy?  . Order  the food follow  the correct order {amount) of  nutrients? (6 grai  5 frui  ve  '  ns,  ts  or vegetables, 2 proteins _  getable/meat, 8-10 glasses of water?) Propriety  Is the food addin  t lirnin g  0  my welJness and helping me to  e  th  a,te or decrease my intake ofpackaged  ptocesset;:>M;1<;  the wisdom of Ma' at and power of the unmanifested (spiritu- of humans,  A  healer that  relies totally on  machines is  reflecting  lIoranc:e and a lack ofAfrican-centered spiritual and psychic training.  xxxviii  xxxix  AFRICAN HOLISTIC  HEALTH  Ancient African medicine was founded upon wholistic spirituality and Ma'at.  This pre-Egyptian medical science is between 20,000 and 100,000 years old.  In fact, it is the oldest medicinal science on this planet. The  (1550 B.C.)  of the  18th  Dynasty has  stories  from the  early empIres,  date before the  Great pyramid,  and they make reference to pnestJhe!ballst  doctors ofKing Khufu (Cheops) of the 4th Dynasty (3800 B.C.). Most  tantly, Herataf, son ofKing Khufu,  a  named TET.  medicine used the full scope and capaCIties ofwhohstic  and other SCI- ences. The realization that the spiritual fueled human body IS an advanced tech- nological instrument for diagnostic an? treatment purposes was well known.  The Caucasians with the lowest Melanin content can only understand between  twenty-five to forty  percent ofthe  astronomy, magnetisr;n  othe: mathe- matical  concepts  required  to  build  the  PyramIds.  m  AfrIca.  The  Caucasians' limited understanding of the African mathematical concepts has  resulted  in the invention of the so-called modern machines  of computers,  spaceships, automobiles and nuclear bombs. The  percent  ofthe African astrology, health science and mathematics IS  the scope  ofthe Caucasian thought process. The African Rhind mathematIcal papyx:us  (1650 B.C.) is the oldest text on mathematics and it  that  ::emam- ing seventy-five percent of mathematics the  used  has not been interpreted. It can be seen that the ancient African  ha?  the mathematical capacity to  build machines  of any type .. Ob":,'10usly,  advanced biochemistry and use ofthe body as  a technolOgIcal InStrument IS  yet to be explained or understQod.  .  "  Machines (modem gadgets) do not possess Wisdom or Ma at.. such as computers will send checks to dead people and death notices to hve  people. A thermometer will register  hu:n:an  at 98.6 degrees.  However,  a thermometer cannot regIster (mdIcate)  the tempera- ment ofthe body temperature is moist, wet, dry,  aIr,  or water.  The energy projected from the eyes is measured, Identified as active (Male)  or passive  (Female)  and classified by the temperament system.  jected energy can be felt. An individual can feel  another  starmg at  them while their back is ttrrned away from the person. ThIS IS  exampl.e  of the  registering  of eye  energy  upon the.  Ancient  practI- tioners developed their ability to  and .classify eye energy.  Wholistic abilities gave the medial SCientIst vast sublime resources for the  diagnosis ofdis-ease states and treattnents. Each disease, organ and hormone  has a sublime odor. Each organ produces a specific odor whether in a state of  health or dis-eased. These odors were classified as  bitter,  pungent,  sour, active, passive, earth, water, air, fire  Energy  by  the  ears,  pulse, nose,  breath, hair and  skin were  claSSIfied.  These are but a few ofthe sublime human abilities a medial pracbtloner devel- oped and utilized in dis-ease detection  ..  ..  The non-wholistic thinkers  are  trymg to  copy whohstlc human  f'''''' UT1th  Machines  can  only use  coarse  energy  (electncal,  The Overlooked Revolution nuclear,  etc.) while humans can use fine  mental,  spiritual, emotional  and phYSIcal energy.  are not limited to one energy input. Humans  can use all e11:er?y  emotional, spiritual) to diagnose and treat dis- ease. A  dIagnOSIS  of a wholistic human, gives a wholistic treat- N.o  gadget  or  technology  can wholistically  perform  this  unless It rebes. on the fuel  human mind, spirit, emotion and body."  The House ?!LIght by Paul Ghahounegve has further information.  CaucasIan  medicine (i.e., European) is using fragtnentation  and  lOgiC  to  duplicate African wholistic non-fuel driven  Caucasian culture,  medical  science and civilization has  1? substItute .electrical and fuel driven machines for human ability. This  fatlure IS reflected  the overabundance ofCaucasian physical dis-eases, Clll- pSYChOSIS  wars) and spiritual failures (individuals profess belief  m a,od and.yet steal,  murder and  for a particular government or self).  It Will continue to  fail because CaucaSIan culture uses failure to manipulate  and control people.  Ancient Afri?an. wholistic health.science produced many healing instru- ID:nts.  Ma at mstruments reqUITed the usage of higher developed psy- chic and  energy for their proper use. The names ofthese instruments  disu:rted and acculturated by Europeans. Many ofthese healing and  diagnostic deVices are labeled as toys and games.  .  .The games      and "checkers" are extracted from an African div- matlon and healmg  call Draughts. This device looks exactly like chess  except the  playmg board has 27 squares, which are laid out, in 3 rows  ofsquares With 9 columns. Each column ofnine squares represents the nine  energy  individual respectively;  nine columns for the  body, nme  the mmd and rune for the spirit. The  so-called playing pieces  were placed m a Terra Cotta Bowl or cloth bag and mixed by shaking. Next,  pIeces  were  (without looking)  and placed on the  board  from  ?ght to left.1pe pieces have meanings similarly to "tarot cards." These divin- mg.statues (pieces) 011:ce  on the board were read to diagnose the illness,  SOCial problem, emotIOnal Issues and prescribe treabnent.  "Bo.wling"  is  an  African healing  and  diagnostic and divination  instru- mIstaken  for  a g.ame.  Actually,  it  is  the  pyramidal and  divining  egg  devlce.  so-called pInS (chakras) were placed in a pyramid shape, each pin  fate  as well as spiritual, mental,  emotional and social  stat.e. The  egg (bowling ball) was programmed with the aura of the  (a Witness ofcloth or hair was used). Then the ball was rolled to strike  Next, th: healer would read the pins based upon how they fell, the  they lay ill and according to astrology and what matrix they formed  Fmally,  healer would then program the ball (egg)  and strike  the  (chakras) m order to change fate  or fmd a remedy.  .  "sliding board" is actually the African "negative gravity ionic device."  This InStrument usually had an electromagnetically charged board and 12 (or  24) magnet charged steps. These steps (chakra planes) were used to recharge  xl xl AFruCA.N" HOLISTIC HEALTH the positive chakra while the board was used to stimulate the pineal gland and increase circulation to the brain. The patient would slide down the board head first and/or feet first according to the type treatment ofnecessitated. The "swing" is another ill-named African healing instrument. The hori- zontal bar would support the swing; this bar would be suspended and attached to vertical support posts (three posts), which were arranged in a pyramid shape. The posts and the horizontal bar would be charge by magnets. Thus, the patient would swing through the electromagnetic force' field; the alpha- gamma rays and the pyramidal energy field would cause a polarization of energies on a psychic and physical level. This is a Pendulum Pyramidal Healing Device. The "see-saw" or African Electromagnetic Adjustable Alignment Board is an ancient healing device. It was arranged in a circular sphere according to fue organ being treated (see Eye Chart). The alpha ray energy angular wave were used. The board was placed on a pyramid pivot with crystals or metals (see Crystal and Metal Charts) as a counterbalance for the dis-eased patient. Then, the patient would be caused to "see-saw" according to the rhythm vibra- tions (see Music Chart) ofthe dis-eased organ. This would result in polariza- tion ofthe dis-eased organ. The internal organ vibration adjustments caused by the electromagnetic force field ofboard, pyramid, crystal and ioruc wave force excited the healing care. The above ancient African instruments are but a few of the many found in fossil remains, tombs and drawings. In the book Supersensonics by Christopher Hill, healing devices are scientifically explained and validated to function. A wholistic Ma' at life with higher human training was required for a healer to operate them. European invaders and grave robbers (archaeologists) believed the devices were toys and games. They can only use instruments that they can understand and validate by their science (primitive cartoon logic). Magnetism and Its Effects on the Living System by A. Davis and W. Rawls, Jr. can be used to further understand these devices. African science is complex and yet based on the physiology ofthe body and taught systematically. THE DECK OF CARDS The Caucasians have reduced the deck of cards to a play toy. They are African in origin and had the symbolism ofEgyptian Tarot cards and African astrol- ogy and spirituality. The cards were used to teach astrology, astronomy, math- ematics, divining, spirituality and to diagnose and treat diseases. A deck of cards has ... Two Colors Red and black; active and passive; positive and negative; Male Principle and Female Principle; Masculine Signs (Aries, Gemini, Leo, Libra, The Overlooked Revolution Sagittarius, Aquarius and Feminine Signs Cancer, Virgo, Scorpio, Capricorn, Pisces). Four Suits Hearts, Clubs, Diamonds, Spades; the four elements (fire, water, air, earth); the four seasons. Twelve Court Cards Kings, Queens, Jacks; the twelve months of the year. 52 Cards The 52 ofthe year. 13 Cards in each Suit The 12 ofthe zodiac and the sun; the bo.dy of OSlDS that was cut into 13 pieces so we must re-member). Values ofNumbers Seven and nme. nU'!lber seven (7) is the center ofeach SUIt. Ancients believe there were seven planets. They are heavenly forces (seven planets) that symbolize Chakras' Ma'at and the Seven Halls of Osiris. There are seven days to a week. The number nine (9) as.the last single number. The Cycle of the !lumber. that includes all plan- IS the hIghest digIt. After nine, there IS 0 and sequence starts over with "1." There are holes in the body (umbilical navel hole IS closed). The Joker The of days" beyond the logical times fifty-two, to total our required 36514 for the Sun's travel in the solar year. This IS more fully cxplained in ilie Mystic Text Book. The Joker is .the "highest" symbol in the deck. Usually pIctured as fate in a fools cloilies: It is rejected or "played wild" in games. Its true significance is that of the "0" or "Fool Card," III Tarot. It also symbolizes "1" day that ofthe 36514 day solar year. It is the element that completes the earth s eXIstence (365 days). Basic Characteristics of Personality or Disease Fire Sign Hearts =Aries, Leo, Sagittarius Earth Sign Spades = Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn Air Sign Diamonds = Gemini, Libra, Aquarius Water Sign Clubs Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces Quality of Personality or Disease Cardinal (Outgoing, initiators, aggressive, illness) Aries (Hearts), Cancer (Club), Libra (Diamond), Capricorn (Spade). xlii xliii AFRICAN HOLISTIC HEALTH Fixed (resist change, originators, severe disease) = Taurus (Spade), Leo (Hearts), Scorpio (Club), Aquarius (Diamond) Mutable (flexible, versatile, healing is fast) = Gemini (Diamond), Virgo (Spade) Sagittarius (Heart), Pisces (Club) Suits of Cards The order corresponds to the Seasons: Hearts, Clubs, Diamonds, Spades or Spring, Summer, Harvest, Winter. THE MYSTERY SYSTEM The medical practitioners ofAfrica received formal education by being initi- . ated in the mystery system. A medical student was selected for initiation just as students are selected for college via scores and personality profiles. The stu- dents (initiates) could participate in their education on a general educational level call Exoteric learning or on a higher level called Esoteric, The mystery system has seven degree (levels or steps) oflearning before completion. The first degree educates you in the coarse or base aspects of medicine and is known as Pastorphoros. This system is not confined to med- icine and includes all known and unknown sciences. However, the initiate could be educated for a specific area (major) or talent or a combination of areas (majors). In any case, upon competition ofthe first degree the student advances to the Neocoros degree, which focuses on the structural energy ofmedicines such as the energy ofshapes (squares, pyraInids, triangles, obelisks). Then, the Me1anophoros degree is studied whereby the student learns the energy forces ofnon-polarized energy such as the Melanin-DNA energy state, which is cre- ated between the death and life state. In the Kistophorus degree, the student learns how to will the inherent law of plants, crystals metals, colors, magnets, music, etc. In the fifth degree of Balahate, the student learns the science ofnature and interactions of alchemic laws. In the sixth degree ofAstronomos, the student learns cycles, astrology and the manipulations ofthe cosmic forces and their reac- tion in the cells, thoughts, biochemistry, organs, bones, emotions, vitamins and minerals in the body and on the galaxy. In the seventh degree of the Propheta the student learns all the secrets of the higher mystery system and becomes a god (Master, Ph.D.). Interesting to note, the word god is not meant in the European orthodox sense. In African culture, if a chicken had offspring (children) they were called chickens and if God had children (man) they could be called gods. The title ofgod was earned via the mys- tery system and the application of Ma'at in the daily life. The course pletion could take up to 13 years or more (a combination ofhigh school and· college). Today, the course has to be adapted, reduced and translated and put in a language conducive for the social condition Africans are in   It has to be used as technology for African liberation. The Overlooked Revolution  The selection of a student int . from two to three years. Hippocrat 0 esotenc mystery system would take years or less in Africa. His at most extreme estimate two teric or a general myster s ste;e 0 medlcme would have been the eso- Caucasian medicine is bas:d Ipon th In other words, Greek and Irst medical science. Yet with thi' I' d ooks (first degree) ofAfrican . , s Imlte knowled H' appro::nmately 3,000 people in his lif4 f H . ge, lppocrates cured In the body. He used the book e lme. e dId not .know blood circu- mformation taught by the Priest/M nk fr0I? Afnca along  with the Temple cult. 0 ea th practitioners ofthe Escalypius Caduceus  (Symbol ofHealth Practitioners)  OriginalAncient African Caduceus.  eman  a staff  (The.symbolic man with a birds head is  holdzng the Ankh in the right hand and  snakes in  The  Caucasian symbol  uses the birds wings instead oifth  'h b' , :va  a  lrd s head.  Instead ofankh  is used and the snakes entwine ar;und it.)  Section  I  Dis-ease  Treatment  and  Health  ABCESS  Abscess is the accumulation of pus in a particular part of the body due to  infection. An abscess  can be externally or internally. They lead to bacter- ial  infection.  The  infected area becomes swollen,  inflamed,  and  tender.  Intermittent fever and chills can be a result ofAbscess. Abscess can be in  the  brain,  lungs, abdominal wall, gastrointestinal tract,  teeth, gums, ears,  tonsils,  sinuses, breasts, kidneys, prostate gland, etc.  Supplement  Suggested Dosage  Remarks  Zinc  Garlic capsules  VrtaminA  Vitamin E  Germanium  MSM  VitaminC with Bioflavonoids  MUltiple Vitamins and Minerals  Digestive Enzyme  Lysine  80 mg., daily in divided  doses.  2 capsules 3 times daily.  Begin with 100,000 IU  for  the filSl5 days, decrease  to 50,000 IU for the next  5 days. Then decrease  again to 25,000 IU.  400-600IU.  100 mg., daily.  1,000-2,000 mg.  6,0()()"10,OOO mg.,  in daily dMded doses.  As directed.  As directed.  AMINO ACIDS  1,000 mg., daily.  HERBS  Use for infections.  A natural antibiotic.  Combats infection.  Good for circulation and  increases oxygen in cells.  Builds the immune system  Skin diseases ofall types.  Aids tissue repair and  immunity.  Aids healing.  Breaks down waste.  Used for infection.  Burdock Root, Chapanral, Dandelion Root, Echinacea,  Red Clover, Thuja, Yellow Greens.  FOODS  (EatenWhole Of Juiced. Use Proper Food Combining)  Cabbage, Corn, Dandelion Greens, FIgs, Lemon.  Pyrogenium 7  Hepar Sulphur 7  Ferr. Phos. and Kali. Mur.  HOMEOPATHIC  5 gr.,  every 24 hours.  5 gr., every 48 hours.  TISSUE SALTS  Alternate hourly.  ACNE  Aids excretion oi pus.  Expels pus.  Enhances skin cleansing.  Acne is a skin inflammation. A sebaceous gland, in each hair follicle pro- duces  oil  that  lubricates  the  skin.  Some  of the  oil becomes  trapped  and  4 5 AFRICAN HOLISTIC HEALTH e because the . . skin Adolescents h ave acn bacteria grow, WhICh imbalance of male sebaceous glands strm ( f  ation) in the digestIve tract, syn uberty or fermentlUg food \cons IP. . the food or sex honnones and with skinpigments and the Blackheads form when sebum co filled with sebum, white heads When scales under the skin d roprure which spreads the pores. White heads can spread under the s , an , appear. infla.tIlU11ition. RemarkS  Suggested Dosage  supplement  Helps reduce infections of  200-400 mcg.  the skin, Chromium  Helps use essential latty  1 capsule before meals.  acids, LeCithin  Helps healing.  As directed.  Repairs damaged cells.  Primrose Oil  ,  1tbsp. cold-pressed or  Unsaturated Fatty ACids  take in capsule iorm.  Heals tissue and combats  30-80 mg., daily.  scarring. Zinc Gluconate  ProtectiVe of  epithelial  100,000 IU Vitamin  A  (skin) tisSue. Vitamin A and E  and 400 Vitamin E. purifies blood and  As directed.  prevents infectiOns. Chlorophyll (liquid or tablets)  Caution: Those with  Take with meals.  ulcers should not take Hydrochloric Acid (HCl)  digestive enzymes with Digestive Enzymes  containing HCl.  .  .  eals  Increase blood flow to the  100mg.,3timesdatlywithm  .  skin,  Niacin  Builds healthy skin tone.  50  mg., 3 times daily.  Vitamin B complex  (high potency) with  Improves immunity. B  and Pantothenic  3.000-5,000 mg., VitJmin C with Bioflavonoids  daily in divided doses.  Fights skin diseases.  1,000-3,000 mg.  MSM  AMINO ACIDS  Combats infection and skin  1,000 mg., daily.  disease.  lysine  HERBS  .  old  Wild Strawberry.  andelion Root, Echinacea, English Walnut, Mang  ,  Burdock R00, t  D FOOD  n  Dandelion Greens, Lemon, Soybeans. Cabbage, Cor ' HOMEOPATHIC  promotes healthy skin.  2 gr. Calcarea Phosphorica  Maintains healthy skin and pulsatilla 7  2 gr., alternate days and at night.  Kali Bromalum 4  Section 1: Dis-Ease Treatment and Health Homeopathic Creme,  Cleanses skin.  Creme Homeodora  nSSUESALTS  Ferr. Phos. and Nat. Phos.  Altemate.  Inflammation.  Calc. Phos. and Sllicea  Altemate.  Stabilizes  tissue.  ADRENAL GLAND EXHAUSTION The adrenal glands are small glands. There is one on top ofeach kidney. The gland secretes hormones and can be exhausted owing to states ofstress   tional, mental, physical), hyperactivity, disease, oppression, under-nutrition, crisis, microwave usage, anger, violence, fights (verbaJJphysical), drugs, mdi- ation, synthetic chemicals, etc. The adrenal has two parts the Medulla (Male Principle), which secretes norepinephrine and adrenaline, they increases metabolism in order to adapt to stress and the Cortex (Female Principle), which adjusts natural sugar metabolism and regulates levels of steroid hor- mones (aldosterone, estrogen, DHEA, testosterone, progesterone). Supplements  Suggested Dosage  Remarks  Panthothenic Acid  500-2,000 mg., daily.  Regulates stress hormones.  CoEnzyme Q10 30 mg., 3 times daily.  Helps regulate glands.  Vitamin B-Complex  100 mg., daily.  Anti-stress.  Germanium  100-300 mg., daily.  Cleanses glands.  VitaminCor  3,000 mg.,  daily.  Protects nervous system.  EsterC  1,500 mg.,  daily.  Evening  Primrose  4 to 6 capsules daily.  Reduces stress &irritability  Potassium  99 mg., daily.  Helps stabilize nerves.  Zinc  50 mg.  Enhances glandular function.  Vanadyl Sulfate  100 mg.  Regulates  energy level.  Manganese  10-50 mg.  Useful for nerves, hormones  and sex glands.  GLANDULARS  Adrenai  As directed  Nourishes adrenal glands.  AMINO ACIDS  Tyrosine  500 mg"  daily.  Relieves stress.  ADRENAL STRESS AND DISEASE The adrenal glands are triangular-shaped organs that sit on the top of each kidney; The gland has two sections. The outer section is responsible for the production ofcortisone. The medulla or central section secretes adrenaline. 6  7  AFRICAN HOLISTIC  HEALTH  The adrenal cortex helps to maintain electrolyte, salt and water balance.  It is also involved in the metabolism of carbohydrates and the regulation  of blood sugar. The cortex produces a sex hormone similar to that secreted  by the testes.  The Medulla of the adrenal gland produces the hormone epinephrine,  (adrenaline). It is used when the organs  inside  the  body are  stressed and  whenever you are under emotional, mental and/or spiritual stress. The type  of stress and  duration of stress, such as  social stress (job,  marriage, fam- ily, money), emotional stress (low self esteem, racism) spiritual stress (con- flict with life's purpose) and disease stress (High Blood pressure, drugs) can  increase the aging of the internal organs and make you old. One has to be  nutritionally able to endure stressors or else the stress will cause a disease.  Adrenaline speeds up the rate ofmetabolism in order to help the body cope  with stressful situations and stressful diseases.  The health ofthe adrenal glands can be impaired due to extensive use  of cortisone therapy  for  non-endocrine  diseases,  such  as arthritis  and  asthma. Excessive or long-term use ofcortisone drugs causes deterioration  or shrinkage ofthe adrenal gland. Adrenocortical failure can be caused by  pituitary disease and tuberculosis.  When the adrenal cortex is under-active, it can cause Addison's disease.  Discoloration and  darkening of the  skin is  common in Addison's disease.  There may be discoloration ofknees, vagina, mouth, elbows, scars, skin folds,  and creases in the palms. There may be dark vertical lines  on the fingernail  and darker hair. There may be a decrease in body hair (i.e., under the arms),  a loss ofappetite, mood swings, dizziness or fainting,  fatigue, an inability to  cope with stress and nausea. The individual can be cold all the time.  Cushing's syndrome is caused by an overactive adrenal cortex. Those  with  this  disease  can be  heavy  in  the  buttocks,  abdomen,  and  face',  and  have  skinny limbs.  Muscular weakness and deterioration of muscle mass  are typical of this syndrome.  Dark spots may  appear on the face,  and the  eyelids may be swollen. There is an increased growth ofbody hair. Women  may grow mustaches and beards. A "Cushinoid" appearance is frequently  present with excessive or prolonged cortisone use,  People with Cushing's  get illnesses easily and have  poor healing ability.  Cushing's  causes  thin  skin, stretch marks and bruising.  The symptoms  of Adrenal function problems  are  dizziness,  weak- ness, lethargy, allergies, headaches, blood sugar problems, food cravings,  weakness and forgetfulness. A normal systolic (top number) blood pres- sure is approximately  10 mm higher (150) when you are standing than  when  you  are  lying down.  To  test  adrenal function,  compare  two  blood  pressure readings--one  while  lying  down and  one  while  standing.  Rest  for five minutes, lying down before taking the reading. Stand up and then  take  the blood pressure. If the blood pressure is lower after standing, this  can indicate reduced adrenal gland function. The degree to which the blood  Section I: Dis-Ease Treatment and Health proportionate  to  the  degree  of hypo-adrenalism  (under  Supplement Suggested Dosage Remarks Pantothenic Acid (Vitamin BJ  Vitamin B Complex  VitaminC  Chlorophyll  CoenzymeQ10  Germanium  Multiple Vitamin and  Mineral Complex wfth  Befa..Carotene  Copper  Zinc  Raw Spleen TIssue  and Pituitary Glandulars.  Raw Adrenal extract  orlablets  Liver (Organic}  L-Tyrosine  .  100 mg., 3 times dally  100 mg., twice daily  4,000 to 10,000 mg.,  daily in divided doses.  As directed  oxygen to cells.  60 mg., daily  100 mg., daily  15,000 IU daily  3 mg., daily.  so mg., daily.  GLANDULARS As directed  As directed.  As directed.  AMINO ACIDS  1,000 mg., on empty stomach.  HERBS The adrenal glands function  with Pantothenic Acid.  Improves adrenal function.  Helps glands to function.  Purffies blood and increases  Canies oxygen to all  glands.  Improves immunity.  Activates Immunity.  Activates immunity.  Activates immunity.  Enhances the healing  process.  Helps build and repair the  adrenal glands.  Nourishes the Liver.  Relieves adrenal gland  stress.  Amencan Sanicle, Barberry,  8ear's Garlic  BlackCohos  Cleavers,  ErgOt,  European' Mistletoe,  Violet    .VervaPain, 80nesel, ChaNiI, 1 Broom, Skullcap, StorksbiH, Wild Black Cherry.  "  ,  nlon,  rs &-f,  Rue, Scotch  FOOD '::OUl\iJpe, Carrots,  Celery,  Cranberries, Cucumbers,  Endives,  Garlic  ,  .  .  I  ,  mquats, Neclannes, Oranges, Parsley, Peaches  Pears  .  '  Raspbemes, Spinach, Squash (Summer)  Strawberries  liang  .  "  Peppers, Pineapple, .'  ,ennes, tomatoes, Turnip Greens.  HOMEOPATHIC Rhus. Tox. 9 (Poison Oak}  5 gr., every 48 hours.  ignatia 7 and Cocculus 7  2 gr. Alternate, take in the a.m. Arnica 8  5 gr., every 48 hours.  TISSUE SALTS KaII.Phos.  Daily. Fen: Phos. and Silicea  As directed or twice daily.  Used for skin disease.  B and   ~ 100 mg., 3  m e s daily:  Vitamin C with BiofIavonoids  2,000 mg., and up, 3 times daily  Enhances immune function.  Bee Pollen (raw crude polen)  2 tsp. daily, or take in capsule  Builds up a resistance to form, beginning with a few  pollen.  Vitamins Bs (Pyridoxine) and C  granules at atime. 50 mg., each daily:  Essential for immunity.  Manganese Chelate  2-10 mg. Essential for nerve, gland  and sex organs.  14 15 AFRICAN HOLISTIC HEALTII VegetarianAcidophilus Asdirected, Takeonanemptystomach foreasieraccess intothe smallintestine. Calcium 1,500-2,000 mg., daily. Reducesstress.  Magnesium 750 mg.,daily.  Bromelin Take with meals. Thosewith ulcersshould  takeabrand without hydrochloricacid (Hel). BetaCarotene 1,500 IU daily. Stimulatesimmune response. Quercitin 500 mg.,twicedaily. Aoo·bioactivebioflavonoid thatbuildsimmunityand decreasesreactionsto certainfoods. pollens,and otherallergens. VitaminA 10,000 IUdaily. Vitalfor properimmune function. Vitamin0 600IUdaily. VrtaIincalciummetabolism, VitaminE 6OOIUdaily. Necessaryfor proper immunefunction. Zinc 50 mg.,daily. Enhancesimmunefunction. Coenzyme0 10 100 mg.,daily. Aidscellularoxygenation andimmunefunction. Germanium 60 mg.,daily. Enhancesimmune response. GLANDULARS RawAdrenal,RawThymus, 500mg.,each, twicedaily. Stimulatesimmunefunction. andRawSpleen AMINOACIDS l-TyrosineandL'Cysteine 500 mg.,eachon empty VitaminsB6 andCaid in stomachdaily, assimilation. HERBS Burdock,Cantaury.Cubeb, Dandelion, Eyebright,FringeTree,Goldenseal(thosewithragweed shouldavoid), MilkThistle, Papaya, Phytolacca,SkunkCabbage. FOODS Organicfruitsand vegetablesas muchaspossible.Eatwhatcanbetolerated. HOMEOPATHIC Kali lodatum7, AlliumCepa7 2 gr.,onceaday. Relievessymptoms. andNaphthalinum7 TISSUESALTS KalL Mur. Asdirected. Eczemalike. Ferr.Phos. Hot,drythroatand temperature, Ferr.Phos.andNat.Mur. Asdirected, Hay Feverand running nose. A book such as Allergies by Graham-Bonnalie is a useful guide. Section 1: Dis-Ease Treatment and Health ALZHEIMER'S DISEASE/SENILE DEMENTIA InAlzheimer's Disease or Senile Dementia, the memory and abstract think- ing is deteriorated. In Alzheimer's, there is a loss ofthe ability to commu- nicate and focus on ideas, people or situations. There are wide mood and thought swings, with a loss ofwhere you are and what date and time it is. Itcauses the inability to recognize family and/or friends. There can be incontinence ofbowel movements and bladder (needs to wear a diaper). In the later stages, the individual's health slowly deteriorates until they are incapacitated. The untreated person usually will die within five years. The brain has physical changes. In the brain's memory center (Hippocampus), the nerve fibers are tangled. This stops messages from being carry to and from the brain. Many times, a series of unnoticed and notice strokes cause Alzheimer's. The arteries leading to the brain can get hard (arteriosclerosis) and/or clogged with waste (atherosclerosis) as well as the veins (varicose), which can lead to Alzheimer's. A nutritional imbal- ance caused by a junk food diet affects the body and the brain resulting in deficiencies of Potassium, Zinc, Boron, Vitamin B Complex, especially B [2 and Selenium. These deficiencies have been noted from autopsies of Alzheimer victims. These victims also had high quantities ofAluminum, Silicon, Sulfur, Bromine and Calcium in the brain. These can cause a high conductance ofelectricity that wears out the covering ofthe nerves, reduc- ing their efficiency to carry information. Other diseases such as hypothy- roidism, syphilis, brain tumors, as well as blood clots to the brain and drugs can cause an Alzheimer's reaction. A child that has been breastfed and eats natural foods will more than likely never become a victim of this modern dis-ease. Supplement SuggestedDosage Remarks Niacinamide 300 mg. Dilatesvessels,which increasesnutrientstothe brain, Magnesium 500mg. Aidstransmissionofnerve impulse. Potassium 99 mg. Aidsnervoussystemand electrochemicalimpulses. Zinc 50 mg. Enhanceselectrical transmission. Manganese 2 mg. Increaseshealthofnerves. Selenium 200 meg.daily. Improvesnervefunction. Vanadium 100mg.,daily. Providesenergytobrain. Boron 3mg.,daily. Stabilizesnerves. VitaminBComplex 100mg. Enhancesbrainfunction. VitaminBe 50mg. Helpsinthedigestion",,' food. ( VilaminB 1,OOOmg, Helpsnervesandbrain 12 function. 16  17  Vitamin C with  Bioflavonoids  VitarninE  Coenzyme 010  Germanium  Kelp  Vegetable Protein Powder  (Soy free)  RNA-DNA  Parathyroid  Pituitary  Glutamine  Taurine  GABA  GlYCine  AFRICAN HOLISTIC  HEALTH  6,000-10,000 IU daily,  in divided doses.  Start at 400 IU dally and  increase to 800 IU.  200 mg., daily.  200 mg., daily.  5 tablets daily.  As directed.  200 mg., RNA; 100 mg., DNA.  GLANDULARS As directed.  As directed.  AMINO ACIDS  2,000 mg., daily.  1,000 mg.  750 mg.  500-1,000 mg.  HERBS Aids immune function and  increases energy levels.  Facilities transport oxygen  to the brain cells.  Carries oxygen to cells and  helps in generating cellular  energy.  Aids immune function.  Supplies trace minerats.  Enhances brain function  and tissue repair.  The brain's cellular building  blocks.  Aid electrical flow.  Stimulates energy to  tissues.  Restores memory, repairs  brain cells.  Nerve transmission and  anticonvulsant.  Helps control behavior.  Anti-anxiely.  Butcher's Broom, Gingko, Ginseng, Gotu Kola. SI. John'sWort.  FOODS  Almond, Avocado, Barley, Beans, Beets, Brazil Nuts, Catbage, Collard Greens, Com, Eggplant lettuce,  Peas,  Raw Peanuts,  Rye, Tumip Greens, Tumips.  Kali. Phosphoricum  Anacardium  and CoccuJus  Lycopodium (Club Moss )7  BarytaCarbonxica 9  Kali. Phos. and Mag. Phos.  Silicea  HOMEOPATHIC 2 gr., in the mornings.  As directed.  5 gr., Sundays upon awakening.  5 gr., Thursdays upon a'Nakening.  nSSUESAlTS Daily For nerves.  Daily.  ANEMIA Mental fatigue and function.  Anxiety and nerviousness.  Anxiety and aggressiveness.  Moodiness.  Anemia is  reduced number of circulating red blood cells, hemoglobin  volume  tn .the  blood.  It is not  a  dis-ease,  but a  symptom  of various  diseases. !he    develop slowly and the person may adjust to it  and  WIth ImtabIllty,  loss of appetite, constipation, problems con- centratmg and  symptoms are drowsiness, slight  fever,  pale fingernaIl beds, dlzzmess, sore tongue, angina pectoris, loss of  Section 1: Dis-Ease Treatment and Health sexual interest,  fast heartbeats, menstruation may stop;  indigestion, pale- ness under the eyelid, depression and weakness.  Anemia can be caused by hormonal disorders,  liver  damage,  radia- tion, ulcers, drugs, surgery, hemorrhoids, heavy bleeding during menstru- ation or between menstruation cycles, infections, diverticular disease, thy- roid disorders, bone marrow disease, rheumatoid arthritis and/or repeated  pregnancies.  Supplements Suggested Dosage  Remarks Iron (Vegetable Source)  Liquid  Iron (Vegetable Source)  Manganese  Blackstrap Molasses  Brewer's Yeast  Copper plus  Zinc  Raw Spleen Concentrate  Vitamin A plus  Beta-Carotene  Vitamin E emulsion  Folic acid  Biotin  Vitamin B12  Vitamin Bcomplex with  extra Pantothenic acid (Bsl and  Vitamin B6 (Pyridoxine)  Vitaniin C  Betaine Hydrochloride  RawUver  Methione  15-65 mg.  2 tsp. daily.  As directed.  1 tbsp. twice daily for adults;  for children and babies,  add 1 tsp to vegetable milk  As directed on label.  2 mg., daily.  30 mg., daily.  As directed.  10,000 IU daily.  15,000 IU daily.  700 IU daily ortaka  in capsule form.  aoo meg.,  twice daily. 300 mcg.,  twice daily.  2,000 meg.,  3 times daily.  Injections are the most effective  or take in sublingual fomn.  50 mg., of each 3 times daily.  100 mg.,  3 times daily.  50 mg., 3 times daily.  3,000-10,000 mg., daily.  After meals.  GLANDULARS 500 mg., twice daily.  AMINO ACIDS  As directed.  HERBS Easily absorbed.  Easily absorbed.  Converts to Iron.  Has iron and essential B  Vllamins  Rich in basic nutrients.  Copper is used in red blood  cell production.  Vital for blood cells.  Take emulsion for easier  assimilation Helps utilize red  blood cells.  For red blood cell fonnation.  Essential in  red blood cell  production.  Pantothenic acid and  . Pyridoxine build red blood  cells.  Needed for iron absorption.  Helps assimilate Iron and  B12•  Aids red  blood cell  production.  Cleanses liver.  Alfalfa, Barberry, Comfrey, Dandelion, 8ecarnpane, Milk Thistle, Mullein, Nettle, Oregon Grape,  Red  Raspberry,  8t. John's Wort, Thyme.  FOODS Apples, Apricots, Beets, Blackberries, Blueberries, Broccoli, Cabbage, Cauliflower, Cherries,  Collards,  Currants,  Dandelion  Greens,  Dates,  Endive,  Figs,  Grapefruit,  Guava,  Kale,  Macadamia Nuts,  Mustard Greens,  Peppers, Turnip Greens,  Raisins.  18 19 AFRICAN HOLISTIC HEALTH HOMEOPATHIC Used for skin diseases. As directed. China 4 TISSUE SALTS Essential for iron anemia. As directed. Ferr. Phos. A book such as Overcoming Anemia, by Gregory Hall is a useful resource. APPETITE (POOR) Mental, emotional and spiritual factors such as .anger,   guilt, depression, episodes ofWhite Racism, negative   bemg sick, stress, boredom, undefined Slavery Trauma feelings, n?tntlOn . . 1 gal and illegal drug use an illness toxins from the envrronment (rur, ClenCles, e ". ., h ater chemicals) and fumes from chemicals ill buddings (school, were you ;ork' etc.) and/or being poor can lead to a poor appetite. The sight of an undernourished person to lose their appetite. A person SWltching from junk food to healthy food may lose their appetite because the of whole foods is different. Past arguments or negative feelings and/or at a previous meal can cause recurrent bad l!lOods loss of appetlte. The appetite can be stimulated with a pleasant eatlng envrronment and appeal- ing and good tasting food and the elimination of factors causmg a poor appetite. Remarks Suggested Dosage Supplement Multiple Vitamin and Mineral Vitamin A Calcium Magnesium Vitamin B Ccmplex Zinc Copper Vitamin 8 1 Vitamin 8 2 Nutritional Brewer's Yeast Vegetable Protein Powder (Soy Free) As directed, 25,000 IU daily. 1 ,500 mg., daily. 750 mg., daily. 100 mg., or more daily. 80 mg., daily. 3 mg., daily. 10-25 mg. 10-100 mg. Start with 1/2 tsp. As directed. Necessary nutrients. Cleanses and protects. Helps maintain healthy digestive tract. Aids digestion. Relieves stress. Increases appetite. Increases appetite and the taste "Of foods. Needed to balance Zinc level. Stimulates appetite. Stimulates appetite. Improves the appetite. Helps tissue. Acts as an appetite stimulant. Raw Pancreas, Raw Liver GLANDULARS Aids digestion. Histidine AMINO ACIDS 1,000-2,000 mg. Aids stimulation. Section 1: Dis-Ease Treatment and Health Arginine 500-1,000 mg. Increases use of energy and thus improves appetite. HERBS Alfalfa, Allspice. Anise, Artichoke, Caraway, Celery, Coriander, Cardamom, Dill, Goldenseal, Thyme, Milk Thistle, Parsley, Plum, Rosemary, Savory, Tarragon, Wormwood. FOOD Apricots, Asparagus, Beet Greens, Broccoli, Cabbage, Cantaloupe, Carrots, Corn, Dandelion Greens, Kale, Lettuce, Mustard Greens, Oranges, Papaya, Peas, Yams, Turnip Greens. HOMEOPATHIC Wheat, Barley, Oats . 1st Centesimal 10 drops Helps stimulate appetite. before every meal. Lycopodium 7 5 gr., every 10 days. Aids loss of appetite TISSUE SALTS Calc. Fluor. As directed. Nourish digestive organs and glands. Nat. Phos. and Kali Suiph. Alternate. Aids digestion and appetite problems. ARTERIOSCLEROSIS/ATHEROSCLEROSIS Arteriosclerosis (artery, sclero hard) is the thickening, hardening and loss of flexibility ofthe arteries. There can be an accumulation of Calcium on the inside wall of the artery. Atherosclerosis is the accumulation of fatty sub- stances, carbohydrates, fibrous tissue, blood and blood products in the artery. Both conditions are completely avoidable and related to eating junk foods. Both conditious cause the artery to narrow, which reduces the blood supply , to cells, tissues, organs and bones. 'This causes high blood pressure, cells starve (ischemia), arteries get blocked, which results in heart attacks (myocar- dial infarction), strokes (cerebrovascular accidents), coronary disease (angina),   death. Toxic metal from public drinking water, copper and/or aluminum !plumbing (lead), and cooking utensils, lead-glazed ceramics, polluted air, etc. can deposit on the artery walls causing them to get hard. Narrowed arteries can cause legs to feel heavy andl or painful while walk- ing with the symptoms stopping when you sit down. The symptoms vary based upon the location. There can be weakness, numbness, aching muscles, cramp-like sensations, fatigue, pain and coldness in areas such legs, ankles, thighs, hips, etc. It can affect the hearing, vision and sex organs. If there are narrowed arteries in the legs, there will be a weak pulse felt behind the knee, on the top of the foot andlor the inner part of the ankle. Supplement Suggested Dosage Remarks Niacinamide 500 mg., 3 times daily. Dilates and increases blood flow. 20 21 AFRICANHOLISTIC HEALTH 1tbspor2capsuleswithmeals. Dissolvesfat. Lecithin Vitalnutrients. VegetarianMultipleVitamin andMineral Lowerslipid(tat) contentof 500-10,000mg. blood. Choline Usechelateorasporotate. 1,500mg.,daily. Calcium Magnesium 750mg.,dally. ShouldbetakenOIlan L-MethionineandL-Cysteine 500mg.,each,dally. emptystomach. Takewith VitaminCorwithVitaminB6 foreasierassimilation. Makesbloodslippery.Aids UnsaturatedFatlyAcids Asdirected. circulation,  Bvitaminsworkbellerasa  100mg.,3timesdaily. complex.NiaCin (B 3 ) dilates thesmallarteries(arteri- VitaminBComplex oles). 50mg.,daily,  Helpscleansingand ZincChelate healing. 3mg.,daily. 100mg.,daily. CopperChelate Enhancestissue CoenzymeQ10 oxygenation. Lowerscholesterolandaids Germanium 200mg" daily. cellularoxygenation. Vitamin Helpscleanseartaries. 6,000-10,000mg., indailydivideddoses. Hasaneffectonlipids(fat). C(buffered) Asdirected. Garlictablets Aidsinproperdigestion. Takewithmeals. Helpsindestroyingfree MultidigestiveEnzymes Takebetweenmeals. radicals.Aidsdgestive function. EnharceSVitaminEusage. ProteolyticEnzymes 200megdaily, Selenium Increaseslowly. Helpsget VitaminAandEVitaminA:  25,000IU; VitaminE:400-1,000IU.  ridofoeIlularwaste accumulation. GLANDULARS Helpsabsorbnutrientsand Asdirected. detoxifies. RawLiver AMINOACIDS Dilatesarteries.Increases 1,000-2,000mg. Histidine bloodflow. Fatmetabolizer, 500-1,000mg. Arginine Usefulincirculatory 1,000-2,000mg. disorders. Camitine HERBS Artichoke,Cayenne,Chickweed,Currants,GotuKola,Hawthorn,Horsetai,Hyssop,Nutmeg,Shepherd's Purse. FOODS Asparagus,Beans, Beets,Blackberries,Cantaloupe,Carrots,Cherries,CollardGreens,Cucumbers, DandelionGreens,Dulse,Endives,Gooseberries,Grapefrun,Kale,MustardGreens,O  Garlic capsules  Vegetarian Acidophilus  bacteria balance  dance of  cause  Allalla tablets or liquid  Chlorophyl  2,000 - 6,000 mg., daily.  15,000 IU daily.  10,000 IU  daily.  100 mg.  50 mg.  50 mg.  50 mg., 3 times daily.  2 capsules  meais  and at bedtime.  bacteria in both the mouth  As directed.  the colon. Insufficient  6 tablets daily or 1tbsp liquid  in juice or water, 3 times daily.  Green drinks are one of the  best ways to combat bad  breath. Chlorophyll can also  1 tbsp. to  V2 glass of water.  Do not take fiber at the same  time that you take vitamins  medications,  because the  fiber can absorb them.  Vital in  healing mouth and  gum disease in preventing  bleeding gums. Rids the  body of excess mucous and  toxins that can cause bad  breath.  Needed for control of  infection and in healing of  the mouth.  Vitamin 6 e  is used for all  enzyme systems in the  Niacin dilates tiny capillaries  for improved blood flow to  infection sites.  Garlic acts as a nalural  antibiotic, destroying foreign  and colon.  Needed to replenish/restore  "friendly' bacteria balance in    and an overabun- harmful bacteria can  bad breath.  Chlorophyll cleanses the  bloodstream and colon,  which can be the site where  bad breath begins.  Barley, Black Walnut, Broccoli, Brussels Sprouts, cauliflower, Collard Greens, Currants, Guava, Kale,  Lemon, Orange, Peas, Pecans, Soy Beans, Spinach, Turnip Greens.  HOMEOPATHIC  Rus.Tox.9  Lachesis 7  Causticum 7  Sedative P.C.  5 gr.,  as directed.  As directed.  5 gr., as directed.  2 gr.,  3 times daily.  Spasms, pain.  Spasms, pain.  Spasms, pain.  Spasms, pain.  llSSUE SALTS  SUicea and calc. Flour.  Kali. SUlph. and Mag. Phos.  KaIi.Phos.  Nat. Mur.  Both in the a.m. and p.m.  Ailernate.  3 times daily.  3 times daily.  Arthritis, pain.  Pain.  Pain.  Pain, spasm.  Section 1: Dis-Ease Treatment and. Health 31  AFRICAN HOLISTIC HEALTH 30  Calciumplus 500mg.,daily. Dosageis forchildren6to GLANDULARS Magnesium 250 mg.,daily 12 yearsold.Dosagemust Aidsindigestion. Asdirected. beadjustedforothers. Asdirected. RawUwr  VegetableProteinSupplement Follow labeldirections. Helpsto strengthenbladder muscle. RawPancreas AMINO ACIDS  GLANDULARS Helpsdigestionoffood. 1,000-2,000 mg. Arginine RawKidney, Asdirected. Helpsregulateurineflow. Raw Prostate(men, boys). Asdirected. Helpscontrol urination. HERBS AMINOACiDS Taurine 1,000-2,000 mg. Helpsnervousproblems Bennet,CarawfI;', DBI, Echinacea, Linden,Myrrtl,Rosemary,Senna   (i.e.,epilepsy,fits).  Apricots Artichoke,AsparaguS,Avocado,BeetGreens,Bluebemes,Cantaloupe,Cherries,Chestnuts,  FOOD Glutamine 500-2,000 mg. Helpsbehavioralproblems  cranbeIries. Endive, FIgS, Grapes, Gooseberries,Jackfruil,Nectarines,0I1V9S, Peaches,Pecans, Peppers,  thatmaybe afactor. Plums,Quince,Raisins,Raspberries,Rhubarb,Squash,Tornatoes. HERBS Bearberry,Betony,Sistert,Cubeb',Fennel,Hops, Horsetail,JuniperBerry, Mukweed,Oat.Pansy, Plantain, HOMEOPATHIC Aids digestion. St. John'sWort,Uva  (*=diuretics.Giveearlyduringtheday). 2 gr., inthea.m. NuxVomica8 Increasesmovementoffood. 2 gr.,atnoon. L¥coPodium7  Helpsstimulatemetabolism. FOOD 2 gr.,at inthea.m. Opium7  Asparagus, Avocado,Beets, Cabbage, Cel9l)',DandelionGreens,Grapes,Mango,Olives, Radish, Raw  Peanuts,Spinach,Squash,Strawberry, Watercress,Watemnelon. l1SSUE SALTS Helpsmoisturizecelis, 3-200 X,alternate. NatPhos.and NatMur. aidingfoodtransient. HOMEOPAllilC Children: Pulsatilla?and 2 gr.,inthe a.m. Helpscontrolurineflow.  Sulphurlodaium7 BED-WETTING ... FerrumPhoshoricum4 2 gr.,inthep.m.and aiternate. Infections,skinproblems. andEquisetum4  Bed-wetting usually refers to nocturnal (nighttime) incontinence or  China? 2gr., intheafternoon. Helpsstabilizebladder.  the bed while sleeping. It can be caused by drinking fluids too late at m.ght,  Adults: small or weak bladders, smooth muscles weakness, a  ?frheumat:tsm,  Sepia7 and Causlicum7  2 gr.,inthea.m.andalternate. Occursafteroperation tr  fear  urinary tract infections, nutritional  defiCIencIes,  behaViOral  andforchildbirth. imbalances, allergies, fibroid tumors, prostate prob- Arnica8 andStap/"o/sagria? 2 gr., inthe am.and alternate. AfterDiabetes,fright,  etc. lems, diabetes, etc.  Opium7 andGelsemium7  2 gr.,inthea.m.andalternate. Helpsregulateurineflow. Remarl<.s TISSUE SALTS Suggested Dosage Supplement Nat.Mur.And Nat Phos. Alternate.Taketwicedaily: Helpsnomnalizeurineflow. Helpssupplyallneeded Asdirected. MultipleVitaminand  nutrients.  MineralComplex  Strengthensnerves. BLADDER INFECTION 1,000·2,000 mg. VitaminBComplex Helpstobalancesodium. Asdirected(99mg.,  (CYSTITIS) Potassium forchildren,12 and VitaminsAandEaidin  10,000-50,0001U.  Bladder infections  can cause  an urgent need to  urinate. Urination is usu- VrtaminA normalizingbladdermuscle function. ally frequent  and painful. When the bladder is empty, there may still be a  Aidsbladdermuscle need  to  urinate.  The urine  may have  a  cloudy  appearance  and  a  foul  100IU dailyforchildren, VitaminE function. unpleasant odor.  Chlamydia can cause bladder problems.  Bacterial infec- 6-12yearsold;600IU dailyforadults. tions (Escherichia coli) can cause a urinary tract infection. In women, bac- Helpstoimprovebladder 10 mg.,dailyforchildren; teria  from  the  anus  can  migrate  to  the  vagina and uterus  resulting  in  an  Zinc function.Enhancesthe 80 mg., dailyforadults.  immunesystem.  infection. In children, a bladder infection can cause lower abdominal pain  As directed. pumpkinSeedOilCapsules 32 33 AFRICAN HOLISTIC HEALTH  . . . sation. The acid content of the urine and the urme may give a sen. can hel to retard bacterial growth. canbe raised with cranbeny JUlce. aEon of the bladder, Fibroid A kidney cru: long, and prostate problems. tumors, holdmg the unne m e bl ck urine resulting in a bladder An enlarged or swollen prostate can 0 infection. Remarks suggested Dosage Supplement  Multiple Vitamin and Mineral  Vitamin A  Beta-Carotene  VllaminE  Zinc  Betaine Hydrochloride  Garlic capsules  Carrot Acidophilus (Milk Freel VrtaminC  Vitamin B complex  Calcium  Magnesium  cium. infection.  RaW Kid....ey  As directed.  10,000 IU daily.  15,000 IU daily.  600 IU daily.  50 mg., daily.  1-2 tablets after each meal  or snack with If., glass of water.  2 capsules, 3 times daily.  2 capsules, 3times daily.  warm water as a douche. If  4,000 -5,000 mg., daily.  50 -100 mg., twice daily.  1,500 mg., daily.  .  750 -1,000 mg., dally.  MSM (Methylsulfonyl-Melhan e )  GLANDULARS  As directed.  Raw Thymus and Raw Pituitary  50 mg., twice daily.  AMINO ACIDS As directed. Lysine  500 mg., twice daily on  .  L-Cysteine  an ernpty stomach.  HERBS For essential vitamins and  minerals.  EnhanceS the healing  process and immune  function.  Fights infecting bacteria.  Vital in tissue repair and  immunity.  Raises acid level 01 urine.  Garlic is a natural antibiotic.  Can use 1 \bSp. in 1 quart of associated with Vaginitis,  altemate with apple cider  vinegar. Balances bacteria  level.  Creates an antibacterial  effect through acidification  of urine. Vilal for immune  function.  High doses are necessary  when antibiotics are used.  Reduces bladder irritability.  Helps in the stress response  when balanced with cal- i ,000-2.000 mg. FightS  For infection.  Increases immunity.  For infection.  Apotent detoxifier.  .  Goldenseal  Juniper Berry, Marshmallow Oncreases  Bearberry, Buchu, BurrJoc\<, Cubeb,    '  acid of urine), Uva Ursi Qncraases acid of unne).  Section 1: Dis-Ease Treatment and Health FOOD  Broccoli, Brussels Sprouts, Cauliflower, Celery, Collard Greens, Currants, Endive, Guava, Grapefruit,  Kale,  Lemons, Parsley, Peppers, Spinach, Tornstoes, Turnips, Watercress, Watermelon.  Cystitis Cantharis 4 Mercurius Corrosivus 4 Terebinthina 4 Fer. Phos and Nat Mur.  HOMEOPATHIC  2 gr., immediately.  2 gr.,  1 hour later.  2 gr., 1 hour alter Mercurius.  TISSUE SALTS  Alternate. Take 3 times daily.  BOIL (FURUNCLE)  Repeat for once or twice daily for 3 days.  Helps blood to  rid body of  toxins.  A boil is a round pus-filled eruption that is tender to touch. A carbuncle occurs when boils erupt and spread the infection. Boils begin when a small skin area swells, itches and becomes painful. Boils erupt abruptly and within a 24-hour period, they can become inflamed and filled with pus. A lymph gland close to the boil can get congested with waste and swell. Boils can occur on the face, buttocks, underarms and scalp. A hair follicle can get infected and inflamed, causing a boil. Boils can be caused by an infected wound, thyroid problems, stress, anger, a dis- ease, drugs, junk foods, poor hygiene, toxic waste in the blood, constipa- tion, bacteria andlor food allergies. Supplement  Suggested Dosage  Remarks  GarI'lC Capsules  2 capsules, 3 times daily.  Vrtarnins A and E emulsion  MSM (MetrrylsuHonyl-methane)  tablets and/or lotion.  V'ltainin C  Vitamin A-75,000 IU and  Vitamin E - 600 IU daily  for 1 month. Then 25,000 IU  of Vitamin A and 600 IU of Vitamin E.  1,()(){)-3,OOO mg.  3,000 - 8,000 mg., daily  in divided doses. 60 mg.,  daily.  1tbsp, 3 times daily.  tablets  10-40 mg.  A natural antibiotic and  good for immune fu netion. Vital for proper immune  system function.  Fights infect\on.  An anti-inflammatory and  immune system stimulant.  Vital br oxygen utilization  and immune function.  Wheatgrass and Alfalfa are  good sources. Needed to  clean the blood.  Diseases inflammatory  reaction.  AFRICAN HOLISTIC HEALTH 34 Germanium 200 mg., daily. Vital for immune system. Aids in cleansing the blood. Proteolytic EnzymeS Twice daily on an empty stomach. Improves the cleansing process at infection sites. Needed lor balanced Kelp 6 tablets daily. minerals. Needed for balanced Multiple Minerai Complex As directed. minerals. GLANDULARS Aids the immune system. 500 mg., daily. RawThymus AMINO ACIDS Good for eruptions, cysts, 500-1,000 mg. tumors, etc. Good for infection. Meth\one 1,000-2,000 mg. Lysine HERBS . R t . Id ChickWeed .. Comfrey Dandelion 00, Barberry, Black Walnut, Burdock, Everlasting: trAuliein, Nettle, Pau:' Echinacea, Goldenrocl, Goldenseal,   Stillingia, Thuja, White Oak Bark, Wor , Periwinkle, Red Clover, Rose, sarsapan a, , Yellow Dock. FOODS Bananas, Black Radish, Currants, Onions. HOMEOPATHIC Helps cleanse skin. 2 gr., in the a.m. daily. Pyrogenium 7 Rids skin of toxins. 5 gr.• in the p.m.. every 2 days. Alsenicum Album 7 l1SSUE SALTS Aids the cleansing of tissue. Alternate, take fiNery hour. Ferr. Phos. and Kali. Mur. Skin disease remedy. Daily. Not healing. fluid oozing out. Silicea Altemate. take fiNery 2 hoUrs. Calc. Sulph. and Nat Sulph. Hfluid oozing out, has Ioul Take hourly. KalLPhos. smell. BREAST CANCER . . .Jk ducts lymph vessels and lobes, The breast glands contaUlS tiSSU;'i:rcoastai muscles of the ribs. The which rest on the chest musC an that affect all muscles (i.e., rheuma- breasts are subject to the same d hardening of the arteries. The tism, etc.), blood tha: blood such as waste and cancer. lymph glands a?sorb and become inflamed and/or develop Breasts can get Impacted WIth w s l' nt tumors of the breast are a 11 tu s Cancerous rna 19na b cysts as we as mor. btl that does not move freely may e can- leading cause ofdeath. Areas ump n . non-cancerouS. cerous. Lumps that move freely are usua Y Cancer cells within ducts are There are various ofbThreast not spread to surrounding called Intraductal CarC1ll0 m a. e cancer Section 1: Dis-Ease Treatment and Health tissue. Lobular (in the lobes), adenoid, tubal, medullary and cancers are not the dominant types. The major type is infiltrating, ducta cancer. It spreads (infiltrates) to all surrounding tissue. Women become aware of cancer when a lump is found or a mammogram test indicates it Cancer lumps are firm, usually painless, and never move or change texture or go away. A clear, bloody or yellow discharge from the nipple is usually a sign of cancer in non-pregnant women. Cancer can spread (migrate) to the nipples from another region ofthe breast. Cancer can cause itching, a rash, soreness and inflammation. In inflammatory cancer, the cancer tumors fill the blood vessels and lymph tissue_ The skin becomes red; tender to touch and thickens. This cancer strikes quickly because it is constantly nourished by blood and lymph vessels. Men are currently having an increase in breast cancer. They usually do not examine their nipples or the surrounding areas for lumps or changes. Therefore, the breast cancer is usually far advanced before it is medically detected Supplement Suggested Dosage Remark Digestive Enzyme Take with meals, as directed. Helps digestion. Multiple Vitamin and Mineral Take with meals. VItal nutrients. 100 mg., daily. B Vitamins improve circulation, build red blood cells and help liver function. Choline 500--1.000 mg., daily. Increases nourishment to breast Calcium 2,000 mg., daily. Stabilizes healthy tissue. Magnesium 1,000 mg., daily. Enhances cleansing. Carnitine 500-4,000 mg. Helps to protect the skin In post mastectomy and the x-ray treated patient Megadophilus (Milk free) or As directed. Provides an antibacterial Maxidophilus or effect on the body. Prirnadophilus Vitamin A and Vitamin E 50,000 -100,000 IU. Vitamin A Vitamin A is essential to daily for 10 days or for as long immunity. Vitamin E as on program. Start with 400 deficiency is associated IU VItamin E daily. Increase to with breast cancer. Vitamin 1,000 IU. E helps balance hormones. VItamin B 100 mg., 3 times daily. B Vitamins are vital for normel cell division and function. Helps to reduce estrogen production. 2 Capsules, 3 times daily. Improves immune function. 200 mg., daily. Enhances immunity and cellular oxygenation. Inhibits cancer growth. 2--6 tablets with meals. Helps rid body of impurities. 200 mg., daily. Helps rid body of impurities. 5 tablets dally. For mineral balance. 37 AFRICAN HOLISTIC HEALTH 36 VitaminB 12 1,000 mg. prevents anemia, strengthens nerves· Converts to iron and Manganese Beta-<:arotene Coenzyme Q10 1Q-50mg. 1.0,000 units. 100 mg., daily. prevents anemia. ., Rids body 01 impurities. Improves cellular oxygenation. Combats disease. MSM Vllamin C plus Bioflavonoids 1 000-2,000 mg. 5:000 -10,000 mg., daily. Combats cancer. Raw Glandular Complex RawTh:fmus GLANDULARS As directed. As directed. Stimulates glandular function. StimulatesT-Lymphacyle thymus function. AMINO ACIDS Rids body of impurities. 400-800 mg. Cleanses toxins. L-Cysteine 500-2,000 mg. Provides afoundation for L·Methionine 1 ,000-2,000 mg. tissue and organ repair. L-Taurine StImulates tI1ymus. 500-2,000 mg. Enhances immunity. Helps i\rginine 500-3,000 mg. rid the body 01 impurities. Glutathione HERBS Th' . Goldenseal MilkWeed, Red Clover, u]a. BUrdoCk Root, Chaparral, Dandelion Root, Echmacea, ' FOOD  Caulift(Noler Cherries, Collard Greens, . B uBrussels Sprouts. ' . li . Artichoke, Beet Greens, Blackbemes, rOCCO ~ d Greens, Parsley, Pomegranate, Strawbemes, umip Endive, Rgs, Garlic, Grapes, Kale, Kelp, Mus Greens, Watercress, Yams. HOMEOPATHIC Fights abnormal tissue As directed. growth. ThUja9 Cleanses glands. 2 gr., Alternate days 01 use. Conium 7 and Phytolaoca Purifies blood. As directed. Arsenicum TISSUE SALTS Purifies tissue. 6x or 3-200x, as directed. Combats abnormal growth. Ferr. Phos. 12x or 3-200x, as directed. Aids the body 01 waste. Si\lcea 12x or 3-200><, as directed. Kali.Mur. BREAST SELF-EXAMINATION  . (MEN l ~ D WOMEN) . . D ot examine the h t the same tmle. 0 n Examine your breasts each mont all Fn.....;liarize yourself with the the menstrua eyc e. Q.lUJ. n1 t durin breasts before or g ha' an detect any changes or e argemerr . normal feel ofyour breasts sO t t)OU c ofa lump. Section 1,' Dis-Ease Treatment and Health Stand and look into the mirror at your breasts. Raise your hands over your head, rub your breasts (men) or press them together (women). Notice the shape of your breasts. Place your hands on your hips, apply pressure to the breasts, and look for dimpling ofthe skin, nipples that seem to be out ofposi- tion, differences in individual shape or thickening ofthe skin and nipple or red scaling. Raise one arm above your head. With the other hand, fInnly touch your breast beginning at the outer edge. Using a circular motion, gradually move toward the nipple. Examine the area between the nipple and the armpit, and feel the armpit. There are nodes in the armpit; which move freely and feel soft, and are not painful to the touch. Look for lumps that are hard and do not move. Cancers are usually attached to underlying muscles or the skin. Examine both sides of each breast. Repeat Step 2 while lying on your back. Lumps are easily noticed while lying on your back. Squeeze each nipple gently to check for blood or a watery yellow or pink discharge. BROKEN BONES  (FRACTURES)  AND  BONE  SPURS  A fracture is a broken bone. A bone still intact and yet cracked is called a hairline fracture. Bone fractures and bone spurs are caused by jumping up and do\.vu on asphalt, concrete and artificial turfwhile playing games (basketball, jumping rope), as well as running or constantly walking on hard surfaces. The concrete can be covered with floor tile or outdoor carpet and still cause bone spurs and/or fractures. Bone spurs are pointed and/or bump-like cal- cium deposit type bandaids that grow in response to bone trauma, neuritis, ten- donitis, arthritis and/or alkalosis. Fractures and/or Spurs can develop because bone tissue becomes congested with waste, weakened or demineralized. Bones deteriorate and demineralize from cOllsumingjunk food, carbonated sodas, eat- 'ing red meat, cow's milk, caffeine or drugs. A bone trauma, resulting in a fracture should be splinted or immobilized. There are two types of fractures, exposed and closed (skin intact). Do not attempt to reset the bone, as this requires skill and a sanitary procedure. Remark 500 mg., 3 times daily. Bone repair and pain. 500 mg., 3 times daily. Bone repair. 1,000 - 2,000 mg., divided up. Needed for proper bone repair. 5 tablets daily after meals High in Calcium and minerals and at bedtime. 1,000 mg., daily. Gives strength to bones. As directed. Essential for repair 01 tissues. 38  Silicon  VitaminD  Vegetable Protein  (SrJ.j Free Powder)  Vitamin A  Zinc  OctocosOnai  Panthothenic Acid (Bs)  Potassium  Vitamin C with Bloflavonoids  Proteolytic Enzymes  Betaine Hydrochloride  Creatine  Mixed Bovine Neonatal TiSsue  RawUver  Arginine  proline  Glutamine  AFRICAN HOLISTIC  HEALTH  1040 mg.  400 - 1,000 IU  daily.  fls directed.  Start at 50,000 IU daily.  Then drop to 25,000 IU daily.  80 mg., daily.  3000 mg., daily. 100 mg., 3 limes daily.  99mg., daily.  3,000 - 6,000 mg., daily  in cflVided doses.  Tak.e on an empty stomach  between meals .  fls directed.  1,000-3,000 mg.  GLANDULARS  fls directed.  fls diracted.  AMINO ACIDS  500-1,000 mg.  1,000-3,000 mg.  1,000-2,000 mg.  HERBS  ...._n,.,  I'  n Root, Goldenseal, Horsetai1, Nettle, PerlWln,  '  Vrtal for Calcium uptake and  connective \isSue repair.  Springtime horsetail hero is  a good souroe.  .  Vilal for Calcium absorptiOn  and repair.  Enhances healing.  protain is not utilized  without Vitamin A.  Aids tiSsue repair.  Enhances tissUe repair.  Arrtistress vitamin. Helps  vnamin utilization.  Helps to reduce swelling.  Balances sodium.  Necessary in bone muscle  trauma.  Reduces inflammation.  Helps retain Calcium  (May have to avoid if you  have ulcers or history of  heartbum).  Builds tissUe.  Promotes healing.  Provides balanced B  Vilamins and other needed  vitamins and minerals.  Increases healing ability.  Helps repair connective  tissue  (collagen).  Aids healing of tissue  (ulcers).  .  . kte  Plantain  Allalfa  Boneset  Calendula, Comfrey, L.J< or3-200x,3timesdaily Slices.Kali.Sulph.• Ferr.Phos. waste. (Useanycombination) Section 1: Dis-Ease Treatment and Health CANDIDA (yEASTINFECTION) CandidaAlbicans is a fungus overgrowth resulting ininfection.Itis a yeast-likefungusthatnonnallylivesinthedigestiveandgenitaltract.The fungusmovesthroughoutthebodybytravelingwiththebloodandlymph fluid. Thebodynonnallymaintainsabalanceoffungus,yeastand ria.Thisbalancebecomesdisturbedbymanyfactorssuchaswhitesugar, syntheticjunkfoods, drugs, antibiotics, allergies, chemotherapy,hypo- glycemia, syntheticsteroids,birthcontrolpills,meat,syntheticunderwear, diabetes,dampmoldyplaces,dailYfoodswithyeastinthemandfennented foods (i.e.,vinegar,wine,beer)allof whichcancauseCandida. Womentendto be most proneto this fungus infection. Theyerro- neouslycallitayeastinfection.Itcaninfectthevaginaresultinginvagini- tis.Themostcommonsymptomisawhitecheesy-likedischargeanditch- ing. Apregnantwomenand/ora mothercanpassthe infection to their child.Fungusinfectionappearsas redspots andwhitemilk-likespotson thebaby'stongue.Fungus infectionofthethroatis calledThrush.There .are many names for fungus infection suchasAthlete's Foot, JockItch, DiaperRash,Ringworm,etc.Therearemanysymptomsofitsuchasnumb hands, legs orface; constipation; hyperthyroidism;diarrhea; abdominal pain;constantheartburn;naggingcoughs;muscleandjointpain;canker sores; congestion; arthritis; hyperactivity; kidney andbladderinfection; hypoglycemia;depression;colitis;etc_ManywithCandidaarehighlysen- sitivetoandcannottoleratesyntheticchemicalodors,petroleumproducts, exhaustfumes, rubberand/orsmokefrommarijuanaandtobacco. ApersonwithCandidadiseaseshouldnoteatfennentedfoods (beer, wine, vinegar, orcheese)white sugar, driedfruit, ham, alcohol, honey, highglutengrains(wheat,oats,lYe,barley)bleachedwhiteflour,whiterice, mushrooms, soysauce, chocolate andyeast(usedfor baking) infoods. Thisrequiresreadingthelabelsof foodsandsupplementsvelYcarefullyin orderto avoidyeastandfennentedingredients. Supplement SuggestedDosage Remarks CaprylicAdd 1$I week:1tablet,twicedaily. Destroysfungus. 2 nd week:2tablets.twicedaily. GrapeSeedOil Asdirected. Combatsinfection. GarlicCapsules(UseOdorless) 2capsules,3timesdaily. Garlicinhibitstheinfecting organism.Garlic suppositoriesalso effectivelytreatCandida vaginitis. MultipleVilaminand Daily,asdirected. Vital nutrientsforproper Mineral(YeastFree) immunefunction. Maxidophilus(MilkFree) Asdirected. •i.orMegadophilus 50  51  Omega Oils,  Aaxseed Oil,  Primrose Oil  Coenzyme 0'0  Vitamin BComplex  (YeastRee)  Vitamin 8'2Lozenges  Germanium  vegetable Protein  (Soy Free Powder)  RawThyrnus  Raw Liver  L-Cysleine  AFRICAN  HOLISTIC HEALTH  1,00Q-3,000 mg.  100 mg., daily.  100 mg., daily.  1 Lozenge (2,000 meg)  under the tongue 3 times  daily, taken betWeen meals.  100-200 mg., daily.  As directed.  GLANDULARS As directed.  As directed.  AMINO ACIDS  500 mg., on empty stomach,  twice daily.  HERBS  Seed  Oil  Pau D'AICO, Uva Ursi. CloVeTea, Grape  ,  FOOD  Fresh Cranberries or Raw Cranberry Juice.  HOMEOPATHIC 2 gr., once daily. Mercuris Cyanaru s 7  2 gr., 2 times daily.  Canel\a4  2 gr., once daily. eorax7  TISSUE SALTS  6x or 3-2OOX, 3 times    KaU. Pros. and Nat. Sulph.  6x or 3-2OOX, 3 times daily.  NaI.PhoS.  6x or 3-200x, 3times daily.  SiUcea  Avital essential latty acid.  Enhances tissue  oxygenation.  Faulty  .  common in candidiasIS.  Vital for digestion. Needed  for metabolism of  carbohYdrates, lats, and  proteins. Cancftda  the absorption of numents  from the intestinal tract  Enhal1C6S tissue  oxygenation.  .  Helps build healthy tissue  and balances the flora.  Stimulates immunity.  Helps rel"1'l<1'/S toxins.  An antioxidant and free  radical deStrOYer.  Stops infection.  Use for infection.  Fights injection.  Reduces skin irritation.  Removes weaste from  tisSue.  Reduces skin problems.  CmCKENPOX .  .  e caused by undernutrition, daifY.l?rod- Chicken Pox is a chlld.hood dlseas  h'ld's body is in an undemutnttonal  ucts, junk  and meats.  called  a  disease  (chicken  pox).  condition  It creates  a  cleans  . 1 disease condition's subtle  ..!  The duration ofthe  .  d  The disease  condItiOn gets ... are  erroneously  an    At this point, the chicken •. worse and the toxms are releas  ou.,  Section 1: Dis-Ease Treatment and Health pox  disease  is  believed to be born (active period).  The  body's  cleansing  reaction to rid itself of toxins is given various names based upon the pox  (bump) shape, color and size or whether the bump is  filled with fluid (pus- tule). Waste leaving the body usually travels out the cell to the tissue and  then to an organ (skin). This skin is used for cleansing. It is not the  cause  ofthe disease, it is merely used to help get rid ofthe disease. There are many  diseases (cleansing reactions), which are classified as chicken pox such as  mosquito  bites,  ivy/oak poison,  mild  small  pox (amaas),  etc.  Any time  there is  a change in the body (i.e., mental, physical, spiritual) the ratio of  vitamins, minerals,  hormones,  bacteria,  yeast and fungus  will change.  A  bacterial over-population due to a change in health state ( disease) is blamed  on the bacteria. The bacteria is victimized. It is present to eat waste caused  by the undernutritional state ofthe body. Bacteria is not the creator of a dis- ease. It is  an opportunist.  The symptoms ofchicken pox begin with a fever and headache. Within  twenty-four to thirty-six  hours  after the  fever  starts,  small  round bumps  will  occur  on the  torso,  face  and body.  The bumps  develop a  crust.  The  bumps will continue to appear in cycles for three to seven days or more. It  is a self-limiting disease. Once the scabs appear, the crisis is over. However,  the bumps are very itchy. Therefore, the child's fingernails have to be kept  short and clean so that the skin will not get infected or be scarred due to  scratching.  It is a medical beliefthat a disease goes to sleep (incubates) then wakes  up  and causes the disease.  Supplement  Suggested DossQe  Remarks  Vitamin A Capsules  20,000 IU capsules daily  for  1 month, dropping to 15,000  IU daily.  ViiaminC  MSM  1,000-2,000 mg.  Beta-Carotene  15,000 IU daily.  400-600 IU daily.  99 mg., daily.  80 mg., daily.  GLANDULARS  As directed.  AMINO ACIDS  1,000-2,000 mg.  HERBS  Heats tissues and helps  immunity.  Combats infections. Helps  reduce fevers.  Fights infections,  Heals tissues.  Destroys free radicals,  Increases oxygen to cells.  Reduces fever. Helps  healing process.  Helps skin to heal.  Stimulates T-Lymphocyles.  Combats infection.  ;i,cttapElrrai, Chickweed, Goldenseal, Pau D'Arco, Pleurisy Root,  Red Clover,  Thuja, Yarrow.  52 AFRICAN HOLISTIC HEALTH . FOOD Carrots Cauliflower, Collard Greens, Apples, Beet Greens, Blackberries,   Plums, Romaine Lettuce, Com Dandelion Greens, Grapes, Kale, em , Tumip Greens, Watercress. HOMEOPATHIC Buto 7 and Rhus. TO)( 7 5 gr., once dally in lhe a.m. Purifies skin. Alternate. Belladonna 4 2 gr., once daily. Helps release skin toxins. nSSUESALTS Kalt Phos. and Nat. Mur. 6x or 3-200x, 3 times daily or Fights skin disease. children's dosage daily. CHLAMYDIA . toms (diseases) that includes Chlamydia is a collection of symp d' harge from sex organs, Itchmg tion of the genitals, watery mucous. ISC the sex glands,. painful sexual of around inflamed areas, inflanunation of the prostate intercourse, difficulty m. unnatmg: n:flammation ofthe vagina and urethra. and seminal vesicles and ill 1 and fever (inflammation) ofthe Basically, it is a "cold" (mucous The heat reproductive system a:r;td a liquefy waste. This allows flUId expands the cells and tissue an estion ofthe genitals. A lost of water (mucous) to flush out the lectrolyte disturbance. The glands (mucous) results in an to or taking nutrients filter out waste and adjust flUldsdb y 1 lose their protective abll- Glands that become or stream. This dmnping of ity and allow waste to pass mto the ses waste to collect in the joints causes stress on other organs and The body heals the detenorated t d tissue detenorates. . tis). Waste conges e . a in an itching sensatIon. . tissue by knitting infertility, Many times, It goes If the disease IS ,1 cano/t ofthe women and 10 % of men do untreated because approXlmately 70 0 not have any Chlamydia symptoms. Supplement Suggested Dosage Remarks Vitamin C (buffered/acid free) 1,500 mg., 4 times daily. Enhances healing. Vitamin E 600 IU daily. Increases energy. MSM 1,()()Q.2,QOO mg. Rghts in1actions. Helps nourish sex organs. Has antibiotic qualities. Garlic capsules 2 capsules, 3 times daily. A natural antibiotic. Zinc 50 mg., daily. Helps heal tissue, Beta-Carotene As directed. Vital for healing. Coenzyme 010 80 mg., daily. Increases oxygen to cells. Section J: Dis-Ease Treatment and Health 5 Germanium 200 mg., daily. Helps deliver oxygen to the Kelp 6 tablets daily. cells and the immune system. MUltiple Vitamin and Mineral Digestive Enzymes As directed. 3 tab/els between meals and at bedtime. Provides minerals needed for healing. Vital for healing. Has an anti.inflammatory action. Raw Thymus GlANDULARS As directed. Enhances healing. Lysine AMINO ACIDS 1,000-2,000 mg. Combats infection. HERBS Burdock, Cat's Claw, Echinacea, Feverfew, Goldenseal, Pau O'Arco, Red Clover, Sanicle, Tansy, White Oak Bark. FOOD Asparagus, Beet Greens, Broccoli, Cabbage, Carrots, Corn, Dandelion Greens, Dates, Elderberry, Garlic, Kale, Leeks, Mustard Greens, Onions, Oranges, Papaya, Parsley, Peaches, Pineapple, Plums, Romalne Lettuce, Spinach, Tangerines, Tumip Greens, Watercress, rams. Thuja9 HOMEOPAl}flC 5 gr., fNery other day. Rhus Tox 9 and Amica 8 Stops skin disease. 2 gr., once daily. Alternate. Apis 5 and LYCOPOdium 7 Detoxifies skin, 2 gr.. once daily. Alternate. Destroys skin toxins. nsSUESALTS 12x or3-200x, 3 times daily. Ferr. Phos. and KaU. Mur. Alternate. Used for mucous. diSCharge, inflammation and swelling. CHRONIC FATIGUE SYNDROME Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS) has symptoms ofextreme fatigue, "tired of being tired," anxiety, depression, mood swings, aching joints and muscles, fever, SWollen glands, loss ofappetite, sore throat, headache, backache, mem- ory loss, irritabili1y; colds, flu, over sensitivity to heat, cold and light, diges- tiveproblems, spasms, yeast infections, sleeping disorders, low blood sugar and anemia. It is commonly blamed on a bacteria or a dead particle (virus). It is often misdiagnosed as a psychosomatic illness (it is all in your head) or hyPochondria (need to complain about illness). CFG is erroneously associated with genital herpes, shingles and a mononucleosis type virus (dead cell par- ticle), Epstein Barr Vll1.lS (EBV). .. Extreme fatigue can be caused by an extreme lack ofenergy, which means lack ofadequate oxygen, hydrogen, iron, iOdine, calcium, etc. An extreme deficit ofenergy occurs when the carbohydrates are not properly metabolized ·by the pancreas and liver. Processed (denatured, synthetic) foods such as 54 55 AFRICAN HOLISTIC HEALTH white sugar, bleached white flour and polished rice, drugs, salt (mined, sea salt, kelp, etc.) and fried foods weaken the pancreas and liver resulting in loss of energy (fatigue). A weak liver fails to store energy (glycogen), which means a lack ofreserve energy. Lack ofreserve energy causes the adrenal glands to become active. They burn out the low energy supply, resulting in a double fatigue (energy drain). Junk foods produce a small energy output and a large amount of energy-draining waste. Junk foods cause nutrient starvation, energy starvation and fatigue. Aside from this, processed (junk) foods dehydrate cells, tissues, organs and bones compounding the waste accumulation in the body. This also lowers the energy output and contributes to fatigue. Drugs OegaJ or illegal), junk food, synthetic chemicals and excessive estrogen hormones in non-organic foods and junk foods cause digestion to be too fast or too slow, resulting in inadequate metabolism and a lack ofenergy. The highly acidic junk foods cause energy to be burnt up quicker than it can be replaced. Acidity ages the body, which further drains the body ofenergy. Extreme low energy causes cells to die before they can be replaced or moved out the body. Consequently, the dead cells (minerals salts) get in veins cartilage, arteries, nerves, organs and bones. This causes drain, weak nerves, dehydration, electrolyte imbalance, rheumatism i , arthritis, etc. Organ weakness or disease further depletes the energy level causing extreme fatigue. An inadequate diet (junk food, non-organic foods), physiological weak- ness and brain drain deplete Melanin. Thiselectromagnetic drain ofMelanin energy throws the African in an energy crisis. The African without adequate amounts of Melanin to help extract nutrients from food becomes fatigued easily. With exhausted Melanin levels, the African carmot fight infection, sta- bilize immunity and metabolize carbohydrates, resulting infatigue (spiritual, physical). Computers, radiation, appliances, electrically driven machines and toxic radiation drains the body of energy. Anenergy drain causes biochemical imbalances such as yeast infection, excessive fungus growth, food addiction, high blood pressure, diabetes, hyperactivity, boredom and improper sleep = fatigue. Supplement DHEA(Dehydroepiandostrone) Creatine PantothenicAcid BlackCurrantOil AscorbicAcidwith Rinfl:wonoids Suggested Dosage Remarks 5-15mg.(women); Stimulatesenergy. 10-30mg.(men). 1,OQO-10,000mg. Promotescellularenergy release. 5-50 mg. Enhancesadrenalglands function. 2 capsuleswithmeals.  ContainsGLA(Gamma- LinoleicAcid)andall01the essentialfatty acids. 5,000-10,000mg.,daily.  Promotesthegrowthof healthycells. Section]' D' E. CoenzymeQ l.ecith' 10 In Choline GarlicCapsules Germanium VegetableProtein (Soy FreePowder) VitaminBComplex MultipfeVitaminandMineral Beta-Carotene Calcium Magnesium Potassium Selenium Zinc AaWThyrnus RawUver RawSpfeen RawGlandularComplex Phenylalanine TyroSine Glutamine BurdockRoot Damian O' Sch' ' a, andellOn Root Eh' !zandra, Sumac,Yohimbe. ' C Inacea, Fo-Ti, Ginseng, GOldenseal, Pau D'Arco, Apricots, Asparagus,Barley;Beans B FOOD CaufHlower, Collard Corn' c: et Greens,BrusselsSprouts,Cabbage Can   MustardGreens,   Greens, Endive,   uce, SoyBeans, Spinach,Tomatoes, eaches, Raw Peanuts, Pecans, Plums, IgnalJa7 andCocculus7 Bryonia9(Bryany) Chins4 (Cinchona) HOMEOPATHIC 2 gr.,oncedaily.Alternate. 5 gr.,oncedaily. 2 gr.,twicedaily. Stabilizesenergy. Releasesenergyincells. HormonaJenergy stimulation. Phos.and Nat.phos. TISSUE SALlS 3xor3·200x. Essentialformetabolism andutilizingenergy. •  18- ase Treatment and Health 75mg.,daily. 1,000-3,000mg. 500-1,000mg. 2 capsuleswithmeals, 200mg.,andup. Asdirected. 100mg.,3 timesdaily. Asdirected. 15,000IU daily. 1,5()() mg., daily. 1,000mg., daily. 99 mg.,daily. 200meg., daily. 50mg.,daily. GLANDULARS Asdirected.  Asdirected, Asdirected. Asdirected. AMINOACIDS Asdirected. Asdirected. Asdirected. HERBS AidsenergyprodUction, Encouragesenergy prodUction. Stimulatesenergy. Helpsprotectenergy production, Helpsdeliverenergy to cells.  Fortissueandorganrepair andenergy utilization. Enhancesenergylevels. Essentialforenergy prodUction. Helpsenhanceimmunily. S,tabilizesenergy. . Fightsfatigue. Helpstransportnutrients Reducesenergy , exhaustion. Helpsmaintainenergy. BUildsimmunity. Excitesenergy. RegUlatesenergy. Enhancesglands. Stimulatesenergy. Stimulatesenergy. brainabilityto get  nutrientsandmemory, 56  57  AFRICAN  HOLISTIC  HEALTH  CHOLESTEROL (HIGH) Cholesterol is fat crystals. It is used to make the skin (membrane) ofcells, sex  hormones, myelin, used in digestion and picks up oxygen for the cell. It is a  natural part ofthe nerves, bile, brain, blood and liver. Approximately 80% of  the  body's cholesterol is  made by the  liver and the diet supplies  20%.  High  levels ofcholesterol can block andJ'or clog the veins and arteries of the brain,  sex organs,  eyes, kidney, scalp (baldness) and extremities. The two types of  cholesterol  that most concern people  is High  Density Lipoproteins (HDL)  and Low Density Lipoproteins (LDL). LDL can cause severe problems and  disease. It is found in dairy products, milk, meat and heated oils (margarine,  coconut, palm, and cotton seed oils). Excessive alcohol made by the pancreas  from refmed carbohydrates as well as coffee, steroids, sex hormones in eggs,  dairy,  fruits,  vegetables  and in  meat,  caffeineated tea,  tobacco  and  alcohol  drinks can raise cholesterol.  The tissue of the veins and arteries can  get congested with mineral salts  from cellular waste (dead cell particles), table salt and protein urea salts waste.  Congested vessels lose their flexibility causing further vascular stiffness. This  causes a suffocation of vascular cells and decreases blood supplies to organ  tissue. Cholesterol is a slippery oily substance, which helps blood slip through  the blood vessels in order to  increase blood supplies to organs. The body's  attempt to increase blood flow through the narrow vascular tubes is viewed  as a cholesterol problem. Aside from this, blood with high amounts ofMinernl  Salt waste and cellular waste damages blood vessels. The Mineral Salts and  cell waste scrape and scratch the inner walls ofblood vessels and cholesterol  sticks to the walls. This narrows the vessels, decreases circulation, and stiff- ens vascular tissues.  Cholesterol is increased in order to improve c:irculation. Cholesterol gives  a "pinching" effect  to  the blood vessels.  Blood  vessels  are similar to  the  plumbing pipes in a house or a water hose.  Cholesterol "pinching" is similar  to  pinching a hose with your fmgers in order to increase water pressure and  water flow  (volume). This pinching increase in blood volume  elevates cho- lesterol, which further raises the cholesterol level.  Faulty metabolism caused by the liver being stressed by junk foods,  oils  (fried foods,  oil in baked goods and condiments) and radiation elevates cho- lesterol. The stressed liver, pancreas and digestive system cmmot utilize cal- cium, break down oils, supply vital oxygen to cells or produce enough strong  bile (digestive fluid) to metabolize food elements. This causes cholesterol to  form  and become impacted within the tissue ofthe veins and arteries.  Waste  impacted in  the  tissue  and  nerves  causes  them to  sub-clinically  overheat. The insulation (cholesterol-like myelin) around nerve bundles and  fibers  wears away due to excessive electrical charge and the overheating of  nerves. Stress causes the nerves to fire off more, creating more electrical heat  and  wearing away the myelin resulting  in  elevated cholesterol in order to  recoat the nerves. Raw  nerves and nerves  lacking adequate cholesterol coat- Section 1: Dis-Ease Treatment and Health jng can produce numbness  :irritability  £  l'  .  exhaustion and tingling.'  ,  ee  tngs of tenSIOn,  hypersensitivity,  Supplement  Suggested Dosage  Remarks  CoenzymeQlO  Corn, Rice and Wheat  Brans and/or Guar Gum  Garlic Capsules  Lecnhin  Upotropic  Unsaturated Fatty Acids  (Black Currant, Flax or  Sunflower Borage and/or  Primrose Oils)  Choline  BComplex  ,Thiamine  Chromium  or Niacinamide  Cplus Bioflavonoids  C  60rng.  As directed.  2 capsules, 3 times daily.  2 capsules or 1 tbsp 3  times daily, before meals.  As directed.  As directed.  100-300 mg., 3 times daily.  100 mg.  10-50 mg.  200 mcg.,  daily.  Take between meals  200 meg.  500 mg., daily.  3,000-8,000 mg.,  daily  in divided doses.  400-800IU.  GlANDULARS  As directed.  AMINO ACIDS  5OQ.1,OOO  mg.  1,000-2,000 mg.  HERBS  Enhances oxygenation of  cells and circulation.  Helps to lOwer cholesterol  and supply needed fiber.  lowelS cholesterol levels.  LowelS cholesterol,  Prevents accumulation of  fats (cholesterol).  Helps nolTtlalize cholesterol.  Helps metabolize oils.  lowelS cholesterol.  lowers cholesterol.  Necessary for cholesterol  balance.  Helps digestion.  Selenium deficiency has  been linked to heart disease.  lowers cholesterol.  Lowers cholesterol.  Improves circulatlon.  Helps lower cholesterol.  Emulsifies fat.  lowers fat and cholesterol.  " ,ayenne, Fenugreek, Goldenseai, Green Tea, Guggulipids, Hawthom BelTies,  Irish Moss.  'BlackbelTies, Blueberries, Cabbage  Carrots  p  ,  ,  ,Ives,  eas, Raw Peanuts, Tomatoes.  HOMEOPATHIC   9  5 gr. Take once a month in  Dissolves fats (cholesterol). the a.m.  Podophyllum 4  2 gr. Take every other day in  Reduces fat. thea,m. China 4  2 gr. Take daily, 30 minutes  Stimulates metabolism 01 before lunch and dinner.  fats.  58  59  Kali. Mur. and Nat. Phos.  Calc.  rhos. and Silicea  AFRICAN HOUSTIC HEALTH  TISSUE SALlS  3x or 3-2OOx, twice daily.  Alternate.  ax or 3-2OOx, twice daily.  Alternate.  Helps reduce cholesterol  levet  Aids fat emulsion.  CIRCULATION (POOR) Poor circulation can be indicated by paleness ofthe fingemail, cold toes andlor  fingers, dark purplish toes or fingers,  coldness on the tip of the nose, numb- ness in the fingers  and toes,  tingling and/or burning sensation in the fmgers  and toes, the skin on the underside of the eyelids may appear pale, the sensa- tion of feeling cold when people around say they are not cold, etc.  Poor circulation can be caused by hypertension, arteriosclerosis,  stress,  cardiovascular problems, Buerger's (tingling pius and needles to extremities),  Raynauds (extremities hypersensitive to cold), diabetes, high blood pressure,  junk food,  meat, dairy, drugs, radiation, synthetic chemicals, etc.  In poor cir- culation, the blood gets overloaded with waste (liquid manure) and becomes  thick and slow to move (circulate). The blood is meant to be alkaline and not  over acidic with liquid manure. Slightly acidic blood decreases the ability of  cells,  tissue  and organs  to  get oxygen and nutrients. Acidic blood or body  condition causes oxygen starvation in the body tissue and cells. Waste-filled  blood causes too much electricity and heat to the nerves, muscles, bones, car- tilage,  and cells. Unhealthy  blood causes  the body to  decrease  oxygen  and  nutrients to the extremities (controlled by the sympathetic nerves) in an attempt  to  get  more  oxygen and nutrient to  the  parasympathetic  trunkitorso,  This  energy diversion further deteriorates the organ systems, resulting in energy loss  and increased aging,  Poor circulation is reaction to a disease and not itself a  disease, However, it eventually becomes a disease that produces its own effect.  Acid waste from the tissues, organs, muscles and bones get dumped into the  blood.  This  causes the  blood to  get alkaline  minerals  from  the bones.  The  blood slightly increases its alkalinity in defense from the overly acid tissues.  Slightly high alkaline  blood holds  more oxygen,  which  deteriorates blood  and nutrients and bonds carbon dioxide and waste to it at a higher leveL This  type  blood  is  starving  for  nutrients  and  starts  a chain  reaction of starving  everything it comes in contact with. It is nutritionally poor blood; waste-filled  blood and thick blood that is circulating and deteriorating veins and arteries,  resulting in poor circulation. Poor circulation is an effect, not a cause.  Supplement  Suggested Dosage  Remarks  Calcium and  1,500- 2,000 mg.  Normalizes blood thickness  Magnesium  750 -1 ,000 mg.  (viscosity) and strengthens  after meals and at bedtime.  the heart  Coenzyme 010  100 mg., daily.  Aids circulation by putting  more oxygen in blood.  Germanium  200 mg., daily.  Helps tissue oxygenation.  Section 1: Dis-Ease Treatment and Health Chlorophyll  Multiple Vitamin and Mineral  Vitamin Aand E  Vitamin BComplex  Garlic Capsules (Odorless)  Vitamin C plus Bioflavonoids  Vitamin B6  Niacinamide  Choline  Lecithin  Digestive Enzymes  Zinc  Niacin(B.J  Proteolytic Enzymes  Selenium  Raw Heart  Raw Kidney  Raw Liver  Glutathione  L·Camitine  .  Liquid or pm form as directed.  As directed,  As directed.  100 mg.  2 capsules with meals.  5,000-10,000 mg., daily  in divided doses.  2-200 mg.  50-100 mg.  100 mg., 3 times daily  with meals.  2 capsules, 3 times daily  or 1lbsp in dry form before  meals.  As directed.  50 mg., daily.  3 mg., daily.  2 tablets between meals.  200 meg daily.  GLANDULARS  As directed.  As directed.  As directed.  AMINO ACIDS  500·3,000 mg.  500 mg., twice daily.  HERBS  Improves circulation and  builds healthy cells.  Helps circulatory function.  Helps metabolism of rat  (cholesterol) and gels  oxygen to cells.  Improves circulation by  metabolizing fat and  cholesterol.  Lowers cholesterol and  blood pressure.  Helps prevent blood clotting,  Prevents numbness.  Diabetes vessels and  improves circulation.  Improves circulation and  lowers cholesterol.  Lecithin emulsifies (breaks  up) fats.  Aids digestion and  circulation.  Necessary!or immune  function,  Dilates vessels and  improves circulation.  Helps 10 break down  undigested food particles in  the blood and ooion.  Helps heart and circulation.  Improves circulation.  Reduces waste in blood.  Helps filter waste out of  blood.  Helps get rid of toxins in the  blood and liver.  Helps to remove fats and  promotes circulation.  AnISe,  Black Cohosh, Butcher's Broom  Cays  G'  ko  . ' Hawlho  Be  nne,  Ing  , Chickweed  Garlic  Ginger  Goldenseal  rry, Horseradish, Horsetail; Hyssop, Liccrice,    Shepherd's Purse:  ... .  FOOD  Cabbage, Com, Dandelion Greens, Ags, GlIaVa.  HOMEOPATHIC  Ars.,niN 11m Album 7  2 gr.,  daily.  Reduces waste in blood.  j j j j j j j j j j j j 60  61  AFRICAN HOLISTIC HEALTH  BarytaCaroonica7and AurumMelaUicum7 2gr" in1hea,m.Attemate. Increasescirculation. Cupressus7 and Kalilodatum7  2 gr" inthe p.m.Attemate. Improvesoxygeninblood. TISSUESALTS Kali.Phos. 12> ma . sonsfor thisare: fl .dounceforeachtwopounds • Toolittlewater(shouldbeone Ul ofnormalbodyweight) fi d or processedfoods (bleached • Non-fiber foods suchas re me whiteflour,white   . • Preservatives(retarddigestlOn) • Toolittleexercise 1 tealfourorfiVe hoursbefore • Eatingtoolate(shouldhave as m goingtosleep), 1m disease orstress (liver, stomach, • Digestiveorgans  wea ess, pancreas,etc.) . . • improperfoodcombmmg • Junkfoods . • Nutrientoremotionalnnbalances  . Nomealorsnacksshouldbeeaten Ittakesfourhoursforthes::omachltoero!:ipationwillresult.Badbreath,and · tomachisemptiedore co. untIlthes indicateconstlpatlon.  . acoatedtonguecan  J 10,00010. Helpsheal. VitaminA 5000-20,000mg. Improvesdigestion VitarninC sOmg.,3timesdaily. Enhancesdigesl 1on . VitaminB-Complex 50mg. VitaminB1 Section 1:Dis-Ease Treatment and Health Brewer'sYeast Asdirected. Aidsmetabolism. WheatBran 3104tbsp. Cleansescolon. RiceBran,OatBran, Asdirected. Cleansingfiber. ComGerm Magnesium 750-1,000mg. Helpstransientfood. CalciumLactate 1,500-2,000mg. Enhancescolonmuscles. GLANDULARS RawLiver, RawThyroid,RawThymus. Improvesdigestions. AMINOACIDS Methionine,Phenylalanine. 500-1,000mg. Stimulatescolon. HERBS BlackRoot,Buckthom,cascaraSagrada(Laxative),Dandelion,Raxseed,Ginger,Uoorice,Mandrake, Psyllium,Raspberry,Rhubarb(Laxative),Senna(Laxative)SlipperyElm. FOODS Apricots, Asparagus, Avocado, Barley, Beans,Beets, Blackberries,BlackRadiSh, BlackWalnuts, Blueberries, Broccoli, BrusselsSprouts, Cabbage, Cantaloupe, Carrots, Cauliflower, Celery, Chard, Cherimoya,Coomes, Coconut,CollardGreens, Com,Cranberry,Currant, DandelionGreens, Dates, Dulse, Eggplant, Elderberries, Endives, Figs, Garlic, Gooseberries, Grapes, Jackfruit, Jerusalem Artichoke,Kale,Lettuce,Mille!,MustardGreens,Oats,Olives,Onions,Peaches,Peanuts,Pears, Peas, Pecans,Peppers,Persimmons,Pineapple,Plum,Potatoes,Prunes,PumpkinSeeds,Quince,Radish, Raisins,Raspberries,Rhubarb,Rutabagas,SauerkrautJuice,SesameSeeds,SoyBeans,Spinach, Squash(Summer),Strawberries,Tomatoes,Tumips,Walnuts,waterChestnuts,Watercress. HOMEOPATHIC LaxatIve PangeloxorDelpach Asdirected. Infrequent Bowel Movements t>lux.Vomica8 2gr.,inthea.m. Lycopodium7 2gr.,atnoon. 2gr.,inthea.m. TISSUESALTS 6xor3-200)(,every30minutes Helpscolonmusciesmove untilbowelsmove. food. 6xor3-2ooxintheam.andp.m. Improvestransienttima. untilbowelsmovewithdifficulty andaredry. 6xor3·200xinthea.m.andp.m. Stimulatesthecolon. 6xor3-200xinthea.m.andp.m. Stimulatescolonmoisture. 6xor3-200x,bothinthea.m.andp.m. evacuating 6xor3-20OXintheam.andp.m. Aidsexcretionofwaste. 68 69 AFRICAN HOUSTlC HEALTH Coated white tongue 12x or 3-200x in the a.m. and p.m. KalL Phos. and Calc. Rour. Feellike you aregoing to have a bowel movement Pain or inflammation. Ferr. Phos. 6x or 3-200x every 30 minutes CROHN'S DISEASE Crobn's disease is inflammation ofthe digestive tract that has been going on for a long period oftime (from months to years). Basically, it is colitis of a long duration and a combination of ileitis (inflamed intestines). Long;.term inflam- mation such as Crobn's will cook the intestinal flesh, then the inflammation stops for a period of time. The cooked skin heals and leaves a scar, which nar- rowS the tube-like opening of intestines. The inflammation causes the skin of the digestive tract to become too thick to absorb nutrients (mal- absorption) and damages the muscles. The villi (small hairy-like drinking straws that are in the intestinal skin) cannot suck the food's nutrients into the bloodstream because inflammation damaged the skin and destroyed villi. This further decreases the ability to absorb nutrients and move food through the digestive tract. Crobn's disease can begin around age twenty or older. The inflamma- tory attacks can be sporadic or long-term. The symptoms can include periodic cramping, pain in the lower area ofthe abdomen (so-called stomach), anemia, bleeding, diarrhea, fever, loss ofweight and appetite and lack ofenergy. It can be misdiagnosed as appendicitis. The skin of the intestine can develop holes and undigested food and/or pus can leak into the abdomen'S cavity. This can cause inflammation ofthe skin lining the abdomen. Undigested food particles can get into the blood and cause allergies. Crohn's can be caused by cellular mineral waste embedded in the skin of the intestines, junk foods, dairy, meat, synthetic chemicals, radiation, stress and drugs (legal and illegal). See Bronchitis (page 39), for Vitamins, Minerals, Amino Acids, etc. FOOD Inflammation Cantaloupes, Cranberries, Garlic, Grapefruit, Kumquats, Mangos, PaIsley, Tangerines. HOMEOPATHIC Arsenicum Album, Baptisia, Belladonna, Bryonia, Getsemium, Lachesis, Muriatic Acid, Rhus Tox. TISSUE SALTS Stimulates release of mucus. 12x or 3-200X, three times daily. Kaii.Phos. Helps heal tissue. 12x or 3-200x, three times daily. Nat Mur. Reduces fever. 3x or 3-2QOx, every hour. Ferr. Phos. Section 1.' Dis-Ease Treatment and Health CROUP an childhood disease associated with junk food, meat and dairy e . e typICal fat bloated child on such a diet ha i paper diaper boxes, body food labels and in all cos p boxes, These childr rfed mmerCIa a vertisements the mouth 0: h'overweight, overwasted, fat bloated, drools ve s mac gas. They are promoted as being h Ith d h the early symptoms ofa variety ofadult d' In ea . yan ave ynx (vocal chords) and tr h . . Iseases.. croup, the skin ofthe lar- ac inflamed. The la d ea swell with mucous waste and get an trachea tissues get congested with mineral filled mucous waste which causes electri I fri ti ul an infl ti ' C . ca c on, res ting in excess heat called that is=: "croup" sounding noise the mucous constricted . d' A over e 1 amed vocal chords through . ..WID pIpe. croup attack usually occurs at . ht Wh reSIstance. and CIrCulatIOn is decreased. The child starts a dry h rug d en stant barking cough with shrill h d h ' oarse an con- . If I' .. w eezy SOUD S w en they breathe in air C IS a se - lID.ltIng ?isease that can last up to three days. It does not q treatment WIth pOIsonous prescription drug concoctions In the f bile a vegetable Glycerin b b· . a ex c s ill . al . . ase are est. See Bronchitis (page 39) for Vit . M mer s, Amino ACld, etc. ' armns, Catni Chickweed . HERBS p, , Comfrey, Echmoea, Goldenseal, Mullein, Peppermint, Red Raspberry. FOOD See ''Colds;' page 63. HOMEOPATHIC Hepar Sulphur7 5 gr., immediately or as directed. Rghts infection. Bromium7 5 gr., quarter of an hour afterwards or as directed. Sambucus Nigra 4 5 gr., quarter of an hour Helps expectorate. afterwards or as directed. Spongia 4 and Sambucus 4 2 gr., every 30 minutes or as Cleanses tissue of waste. directed. Alternate. TISSUE SALTS Ferr.Phos. 12xor3-200xor as directed. Excretes mucus. KalLMur. 12x or 3-200x or as cirected. Reduces inflammation. DIABETES Diabetes a dis-ease ofthe pancreas The Mel' t f th . ofLangerhaus) ar harm d . anm ceo ers 0 e pancreas (Islet ha e e or damaged. The condition exists when the bod s sugar (natural fuel for the body) available, but fails to recognize it. 70  71  AFRlCAN HOLISTIC HEALTH  causes excess sugar to accumulate, which the body gets rid ofby excess uri- nating. The urine will become morbid and change in odor and color. Excessive  urinating causes thirst, dehydration, weight loss, loss ofappetite, and an over- worked kidney and pancreas.  The pancreas  secretes  the  hormone  insulin,  which stimulates the use ofsugar. Diseases, emotions and/or social stressors  can overstimulate the pituitary and/or adrenals, which overtaxes the pancreas  resulting in diabetes.  Black folks  can have misdiagnosed or subclinical dia- betes because the Caucasian race's diabetes test's normal range is 80-120 glu- cose. Black folks  can have diabetes with a 90  glucose, along "vith diabetes  related diseases ofhigh blood pressure, hyperactivity, kidney failure, cataracts,  nerve damage, glaucoma, infertility, mood swings, hair loss, bone loss, etc.  Diabetes is  usually caused by overeating and refmed carbohydrates  (bleached white  flour,  white  rice,  white  grits,  cooked  white  potatoes,  and  refined white sugar). Eating excessive amounts ofanimal flesh and cooked ani- mal  fats  (fats and proteins change to  sugar in the  body) can cause diabetes.  Bleached white flour, white rice and cookedwhite potatoes turn into sugar rap- idly, weaken the pancreas and kidneys and cause diabetes.  White sugar is the primary cause ofsugar diabetes. Diabetes is an emo- tional illness that can be  caused by the  inability to  love aneV'or  receive love.  Sugar represents love and the dysfunctional love emotions are medicated by  eating sugar (sweets,  candy,  sodas,  cake, chocolate,  ice  cream, com starch,  etc.). A weak liver that is unable to metabolize fats causes the craving for car- bohydrates (i.e., sugar). The liver is  made weak: by drugs,  processed foods,  processed oils, radiation, etc. The blood sugar level falls just before menstru- ation and this can cause a sugar craving. Sugar craving is stimulated by eat- ing salt.  Consequently,  salt is found in candy bars, sweets,  sodas, etc.  Since  sugar is  associated with love  and love  is  associated with  sex,  perfumes are  made  to  smell  sweet.  Consequently,  a craving for  sex causes a craving for  sugar.  Sexual  frustration  can cause  a sugar craving.  Sugar addicts  refer to  each other with  the  terms,  "Hi Sugar," "Hello  Sweetie,"  "Hi  Honey,"  etc.  Sugar is associated with nice and good behavior. Therefore, sugar is used to  reward yourself or others  for good behavior.  Sugar diabetes  can be caused by the  inability to  change  stored sugar  (glycogen) into useable sugar (glucose). This inability can cause the body to  use fats  as  a source  of sugar (ketones). Processed  sugar weakens  the  pan- creas' ability  to  use sugar for energy,  so  the body  switches to  fats  (oil)  for  energy. Thus, people drink a coke (sugar) with oily salty French fries or potato  chips (oil).  Salt is associated with frustration and anger.  It is  important  to  be aware that  all  processed  sugars  (fructose,  honey,  maple syrup, sucrose, etc.) can be damaging to the pancreas, liver and health.  High amounts of:fructose in hybrid fruits are stressful and damaging to the pan- creas and can lead to diabetes. Fructose is a sugar that does not require insulin.  Therefore, diabetics believe they can use it. However, it damages the liver. The  treatment ofthe Glucose Imbalance can strengthen the pancreas.  Section 1: DiS-Ease Treatment and Health GLUCOSE FAOM  GLYCOGEN  AND  GLUCOSE  FAO  to be aSSOCiated  with. • •  MFAT  (OILS) IMBALANCES •.•  • Diabetes  Relate SpeCifically to•••  - Respiratory Rate  - DefiCient Oxidation  activity  - Pulse  - Abnormal carbon  diOXide  levels  - Saliva pH  Abnormal pH  of blOOd  - Blood  Pressure  • GlUcose  GJucogenic  These supplements help convert  1  L-Phehylalanine  L! ucos.e to  useable energy:  L-Camitine, L- Acid,  Liver  Vit  L-Methionine  Nlacmimide.  ,arum  (palmitate),  d-Alpha  Tocopherol:  Root Goldenseal, .Gwnema Sylvestre,    CedkJear Bernes,  Comfrey, Dandelion  :SUPPlements  Vitamin A  VilaminC  Vitamin B-Complex  VilaminB a  VilaminD  VlfaminF  Niacin (Niacinamide)  Chromium  Potassium  Manganese  Vanadyl Sulfate  UpojcAcid  SuQQesfed Dosage  25,OOOlU.  2,0Q0..10,OOO mg.  50 mg.,  3 times daily.  50 mg.  4OOIU.  As directed.  50 mg.  400-600 meg.  10()..500mg.  5-10 mg.  100-200 mg.  1()()..200mg.  Remarks  Protects glands.  Destroys free racicals.  Enhances metabolism.  Helps utilize nU!rients.  Combats calcium loss.  S!abilizes sugar levels.  Aids absorption.  Helps utilize inSUlin.  Regulates levels.  Helps heallhe pancreas.  Heals pancreas.  =  Stabilizes, IBpairs neMs.  Raw Liver  GLANDULARS  Enhances the release of  stored sugar.  AifaJfa, .6mry (bluebenyleaves), Bitter Melon  HERBS  .  ,  IWln  ,Raspberry, Slota.  The underlined herbs are the best:6  ill  84). Also, one cup ofRaw Stringb:n  ForFood,  Hypoglycemia, (page Ulce equals two Ulllts ofInsulin.  ENEMA  enema  is  the  use  of water  (di  .  .  lI1jected  in the rectum and col  sprIng or boiled)  or herbal  teas  feces,  ,,:orms, and impurities.  on.  e PUlpose of the  enema is  to remove  A high enema is performed with  length) attached to the tube ofth  a colon  (which is  24" to  32" in  e enema bag and tnserted m't  th  o  e anus; the  70  71  AFRICAN HOLISTIC HEALTIl  causes excess sugar to accumulate, which the body gets rid ofby excess uri- nating. The urine will become morbid and change in odor and color. Excessive  urinating causes thirst, dehydration, weight loss, loss ofappetite, and an over- worked kidney  and pancreas. The pancreas  secretes the  hormone  insulin,  rs  which stimulates the use of sugar. Diseases, emotions andlor social stresso   can overstimulate the pituitary andlor adrenals, which overtaxes the pancreas  resulting in diabetes. Black folks  can have misdiagnosed or subclinical dia- betes because the Caucasian race's diabetes test's normal range is 80-120 glu- cose. Black folks can have diabetes with a 90  glucose, along with diabetes  related diseases ofhigh blood pressure, hyperactivity, kidney failure, cataracts,  nerve damage, glaucoma, infertility, mood swings, hair loss, bone loss, etc.  Diabetes is  usually  caused by overeating and refined carbohydrates  (bleached white flour,  white rice,  white  grits,  cooked white  potatoes,  and  refined white sugar). Eating excessive amounts ofanimal flesh and cooked ani- mal fats  (fats  and proteins change to sugar in the body) can cause diabetes.  Bleached white flour, white rice and cooked white potatoes tum into sugar rap- idly, weaken the pancreas and kidneys and cause diabetes.  White sugar is the primary cause of sugar diabetes. Diabetes is an emo- tional illness that can be caused by the inability to  love andlor receive love.  Sugar represents love and the dysfunctional love emotions are medicated by  eating sugar (sweets,  candy, sodas, cake, chocolate, ice cream,  com starch,  etc.). A weak liver that is unable to metabolize fats causes the craving for car- bohydrates (i.e.,  sugar). The liver is made weak by drugs, processed foOds,  processed oils, radiation, etc. The blood sugar level falls just before menstru- ation and this can cause a sugar craving. Sugar craving is stimulated by eat- ing salt.  Consequently, salt is  found in candy bars, sweets, sodas, etc. Since  sugar is  associated with love and love is  associated with sex, perfumes are  made to  smell  sweet. Consequently, a craving  for  sex caUSes  a craving for  sugar.  Sexual frustration  can cause  a sugar  craving.  Sugar addicts  refer to  each other with the teTlTLS,  "Hi Sugar," "Hello Sweetie," "Hi Honey," etc, .  Sugar is associated with nice and good behavior. Therefore, sugar is used to  reward yourself or others for good behavior.  Sugar diabetes  can be caused by the  inability to  change  stored sugar  (glycogen) into useable sugar (glucose). This inability can cause the body to  use  fats  as  a source of sugar  (ketones).  Processed sugar weakens the pan- creas'  ability to use sugar for  energy,  so  the body switches to  fats  (oil)  for  energy. Thus, people drink a coke (sugar) with oily salty French fries or potato  chips (oil). Salt is associated with frustration and anger. It is important to be aware that  all processed  sugars  (fructose, honey,  maple syrup, sucrose, etc.) can be damaging to the pancreas, liver and health.  High amounts of fructose in hybrid fruits are stressful and damaging to the pan- creas and can lead to diabetes. Fructose is a sugar that does not require insulin.  Therefore, diabetics believe they can use it. However, it damages the liver. The  treatment of the Glucose Imbalance can strengthen the pancreas.  Section l' .  D' IS-Ease Treatment and Health GLUCOSE  FROM  GLYCOGEN AND  G  Tend to be associated with  LUOOSE  FROM  FAT  (OILS)  IMBALANCES  •••  _ Diabetes  • • •  Relate. specifically to•••  _ Respiratory Rate  _Pulse  - DefiCient oxidation  activity  - Abnormal carbon  dioxide levels  - Abnormal  pH  of blood  - Saliva pH  - Blood  Pressure  - Glucose  Glucogenic  These supplements help convert  1   L-Phehylalanine  to useable energy:  L-Carnitine  L- Ribonucleic  Acid  Liver  "'t  .. euAcme,    L-Methionine  Niacinimide.  '  ,1 amm  (palmItate),  d-Alpha  Tocopherol:  Supplements  Suggested Dosage  Remarks  Vitamin A  25,QOOIU  Protects glands.  VitaminC  2,000-10,000 mg.  Destroys free radicals.  Vitamin B-Complex  50 mg., 3 times daily.  Enhances metabolism.  VilaminE\  50 mg.  Helps utilize nutrients.  VitaminD  4001U.  Combats calcium loss.  VilaminF  As directed.  Stabilizes sugar levels  Niacin (Niacinamide)  50 mg.  Aids absorption.  .  Chromium  400-600 meg.  Helps utilize insulin.  Potassium  100-SOOmg.  Regulates levels.  Manganese  5-10 mg.  Helps heal1he pancreas.  Vanadyl Sulfare  100-200 mg.  Heals pancreas.  Lipoic Acid  100-200 mg.  Stabilizes, repairs nerves.  GLANDULARS  RawUver  Enhances the release of  stored sugar.  Alfalfa  B;!h",n,(  HERBS  , blueberry leaves)  Bitler Melon  Root, Goldenseal, Gyrnnema s;,lveslre,        Comfrey, Dandelbn """'Y, Inta.  The underlined herbs are thebest :ti  di 84). Also, one cup of Raw Stringb or  For Food,  Hypoglycemia, (page ean  mce equals two umts ofInsulin.  ENEMA  enema is  the  use  of water (di  '1  . mJected in the rectum and colon.  spnng or boiled)  herbal  teas  feces,  ,,:orms, and impurities.  p  rpose of the enema IS  to remove  A hIgh enema is  performed with  length) attached to the tube ofth  a colon  (which is  24" to  32" in  e enema bag and Inserted into th e anus; the  72 73  AFRICAN HOLISTIC HEALTH  tube passes through the rectum and  into  the colon.  :rP e  reaches  high into the  large intestines  (colon). A colomc  IS  an  enema performed by using ten to thirty gallons ofwater-a proctor IS used  and has  a water in-flow tube and a waste  out-flow  tube attached.  If the  colonic irrigation is not available, then take ten !Sallons  of  per high  enema for three days.  In this  way,  the  body WIll  not be. stramed by the  colonic irrigation and the process becomes more rhythmIcal  nahl:ral.  The enema tube should be lightly oiled and the anus should be hghtly oiled  before inserting the tube. Warm or slightly warm water is used. The herb  teas are usually strained and used at a warm temperature.  Enema  bags usually  have  a  fountain  syringe  and  can be purchased  from a  drugstore.  Sometimes,  the  colon tubes have to  be purchased at a  medical supply store. Enemas are usually classified by the'use desired.  Anthelmintic Enemas (gets rid of worms)  Worms feed offfermented andlor putrefied manure that is in the colon due to  constipation,  wrong  food combinatio.ns,    yogurt,  milk,  lunch meat, unclean produce,  slow digestion,  spastic  colons,  stress,  under- active appendices, feces that pack and line around the colon, etc. Worms can  be felt crawling around, seen in the bowel movements or around  anus. They  tend to crawl out the rectum at night, due to the warmth of sleepmg  They can be seen crawling out the anus at night. They: can cause  the anus during the day as well as night. Worms come m all shapes and SlZes  and many are transparent.  .  Salt water: dissolve one to two cups of salt in warm water. Add bOle or  lemon to warm water and inject into the rectum.  Herbs Aloe, Cascara Sagrada, Horse Radish and Senna, are laxatiyes that  worms.  (See  anthelmintic). Asafetida, Elecampane,  GarlIc,  QuaSSla  and  Wormwood remove worms.  Antispasmodic Enemas  .'  The colon sometime becomes too weak to have natural muscle actlOns (pen- stalsis). The weakness can be caused by packed feces  around the colon lin- ing, constipation,  etc. parasympathetic  causes the colon to  (diarrhea).  Sympathetic spasm of the sphmcter muscles cause constipation.  Herbs Chamomile, Hops, Lobelia, Valerian, (See calminitive herbs).  Astringent Enemas  .  .  .  A bleeding (hemorrhages) colon can be  by: strammg when havmg  bowel movements. Straining is caused by consTIpation, weak  (pro- lapsed),  poor diet,  etc.  lee  cold-water enemas  are  good (See ..."t,Ull",''''··  herbs).  Section 1: Dis-Ease Treatment and Health Emollient Enemas  This type of enema softens hard caked feces.  Herbs Barley, Linseed Oil, Prune Juice, Psyllium, Castor Oil, Olive Oil.  Nutritive Enemas  One to two cup molasses;  add 2 cups Horse Radish and lemon juice (use  2 lemons) to 2 quarts of water.  Sedative Enemas  Use Cannabis Sativa Seeds as a tea, Valerian or Camip (See sedatives).  Purgative Enemas  Add liquid soap to an herbal solution of Ginger and Horse Radish.  Coffee and Garlic Enemas  This  ofenema is used to detoxify the body and is commonly used for  severe dIs-eases.  J?e ?arlic is an antibiotic and rids the body ofharmful toxins while the  caffeme u: the coffee stimulates the muscles ofthe colon to push waste out.  The  solutIon  travels up to  the  gall bladder  and  causes  it to  eliminate its  contents.  Diarrhea Enemas  Enemas of or valerian for severe diarrhea were often used in Egypt.  Comfrey,  WIl,d Alum Root, Lobelia, Mullein, Wild Rue.  (eat Arrow Root  Powder), Whtte Oak Bark.  An enema  is  not to be relied upon for  proper bowel  movements  A  raw  and natural  foods  diet helps to  regulate the bowels. The  hOle  of food can be checked by eating five to six tablespoons of charcoal  powder  ?r  Then look for  the charcoal  in the bowels.  When it  appears, It wdl give you  time to take for food to leave the body. The food  should spend .f?ur ho.urs  m  the  stomach  and four  hours  in the intestines  (colon). Transittonal time should be no longer than sixteen hours. If longer  enema may be needed along with a good diet.  '  A way to  avoid enemas and keep the colon clean is to take two table- of Flax Seed Meal,  Slippery Elm Powder, Psyllium Husk or Seed  powder),    or Chia Seeds daily. This will create natural fiber  mucous  and It  IS  not a  laxative  (irritant to  digestive  tract)  or habit- 74  75  AFRICAN HOLISTIC  HEALTH  EYE PROBLEMS The  eyes  are  often  abused.  They require exercise and  a  diet  of colors.  Colors are obtained from sunlight.  Sunlight has a rainbow (iris-means rain- bow)  of color, light rays and heat. These colors nourish and stimulate the  pineal, pituitary gland and cascades the stimulation to  other glands.  The  eyes  are abused by artificial light, distorted light (eyeglasses do  this)  and  radiation  from  cars,  television/computer screens,  light reflected off cars,  glass and artificial surfaces and poor reading light.  European eye doctors abuse the eyes by over-prescribing. They never  recommend eye  exercise.  Their branch  of medical science  was  created  from an eyeglass fad and ignorance. In this science, they demand that every  individual have the  same 20120 vision acuity.  This  is  a  physiologically  absurd demand. For example, a group of athletes at peak performance can- not all nm a  100-yard  dash  in  9.4  seconds.  It is  an undisputed fact  and  accepted by athletes and even medical doctors. Vision depends upon the eye  muscles' ability  to  stretch  and contract the  eye  lens.  The  eyes  (another  muscular apparatus like the legs) are asked to perform a physical task with  no regard to the physical limitations ofthe muscle groups. Moreover, this  so-called profession forces people to  wear eyeglasses  (contacts),  which  degenerates  the  eyes' muscles.  Consequently,  if an individual  does not  abuse his  or her eyes, then medical science wilL  Eyeglasses and  surgery  indicate a failure of medical science to solve a vision problem.  A raw food  diet, proper eye exercise, health awareness and full spec- trum light bulbs can avoid eye problems.  Supplements  Suggested Dosage  Remarks  Vitamin A  50,DOO IU.  Helps vision and eye  problems.  Vitamin BComplex  50-100 mg.  Enhances metabolism.  VitaminC  3,000-10,000 mg.  Helps heal.  VitaminD  400IU.  Aids tissue stabilization.  VlfaminE  400-1,200 IU.  Use lor eye disorders.  Zinc  45-80 mg.  Repairs damaged tissue.  Calcium  1,50D mg.  Helps protect eyes.  UpoieAeid  100-200 mg.  Repairs nerve damage.  GLANDULARS  Raw Thyroid, Raw Uver,  As directed.  Helps protect eyes.  Raw Pineal  AMINO ACIDS  Glutamine  As directed.  Repairs damaged  Tryptophan  Relaxes tissue of eyes.  HERBS  Cayenne, Bayberry, Eyebright, Goldenseal, Orchie, Raspberry Leaves.  Section 1: Dis-Ease Treatment and Health All fresh fruits and vegetables, Karambola, no  HOMEOPATHIC Nat Phos., Kali. Mur.  As directed.  Stabilizes eye tissue.  Eye Drops can be made from goldense  I  d  .  ofhoney.  Squeeze the juice fro  fl  h  a  an  eye bnght tea and a drop  eye,  m  res  grape leaves; put a drop in each  .  .  such  as Better Eyesight with  .  VISIOn VIctOry via Vitamins, Vital Foods    Benjamin and  are beneficial reading.  an  lsual Trammg by D. Deimel  GOUT GO?t is a dis-ease reaction. It is a form of  hri'  .  whIte  sugar and when uric acid  II  ct  art  tIs, WhICh can be caused by  get rid ofthese impurities and  ;h  s m  the feet.  body attempts to  connective tissues. Besides this  th es.  em theJOInt,  bone lining and  rat in the diet or the body 's  may be caused. by excessive  IS  treated similarly to arthritis and rhe  .  own  fat.  Gout  ease reaction. Gout is the failure ofthe umatIsm  It IS  the same dis- and/or crystallized waste  It·s  h  t  b.ody to dISsolve excess electrolytes  toe followed by swollen fee:.  c  arac enzed by the onset ofpain in the big Suggested Dosage  Remarks  50,OOOIU.  100 mg.  Enhances digestion and  enzymes. 3,000-5,000 mg.  400 IU.  Decreases urie acid waste.  Protects joints. 4OO1U.  99 mg.  Removes cellular waste.  Decreases tissue swelling.  GLANDUlARS  As directed.  Enhances immunity.  AMINO ACIDS  As directed.  Repairs and defends tissue.  .  HERBS  BIrch Leaves, Black Cohosh, Burdock,  .  Sarsaparilla, Yarrow, Yucca.  Chaparral, Comfrey,  Ginger, Juniper  fruits  Carrots  '.  FOODS  .  •  , Chemes, PIneapple Juice, Red Juice,  StraWberries.  76 77 AFRICAN HOLISTIC HEALTH HOMEOPATHIC Nat. Sulph., Mag. Phos. As directed. Helps excrete tissue waste. HAIR (Loss OF) The hair is nourished at the root by your diet. The scalp and flat muscles ofthe head are subject to all dis-eases (i.e., Arthritis, WOlTIlS, clogged blood vessels, stress, etc.). Hair loss can be caused by diabetes, skin disease, vita- min deficiency, thyroid disease, excess estrogen, iron deficiency, poor cir- culation, weight loss and acute illness. It can be caused by legal (over-the- counter) drugs, radiation, surgery, inadequate nourishment before menopause or during pregnancy and chemotherapy. Diet with excessive sex hormones (i.e., non-organic beef, chicken, dairy, eggs, milk, fruits, veg- etables) and/or overproduction of sex hormones. This can cause galea tis- sue on top of the scalp to thicken and decrease blood supply to the hair, which results in baldness. Stress can tense the flat muscles of the skull and block nutrients from getting to the hair. Hair losslbaldness is referred to as alopecia. If the hair falls out in patches, it is referred to as alopecia areata. Supplement Suggested Dosage Remarks PABA (Para-Aminobenzoic Acid) 50 mg., twice daily. Used for graying hair. Silica 2 tablets, twice daily. Keeps hair looking shiny and sleek. Unsaturated Fatty Acids As directed. Enhances hair texture. (Primrose Oil, Unseed Oil) Prevents dry, brittle hair. Vrtamin BComplex BVItamins are important for growth of hair. Pantothenic Acid (Bsl 100 mg., 3 times daily. Helps maintain hair. Vitamin B6 (Pyridoxine) 50 mg., 3 times daily. Enhances growth. Inositol 100 mg., twice daily. Stimulates growth. Niacin (Ba) 50 mg., 3 times daily. Helps hair absorb nutrients VitaminC 3,000-10,000 mg. Increases scalp circulation. VitaminE Start with 400 IU and slowly Increases circulation, hair increase to 800 -1,000 IU. growth and oxygen to cells. Zinc 50-100 mg., daily. Promotes hair growth by enhancing immune function. Copper Chelate 3 mg., daily. Wor1ls with Zinc to aid in hair growth. 60 mg., daily. Enhances scalp circulation. Increases tissue oxygenation. Kelp 5tablets daily. SUpplies minerals for hair growth. GH (Growth Hormone) As directad. Stimulates growth. Pregnenolone 10D-150mg. Stimulates cell growth. (Progesterone Hormone) Section 1: Dis-Ease Treatment and Health GLANOUlARS Raw Pituitary AawThymus As directed. 500 mg., daily. Stimulates growth. Stimulates immune function and improves functioning capacity of glands. AMINO ACIDS L-Gysteine 500 mg., twice daily. Improves hair growth and texture. L-Methionine Take on an empty stomach Helps prevent hair from with vitamins B6 andC for falling out. better assimilation. Glutathione 1,0Q0..2,OOO mg. Stimulates skin, glands and softtissua Ornithine 1,0Q0..2,OOO mg. Releases growth hormone. HERBS Alfalfa, Birch Leaves, Burdock, Calendula (Marigold), Chaparral, Comfrey, Dwarf Nettle, Horsetail, Maiden Hair, Nettle, Rosemary, Wormwood (ff worms in scalp is a factor). FOOD Asparagus, Bar1ey, Buckwheat, Cabbage, Figs, Kelp, Millet, Oats, Onions, Rice, Romaine Lettuce, Rye, Sesame Seeds, Spinach, Strawberries, Tomatoes. HOMEOPATHIC Aurum 7and Lachesis 7 2 gr., alternate. Take in the a.m. Stimulates growth. Thallium Aceticum 7 and Kali Phosphoricurn 7 2 gr., alternate.Take in the p.m. Enhances nutrients to hair. TISSUE SALTS Silicea Daily, as directed. Cieanses skin (scalp) Kali. Phos. Daily, as directed. Useful for skin problems (hair foHicles, scalp). HEART DIS-EASE It is usually caused by a combination of non-wholistic practices such as poor nutrition, environmental pollution, destructive eating habits and dete- riorating body health internal and external. Many other factors can cause this dis-ease reaction such as, high and low blood pressure, acid ash, fat deposits, thelTIlal glandular fatigue, loss of vein and artery flexibility. The current fad that heart attacks are caused by high cholesterol levels resulting in arteriosclerosis was started in 1913. It is founded upon giving high levels of cholesterol to rabbits (liver too small to break down fats). Further, the researcher never realized that the research was on dis-ease dam- age and never gave dis-ease damage any significance. (N. Anitschkow's arti- cle entitled "On Variations in the Rabbit Aorta" in experimental cholesterol feeding, Beitr Path. Anat. v. Allgem Path. 56:379, 1913). Ironically, since 1877, heart attacks have been scientifically proven (over and over again) to 78 79 AFRlCAN HOLISTIC HEALTH be related to thyroid malfunctions. (Wm. Ord "Transaction Med-Surg Society London" 1877-78; Diseases a/the Endocrine Glands by Zondek, 1944; L.M. Hurxthal's article "Blood Cholesterol and Thyroid in Archives Internal Medicine 53:762, 1934. Also, at Harvard University, in 1925, heart attack was related to thyroid weakness.) The thyroid reacts to the bodily ill health condition of the individual. Illness can be caused by poor diet, cooked food (plants and flesh), suppressive drugs, and synthetic chemicals. It is the systemic (general) health of a person that causes this dis-ease (and all others). Claude Bernard and Louis Pasteur, in the 19th century, indicated that an individual who makes his body dis-eased is more dangerous than any bacteria. Supplements SUggested Dosage Remarks VitaminC 3,000-6,000 mg. Helps thin the blood. Vitamin B-Complex 100 mg. \ Helps nerves. Vitamin Be 50 mg. Combats nerve damage. Vitamin E 2OO1U. Enhances heart circulation. Niacin 50 mg. Dialates hearfs valves. Calcium 1,500-2,000 mg. Helps control heart muscles. Magnesium 705-1,000 mg. Increases nutrients to heart. Phosphorus 500-700 mg. Aids heart muscles. Potassium 99 mg. Stabilizes electrolytes. HERBS Black Cohosh, Cayenne, Cinchona (rhythm disorders), Cramp Bark (relaxes heart muscles), Hawthorn Berries (all types of heart problems), Horsetail, lily of the Valley (natural digitalis), Melissa, Mistletoe, Motherwort, Rosemary. HEMORRHOIDS A hemorrhoid is an outgrowth of skin tissue (tumor). They are varicose veins in the anus, which is a balloon expansion outgrowth of blood vessels in the anal area. The blood vessel is expanded, weakened, and can bleed. Constipation is the leading cause. Constipation is the leading cause ofstrained, ballooned, bursted, ened blood vessels in the anal area. A constipating diet, inadequate fiber and water, weak: hemorrhoidal veins caused by sugar andlor sugar leaching their fluid, stiff inflexible veins due to electrolyte stress, straining during bowel movements, clogged hemorrhoidal veins, rheumatism of muscles of anus, weak or collapsed valves in the veins and junk foods cause hem- orrhoids. A suppository made with cocoa butter (melted), crushed garlic (or gar- lic powder), arnica herb, tansy or bee pollen or garlic clove suppository can bring temporary relief, as well as a hot sitz bath with teas (astringent herbs such as Witch Hazel, Wild Alum Root, Shepherd's Purse, Tormentil, etc. Section 1: Dis-Ease Treatment and Health Supplements Suggested Dosage Remarks Vitamin Cwith Biollavonoids Vitamin B-Complex Vitamin Be VitaminE Vitamin A VitaminK 3,000-5,000 mg. 50-100 mg., 3!imea daily. 50 mg., 3 times daily. 6OOIU. 1,500 IU. 5O-80mcg. Normaiizes blood and heals. Reduces stress on veins. Reduces tension in veins. Enhances blood clOtting. Heals vein tissue. Clots blood and heals. Raw Adrenal, Raw Kidney GLANDULARS As directed. Enhances vessel cleansing. Glutamine, Phenylalanine, Methionine AMINO ACIDS As directed. Helps repair vessels. Aids flexibility of vessels. . HERBS CoIHnsonla, Rosehip, White Oak Bark, Witch Hazel Y; , arrow. . FOODS Citru R s ruit, Kamamboa Kiwi Mango Pap P' " , aya, Ineapple. HERBAL ABORTION r;e ofpregnancy before the fetus reaches the 20th to 28th W k o gestatIOn (growth) is an abortion. Abortion can be induced b ee     hferhbs prevent the continuation e eJec IOn 0 t e fetus from the womb Natural ab . healthy, or the is not alter the h . I fr eren equency from the mother. Herbs help to     by bleeding ai:d An abortIOn m progress is characterized or spread apart Ab rt' Phasmbs at mcrease. The cervix is usually dilated . 0 IOn er s can be drunk dI d . d is douche. It a :: is not dbose·bA level b so u lon, ut y the nght quantity Anyth' a ove the therapeutic level is rejected (urinated) out of the mg 80  81  AFRICAN HOLISTIC HEALTH Herbs Angelica,  Black Cohosh, Blue Cohosh,  Celery,  Cotton, Ergot, Hemlock  Spruce, Horse Radish, Hyssop, Mistletoe, Pennyroyal, Ragwort, Shepherd's  purse, Tansy, Tormentil.  For  inducing an  abortion, the herb  cotton was  used during  slavery.  Tormentil is the strongest astringent. It is often used as a douche to cause the  vagina to become tight (virgin-like). It also can cause scarring ofthe sensitive  tissue in the reproductive organs. The spiritual, emotional, mental and phys- ical consequences of inducing an abortion is an issue that women and men  have to answer for in their consciousness and answer to the ancestors, God and  the murdered child's spirit.  HYPERTENSION,  HIGH BLOOD  PRESSURE AND  STRESS  High blood pressure, stress, and hypertension are usually caused by a lack  ofproper nutrition. Improper nutrition weakens the internal organs, immune  system, and lowers the organs' abilities to utilize nutrients, which feed the  body. The body begins to starve because of the loss ofproper nutrients. This  starvation creates a nutritional debt. The nutritionally starved body tries to  get more nutrients to pay the debt. Consequently, the body demands more  food (nutrients in the blood) by drawing  on poor (below-nutrient-Ievel)  blood. In order to increase the nutrients the body needs, it must get nutri- ents from the blood, so it increases the quantity of blood by increasing the  pressure. The increase in pressure is the body's attempt to feed itself. This  increase in  pressure is  the body's last resort to  defend  itself against the  bodily pollutions,  gland disorders, free radicals, kidney weakness, hyper- tension, overweight, emotional stress, toxemia, deteriorating metabolism,  etc., and a foodless food Gunk food) diet.  An inflexible vascular system is  unable to bring pressure down. The  pressure  gets  high  and  cannot  come  down  to  normal.  However,  the  increased blood pressure fails  to  nourish the body, because junk foods  (fiber-less enzyme depleted) are depleted of nutrients. This results in hyper- tension and stress. The blood nutrients can only be supplied by a natural  whole foods  diet. Additionally,  the  blood can have  an accumulation of  waste floating in it. This waste gets into the veins and arteries causing them  to  lose  flexibility.  The more  cellular  and chemical waste there  is  in the  blood, the less  oxygen and nutrients.  The pressure is elevated in order to  get more nutrients delivered to starved tissue, but instead brings more waste  and less air. This rise in blood pressure demands more nutrients to sustain  the high blood pressure, in the blood-thickwith waste--stress es  the heart  and causes a nutritional unpaid debt. This is a case ofnutritional suicide as  high blood pressure causes high pressure, which in turn causes an extreme  nutrient loss called low blood pressure. subsequently, high and low pres- Section 1: Dis-Ease Treatment and Health sure is caused by dis-ease  Th  h'  h bi of the kidneys to filter  e  Ig t pressure diminishes the ability  l and cell formation  The kidn ' regu a .e·  aide mineral absorption  normal in order  them to  e temperature and pressure to be  The stress reaction does not  a rial hypertension and nervous d' c  use  d' Iseases such as heart dis-ease, arte- ofadrenaline. However  wild  reactions triggers the release  (d.omesticated)    adrenal glands than tamed  alIne and are under more stress  Th  y, WI  anlma.Is produce more adren- stress such  as high blood  .  do not have dIs-eases associated with  uncooked foods and no    diet is raw whole foods,  It.  th  .  .  J  100  S.  IS  e Junk food  diet  and  immu  . ishment that causes stress  If str  no suppressIve  drugs  and malnour- .  .  ess were the cause of d'  nument poor diet then the Black  h  tt 1  I  Is-eases rather than  and high blood pressure.  cae s aves would have died from stress  It is the nutrient poor health  h'  h  .  .  drugs  (antibiotics,  etc.),  fiber-ie:  by lnununosuppressive- (waste) that causes the dis-ease re  f ' fCh oO  ed  and free  radicals  ac lOn  o.  ypertenslOn,  stress, etc.  Supplements Suggested Dosage Remarks VitaminC 3,000-6,000 mg.  Thins blood and relieves stress. Vitamin BComplex 100 mg., twice daily. Lowers pressure, helps circulation. VitaminB 6  50 mg., twice daily. Reduces heart stress. VrtaminE 100-400 IU.  Thins blood, helps heart Inosttol 50 mg.  Aids circulation and heart function.  Choline 50 mg.  Improves circulation and heart function.  Coenzyme Q10  100-300 mg.  Normalizes pressure. UpoicAcid 100-200 mg.  Relieves nerve stress. Plant Sterolins As directed. Combats stress. R GLANDULARS aw Adrenal, Raw Orchid (for men only). AMINO ACIDS Tryptophane As directed. Relaxes tissue, heart and nerves. Taurine As directed. Alds heart function. Cain! Cham . HERBS p,  orrule, Hops, Passion Flower, Valerian. A FOODS Almonds, Brewer's yeast, Dates, Eggplant, Tomatoes. Kat'  .  HOMEOPATHIC I. Phos., Sulph. Calc.,  Nat. Phos. As directed. Normalizes pressure. 82  83  AFRICAN  HOLISTIC  HEAl,TIl  HIGH BLOOD PRESSURE Vitamin B-Complex  VitaminBs  Inositol  Pantothenic Acid  Vitamin Cwith Biollavonoids  VitaminE  Coenzyme Q10  RaW Spleen, Raw Pancreas,  Raw Kidney  Methionine, Cysteine  Butcher's Broom, cayenne, Garlic, Hawthorn Be  ry,  '  .  Barley, Brooooll, CantaloUpe,  Calc. Rour.  Vitamin B-Comp\eX  VitaminC  VitaminE  Vitamin K  see Pollen  Octocosanol  RaW Adrenal, Raw Uver  Phanylalanine  Improves circulation. 100 mg., twice daily.  Relieves nerve and heart  50 mg., twice daily.  streSS.  Enhances circulation.  50 mg., twice daily.    ~   v   s stress.  50 mg.  Helps lhin blood-lowers  3,()()(}6,000 mg.  pressure.  Thins blood. Lowers  2oo1U.  pressure.  Lowers pressure. 100-200 mg.  GLANDUlARS Helps to lhin blood.  As directed.  AMINOACtDS Aids normalization of  As directed.  pressure.  HERBS r  Rosemary Tumeric, Water Chestnut.  FOODS  Guavas  JJjube, Kumquats. Spinach, Turnip Greens.  '  HOMEOPATHIC Helps relax heart muscles.  As directed.  Low BLOOD PRESSURE 100 mg., twice daily.  3,000-5,000 mg.  l00400IU.  5Q-8Omcg.  As directed.  As directed.  GLANDULARS As directed.  AMINO ACIDS  500-1,000 mg.  HERBS Improves circulation.  Increases circulation.  Thins blood, improves  circulation.  Strengthens vascular  tissue.  Increases energy.  Stimulates circulation.  Stimula1es circulation.  IncreaseS circulation.  Ginger  Ginseng  Goldenseal, Parsley, Yohimbe. G  rI ·  Astralagus, Cayenne,  a  IC, '  '  FOODS BlackWainut, Currants, Dates, Rgs, pignOIia Nuts, pumpKin.  Section 1: Dis-Ease Treatment and Health HOMEOPATHIC CaIc.Rouf.  As directed.  .  Enhances heart's energy.  STRESS VItamin B-Comp\eX  100 mg., twice daily;  Relieves stress.  Pantothenic Acid  50 mg.  Helps regulate adrenal  hormone.  Inositol  50 mg., twice daily.  Increases nutrients to cells.  Niacinamide  50 mg., twice daily.  Aids relaxation.  Calcium  1,500-2,000 mg.  Stabilizes energy.  Magnesium  250-1,000 mg.  Relaxes tissue.  Ccenzyme Ql0  100 mg.  Aids circulation, decreases  tenSion.  GLANDULARS Raw Adrenal, Raw Uver  As directed.  Combats stress.  AMINO ACIDS  Phanylalanine  500-1,000 mg.  Stimulates energy.  HERBS Alfalfa, Cayenne, Fo-ti, Ginseng. Saffron, Teng, Valerian.  FOODS Barley, Brewer's Yeast,  Broccoli. Corn, Kale, Lecithin,  Pecans, Tomatoes.  HOMEOPATHIC Calc. Flour.  As directed.  Nourishes heart muscles.  HYPOGLYCEMIA Hypoglycemia is a dis-ease symptom reaction. It occurs because the body is  low (hypo) in blood sugar (glycemia). When the body gets large amounts of  sugar, it receives a rush ofenergy, but it also requires large amounts ofenergy  to burn the large amounts ofsugar. The body becomes exhausted from bum- ing great quantities of sugar. This exhaustion occurs because the body is low  in blood sugar. All fats, proteins and starches are naturally changed to sugar  within the body and thus create more blood sugar.  This blood sugar is used  up burning the large amounts ofprocessed sugars. The processed sugars are  usually taken in the fonn ofrefined concentrated sweeteners, white sugar and  .refmed, bleached white flour (both are refined carbohydrates). Inorder for the  body to  bum sugar, the pancreas must make  insulin.  The  excess  insulin  released to burn up the processed sugars also bums up the normal blood sugar,  causing  a drastic  drop.  The drop  in blood sugar level  has  many  symptoms  ",,,·rnll",.,,  of dis-ease)  such as  fatigue,  depression, nervousness,  irritability,  TnPlmlllCV failures and it damages the nerves.  84  85  AFRlCAN HOLISTIC  HEALTH  The typical junk food diet is composed of between 75  to  150  of  white  sugar per year.  Aside  from  obvious sugars,  there are  sugars  ill 1llllk,  table salt,  catsup,  mustard,  mouthwash, salted nuts,  medicines, toothpaste,  salted chips, pizzas, fruit juices, tabacco, etc.  .'  Sugar is  added to salted products  to make the salt taste saltIer.  Sugar  added to foods to make them addicting (get you hooked on the product).  IS  used to hide the chemical taste and poor quality foods and the taste ofsp?Iled  foods. The majority ofBlack folks are sugar addicts. Ifthey are not addicted  to white sugar, then they are addicted to fast burning proces:red carbohydrates  (white rice, bleached white  flour, potato chips,  fries,  etc.)  turn  into sugar quickly in the body. Sugar is the  addIction of   mar- ijuana smokers,  sex addicts,  video  game  addICts,  phone  addICts,  CIgarette  addicts and drug addicts (legal and/or illegal drugs).  A hypoglycemic person should avoid all white sugar (read labels), con- centrated sweeteners, bleached white flour, and junk foods.  Remarks Supplements  Suggested Dosage  Vitamin A  Vrtamin 6 Complex  Vitamin 6 6  Vitamin B12  VitaminC  Vitamin E  Pantothenic Acid  Zinc  Manganese  Garlic Capsules  Magnesium Chloride  Potassium Chloride  Chromium  10,OOo-5O,000IU.  5O-100mg;  50 mg., twice daily.  300 meg., twice daily.  3,000-5.000 mg.  400 IU.  5-50 mg.  50 mg.  10-50 mg.  As directed.  750-1,000 mg.  99 mg.  3(J().600mg.  Heals urinary tracl.  Enhances metaboTlSITI.  Stimulates enzymes.  Helps nutrient absorption.  Enhances energy release.  Stabilizes energy.  Combats stress.  EnhanceS insufin release.  StabiHzes blood glucose.  Thins blood.  Helps utilize carbohydrates.  Stabilizes energy release.  Helps cells release blood  sugar.  UpoicAcid  1(J().2OO mg.  Stabilizes blood sugar.  GLANDULARS  Raw Liver,  Raw Brain,  As directed.  Help increase energy.  Raw Adrenal, Raw Pancreas  AMINO ACIDS  Glutamine, Cysteine, Carnitine  As directed.  Improves absorption of  nutrients.  HERBS  Bilbeny,  Dandelion,  Horse Radish, Juniper Berries,  Kelp,  Kiwi,  Licorice,  Milk Thistle.  Spirulina, WUd  Yam.  FOODS  Whole-wheat nuts, grains, seeds. Apples, Jerusalem Artichoke, Avocados, Bananas, Broccoli, Brown  Rice, Cantaloupes, Carrots, Grapefruit, Lentils, Lemons. Persimmons, Pomegranates, Potatoes, Raw  Spinach. Squash, String Beans, Yams.  Section 1: Dis-Ease Treatment and Health HOMEOPATHIC  Nat. Phos.  As directed.  Emulsifies fats causing  energy.  It is sometimes recormnended to eat at least eight small meals a day and eat  snacks in order to stabilize blood sugar.  Books such as My Battle with Low Blood Sugar by G. Thienell; Syndrome X by1. Challen; Body, Mind andSugar by C. AbraharnsonandA. Pezet are inform- ative.  KIDNEY STONES  Stones are crystallized waste (can be in the form ofminerals or fats). This  waste has not been broken down (catabolized by the body and properly fil- tered by the kidney). The kidney is like a filter, which works by water pres- sure.  Ifpressure is unstable due to high or low blood pressure or the diet  is ofjunk foods, it affects the kidney. Both of these effects can cause kid- ?ey stones. The kidneys help to recycle minerals (i.e., iron) and electricity  III the body. They concentrate and dilute mineral salts.  Kidney stones can  cause pain on the sides of the middle and lower back.  There  are two kidneys, one on each side of the body.  They are about  the size of a drinking cup and each kidney has a tube that leads from  it to  the bladder. The bladder lies between the hipbones. The bladder stores liq- uid waste  (urine)  until it is  ready for release.  When waste collects  in the  body due to constipating foods and/or weak, improperly fed organs, stones  result.  Stones  can cause the kidneys  to  slightly  sag  and  to  become  mis- aligned due to the extra weight of the stones. The kidneys are related (organ  compliment) to the testicles and ovaries and can indicate a dis-ease in the  reproductive system. When the kidneys are inflamed, have stones or lose  their ability to  recycle minerals the testicles and ovaries accumulate more  waste and decrease their functions.  Supplements  Suggested Dosage  Remarks  Vitamin A  25,000IU.  Aids heanng kidney and  urinary tissue.  VitaminB a  50 mg.  Reduces stones.  Vitamin C with BiofIavonoids  3,000-6,000 mg.  Inhibits stone formation.  Vrtamin B Complex  50 mg., twice daily.  Helps reduce stones.  Garlic Capsules  2 Capsules, 3limes daily.  Helps reduce stones.  Lecithin  1,200 mg., 3 times daily.  Dissolves stones.  ChoHne  50 mg., twice daily.  Helps dissolve stones.  Calcium  1,500 mg.  Aids mineral use.  Magnesium Oxide  750-1,000 mg.  Helps proper mineral use.  Digestive Enzyme  As directed.  Helps metabolize stones.  Zinc  50-80 mg.  Decreases stone formation.  Potassium  99 mg.  Helps dissolve stones.  86  87  Raw Kidney  Phenylalanine, Arginine,  Methionine  AFRICAN HOUSTIC HEALTH  GLANDULARS  Helps cleanse kidney. f>J3 directed.  AMINO ACIDS  Aids healing urinary  tract. f>J3 directed.  HERBS  Catnip,  Gingko,  Goldenseal,  Horse  Radish,  Juniper Berries,  Kelp,  Kidney  Bean  Pod,  Lobelia,  Marshmallow, Orris, Parsley, Spirea, Uva Ursi, Wild Yam.  FOODS  Alfalfa.  Aloe Vera Juice, Apples,  Apricots, f>J3paragus,  Cantaloupe,  Carrots, Cranberry Juice,  Garlic,  Lemons, Limes, Melons, Pumpkin, Squash, Sweet Potatoes, Yams.  HOMEOPATHIC  Excretes stones. f>J3 directed. Nat.Sulph., Kali.  Mur.  Books such as Kidney Disorders by H.  Clements and Health Secrets ofa  Naturopathic Doctor by N. Garten are useful.  LIVER DIS-EASE AND  GALL BLADDER DIS-EASE  The liver is the largest gland in the body.  Glands are organs that are simi- lar to sponges. They secrete and absorb fluid.  The liver secretes digestive  fluids, which are stored inthe gallbladder. They are used for breaking down  carbohydrates  and protein,  The liver stores  at least a  six-hour supply of  reserved natural sugar (glycogen), which can be used in emergencies.  Dis-eases of the liver usually cause digestive problems, sluggishness,  weakness, vomiting, headaches, fever,  weight loss, nausea, mental disor- ders, hemorrhages, fatigue, and low energy levels. The most common dis- ease of the liver is jaundice, which is characterized by yellowish eyes, fin- gernails, toenails and skin. The liver is secreting more yellow bile in order  to dissolve toxins (impurities) in the system. Jaundice is a reaction to dis- ease. The dis-ease created the need for extra yellow bile. Drinking alcohol,  sodas or vinegar damages  the liver and causes  the  liver to  get hard (cir- rhosis). All drugs, synthetic chemicals, hormones and toxins go to the liver.  Drugs, synthetic chemicals, chemicals made in the body by radiation (com- puters, television,  etc.),  chemicals in  polluted air, water (public  drinking  water), noise  (makes  chemicals)  and  synthetic honnones  decreases  the  liver's functions  such as making blood thinners (heparin), blood clotting  (thickeners) constitutents, red blood cells for the fetus, body heat, choles- terol, buffers (ammonia) that neutralize acidic blood, storage ofVitamin B12  and Vitamins A,D, E, and K and destroying the bacteria in the blood.  Section 1: Dis-Ease Treatment and Health  livber gets weak, enlarged, inflamed or hard (cirrhosis)  the spleen  an  1  ey  ecome weak.  '    shoul? nehver  an animal's liver because it is  the most  organ III t  e ammal's body.  Supplements  Suggested Dosage  Remarks  ViiaminA  Vilamin B Complex  Vitamin B6  Vilamin B12  VitaminC  Vitamin E  Garlic capSUles  Niacin  Choline  Inositol  lecithin  Manganese  Magnesium  Zinc  Digestive Enzyme  Raw Uver, Raw Thyroid.  Threonine,  Lysine, Glycine.  25,000 IU.  50 mg., twice daily.  100 mg.  300mcg.  3,000-6,.000 mg.  4OO1U.  2 Capsules, 3 times dally.  1OQ-500mg.  50 mg., twice dally.  50 mg., 3 times daily.  1,200 mg., 3 times daily.  10-50 mg.  750-1,000 mg.  50-80 mg.  As directed.  GLANOULARS  As directed.  AMINO ACIDS  As directed.  Enhances healing of tissue.  Nourishes tissue.  Eliminates toxins.  Stimulates cellular repair.  Combats toxins.  Helps rebuild liver.  Detoxifies liver.  Enhances circulation.  Stops fatly buildup.  Stimulates cleansing.  Emulsifies impurities.  Helps liver repair.  Reduces waste.  Helps repair tissue.  Enhances detoxification.  Cleanses and strengthens  liver.  Helps excrete toxins.  FOODS  Apple, Artichoke, Beet,  Black Radish, Cucumber, Garlic  Grapes  Kiwi  Lemon J'  Pa Red Beet Juice Tops.  '  "  Ulce,  paya,  Pear,  HOMEOPATHIC  Nat.Sulph.  f>J3 directed.  Eliminates impurities.  Books  such as  Liver Ailments and Common  Disorders  by  S  Tob  d  RSatddural  fo.r  Liver Troubles  and Associated  ne  on are lllfonnat:1ve.  .  88 89 AFRICAN HOLISTIC HEALTH MARIJUANA (CANNABIS SATIVA) Marijuana is a plant in the grass family and is classified as a weed. It has some limited curative properties and as a curative, it must be drank as a tea, used as a poultice or eaten raw. Interesting to note, as a food, raw marijuana is difficult to digest because people are not natural grass eaters. Humans lack the large flat molar teeth and the three stomachs found in natural grass eaters. However, the plant mineral content is good for lung dis-eases. When marijuana is burnt and smoked, it is transformed into a processed toxic chemical with cancerous deadly oils. The synthetic chemical droplets in marijuana smoke are a depressant. They depress the bodily function and nerve activity, lessens heart action, dulls thinking, lessens muscle contraction, lessens frequency and depth of breathing, decreases gland secretions (prostate, thyroid, pitu- itary, etc.) and increases the aging process. Tiny droplets ofchemicals inthe smoke ofMarijuana directly weaken the liver, lungs, brain, eyes, and sex organs (produces low quality and quantity of sperm). It alters the breath and the rhythm of internal organs. Marijuana syn- thetic chemicals disorientate cellular control ofthe body. In The Low Fat Way to Health and Longer Life by L. Morrison and a pamphlet report Marijuana, The Health Hazard by Dale Dominy, M.D., this subject is scientifically reviewed. The tiny droplets of chemicals, in Marijuana, smoke reduce the sperm count and damages the nerve receptor site. The tiny droplets of chemicals in smoke contain more cancer-causing chemicals than tobacco smoke. Emphysema, lung cancer, bronchitis and related diseases that once only affected tobacco smokers are common in marijuana smokers. The chemicals inMarijuana smoke can cause scarring ofthe lung tissue and the oily droplets of chemicals in the smoke clogs the lungs. This reduces oxygen to the cells, tissue and organs such as the liver. Reduced oxygen to the liver causes weak digestive enzyme fluid, reduces mineral absorption, disrupt hormone balance, weakens the pancreas and thyroid and decreases the nutrients to the brain. The' bitter oils stimulate the appetite. The new hi-tech plants contain 200% more tetrahydrocannabinol (THC). It is not the same marijuana of twenty or thirty years ago. It is a cloned and hybridized plant concoction. It is not natural. Those that grow their own plants do not research the origin ofthe cloned seeds. They grow them in synthetic fertilized soil or nutrient depleted soil. The private growers do not test the soil and ground water for contamination or toxic chemicals. Marijuana is deliberately bred to be addictive and can result in mild, severe, or delayed withdrawal symptoms. Some of the symptoms of with- drawal are chills, anxiety, food craving (related to liver damage), headaches, temper tantrums, diarrhea, hot flashes, apathy, family and relationship prob- lems, hypersensitivity, mood swings, tremors, excessive talking, sleepless- ness and illusions about self worth. Section 1: Dis-Ease Treatment and Health . TREATMENT See Cocame Addicti on, on page 61 for vitamin' . ' two-week raw juice fast and the er' . t' fS' ammos, etc. A drugs. Imma IOn 0 all Junk food, alcohol and Subs!itute Herbs (which can be smoked), CatnIp Mullein Pepp 't Co . . . , ,enmn , rn SIlk, RabbIt Tobacco and Wild Lettuce. ADDICTION The effect that smoke from burnt M .. " . ing state. The synthetic chemical . :Ives IS a.chemlcally addict- trition of the body M" s m e smo e cause SIckness and malnu- . arlJuana causes the bod t lfun' chemistry to be sickly blocks n Y 0 ma ctlOn and bio- increases waste in cells The l' erve, receptor decreases oxygen and gums the lymph flu'd h' my pOisonous .Oil droplets within the smoke .. 1 , ormones, red and whIte blood 11 d This self-mduced sickness is called "feelin d" .ce s an is commonly caU!t or dis- emotionai, c;;;,: once once a month or once once. a day, chemIcals m Marijuana reflects the indi .d l' gu anty sI?oking the Synthetic chemicals made from Marl' u VI ua If the person. the Marijuana to freely control and   d,eIS addidctm g and causes the addict. mm moo and behavior of MARIJUANA EFFECTS ON THE SPIRIT Burnt (cooked) Marijuan' h . 1 spirit to the breath It caus: IS a C tha: alters the attachment of the mood and body It can alt s the ;PU1t to lose Its guiding effect on the mind . er or estroy levels of spirituality, ' MENOPAUSE A woman's sexuality has thr h uterus), birthin , and meno ee p ases: (hemorrhaging of cycle. In this IS the apex of the sexual ends. While the bod is makin cease and reproduction nutritional, spiritual,   1from fertility to ances begin months or ears be£ 1m a ances occur. These Imbal- sitionald supplements   tran- h .ave a equate reserve energy to hel k . , y oes not tional deficiency can occur. Nutritfo: a nutri- mood sings, unexplained pain and £ r b ormonal defiCIencIes cause nia, irritability, sore breasts night ?ne loss, hot flashes, insom- , , resprratoryproblems, heart prob- 90  91  AFRICAN HOLISTIC  HEALTH  lerns, itching, depression, loss ofinterest in sex, fatigue, bladder problems,  anxiety, aging of skin, dry skin, vaginal dryness and tantrums.  It is  natural for  the  sex drive  to  change to  another  orgasmic  level.  Ignorance of this change and failure  to make spiritual transition can cause  a "lost sex drive." The common menopausal dis-ease symptoms are related  to  poor nutrition,  excess  estrogen  and  steroids  from  non-organic  fruits,  vegetables, eggs, milk and meat. There are no Menopausal dis-ease symp- toms  in  many  colored  cultures  on  organic  foods  (lncan,  Chinese,  Aborigines,  Eskimos,  etc.).  These women  eat  organic foods,  have  main- tained good nutrition, have unpolluted air,  water, soil,  and have a cultural  education to support their three phases of sexuality.  Each woman has a natural "baby space." Baby space is the uniquely indi- vidual time that a woman should have a baby. A space (time) for a woman to  have a child is hormonally, spiritually and emotionally programmed into the  biochemistry.  This  space  is  usually  fmely  adjusted by her male partner's  pheromone level. Because of oppression, the social conditions deny the space  and Black males that have not had "rites ofpassage" for adulthood and mar- riage  also  participate in denying the woman fulfillment  of the baby space.  Added to this, females  are denied their "rites of passage" education and the  cultural atmosphere conducive for  having  children,  adulthood, parenthood  and menopause. White Supremacy has denied the "baby space," "rites ofpas- sage," and the culture (village) needed to make menopause symptomless.  Supplements  Suggested Dosage  Remarks  Vitamin A  25,000 IU.  Improves immunity.  Vitamin 8 Complex  50 mg.  Enhances circulation.  \.fflamin 8 1  50 mg., 3times daily.  Aids absorption.  VllaminB s  50 mg., 3times dally.  Helps nerve function.  VilaminB 12  3OOmcg.  Stimulates energy.  VilaminC  3,OO()-6,000 mg.  Used for hot flashes.  VilaminE  4OOIU.  Decreases hot flashes.  VllaminK  5O-80mcg.  Stabilizes bones.  Pantothenic Acid  5-50 mg.  Reduces stress.  Calcium  1,500-2,000 mg.  Helps decrease  nervousness.  Zinc  50 mg.  Prevents bone loss.  Boron  1-9 mg.  Improves Calcium  absorption.  Silica  As directed.  Strengthens tissue and  Calcium.  Evening Primrose Oil  As directed.  Helps relaxation, hot  flashes.  Black: Currant Oil  As directed.  Aids calmness and  decreases edema  Magnesium  750-1,000 mg.  Protects bones.  PABA  S0-1OOmg.  Decreases irritability and' '.' nervousness.  Lecithin  1,200 mg.  Soothes nerves.  Section ]. Dis E. 'I1..  .  - ase 1reatment and Health Brewer's Yeast  As directed.  Improves nerves' function  Pregnenolone  and  100-150 mg. (Wild Yam)  Balances hormone levels. As directed. CremeA..olion  Balances hormones'  stimulates Ubic/o.  '  Raw Ovary  GlANDULARS  As directed.  Aids hormone balance.  AUINOACIDS Glutamine, Cysteine,  As directed. Methionine,Phenylalanine  Relieves symptoms. LYSine, Arginine.  '  Anise, Black and Blue CohOSh,' Chaste  "- HERBS  Ucorice  Pen  ' "'amp Bark, Dong Quai  ElOO Fa  ,  nyroyal, Red Raspberry Le  S  .  '  r, Ise Unicorn, Fennel  Ginse  aves,  arsapanlla, Saw Palmetto, Sf. Johns Wort,    All fresh  its  nd  FOODS  ru  a  vegetables, Amaranth, Mustard Greens, Watercress.  HOMEOPATHIC  As directed.  Provides iron. Improves  circulation.  Ferr. Phos.  MUSCLE, MENSTRUAL CRAMPS The  muscles  not  getting  the  pro  er  nutr'  .  qxyg.en,causes  a buildup  of laCtI'C  I:'d  . lents  or  not  gettmg  enough  starv  d  aCI  waste and c  Th  ..  . e  muscles  cannot relax'  this  .  11 d  ramps.  e nutritIonally  ma  t b  ab  ,IS ca  e  a cramp  In  ddi' Y,TIoe  Ie to burn (metabolize) the  ... a  tion,thebody upon minerals'---particularl  Ifthey arepresent Muscles.  Vltamms B6 and D. Furthe  POtasSIum calcium, and  the alkalis (minerals).    of the body can bum up  Remarks  50 mg.  Relieves stress,  tension 400 IU.  Stabilizes muscles. 4001U.  Useful for PMS. 100 mg., 3 times daily.  Anti-stress. 1,500,.2,000 mg.  Prevents cramps. 750-1,000 mg.  Decreases irritability. 5D-80mg.  Reduces nervousness. 2 tablets.  Strengthens tissue. 1,000-2,000 mg.  Relieves muscle pain. 50 mg., twice daBy.  Helps control behavior.  92  93  AFRICAN HOLISTIC  HEALTH  GLANDULARS  Raw Adrenal, Raw Liver,  As directed.  Relieves symptoms.  Raw prostate  AMINO ACIDS  Tryptophan  Glycine  As directed.  As directed.  Retaxes and calms.  Anti-anxiety.  HERBS  Alfalfa,  Belladonna,  Blue CohOSh,  Cayenne,  Comfrey,  Dandelion,  Kelp,  Licorice (female),  Lobelia,  Qatstraw, Orris, Saffron, Sarsaparilla (female) Shavegrass. Thyme.  FOODS  Beets, CarrolS, Cucumber, Seawater, Sesame Seeds, Sweet Fruits and JuiceS, Whole Grains.  HOMEOPATHIC  Nourishes nerves and brain. As directed. Mag.Phos.  OVERWEIGHT/OBESITY Overweigh/Obesity is usually caused by malfunctioning digestive organs  and/or overeating. OvelVleight is weight oftive to ten pounds above nor- mal weight.  Obesity is the accumulation of excess fat. A person can have  obesity and not be ovelVleight. A person can be overweight and obesity. A  body builder with large  muscles  is considered overweight (Le.,  Arnold  Schwartzenagger). Fat accumulates around the gut because the liver is too  stressed to break down fat,  the pancreas is weak, excess protein is turned  to  fat,  overeating  and/or a  diet of junk foods.  However,  the  reason  for  overeating must be wholistically solved or else the overweight/obesity will  continue. Excess weight (fat) is actually extra cells the body has to main- tain. These cells are homes for toxic  waste. Fat steals energies that could  be used for immunity. The fat tries to insulate the weak organs by keeping  their low  energy production protected. The fat  increases  as the  organs'  functions decrease. Fat becomes a storage place for waste and the fat cells  stop the body's abilities to cleanse and maintain health.  The appestat (appetite control mechanism) can be imbalanced by emo- tional stress, physical shocks ( dis-eased organs) and spiritual causes. Cases  of overwaste  (overweight)  due  to  glandular  disorders  are  infrequent,  whereas cases ofoverwaste obesity are caused by the malnutrition from eat- ing the  wrong foods  and junk foods.  Undernourishment causes  deterio- rated organs to  accumulate waste, toxins and fat. This begins to choke the  healthy cells,  decrease  cell  life  and alter the path of the  nutrients  in the  blood supplies. The body allocates nutrients to the fat cells and decreases  nutrients  to  the  healthy cells. The fat  of obesity is  another  symptom of  nutrient starvation and dis-ease.  Section 1: Dis-Ease Treatment and Health Supplements  Suggested Dosage  Remarks  VrtaminC  3,000'5,000  Helps regulate appetite.  Vitamin B Complex  100 mg.  Relieves depression.  Vrtamin B6  50 mg.  Reduces irritability.  Vrtamin  B12  3OOmcg.  Aids metabolism.  Vitamin E  400 -1,000 IU.  Relieves stress.  VrtaminA  50,000 IU.  Aids weighUoss.  VitaminD  4OO1U.  Helps store energy.  Niacin  50 mg., e times daily.  Improves circulation.  Calcium  1,5QO.2,OOO mg.  Improves metabolism of fate.  Choline  100 mg.  Aids tat metabolism.  Magnesium  750-1000 mg.  Soothes nerves.  Zinc  50·100 mg.  Reduces craving.  Inositol  100 mg.  Enhances energy.  Lecilhin  200-500 mg.  Dissolves fat.  Garlic Capsules  Asc.irected.  Cleanses tissue.  Brewer's Yeast  Asc.irected.  Anti-stress.  Cravex  As directed.  Reduoes craving for sugar,  etc.  GLANDULARS  Raw Thymus  As directed.  Regulates energy levels.  AMINO ACIDS  Phenylalanine  As directed.  Appetite control.  Ornithine, Carnitine  As directed.  Dissolves tats.  BlackCh'  HERBS  aparraI, Chickweed, Echinacea, Fennel, Gotu KOIa,lrish Moss, lJcorice Root,Mandrake, Sallron.  FOODS  Cabbage bottoms, Celery, Cherry, Grapef  its  Kruam apd vegetables.  ,ru,  boa, Lemon, Orange, Pomegranate. All fresh fruits  HOMEOPATHIC  Calc.POOs.  DIET FADS AND  BOOKS All  'd  . rapl.  loss diets or programs may seem healthy, but the slim foods    ;nd,wghelgh(t loss supplements will cause health hazards and temporary  oss 0  wel  t  usually water and protein from the organs, bones and muscles).  Diet Fads  Diet Books  The Beverly Hills Diet  Amazing Hypno-Diet The Cottage Cheese Diet  Calories Count The Egg Diet  Diet and Blood Types The Grape Diet  The Doctor's Quick Weight Loss Diet The Grapefruit Diet  The Drinking Man's Diet 94  95  AFRlCAN HOLISTIC HEALTI!  Eat Fat and Grow Slim  The Ice Cream Diet  How Sex Can Keep )i)u Slim  The Lolllpop Diet  The No Will Power Diet The New York Diet  The Psychologist's Eat Anything Diet The Rice Diet  Pray )i)ur Weight Away The Roman Orgy Diet  .  cookbooks and diet books. It is essentially the  The largest sellmg books. are  .  which necessitates diet books. The books  cookbooks that cause  k food habit  Therefore, weight gain  never treat the food addictlOn. an  snac  .  and diets to lose weight contmues.  FAT FALLACIES  Considerations  Weight Loss Phrases  What are the names of the doctors? Do  "Doctors agree"  d"  ? they have a degree in nutrition or me  Icme..  What type of authorities?  Do they  With  "Authorities agree"  authority or are they authorities of English?  We  need whole foods  from all food groups  A  diet that eliminates one or more  for physical health.  entire food groups  (such as  carbohydrates)  Vegetable protein  can be substituted  A  diet that says eat  for meat. Meat can be eliminated.  only rice or meat.  Water weight can be lost rapidly.  When a weight loss diet says you can  Rapid weight loss causes craving for  lose more than two pounds per week  and weight increase. Protein and  water IS  lost from  muscles and organs. This is  dangerous and unhealthy.  .  .  ht"  This type of weight loss is  caused by the diet  "Lose up to five pounds overmg  .  inducing a disease state.  This is stupidity disguised as knowledge.  "No pillS! No exercise!  Eat your favorite foods!  Lose weight while you sleepl"  Water and muscle weight loss takes  .  "New  fat-burning system slims down  place over a ten-day period,    fat. ThiS  pounds in ten days."  may cause subclinical  malnutrition.  Rapid weight loss supplements usually have"  "Rapid weight losS:'  addicting epinephrine or a herbal speed,  such as Guarana, Ephedra, Yerba Mate  caffeine. They speed up your system, which, .  is  believed to speed up the burning of fats.  Section 1: Dis-Ease Treatment and Health TYPES OF FAT  Saturated These are the visible fats,  such as butter, lard, tallow, and blubber. Most sat- urated fats  are found in animal flesh.  All aninlal  fats  are unsafe and con- tain cholesteroL  They are usually cooked and contain very high amounts  of chemicals and waste. Coconut oil is  a safe saturated fat.  Processed and  cooked saturated fats are used in the diet.  They are dangerous.  Raw satu- rated fats  are good.  Unsaturated Unsaturated fats  are desirable. They may prevent eczema and help  circu- late and break down cholesterol. Cooked and/or processed unsaturated fats  are hannful. Raw unsaturated fats  (found in  raw food)  are good.  MOllo-Saturated A type ofunsaturated fat.  Reduces total cholesterol. Includes canola, olive  and peanut oils, as well as  avocados and natural raw peanut butter.  Polyunsaturated A kind of unsaturated fat.  Lowers total  cholesterol.  Includes sesame, saf- flower,  sunflower,  soybean, and com oils.  Omega-3 A type  of polyunsaturated  oil  that  lowers  total  cholesteroL  May help  decrease deposits of cholesterol in the arteries. It is in tofu, salmon, trout,  mackerel,  flaxseeds,  soybeans and tuna.  PREGNANCY AND CHILDBIRTH 'Pregnancy is  the  period of childbearing.  The  nutritional  balance  of the  mother before pregnancy is very important; natural whole foods should be  maintained for at least one  year before  conception. The female  and male  parents  must  avoid alcohol,  cigarettes,  sodas,  drugs,  refmed  foods  and  other junk foods. The man fathering the child should maintain a natural food  A poor diet creates poor sperm and eggs.  Unhealthy sperm and eggs  VIIJ1UU\.;c  unhealthy children.  Pregnancy is wholistic and the mother's and  's spirits, emotions and thoughts have an impact on the unborn child.  unborn  child's  spirit and aura (electromagnetic  force  field)  is  con- to the father (an emotional umbilical cord). The man fathering the  as  well  as  the  birth  father,  can make  mental  and spiritual impres- upon the unborn child.  e difficulties with pregnancy are caused by inadequate nutrition, poor  high heels,  nylon panties,  hormonal changes, a shift in gravity and  96 97 AFRICAN HOLISTIC HEALTH weight distribution, pressure on the bladder pressure on the colon(may cause constipation), inadequate exerCIse, faIlure to take Red Raspberry leaf tea consistently, muscle-rel.axing of increase in estrogen (cause bleeding gums, rt;tennon) drop III bloo pres- Sdiz ziness) morning sickness, digestIon problems (gas), sure ( cause, . d' de uate hohshc of ligaments, insomnia, leg cramps, mood an rna q ort from the male fathering the child and/or birth father. supp The woman's body is delicately balanced. This d.elicate state all?ws the t transmit and receive energies from the envtronment (phYSIcal and the child from the father and from herself. She can also of negative 'energies which can cause the pregnancy to be dIf- ficult and full of problems. Remarks SUpplements Suggested Dosage Vitamin A 5,OOOIU. Aids eyes, skin, bones, antioxidant. Vitamin BComplex 100 mg. Maintains skin, nerves, muscle and brain function. Vitamin Be 50 mg. Enhances mental and physical health. VitaminB 15 2,OOOmcg. Stimulates ene®, production. VrtarninC 3,000-6,000 mg. Enhances tissue growth and repair. VitaminD 400 mg. Aids growth of bones, protects heart. VitaminE 400-1,000 IU Combats diseases, enhances, circulation. VitaminK 100mcg. Helps repair cells, stabilizes boneS. Calcium 1,500-2,000 mg. Regulates cholesterol, growth and development. Magnesium 750-1,000 mg. Stabilizes nerves, reduces stress. Manganese 10-50 mg. Aids reproductive organs, nerves and growth. FolicActd 800-1,000 meg. Regulates fetal development. Potassium 50-BOmg. Enhances nutrient level, nervous system. Zinc WhiteClay Bee Pollen 5D-80mg. 1-2 tbsp. daily. As directed. Nourishes glands. Cleanses colon. Provides, protein and energy. Vegetarian Iron Quercetin 1Bmg. As directed. Essential for blood. Aids digestive tract used for cancer. Coenzyme Q10 30-100 mg. Enhances immunity, lungs, muscles and glands. Beta Carotene Vegetable Protein (Soy Free) 15,000 LV. As directed. Combats diseases. Needed for bodily functions. Section 1: Dis-Ease Treatment and Health Vegetarian AcidophHus As directed. Aids digestion. Chromium 100·200 meg. Regulates glucose. HERBS Alfalfa, Blessed Thistle, Ginseng, Gotu Kola, Kola, Spikenard, Raspberry leaves, Uva UraL Stretch Marks (Prevention) Aioe Vera Oil, Glucosamine and Chondroitin CremetLotion, Rub on abdomen, thighs and Shea Butter, Vitamin E Oil hips. Milk Production Alfalfa, Blessed Thistle, Borage, Caraway, Oat Straw, Fennel, Milkwort, Rosemary. Enrich Milk Malia, Burdock Rood, Dande!ion, Nettle. Uterine Contractions Cramp Bark, St. John's Wort, Shepherd's Purse. Avoid During Pregnancy Angeiica, Barberry, Black Cohosh, Bloodroot, Cafs Claw, Celandine, Cottonwood Bark. Dong Quai, Fevetiew, Goldenseal, Lobelia, Oregon Grape, Pennyroyal, Rue, Tansy. FOODS All fresh vegetables and fruits, Beans, Beets, Raw Nuts, Flaw Seeds, Whole Grains, Flaxseed Meal. PROSTATE PROBLEMS The prostate is partly muscle and gland. It is about the size of a walnut with a donut shape. It is directly underneath the bladder and surrounds the tube (ure- thra) that allows urine to flow out the bladder and pass out through the penis. The prostate secretes a thin cloudy alkaline fluid that helps make up seminal fluid. The muscular contractions of the prostate squeeze the prostatic fluids and help mix it with semen and sperm. The muscles help to ejaculate. There are many types ofprostate diseases and many factors that can cause prostate problems. Drugs (legal and illegal) harm it. Prostatic Hypertropy is enlargement ofthe prostate. It can slow down, interrupt, block, or stop the flow ofurine as well as cause urine to stay in the bladder too long, resulting in infections andlor inflammation. This can lead to kidney discase and destroy the kidney. Prostatitis is the inflammation ofthe prostate. Diseases can directly and indirectly affect the prostate such as Sugar Diabetes, High Blood Pressure, Rheumatism, Arthritis, Varicose Veins, as and Hypoglycemia, which damages prostate nerves. There are early warnings ofprostate problems. Premature baldness andlor ejaculation can indicate weakness andlor deterioration ofthe prostate. Young hoys dribble urine after it stops flowing and often leaves urine stains in their 98  99  AFRICAN HOLISTIC HEALTH  underwear. This may be indicating the beginning of prostate problems. Men  that need to shake their penis several times because urine  dribbles after uri- nation  stops  may  have the onset of problems.  Usually,  early warnings  are  ignored until the male reaches middle age and has an enlarged prostate, can- cer of the prostate or infertility.  Infertility isrising, as twenty-five percent of married couples cannot have  children. The sperm count was  120 million per milliliter in 1938 and dropped  to  20 million per milliliter in 1991. Ithas been steadily decreasing each year.  Imbalanced sex hormone levels (estrogen, progesterone and testosterone) can  result in decreased sperm counts. Excess estrogens in non-organic foods lower  the progesterone and a testosterone level, which lowers the sperm count and  deteriorates the prostate.  There are estrogen and steroid-type chemicals in non-organic meats, milk  (dairy),  egg,  fruit,  and vegetables. Excess  estrogen  weakens  the    causes cancer ofthe prostate and breast cancer in men. Synthetic estrogen ill foods given to childbearing women can cause undescended testicles. Women  eating non-organic  commercial foods  with excess estrogen have  more  syn- thetic  estrogen in their breast milk than is found in non-organic cow's milk.  Therefure, the consumption ofexcess estrogen inbreast and cow's milk starts  the deterioration ofthe prostate.  Prostaglandin hormones, as well as Adrenalin hormones are released as  a  reaction to  High Blood Pressure,  Stress,  Diabetes,  Obesity,  Drugs,  Junk  Food., Non-Organic Meat, Egg, and Dairy consumption. Prostgalandins cause  prostate muscle contraction and are anti-inflammatory.  They can be high in  semen. An overly high prostaglandin level weakens the tissue ofthe prostate,  the prostate reacts  by  getting thicker,  developing  scar tissue  and  becomes  hypertrophied (enlarged).  The prostate is harmed by white sugar, alcohol, vinegar,  salt, processed  foods,  the  toxic  synthetic chemicals in  commercial  deodorants,  colognes,  cough suppressants and allergy remedies. They enter the blood and prostate.  They cause cellular waste to  be  suppressed  (kept)  in the prostate  and alter  normal function. Itis best to use natural products purchased from health food  stores. Sexual intercourse with ejaculation causes the same nutrients' energy  loss as running 20 miles. A lifestyle with junk foods and excessive sex with- out nutritional supplementation and prostate herbs will eventually destroy the  prostate.  SIGNS AND SYMPTOMS OF PROSTATE PROBLEMS • Painbetweentherectumandthescrotum • Decreasedforceofurinatioo • Difficultystartingandstoppingurination • Frequentdayand/ornighturination • Burningfeelingwhen urinating • Bloodinurine(pinkorreddish) Section 1: Dis-Ease Treatment and Health • Pusinurine • Decreasedamountofsemen (lessthanthenormalone-halfteaspoon) • Decreasedforceofejaculation • Lowerbackpain • SeriesofkidneyinfectionsorUrinaryTractInfection • Semendrippingfrompenisinsteadofbeingejaculated • Thinclearsemeninsteadofopaque • Prematureejaculation • Inabilitytomaintain orgetanerectionortoejaculate. • Smellofsemenchanges.Semenusuallyhasaslightlysweetodor.Asaltyodor indicateskidneyexcretoryandvenerealdiseaseor diseased bodilycondition. Bittersweetodorindicatesspleenand/orpancreasdisease. • Ahardrubberymassisfeltbetweentheanusandthescrotumsackwiththetes. ticles.Itcanbe painfuliftouched. • Too much sexual intercourse(cancauseprostate problems) orsexwhilehav- ingan activeurinarytractinfectionfurtherweakenstheprostate. • Constantkidneyand/orbladderintectioncausedbyurinebacking upwhenthe . enlargedprostateblocksflow.  Difficultystartingandstoppingurination.  Supplements  Suggested Dosage Remarks VitarninA 50,000IU. Protectssexorgans. VitaminB6  50mg. Enhanceshealthygland function. VitaminC 3,()()(}6,OOOmg. Aidsrepairoftissue. Vitamin E  400-1,000IU. Increasescirculation. lecithin 1,500mg. Dissolvescellularwaste. Calcium 1,500- 2,000mg. Aidsdevelopmentofgood tissue. Magnesium 750-1,000mg. Strengthensglandsand muscles. Manganese 10-100mg.  Nourishessexorgans. Zinc 50-100mg.  Healsandprotectsglands. PumpkinSeedOilCapsules As directed. )  Nourishesandhealsglands. Bee Pollen As directed. Providesnutrientsto build tissue. Niacinamide 50-100mg.  Increasescirculationto prostate. Pregnenolone 100mg. Progesteronehormone balance. MSM 1,000mg. Anti-inflammatory. PlantSterols As directed. Protectsandheals. PlantSterolins As directed. Promotesrepair. DHEA 50mg.  Hormonalbalance. AMINOACIDS 4'sine,(Infection),Glutamine(Increasecirculation),Glutathione(Cleansesprostrate). 100 101  AFRICAN HOLISTIC HEAl;rn HERBS  Increase blood to sex Maca, Muira Puama, Pygeum, Saw Palmetto, Yohimbe.  organs. Cleanses,  strengthens all types of  prostate disease.  Stops inflammation.  Cat's Claw, Chickweed, Decreases enlargement Echinacea, Feverfew, Goldenseal,  Hormone balance, shrinks.  Sarsaparilla, Witch Hazel  Shrinks, cleanses.  Cranesbill, Horsetail  Shrinks prostate.  Shepherd's Purse  Reduces discomfort of  Buchu, Juniper Berry, Uva Ursi  urination.  Increases prostate  Gingko, Gotu Kola  circulation.  FOODS  .  .  meat and  milk  white sugar, fried food, white flour,  No alcohol, coffee, salt, non-organtC eggs,  foods  (vinegar, beer, wine,  soy  white rice, caffeine, black pepper (use  seeds  sunflower seeds. vegetables;  sauce, etc')d' Ealt  'h or more of distilled water daily.  cold presse  01 s  •  SICKLE CELL ANEMIA . hil This protective reaction ofthe body helps to 0.n:malaria. InAfrica, e natural .l':oods diet sickle cell anemIa did not present a pro em. one was on a 1', Ii  od  t  dairy It is a dis-ease today because the diet is processed 0 s, :{ takin ' dru  s white sugar, salt, etc. This dis-ease IS caused by the bIo. ce .g g :. k1 h e and blocking the circulation of blood, nutnents and aIT, to stay in the body. The blocked blo?d vessels cause akn  ss and pain in the muscles, deterioration and weakenmg.of organs and we e . od' gs and can result m death. systems energy loss depreSSIOn, mo SWill . ·th Th; cells sickle after exercise O.r stress WIth ': sickle cell disease. Ifthe person is has   diseased suffers from chemical or emotlOnal stressors, . e SIC . kl not rebo:md (return) to their natural shape. This can be as SIC e cell. Thiocyanate protects ofAfrican mia. Thiocyanate is abundant 1ll cassava and yams I Remarks Suggested Dosage  supplements  Protects blood cells.  50,000IU. Vitamin A  Enhances cell function. 50 mg. Vitamin  B6 Regulates blood cell 300-400 mcg.  VitaminB,2  formation.  Protects cell's structure.  3,000-6,000 mg. Vitamin C with Bioflavonoids  Improves circulation.  400-1,000 IU. Vitamin E  FOODS  Chickpeas,  Lentils,  Lima Beans, Millet, Flaxseed, Cabbage.  Section 1: Dis-Ease Treatment and Health See Overweight (page 92) for additional supplements. Follow the remedies as listed for Liver dis-ease and Gall Bladder dis-ease and take iodine sup- plement. SKIN ERUPTIONS Skin eruptions can be in the form ofbumps, rashes, acne, boils, black and whiteheads, pimples, herpes and pus-filled bumps. The pus is actually nature's liquid bandage, and is filled with curative nutrients. The diet to assist skin cieansirtg should consist ofraw fruits and vegeta- bles, whole grains, beans, brown rice, sprouts, millet, raw nuts, raw seeds and other whole foods. Avoid processed foods. processed fat, fried foods and ani- mal fats. There are many drugs to avoid such as alcohol, cigarettes, white sugar, coffee, soft drinks, cocoa, commercial tea, synthetic deodorants (they keep in toxins) and commercial toothpaste. Junk foods cause the body to use the skin for a bowel movement. TREATMENTS Wash skin with a natural soap, black (herbaVmineral) soap and clay soap. Do not use commercial cosmetics, shampoos, lotions or creams. Skin dis-ease (acne) is usually aggravated and worsened by emotional tension and stress. See Acne (page 4) for supplements. These books can be useful: Herbsfor Clearing the Skin by S. Beckett; Self Treatment for Skin Troubles by H. Clements; Skin Troubles by B.  MacFadden; and Diet to Help Acne by A Moyle. STOMACH ULCERS These ulce.rs are open sores on the skin, which can be on the esophagus, duodenum or stomach. Sores can be caused by inadequate nutrition and junk foods. The Sympathetic Nervous System is used for a crisis, fight or flight response, anxiety, fear, hypertension, danger, disease, alcohol, drugs, excess estrogen, arguments, accidents, steroids, harmful chemicals, radia- tion, polluted air and water, hyperactivity, etc. When the system is active, it causes waste retention and decreased blood, oxygen and nutrients to mucous tissue and underlining muscles of the digestive system. This increases retention ofwaste, cellular waste and toxic mineral salts waste. Mineral salts and cellular waste impacted tissues becomes stiff and breaks causirtg a sore (ulcer). The tissue surrounding the ulcer is usually swollen and irritated. There are two common types ofulcers , duodenal and gastric (stomach). lJuode:nal ulcers usually cause pain during mid-morning, one to three hours 102 103 AFRICAN HOLISTIC HEALTH after meals between 1 :00 and 2:00 a.m., before meals or between n: ea1s . Pain is relieved by food. Gastric cause a or severe ain usually one hour or less after eatmg, burmng and/or ac?mg sen- sation,Pan&or pain at night. The pain decreases or stops by eatmg food, drinking water or vomiting. Peptic (stomach) can itching, back pain, nausea, vomiting or a chokmg   The sto:acd constantly secretes slime (mucous). This mucoUS lmes the stomac an protects it from acids produced in the stomach. Junk foods cm: stomach acid. However, the natural usage of muCOUS . Iges causes the sores to be exposed to the strong (gastnc) aCId, causes pain. Strong digestive fluids leave the lIver and go through a tu  e (duodenum) to the stomach to aid .. When the (ulcers) ex osed to the digestive fluids with mucouS t?e ach or duodenum, it causes pain. When the lIver secretes this flmd, It 1m tates and pains the duodenum. Remarks  Supplements  Suggested Dosage  Vitamin A  5O,OooIU.  Helps heal gastrointestinal  ulcers.  Vitamin B Complex  100 mg. Maintains healthy skin in  digestive tract.  Vitamin Be  VrtaminB 12 VitaminC  50 mg.  300-400 meg.  3,()()(}6,OOO mg.  growth.  Anli-stress.  Promotes tissue growth.  Needed for tissue repair and  VltaminE  400-1,000 IU.  EnhanCeS tissue repair.  Strengthens skin.  VltaminK  Chloroptryll  Bromelain  50-80mcg.  As directed.  cells.  500 mg. Protects stomach lining.  Increases healing oxygen to  Aids digestion. Reduces  inflammation.  Pycnogenol  Grape Seed Extract  Zinc  Iron As directed.  As directed.  50-100 mg.  18 mg.  Increases healing.  Prevents in1ection.  Heals and protects skin.  Necessary for growth and  blood. Caicium  MSM  PhosphoruS Magnesium  1,500-2,000 mg.  500-1,000 mg.  500-700 mg.  750-1000 mg.  Maintains healthy skin.  Anti-inflammatory.  Protects bones and skin.  Skin problems and  metabolism.  Garlic Capsules  Curcumin  Beta Carotene  1,500 mg.  and sores.  As directed.  15,000-20,0001u'  USed for intestinal in!ections.·  Stimulates heating.  Used for infections and  problems.  Deglycyrrhizinated Licorice  As directed.  Used for ulcers and  inflammation.  Section 1: Dis-Ease Treatment and Health GLANDULARS  Raw Stomach  As directed.  Enhances healing.  AMINO ACIDS  Glucosarnine and  1,000-2,000 mg.  Heals tissue.  Chondroitin Sulfate  HERBS  Aloe Vera,  Butcher's  Broom,  Canagra,  Cat's  Claw,  Chamomile,  Chaparral,  Cinta Oregano,  Cloves,  Comfrey; Goldenseal, Ucorice, Marshmallow Root, Myrrh, Slippery Elm, Tumeric, Violet Rowers.  Bleeding Ulcers Cranesbill, Shepherd's Purse, Wrtch Hazel, Vitamin K.  FOODS  Raw Aloe Vera Juice, Avocados, Bananas, Broccoli, Raw Cabbage (contains Glutamine), Carrots,  Kiwi,  R:ltato Juice, Yams. Avoid sours and citrus fruits. HOMEOPATHIC  Nat.Phos.  As directed.  Heals ulcerations.  Caic. Sulph.  As directed.  Used for ulcers.  TOOTH DECAY A natural foods nutritional approach can protect teeth and prevent tooth decay (dental caries). Tooth decay is primarily caused by under-nutrition, an imbal- anced diet, excess estrogen, sugar, salt, processed, chemicalized devitalized, . genetically modified and demineralized foods. Commercial tooth powders and toothpaste contain abrasives and deter- gents, which are harmful to teeth and gums. Brush teeth with a soft-bristled brush and use distilled or spring water. The gums should be massaged daily. Avoid sticky foods as they can lead to gum disease and cavities. Toothaches can be herbally treated with oil ofHops, Yarrow, Origanum and Clove. The gil is put on a piece of cotton, then in the cavity of the tooth. Yarrow leaf, Origanum, Clove and Ginger canbe chewed to relieve the pain oftoothache. White Willow and/or Boswella can be taken for pain. Feverfew can be used nerve pain. Tooth decay is related to an acidic diet and calcium imbalance. Calcium .1llILUi1I.i:lll\;C  causes the gradual breakdown of the tooth support (gums and This is seen in periodontal (around teeth) dis-ease. Periodontal dis- is the leading cause of tooth (bone) loss in adults. Bone loss is usu- a gradual 'process that starts with the lungs, then sex organs, then the and finally bones. Calcium is related to phosphorus. The body must one part phosphorus for each part of calcium (1: 1) ratio. Ifthis ratio maintained, then bone loss results. phosphorus-calcium ratio ofthe average denatured junk food diet is instead ofthe ideal 1 : 1 ratio. The problems with refined processed foods 104 AFRICAN HOLISTIC HEALTH are that there is an imbalance ofphosphorus. Eating animal flesh (meat) con- tributes to this ratio imbalance in that meat has twenty parts phosphorus to one part calcium. Refined cereals, bleached white flour and sugar products are about 6: 1, and cooked potatoes 5: 1. Soft drinks (soda) contain large amounts ofphosphorus in the form ofphosphoric acid As a consequence ofeating these denatured junk foods, people are losing bone (teeth, jawbone, skeletal bone) at early ages. This bone loss is caused by the body's attempts to get the proper amount of calcium to balance the phosphorus. Calcium is taken from the bones and this results in bone deterioration. Bone loss or weak bones of the jaw causes teeth to shift. The solution to this bone loss is braces for the teeth. In books such as, Eating for Sound Teeth by F. Miller and Nutrition and Physical Degeneration by N. Price, this is reviewed. The problem of tooth (bone) loss can be solved with natural unprocessed whole foods. Natural foods contain a good phosphorus-cal- cium balance. Interesting to note, a person short of minerals such as phos- phorus, potassium, magnesium or calcium is almost invariably short of other vital nutrients. Salt causes bone loss, as well as diseases. Tooth decay indicates undiagnosed disease in the entire body. In the book, Nutrition Against Disease by R. Williams, this is highlighted. Tooth decay has to be treated as part of a bodily disorder and not as an isolated dis-ease. Tooth decay has a definite pattern. It usually affects the teeth one by one. For example, if a tooth in the lower left jaw is decaying, the corresponding tooth (the tooth on the direct opposite side) in the lower right jaw is usually decaying. The tooth directly above on the upper left jaw will probably be decaying. The thirty-two teeth are related to the thirty-two vertebrae ofthe spine, and consequently relate to all major bodily organs and glands. Tooth decay can indicate that the tooth corresponding to an organ or gland is also deteriorating. Some of the major tooth-organ relationships are: incisor teeth (front) are related to the respiratory and circulatory organs; canines are related to the stomach, liver, spleen, pancreas; pre-molars are related to the excretory system and intestinal region; molars (wisdom teeth) are related to the small and large intestines and reproductive organs. The tooth that bas a cavity is indi- cating the internal organs are stressed, weak or diseased. Ancient Africans chewed raw plants and the wooden parts ofplants in order to cleanse the teeth. Raw fibrous plants were used to cleanse the teeth along with plant fiber tooth brushing devices and chew sticks. The Inca Indian civilization did not brush their teeth and they were 90% tooth cavity-free. Ironically, the Caucasian "civilized" sOCiety spends more time and monies on dental care items and 90% of the population has cavities. . Ancient Africans were over 95% cavity free. Vitamin A Vtlamin8 6 Vitamin BComplex Section 1: Dis-Ease Treatment and Health 105 Vrtamin C with Bioftavonoids 3,000·6,000 mg. Aids healing of bones and Vitamin 0 400lU tiSSUe. Helps build and maintain VrtaminF Niacinamide Rutin Hersperidin Iron 5Omcg. 100-200 mg. 25 mg. 100 mg. 10mg. teeth. Helps prevent bone loss. Aids bone formation. Increases cell health. Strengthens. Necessary for blood to build Manganese Calcium 1Q-50mg. 1,500-2,000 mg. bone. Enhances bone formation. Essential for bone Phosphorus 500-700 mg. development. Strengthens bones. GLANDULARS Raw Adrenal, Raw Pituitary As directed. Helps relieve symptoms. AMINO ACIDS Aspartic Acid 1,000-2,000 mg. Used for nerve pain. 8 · HERBS Bal m, Istart, Brown Bugleweed Comf G Ide .. Straw, Pennyrt:f;'al Pimpernel TonseaJ, MajOram, Mullein, Myrrh, Oat , , , y, lansy, Whtte Oak Bark. . FOODS Apncots, Asparagus Beans Beet Greens Broccof C Greens, Endives, Letfuce, Mustard Greens I, Cantaloupe, Carrots, Com, Dandelion Sweet Potatoes, Prunes, Spinach, Turnip parsley, Peaches, Peas, Pecans, HOMEOPATHIC KaILMur. As directed. Infections. Ferr.PhOs. As directed. Used for inflammation. VARICOSE VEINS hard o! their flexibility due to dis-ease. Hardening o e pmnary dIs-ease, It IS a secondary dis-ease reaction Har . ...c:::d;K ofliquid or fluid within the arteries. a es. are which cause the arteries to harden The bod . . .... by secretIn;!S 011 (cholesterol) to soften the arteries, which a hi :elmthe b.ody. The excessive eating ofrefined, bleached whfte w te sugar wIll cause hardening ofthe arteries Processed h dr as f : ts cooked) and amounts ofsaturated fats such . (h high accumulatIon of toxins) can cause the condition. 5O,00011J. Maintains healthy veins. 3,000-6,000 mg. Strengthens veins. 106  107  Vitamin  B Complex  Vitamin F  (Found in cold-pressed soy, safflower and flaxseed oil.) Niacinamide  Dolamite  Zinc  Primrose Oil  Multiple Vitamin and  Mineral  Raw Adrenal  Lysine,  Aspartic Acid  AFRlCAN HOLISTIC HEALTH  100 mg.  50 mcg.  sesame, 100-200 mg.  As directed.  50-80 mg.  500 mg.,  3 times daily.  As directed.  GLANDULARS  As directed.  AMINO ACIDS  1,000-2,000 mg.  HERBS  Cayenne, Comfrey, Garlic, Goldenseal, Hawthom, Kelp,  Marigold, Mistletoe, Rosehip, Witch  Hazel, Yarrow.  FOODS  Brewer's Yeast,  Grapefruit, Green Plants,  Kiwi,  Lecithin, Lemon,  Mango,  Pineapple, Star Fruit  (also known as carambola).  HOMEOPATHIC  Calc. Flour.  As directed.  Strengthens blood vessel  walls.  VITILIGO Vitiligo (leukoderma) is a symptom ofmelanin insufficiency or deficiency.  It is characterized by white spots or patches appearing on the skin. Vitiligo  is a symptom of malnutrition as well as a gland and organ dysfunction. A  stressed liver andlor pancreas can cause a deficiency of hydrochloric acid  in the  stomach resulting in Vitiligo. Melanin can be continuously drained  due  to  stressors  to  the  body,  mind,  emotions  and  spiritual  situations,  as  well as  oppression, radiation, synthetic chemicals, junk foods,  drugs and  environmental stress. Melanin is a free radical scavenger used to fight a pol- luted environment.  Consequently, environmental  factors  can rob  the  ofmelanin. Artificial light, a polluted environment and radiation (I.e., com- puters, television, etc.) can cause insufficient skin melanin while an under- nutritional diet can cause deficient skin melanin. A loss ofskin melanin indi- cates a disease process. Synthetic chemicals in soaps, lotions,  hair concoctions and public water is harmful to  skin melanin.  Cold  and feet, emotional instability, over wa.<;te (overweight), headaches,  brittle nails, thicken skin (chelated), arthritis and constipation can  low thyroid function (hypothyroidism), which can result in Vitiligo.  Section 1: Dis-Ease Treatment and Health Maintains healthy veins.  Cleanses veins.  Helps dialate veins.  Cleanses veins.  Protects veins.  Helps dialate veins.  Esse ntial nutrients.  Helps dialale veins.  Cleanses veins.  Supplement  Suggested Dosage  Remarks  Protects and heals skin,  Skin disease.  Enhances healthy skin  formation.  Used for eczema, dermatitis  Helps to stop discoloration  of hair and skin.  Vital in skin pigmentation.  Enhances skin health.  Necessary for proper skin  tone and texture.  AlkaJines chemisby and  promotes healing.  Promotes cell growth,  Heals skin, stabilizes  glucose. Heals tissue,  strengthens heart.  Aids the healing and  cieansing of skin.  Helps stimulate color.  Zinc  Pumpkin seed oil  capsules  Manganese  Vitamin  B6  PABA  Pantothenic Acid (Ss)  Primrose Oil  (Essential fatly acid)  Vitamin BComplex  Betaine Hydrochloride  Creatine  Glucosamine and  Chondroitin Sulfates  Raw Thyroid, Raw Pituitary,  Raw Liver  50·80 mg.  As directed.  10-50 mg.  5Omg,  and skin disease.  100 mg., and up, 3  times daily.  300 mg., in daily  divided dosage,  500 mg., 3 times daily.  100 mg.  As directed.  1,00()"1 0,000 mg.  1,000-2,000 mg.  GLANDULARS  As directed.  AMINO ACIDS  500-1,000 mg.  HERBS    Calendula,  Chickweed,  Oove,  Dandelion  Root,  Echinaoea,  Evening  Primrose,  Eyebright  Ginger,    Lavender, Red Oover, Sanicie, Thuja.  '  FOOD  Buckwheat, Cherry,  Chestnuts,  Hazelnuts,  Lentils,  Plums,  Red  Grapes,  Rice,  Rye,  Sesame Seeds  &Jylleans, Sunflower Seeds.  HOMEOPATHIC  As directed.  2 gr., once daily.  TISSUE SALTS  3x or 3-200x.  As directed.  '  Used for gland skin  problems,  Used to heal and protect  skin.  Used for sores, dry skin and  eruptions.  Skin sores and problems.  108 109 AFRlCAN HOLlsTlC HEALTH WATER RETENTION - EDEMA Water retention occurs when excessive water is collected in an area of the body. A blow (trauma) to the head, arm, body or an organ can result in edema to that area or organ. A deficiency ofminerals in the cells causes the cells to bum more carbon dioxide gas, which expands the cells resulting in water seeping into the cell (edema). The pressure of one water-filled cell against another water-filled cell causes the cells to spill water out-edema. Water goes out a cell that was built with inadequate nutrients Gunk food diet, nutrient stress due to disease or emotions) causing edema. Weakly constructed cells die faster and shrink and throw out water-edema. Cells that generate excessive heat because they are filled with cellular mineral salt waste cause moisture to be lost--edema. Water is a solvent and pri- marily helps to dissolve waste by rusting it (ionization). Excessive fluid (edema) is not the disease, but a reaction to a disease. For example, exces- sive fluid retention in the left leg can be related to uterus and prostate prob- lems. Swollen (edema) ankles and/or feet before or during menstruation can be related to a mineral deficiency (manganese, iron, ca1ciums) excess estro- gen and/or cellular waste congestion in the uterus. Water retention (edema) is a dis-ease symptom that can be related to heart or kidney disorders. The heart must have the strength (nutritionally balanced chemistry) to pump, thick sludge waste in the blood and pump out the excess fluids that are in the extremities (feet, hands, etc.) or else fluid is retained. The kidneys can be stressed by cellular waste, uric acid (meat, dairy, etc.), high blood pressure, sugar, salt and excessive sex and fail to filter and release fluid from the blood. Do not use salt as salt retains fluid and is a poison classified as a drug. Edema can be a result ofa mineral defi- ciency and/or an electrolyte (the body is an electrical magnet) imbalance. The body retains the fluids in order to retain the minerals in the fluid. Fluid may be retained around weakjoints (mineral drained bones) and organs to dissolve waste. Water is retained inside, and on the body due to weak tissue. For exam- ple, pus is fluid. It comes when tissue is traumatized (wounded). (watery blood) occurs when a joint is bruised, injured, weak or the skin 1S harmed by inflammations. Incidentally, tears (water) come when the emo- tions are weakened by sadness or pain, Water is a solvent used to break down bodily waste and serves as a liquid band-aid. Fluid retention is used to help the weakened (deteriorated) health of an individual. Remal1l.s Vitamin A 10,000 IU. Promotes drainage of fluids, sinus, lungs, etc. Vitamin BComplex 100 mg. Maintains fluid levels. VitaminB 6 50 mg. Diuretic. VJtaminC 3,00Cl-6,OOO mg. Prevents accumulation of fluids. Section 1: Dis-Ease Treatment and Health Vttamin E 10,000 IU. Improves circulation of Magnesium Oxide Calcium 750-1,000 mg. 1,500-2000 mg. flUids. Helps fluid flow. Stabilizes tissue caUSing Potassium Bromelain SIlica 50-80 mg. 500 mg., 3 times dally. As directed. fluid release. Enhances the flow of fluids. Reduoes swelling. Helps prevent fluid Zinc 50-80 mg. retention. He Ips excrete fluids. HERBS Black Cohosh, Budlu, Connsilk, Cubeb, Ginger, Horsetail, Jewel Weed, Juniper Berry, Kidney Bean Pod, lobelia, Marshmallow, Parsley, Uva Ursi. FOODS Cucumber, Green Leafy Vegetables, Karamboa, Melons, Pineapple, Whole Grains. WOMEN'S SEX ORGAN RELATED DIS-EASES (HERPES, VD, ETC.) There is no mystery to the increasing number of sex organ related dis-eases among w,omen. The dis-eases are caused by biochemical imbalances, birth control pllls, excess estrogen, dioxin bleach in sanitary napkins stressors synthetic chemicals, latex, and polyurethane condoms. ' , :me destructiveness of these chemicals amounts to a chemical attack. Iromcally, .these are designed by men who will not suffer penis flesh scrapmg (dilation and curettage) or penis removal (total hysterectomy). These are confmed to women. It is a war against the womb. \henucals the woman's sex organs in various forms. The synthetic are alien to the ?ody and cause the body to eject them This ejec- tl:!ces or sometimes several years. Chemicals such as those found m synthettc condoms, birth control pills and gels, and douches contain sub- that are not proven. to be unharmful. Ifthese chemicals were actually safe, then the douche could be drunk. Ifa solution is not safe enough for the stomach or eyes, then It cannot be safe for the sensitive uterus. The use ofthe.se synthetic c.hernicals or any synthetic chemical alters the natural body ... and vagmal (natural fungus, yeast, bacteria found in vagina and mtestmes). These chenucals can cause cancer and skin irritation. The skin .reacts with cleansing actions, which are bumps, abscesses, cysts, tumors, her- sores and The synthetic chemicals in sanitary napkins and tam- such as dmxm, are equally dangerous. Tampons cause the skin to re- and and dry the uterus. Birth control foams and gels, and mtrauterme deVlces (IUD's) can cause inflammations and skin irri- Hormonal and biochemical imbalances can weaken the uterus and vaginal flora. Synthetics are released in the form of skin eruptions tumors, bumps, catarrh and other dis-ease states. Toilet paper treated with 110 111 AFRICAN HOLISTIC HEALTH synthetic perfumes, bleach, dyes and paper bonders and softeners cause skin eruptions. The use of synthetic cough suppressants, deodorants and antihist- amines dries up nasal mucous and vaginal mucousal fluid, causes uterus rheumatism, dehydrates the uterus, congests the uterus with waste, hardens the uterine arteries and veins, which contributes to fungus, yeast and bacterial dis-eases. Antibiotic usage kills natural uterus bacteria flora, resulting in yeast and fimgus dis-ease. Tight pants, nylon stockings and nylon (non-cotton) panties stop proper air ventilation of the vagina. This can cause vaginitis (inflammation), skin eruptions and create a moist environment for excessive fungus, yeast, and bacteriato grow. The introduction offeces on the penis from anal sex and alien bacteria through oral sex can contribute to altering the natural flora and cause dis-eases known as abscesses, cysts, sores, herpes, etc. There is a basic question that has to be understood in the dis-ease process. How did the first person contact Venereal Disease (YD)? There must have been a first person to have VD in order to sexually transmit it to another person. A conscious analyst reveals that the body produced the dis-ease. The body will always produce herpes, VD and other symptoms whenever it is trying to cleanse itself from toxins, cellular waste and dis- ease. An unhealthy state is created by perversions ofthe natural laws. The law says a whole person must eat whole foods. Whole foods are made by nature, not by man. Man-made foods are partial foods. Partial foods pro- duce partial health, which results in dis-ease. The synthetic foods, chemi- cals, radiation and drugs make the body mildly or severely sick and even- tually collapse the immunity. This causes diseases. VD and herpes can be triggered by foods. Allergic reactions to the syn- thetic chemicals, additives, dyes or preservatives in foods can cause the uterus to react. The skin reaction can result in eruptions, which try to eject the chem- icals. VD can be triggered by hormonal imbalances. Consequently, a woman with an excess estrogen hormone imbalance will get various types of VD before, during and after menstruation. Treatment for types ofVD varies and can be specific. Both hot andlor cold baths can be used. Baths aid in cleansing the body. Chaparral, Red Clover, White Oak Bark and herbs can be used in baths. Herbs are beneficial in douches. Syphilis, like all dis-eases, afl:ects the entire body. A cleansing diet of fruit or a high enema with herbs should be taken. No non-organic meats, dairy, eggs, processed foods or synthetic chemicals in foods should be eaten. There are many herbs that can be used such as Burdock, Chaparral, Goldenseal, Dandelion Root, Devil's Claw, Oregon Grape, Uva Ursi,' Buckthorn, Spikenard andYellow Dock. Herbal treatments for venereal diseases ofall types should be rigidly lowed. Herbs can be used for douche solution, enemas and baths. In the ofbaths, a shallow sponge bath is suitable. Section 1: Dis-Ease Treatment and Health . like syphilis, is attnbuted to a germ. In Caucasian thought, they that eIther they are or that they must be attacking some- or someone. They believe that Ifthey are not preparing for war engaged III war or   not. trying to attack them, then they are Their predatory rmhtanstlc lOglc causes them to believe that a germ has attacked then: and caused the dis-ease. This thought process would lead to the con- cluslOn that the body can attack itself and cause dis-ease. Caucasian science that healthy germs are attacking the body and giving health. Disease IS erroneously on the germs that are only reacting to a disease state. The germ population mcreases because they have bodily waste to eat. T.hewaste causes the germs (effects). The germs do not cause the waste (i.e., dIsease). The effect cannot be the cause. . Imbalanced nutrition the internal and external skin to deteriorate, spht and lacerate, producmg sores. The sores associated with this dis-ease can be treated with the herbs such as Goldenseal, Comfrey, Aloe, Garlic, Thyme and Myrrh Can be applied, combined with clay and charcoal such as leukorrhea can be treated. can be treated With astrmgent such as White Oak Bark, Witch Hazel, Shepherd's Barberry, Tormenhl (often used to make the vagina tight), Hemlock, a?d 9neen ofthe Meadow. Ofcourse, a strict diet and health program IS always mdlcted in dis-eases such as leukorrhea. Other vaginal problems can be treated naturally. A partial list oftreatment is as follows: Vaginitis Cat's Claw, Feverfew, Gum Arabic, Marshmallow Root Excessive Menstruation CranesbiU, Pilewort, Shepherd's Purse, Sorrel, Witch Hazel, Yarrow , Discharge Alum Bayberry, Beth Root, Plantain, Oregon Grape, Shepherd's Purse, WItch Hazel, Estrogen Imbalance Chaste (Vitex), Damiana, Dong Quai, Licorice, Sarsaparilla, guaw me PrIJtU!steiI'OIJ!e Imbalance Pau D'Arco, Red Clover 112  cookies, pastries) or fruit and Supplement  Garlic capsules  Pumpkin extract  SUggested Dosage  2 capsules 3 times daily  with meals.  As directed.  HERBS  Remarks  Aloe, Areca (Betel) Nut Black Walnut Hulls, Buckbean, Catnip, Becampane, Larkspur. , Male  Fern,  Mugwort,  Mulberry,  Pinkroot,  Quassia,  Senna, Tansy, Tarragon, Thyme, White  Oak, Wormseed, Wormwood.  For sewre worm infestation. take an enema with any combination of the aboIie herbs and also drink  the herbs.  FOOD Black Walnut,  Carrot,  Cayenne,  Gartic,  Endive,  Rg, Leeks,  Onions,  Papaya,  Plum,  Pomegranate,  Pumpkin, Raw Pumpkin Seeds, Radish, Raw Sesame Seeds, Tamarind.  China (Cincmna)  HOMEOPATHIC  As directed.  2 gr. in the p.m.  1st x: 5 drops at noon. 5 drops before dinner.  TISSUE SALTS  3-20OX 4times daily. Altemate.  3x  3x and 4 doses dissolved in  a cup, then give an enema with the cup of liquid.  12x or 3-200x 4times daily.  12x or 3-200x 2 times daily.  AFRICAN HOLISTIC HEALTH Prolapsed Uterus Comfrey, Slippery Cramps Blue Cohosh, Cramp Bark, Fennel, Pennyroyal, Rue, Wood Bethany A preventive douche could consist ofherbs such as Marshmallow, Fennel, Fenugreek, Bayberry Bark and Uva Ursi. Prevention is the best method of avoiding dis-eases. A balanced whole foods natural foods diet, exercise, a healthy mental outlook and a healthy spirit are the foundation for prevention of all dis-eases. Diseases ofwomen's sex organs may seem to be local or confmed to the uterus, fallopian tubes, ovaries and uterus. However, all dis-eases indi- cate a biochemical imbalance, weak immunity and degenerated health. Sexual intercourse should be limited or avoided while treatment is taking place. You would not use a car that has no brakes, oil or lights, so do not use your sex organs when they are ill.  WORMS Wonns are parasites that live off of waste in the gastrointestinal tract (stom- ach, intestines, rectum, etc.). They also live off of waste in the prostate and vagina. When food stays in the body too long and putrefies causing sons such as ptomaines and leucomaines or ferments causing poisons such as carbon dioxide, ammonia, ascetic acid (vinegar) and alcohol. Improper food combining such as eating meat and starch together (i.e., hamburger, milk and cereal), sugar and starch starch (Le., pies, jelly sandwiches) causes worms. Eating late at night, causes food to ferment and putrefY in the stomach can cause worms. Eating fried foods, unwashed vegetables and fruits, milk, cheese, ice cream, eggs and any type meat causes wonns. Worms multiple and hatch eggs all over the body (muscles, blood, intestines, etc.) Worms can be found under the scalp and eat away the hair, reSUlting in baldness. They can be under facial skin and in facial bumps. Worm colonies result in decreased absorp- tion of vitamins and minerals from the gastrointestinal tract. People with worms tend to be hungry because the worms are eating the food. Worms can cause diarrhea, rectal (anus), facial and scalp itching, muscle pain, loss of weight and appetite, digestive problems and a crawling feeling in stomach and under the skin. Wonns can invade the body from barefoot on soil contaminated by dog, cat, human and rodent manure, ting worm infested animals lick your face or touch your skin or walk in home, uncooked or partially cooked meat that has wonn eggs larvae (USDA meats usually has worms) and kissing, having sex with touching worm infested people can cause you to get worms. There Section 1: Dis-Ease Treatment and Health 113 many types ofworms such as threadwonns, roundworms, tapeworms, pin- worms and hooked worms. The most dangerous worms are in seafood. Worms have many shapes, colors and sizes and some are transparent. A child or adult may scratch their anus area while they are asleep because the wannth of the bed tends to make the worms crawl out the rectum. Nose itching or nose scratching can indicate pinworms or false teeth People who scratch are usually scratching wonns. Hair that has a dull sheen to it can indicate wonns. Vaginal itching can be caused by worms. The feeling ofworms crawling around in the prostate or sex organs can be misinterpreted as the feeling of sexual arousal. It is a wonn sensa- not a sex sensation. Expels worms.  Aids in expelling  the worms.  Treats worms, inflammation  and infection.  Used for worms.  Purifies and expels worms.  kills worms. Eat fresh Papaya Seeds to expel  Expels worms.  114 115 AFRICAN HOLISTIC HEALTH YEAST INFECTION A fungus-like yeast called candida albicans is called yeast infection. Yeast, fungus and bacteria (bacteria flora) are present at all times in a healthy person's lungs, mouth, intestinal tract, skin and vagina. The bacteria flora can get out of balance and yeast, fungus or bacteria can multiply whenever excessive food (waste) is provided for them. The acidity and sugar content of the vagina can becomc altered due to the eating of refined carbohy- drates (white sugar, bleached white flour etc) and eating foods with yeast in them, fermented foods (vinegar, beer, wine etc). Synthetic drugs, antibi- oties and oral contraceptives can cause yeast infection. Those that are bor- derline diabetic or diabetic tend to have many yeast infection. The symp- toms of candida can be itching, cheesy discharge, burning sensation and slight inflammation of the vagina. It is the leading cause of vaginitis. Supplement  Suggested Dosage  Remarks  Caprylic Acid  Grape Seed Oil  Gar1ic capsules  (Can be odorless)  Multivitamin and mineral  complex (zinc, iron, and  yeast free) with  Vitamin A  and Selenium  Maxidophilus (Milk free)  or Megadophilus  Omega Oils,  Flaxseed Oil  or Primrose Oil  Coenzyme 010 Vi1Brnin B Complex with  extra biotin  Vitamin B12 lozenges  Germanium  Vegetable Protein  1  st week; 1 tablet twice daily.  2nd week; 2 tablets twice daily.  3rd week; 3 tablets twice daily.  As directed.  2 capsules 3 times daily.  Daily as directed on label.  25,000 IU  200 meg.  Use as directed on label.  1-3 grams.  100 mg., daily.  100 mg.•  3 times daily  1 lozenge (2,000 meg) under  the tongue 3 times daily, taken  between meals.  1OQ..200 mg., daily.  As directed.  Destroys fungus.  Combats infection.  Inhibits the infecting  organism. Garlic  supposHories also  effectively treat Candida  vaginitis.  Vital nutrients for proper  proper immune function.  Enhances protection.  Aids expemng worms.  Vital essential fatly acids.  Enhances tissue  oxygenation.  Faulty absorption is ccmmon in candidiasis.  Vital for digestion. Needed  for metabolism of carbohy- drates, fats, and proteins.  candida prevents the  absorption of nutrients  the intestinal tract.  Enhances tissue  oxygention.  Helps build healthy tissue  and balances flora.  Section 1: Dis-Ease Treatment and Health Raw Thymus  RawUver  GLANOULARS  Asdrected.  Asdrected.  L-Gysteine AMINO ACIDS 500 mg., on an empty stomach.  twice daily.  HERBS  Clove Tea, Grape Seed Oil. Pau D'Arco,  UvaUrsi.  FOOD Raw Cranberry Juice or Fresh Cranberries.  Kreosotum 7  Mercuris Cyanatus 7  Canel1a4  Borax 7  Kati Phos. and Nat Sulph.  Nat.Phos.  Silicea  HOMEOPATHIC  5 gr.,  once daily.  2 gr., once daily.  2 gr.,  2 times a day. 2 gr., once daily.  TISSUE SALTS  ax  or 3-200x, 3 times daily.  6x  or 3-200x, 3 times daily.  6x  or 3-200x, 3 times daily.  Protects systems.  Stimulates detoxification.  An antioxydant and free  radical destroyer.  Soothes irrHation, itching  and swollen vagina.  Soothes buming sensation.  Used br skin problems.  Inflammation, sores.  Soothes irritation.  Heals sores.  Heals tissue.  116 AFRlCAN HOLfSTlC HEALTH It's a Simple Case of  IiBlack and  White"  European  Medicine is for  People of  Section  :2 European  Decent.  Remedies  The Caucasian Junk Foods are destroying African Americans. At the current rate of dying, African Americans CQuid be near extinction in 100 years or less! HERBS  FOR  DIS-EASES  Abscesses  Abrasion/Cuts  (Bruises Under the Skin) Aches  Anemia  Poor Appetite  (or lack 0/desire to eat) Appendicitis  Arthritis  Asthma  Backache  Bed Wetting  Bladder  Bleeding  Blood Circulation  (Increase) AloZ  Lobelia, Mugwort, Slippery Elm Aloe Vera, Arnica, Bittersweet, Bugleweed, Chickweed, Comfrey, Hys: Lobelia, Mugwort, Pennyroyal, Primro: Angelica, Boswella, Catnip, Hops, Peppermint, Skullcap, Valerian, White Willow Agrimony, Century, Comfrey, Dandelion, Fenugreek, Red Clover, Yellow Dock Calamus, Chamomile, Gentian, Ginsen Goldenseal, Marjoram, Organum, Woodsage Cayenne, Buckthorn, Vervain Alfalfa, Black Cohosh, Buckthorn, Burdock, Cat's Claw, Chaparral, Comfrey, Devil's Claw, Parsley, Yucca Chickweed, Coltsfoot, Comfrey, Elecampane, Flaxseed, Horehound, Hyssop, Lobelia, Mullein, Pleurisy, Sage, Skunk Cabbage Boswella, Nettle, Pennyroyal, Tansy, Uva Ursi, White Willow, Wood Betony Buchu, Com Silk, Fennel Seed, St. John's Wort, Plantain, Wood Betony Aloes, Broom, Goldenseal, Hemlock, Lily Pond, Nettles, Uva Ursi, Valerian, Vervain, Wintergreen, Yarrow Alum Root, Mullein, Self Heal, Shepherd's Purse Cayenne, Gentian, Goldenseal, Holy Thistle, Hvsson. Witch Hazel 120 AFRICAN HOLISTIC HEALTIl Blood Cleaner  Bittersweet, Burdock, Chickweed, Dandelion, Echinacea, Hyssop, Nettle, Sassafras, Sorrel, Red Clover, Yellow Dock Blood Impurities  Bayberry, bugleweed, Chaparral, Chickweed, Comfrey Root, Gentian, Goldenseal, Myrrh, Primrose, Red Clover, Yellow Dock Bowel  Catnip, Comfrey, Dandelion, (Digestive Problems, Fenugreek, Goldenseal, Magnolia, Constipation) Marshmallow, Tansy, Witch Hazel Breast  Inflamed, Sore, Swollen, etc. Black Cohosh, Comfrey, Ginger, Goldenseal, Myrrh Sore Nipples Parsley, Poke Root, St. John's Root, Slippery Elm Bronchitis  Chickweed, Coltsfoot, Elecampane, Ginger, Goldenseal, Mullein, Pleurisy, Saw Palmetto, Skunk Cabbage, Slippery Elm Burns  Aloe Vera, Bittersweet, Burdock, Calamus, Calendula, Comfrey, Onions, Primrose, Poplar Cancer:  Blue Flag, Blue Violet, Chaparral, Dandelion, Goldenseal, Pau D'Arco, Sage, Sorrel, Yellow Dock Childbirth  Plantain, Red Raspberry, Squaw Ville Chills  Bayberry, Catnip, Cayenne, Colombo, Fleabane, Sage ColdslFlulFever  Bayberry, Cat's Claw, Chickweed, Cloves, Elecampane, Horehound, Mullein, Pleurisy, White Pine Bark Convulsions  Arnica, Black Cohosh, Catnip, Fennel, Hyssop, Mistletoe, Peppermint, Self- Heal, Skullcap, Valerian Corns/Calluses  Bittersweet, Garlic Powder (Sprinkle in Socks). Horsetail Powder and Chamomile (Make into a poultice or ointment and apply) Coughs  \ Cramps  Dandruff  Diabetes  Dizziness  Eczema  Epilepsy  Eyes  Fainting  Fever  Section 2: Remedies Black Cohosh, Coltsfoot, Comfrey, Flaxseed, Ginseng, Goldenseal, Horehound, Hyssop, Lungwort, Myrr Origanum, Pleurisy, Red Sage Bayberry, Blue Cohosh, Coral, Fenne Masterwort, Motherwort, Pennyroyal, Squaw Vine, Thyme, Twin Leaf, Woo Betony Aloe, Burdock, Indian Hemp, Rosemary, Sage Bilberry, Blue Cohosh, Gynmema Sylvestre, Periwinkle, Poplar, RaspbeJ Leaves, Saw Palmetto Catnip, Peppermint, Rue, Wood Betor Burnet, Hops, Origanum, PimperneL Fenugreek, Garlic, Yellow Dock Balomy, Bloodroot, Calendula, Chickweed, Dandelion, Goldenseal, Nettle, Plantain, Primrose, Yellow Do! Black Cohosh, Elder, Lady's Slipper, Mistletoe, Skullcap, Valerian, Vervain Bilberry, Chamomile, Chickweed, Eyebright, Goldenseal, Hyssop, Rosemary, Sassafras, Slippery Elm, Squaw Vine, Tansy Cayenne, Lavender, Motherwort, Peppermint Angelica, Bitterroot, Borage, Buckbea Calamus, Catnip, Cat's Claw, Cayenne Cinchona, Cleavers, Dandelion, Echinacea, Feverfew, Hyssop, Indian Hemp, Lily of the Valley, Lobelia, Mandrake, Nettle, Parsley, Pleurisy, Poplar, Sage, Sarsaparilla, Shepherd's Purse, Sumac Berries, Tansy, Thyme, Valerian, Vervain, Wahoo, Willow, Wintergreen, Yarrow Gallstones Gangrene Gargle Gas (Type ofConstipation) Genitals Burning, Itching, Irritations Glandular Organs Goiter Gonorrhea Hair Halitosis (Bad Breath) Hay Fever Heart Bitterroot, Cascara Sagrada,  Chamomile, Cheny Bark, Hydrangea,  Mandrake, Milkweed, Parsley, Rhubarb,  Wood Betony  Chamomile, Comfrey, Echinacea,  Hemlock, Myrrh, Poplar, Willow  Bayberry, Bistort Root, Goldenseal,  Hyssop, Myrrh, Pilewort,  Sage  Agrimony, Aloe Cape, Balmony, Bay  Leaves, Bitterroot, Cascara Sagrada,  Cayenne, Chamomile, Ginseng,  Goldenseal, Hyssop, Red Sage, Senna  Chickweed, Marshmallow, Peach  Leaves, Pleurisy, Raspberry Leaves,  Slippery Elm  Bittersweet, Echinacea, Mullein,  Parsley, Poke Root, Sea Wrack,  Stinging Nettle, Yellow Dock  Bayberry Bark, Echinacea, Irish Moss,  Poke Root, Sea Wrack, White Oak Bark  Bittersweet, Bistort Root,  Black  Willow, Blood Root,  Cleavers,  Goldenseal, Hops, Juniper Berries,  Parsley, Poplar, Red Root, Rock Rose,  Squaw Vine, Uva Ursi, Wintergreen  Burdock, Indian Hemp, Nettle,  Rosemary,  Sage  Cascara Sagrada, Echinacea,  Goldenseal, Henna, Myrrh, Rosemary  Black Cohosh, Coltsfoot, Mullein,  Poplar,  Skunk Cabbage  Angelica, Bloodroot, Borage,  Cayenne,  Cinchona, Goldenseal, Hawthorn Berry,  Holy Thistle, Mistletoe, Motherwort,  Peppermint, Skullcap, Sorrel, Tansy,  Valerian, Vervain, Wood Betony  Heartburn Hemorrhoids lIeadache lIemorrhages Hernia Hicconghs: High or Low  Blood Pressure Hips (Painful) Hypnotics Hysteria InOuenza InOammation Anise, Catnip, Fennel, Ginger, Nutmeg,  Peppermint,  Sage, Sassafi-as, Thyme,  Wood Betony, Yarrow  Aloes,  Bittersweet, Burdock,  Goldenseal, Myrrh, Nettle, Shepherd's  Purse, White Oak: Bark, Uva Ursi  Blue Violet, Calamine, Chamomile,  Coltsfoot, Elder, Feverfew, Holy Thistle,  Matjoram, Pennyroyal; Rhubarb, Rosemary,  Rue,  Skullcap, Tansy, Vervain, Wood  Betony, Yerba Santa  Alum Root, Bayberry Bark, Beth Root,  Burnet, Comfrey, Fleabane, Goldenseal,  Nettle, Pilewort, Plantain,  Red Sage,  Shepherd's Purse, Sorrel, Tormentil,  Uva Ursi, Witch Hazel, Wood Betony,  Yarrow  Aloe Vera, Barberry, Comfrey, Plantain,  Witch Hazel  Blue Cohosh, Cinnamon, Dill, Hyssop  Aloes, Black Cohosh, Blue Cohosh,  Broom, Cayenne, Garlic, Ginseng,  Goldenseal, Hyssop, Myrrh, Parsley,  Skullcap, Valerian, Vervain, Wild Cherry  Strawberry Leaf,  Thyme, White Willow  Chloral Hydrate,  Ephedra, Hops,  Orange Blossom Oil, Yohimbe  Black Cohosh, Blue Cohosh, Catnip,  Mistletoe, Pennyroyal, Peppermint,  Rue,  Saffron,  Skunk Cabbage, Tansy,  Valerian, Vervain  Indian Hemp, Peppermint, Poplar,  White Pine  Arnica, Cat's Claw,  Cayenne,  Chickweed, Fenugreek, Feverfew,  Goldenseal, Hops, Hyssop, Lobelia,  Marshmallow, Mugwort,  Slippery Elm,  Sorrel, Tansy, Witch Hazel  124  125  Insomnia  Impotence  Kidney Problems  Laxative  Leukorrhea  Vaginal Discharge Douche Liver Bile  (Aids Digestion. Bile Leaves Bitter Taste in Mouth) Liver Problems  Low Back Pain  AFRICAN HOLISTIC HEALTH Catnip, Chamomile, Hops, Kava,  Skullcap, Valerian  Damiana, Dopa Bean, Fo-ti, GotuKola,  Maca, Mucana Purine, Muira Puama, Saw  Palmetto, Siberian Ginseng, Tribulus, Wild  Oats, Yohirnbe  Aloes, Balm, Beech, Beth Root,  Bitterroot, Broom, Cayenne, Celadine,  Chamomile, Chickweed, Cleavers,  Dandelion, Goldenseal, Hemlock,  Hyssop, Masterwort, Milkweed, Oregon  Grape, Parsley, Poplar, Poke Root,  Sage,  Sanicle, Sea Wrack,  Spearmint,  Tal1sy, White Oak Bark, White Pine  Aloes, Cascara Sagrada, Chia Seeds,  Elder, Flaxseed, Goldenseal, Henna,  Horehound, Hyssop, Mullein, Rhubarb,  Sage,  Senna, Wahoo  Slippery Elm, Squaw Vme, White Oak Bark  Bayberry Bark, Comfrey, Tormentil,  Wormwood  Alum Root, Bistort Root, Goldenseal,  Magnolia, Plantain, Ragwort  Bitterroot, Cascara Sagrada, Celandine,  Hops  Bayberry Bark, Bistort Root,  Bittersweet, Bloodroot, Borage, Broom,  Buckbean, Celandine, Chamomile,  Chicory, Cleavers, Dandelion Root,  Fennel, Gentian Root, Horehound,  Indian Hemp, Lungwort, Mandrake,  Milk Thistle,  Origanum, Parsley, Peach  Leaves, Pennyroyal, Plantain,  st. John's  Wort,  Senna Leaves,  Sorrel, Tansy,  Wormwood  Arnica, Black Cohosh, Boswella,  Queen of the Meadow, Shepherd's  Purse, Uva Ursi, Valerian, Vervain,  White Willow  Menstruation  Mental Illness  Mucus (Phlegm) Muscle Spasms  Nausea  Nose Bleed  Pancreas  Paralysis  Pneumonia  Prostate  Ruptures:  Section 2: Remedies Wild Alum Root,  Torrnentil, Bayberry Bark,  Sage, Shepherd's Purse, Uva Ursi, Bistort  Root, Burnet, Sorrel, Pilewort, Sanicle,  Lungwort, Witch Hazel, Wood Betony,  Arnica, Horsetail, Yarrow, Saffron,  Raspberry Leaves, Cleavers, Pleurisy Root  Arnica,  Catnip, Holy Thistle, Peppermint,  Rosemary,  St. John's Wort,  Skullcap,  Vervain, Wood Betony  Borage, Coltsfoot, Hyssop, Nettle,  Pennyroyal, Vervain, White Pine, Wild  Cherry  Blue Cohosh, Cayenne, Cedron, Clover,  Fennel, Fit Root, Masterwort, Red Root,  Rue, Sassafras, Skunk Cabbage,  Spearmint, Twin leaf, Wild Yam  Anise, Ginger, Goldenseal, Lavender,  Mint, Origanum, Peach Leaves,  Peppermint, Red Raspberry,  Spearmint,  Solomon's Seal, Sweet Balm, Wild Yam  Bayberry,  Blood Root, Buckthorn, Wild  Alum Root, White Oak Bark, Witch Hazel  Bilberry (Huckleberry Leaves),  Bittersweet, Blueberry Leaves, Cayenne,  Dandelion, Goldenseal, Uva Ursi, Wahoo  Black Cohosh, Cayenne, Cramp Bark,  Ginger, Lady's Slipper, Skullcap, Valerian  Black Cohosh, Bloodroot, Coltsfoot,  Comfrey, Elecampane, Horehound,  Marshmallow, Peruvian Bark, Red  Sage, Skunk Cabbage, Spikenard,  Vervain, Wild Cherry, Willow  Dopa Bean, Goldenseal Root, Gravel Root,  Horsetail, Juniper Berry, Maca,  Marshmallow, Muira Puama, Nettle,  Pygeum, Saw Palmetto, Yohimbe  Arnica, Bistort Root,  Comfrey, Solomon's  Seal  126 127 Sexual Excess  Skin Eruptions (Sores/Bumps) Spleen Problems  Stomach  (Indigestion, Upset) Swellings  Syphilis  Throat  Irritated/Sore AFruCfu"l HOLISTIC  HEALTH  Arnica, Black Willow,  Lily Root,  Mountain Grape Root, Plantain, Sage,  Skullcap, Star Root  Beech, Birch, Bittersweet, Blue Flag, Blue  Violet, Buckthorn, Burdock, Chickweed,  Cleavers, Comfrey, Dandelion, Elder,  Flaxseed, Goldenseal, Hyssop, Hops,  Lobelia, Magnolia, Oregon Grape,  Origanum, Pennyroyal, Plantain, Poke  Root, Primrose, Prince Pine, Red Clover,  Red Root, Rock Rose,  Saffron,  Sarsaparilla, Sassafras, Sorrel, Spikenard,  Turkey Corn, Vervain, White Clover,  Wintergreen, Wood Sage  Aloes, Angelica, Balm, Bittersweet,  Broom, Cayenne, Gentian Root, Chicory,  Dandelion, Fennel, Goldenseal, Hyssop,  Marjoram, Parsley, Uva Ursi, Wahoo,  White Oak Bark  Aloes, Angelica, Anise, Balomy, Bay  Leaves, Bayberry, Calamus, Caraway  Seed, Catnip, Cayenne, Cedron,  Chamomile, Chicory, Comfrey,  Cubeb,  Echinacea, Goldenseal, Hyssop,  Marjoram, Milkweed, Mugwort,  Pimpernel, Rue, Sage, Sassafras,  Slippery Elm, Strawberry, Thyme,  Valerian, Vervain, Willow, Witch Hazel  Burdock, Chamomile, Comfrey, Dill,  Elder, Fenugreek, Ginger Root, Hops,  Indian Hemp, Mugwort, Origanum,  Parsley, Tansy,  White Lily, Yellow  Dock  Barberry, Bittersweet, Bloodroot, Blue  Violet, Buglewood, Chaparral, Echinacea,  Elder,  Goldenseal, Milkweed, Oregon  Grape, Palmetto, Parsley, Plantain, Poplar,  Prickly Ash, Red Clover, Sanicle, Yellow  Dock  Barberry, Bloodroot, Cayenne,  Fenugreek, Ginger, Goldenseal, Hops,  Thyroid  Tonsillitis:  Toothache  Tumors  Tuberculosis  Spleen Problems  Ulcers  Urine  Varicose Veins  Section 2: Remedies Horehound, Hyssop, Mullein, Sage,  Saw Palmetto Berries, Vervain, White  Pine, Wild Alum Root, Wood Sage,  Wood Sanicle  Cayenne, Irish Moss, Kelp,  Pau D'Arco,  Parsley  Cat's Claw, Echinacea, Goldenseal,  Mullein, Red Root, Sage, Tansy, White  Pine  Arnica, Balm, Broom, Clove Oil, Cloves,  Hops, Mullein, Origanum, Origanum Oil,  Pimpernel, Plantain, Tansy, Yarrow Oil  Burdock, Cat's Claw, Cranesbill, Sanicle,  Shepherd's Purse, Thuja, Witch Hazel  Bayberry Bark, Burdock Root, Coltsfoot,  Comfrey, Elecampane, Goldenseal, Myrrh,  Sanicle, Skunk Cabbage, Wild Cherry  Bark, Yellow Dock  Aloes, Angelica, Bittersweet, Balm,  Broom, Cayenne,  Chicory, Dandelion,  Fennel, Gentian Root, Goldenseal,  Hyssop, Marjoram, Parsley, Uva Ursi,  Wahoo, White Oak Bark  Angelica, Ash, Beech, Bistort Root, Blue  Violet,  Borage, Bridgewood, Calamus,  Cayenne, Celandine, Chickweed,  Comfrey, Fenugreek, Gold Thread,  Goldenseal, Hemlock, Mullein, Pilewort,  Poplar, Prickly Ash,  Psyllium, Rock Rose,  Sage, Saint John's Wort,  Sorrel, Twin  Leaf, Wild Alum Root, Wood Sanicle,  Yarrow  Buchu, Burdock Seed, Cloves, Cubeb,  Peach Halves,  Spearmint, White Poplar  Bark  Bayberry Bark, Burnet, Horsetail, White  Oak Bark, Wild Alum Root, Witch Hazel  Section 2: Remedies 129  AFRICAN HOLJSTIC HEALTH 128  BROKEN BONES Remedy Dosage Remarks HOMEOPATHIC QUICK REFERENCE Arnica  (Herb =Arnica) ALLERGy!HAY FEVER Remedy Apis  (Made from Honeybee)  CaIboVeg.  vegetable Charcoal)  Arsenicum  Remarks Dosage Arnica Remedy  BeHadonna  (Herb  Belladonna)  HeparSulph  Silica  Dosage 30c potency; to be taken every  3()'60 minutes during an acute  attack or twice per day during  an ongoing allergy reaction. Stop  the remedy once you notice  signs of implOVement.  30c potency, to be taken f!N6ry  30-60 minutes during an acute  attack or twice per day during  an ongoing allergy reaction. Stop  the remedy once you notice signs  of improvement.  30c potency, to be taken every  3D-50 minutes during an acute  attack or twice per day during  an ongoing allergy reaction. Stop  the remedy once you notice signs  of improvement.  BOILS/BUMPS 30c potency. Take the remedy  34times per day until the pain  and swelting resolve  (early stages) or until the boil  erupts and discharges  (later stages).  30c potency.Take the remedy  34 times per day unlit the pain  and swelling resolve  (early stages)or until the boil  erupts and discharges  (later stages).  30c potency.Take the remedy  34times per day until the pain  and swaning resolve  (early stages) or until the boil  erupts and discharges (later stages).  Remedy Remarks First Stage:  Swollen, painful  and redness.  Hypericum  Second Stage: The boll starts to  Aconite df!N6lop a pocket of pus. Hepar  Sulph will cause skin eruption  to discharge or resolve.  . Belladonna  Causes the boil to discharge  pus. Sitica enhances the healing  of a boi!.  3Oc. Take one dose every  15-30 minutes as needed for  the first 3-4 hours after injury,  continue taking Arnica as needed  for the first 36-48 hours after injury.  SOc. Take one dose every  15-30 minutes as needed for  the first 3-4 hours after injury.  SOc. Take one dose every  15-30 minutes as needed for  the first 3-4 hours after injury.  30 c. Take one dose every  15-30 minutes as needed for  the first 3-4 hours after injury.  SOc. Take one dose every  15-30 minutes as needed for  the first 3-4 hours after injury.  SOc.  Take one dose fNery  15-30 minutes as needed for  the first 3-4 hours after injury.  BRUISES Severe pain, swelUng, trauma to  bone and soft tissues.  Bone pain. Start taking after  SfNere swelling and trauma has  passed.  Enhances bone healing.  Decreases bone pain. Calc.  Phos. is available as acell salt  (6x potency).  For shooting, nerve-like pain.  Enhances the healing of the  periosteum (surface layer of the  bone). Ruta stimulates the final  stages of healing. e.g.,  resolve  pain that persists after a cast is  removed.  Remarks Use for swelling, blotching of  skin and edema.  "Air hunger;' wants to be fanned  Food allergy, vomiting  and diantlea, burning pains,  desires sips of warm water.  Eupatorium  (Herb = Boneset)  Synphytum  (Herb = Comfrey)  Calcarea Phosphorica  Hypericum  (Herb =St. John's Wort)  Ruta(Rue)  3Oc. Take every 30-60 minutes  immediately following injury,  then 2·3 times per day until  improvement.  30c. Take fNery 30-60 minutes  immediately following injury,  then 2-3 limes per day until  Improvement.  3Oc. Take every 30-60 minutes  immediately following  injury,  then 2-3 times per day until  improvement.  SOc. Take every 3G-6O minutes  immediatelyfollowing injury,  then 2-3 times per day until  improvement.  For injuries to the head. Taking  Arnica immediately after an  injury can stop br.Jising and  swelling.  Injuries to highly enervated  areas (e.g., eyeball, hands, feet,  genitals) or in case of nerve  damage or bruising.  Hot, throbbing, no discoloration'  patient is anxious.  '  Discolored, throbbing. hot.  130 AFRICAN HOLISTIC HEALTH BURNS -Remedy FIrst DegreeBum Cantharis (Insect=SpanishAy) Hypericum Apis Secont:k:iegree Bum Cantharis Thirckfegree Bum Cantharis Causticum Remedy Dosage 3Oc. Repeatonedose (threepellets)oftheremedy fNery2-3hoursuntilpain andinflammationdiminishes, then stoptihe remedy. 3Oc. Repeatonedose (threepellets)oftheremedy every2-3hoursuntilpain andinflammatiOndiminishes, then stoptheremedy. 3Oc. Repeatonedose (threepellets)oftheremedy every 2-3hoursuntilpain and inflammationdiminishes, thenSlcptheremedy. 30e.Repeatonedose (threepellets)oftheremedy every2-3hoursuntilpain and inflammationdiminishes, thenstoptheremedy. 3Oc. Repeatonedose (threepellets)oftheremedy fNery2-3hoursuntilpain and inflammationdiminishes, then slopthe remedy. 3Oc.Repeatonedose (threepellets)ofthe remedy every2-3hoursuntilpain and inflammationdiminishes, thenstoptheremedy. COLDS Dosage Occiloccoccinum  3Oc. Takethreepellets2-3times per dayuntilimprovement, thenstoptakingthe remedy. Remarks Pain,inflammation.redness. Bumingpainthaiimproveswith cold applications.Forsecond- degreebumwithblister formation. Forverytender.painfulburns; shooting.nerve-Ukepain. Forstinging,itchingpain. Inflammation,rednessand blisteringoftheskin. Burningpainthatdecreases wrth coldapplications. Charringoftheskin,tissue damage. Burningpainthatimproves withcoldapplications.Blister formation, Severebumsand chemical burns. Remarks Useattheveryfirstsignof acold, rightafterthe first sneeze.Theremedywillnot beeffectiveafterthefirst twenty-fourhours.Takesix of thesmallpelletsevery3-4 hours. Aconite A1liumCepa (RedOnion) Arsenicum Pulsatilla (WindFlower) Gelsemium (YellowJasmine) Byronia NuxVomica (POisonNut) Section 2: Remedies 1:: SOc. Takethreepellets2-3times Takeafterthefirstsneeze, perdayuntilimprovement, whenfeelinganxiousorfretful; thenstoptakingtheremedy. symptomsmayhavedevelope< follOWingexposuretoacold, dr wind. 3Oc. Takethreepellets2-3 Mucousdischarge,soreupper timesperday untilimprovement, lip, excoriatingdischargefrom thenstoptakingtheremedy. the nose,blanddischarge from eyes;feels worseinawarm room,betterinfreshair. 3Oc. Takethreepel/ets2-3 Affected bychangesinweather; timesper dayuntilimprovement, thinpainful.burningdischarges. thenstopfakingtheremedy. 3Oc. Takethreepellets2-3 Thick,blanddischarges,green timesperdayuntilimprovement. oryellowdischarge. Changing thenstopfakingtheremedy. symptoms:painsmovearound anddo notlocalize.Mayfeel betteroutside. worseinstuffy room. 3Oc. Takethreepellets2-3 Slowonset,forcoldsthatbegin timesperday untilimprovement, inwarmweatherorduringa thenstoptakingtheremedy. mUd winter.Mayfeelachy,the limbsheavy.Nothirst 3Oc. Takethreepellets2-3 Feelsworsewtthmotion,better timesperday untilImprovement, wkhpressure.Veryhot,very thenstoptakingtheremedy. dry, achesallover.Thirstyfor colddrinks. 3Oc. Takethreepellets2-3 Verychilly; evenwhiledressed timesperdayuntilimprovement, verywarmly,worSenswrth thenstop takingtheremedy. slightcoolnessortheleast movement.Feelschilledfrom drinking.Achinginlimbsand back NosestuffedatnightCan haveupset stomachorother digestivesymptoms. COLIC Remedy Dosage Remarks MagnesiumPhosphorica Chamomilla (Chamomile) ChOlocynthis (Bi!terApple) Bryqnia (WhtteBryony) 3Oc. Crampingpain; improveSwkh warmapplications. 3Oc. Childisextremelyirritable, wants tobecarried,then demandsto beputdown. Inconsolable.One cheekhas . redness,theotherpale. 3Oc. Cramping,abdominalpainthat isrelievedbypressureand by drawingtheknees towardthe chest Feelsworsefollowingthe slightestmotion;generally irritable. 132 AFRICAN HOLISTIC HEALTH CONSTIPATION Remedy Dosage Remarks Nux Vomica 300. Sulphur 300. Bryonia CalcCarb 300. 3Oc. CUTS "Ineffectual urging to stool;' never feel completely emptied. Overuse of laxatives. Chilly, irritable. Frequent urge with incomplete evacuation. Hard, dry, black stools expelled with great effort, pain and buming, especially around the anus. Alternating constipation and diarrhea. Dry mouth, dry lips, and dry tongue. Stools dry and hard. Thirst for large quantities of water. Feels better "if doesn't" have a bowel movement. Remedy Dosage Remarks Arnica 3Oc. Take three pellets every 15-30 minutes for acute bleeding. Stop taking the remedy when the bleeding stops. Phosphorous 3Oc. Take three pailets every 15-30 minutes for acute bleeding. Stop taking the remedy when the bleeding stops. Belladonna 3Oc. Take three pailets every 15-30 minutes for acute bleeding. Stop taking the remedy when the bleeding stops. Mag.Phos. 3Oc. Take three pellets every 15-30 minutes for acute bleeding. Stop taking the remedy when the bleeding stops. Ferrum Phos. 3Oc. Take three peKets every 15-30 minutes for acute bleeding. Stop taking the remedy when the bleeding stops. DIARRHEA Helps stop bleeding and bleeding associated with soft- tissue injury. For arterial bleeding (bright red blood). Helps infection, especially staph and strap. Releases muscle tension associated with cuts and other physical momma. Helps stop bleeding. Remedy Dosage Remarks Arsenicum 3Oc. For explosive diarrhea with vomiting. Can feel exhausted, Section 2: Remedies 133 Bryonia 3Oc. restless, anxious; desires hot drinks, in small sips. Following exposure to cold, dry wind, or after a fright. EARACHE Remedy Dosage Remarks Aconite 3Oc. Belladonna 3Oc. Chamomilla 3Oc. Ferrum Pho$. 3Oc. Hepar Sulph 300. Pulsatilla 3Oc. Earache begins after exposure to cold, dry wind. Ear redness, high fever, sudden onset. Extremely sensitive to noise. Sharp pain. Anxious, restiess. Thirst for cold drinks. Onset after shock. Sudden, violent onset. Dilated pupils. Throlbbing blood vessels in the neck. Pain causes delirium. Child may have nightmares and callout in sleep. Throlbbing, shooting, sharp pains. Ear redness and throbbing. No thirst Irritable; intense pain. Redness to one cheek, the other pale. The child wants to be held and carried, yet arches her back Inconsolable. Earaches from teething. Grass green stool. Use at the beginning of infection, before pus develops. PUlsating, throbbing pain. Flushed face. High fever with few symptoms. Use when Belladonna fails. Mucous, pus in ear. For later stage of infection, when pus has developed behind the eardrum. Sensitive to drafts, wants to cover ears or head. Chilly, oversensitive, sweats easily. Feels better with hot, damp weather. Fora "ripe" (second or third stege) cold and ear infection. Copious, thick, yellow-green discharge. Feels better in fresh, cold, open air; worse in warm, stuffy room. Feels worse in the evening. No thirst. Symptoms fluctuate. 134  AFRICAN HOLISTIC  HEALTH  Section 2: Remedies 135  EYE INJURIES  NuxVomica 3Oc.  Headachesthatfollowexcesses ineatingordrinking;hangovers. Remedy  Dosage  Remarks  Generallysickfeeling.with Hypericum 3Oc. Redness.burningpain;very possibledigestiveupset. sensHiveorbum. Aversiontolightandsound. Rula  3Oc.  Forburnstotheeyeball. Avoidsoompany.Irritable. Gelsemium :JOe. Apis :JOe.  Swollenlids.Profuse,hottears. Heavyhead.Dullheadache. Photophobia(a\ersiontobright Sensationofhavingaband light).can't toleratecovering aroundthehead.Jointsare eyes. achy,heavy.Desirestobe  Silica 3Oc. Pushesout foreignobjects.  alone. INDIGESTION FEVER  Remedy  Dosage  Remarks Remedy  Dosage Remarks  NuxVomica 3Oc.  Overeatingandoverdrinking. Aconite 3Oc. Takethreepellets2-3 Hot,dry,cranky.Feverthat may Maybe stressed,overworked timesperdayuntilimprovement developafterexposuretooold andkeepademanding is noted,thenstoptakingthe ooldwind.Fearlul,anxious. schedule.whichirritatesaweak remedy.  digestivesystem.Tendencyto Ferrum Phos. 3Oc. Takethreepellets2-3 Feverwithnootherspecific haveoonstipation. timesperdayuntilimprovement symptoms. Arsenicum 3Oc.  Burningpaininthestomach, isnoted,thenstop takingthe  wants todrinksmallSipsof remedy. water,atthoughwatermay Belladonna 3Oc. Takethreepellets2-3 Glassy-eyed,dilatedpupils; causevomiting.Food poising timesperdayuntilimprovement hot, red,dryface;sweatybody;  WITh bothdiarrheaandvomiting. is noted,thenstoptakingthe possiblydelirium.Sudden  remedy. onset.Nothirst.  MENSTRUATION  Remedy  Dosage HEADACHE  Remarks Belladonna Remedy  Dosage  Remarks  3Oc. Heavysensationinabdomen. Mensesbrightred,profuse. Belladonna SOc. Intense,throbbingpain.Very Restless.Headleelsworse sensitivetonoise,light,touch, afterjarringor touchedorina strongsmells.Painsterts draft abruptly,usuallyinthefrontal Borax  3Oc.  Fearsdownwardmotion. area. Painmaytraveltothe Membraneandtissuepass with backofthehead.Feelsworse menses.Earlyprofusebleeding, afterjarring.Facemayhave withoolicandnauseaFeels rednessandleelhot, betterduringooldweather. extremttiesoold.Pupilsmaybe  Bryonia 3Oc.  "Substitute(vicarious) dilated. menses); i.e.,nosebleed Bryonia 3Oc.  Increaseswithanymotion,even and/orgumbleedingratherthan slightmovementoftheheador menstrualflow.Inter-menses eyes. Belterwithfirmpressure pelnswithpelvicandabdominal tothepainfularea.Constant, soreness.Avoidstheleast achingpain maybeintense motion.Thirstyforfarge overthe leftoroverthe amountsofwater. foreheadarea.Irritable,wants  tobe leftalone.ImproveswITh warmth. 136  137  AFRICAN HOUSTIC .HEALm  Extremely intense backaChe. SOc. Calc. Phos.  Chilly. Menses is early,  excessive, bright red; occurs  eJerY two weeks.  Dark, clotted blood with 3Oc. Chamomilla  labor-like pains. Mood swings,  irritable, cross, quarrelsome.  Thirsty. Feels worse at night.  Bends over double in reaction to  Colocyntl1is  SOc.  pain. Pain "bores intd' CNarY.  Pain eases with pressure.  Restless. Ructuating severe  gripping pain.  Sensation of band around throat SOc. pulsatilla  just before menses. Clotted  intermittent, changeable  menses.  MOTION SICKNESS  Remar1ils. Heat stroke.  Heavy, drooping eyelids. No  thirst.  After head injury. Denies need  lor help.  SUNBURN  Remedy  Dosage  Remarks  Hypericum  3Oc.  For first-degree sunburn (no  blistering).  Cantharis  3Oc.  If blistering is present (seoond- degree).  TEETHING  Remedy  Dosage  Remarks  CaIc.Carb.  3Oc.  Late dentition (teeth slow to  grow). Fontanelles slow to  close. Ear infections sometimes  accompany  teething.  138 AFRICAN HOLISTIC HEALTH 3Oc. Chamomilla 3OC. Ignatia (St. Ignatius Bear) For teething, inconsolable children, or children who are extremely irritable and demand to be carried, yet arch their back a'l-®! from whomeVer is carrying them. Redness to one cheek, the other pale. Stools may be grass green and runny. Child is distressed, but not extremely irritable. The baby sobs, sighs and cries. The whole body or single body parts may tremble. Section  3  Dis· e a s e,  D i a g nos i s,  Examination  309). Simple  Diagnosis  of  Organs  The skin ofthe body can be used to diagnose dis-ease. The body consists of the upper, middle and lower section (see Organ Regions on the Body, p. 291). The upper section contains essential organs such as the lungs, heart, liver (on right side near lower ribs), the heart (on the left mid-center side), stom- ach, pancreas and spleen on the left. The middle section contains the small intestines, large intestines, appendix, lower right side ofthe abdomen, two kid- neys in the back near the last rib and two adrenal glands that rest on top ofthe kidneys. The internal organs leave an imprint on the outer skin. The internal organs have nerve endings on the external skin. If the outer skin changes in com- plexion, texture, or a series of scratches, rashes and bumps appear, then the internal organ connected to that skin portion (meridian) is stressed or in a dis- eased condition. Accidents (there are no accidents in African medicine) will occur to the skin-related external organ. When in a dis-ease state, dis-eased organs call accidents such as burns, scratches and scars as a way ofattracting needed energy. An individual who falls may strike a diseased organ's merid- . ian area (or energy). There may be longer hair growth on a meridian ofstressed or diseased organ (see hair chart). The longer hair growth is the body's attempt to protect a weak organ. Finger pressure (acupressure) upon the internal organ's outer skin energy field (meridian) can be used to diagnose. The fin- ger pressure should be between two and four pounds. If the individual feels pain with two pounds (check finger pressure on a household scale) of pres- sure on the meridian, the organ is dis-eased (see Acupressure Meridians, p. The individual parts ofthe body can be divided into three sections for diag- nosis (see organ regions chart). For example, the upper leg (thigh) sections are as follows: the part ofthe upper thigh closest to the hip is the lower section, the part closest to the knee is the upper section and the mid-part is the mid- dle section. Try to divide the sections into three equal parts. The parts ofthe lower leg (calves) are as follows: the part closest to the knee is the upper section, then the middle section and lower section is the part closest to the ankle. The upper arm has three sections (see p. 291). The upper section is clos- est to the shoulder, then the middle section and then the lower section that is closes to the elbow. The lower arm has three sections; the part closest to the elbow is the lower section then the middle section and the upper section that is the closest tothe wrist.The feet and hands are divided into three sections (see foot chart). Areflexology chart can help to visualize the sections. The palm ofthe hand and sole ofthe foot's three sections are: the part closest to the knuckles is the upper section, then the middle section and the lower section that is closest to tll\.rJLJ.""-,,ofthe hand or foot (see Hand Chart, p. 289). 142  143  AFRICAN  HOLISTIC  HEALTH  Finger pressure  and skin complexion (see  Color Chart,  p.  275)  can  indicate dis-eased organs.  .  The fetus position may help  one to  see .the connectl0!l between  Assuming  a fetal  position will be helpful m  understandmg the  sectlOn s  relationship to internal systems and  The  eyes are  divided into three sectIOns (see  p. 285). The  upper part of the  eye's  iris  or whites    -vlsuah,ze the  as.a  clock-between 10  and 2  is  the  upper  sectlOn.  The  .sectIon  IS  between 10 and 7, and also between 2 and 4. The lower sectIon IS betwc:e n  5 and 7.  The eye whites should have no more than three or four red velr;tS  in them.  Red veins in the sections indicate that the orgar: s  or body  In  that section is stressed or dis-eased. The color of the whItes (such as hght  yellow, blue green, etc.) indicates  (see Colors, p.  275).  The teeth can indicate dis-ease by theIr surface and color (see p. 29.1).  The upper section is the front teeth, the middle section starts at the cam!le  teeth,  and lower section is at the molars. Tooth loss, cracked teeth,  or dark spots,  and color deviation from normal (see Colors, p. 275)  mdI- cate stressed or dis-eased organs or systems.  .'  '  Any part of the human body can commurucate a dls-ease of mter- nal organs, The human body is wholistic and every part, ofthe body IS  con- nected to each organ of the body. The tongue,  ears, half and odors can be  an indication of dis-ease or stressors to organs andior systems.  How FLUID SECRETIONS SHOW DIS-EASE  The  fluid  secretions  of the  body  indicate  and  dis-ease  However, the  fluid  is also  secreted to heal  or  cleanse the body and  Its  organs.  b  'fu  t  and  Fluid can also  correct a  flora  (friendly  actena,  .ngus, yeas  virus) imbalance. A flora imbalance such as that found m. the  can  be caused by synthetic antihistamines (suppress nasa.l flUId),  antt-sperm  gels,  latex  or polyurethane condom as  .well  as.  talc,  sup- pressants, deodorants, (dry up  vaginal fl.utds). anttbIOUCS that  fnendly  bacteria in uterus and vagina and  til tantpons and toIlet paper.  Nylon,  other  synthetic  underwear  and  tIght pants  can  Venereal  Dis-ease (V.D.). Fluid secreted is usually a  of the body  to stop  further deterioration.  Fats and protem matter give. off an offen- sive  smell.  This  indicates the inner skin's fats  and protems  are  rotten  and breaking down. The fluid from the vagina is  clear, the  ine mucous is white, while the fallopian tube flUId  IS yell?w. A?-y  deVI- ation from typical  colors  can appear  in the mucous  (flutd)  This will indicate reproductive problems. For further color mformatlon,  see  Color Chart.  .' 1  I The fluid secretions of the body have been dIstorted by Soclet,a  va - ues. For example, the perspiration (sweat) ofthe forehead (brow) IS  con- Section 3: Dis-ease, Diagnosis, Examination sidered respectable while the sweat of the feet is disrespectful. The saliva  from  the  mouth  is  considered  offensive  while  tears  are  considered  acceptable  of  tenderness.  The perspiration (head,  feet)  tear flUIds are  the same. Ironically, if an individual spits  m a  glass  several tImes and then this  same individual is asked to  drink  his own  spit,  the  individual will not  because  one's  spit outside  of the  mouth is considered offensive. Another fluid such as the connective tis- sue called blood is  the least alive of the bodily fluids.  Yet,  blood is cul- turally valued as having a deep connection between relatives while actu- ally its function is  to  carry oxygen and waste. Blood corpuscles, called  Blood Cells and White Blood Cells reproduce themselves by divid- mg apart. They are corpuscles, not cells.  Cells grow from a root (melanin  then the body and organelles of cell grows from the root. The  cell dIes,  then another template grows.  Cells do  not divide.  They grow  and  have a nerve attached to  them with a blood supply  attached to the  nerve.  In any  case,  in Gennany they  tried to  use blood transfusions to married  couples with problems.  This  scientific experiment  was  a  faIlure.  Organs  that  secrete  fluids  are  given non-scientific  cul- tural values.  The b,rain  se.cretes biochemical thoughts;  the heart pumps  mIxed WIth oxygen and the liver secretes digestive flu- Ids. Yet, the SOCIetal values for the brain's fluid are high. In the Caucasian  past, the liver was given a high status because it was believed to  secrete  emotions.  However,  all fluids  are regulated by the Pineal,  are equal in  value,  :md should be considered as  instruments for reading the  state of  health m the body. The hierarchy of importarJce given to fluids is socially  defined and not a biochemical hierarchy (classification).  MELANIN (PINEAL) NUTRITION  is  for immunity. It is a free radical scavenger; aids  dlgestton antiOXIdant,  bones, nerves, cellular and honnone functions. The  following are essential for Melanin production.  MELANIN HORMONES: SerotoninI Melatonin NERVOUS SYSTEM STIMULATED: Sympathetic Stmss Parasympathetic Stress SUPPLEMENTS Vitamin A  d-AlphaTocopherol B6  B1 B12  B2  Calcium Magnesium Chromium Vanadium Cobalamin Coenzyme Q10  Copper Vitamin E VitaminC Vitamin D, Iodine Niacin Niacinamide 144 AFRlCAN HOLISTIC HEALTH Serotonln/ Sympathetic Stress Melatonin Parasympathetic Stress Folic Acid Manganese Potassium Riboflavin Silica Selenium Bromelain Zinc Chondroitin Sulfate TabietsIlJquicl Serotonin Folic Acid Manganese Pantho!henic Acid Phosphorous Pyridoxal 5 Phosphate Riboflavin Choline Zinc Glucosamine Sulfate TabietslLiquid Melatonin HERBS CombIne: CombIne: Gingko or Gotu Kola Damiana, Eyebright Echinacea Gingko or Gotu Kola, Chamomile, Echinacea AMINO ACIDS Omithine, Arginine Phenylalanine, Tyrosine SULFUR AMINO ACIDS Methionine, Cysteine, Taurine ALKALINE AMINO ACIDS Histidine, Lysine, Arginine, Glycine ACID AMINO ACIDS Glurnatic Acid, Aspartic Glutamine GLANDULARS Pancreas, Liver, Brain Pancreas, Pituitary, Adrenal, Brain FOODS Apples, Apricots, Bananas, Blue Grapes. Blueberries, Broccoli, Cauliflower, Red Cherries, Collard Greens. Currants, Dandelion Greens, Dates, Ags, Guava, Lemons, Mangoes, Fresh Olives, Oranges, Papaya, Peaches, Raw Peanuts, Plantains, Soybeans, S p e ~   Ster Fruit, Strawberries, Turnips, Wild Rice, lams HERBAL FORMULA Combine these herbs in equal amounts. Drink 1 cup daily. Alfalfa, Black Cohosh, Burdock, Dandelion Root, Eyebright. Fe-Ti, Gingko FOOD CLASSlFlCA110N • Carbohydrates increase Tryptophan", Calmness • Protein increases DopaminelNorepinephrinetryrosine '" Alertness • Fruits stimulate Melanin energy • Vegetables stabilize Melanin energy Section  4  E a s y Remed  . les  147  Athlete's Foot  Bedbugs  Bedwetting  Bleeding    Candles  Cataracts  Chapped Lips  Cigarette Smoke  Corns  Dandruff  Deodorant  Section 4: Easy Remedies Sprinkle Garlic Powder, Pau D'Arco Powder  and Horseradish Powder on feet.  Put Tea Tree  Oil between toes and affected areas daily. Drink  PauD'Arco.  Put Wild Thyme in the bed and comers ofthe  room. Make sure the room is  closed and the  temperature is warm.  Cinnamon tea.  No fluids  after 6:00 p.m. Drink  diuretic (Uva Ursi, Juniper Berry) around noon  time.  Pour Aloe Vera Juice on area. Apply Clay,  Goldenseal Powder and Spider Webs. Take as  much Vitamin K as needed to stop bleeding.  Last longer if refrigerated for one week before  using.  Put one drop of Castor Oil in each eye before  sleep. Take Vitamin B2  to  help absorb oil into  eye.  Make lotion of Lavender, Aloe Vera and Witch  Hazel. Add Vegetable Glycerin and a little bee's  wax and apply to lips.  Fill a small pot full of vinegar. Add baking soda  and put in area.  Soak feet in cabbage juice, lemon juice, ginger  root and turpentine.  Use 2 ounces Nettle, 2 ounces Aloe, 2  ounces  Rosemary.  Steep in! pint of boiling water.  Herbs to drink: Anise, Rosemary.  Vitamins: A, E,  F,  B 6 ,  B Complex, Zinc, and  Selenium.  Glandulars: Adrenal, Liver.  Amino Acids: Lysine, Cysteine, and Alanine.  Homeopathic: Nat. Mur., Kali.  Sulph.  Clay mixed with Witch Hazel, a drop of  Peppermint, Tea Tree Oil andlor Orange Extract.  148  149  Disinfectant  Dizziness  Dog Bite  Eye Drops  Falling Hair  (Baldness) Flea Repellent  Foot Cooler  for Summer  Foot Warmer  for Winter  Gas  Gout  AFRICAN HOLISTIC  HEALTH  Basil, Myrrh and Frankincense in Vinegar and  sprinkle in room.  Catnip tea.  Make a strong tea of Sea Salt, Gentian and  Myrrh and apply. Mix crushed Garlic and  Tobacco; put on area and cover with ace bandage.  2 tsp.  each of Goldenseal, Eyebright and Aloe  tea.  Strain and add a drop of honey.  Use eye  drop bottle or eyecup.  Boil Wild Cherry Bark for  10 minutes. Remove  from heat, add Nettle and Horsetail and drink.  Herbs to drink: Dried Dates, Nettle, Shave  grass, Horsetail.  Food: Brewer's Yeast,  Lecithin.  Vitamins: B 6 , B Complex,  C,  F, Biotin,  Inositol, Niacin, Choline, Growth Hormones,  Progesterone, PABA, Iron, Silicon, Sulfur.  Amino Acid: Cysteine.  Homeopathic: Silicea.  Equal parts of Cedar Wood Shavings (Thuja),  Pennyroyal, Chamomile; put into  a small  (cat or  dog,)  size pillow.  Rub a little Peppermint, Spearmint,  or Lemon  Grass Oil on the feet,  especially between the toes.  A little Cayenne powder sprinkled in the socks.  Psyllium, Bay Leaves, Calamus, Peppermint,  Slippery Elm, Papaya Juice, Garlic.  Food: Bee Pollen, Sprouts, Charcoal, Yogurt,  Digestive Enzyme, HCL.  Vitamins: C, B, Calcium.  Glandulars: Pancreas.  Amino Acids: Glutamine.  Homeopathic: Mag.  Phos.  Pure Cherry juice and 6 to  9 Raw Almonds or a  tablespoon of raw almond butter.  Gray Hair  Hair Rinse  BairOil  Hay Fever  Insect Repellent  Itchy Skin  Mildew  Mildew Stains  Section 4: Easy Remedies Boil 8 tbsp.  Herma and  1 ounce ofSage in  I quart  ofwater. Let cool and rinse hair. Apply I ounce of  Sage oil mixed with 2 pint ofAlmond Oil.  Food: Brewer's Yeast, Wheat Germ.  Vitamins: B Complex, Pantothenic Acid,  PABA,  Silicon, Folic Acid,  Zinc,  Calcium,  Magnesium, Selenium.  Glandulars: Adrenal, Pancreas, Spleen.  AminoAcids: Cysteine.  Homeopathic: Silicea.  4 tablespoons ofNettle, Sage, Rosemary and  Hyssop. Make into a tea, add to rinse water.  Crush Pine Needles Qeaves), put in 2 pints of  Olive OiL  Let soak 1 week, then strain and use.  1 ounce Sage oil,  2 ounces Aloe Oil,  I pint of  Sesame, Sunflower, Almond or a light oil. Add  Lavender or Jasmine,  etc.  for fragrance.  Bee Pollen capsules or tablets, Jimson Weed,  Black Cohosh.  Mix equal parts ofPennyroyal, Bay Leaves,  Cloves, Tansy, Lavender, Cayenne and  Spearmint.  Sprinkle Tea Tree Oil and Citronella  Oil on herbs, then put into cloth bags and put  around  clothing. Spread powder herbs in area  where insects crawl.  Arnica,  Chickweed,  Violet, Yarrow, Matjoram.  Food (externally): Apple Cider Vinegar.  Vitamins: A,  C,  E,  F,  B Complex, Ferrous  Sulfate. MSM (Methysulfonylmethane) Lotion.  Glandulars: Adrenal,  Thyroid.  Amino Acids: Tryptophane.  Homeopathic: Mag.  Phos, Kali, Mur.  Soak mildewed clothes in sea salt and vinegar  solution, then dry.  Remove by using Raw Potato, Raw Tomato, Sea  Salt and Vinegar.  150  151  Tired Feet  Warts  Whiten Teeth  Natural  Contraceptives  Natural Hair Relaxer  (Straightener) No Taste or Smell  Rats  Red Eyes  Refrigerator  Freshener  Ringworm  Rinse Water  Skin Oil  Split Fingernails  AFRICAN HOLISTIC  HEALTH  Acacia and Stone Seed. Apply to sponge  tampon, com stalk pulp or douche.  Food: Kelp, Brewer's Yeast.  Vitamins: B, B 6 ,  C,  Folic Acid, Iodine.  Glandulars: Thyroid.  Amino Acids: Triptophan.  Homeopathic: Calc. Sulph., Nat. Sulph., Calc.  Phos. Also the rhythm method and a daytime  cyclical method.  Simmer Henna neutral, 2 pints of Sesame Oil,  10 ounces Sage Oil and add 2 ounces Beeswax.  Add 1/4  ounce Tincture Benzoin, 4 drops  Citronella Oil and Bergamot OiL Remove from  heat. Pour into glass container and use or call  1     for Herbal Tame.  Zinc tablets (60 mg.)  Mix cement, powdered glass and dry com meal.  Put in a dish.  Vitamin E  drops in eye and a drop of fresh raw  lemonjuice. Orally, Vitamin A, Vitamin B2  and  Nutritional Brewer's Yeast.  Put lemon and orange peels into an open  container with apple halves and sprinkle with  charcoal powder.  Combine poultice of Gunpowder, Vinegar, Pau  D'Arco and Charcoal Powder and apply to area.  Drink Pau D'Arco and Wormwood Tea. Prepare  an infusion of Burdock, Thyme, Gentian Root  and mix with equal parts ofApple Cider  Vinegar and apply to area.  Add a little vinegar and Epsom Salt to rinse  water after washing clothes.  % pint olive oil, 2 tbsp. Lecithin Oil,  a little  Wheat Germ Oil.  Put your finger into half a slice oflernon or  white potato for  10 minutes daily. Also soak  fingernails in olive oil.  Swollen and  Baggy Eyes  Tension and Anxiety  chapped hands or dry skin.  Shake well and apply.  Yz  ounce Glycerin (vegetable)  liz  ounce Sage (darkens gray hair)  V2 ounce Aloe  Oil  1;4 ounce scented oil (i.e., Lavender)  Juice and Turpentine. Drink Thuja and/or  Sanicle.  Externally: Digestive Enzyme, Green Papaya  Juice.  Food: Fig Juice, Papaya Juice.  Vi!amins: A, E,  Calcium Lactate.  Glandulars: Thymus.  Amino Adds: Lysine, Alanine.  Homeopathic: Silicea, Kali. Mur.  Brush with Charcoal and mashed fresh  Strawberries.  Pure Turpentine (pine Oil), Wormwood,  Elecampane and Honey. Use fi to  1 teaspoon.  Mix Tormentil (herb)  and Aloe Vera Gel and  apply.  Massage Aloe Vera oil into area. Apply  L-Lysine Cream, Pau D'Arco or Primrose Oil is  effective for  all types of skin problems.  Section 4: Easy Remedies Apply cloth tea bags to eyes while lying down  for about 15 minutes.  Use herbs such as Agrimony, Alum, Cranesbill,  Hemlock, Kola, Pilewort, Tormentil, Uva Ursi,  Wild Indigo.  Nutritional Brewer's Yeast, Arnica, Chamomile,  Hops, Catnip.  Vitamins: B 6 ,  B  Complex, Pantothenic Acid,  Phosphorus, Calcium, Potassium.  Glandulars: Adrenal, Liver.  Amino Acids: Tryptophan, Tyrosine, Alanine.  Homeopathic: Calc.  Sulph.,  SiIicea.  Soak feet in Arnica, Yarrow,  Ginger and  Lavender.  Rub with combined Plantain Juice,  Marigold  152 AFRlCAN HOLISTIC HEALTH Lips Aloe Oil and Honey. Mix together and apply. Rub Shea Butter on lips. Facial Mask Mix equal parts Wheat Germ Flour, Honey and Clay; apply to face thoroughly. Dry Skin Cleanser Mix 1 ounce Aloe Oil with 2 ounces Almond Meal and Honey. Leave on for about 15 minutes then rinse offwith warm water. Facial Vegetable Pack Blend Cucumber, 2 tablespoons of Kelp and mash 2 medium sized toma- toes to a pulp and apply to skin; leave on for 20 minutes then rinse with water. Section 5 Vitamin G u ide 309). Simple  Diagnosis  of  Organs  The skin ofthe body can be used to diagnose dis-ease. The body consists of the upper, middle and lower section (see Organ Regions on the Body, p. 291). The upper section contains essential organs such as the lungs, heart, liver (on right side near lower ribs), the heart (on the left mid-center side), stom- ach, pancreas and spleen on the left. The middle section contains the small intestines, large intestines, appendix, lower right side ofthe abdomen, two kid- neys in the back near the last rib and two adrenal glands that rest on top ofthe kidneys. The internal organs leave an imprint on the outer skin. The internal organs have nerve endings on the external skin. If the outer skin changes in com- plexion, texture, or a series of scratches, rashes and bumps appear, then the internal organ connected to that skin portion (meridian) is stressed or in a dis- eased condition. Accidents (there are no accidents in African medicine) will occur to the skin-related external organ. When in a dis-ease state, dis-eased organs call accidents such as burns, scratches and scars as a way ofattracting needed energy. An individual who falls may strike a diseased organ's merid- . ian area (or energy). There may be longer hair growth on a meridian ofstressed or diseased organ (see hair chart). The longer hair growth is the body's attempt to protect a weak organ. Finger pressure (acupressure) upon the internal organ's outer skin energy field (meridian) can be used to diagnose. The fin- ger pressure should be between two and four pounds. If the individual feels pain with two pounds (check finger pressure on a household scale) of pres- sure on the meridian, the organ is dis-eased (see Acupressure Meridians, p. The individual parts ofthe body can be divided into three sections for diag- nosis (see organ regions chart). For example, the upper leg (thigh) sections are as follows: the part ofthe upper thigh closest to the hip is the lower section, the part closest to the knee is the upper section and the mid-part is the mid- dle section. Try to divide the sections into three equal parts. The parts ofthe lower leg (calves) are as follows: the part closest to the knee is the upper section, then the middle section and lower section is the part closest to the ankle. The upper arm has three sections (see p. 291). The upper section is clos- est to the shoulder, then the middle section and then the lower section that is closes to the elbow. The lower arm has three sections; the part closest to the elbow is the lower section then the middle section and the upper section that is the closest tothe wrist.The feet and hands are divided into three sections (see foot chart). Areflexology chart can help to visualize the sections. The palm ofthe hand and sole ofthe foot's three sections are: the part closest to the knuckles is the upper section, then the middle section and the lower section that is closest to tll\.rJLJ.""-,,ofthe hand or foot (see Hand Chart, p. 289). 142  143  AFRICAN  HOLISTIC  HEALTH  Finger pressure  and skin complexion (see  Color Chart,  p.  275)  can  indicate dis-eased organs.  .  The fetus position may help  one to  see .the connectl0!l between  Assuming  a fetal  position will be helpful m  understandmg the  sectlOn s  relationship to internal systems and  The  eyes are  divided into three sectIOns (see  p. 285). The  upper part of the  eye's  iris  or whites    -vlsuah,ze the  as.a  clock-between 10  and 2  is  the  upper  sectlOn.  The  .sectIon  IS  between 10 and 7, and also between 2 and 4. The lower sectIon IS betwc:e n  5 and 7.  The eye whites should have no more than three or four red velr;tS  in them.  Red veins in the sections indicate that the orgar: s  or body  In  that section is stressed or dis-eased. The color of the whItes (such as hght  yellow, blue green, etc.) indicates  (see Colors, p.  275).  The teeth can indicate dis-ease by theIr surface and color (see p. 29.1).  The upper section is the front teeth, the middle section starts at the cam!le  teeth,  and lower section is at the molars. Tooth loss, cracked teeth,  or dark spots,  and color deviation from normal (see Colors, p. 275)  mdI- cate stressed or dis-eased organs or systems.  .'  '  Any part of the human body can commurucate a dls-ease of mter- nal organs, The human body is wholistic and every part, ofthe body IS  con- nected to each organ of the body. The tongue,  ears, half and odors can be  an indication of dis-ease or stressors to organs andior systems.  How FLUID SECRETIONS SHOW DIS-EASE  The  fluid  secretions  of the  body  indicate  and  dis-ease  However, the  fluid  is also  secreted to heal  or  cleanse the body and  Its  organs.  b  'fu  t  and  Fluid can also  correct a  flora  (friendly  actena,  .ngus, yeas  virus) imbalance. A flora imbalance such as that found m. the  can  be caused by synthetic antihistamines (suppress nasa.l flUId),  antt-sperm  gels,  latex  or polyurethane condom as  .well  as.  talc,  sup- pressants, deodorants, (dry up  vaginal fl.utds). anttbIOUCS that  fnendly  bacteria in uterus and vagina and  til tantpons and toIlet paper.  Nylon,  other  synthetic  underwear  and  tIght pants  can  Venereal  Dis-ease (V.D.). Fluid secreted is usually a  of the body  to stop  further deterioration.  Fats and protem matter give. off an offen- sive  smell.  This  indicates the inner skin's fats  and protems  are  rotten  and breaking down. The fluid from the vagina is  clear, the  ine mucous is white, while the fallopian tube flUId  IS yell?w. A?-y  deVI- ation from typical  colors  can appear  in the mucous  (flutd)  This will indicate reproductive problems. For further color mformatlon,  see  Color Chart.  .' 1  I The fluid secretions of the body have been dIstorted by Soclet,a  va - ues. For example, the perspiration (sweat) ofthe forehead (brow) IS  con- Section 3: Dis-ease, Diagnosis, Examination sidered respectable while the sweat of the feet is disrespectful. The saliva  from  the  mouth  is  considered  offensive  while  tears  are  considered  acceptable  of  tenderness.  The perspiration (head,  feet)  tear flUIds are  the same. Ironically, if an individual spits  m a  glass  several tImes and then this  same individual is asked to  drink  his own  spit,  the  individual will not  because  one's  spit outside  of the  mouth is considered offensive. Another fluid such as the connective tis- sue called blood is  the least alive of the bodily fluids.  Yet,  blood is cul- turally valued as having a deep connection between relatives while actu- ally its function is  to  carry oxygen and waste. Blood corpuscles, called  Blood Cells and White Blood Cells reproduce themselves by divid- mg apart. They are corpuscles, not cells.  Cells grow from a root (melanin  then the body and organelles of cell grows from the root. The  cell dIes,  then another template grows.  Cells do  not divide.  They grow  and  have a nerve attached to  them with a blood supply  attached to the  nerve.  In any  case,  in Gennany they  tried to  use blood transfusions to married  couples with problems.  This  scientific experiment  was  a  faIlure.  Organs  that  secrete  fluids  are  given non-scientific  cul- tural values.  The b,rain  se.cretes biochemical thoughts;  the heart pumps  mIxed WIth oxygen and the liver secretes digestive flu- Ids. Yet, the SOCIetal values for the brain's fluid are high. In the Caucasian  past, the liver was given a high status because it was believed to  secrete  emotions.  However,  all fluids  are regulated by the Pineal,  are equal in  value,  :md should be considered as  instruments for reading the  state of  health m the body. The hierarchy of importarJce given to fluids is socially  defined and not a biochemical hierarchy (classification).  MELANIN (PINEAL) NUTRITION  is  for immunity. It is a free radical scavenger; aids  dlgestton antiOXIdant,  bones, nerves, cellular and honnone functions. The  following are essential for Melanin production.  MELANIN HORMONES: SerotoninI Melatonin NERVOUS SYSTEM STIMULATED: Sympathetic Stmss Parasympathetic Stress SUPPLEMENTS Vitamin A  d-AlphaTocopherol B6  B1 B12  B2  Calcium Magnesium Chromium Vanadium Cobalamin Coenzyme Q10  Copper Vitamin E VitaminC Vitamin D, Iodine Niacin Niacinamide 144 AFRlCAN HOLISTIC HEALTH Serotonln/ Sympathetic Stress Melatonin Parasympathetic Stress Folic Acid Manganese Potassium Riboflavin Silica Selenium Bromelain Zinc Chondroitin Sulfate TabietsIlJquicl Serotonin Folic Acid Manganese Pantho!henic Acid Phosphorous Pyridoxal 5 Phosphate Riboflavin Choline Zinc Glucosamine Sulfate TabietslLiquid Melatonin HERBS CombIne: CombIne: Gingko or Gotu Kola Damiana, Eyebright Echinacea Gingko or Gotu Kola, Chamomile, Echinacea AMINO ACIDS Omithine, Arginine Phenylalanine, Tyrosine SULFUR AMINO ACIDS Methionine, Cysteine, Taurine ALKALINE AMINO ACIDS Histidine, Lysine, Arginine, Glycine ACID AMINO ACIDS Glurnatic Acid, Aspartic Glutamine GLANDULARS Pancreas, Liver, Brain Pancreas, Pituitary, Adrenal, Brain FOODS Apples, Apricots, Bananas, Blue Grapes. Blueberries, Broccoli, Cauliflower, Red Cherries, Collard Greens. Currants, Dandelion Greens, Dates, Ags, Guava, Lemons, Mangoes, Fresh Olives, Oranges, Papaya, Peaches, Raw Peanuts, Plantains, Soybeans, S p e ~   Ster Fruit, Strawberries, Turnips, Wild Rice, lams HERBAL FORMULA Combine these herbs in equal amounts. Drink 1 cup daily. Alfalfa, Black Cohosh, Burdock, Dandelion Root, Eyebright. Fe-Ti, Gingko FOOD CLASSlFlCA110N • Carbohydrates increase Tryptophan", Calmness • Protein increases DopaminelNorepinephrinetryrosine '" Alertness • Fruits stimulate Melanin energy • Vegetables stabilize Melanin energy Section  4  E a s y Remed  . les  147  Athlete's Foot  Bedbugs  Bedwetting  Bleeding    Candles  Cataracts  Chapped Lips  Cigarette Smoke  Corns  Dandruff  Deodorant  Section 4: Easy Remedies Sprinkle Garlic Powder, Pau D'Arco Powder  and Horseradish Powder on feet.  Put Tea Tree  Oil between toes and affected areas daily. Drink  PauD'Arco.  Put Wild Thyme in the bed and comers ofthe  room. Make sure the room is  closed and the  temperature is warm.  Cinnamon tea.  No fluids  after 6:00 p.m. Drink  diuretic (Uva Ursi, Juniper Berry) around noon  time.  Pour Aloe Vera Juice on area. Apply Clay,  Goldenseal Powder and Spider Webs. Take as  much Vitamin K as needed to stop bleeding.  Last longer if refrigerated for one week before  using.  Put one drop of Castor Oil in each eye before  sleep. Take Vitamin B2  to  help absorb oil into  eye.  Make lotion of Lavender, Aloe Vera and Witch  Hazel. Add Vegetable Glycerin and a little bee's  wax and apply to lips.  Fill a small pot full of vinegar. Add baking soda  and put in area.  Soak feet in cabbage juice, lemon juice, ginger  root and turpentine.  Use 2 ounces Nettle, 2 ounces Aloe, 2  ounces  Rosemary.  Steep in! pint of boiling water.  Herbs to drink: Anise, Rosemary.  Vitamins: A, E,  F,  B 6 ,  B Complex, Zinc, and  Selenium.  Glandulars: Adrenal, Liver.  Amino Acids: Lysine, Cysteine, and Alanine.  Homeopathic: Nat. Mur., Kali.  Sulph.  Clay mixed with Witch Hazel, a drop of  Peppermint, Tea Tree Oil andlor Orange Extract.  148  149  Disinfectant  Dizziness  Dog Bite  Eye Drops  Falling Hair  (Baldness) Flea Repellent  Foot Cooler  for Summer  Foot Warmer  for Winter  Gas  Gout  AFRICAN HOLISTIC  HEALTH  Basil, Myrrh and Frankincense in Vinegar and  sprinkle in room.  Catnip tea.  Make a strong tea of Sea Salt, Gentian and  Myrrh and apply. Mix crushed Garlic and  Tobacco; put on area and cover with ace bandage.  2 tsp.  each of Goldenseal, Eyebright and Aloe  tea.  Strain and add a drop of honey.  Use eye  drop bottle or eyecup.  Boil Wild Cherry Bark for  10 minutes. Remove  from heat, add Nettle and Horsetail and drink.  Herbs to drink: Dried Dates, Nettle, Shave  grass, Horsetail.  Food: Brewer's Yeast,  Lecithin.  Vitamins: B 6 , B Complex,  C,  F, Biotin,  Inositol, Niacin, Choline, Growth Hormones,  Progesterone, PABA, Iron, Silicon, Sulfur.  Amino Acid: Cysteine.  Homeopathic: Silicea.  Equal parts of Cedar Wood Shavings (Thuja),  Pennyroyal, Chamomile; put into  a small  (cat or  dog,)  size pillow.  Rub a little Peppermint, Spearmint,  or Lemon  Grass Oil on the feet,  especially between the toes.  A little Cayenne powder sprinkled in the socks.  Psyllium, Bay Leaves, Calamus, Peppermint,  Slippery Elm, Papaya Juice, Garlic.  Food: Bee Pollen, Sprouts, Charcoal, Yogurt,  Digestive Enzyme, HCL.  Vitamins: C, B, Calcium.  Glandulars: Pancreas.  Amino Acids: Glutamine.  Homeopathic: Mag.  Phos.  Pure Cherry juice and 6 to  9 Raw Almonds or a  tablespoon of raw almond butter.  Gray Hair  Hair Rinse  BairOil  Hay Fever  Insect Repellent  Itchy Skin  Mildew  Mildew Stains  Section 4: Easy Remedies Boil 8 tbsp.  Herma and  1 ounce ofSage in  I quart  ofwater. Let cool and rinse hair. Apply I ounce of  Sage oil mixed with 2 pint ofAlmond Oil.  Food: Brewer's Yeast, Wheat Germ.  Vitamins: B Complex, Pantothenic Acid,  PABA,  Silicon, Folic Acid,  Zinc,  Calcium,  Magnesium, Selenium.  Glandulars: Adrenal, Pancreas, Spleen.  AminoAcids: Cysteine.  Homeopathic: Silicea.  4 tablespoons ofNettle, Sage, Rosemary and  Hyssop. Make into a tea, add to rinse water.  Crush Pine Needles Qeaves), put in 2 pints of  Olive OiL  Let soak 1 week, then strain and use.  1 ounce Sage oil,  2 ounces Aloe Oil,  I pint of  Sesame, Sunflower, Almond or a light oil. Add  Lavender or Jasmine,  etc.  for fragrance.  Bee Pollen capsules or tablets, Jimson Weed,  Black Cohosh.  Mix equal parts ofPennyroyal, Bay Leaves,  Cloves, Tansy, Lavender, Cayenne and  Spearmint.  Sprinkle Tea Tree Oil and Citronella  Oil on herbs, then put into cloth bags and put  around  clothing. Spread powder herbs in area  where insects crawl.  Arnica,  Chickweed,  Violet, Yarrow, Matjoram.  Food (externally): Apple Cider Vinegar.  Vitamins: A,  C,  E,  F,  B Complex, Ferrous  Sulfate. MSM (Methysulfonylmethane) Lotion.  Glandulars: Adrenal,  Thyroid.  Amino Acids: Tryptophane.  Homeopathic: Mag.  Phos, Kali, Mur.  Soak mildewed clothes in sea salt and vinegar  solution, then dry.  Remove by using Raw Potato, Raw Tomato, Sea  Salt and Vinegar.  150  151  Tired Feet  Warts  Whiten Teeth  Natural  Contraceptives  Natural Hair Relaxer  (Straightener) No Taste or Smell  Rats  Red Eyes  Refrigerator  Freshener  Ringworm  Rinse Water  Skin Oil  Split Fingernails  AFRICAN HOLISTIC  HEALTH  Acacia and Stone Seed. Apply to sponge  tampon, com stalk pulp or douche.  Food: Kelp, Brewer's Yeast.  Vitamins: B, B 6 ,  C,  Folic Acid, Iodine.  Glandulars: Thyroid.  Amino Acids: Triptophan.  Homeopathic: Calc. Sulph., Nat. Sulph., Calc.  Phos. Also the rhythm method and a daytime  cyclical method.  Simmer Henna neutral, 2 pints of Sesame Oil,  10 ounces Sage Oil and add 2 ounces Beeswax.  Add 1/4  ounce Tincture Benzoin, 4 drops  Citronella Oil and Bergamot OiL Remove from  heat. Pour into glass container and use or call  1     for Herbal Tame.  Zinc tablets (60 mg.)  Mix cement, powdered glass and dry com meal.  Put in a dish.  Vitamin E  drops in eye and a drop of fresh raw  lemonjuice. Orally, Vitamin A, Vitamin B2  and  Nutritional Brewer's Yeast.  Put lemon and orange peels into an open  container with apple halves and sprinkle with  charcoal powder.  Combine poultice of Gunpowder, Vinegar, Pau  D'Arco and Charcoal Powder and apply to area.  Drink Pau D'Arco and Wormwood Tea. Prepare  an infusion of Burdock, Thyme, Gentian Root  and mix with equal parts ofApple Cider  Vinegar and apply to area.  Add a little vinegar and Epsom Salt to rinse  water after washing clothes.  % pint olive oil, 2 tbsp. Lecithin Oil,  a little  Wheat Germ Oil.  Put your finger into half a slice oflernon or  white potato for  10 minutes daily. Also soak  fingernails in olive oil.  Swollen and  Baggy Eyes  Tension and Anxiety  chapped hands or dry skin.  Shake well and apply.  Yz  ounce Glycerin (vegetable)  liz  ounce Sage (darkens gray hair)  V2 ounce Aloe  Oil  1;4 ounce scented oil (i.e., Lavender)  Juice and Turpentine. Drink Thuja and/or  Sanicle.  Externally: Digestive Enzyme, Green Papaya  Juice.  Food: Fig Juice, Papaya Juice.  Vi!amins: A, E,  Calcium Lactate.  Glandulars: Thymus.  Amino Adds: Lysine, Alanine.  Homeopathic: Silicea, Kali. Mur.  Brush with Charcoal and mashed fresh  Strawberries.  Pure Turpentine (pine Oil), Wormwood,  Elecampane and Honey. Use fi to  1 teaspoon.  Mix Tormentil (herb)  and Aloe Vera Gel and  apply.  Massage Aloe Vera oil into area. Apply  L-Lysine Cream, Pau D'Arco or Primrose Oil is  effective for  all types of skin problems.  Section 4: Easy Remedies Apply cloth tea bags to eyes while lying down  for about 15 minutes.  Use herbs such as Agrimony, Alum, Cranesbill,  Hemlock, Kola, Pilewort, Tormentil, Uva Ursi,  Wild Indigo.  Nutritional Brewer's Yeast, Arnica, Chamomile,  Hops, Catnip.  Vitamins: B 6 ,  B  Complex, Pantothenic Acid,  Phosphorus, Calcium, Potassium.  Glandulars: Adrenal, Liver.  Amino Acids: Tryptophan, Tyrosine, Alanine.  Homeopathic: Calc.  Sulph.,  SiIicea.  Soak feet in Arnica, Yarrow,  Ginger and  Lavender.  Rub with combined Plantain Juice,  Marigold  152 AFRlCAN HOLISTIC HEALTH Lips Aloe Oil and Honey. Mix together and apply. Rub Shea Butter on lips. Facial Mask Mix equal parts Wheat Germ Flour, Honey and Clay; apply to face thoroughly. Dry Skin Cleanser Mix 1 ounce Aloe Oil with 2 ounces Almond Meal and Honey. Leave on for about 15 minutes then rinse offwith warm water. Facial Vegetable Pack Blend Cucumber, 2 tablespoons of Kelp and mash 2 medium sized toma- toes to a pulp and apply to skin; leave on for 20 minutes then rinse with water. Section 5 Vitamin G u ide Vitamins  Vitamins are given the name of vitamins because they are considered "vital minerals" = vita-mins. Vitamins energize the body while minerals stabilize. Each vitamin has a complex (a family such as C Complex: Cl' C 2 , C 3 , C 4 ). All vitamins are hor- mones, all hormones are enzymes and all enzymes are vitamins. Vitamins are either water-soluble (dissolve in water) or oil soluble (dissolve in oil). Oil soluble vitamins can be dangerous at a high dose because they are stored in bodily fat, remain in the body too long and cause toxins (poison to the body). They can cause hypervitaminosis (vitamin overload). There is a small degree of separation between one vitamin and another. In fact,. all vitamins and minemls are composed of the same ingredients just in different proportions (ratios). The science of alchemy teaches that the human body has a vital force (i.e., aura, electromagnetic cloud, and energy to mutate, resistive and trans- mutative strain) that allows the body to change one type vitamin into anther " type vitamin and/or one type mineral into another type vitamin. This wholis- tic, alchemic bodily property allows humans to survive severe nutritional crisis . . Buy vitamin and mineral tablets that are made from plants. Do not buy synthetic vitamins and minerals. They are made from harmful chemicals (coal tar), have additives and addicting (caffeine, white sugar, etc.) sub- stances in them. The label's indication of milligrams, grams and/or micrograms in a vitamin and mineral is somewhat questionable. For instance, the total amount of Vitamin C in a bottle is 50,000 milligrams and it costs $5.00 (approximations). The label will indicate Vitamin C (Ascorbic Acid). Ascorbic Acid is a fragment ofVitamin C. It is not the vitamin. Ascorbic Acid is synthetic. A rubber tire (Ascorbic Acid) is not a car (Vitamin C). The label has dysinformation--it lies. While one orange contains 300 mil- .1igrams ofVitamin C and costs 25 cents, 50,000 milligrams of Vitamin C in fresh oranges would cost $250. A total Vitamin C would include the fiagment Ascorbic Acid so it would be expensive. Besides, it is obvious that the Vitamin C milligrams in a live orange is natural. Vitamin C is high in .R.osehip and Ascerola. Therefore, they are used in concentrated form for their Vitamin content. Rosehip and/or Ascerola is sprayed on synthetic '",{',rwh',£' acid. This is the devious way in which vitamin companies charge prices for AScorbic Acid. The use of synthetics causes be low. Manufacturers use very small amounts of """"""'lJ1<> and call the combination ofAscorbic Acid with Rosehip Vitamin C or natural Vitamin C. Furthermore, it has been that colored women on a natural food diet can make Vitamin C in 156 157 AFRlCAN HOLISTIC HEALTH their bodies. This was verified in the book Biological Transmutations by Kervan. Vitamins, made from plants and/or medicinal herbals are more active than dead processed synthetic vitamins. Synthetic vitamins and minerals eventually drain the body of nutrients, alter pH and body chemistry, and have a negative effect on health as well as immunity. The recommended dosage on the label is for stopping starvation. Since vitamins, minerals and supplements are classified as foods, the products must indicate a serving/dosage. A serving/dosage is not a therapeutic dosage. It is not the amount you need to be healthy or fight diseases. When you are dis-eased, you need a higher dosage because the body still needs its nonnal amount plus the additional dosages to fight dis-ease. It is suggested that the dosage be doubled or tripled for water-soluble (Vitamins B and C, etc.). Oil soluble vitamins CA, D, E, K) can be doubled. The minerals can be doubled with the exception of Iron. Jt is suggested that Vitamin C can be taken in the highest amount (example: 5,000 to 10,000 mg. for adults and 500 to 1,000 mg. for children under 9 years of age, while 300 mg. for children under 4 years of age). The dosage is depend- ent upon the age, race, weight, sex and state of wellness or disease. For example, a male, aged 20 with digestive disorders and weak muscles due to lack of exercise would take a different dosage than an 80-year-old woman in excellent physical health. There are vitamin precursors (Beta Carotene), water dispersible, oil soluble vitamins, chelated nutrients, sustained release, acid-free Vitamin C, soft capsules, free form, crystal forms, capsules, liq- uid and tablet forms of supplements which have to be considered. The choice oftype is based upon preference, age and disease state. Further, oil soluble vitamins and some minerals have toxic levels and ratios to be con- sidered. Supplements can inhibit, compliment and excite each other; i.e., Vitamin C has to be increased if taking Cysteine. Phenylalanine can increase high blood pressure; Glycine neutralizes the acid effect of other amino acids; RNArequires alkaline fluids and water to neutralize its acid- ity; Calcium requires acid to be metabolized, etc. There are many more precautions that must be considered and are listed on labels. Vitamin A Maintairu health of tissue, hair; builds resistance, helps eyes, nasal passage, lungs, stress, etc. Deficien!;ll .H!Lrbs with Vitamin Foods.   Alfalfa, Burdock, Comfrey, Carrots, Green Leafy vision, respiratory problems,   Eyebright, Okra Vegetables, Melons, skin diseases (boils, acne, Pods, Paprika, Parsley, Tomatoes, Yams, Ruits. pimples, dry skin, etc.), poor Rosehip, Watercress. senseof taste and smell, get infections easily, teeth and gum problems. Section 5: VItamin Guide . Vitamin B (Thiamine) A nutnent for the nerves and brain rl, . digestion, helps the red blood cell the use .of protems, aids tion and carbohydrate metabol' Hunl ,en ances   brain nmc- Ism. e ps prevent flUld retention (edema). Deficien!;ll Herbs with Vitamin Weigl1t loss, Beriberi, edema, Alfalfa, Brewer's Yeast, fatigue, forge1fulness, Asparagus, Brown Rice, Burdock Root, Catnip, numbness, digestive prob- Broccoli, Brussels Sprouts, Cayenne, Chamomile, lerns, loss of appetite, consti- Parsley, Peanuts, Peas, Chickweed, Dandelion pation, mUscle weakness, agi- Plums, Raisins, Rice Bran, Eyebright, Fennel,   tation, nervous exhaustion and Watercress, Whole Grains. Garlic, Hops, Nettle, Oat mental depression. Straw, Peppermint, Red Clover. Red Raspberry Leaves, Sage, Spirulina, Yarrow, Yelfowdock . Vitamin B (Riboflavin) VItal for blood formation, growth, tnetabolism. D.eficlencll Foods Eye problems, inflamma- Herbs with Vitamin tions, sores, skin problems cracks at comers of the ' mouth. Alfalfa, Burdock, Chickweed, Garlic, Kelp, Parsley. Almonds, Asparagus,   Broccoli, Brussels Currants, Green Leafy , Vegetables, Mushrooms Nuts, SUnflower Seeds ' Wheat Germ, Whole . Vitamin B (Niacin) (starches), fats and protein. Useful for hormones, mental illness' ::oarytIOann'dclold feet hand I hands, digestion, sex , owers c 0 esterol. ll eficie l1£lC Hems with Vltamtn Nervousness, coated tongue, Alfalfa, Burdock, Catnip. anemia, insomnia, Broccoli, Carrols, Green Leafy Cayenne, Chickweed, Garlic, forgetfulness, headaches, Vegetables, Nuts, Peanuts, Fenugreek, Mullein, NeWe, FUtatoes, Rice Bran. mental Problems, diarrflea, Parsley, Peppermint, Red headadles, dizziness, low Sunflower Seeds, Tomatoes, Raspberry Leaves, Red WholeWheat. Clover, Rosehips, Yellowdock. blOOd sugar, loss of flppetite, sores. . Vitamin B ClassIfied as a protein (amino acid). 4 158  159  AFRlCAN HOLISTIC HEALTH  Vitamin B  (pantothenic Acid)  It is useful for stress, adrenal glahds and adrenal hormones, toxins, growth,  skin. nervous system, cortisone production, anxiety.  Deficjency  HeM with Vrtamin  Allergies, asthma, hair loss,  Alfalfa, Dandelion, Parsley,  Bran, Beans, Green Leafy  fatigue, mental problems, skln  Wheat Grass, Ye/Iowdock.  Vegetables, Mushrooms,  dis-ease, burning feet,  Nuts,  Peas, Wheat Germ,  insomnia, headaches,  Whole Wheat and Grains.  nausea, tingling in hands,  dizziness, low blood sugar  (hypoglycemia), constipation,  low blood pressure.  Vitamin B6 (Pyridoxine)  Aids metabolism (utilization) ofproteins and fats.  It is useful for the nerv- ous system, mental problems, skin dis-ease, arteriosclerosis, PMS, Carpal  tunnel,  teeth,  fluid  retention  before  menstruation,  balancing minerals,  enzymes and pregnancy.  Deficiency  I:teri>s with Vt!amln  Skin problems, edema,  Alfalfa, Camip, Oat Straw.  Avocados, Bananas,  anemia, mental problems,  Nutritional BrewersYeast,  migraine, OeMlusness,  Broccoli, Cabbage,  Insomnia, tooth decay, bad  Cantaloupe, Corn, Green  breath (halitosis),  LeafyVegetables,  Pecans,  convulsions, arthritis,  Plantain, Potatoes Rice Bran,  irrltabnity, sores on the mouth,  Say Beans, Sunllovver Seeds,  hair loss, numbness, oily skin,  Walnuts, Wheat Germ.  tingling.  Vitamin B.  (Cyanocobalamin, Cobalt)  It is useful for red blood celI growth and production, anemia. metabolism  and enzyme action.  Defu:ien0'  Herbs with Vitamin  Poor appetite, fatigue, poor  AlIaJfa, Bladderwrack, Catnip,  Bananas, Brewer's Yeast,  Bee  mental anew, feeling of  Comfrey, Dong Quai, Dulse,  Pollen, Concord Seeds,  stiffness and/or numbness,  Hops, Kelp.  Soybeans, Wheat Germ.  pernicious anemia,  constipalion,depression,  digestive problems, labored  breathing, moodiness,  headache, liver problems,  ringing In ears, palpitatjons,  Section 5: Vztamin GUide G  d  Vitamin B (0  .  .  00  for reproduction of c e .11 s.  13  rotic ACId)  £leticiel10'  growth problem, liver trou- es,  Fermented (rotten) Foods  Fermented foods, They naturaify rot in'the  Intestines.  Vitamin B13  (Pangamic Acid)  Helps body Use  oxygen  regula  tem, regulating    Good for nervous sys- Hypoxia (reduced levels of  oxygen to cans and tissues)  Nuts, seeds, whole grains heart disease, nervous  '  brown rice.  '  problems,  FoIicAcid  Good for bu'Id'  (In()sitol and Vitamin B) '  1  lUg red blood cells  h atr).  ' growth ofcells  healing  k'  ha'  ,  ,s  lU,  lr (gray  dis-eases, baldness,  dISCOloration, menial  Alfalfa, Kelp,  Dandelion  Parsley, Garlic.  '  Uma beans, mushrooms   impotency, poor CJrcuialion.  WIlest germ, nuts,  broccoli,  Irish potatoes,  '  aspall3guS.  nutrient for hair  k'  Biotin  II)  .  .  .  ,s  11l,  metabolIsm offi  t  pam, sweat glands, nerve tissue.  a  s. carbohydrates and protein,  Alfalfa, Kelp, Wheat Grass  Parsley, Dandelion,  ,  MUShrooms, Spinach  Whol  Grains.  '  e  160 161 AFRIO\.NHOLISTIC HEALTH PABA Acid) . c k' h ir growthandproductlOnofcells. AnutrIentl,or s ill, a , Choline  . 1 . , etabolismoffat(celluhte),reguates AssistsintheproductlOnofcells,m ( d forhighbloodpressure). A liver, gallbladder, andblood   Aidsnerves,memoryand . c h dingofartenesan , .' preventIvelor ar en k' 'sandTardiveDyskmesla. brainfunction.UsefulforPar lllson D§jcienc'L Brewer'sYeast,GreenLeafy Alfalfa,Dandelion,Kelp, Hardening01arteries,high Vegetables,Lecithin, Parsley,WheatGrass. bloodpressure,liverdis-ease, LegumeS,Soybeans,  heartproblems,kidneyand WheatGrains.  liverproblems.  Inositol . roblems hairand Vitalnutrientforbloodcholesterol,overwelght,mentalp , heart,metabolismoffats. J:!!;lrbSandFoods SeeCholine. Highbloodcholesterol, .  constipation,eczema,hair  loss,f!.J6 problems,irritability:  moodswings,arteriosclerOSIS,  constipation. . A 'd. fragmentofVitaminC) VitaminC (AscorbiC CI 1Stth rotectionagainstalldiseases, Increasesthehealthofglands,organs, n' andanantibiotic. infections, stomachdisorders,tOXlns, s 1 , Herbs AscerolaCherries, geticienC'L. Asparagus,Avocados,Beet Alfalfa,Boneset,Burdock SloWhealingwounds(sores), Greens,CRrusFruR, Root,Catnip,Cayenne, varicoseveins,toothdecaY,  Grapefruit,GreenPeas, . ChickWeed,ColtsfoOt, gumdis-easeS,anemia, Guavas,Kiwi,Lemons,Limes, Dandelion,Elderberries, "pinpoinf'hemonnages Mangos,MustardGreens, Eyebright,Fennel,Fenugreek, skin.recurringooidsandInfec- Onions,Oranges,Papaya, Hawthom,HibisCUS,Hops, tions,edema.bleedinggums. Persimmons,Rosehips,Star Horseradish,Horsetail, lackofenergy, Fruit,Strawberries,Tumlp Lobelia,Marigold.Mullein,  toolhloss. Greens.  Nettle OakStraw,Oregano, Paprika,Parsley,Peppermint, pokeweed,RedClover,Red RaspberryLeaves.Rosehips, Shepherd'spurse,Yarrow, Yellowdock,Watercress. Section 5: Vitamin Guide VitaminD (Ergosterol) Anutrientforglands; absorption andutilizationofminerals, bones, and teeth.Vitalforgrowth,muscles,heart,thyroid,normalbloodclotting. HerbswithVitamin Toothdecay,softeningof Alfalfa, Horsetail,Nettle, DandelionGreens,Lettuce, bones, lackofenergy,inChil- Parsley. Oatmeal,SweetPotatoes, drenslowgrowthandpoor Watercress. bonestructure,lossof appetite,diarrhea,insomnia, weightloss,eyeproblems. VitaminE Anutrientfortissues,sores;stabilizesenergyandreducesneedforoxygen, improvescirculation,reducesbloodpressure. Vitalforlungs,PMS,skin, blood,heart,veins,arteries,sterility,impotency,menopauseandallinfec- tions anddis-eases. Improves stamina, relaxes muscles, reduces keloids andscarringfromwounds. Deficiency Lungproblems,strokes,heart Alfalfa,Dandelion,DongQual, GreenLeafyVegetables, dis-ease,cell,muscleandskin Flaxseed,Kelp,OatStraw, Nuts,SoyBeans, Sprouted disorders,Infertility, RedRaspberryLeaves, Seeds,SweetPotatoes, menstrualproblems. Rosehip,Spirulina, WheatGerm,WholeGrains. miscarriages. Watercress. Biotlavonoids(VitaminP): Assiststhebuildingandstrengtheningoftissue andcells. Helps prevent hemorrhaging. Vital forall injuries, infections, skin, andliverdiseases. Aidscirculation,lowerscholesterol,reducesherpes. Foods Darkbluespotsonskin, Chervil,Elderberries. Allfreshfruitsandvegetables. eczema,hemorrhoids, HawthornBerry,Horsetail, EmphasizeApriCOts, Black varicoseveins,infections, Rosehips,Shepherd'sPurse. Currants,Buckwheat, 'l1!pertension. Cherries,CitrusFruit:Green Peppers,Prunes, Strawberries. 162 163 AFRlCAN HOLISTIC HEALTH Vitamin F (fatty acid): Essential for heart, adrenal glands, skin, growth, cholesterol, and all mucous membranes. Qeflclency  Vita.mi/!  FaIling hair, reproductive  Burdock, Orris, Uva Ursi,  Com, sunflower seeds,  problems (menstruation and  Flaxseed, Kelp, Echinacea,  soybeans. Also unrefined and prostate), skin diseases, kid- Dandelion.  unprocessed oil made from  ney and liver disorders.  above foods. VitaminK Vital for blood clotting, liver, bone formation, bone loss, nervous system and energy.   Nosebleeds, bleeding ulcers,  Alfalfa, Kelp, Nettle, Oatstraw,  Asparagus, Broccoli,  hemorrhaging, low energy.  Plantain, Shepherd's Purse.  Brussels Sprouts, Cabbage,  CaulITIower, Green Plants,  Oatmeal, Rye, Soybeans,  Wheat.  VitaminT Essential for blood, cell production. Deficiency  Foods Memory problems, bleed  Plantain.  •Sesame seeds, vegetable easily.  oils, Brewer's yeast.  Vitamin U Assists the healing ofwounds. Deficiency  .!::I!1r!;§ Ulcers (peptic, duodenal).  Alfalfa.  Cabbage, White Potatoes.  Vitamin G A nutrient for nervous system. Alfalfa,  Dandelion,  Kelp,  Capsicum,  Gotu Kola,  Watercress.  Section 5: Vitamin Guide A  .  Vitamin L nutnent for cell production, breast-feeding. Alfalfa, Rosemary  Wheat Germ, BrewerS Yeast.  '. Vitamin P (Rutin) A VIta} nutrIent for stomach, liver, hemorrhoids. Herbs  Rosehip, Rue, Paprika  Lemon,  Buckwheat  Section  6  Mineral  Guide  Minerals  Purchase minerals (chelated) from a health food store or a natural food store. Do not buy synthetic minerals. Synthetic minerals are made from hannful chemicals. Natural minerals are made from plants and other nat- ural sources. When using minerals to treat a dis-ease remember that the listed dosage is what the body requires when it is healthy. However, a dis-ease requires a higher dosage ofminerals because the body has to use its normal amount and an additional amount to fight the dis-ease. It is suggested that for a dis-ease two or three times the normal dosage serving (listed on label) be taken. Iron  Vital for the making of blood. Deficiens;y Mental problems, Burdock Root Catnip, Almonds, Apricots, Avocados, nervous cflSOrders. Anemia, Cayenne, Chamomile, Bananas, Beans, Beets, tired, fatigue, poor resistance Chickweed, Devil's Claw, lentils, Millet, Peaches, Pears, to disease. pale complexion, Dong Quai, Eyebright, Fennel, Prunes, Pumpkins, Raisins, headache. Fenugreek, Horsetail, Kelp, Rice, Rye, Sesame Seeds, Parsley, Plantain, Peppermint, Spinach, Some Mineral Sarsaparilla, Shepherd's Springs, Sunflower Seeds, Purse, Turnip Greens, Walnuts, Strawberry leaves, Uva Ursi, Watercress, . Yellow Dock Whole Grains. Calcium  Essential for bones, teeth, muscle action, clotting of blood, and vital activ- ities of the body. Deficiency Soft bones, decay, Aloe Root, Bittersweet Root, Almonds, Walnuts, Raw nervousness, mental Burdcck Root, Cayenne, Vegetables, Beans, Millet, problems, muscle spasms, Chamomile, Chickweed, Broccoli, Brussels Sprouts, cramps. high blood pressure, Chives, Fennal, Aaxseed, Gats, All leafy Greens britlle nails, eczema, high cho- lesterol, numbness, arthritis and heart problems. Fenugreek, Hops. Horsetail, Mistletoe, Peppermint, Red Clover, Red Raspberry leaves, Rosehip, Shepherd's Purse, Sorrel, Toad Flax Chives, Yarrow. 168 AFRICAN HOLISTIC HEALTH  Section 6: Mineral Guide 169 Phosphorus Iodine A nutrient for bones and teeth, mentality, nerves, heart and kidney function. Essential for regulation of mental and physical activity healthy skin and thyroid, metabolizes fat. ' Deficiency PeflCiell!¥ Skin problems, nerve and  Alfalfa, Caraway, Dulse, Kelp,  Asparagus, Bran, Com, Fruits,  mental problems, anxiety,  .  Licorice, Marigold, Rosehips,  Garlic, Legumes, Nuts,    fatigue, anemia, nuniJness, trembling, respira- Rosemary, Sorrel, Watercress  Seeds, Who1e Grains  Black Walnut Hulls, Iceland  Asparagus, Garlic,  Urna obesity, breast cancer, low  tory problems, weakness, soft  Moss, Jojoba, Kelp,  Beans, Mushrooms, Sasame blood pressure, bones, poor sexual activity.  Sarsaparilla, Watercress.  Seeds, SOYbeans, Spinach, loss of sexual activity Squash, Tumip Greens.  Potassium Vital for muscles, heart, digestion, allergies, prevents strokes, stabilizes Manganese blood pressure, depression, constipation, diarrhea, mental problems. Vi.tal for digestion nerves, brain, regulates blood sugar, bone growth, metab- olIsm, reproduction and muscles. Deficiency  Deficiency Edema, heart problems, high  Calamus, Catnip, Dandelion,  Apricots,  Avocados, Bananas,  blood pressure, nervous  Dulse, Eymright, Fennel,  Brown Rice, Carrots, Dates,  Digestion problems, asthma, disorders, fatigue, dry skin,  Hops, Horsetail, Mullein,  Figs, Garlic, Nuts, Oranges, AHaIfa, Burdock Root,  Broom,  Apricots, Avocados,  Beets, famale and male sex activity,  Chickvveed,  Dandelion,  poor bone growth, confusion, chills,thirst high cho1esterol,  NeWe, Parsley, Peppermint,  Papayas, Plantains, Potatoes,  Blueberries,  Brussels Sprouts,  headaches, respiratory  Plantain, Red Clcwr,  RaiSins, Squash, Sunflower  Eyebright, Fennel, Fenugreek,  Garlic, Grapefruit, Nuts, eye problems, problems, depression,  Rosemary, Sage, Skullcap,  Seeds, Green Leafy  Hops, HorsetaH,  Mullein,  Oranges, Peas, Pineapp1es, atherosclerosis,  heart prob- Parsley, Primrose, constipation, diarrhea,  Watercress  Vegetables, Whole Grains, Spinach, all Green Leafy lems, memory loss, tremors,  Wintergreen, Yarrow, Yellow mental problems Yams Vegetables tooth grinding, hypertenSion,  Dock  convulsions  Choline Essential for digestion, liver Zinc A vital nutrient for cell and tissue growth, prostate, healing wounds and Deficiency  burns, helps taste and smell, vital for enzymes Alfalfa, Betony, Burdock,  Asparagus, Avocados,  DeficienCll  imbalanced body fluid  Poor digestion,  Chickweed, Daroeuon, Kelp,  Cabbage, Calery, Cucumber,  Myrrh, Nettle, Spirulina  Endive,  Kale,  Oats, Pineapple,  Impaired sexual functions,  Cayenne, Chidlweed,  Kelp,  Nuts, Pumpkin, Spirulina, Tomatoes, Tumips  acne, hair loss, high choles. Dandelion Root, Eyebright,  Sunflower Seeds, Green Leafy terol, recurrent colds,  white  Hops, MilkThistle, Mullein,  Vegetables, Wheat Germ spots on toe andIor fingernails,  Nettle, Parsley, Rose Hips,  poor sense of taste and smell, Sulphur Sage, Sarsaparilla, Skullcap hair problems, slow healing, A nutrient for skin, nails, hair, disinfects blood, helps resist bacteria poor resislance to dis-ease,  impotence, fatigue, memory Foods  . problems Brussels Sprouts, Cabbage, Skin problems, blemishes,      Celery,  Kale, Onions, Plantain, rashes, split ends, britUe nails. Horseradish, Horsetail, Irish  Soybeans, String Besns, Moss, Pimpemel  Tumips, Wheat Germ  170 171 AFRlCAN HOLlSTIC HEALTH Section 6: Mineral Guide Chromium. An essential nutrient. Regulates levels of Manganese. Vital for digestion mineral absorption of protein and glucose. Stabilizes blood sugar. mation; helps metabolize helps bone for- Deficiency Deflc' ' e ps lssolve kidney stones . 19P(;l£ • Diabetes, low blood sugar, heart olS-ease, hardening of arteries, anxiety, fatigue Alfalfa, Catnip, Horsetail, Kelp, Ucorice, Nettie, Oatstraw, Red Clover, SarsapariRa, Spirulina, Yarrow Selenium BearlS, Brown Rice. Com, Mushrooms, Potatoes, Whole Grains Essential for improving liver function, reducing energy loss, protecting body from toxins, aids the prostate, is an antioxidant. irritability, rapid heartbeat, Insomnia tantru , ' ms, ":''' .ma,   pain, depres- SIOn, seizures, bone lOSs. Alfalfa, Dandelion Root Lemon Grass, MUllein, Nettle Oat Straw, Parsley, • Peppermint, Red Sage, Shepherds farrow, Yellow Dock. ' Apples, Apricots, AIIOCados Bananas, Brown Rice ' Cantaloupe, Rgs, Garlic, Grapefruit, Lemons, Uma Beans, Millet Nuts, Black-eyed Paas, Sesame Seeds Soybeans, Whole Grains and Green Leafy Vegetables. ' Deficiency Uver damage, digestive problems, muscle weakness, cancer, fatigue, infections, high cholesterol Alfalfa, Burdock Root Catnip, Cayenne, Chamomile, Chickweed, Fennel, Fenugreek, Ginseng, Hawthorn Berry, Hops, Horsetail, Kelp, Lemon Grass, Milk ThisHe, Nettle, Parsley, Sarsaparilla, Yellow Dock Brazil Nuts, Broccoli, Brown Rice, Garlic, Mushrooms, Onions, Spirulina, Vegetables, Whole Grains Vital for nerves, brain. Lithium Deficiency Mental problems, nervous disorders. Kelp. Seawater, Some Natural Mineral Springs. Vanadium Vital for sugar and insulin production, metabolism, bones and teeth. DeficienCY Heart and kidney disease, diabetes. Dill. orlVeS, Radishes, Snap BearlS, Whole Grains. Section  7  Flushes (Cleansers) Liver Flush Drink V2  Cup Fresh Lemon Juice  If4 Cup Lecithin Granules  1 tsp.  Horseradish Root Powder  1 Garlic Clove or 2 tbsp.  Garlic Powder  1/8 tsp.  Cayenne (a pinch)  Kidney Flush Drink Y2  Cup Fresh Lemon Juice  V2  Cup Fresh Grapefruit  1 Garlic Glove or  1 tsp. Garlic Powder  1 tsp.  Ginger Root Powder  VB tsp.  Cayenne  Stomach Flush Drink 1 Cup or more of distilled water  1 Cup Cabbage Juice  Y2  Cup Raw \Vhite Potato Juice  Vz tsp.  Cascara Sagrada Powder  1 tsp.  Comfrey Powder  1 tsp. Horseradish Root Powder  VB tsp.  Cayenne (a pinch)  Spleen Flush Drink 1 Cup Carrot Juice  1 Cup Celery Juice  1,4  Cup Parsley Juice  1 tsp.  Lecithin  1 tsp.  Sunflower Oil  tsp. teaspoon tbsp. =  tablespoon -- fA t:  0  ... ..!::I fa t... U  Q)  .- I."j.- :J:  .- - u ALTERATIVES  Alterative herbs are used to slow down the action ofan herb used as a cur- ative. In  many dis-ease states an abrupt cure would shock the body and cause a secondary illness. Dis-eases are often developed slowly and con- sequently require a slow exit from the body. In some cases a dis-ease can require emergency action, such as herbal allopathic remedies. Alteratives are usually combined with bitter tonics, astringents, aro- matics, demulcents, expectorants and stimulants. Spikenard Root, Sarsaparilla Root, Bittersweet Twigs, Black Cohosh Root, Burdock Root, Chaparral, Echinacea Root, Red Clover Flower, Yellow Dock Root, Stillingea Root, Nettle Root, Garlic, Anise, Allspice, Caraway, Catnip, Celery Seed, Cinnamon, Cloves, Cumin Seed, Eucalyptus, Ginger, Valerian, Fennel, Nutmeg, Peppermint. ANTBELMINTICS  (WORMS)  Anthelmintics or vermifuges remove intestinal worms that inhabit the body. Areca Nuts, Elecampane, Pomegranate, Pumpkin Seed, Uva Ursi, Senna (Bark, Seeds Or Juice), Balomy Leaves, Male Fem, Wormwood, Garlic, Horseradish, Wild Violet. ANTIPERlODICS  . Herbs that reduce seizures caused by fevers or nervous disorders (exam- ple: epilepsy). Vervain, Arnica, Cinchona Bark, Red Raspberry, Skullcap, Eucalyptus, Senna, Rue, Peruvian Bark, St. John's Wort, Feverfew. ANTI-INFLAMMATORY  Herbs used in reducing or stopping inflammatory dis-ease states. They are never used on partially damaged tissue. Arnica, Blue Cohosh, Cayenne, Lobelia, Wormwood, Hops, Burdock, Chaparral, Garlic, Slippery Elm, Feverfew, Cat's Claw. ANTIPYRETICS      are used to reduce body temperature (example: fever). They slowing down blood circulation and opening the pores in tissue and 180  181  AFRICAN HOLISTIC HEALTH  skin, which allows heat to  This a  .  Iso causes water and toxic waste  to  escape in the fonn  (hot or cold),  wet packs  (saturate    cloth with plastic and place on body) or  they can be drunk as teas.  Eucalyptus, Wild Indigo, Indian Hemp, Feverfew.  ANTISEPTICS I DISINFECTANTS f  germs  or bacteria  which can  rot  Herbs  that kill  or retard the  growth  0 ,  internal flesh.  (  .  tely 2 tablespoons  A disinfectant herb is prepared stronger  approxnna  to  )  to a CUp 0 f wa er  t) than an antiseptic (approximately  1 teaspoon  a cup  .  All dis-infectants kill germs.  .  .  Th  Peppermint  Clove,  Garhc,  Anise  Myrrh, Wormwood,  CassIa,  lIme, 1  '  Cayenne, Comfrey, Eucalyptus, WItch  aze.  ASTRINGENTS These  herbs cause  internal and  external      can cause tissue to become finn and  stomach  intestines,  etc.  branes found  in nasal pa.ssages,  mou  :  .  bod  '    s= used inbaths, douches, washes, mou  was  es,  , 0- B  b  Black Alder  Congo  root,  Kola nuts,  Pilewort,  Alum root,  ar  erry,  nti}  Wild Indigo  Witch Hazel. Shepherd's Purse, Sumac,  orme  ,  ,  BITTER TONICS .  .  d  'd d'  stion and for temporary loss of These herbs are. pnmanlyhusfle  to a}  and  digestive  fluids,  and  can  appetite. They Increase  t  e  ow 0  sa  increase the fluid secretion of mucous membranes.  .  'Dandelion  Wormwood,  Yellow  Root,  Balomy,  Goldenseal,  Black Haw. Barberry, GentIan,  esse  ,  ,  CALMATIVES These herbs are used to excite and      of smell and taste. The  °t f  tth e  stomach and transmit a feeling of and alerts the  senses. They stIm  a e  e  relaxation to the body.  Section 8; Herb Classifications Valerian, Hops, ChamOmile, Catnip, Skullcap, Nerve Root, Kava, Passion Flower.  CATHARTICS (Laxatives and Purgatives) These herbs are used for constipation. Constipation causes the bowel move- ments to be irregular. Further, the feces ofthe body are either hard or loose  (example: diarrhea).  Cathartics either create mucous or irritate the internal skin to increase  mucous and digestive system muscle action. The effect of the herbs is the  removal  of human waste  (usually % % dead body cells)  from  the large  intestines.  Cathartics are considered strong laxatives or purgatives and should be  used with discretion,  especially  if symptoms  of appendicitis  are present  and if pregnant.  They should never be used consistently as  they weaken  digestive muscles, inflame tissue and may cause dependency.  Cascara Sagrada,  Rhubarb,  Senna, Aloes,  Butternut, Buckthorn,  Elder,  Balomy.  DEMULCENTS Demulcents are slimy (mucilaginous) and bland in nature. Internal organs  are soothed and protected by the slime, which provides a mucous coating.  They are good for irritated  stomachs,  constipation,  common  colds,  irri- tated throat and vaginal problems.  Licorice,  Agar,  Coltsfoot,  Flaxseed,  Solomon  Seal,  Sassafras,  Marshmallow, Oatmeal, Irish Moss, Psyllium, Comfrey, Okra Pods.  DIAPHORETICS These herbs open the pores and increase bodily perspiration, which helps  to rid the body ofimpurities. They also help to lower fevers  and speed up  cleansing of the body of dis-ease.  Ague Weed,  Ginger, Hyssop, Angelica,  Blessed Thistle,  Pleurisy,  Pennyroyal,  Indian Hemp,  Serpenturia, Lobelia,  Sage, Yarrow  DIURETICS . These  herbs increase urination.  They act faster on an empty stomach and  . are often taken for kidney and bladder problems. Also, they help speed up  the flushing out oftoxins in the body. However, they can cause weak kid- 182  183 AFRICAN HOLISTIC  HEALTH  neys  to  be strained.  These  herbs are usually combined with a  demulcent  herb  in order to soothe their reactions in the body.  Buchu,  Burdock,  Cleavers,  Com Silk:,  Cubeb  Berries,  Juniper Berry,  Kava, Parsley, White Birch  EMOLLIENTS Emollients  are  herbs of an oily or slimy nature.  They are used  topically  (externally)  for  their soothing and softening properties  and  internally for  digestive problems  and for  skin irritation in the  uterus,  vagina, throat or  digestive tract.  Quince, Marshmallow,  Oatmeal, Comfrey, Slippery Elm, Flaxseed.  These herbs are usually mixed with meal (com meal, oatmeal, wheat flour,  clay), wrapped in cloth and placed on the skin. A little oil should be rubbed  on the skin before applying the cloth (can be muslin, flannel,  cheesecloth).  EXPECTORANTS Expectorants  cause one to  spit out phlegm (mucous)  from  the  lungs  and  nasal passages.  Subsequently,  they are  good for  bronchitis,  stuffy nose.  chest colds and irritated lungs. Further, lungs become irritated by polluted  air (marijuana and tobacco  smoke, automotive exhaust, toxic chemicals).  These herbs speed up the cleansing ofexcess toxins fromthe nasal passages  and lungs and are usually combined with demulcents.  Elecampane,  Pleurisy,  Chickweed,  Coltsfoot,  Horehound,  Mullein,  Comfrey, Lobelia, Skunk Cabbage, Asafetida, Marshmallow, Echinacea.  NERVINES (Relaxants) These herbs act upon the nervous system and are good for fatigue, exhaus- tion, nervous irritation (stress), strain, and relaxation.  Nerve root, Valerian, Hops, Passion Flower, Yarrow Leaf, Catnip, Betony,  Chamomile, Skullcap.  STIMULANTS (Nerve)  These herbs increase nerve reactions (speed up).  They are allopathic.  Section 8: Herb Classifications Yohimbe,  Cocoa Bean, Coffee  Bean,  Guarana, Yerba Mate.  REFRIGERANTS These herbs cool  the body.  Mints,  Lemon  Grass  Sorrel  M  r  Eucalyptus, Tamarind:  e Issa,  Borage,  Burnet,  Pimpernel,  SEDATIVES These herbs soothe and c  I  .  Th  the  cause ofpain.  Pain i::  are  and  tend to hide  developed,  and accordingly  re  uireWhICh  that  dIsease  is well  are often used for female  /  a nu.tntlonal balancmg. These herbs  delayed menstruation.  s  a Ion pams. They should not be used for  Squaw Wine,  Catnip  Yarrow  C  B  k  Black Cohosh,  '  ramp  ar, Chamomile,  Black Haw,  STIMULANTS These herbs excite and increase th  t'  Individuals who tend to have  e ac IOn  of o!gans .and bodily systems.  and bronchitis) tend to react  m the  (colds  blood,  liver or circulatory  d'  d  WhIle, mdlVlduals with  blood longer.  Subsequently  it is  bounded  in the  order to reach a therapeutic' level  m smaller amounts in  Mustard, Cayenne, Yellow Root  Pen  1 C'  .  Root, Ancrostum Bark  Black p'  nyroya,  mnamon, Damlana Blood  CamphotYarrow  B'b  Lepper, Cloves, Sarsaparilla  Prickly Ash,  Ginseng,  ay  eny  eaves, Nutmeg, Fo-Ti,  Schizandra,  VULNERARY These herbs are applied to open wound  (  I  .  .  bums) and all types of skin diseas  examp e. cuts, bnuses, scratches,  nutrients to the wound and lesse  es.  ey cause  body to rush healing  are used for ulcers  respiratory annthd °d f  .scarrmg. Additionally, they  ,  ges Ive  Isorders.  Aloe Vera (the juice can be used  1  )  All  Horsetail,  Comfrey  Marshmallo: so,  .  Heal,  Calendula,  Centauria,  Forever, Blood  Goldenseal.  ' PlantaIn,  Clown's Woundwort,  Live  WHITE JUNK FOODS ARE KILLING BLACK AMERICA White Sugar White Flour (Bleached) Section 9 White Rice (Polished) White Salt Food White Cow's Mi If It's  White  Don't Trust It!  Food is  composed of nutrients  (vitamins  and minerals),  carbohydratel  (starches), fats and proteins, which provide energy. Carbohydrates are quid  energy  foods.  They are usually classified  as  starches,  sugars,  cellulOSe  (fiber-nondigestable food stufi), gums (not chewing gum) and storage fooc  energy called glycogen. The pancreas secretes the hormone insulin, whicr  stimulates enzymes to  break down the carbohydrates.  Fats  are  the  slowest burning  energy  source.  They  are  composed oj  smaller substances  called  fatty  acids.  Some  fatty  acids  can  build  them- selves into larger groups of fatty acids. These types of fatty acids are called  poly (many)-saturated. Other fatty acids will not build larger fatty acids and  they are  called saturated fatty  acids.  This type of fat  is usually in a  solid  form.  Polyunsaturated fats  are found in vegetable oils, soybeans, com, etc.  Saturated  fatty  acids  are  usually found  in  animal  fats,  cow's milk,  beef,  pork, etc. The fat intake in the diet of people in Caucasian countries is over  40% of the calories (a unit of measuring heat). The traditional African type  diet is usually composed of 10% or fewer units of fat energy.  Proteins  (vegetable and animal  flesh)  are  composed of smaller sub- stances called amino acids. The body does not store excess protein. Excess  protein is  changed into  fat  and absorbed in organs (heart, kidney,  etc.) or  in muscle tissue or as stored cellulite. It is  dangerous to eat too much pro- tein, especially from animal sources.  Protein consumption has become an ignorance in  Caucasian science.  It is commonly felt that in order to build human muscle (and proteins) one  must eat lean animal flesh muscle (protein). This is clearly not the case. The  protein requirement was established by evaluating an upper middle class  group  of Caucasians  that  ate  a junk food  diet.  However,  normal  protein  l ~ v   l s in  other diets  are  different.  The  vegetarian,  lacto-ova vegetarian,  vegan and fruitarian have protein levels which are  optimum at low levels.  ,tTf"'_"n,:,v  deodorants, mouthwashes, toothpaste  and used in food  processing.  EPA requires workers to wear protective gloves, clothing and goggles  working with this toxic substance. The Material Safety Data Sheets  wams against skin contact. There is no warning on the labels of  such as stick deodorants, where the concentration is greater than that in  industrial applications.  Section 9: Food Glycol (PEG)  Used. to  dIssolve  oil  and grease  as  we  . spray-on oven cleaners  P  I II  as  thIcken products.  It is  used  in  the skin's Natural  F 0  contribute to  strip- the Immunity.  actor. 1hey are carcillogenic and weaken  Bee Jelly  It IS  worthless  for  skin care  If fi h' we  ks' . res  In a container 0  t  d  ...  e  ,royal Jelly loses its ability t' r sore  J.or over two  absorbed into the skin  Sug  h  0  nOurIsh queen bees. The sugar in it is  .  ar  as never been proven to improve skin.  Seaweed  This plant has gelatinous properties  S  . and lotions where it gives bod  d eaweed IS  used in clear facemask creams  It makes a gelatin liquid. The  to the  not to the skin.  ture, waste and carbon dioxide. It h  ts  which keeps inmois- •  t  e skins abilIty to get oxygen.  Chloride (Salt-NaCI)  chloride is used to make cos  .  . tmtation if used in high    eye and skin  need to buy more skin products.  .  es t  e skin, whIch causes the  Lauryl Sulfate (SLS)  It a detergent, which is used in soa  s  .  .  heart, liver, etc. SLS and  It Imtates the eyes,  tissues.  This  is  dangerous to  t  b  tances get mto the eyes and other  .. absorpti  .  th  ian s  ecause  they ha  .  .  on ill  e tissues ofthe eyes  SLS  h  ve a  greater  uptake  tems ill cells that form eye tissu  . T'  c  anges the amounts of some pro- .  es.  Issues of young  h'ld  '  n: ore  susceptIble to  alternation b  SLS  (  c  I  ren s eyes may  .  nitrates.  These nitrates  are;; h  Green).  SLS  forms  cancer- and facial  cleansers  and  get  bath, and shower  and foam-buildin  ro'  00  .  SLS  are  used for  their  scurf similar to  ca?se skin rashes, hair loss  with the parenthetic  erg1c  They are in  garage  floor  cleaners  engine d  comes  om coconut." SLS are used  h  r ' egreasers  and car w  h ea mg, cause cataracts in adults  and'  k  .as  soaps.  It can  properly.  SLS and SLES'  can  eep,chlldren's eyes from  to  form in shampoos and cl  may cause carcmogenic nitrates and  .  h  eansers  by re  (  . h  .  IS  t  e alcohol form (ethoxylated) of SLS  B ac  mg WIt  mgredients. blood stream.  .  oth SLS and SLES enter  Ether Sulfate (SLES)  cham IS  added to SLS  It th'  k  . and produces high levels  tns. when  1.S added in the  for- . It is used as  a wetting  it is thick, rich,  e  exll e mdustry.  SLES is  234 AFRICAN HOLISTIC HEALfH irritating to scalp can cause hair loss and gets into the blood causing an array of problems. Talc  A soft gray-green mineral. It causes cancer, cysts and tumors. If inhaled, it causes respiratory problems. Section  10  Vitamins  and Minerals  Do it Yourself  Multi·Vitamin and  Mineral  Measure one cup of water for each teaspoon of herb;  add two glasses for  the pot.  Let water come to a  boil,  then turn down heat to a  low simmer.  Simmer roots, barks and seeds. Let simmer 30 minutes or more, and then  remove from heat. Next,  put in herbs that are  leaves  andlor flowers.  Let  stand for  30  minutes  or more.  Strain  while  still warm  and put in glass  (preferably dark brown) container; keep in  refrigerator. Ifyou use a clear  glass container, put the bottle in a paper bag or cover with paper so that the  refrigerator light won't weaken the solution.  For larger amounts double or triple quantity or add extras according to  needs.  If you desire to  increase  strength, then,  let herbs  simmer andlor  steep for a longer period of time. The herbal solution can be preserved by  adding vegetable glycerin. Add  1 tablespoon for every 4 or 5 cups of liq- uid.  Honey can also be used as a preservative. Add 1tablespoon of honey  for every 4 cups ofthe herbal solution.  Suggested quantity ratio of I teaspoon per cup ofwater or I ounce of  herb to 20 ounces  of water.  This herbal vitamin and mineral  formula can  be adjusted to treat a specific disease by adding the herbs needed for that  dis-ease. However, it is suggested that the medicinal dis-ease herbs should  be taken separately. Herbs can be substituted if they are in the same fam- ily andlor have similar nutritional content.  Herbs Alfalfa,  Shavegrass, Licorice,  Peppermint, Blue Cohosh (or Black Haw),  Red Raspberry Leaves, Mullein, Plantain, Burdock, Marshmallow, Moss  (or Kelp), Lobelia, Dandelion Root, Yellow Dock, Cayenne, Garlic.  ***Caution***  Lobelia should be used at 1 teaspoon to 4 cups 0/ water. Use very small amount a/Cayenne and Garlic (lis teaspoon to 4 cups a/water) . . EARTH MINERS AND  HUMAN MINERALS IN AFRICAN  SCIENCE  Earth minerals, plant minerals and human minerals are different. The min- .  erals are viewed as "the same" because they are in the same mineral tribe  (family). The plant minerals are unique to plants and human minerals are  unique to humans. To test this, pre-weigh four to six pounds of dried soil.  238 AFRICAN HOLISTIC HEALTH Put the soil in a closed flowerpot (one without an opening on the bottom). Then plant a seed (of your choice) in the filled pot. Let this seed grow to a reasonable size plant. After the plant grows to the desired height, take the plant out of the pot, spread plastic on a table and shake the earth from the roots. Empty the remainder ofthe soil out of the pot onto a plastic sheet. Lit the soil dry and then weigh the soil. You will find that soil weighs the same weight as it did before you planted the seed. This test demonstrates that plants do not eat soil or earth (soil) minerals. The earth soil minerals excite the plant's own unique minerals. When you eat vegetables, their minerals are absorbed into your body. These minerals should be flushed from the body with raw fruits. Once the earth minerals have excited the body's minerals their job (function) is over and they should be cleansed (flushed) from the body. It is the eating of high amounts of earth minerals without flushing them out, which causes them to accumulate in the body and calcify the body. This accumulation is quite visible in the elderly. Years of accumulated earth mineral deposits cause their body motion to be slow, and rigid and inhibit the body from uti- lizing its own minerals, resulting in bone loss. This high mineral content causes a nutritional debt, which is paid for by death. Earth minerals have a rotation cycle just as planets have a rotation cycle. These cycles (natural rhythms) excite and react to human and plant cycles. This causes a harmony between all things on the planet earth and in the galaxy. The Caucasian scientists assume that all minerals are the same. In African sciences, the Mineral Kingdom is given a status equal to the plant, insect, animal, human, ancestral and spirit (angels) kingdoms. Section  , ,  Doctrine  of  Signature  Natural  Herb Guide  The doctrine of signatures is an African science concept. In this concept, the specific signature or medical purpose of an herb is written on it by its shape, color, texture, taste and/or odor. The color, shape, texture, taste and odor of a plant's leaves, stem, flower, fruit or roots identifY the medicinal usage. The original herbalist did not have a textbook with pictures and definitions ofherb use. They relied upon the signature, divining, astrology the herb's chemical analysis and the herb's anatomy to define the herb's usage. ENVIRONMENTS  Herbs that grow in specific areas usually have adjusted to that area or envi- ronment. These herbs are generally good for dis-eases ofthat specific envi- ronmental area. Herbs that grow on mountains are good for the lungs, bruises, stabilization oftemperature, resistance to cold (snow-capped moun- tains) and blood pressure regulation. Herbs that grow in water have medic- inal properties, which help to control fluid absorption. These herbs carry electrical currents easier, aid in resistance to circulatory illness, aid the internal nerves and blood system of organs, are vital for the treatment of edema and have diuretic properties. Ninety percent of the herbs that grow in water are edible. Herbs that grow in the desert or desert-like areas aid electrolyte balance, regulate water in the body, hold moisture in the skin, stabilize the temperature, help heal burns and can protect you from ultra- violet rays. Herbs that grow near water are usually good for the hair, skin, lung dis-eases, dissolve waste and aid in the retention of oils in the body. LEAF  Herb leaves that are wrinkled or well-convoluted are usually good for the skin. Smooth leaves are usually good for visceral (smooth) organs. Leaves feel smooth to the touch are usually edible, while leaves that have irri- fine hair on them are not. A leaf with many veins is good for circu- Leaves with straight veins or have no vein branches attached to the vein's trunk are good for muscles. Veins in the leaf are similar to a some veins have a vein trunk with a few vein branches. Other veins crooked trunk and many vein branches attached to each branch. more complex the vein tree is the simpler its functions are in the body. vein formations are good for nerve and circulatory diseases. vein formations are good for muscles, digestive tissues and bones. that appear to shine generally have a high content of oil. While have a dull shine have a low oil content. Leaves that have the aparticular organ have an affect on that organ. For example, a leaf like the lungs usually is healing for the lungs; good for colds and 242  243  AFruCA.1'< HOliSTIC HEALTH  cause the lungs to speed up  or slow down their action.  Lung shape leaves  are usually good for  the lungs' complementary organ,  which  is the  large  intestine. Round-shaped leaves are healing for smooth tissues as well as the  skin.  Leaves  that have  dark,  light  or color areas  that  look  like  an  organ  usually treat that organ .. See Color  Chart and  various vein shapes  in the Eye Chart.  The vein  shapes identify the  disease  or organ that the herb  with  similar veins  can  treat.  TASTE  Leaves  that have  a  bitter taste indicate  that the leaf liquid  can close  the  pores. This leaf would be classified as astringent and may be alkaline.  Leaves that have a sweet taste indicate that it has a liquid content and is high  in minerals. A herb with this taste can open the pores. It is a diaphoretic.  COLORS  Leaves that have one color or uniformed coloring usually have one func- tion in the body. This leafwould primarily act on one type of organ or one  dis-ease  symptom.  Leaves  with two or more  color variations  are  usually  good for many dis-eases. (See Color Chart).  GROWTH  Herbs that grow close to the ground or are short in height have a high min- eral content. These herbs would generally be good for the bones, nerves and  blood. Herbs that grow high in areas or are tall in height are generally good  for  the  respiratory system and  circulation. Vine  type  herbs  are  good for  the nervous  system, arteries, veins, blood and eyes.  The flowers  of herbs  are  generally good for the  skin, reproductive system, digestion,  lymphatc  ics  and brain. The short herbs that grow around trees or wrap themselves  around trees are usually good for treating the spirit, circulation, arthritis and  rheumatism.  SMELL  (Odor,  Fragrance)  The medicinal usage ofherbs can be defmed by its primary smell or  binations  of smells.  A  fragrance  can  be  detected  from  the plant  fruit, leaf. stem or roots. The smell may need to be released by partially  ing the leaf open or by cutting an incision in the plant's flesh (root) or  ing the herb in hot water. (See Oil Chart). Herb smells are associated  .  organs as follows:  sour smell is related to the liver/gall bladder; bitter  Section 11: Doctrine ofSignature heart/small intestines; sweet smell  '  I  lungsllarge intestines and salty  pungent smell,  In many cases, the dis-eased  r  . e  . to  e kidney and bladder.  example,  the  liver  may  give a  can  the herb ofchoice. For  vapors of an odor) in the  mouth  A l'  0  the  or taste  (you  taste  the  sweet smell and a lesser sour sm' 11  1ver smel  may have a predominantly  cate that there is too little sour  .e  sour smelL This may indi- weak.  The liver may give offas m  e liver or that the liver's enzymes are  to  a. disease.  This  may  smell in response  demanding too much support from  IS  stressmg the kidneys  by  gent).  This may indicate that th  .  e  ey (salty smell) or lungs (pun- kidneys and lungs to the first d: pnmary  should fOCQ";  Upon the  to  the second degree.  gree and secondanly focus upon the liver  FRUIT  The fruit ofherbs are flowers or seeds  Th  flesh  (i.e., apple) or exposed (sunfl  .  e  can be covered with fruit  the stem or branches generally  Herbs that have thorns on  the fruit,  then,  the roots are safe to  f,  ItS.  if you  can  eat  The skin ofthe fruit can be  eat  .  f ?r elr medlcmal properties.  orange). If the skin ofa sweet fruit  1  1  changes color (e.g. apple, pear  be eaten.  The roots  of sweet fru'ts  nhot change colors,  then,  it cannot  use.  .  1  or  us  es are usually good for internal  . Fruit skin that  can  be peeled  1  .  Fruits from a vine herb  such as  I genehara  ly  a  high mineral  content.  ,meons  ve edible se  ds  fru'  as. th e pumpkin or tomato  usuall  h  '  .  e  : ' ..neen  Its such  ll1 0re  varieties ofcolors. These  a;e a  ch:mg e  I?  skm color or two  or  skin stays the same color,  it usually  skms. Ifthe sweet fruit's  The color ofthe skin or flesh of:fi  .  .  d'  .  color of a flower  indicates  1ll  1cates what organs it can treat.  ••..•• etc.) can treat (See Color Chart).  gans  the herb  (leaves,  root,  bark,  STEMS  stems, branches and tru  k  by boiling  for medicine. They usually are  into a powder and put in capsules  The  stems  can  be  m  JUIce andlor water and  Ithin the stem are veins and  rt  .  tend to help the body  .:Ies that  nutrients and air.  flexibility and stren  1  energy and ald. cu:culation and help  in the body or building    III breaking down  are  usually  two  types  of flesh  h  y  .  .  .  ·be used to flush impurities out th  e  stedms.  skin's outer  e  0  y,  an  stabiltze and protect  244  245  AFRICAN  HOLISTIC REALm  vitality, nutrients and immunity. The inner flesh of the stem transports the  root  and fruit nutrients.  The stem's muscular  structure  or  flesh  can help  maintain the health of your muscles, regulate heat and aid circulation.  ROOTS Roots are usually those parts of the herb that are beneath the soil. They have  a high earth mineral content, assist the plant's respiration,  stabilize nutri-   n t s ~ protect plant immunity  and maintain  a water  and mineral balance.  Roots can flush toxic minerals out of the body. Roots help to balance your  electrolytes. All the cells in the body use electricity. The organs operate on  an electro-chemical principle such as the heart, brain, muscles, eyes, ears,  kidneys and liver.  The  medicinal  roots  usage is  sometimes  based upon  shape. Roots  shaped like  an organ or that have the colors associated with an organ are  good for  that organ.  An herb  such as  ginseng is shaped like  the  human  body and  is  good for  the entire body.  Roots  that have bulbous portions  such as beets, potatoes or turnips are good for  the blood. Their use can be  based on shape and/or COIOf. White bulbous root portions such as potatoes  are good for the under layer of skin, joints and the bones (white), stomach  (it has white-like mucous)  and nerve covering (myJinated).  Roots have  various lengths. Usually, long roots such as alfalfa are good for the upper  portion of the body. Long roots reach more trace  minerals. The medium  length roots are good for the mid-organs. Short roots are good for the lower  organs.  Roots stabilize electrolytes and are in harmony with the  mineral  cycle.  ROOTS AND COLORS The medicinal usage of a root can be indicated by the color  of its fruit's  flesh,  skin and flower. The following is an example oftreatment use.  Red fruit roots are good for blood dis-ease, circulatory system.  Yellow fruit roots are good for bowel dis-ease, diabetes.  Brown root with inner yelloW flesh is  good for intestinal  dis-ease. Brown root with  soft inner flesh  and white color is  good for  hollow organs (e.g., intestine, stomach, bladder).  Brown root with hard inner white flesh is good for solid organs,  e.g., kidney, heart,  liver. (See Color Chart)  POISON Herbs that cause the skin to itch, have fine thorns on the leaf, offensive  grow in stagnant water, or irritate your skin, are usually poisonous in some  SectiOll 11: Doctrine ofSignature way (clinically or sub-clinically) inside the human body.  Many poisonous  herbs have antidotes. An antidote can be another herb that reacts chemically  with the poison, making the poison harmless. The antidote can also block  the  absorption of the poison with charcoal or produce the opposite effect  such  as  a  sedative  (Valerian)  given to  combat  a  stimulant  (Guarana,  Ephedra, Yohimbe) or combination of antidotes such  as charcoal,  tannic  acid (goldenseal) and oil.  There are many theories for detecting poisonous herbs.  Some theories  advise you to eat only what birds  eat.  However,  some birds and rodents  (rabbits, squirrels) eat plants that are safe for them but poisonous to humans.  Other theories  say eat only what  gorillas eat (this is  the safest guide).  However, gorillas eat some plants that are poisonous to man.  The overall diet of the animal used for poisonous and non-poisonous  standards should be judged.  Some animals include antidotes  in their diet  or their foods  create antidotes.  Subsequently,  when setting a standard for  poisonous herbs,  it is wise to (1) examine the overall diet  of the animal  which is being used for  a standard of poison, (2) assess any adaptational  adjustments the animal has made to survive, and (3) measure the impact of  the Caucasians on the animal's society and food source. Ironically, many  of the animals and plants have had to adopt  growth patterns that are  not  wholistic because the Caucasians have interrupted the plant lifestyles, ecol- ogy of their habitat and/or altered their natural  food supply causing them  to  switch to plants that biochemically destabilize them.  These lifestyles are considered normal by unwholistic investigators. For  example,  today it is considered normal to  live in soil, waste, air and radi- ation polluted and people congested city, use computers, play sex and vio- lent computer games, eat junk foods,  be watched by cameras, charge food  wr:ith credit cards, buy air and water, etc. The behavior ofhumans under such  conditions is  viewed as  normal.  The constant massive people impact on  people is  abnormal. A wholistic diet and community is the  only standard  for  normal.  This  same principle has  to be applied to  animals and plants.  Many ofthe plants have been forced by multinational farms to live together  iculture plantations while many of the animals have been forced to  live together because the Caucasians have altered or destroyed the eco- system. Poisonous plants have developed a way of defending them- against destruction. When you judge a poisonous plant, see what it  .  poisonous to, what plants live around it, how it defends itself from insects  animals and what animals do not eat it. Poisonous plants, combined  their antidote, can be used as a medicine ifthe healer is skilled in the  ofusing them. Gorillas, elephants, some monkeys, cattle, reindeer,  ippopotamuses, fruitarian and other vegetarian animals are usually good  .dicators  of which plants  are poisonous.  Birds usuallyeat animal  flesh  as worms.  The offensive irritating textures  of plants (hairy leaves),  (place where it grows), color, odor (non-pleasing) smell or ifit has  246 AFRICAN HOLISTIC HEALTH an offensive taste it can indicate whether the plant is edible and to some degree, whether it is harmful or poisonous. No herb is poisonous ifit is combined properly with an antidote. Inthis way, the curative nutrients of the poisonous herb can be used for a treat- ment. A list ofpoisonous herbs can be found in the book, Herbally Yours, by P.C. Royal. Section 12 Her b s Herb Usage Guide  Herbal medicine is most effective when herbs are used fresh, live and picked the same day. Dried herbs are lesser in strength and in special cases more ineffective than fresh herbs. In herbal medicine not all parts ofthe plant are used for treatment. Herbs may have a specific part that is used medicinally, such as the flower, seed, leaves eLF), root (RT), and branches. Herbs can be annual plants that grow to full size, flower and die the same year. Herbs can be biennial plants that do not flower the first year, but produces only leaves. The second year ofthe plant's growth, it will flower and die. The leaves ofthe plant should be picked when they are in a flowering stage. Ifdried they should not be allowed to get moist while drying. Leaves that do not maintain their shape while drying should not be used. Herbs can be perennial plants. These herbs live for more than two years before they die. No herb dies completely (except from traumas). The upper portion dies while the root remains inactive until its next growing cycle. Flowering herbs are called female and the same herb in a non-flowering state is called a male. Male plants are usually smaller and have more color, while female herbs are less colorful and larger in size. Herbs belong to a family. Peppermint is in the mint family. Mints cause the body to feel cooL Generally, 99% of the mint family (tribe) is safe for humans. Some herb companies exploit the public by selling a herb's cousin or less potent next-of-kin (relative) instead of the authentic curative variety. The cousin or relative of an herb is in the same family (tribe) and resemble the authentic herb. It is best to purchase from a reputable herb dealer, health food store or buy a standard brand. The overall effect of herbs is antidoted, lessened or not felt in the body whenever individuals take synthetic drugs, junk foods or alcohol. Ifjunk foods, drugs or alcohol is consumed, then the medicinal herbs try to purifY the body ofthe junk food, drug or alcohol and then act on the dis-ease. This may cause junk food eaters (synthetic, chemicalized individuals) to say that herbs do not work. How TO PREPARE HERBS     and Teas one teaspoon for each cup ofwater. The roots and barks are (boiled) sim- in water for twenty to thirty minutes or more. The longer they are sim- the stronger they get in effectiveness. The leaves and flowers are added the gas (heat) is turned off. Then the leaves and flowers should stay in water (steep) for ten to thirty minutes. "Sun tea" is made by putting herbs then placing them in the sun (cover pot) for several hours. The sun 250 AFRICAN HOLISTIC HEALTH steeps the herb. Strain herbs while wann and drink three or more cups daily. Herbs can be combined. Poultice Mix herbs with water. Spread on white cloth or flannel cloth and apply to skin area. Put oil on area to be treated and cover the poultice with plastic (keeps in nutrients) and tape to skin. Extract or Tincture Put desired herbs in a jar filled with alcohol (pure grain, preferably corn liquor). Let herbs stay in the jar for two weeks. Shake daily. Strain and put in brown glass jar for storage. Salves Sixteen ounces of herbs desired (can combine those desired). Add 4 ounces of beeswax to 2 pound ofnatural oiL If you desire a smaller amount, reduce the quantities. Put in a pot and cover this oil and herb solution 'with water. Place in oven. Let simmer on medium temperature for three to four hours, then strain and put in glass container. Syrups Use honey, grain syrup (rice, barley, malt, etc.) or molasses; add herbs desired. Let simmer at low heat until thick. A ratio of % honey to water can be used. Strain (with metal strainer or double cheesecloth) then put in glass con- tainer and store in refrigerator or cool place. Liniment Make with desired herbs (for pain, sl.dn, boils, acne, pimples, arthritis, bruises, etc.). Combine 32 ounces ofherbs. For example, 2 ounces of Goldenseal, 1 ounce of Arnica, 2 ounces ofComfrey, 2 ounces ofWitch Hazel; add to I quart of rubbing alcohol. Put herbs in alcohol; let stand for 1 week; shake daily. Strain and put in glass bottle. Seasoning Seasonings were originally called medicaments and used for health reasons. For example, Turmeric for blood thinning, Oregano for infections, Juniper Berries for edema, Arrow Root for diarrhea, Slippery Elm Powder for con- stipation, etc. Section I 3 Sample Menu and ReCipes Menu  Menu and diet are similar tenns. A diet for African folks should consist of plants from the equator region. The equator area ofthe earth passes through many countries around the world. These countries where the equator region passes have similar plant growth similar to Africa. In the Americas, such states as Georgia, Florida, countries such as Panama, Cuba, the northern and mid-parts ofSouth America and the islands ofthe West Indies, Barbados, Hawaii, Jamaica, Haiti, etc., are in eqnatorial regions. Black African peoples and other colored races that lived in the equa- torial area were raised for centuries on raw tropical plants. Black Africans' diets consisted of tropical vegetation for 100,000 to 200,000 years before Caucasian invaders destroyed plants and forced their cooked diet upon Africans. Biologically, the stomach flora (friendly genns, bacteria, fun- gus, yeast) has not changed in Black folks' stomachs. It will take over 2,000 years for the flora in Black folks' stomach to make a slight change. Black folks' specific flora makes digesting tropical plants easier, resulting in a proper metabolic balance. Raw fruits, vegetables (can be lightly steamed), whole grains and tropical plants are the best stabilizers of an African health. Herbs are the ideal medicine for Africans. Many of the African plants are grown in many countries because Caucasian exploiters (invaders) and merchants sold tropical plants to many countries. Black Africans brought plants to many countries during their rule of the sea and earth. This African rule ofthe earth is sometimes estimated at 100,000 to 600,000 years prior to the Egyptian Dynastic Era. Black African . slaves brought plants to many countries. The female slaves would cornrow . seeds in their hair, thereby transporting plants to many places. Missionaries, invaders and slavers stopped cornrow hairstyles because it created a cul- tural connection to Africa. African slaves and tropical plants were taken to ,many countries. Places where Africans were taken as slaves, the plants of can be found. Herbal folklores and remedies were brought to the . Americas by African herbalists, agricultural scientists, doctors, midwives African merchants (pre-slavery) and slaves. Black female herbalists murdered as witches during the European 1600 witch-hunts. Fruits quicker in the system and stabilize the health of Africans better than vegetables and fruits. Sahara desert is a climatic and vegetation shift. The Sahara Lake up and became a desert. Vegetation around the Sahara Lake were as the food of Africans that lived around the lake. The dietary knowl- from that span of time was partially transmitted to Ethiopia, Egypt, present ecological plant life in northern Africa is recent and not a and dietary reflection of ancient African diets. 254 255 AFRICAN HOLISTIC HEALTH TROPICAL FRUITS These fruits are typical of tropical lands and equatorial land regions. They are highly digestible and can be used in dried fann or as a snack or fresh in a fruit salad. Ascerola cherty, apricot, avocado, b;,mana.. breadfruit, kiwi, carambola, cantaloupe, cassava melon, cherimoya, coconut, dates, figs, crandilla fruit, guava, jackfruit, jujube, kumquat, loquat, marney, mango, papaw, papaya, pineapple, pitang a , plantain, pomegranate, plum, quince, sapote, soursop, tamarind. SAMPLE MENU Breakfast Upon waking drink one glass of water. This clears the digestive system of toxins and the nightly mucous build-up. Wait at least 30 to 40 minutes before you eat breakfast. Rolled oats can be eaten for breakfast (add a veg- etable or fruit juice instead ofwater). Flax seeds or flax seed meal slightly heated in oatmeal milk, are also good for breakfast. Drink one glass of fruit juice. Lunch Between 10:00 a.m. and 2:00 p.m. is the best time to eat a meal; especially one high in fats or protein. Make lunch your heaviest meal of the day. Dinner Brown rice and cauliflower. Sprinkle with Brewer's yeast and peanut flour (may also use peanut butter. Add water so it will pour easily). Snacks Dried fruit or fresh fruit. RECIPES The recipes that follow are meant to help you acquire a taste for health foods and crossover to a raw food diet; they have incorrect food combina- tions. Use glass and/or stainless steel pots and pans. Salad of the Garden 1 tbsp. caraway seeds 1 cup a/shredded beets liz tsp. celery seeds 1 cup a/shredded red cabbage ¥1. tsp. mustard powder 1/4 cup raisins 1 tbsp. honey liz tsp. horseradish powder Section 13: Sample Menu and Recipes 1/2 tsp. cayenne or desired amount 1;4 cup sunflower seed butter Y4 cup sesame seed ' with 112 cups water. 2 tbs lemo . . . Spnnkle salad with dill mfd' jL n JUice. Pour mto salad and mix. ,2 cup grated carrots. Okra Stew Cuse. k one pot of Black e ye peas an pour off water into a container for later . 00 d 1 tbsp. peanut oil 1 tbsp. lecithin 1 tbsp. sea salt 1 tbsp. sesame oil 1 tsp. parsley 2 onions, chopped (steamed) V4 tsp. kelp 4 tomatoes, chopped 1 tsp. dill tsp. cayenne l;4 tsp. ginger 1 quart fluid (use waterfoom Bl k 1 pound Okra (steamed) ac eye peas) Sprinkle with Almond meal W, 't 40 . . water. . al mmutes, and then drink one glass of Summer Salad 1 head lettuce 1 garlic clove or 22 tbsp. garlic 1 bunch spinach powder 1 yellow squash, sliced 2 carrots, cut into strips 1 cup cauliflower 6 tomatoes, cut into wedges (cut in small flowers) 1 bell peppel; sliced 2 stalks celery, chopped (include seeds) 1 green onion 1 cup bean sprouts 1 cup alfalfa sprouts Sprinkle with Kelp, Dill and Lemon Juice. 1 sweet potato or yam per Boil potato (peel after boiling)' atbsp. meal . ,2 cup leclthm with wooden spoon lIDtil smooth ( I . offoods) Sprinkl.th meta utens1ls decrease the electrical . e Wl coconut (desiccated) . can also be made with planta' b ' cmnamon and nutmeg. m, caro ,green bananas, cornmeal. Papaya Salad peeled and sliced Melon     .;, sections (honey dew, cantaloupe, etc.) with coconut (grated) adS with Date Sugar. n esame or Sunflower or Almond meal. 256 257 AFRICAN HOLISTIC HEALTH Avocado Salad 1 tomato,  sliced  1 ripe avocado,  sliced  Put on lettuce leaves and spinach. Sprinkle with Lemon or Lime Juice, Kelp and grated coconut. Almond and Corn Meal Fu-Fu 2 Cups stone ground Corn Meal  2 tbsp.  Lime Juice  1/2  cup Almond Meal  1/4 tsp.  Kelp  1 tbsp.  Sage  1/2 tsp.  Sea Salt  1/2  tsp.  Dill  3 tbsp.  Sunflower Oil  1 tbsp.  Poultry Seasoning  1 Onion,  chopped  112 tsp.  Parsley  1 Bell Pepper (with seeds)  I tbsp.  Origanum  1 Celery stalk,  sliced  1 tbsp.  Marjoram  Bake inpan for 20 minutes or until medium dry. This Fu-Fu can be stuffed in a hollow Bell Pepper. Fudge Carob (protein Balanced) 1/4  Cups soy margarine  % Cup soy isolate milk powder  Combine/ Cup lecithin granules  Use  enough milk to  get mixture  (blend until creamy)  slightly sticky  Ih cup  raw honey  lJ4 Cup sunflower seed meal  1/2  cup  carob powder  1/4 Cup almond meal coconut  granules almond meal  Add to above ingredients and blend until creamy. Shape into balls and roll in this combined mixture. Refrigerate or freeze for finnness. Millet Sandwich Patties 2 cups  ofwater 1 cup  cooked millet  2 tbsp. soy sauce.  Cook millet approximately 45 minutes. 2 tbsp.  soy oil 1 cup chopped onion  1 tsp.  lecithin granules  1/4 tsp. chives  (sprinkle  in  mixture)  1 tsp.  dill  1/4 cup tomato sauce  lJ4 tsp. kelp  Ih tsp.  sea salt  l12 cup chopped celery  Ih tsp.  liquid chlorophyll  1 tbsp. parsley flakes  1/4 tsp.  cayenne  Combine ingredients with cooked millet and soy sauce mixture. Then shape into patties and brown on both sides. . Section  13: Sample Menu and Recipes  Almond Icing VI tsp.  sea salt  1 cup water  V4 cup millet  Cook, combining approximately 40-60 minutes V2 cup coconut  lJ4 cup honey  [Grind or gratefinely)  Vz tsp.  vanilla  V4 tsp.  almond extract  ingredients in blender with hot millet. Water can be added. Banana Milk lh Cup coconut  V2 Cup cooked millet  3f4 -1 Cup warm  water  2 - 4 bananas    salt and vanilla. Blend until smooth. Add an additiona11-2 cups Oatmeal Casserole (Protein Balanced) 3 C ups stone cut oats  1 tsp.  sea salt  ; cups ofhot water  lh cup coconut  V4 cup almond meal  % cup ofsunflower seeds  V2 cup raisins  Combine ingredients and stir P . . 0 approximately 35 minutes. . our m a casserole dIsh. Bake at 370 for Corn Soup (protein Balanced) 1onion,  2 cups cooked corn  . add 2 - 3 tbsp.  ofwater and blend  1 cup diced cooked potatoes  2V2 cups nut milk  (Combine and mix with onion)  (almond,  sesame, peanut or cashew)  ..Combine and mix with above. 2 tbsp. parsley  ingredients and bring to a boil. Garnish with parsl h' ey or elves. Crispy Corn yellow organic cornmeal  .Ii . cup coconut  cup pecan pIeces  1 tsp.  sea salt  258 259 AFRICAN HOLISTIC HEALTH Combine ingredients. Add 2 cups ofboiling water and stir well. Then spoon onto a flour dusted and oiled cookie sheet. Bake at 400 0 for approximately 30 minutes or until crispy. Serve with soups or as a bread. Corn Pudding 1;2 cup soaked raw soybeans 11;2 cups raw com 1;2 cup a/water (Puree in blender) 1 tsp. sea salt or onion salt tsp. ofsage or basil tsp. dill. 1 cup whole kernel com (Stir into the combined mixture) 2 tsp. chopped parsley Pour into 9"x 9" oiled baking dish, 9" or 10" pie plate. Bake at 450 0 for 10 minutes, and then reduce the beat to 350 0 for approximately 60 minutes. Cake 1 pkg. yeast 1 cup warm water To activate yeast, add the following combination of ingredients: 1 cup whole wheat flour Yz cup unbleached white flour 1;2 cup wheat germ 1;2 tsp. sea salt 2 tbsp. almond butter 1 tbsp. sesame butter 3 tbsp. water 1;4 cup honey Combine ingredients and mix with honey and water then dissolve yeast in ingredients. Pour combined liquid into dry ingredients immediately and lightly mix. Pour into a greased and floured cake pan. Let stand in warm place for approximately 20 minutes. Bake at 400 0 for 10 minutes, then 350 0 for 15-20 minutes. Granola Peanut Butter 6 cups oats, coconut, flour, nuts seeds 1 tsp. vanilla 1h Cup honey 1 tsp. sea salt % Cup spring water 1;4 cup almond butter Y4 cup peanut butter Combine and blend liquids in blender. Mix with dry ingredients. Bake at 275 0 for 2 hours; stir occasionally to assist it being evenly toasted. Granola Apple Sauce Mix lf2 cup coconut J2 cups rolled oats 2 tsp. sea salt 1 diced pear 4 diced apples lI2 cup chopped nuts 2lf2 cups applesauce lh cup pineapple juice (or 4 apples blended) Section 13: Sample Menu and Recipes Mix and bake at 300 0 for 2-3 hours. Smoothy (Protein Balanced) 1;4 cup sesame butter 1 cup rolled oats !4 cup almond butter Y2 cup coconut J cup white whole wheat flour 2 cups pineapple juice J tsp. lemonjuice 1 pinch ofsea salt 2 21,6 cups water 2 tsp. vanilla (or 4 tsp. almond extract, optional) . . Fruit Tart Filling Dned pmeapple soaked '. . (save the juice). Frozen   PdufIfied o.r distilled and drain es, awe and dramed (save the juice). Combine all tbe juices and thicken . h tapioca. May add pear or a 1 . . Wit arrowroot, agar agar, cornstarch or for sweetening Add a pinc1 P efJUIce cloncentrate, or date sugar and blend • 0 sea sa t and 2 tsp. vanilla. French Toast (Protein Balanced) Use Blender to get smoothness . J banana llh cups water 1;2 cup cashew butter Y2 cup almond butter 7 dates ih Tsp. sea salt ·Ih cup orangejuice concentrate 2 tsp.flour Dip each slice in batter and bake at 3500 .c . approxImately 2 hours. Pizza Pie Shell (3-4 Pans) Combine and stir and let stand until bubbly 3 cups warm water 3 tbsp. yeast 3 tbsp. honey 3 cups barley flour 3 cups unbalanced white flour mixed ingredients until like sand. Add yeast and kn d an squeeze) mixture. Let rise until double in size. Roll out. 260  AFRICAN HOLISTIC  HEALTH  pizza Sauce  Ih can crushed tomatoes  1/2  can (#10)  tomato paste  Jlh tsp.  sweet basil  1% cups sauteed onions  Optional:  salt, thyme.  marjoram.  1 tbsp. garlic powder  honey  Combine and simmer on low heat.  Spread on baked crust.  Pour  cashew  pimento cheese on top. Decorate with sauteed red and green pepper rings,  diced pimento, diced eggplant, diced onions and/or olive rings, etc.  Alternative Sauce  Saute:  1 cup water  6cups onions, finely  chopped  1/4 tsp.  cayenne  Yl  cup oil (optional)  Then  add 1/4  cup sweet basil  /cup honey  1/4  tbsp.  sage  % tsp.  marjoram  1/4  tbsp.  chives  11/2  garlic powder  11/2  cans  tomatoes  (crushed)  Blend juice and all ingredients. Let simmer approximately 1hour.  Rice/Soy (Vegetable) Milk  1 cup rice,soy,  oat,  millet  1/2  cup very warm water  or other vegetable  1 tsp.  honey  2  tsp.  oil  Blenduntil very smooth and creamy. Next, add 1Cup of water. Pour over  breakfast cereals.  How to Make Soy-Rice Milk Base  Bring to a boil.  1 cup organic brown rice  5  cups water  1 tsp.  sea salt  Then stir with a  fork.  Add 2  Cups  soy  flour.  Simmer.  Cook for approxi- mately 14 hours.  Pancakes  (Protein Balanced)  Use blender for smoothness  1/2  cup rolled oats  1;4 cup almond butter  1/4  cup sesame butter  1 cup whole wheat }lour  1/2  tsp.  sea salt  1/2 cup unbalanced organic whiteflour  5 cups spring or distilled water  1  tsp.  per natural vanilla  Section 13: Sample Menu  and R  '  261 eczpes  P?ur a thin layer of batter on a  reh  0  Sliver Stone or lightly oiled gl  p  e,atled  pan,  Set at 370  (Use  a Teflon  ass stam ess  steel pan).  '  Cornbread  (Protein Balanced)  Mix  4 cups warm water  3 tbsp.  dry yeast  1,4 cup honey  114 cup lecithin granules  In a  large bowl, mix:  114 cup sesame butter  4 cups cornmeal  Y2  cup whole wheatflour  3 cups unbleached flour  1 cup yellow grits  114 cup molasses  114 cup oil  114 cup almond butter  lh cup honey  1 tbsp.  sea salt  any  ingredients  with  hands  P  . rnunediate1y.  Mix enough to  ?ur  nuxture over flour  mixture  350 obme Preheat oven to 375 0  .  tum t  .  011  pans.  Dust with wann flour  ,  0  and bake 40-45 minutes.  .  Oat Pie Shell Mix  2 cup rolled oats  V4  cup apples  114 cup pineapple  1;4 cup papaya  V4  cup peaches  114 tsp.  sea salt  Combine and mix complete I and  .  . Pie pan should be    /ress mto  pIe pan,  smoothing with  a  0  30 mmutes or until it becomes b  Bake.at 3.50  for approximately  rown.  our filhng mto shell and cooL  B' t b . Apple Pie  ) nng  o.  011  and constantly stir for thickn  .  _ cups pmeapple juice  4 ess. tbsp.  tapioca  Partially let cool and then add'  2  Pour into pie shells, chill in rein  cups shredded green or red apples.  gerator, then cut,  and serve.  Chicken Seasoning  2/bsp.  brewer syeast  3 tsp.  onion powder  2!h tsp.  garlic powder  3Yl tsp.  sea salt  1/4  tsp.  kelp  2lh tsp.  celery seed  2lh tsp.  thyme  2Y2 tsp.  sage  1!h tsp.  marjoram  1Y4  tsp.  rosemary  1114  tsp.  dill  Seasoning ingredients for Italian dressing.  AFRICAN HOLISTIC  HEALTH  262  Soy Mayonnaise  (Protein Balanced)  1 cup soy isolate  2V2 CUpS  water  1/4  cup sesame butter  V4  cup almond butter  2 tsp.  dill weed  1 tsp.  sea salt  V4  tsp.  chives  1/4  tsp.  garlic powder  1/4  cup  lemonjuice  Oat Sesame coconut Warnes  (Protein Balanced)  1 cup quick oats  1 cup  raw sesame seeds  1 cup  cornmeal  1h cup almond butter  ·1  tsp.  sea salt  1/2  cup fine coconut  3112  _4  cups ofwater  Liquefy seeds  in blender with part of water.  Blend until smooth consis- tency. Next, mix. remaining ingredients and water to a batter. Bake in hot  waffle  iron until  done,  approximately  6-10  minutes, or until it reaches  golden brown.  Fruit Spreads  Juice  and fruit combined  Fruit juices  4 cups juicefruit and 2 to 3  4 Cups juice and 2 Cups  tapioca  tbsp.  tapioca  ("minute")  Combine fruit and juice with tapioca and let stand for 5 minutes. Next  bring to a boil, stirring constantly until tapioca becomes clear. Let cool  it,  refrigerator.  potato Soup  Per Person being served; bring to a boil:  1 tsp.  chives  1114  cup spring or distilled water  1 tsp.  parsley  1/2  cup potatoes (diced or sliced)  1 tsp.  dill  1,4  _  l/l Cup celery (diced)  1;4 - III Cup onion (chopped)  Bring to a boil again and steep, turn burner down, and cook for  antJroxV  rnately 20  minutes. Add cashew cream (2 tbsp.  cashews and 3 tbsp.  etable broth) (may need a little more broth to make a smooth cream).  small amount of chopped parsley, stir until blended and serve with  wheat, rye, zwieback, or crackers.  Section 13: Sample Menu  andR  . eczpes  263  3/ Sunflower M  .  14  cup sunflower seed  /  , \  ayonnalse 11  .'I \rawJ  11l 12  cup water  72  tsp.  sea salt 1 113  Cup soy milk or  lh tsp.  garlic powder  1 1 cup blended puree brown rice  Y4  tsp.  ch.ives  Vz  cup lemon juice  2 tsp.  omon powder Y4  tsp.  kelp  Blend sunflower  seeds  with  . lemon juice.  water,  add remaining  dry ingredients. Add  Salad Sunrise Dressing  1 cup cashews  % tsp.  garlic powder  3 cups water  1 tbsp.  onion powder  2-3 avocados  1lh tsp.  sea salt  Ih tsp.  chives  1J2 tsp.  kelp  3 tbsp.  lemon juice  Blend water with cashews unfl  e  tents and mix.  I smooth. Then add remaining l'ngr  d'  Scalloped Potatoes  (Protein Balanced)  Blend together:  approximately Ilh to 2 hours.  potatoes  and onions.  Bake  at 400  4cups water  Y2  cup raw peanuts  1f4.cup sesame butter  2 tsp.  basil  1f4. cup almond butter  Ph tsp.  sea salt  !h tsp.  dill  over combined layers  of sliced  0 Cup peas  Pea Soup  Cup  brown rice  1 tsp.  sea salt  cups water  fi tsp.  chives  ~ I ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ .  Itsp.  kelp  . .  g  . f'lI'PH)Xmilgrnaetdeillevnts 2 hours.  in large pot and brin  to a boil. S1lll1Iler .  on lowest heat  : do not lift pot lid or stir until after 2 hours  Sflr b  ..  . .  elore servmg.  ' d Eggplant Sandwich Patti  dIce  green  onion  .  e celerv  2 mmced garlic cloves  and stir  fry with  1;4 cup green bell pepper  e.e!'lZl,Ia1 1t sliced andpared  ~ t b s P   ofoil 4  tsp.  parsley  264  265  AFRICAN HOLISTIC HEALTH  V4  tsp.  dill  1 cup cooked white pota!o  1 tsp.  sage  (cook with skin then  dIce  1 tsp.  sea salt  after cooking)  1/4  tsp.  kelp  .  .  .  .  in  redients  then add  above  Illgredient.s.  Steam eggplant.  CombIlle  g  with whole-wheat flour.  Then,  fry III Shape into patties  ru:d  coat pa  les  lightly oiled pan UIlul brown.  Vegetable Sandwich Burger. d .  1 tsp.  garlzc power  5 grated    carrots  1 tsp.  cumin powder  2 medium whIte J;otatoes  1/2  cup quick oatmeal  2 small diced omans  1 tsp.  sea salt  1 medium green pepper  1/2  cup whole wheat flour  1 tsp.  dill  1 cup cold-pressed oil  V4  tsp.  kelp  V2  cup lecithin oil (heat before  114  tsp.  chives  adding to  mixture)  2  diced celery stalks  .  .' t flour. Flour should be used m ?rder t? whe \ Mix ingredIents wl:h whol e - 1  ha  e into patties. Fry pattIes UIlt11  produce paste conSIstency and to  e P is P  brown on both sides.  Nut Loaf  (Protein Balanced) .  1/3  Cup oatmeal mtlk  V4  cup almond meal  1 tsp.  sea salt  1/4  cup sesame meal  1 tsp.  chives  1/2  cup  wheat germ or bread crumbs  1/2  tsp.  dill  1  cup walnuts  2  tbsp. grated onion  2 cup grated raw potatoes  1 tsp.  cold-pressed oil  1/ 3  Cup soy milk  1  tsp.  lecithin 011  B  k  for 1 hour at 350 0 . Let stand 2 hour in a covered pan.  a  e  Date Muffins (protein Balanced) •  V4  cup sesame meal  % cup distilled or sprmg water  1 cup hot water  1 tsp.  raw honey  ,  1 cup whole wheat flour  1 package brewer s yeast  % cup almond meal  (Combine  and let  % cup chopped dates  approximately 10 mmutes)  1/4  cup lecithin oil  1 cup oats  1J4  tsp.  sea salt  Section 13: Sample Menu and Recipes  Combine ingredients in the order written and mix until it reaches a smooth  consistency. Pour in oiled muffin pan. Only half fill each pan cup. Bake for  approximately 20 minutes at 350 0 . Millet Fruity Cereal 21/2  cups water  It! cup raisins  112 cup millet  1/4 cup dried papaya  1/2  tsp.  sea salt  Y4 cup dried pineapples  Combine and cook for  1/4 cup chopped pecans  approximately 15 minutes  V4  cup chopped walnuts  Add to millet and cook for 15 minutes. Can serve with soymilk.  Bean Loaf  (protein Balanced) 1 cup soy beans (or any type ofbe  an)  fi cup whole wheat bread  1 tsp.  garlic  crumbs  1.4 tsp.  garlic  % cup almond meal  I.4 tsp.  chives  It! cup sesame meal  1 tsp.  sage  V4  cup wheat germ  1f2  tsp.  dill  1f2 cup soy milk  V4 tsp.  cayenne  Y2  cup tomato juice  Combine ingredients,  bake in loaf Pan in the oven at 350 0 for  approxi- mately 30 minutes.  Whole Wheat Bread 1 cup warm distilled  1/3  Cup raw honey  or spring water  3 tbsp.  cold-pressed oil  1 tbsp.  honey  2  tbsp.  lecithin oil  2 packages brewer syeast  1  tbsp.  sea salt  (Combine and let stand in a bowl  4 cups whole wheat flour  for  10 minutes 3  cups hot water)  '....,IJ'lliU'lllv  and blend in the sequence written. Let mixture cool before adding  yeast mixture. Then, blend and let rise in a large bowl for approxi  15 minutes.  cups whole-wheat flour (warm  in oven at 250 0 )  warm flour to  ingredients and knead for 5 minutes. This will make a  dough that  must be thrown with  force  upon table or board  several  Then shape into  loaves and place in oiled bread pans. Let stand in  for  12 minutes. Bake bread for 15 minutes at 250 0 for approximately  266 AFRICAN HOLISTIC HEALTH Mayonnaise 10 ounces firm tofU, drained 3 tbsp. vegetable oil 1 tbsp fresh lemon juice Y2 tsp sea salt or saltfree herb seasoning Blend mixture. Herb Dressing Y2 Cup olive oil Yz Cup tofU mayonnaise 1JJ Cup fresh lemon juice 2 cloves garlic, minced 1 tbsp dry mustard 1 pinch salt or saltfree herb seasoning Healthy Salad Dressing 2 tbsp olive oil 4 tbsp. TahiniiSesame Butter Y2 Cup water (spring or distilled) 3 tbsp. minced red onion 2 tbsp. Tamari Blend together until smooth. Use on salads and vegetables. Fruit Juice Dressing 1 Cup banana, apple. or anyfruit 4 tbsp. fresh lemon juice 1 tbsp malt. barley or brown rice syrup 2 tsp herb mix salt substitute Section 14 One pinch ofcayenne or blackpepper Chart GUide Background  of Charts  The charts are based upon the fact that the internal problems and diseases appear externally with various signs and symptoms. A physical (looking and touching) is far superior to a chemical examination (i.e., blood chemistry analysis). In doing a physical examination, it is best to use at least two methods (Eye and hand Charts, hair and Acupuncture Chart, etc.) before drawing a conclusion. And, use at least two methods oftreatment (herbs and music, etc.) Use the art (Female Principle) ofmedicine by following your intuition, feelings and divining ability along with the science (charts). The charts reflect the Maat cultural foundation of medicine and the holistic nature ofAfrican civilization. The foundation of the civilization is holistic. Holistic means that the spirit, mind and body are one. The past, present and future are one "now." Space, time and distance are one. Art and science are one. They function to serve God and God serves them. They function holistically. All art and artifacts have a function or effect upon the spirit, mind and body (Esoteric Anatomy by D. Baker, Occult Principles ofHealth and Healing by M. Heindel). The healing art and science practitioners included massage, herbalism, music, dance, psychology, spirituality, surgery, chemistry, biol- ogy, acupressure and chiropractic as remedies. The African healer sees the individual as a whole person (spirit, mind and body) and treated the whole person. In African holistics, the spirit, mind and body are an indivisible = indi- vidual. A whole person is a verse of God. The Spirit is a verse (division, part ot) of God, the mind is a verse and the body is a verse. They are one "united verse" a universe. The spirit, mind and body are "members" of the whole person; they are united = "re-membered" as one. The harmonic colors, music, dance and electromagnetic forces are wholistically generated by the body. Books such as The Gurdjeff Work by K. Speech explains the holistic scientific approach to dance. African Yoka, as practiced by civilization around the Pacific basin (Orient) demonstrates that specific Yoga body movements affect the mind and health. African dancers had specific healing gems or crystals that were worn to amplifY the physical, mental and spiritual healing properties of the geometric shapes created during dancing. The book, Crystal Power by L. Arklinski, explores this and Earth Energy by J. Bigelow explains the vast array ofholistic dis- ease treatments that were created in Africa. The therapeutic affects of col- ors can be found in books such as Color Therapy by L. Clark. The holistic healing usage ofcolors, fragrance, oil and incense, music, metals and crystals therapies were derived from nature. The ancient Africans used the Scientific Method or the structuring ofphenomena based upon the holistic observation offacts. It was established before the Greeks 270 271  AFRICAN HOLISTIC HEALTH stole and claimed the scientific method as their discovery. In the book, Alchemists Through  The Ages by A.  Waite, the origin ofthis truth is veri- fied as Afi'ican. Holistic Caucasians used the word "holistic" because they do not want to say "African." Instead of saying the African health system, the Caucasian say Holistic Health System. The holistic healing usage of art, clothing, house decorations, music, colors and science has an African origin. The Canon  ofMedicine  by  O. Gruner explains the application of holistic colors in science. All civiliza- tions that had social intercourse with Africa copied, stole and claimed the holistic (African) cultural practices and sciences as their own. In the book, From Ancient Africa to  Greece, by Henry Olela, the Caucasian gravedig- gers and cemetery bandits (archaeologists) and their cultural cannibals (anthropologists) verified that holistic science is African. Coprolith (fossil food and fecal remains) discovered in the tombs and pyramids confil1Il that a natural foods diet and a complex and yet simple food combining science is African. The usage ofcolors, oils, incense, met- als, crystals and music are documented by pictures and words and fossil remains. In the book, Supersensonics by C. Hills, has explanations and examples of how to use ancient Black African Egyptian instruments of technology is validated. The Africans used the human body as the source ofarchitecture, radionics, radio waves modified and converted the powers of crystals, colors, music, metals, oils, magnetism, electricity and radiation. The interwoven, intermixed, interrelationship of one living universe, one God and the indivisible (individual/re-membered) is the foundation of holistic healing. Taste is part of all biochemical and organ functions. It is interwoven and a universe (How  to  See  Your  Health Book:  Oriental  Diagnosis by K. Michio). For example, the taste is connected to the organs and organ systems in the body. The tastes are as follows: TASTE Liver/Gall Bladder  Sour  Heart/Smallintestines  Bitter  SpleenlPancreaslStomach  Sweet  Lungsllarge Intestines  Pungent  KidneyJElladder  Salty  An individual with a craving for sweets is having pancreas problems. The pancreas produces a sweet taste. For example, an alcoholic detoxing off alco- hol has a craving for alcohol because this taste is produced in the body, and the body (specifically the liver) is trying to rid itself of the toxins from alco- hol poisoning. An individual with a taste for sweets may be having problems with the emotion oflove. The pancreas can be treated with the colors yellow, green and with the metal copper, the musical notes E and A, with the incense sandalwood, the oil patchouli and the medicinal herbs of juniper berry, thyme, sage and the plants celery and fruits such as olives, tangerines, soybeans and Section 14: Chart Guide  strawberries. The crystal Emerald can be useful. Mentally, they may be hav- ing problems with the Corpus Colostrum (Middle Thinking) or segregating thoughts. The above is a brief example ofholistic treatments ofa pancreas dis- ease from an African holistic perspective. The charts on music, metals, oils, colors, crystals and should be used creatively and combined to use in various ways for treatments or used separately. An African with impure blood due to infection or accumulation oftox- ins due to eating processed, preserved food, white sugar, bleached white flour and fried foods could be treated as follows: IMPURE  BLOOD TREATMENT  MuslcNOt.e  E,G,C  (10 be emphasizedin songs)  Colors  Red, Yellow,  Green  (10 be \ol.OO1, painted on  face  orput in the home or around  environment ofill person)  Gems or Crystal Amethyst, Coral, Gamet  (10 be \ol.OO1 as jewelry)  Metals  Gold, Mercury. Lead  all and Incense    Styrax  (rubbedon bodyorbumt)  Herbs  Chaparral,  Red Clover, Yucca  Food Sesame Seeds, Raisins, Cayenne,  Guava, Garlic, Horseradish  . Spirit  Needs to improve the ability to move  the spirit  Mind  Needs to improve synthesizing reality  and use sequential logic  Element Air  Needs respiratory herbs for blood and  respiratory systems  Taste Dis-ease can  be indicated by sour,  salty taste cravings  The chart usage can be simplistic or complex. Complex treatments do not indicate severity ofdis-ease. Complex treatments maymean that the holis- tic health practitioners (healers) have a talent with complex modes. Healers can use one mode of treatment such as meta] to get a cure while other heal- ers need more healing modes. Complex mode usage is based on the healer's individual talent and not dis-ease complexity. The objective of holistic science and healing is to allow everyone (no matter the talent) to have a tool to cure a dis-ease. The tool is based on the talent of the healer, availability, preference or patient. The tool serves as a medium to transport the energy of the whole (cosmic force and God) and 272 AFRICAN HOLISTIC HEALm serves only as a vehicle for treatment. God or cosmic forces cures disease, herbs merely serve to transmit the healing energy. The African holistic approaches can be found in a denatured fonn in books such as The Occult Causes ofDis-ease by E. Densmore; How Nature Cures by E. Densmore; New Concepts in Diagnosis and Treatment by A. Abrams, M.D. These books reveal the negative impact of any dis-ease. Holistic concepts are a form of African communal science. African com- munal science focuses upon the relationship of families of energy. One family (spirit) of energy is not divided or separated from another family (mind or body) of energy. Each energy family shares and depends upon one another for survival. African healers possessed the scientific knowledge such as calculus, chemistry, physics, metaphysics and biology. The holis- tic (communal) approach followed the laws ofMaat. The Caucasian science theme (method) is to divide and conquer. The African theme (method) is the direct opposite-united and heal. Holistically, a rainbow is a united family of colors, music is a united family of sounds, and when one mem- ber ofthe family (village) is ill, the entire family (village) is ill. The Caucasians laugh at this Maat corrurtunal concept. For example, when the White slave master was sick, the African slave would say "massa we sick" This indicated that on higher spiritual energy levels if one member of the racial family (White, Red, Black, Yellow, Brown}is sick, then the races on this planet share that sickness. White Supremacy psychosis of Caucasians bas terrorized, destroyed and exploited all races and made them dysfunc- tional (sick). Consequently, one sick White race has made all races sick. The African slave and African peoples understand that the spirit and intelli- gence of this planet is ill because ofWhite Supremacy Psychosis. Holistic science balances all the energy to perfect a cure because all the energies (spirit, mind and body) are ill (Yellow Emperor sClassic ofInternal }tfedicine by V. Ilza). Holistic approach to art and science is the foundation that built the African family and civilization and structured the world's knowledge. A holistic approach takes into perspective the female, male and child energy force. It takes the equal energy of the female and male as a unit to define and use communal science properly. Caucasian holistic science is chauvinistic and the classification of colors, sounds (music), oils, crystals, and metals is unbalanced and causes an illness on other levels. African holism has been contaminated by Caucasian science and must use the Female Principle as defmed by the female scientist before it can move to newer levels ofAfricanity. In Caucasian and oriental diets the foods are pre- pared, seasoned and cooked to please the biochemistry of the male. Notwithstanding, it is a male controlled science. Books such as Diet and Nutrition by Ballantine and Origin ofAfrican Plant Domestication by J. Horlan point to the total enslavement of females via the male scientist's unholistic domination of herbal and food science. The charts are tools for self diagnosing. Section  15  Charts  Colors  The holistic use  of colors  is  very  unique in  African clothing,  art,  house  decorations and science. Colors have  a functional use.  Colors have a holistic effect upon the society, health, the mind, moods  and impact growth.  The Food, Drug and Disease  industries use  colors to  sell products,  to  stimulate  a child's  growth,  reinforce  the  symbolism  of  religion and government, and manipulate the mind, emotions and spirit.  Colors  are combined in nature  and naturally complement each other.  Similarly, the  colors of birds, matrix of flowers,  rainbows,  changing col- ors  of plants and animals  due  to  growth  and  seasons  contributes  to  the  African color science.  Colors  have  a holistic healing  effect  on the body  and its organs.  The  color variations ofthe eyes, fmgemails, and skin can indicate dis-eases as  follows:  KidneysIBladder  black  LungslLarge Intestines  pale  SpleenIPancreaslStomach  milky white  Heart/Small Intestines  red  Liver/Gall Bladder:  blue,  gray  Plants that have colors that are the same  as the color produced by an  organ are good for treating a disease ofthat organ. Colors can be used to  stimulate organs. For example, lemons (yellow) stimulate and cleanse  the liver, the liver makes a yellow color (i.e., yellow jaundice).  Colors were extracted from medicinal plants and metals. Rituals and cer- emonies were used to program the colors. These rituals and ceremonies were  misinterpreted by Caucasians as superstitions, ignorance, paganism and exor- cism of demons.  The African Maat rituals  and  ceremonies reinforced the  holistic intelligence, healing power and spirit that a color possessed.  The  colors used in The  Great Pyramids were  scientifically combined.  Incidentally, the color royal blue in the pyramids has only been duplicated by  George  Washington  Carver.  This  feat  established  him  as  a modem day  alchemist.  What colors mean and where  they come from  is  distorted. The black  color of African people is falsely attributed to the  sun and heat ofAfrica.  The  black color comes  from  the  Melanin and  the  pineal  gland secretes  Melanin.  Melanin  is  a gift of God.  Black people  are  not Black because  they  lived in Africa.  Environment has  an effect on people,  environment  does not create people.  God created people.  Colors come  from  the pineal  gland's Melanin. The ancients call the location of this gland, in the center  of the brain, the cradle of God.  Colors have days that they radiate highest  (energy level is high) and they have beneficial effects on organs.  276  277  AFRICAN HOLISTIC  HEALTH  Optimum Days  Sunday orange  Thursday purple  Monday blue  Friday green  Tuesday red  Saturday indigo  Wednesday yellow  Effects  Orange lungs, pancreas  Purple nerves,  circulation  Blue glands,  kidney  Green liver, heart  Red blood cleanser  Indigo bones, skin  Yellow digestion, purification  Colors can be rubbed on the chakras (Melan:in clusters) and acupuncture  meridians (Melanin pathways-highways) of the face to excite healing of  dis-ease.  This use ofcolors under and over the eye was called eye make- up by the Europeans.  Colors applied to this area treat the kidneys. Colors·  were functional in ancient Africa. Retrospectively, Caucasian women color  their eyelids and under the eye to  indicate that they are fertile and to add  color (Afiicanness) to their pale pink skin.  Many of the chambers in the Great Pyramid reflect this color science.  The complementary combinations ofcolors speak to the organs, spirit and  intelligence. They give a color story ofAfrica. The slower moving colors  such as violet and blue relate to spirituality and the Female Principle. Fire  colors move fast  and relate to the mentality, Male Principle and heat.  ORGAN CLOCK AND  CYCLES  Each organ and  organ  system  within the body has  a  specific clock-like  functional rhythm. The organ clock allows organs to singularly function at  their best. However, if an organ fails to function at its best at a designated  time,  the individual will feel poorly at that hour. Each organ has an organ  complement and  if there  is  poor functioning of one,  the complementary  organ is  affected.  OptimumTime  Part Affected Optimum Time  Part Affected 1:00am Liver 1:00pm Small intestines 3:00am Lungs 3:00pm Bladder 5:00am Large intestine 5:00pm Kidneys 7:00am Stomach 7:00pm Intemal system regulaJor 9:00am Spleen 9:00pm Energy regulator 11:00 am Heart 11:00pm Gall bladder Section 15: Charts COMPLEMENTARY ORGANS Lungs ............Large intestines  Heart  ............ Small intestines  Kidneys  ......... Bladder (and sex organs)  Spleen............ Stomach  Liver ............Gall bladder  BODY CYCLE  Sunday, Tuesday, Thursday Physical Days  Saturday, Monday, Wednesday, Friday Mental Days  The body cyclically fluctuates. On Sunday, Tuesday, and Thursday, it is exter- nal (Physical, muscle organs, left-minded, acid, Male Principle, expansive),  while  on Monday, Wednesday and Friday it is internal  (spiritual, visceral  organs,  right-minded, alkaline, Female Principle, expansive).  Saturday, it is  in the middle brain and balanced between the Male and Female Principle and  worldly (external) and heavenly (internal).  Exercise  is  best performed on  physical days, light exercise can be performed on internal days.  WAIST AND POSITION CYCLE • A'rxNe waist energy focus in the AM. •  BebN waist energy focus in the P.M.  • Vertical position energy in the AM. •  Horizontal position energy in the P.M.  An understanding of human, planetary,  celestial and ecology cycles rein- forced  Maat and African culture. Cycles were indicative of African peo- ples' culture and the calendar is a clocking of bodily and celestial cycles.  The oldest calendar was developed by Black Africans in Egypt and is dated  4239-4235 B.c. The ancient  clocks  that  used wheels  and pendulums to  keep time imitated the internal organs (cycles) rhythm.  OILS AND  INCENSE  (Aroma therapy)  Oils and incense act upon the sense of smell. This  sense is active  (gives  energy) and passive (receives energy). The oil can be applied and absorbed  by the skin and blood or the healing aroma ofthe oil can be released when  an oil  saturated incense stick is burnt The oil from medicinal plants and  medicinal wood from herbs has the same curative properties of the plant.  The oils and incense have dominant aromas. These aromas have trace  (smaller) aromas  that cause the proper ingestion  into  the  body.  Aromas  have an affect on spirit, mind and body.  278  279  AFRICAN  HOLISTIC  HEALTH  Smell is related to the digestive system. Oil droplets (vapors) are tasted  and  digested as  well as  absorbed by the  lungs. They enter the blood. The  cell uses the oil and turns the oil into  cellular waste (earth). All the senses  operate chemically. The  ears have water and hair inside them. The hair is  stimulated by sound and the hair electrically triggers a chemical reaction.  You  hear  chemically.  Vision  is  a  chemical process.  The  light  strikes  the  retina inside the eye. This electrically triggers a chemical reaction that your  brain interprets  as  vision.  Taste  and touch  have  sensors that electrically  trigger a chemical reaction that your brain interprets. In any case, the fmal  result ofsmelling produces earth (cellular waste). Smell is operated by the  earth's element  Ancient Africans used oils and incense smoke for healing therapeutic  reasons. For example, Myrrh oil was used for antiseptic energies, Quassia  for tonic effect, Gum Arabic for birth control and Sandalwood for spiritual  effect, etc. The oils were functional and not a cosmetic perfume in African  civilization.  The  medicinal  oils  were  used in lotions,  body oils,  hair oils  and for  waterproofing bandages.  The Effect of Oil and Incense  Used for nasal congestion, and  Myrrh  as  an antiseptic  Oilbanum/Frankincense  Vital for nervous system,  vasoconstrictor, aids birth  muscles.  Good for kidney, blood purifier,  Jasmine/Calamus Root  mineral stabilizer  Good for respiratory, digestive  Pine/Burn Pine Cones  organ cleanser, energy  regulator, rejuvenator.  Use as  cleanser of glands, pores  Lavender/Styrax  and skin; mental tranquility.  Aids digestion, nerves, and  Oak Moss/Cedar  blood purifier.  Used for nerves, a cleanser,  Rose/Sandalwood  spiritual protector, pituitary  gland, emotions  These oils/incense can be substituted (interchanged) for another member  in its plant family.  Oils/Incense for the Weekday  Oils/incense are a cyclical and they have optimum days. The predominate  days that they should be worn and burned are:  Section  15: Charts  Sunday  OilbanumlFrankincense  Monday  Jasmine/Calamus Root, Jasmine  Tuesday  PineIPine Cones  Wednesday  Lavender/Styrax  Thursday  Oak Moss/Cedar  Friday  Rose/Sandalwood  Saturday  Myrrh  Force of Oils/Incense  OilslIncense  have  a downward  circulatory (spiral)  energy  force  and  an  upward circulatory (spiral) energy force.  The  downward spiral is related to  the Male Principle, destruction ofimpurities, negative thoughts and behav- iors, left mind thoughts, contraction (concentration), acid, action, etc. The  upward spiral is related to the Female Principle, growth and development  (building),  right minded thoughts,  expansion,  alkaline,  relaxation,  etc.  Therefore, to accentuate a particular characteristic or aid cleansing (  destruc- tion) or healing (building), choose the oiVaroma accordingly.  OIUiNCENSE UpWINd Force  OilbanumlFrankincense, PineiPine Cone, Lavender/Styrax Downward Force JasminelCalamus. Oak MosslCedar, Rose/Sandalwood METALS  Metals  are  part of the Mineral Kingdom.  This  kingdom  is  composed of  living  substances.  Minerals  in the metals  respond to  music,  drugs,  elec- tricity,  magnetism,  light, heat,  color,  crystals,  and  transmit  and receive  energy. Metals have a cycle, which is indicated in the charts by the days of  the week. On specific days, metals have energy peaks and lows. Metals are  active,give energy  (Male  Principle),  neutral  (conduct) and  passive  and  receive  energy (Female Principle).  The body has  many minerals  in trace  (very small) amounts. Metals are related to the  generative system and func- tion under the Fire Element of energy.  Metals have spiritual energy, intelligence and physical curative func- tions. Metals were worn on the fmgers,  hair, wrist, neck, ankles,  toes and  waist;  woven into  fabric;  and used  in  make-up  for  the treatment  of dis- eases and spiritual andlor mental problems. Malachite, a copper eye paint,  was used by men and women around 4000 B.C., in Egypt.  Metals had a functional use for art, artifacts and the decor ofthe home.  They were used to purify the home,  spiritually protect the home and keep  mental and emotional harmony in the home. Today, the African metal usage  is not holistic and relegated to being nonfunctional decorations or art.  Metals andlor crystals were put in the ear to stimulate energy. The ear has  points on it related to the intemal organs and brain. See the Ear Acupuncture  Chart. The bookAcupuncture for Americans by L. Wensel has infonnation on  280 281 AFRICAN HOLISTIC  HEALTH  the  subject ofmeridians. The ear is holistic  directly related to all parts  the body. Metal was placed in the ear as a healmg therapy an? for  sons. However, the puncturing of holes in th.e n?se and ear IS  and unholistic. The circumcised penis and chtons and/or  nngs ill the  penis and vagina' and other body parts is mutilation and  ..The met- als used to make or decorate musical instruments have  function.  are many combinations of ancient African.  art, whIch had a hohsnc  functional usage too broad in scope for this wnnng. The use  metals  holistic perspectives are revealed in Esote:ic He.aling by A. Balley,  with Radonics by Baerlein andDower.  tm,s a few examples ofthe pos  itive healing and negative usage ofmetal are m Its Your Body by M. Laversen,  M.D.  and S. Whitney.  The Effects of,Metals  Metals have a  holistic curative  effect upon the  body.  In the body  organs have a  higher content of one metal   met  (metal ratios): Therefore,  a  specific metal can biOlogIcally  magmfy  electrically stimulate a  bodily process,  organ  and  organ    circulatory system). The prostate is  in  metal zmc an?  uterus is high in manganese; thyrOId - bones - calcmm,  vanadyl sulfate; heart - arsenic; eyes - zmc; vagus nerve (neck) - potassm m ,  ____.,-_--------------,  Remarks Metal For metabolic disorders diabetes, intestines, bowels, purification Restores electrical current, adrenals, intestines. Silver spleen, thyroid. brain Stabilizer of energy. purification loWer digestive Mercury system Anemia. nerves, and brain cirtUlatory system Tifl Blood, liver, pancreas, eye, ear, and emotions Copper Energy, counters destruction of cells, blood Lead cleaner, blood pressure Metals for the Weekdays  ..' .  Metals have a  cycle with a  specific day for functlOnmg  at therr optlmum  level as follows:  Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Gold  Silver  Iron  Mercury  Thursday Friday Saturday Tin  Copper  Lead  Vibrations  Section 15: Charts Metals carry sound wave vibrations that reverberate in the body. The met- als' vibrations enhance the energy force field (life force).  Metal vibrations are specific and related to musical notes (sounds) as  follows:  METAL  MUSICAL  NOTE  GOLD D SILVER G IRON C  MERCURY F TIN B COPPER A LEAD A AFRICAN WHOLISTIC (ORGANIC) CHART The body has  a  very fine  sublime (Female Principle)  inter-relationship  between the  spirit.and mind.  No primitive Caucasian theory  about laws  (i.e.,  two things cannot occupy the  same space at the same time)  can be  applied to the body,  because it is three things  (spirit, mind, body) in one  space at the same time.  Each organ, nerve,  muscle  and part of the body is  related.  Internal  organs have nerve endings and energy imprints (acupuncture meridians) on  each section ofthe body. The spirit has imprints (spiritual meridians) on the  organs,  the mind and body sections.  The brain has  intelligence  imprints  (meridians) on each organ and each section of the body. Elements have an  influence on each section ofthe body. The organic (wholistic) inter-rela- tionship began its existence in the human embryonic (egg or fetal)  stage and  it has continued to exist in the adult state.  This chart can be used by locating the problem organ or sense organ  (sight,  hearing or smell).  For example,  lung problems would mean bal- ancing the upper thinking; spirit-soul and the element-air respiratory sys- tem and frre-generative  system.  The sex organs would be treated by bal- ancing  lower thinking;  treating physical-spirit and fonn  spirit  and the  elements of water (circulatory  system) and earth (digestive system). The  lung problem probably  developed in the third trimester of the mother's  pregnancy. This is when the lungs completed a  growth phase.  This chart is prepared to increase the awareness ofthe psychic being,  physical being and spiritual being...the sum total is the human being.  282 283 AFRICAN HOLISTIC HEALTH SPIRIT ELEMENTS BODY SECTION MIND Upper Organs UpperThinking Soul Rre Lungs, Thyroid, Bronchi, Heart, Stomach Abstract Thoughts, Universal Reality, Pineal Directing the Spirit according to Ma'at, Pure Energy Head,Slght Generative System Middle Organs MiddleThinking Ule Air Moving the spirit of Respiratory System, Kidney, Pancreas, Segregation of Spleen, Uver Thoughts, Synthesis Humans, Animals Hearing Contact: Kidneys Thorax Water Lower Organs LowerThinking Form Bladder, Sex Organs, Small and Large Intestine, Rectum, Appendix Gonf8dS the Physical Mind and Earth Spirit Congregation of Thought, Primitive Sense of Sex, Hunger, Thirst, Shelter Contacts the Physical Mind andEarth Spirit Creating your best spiritual nature. Contacts: HeaFf, Lungs Physical Spirit genetic code-- Purpose. Contact: Pituitafy Abdomen, Circulatory System, Taste Earth Digestive System, Pelvis, Smell FACE CHART Large Intestines __ Small Intestines Liver   -.;:::..;;__-+-+--="" Pancreas Bladder Spleen """--/-+-- Kidney Stomach f.... Bronchials --!--- Lungs Intestines Small Intestines Section 15: Charts The face reflects good health as well as dis-eases. The skin color and texture should be consistent A rash, dry, light or blotched area, variation in color, bumps (acne, pimples, blackheads, etc.), roughness, dry oroBy texture indi- cates disease, stressors or a malfunction of the organ related to that specific area. In African medicine, all scratches, bruises, and other so-called acciden- tal marks that occur to the face are caused by a malfunction of the organs related to that specific area. The weak organ meridian on the face attracts a negative or positive energy causing a skin trauma, which is erroneously called an accident. Weak organs vibrate at an unstable, low or weak frequency, which is not in harmony, and this causes the organ meridian to attract negative or pos- itive energy in order to re-establish harmony. The energy created by an acci- dent is the weak or diseased organ's method ofgetting help or your attention to correct the dis-ease. In wholistic African sciences, there is no such thing as an accident. Accidents are controlled by the laws ofaccident. A lack ofunder- standing ofMaat causes the label of accident to be used. THE FACE AND ZODIAC SIGNS Aries cp Taurus Gemini IT Cancer $ Leo n Virgo nr Libra Scorpio rq, Sagittarius t Capricorn I!» Aquarius ::: Pisces )E tp Head, face, cerebrum, eyes, nose, pituitary !::3 Neck:, throat, cerebellum, mouth, tonsils, vocal cords, thyroid II Arms, shoulders, lungs, :fullopian tubes !:ji Stomach, breasts, arteries, diaphragm, uterus, veins en Cardiac region, spleen, heart nt Small intestine, pancreas, lower abdomen :C:: Small of back, adrenal, kidneys, bladder T1l. Pelvis, reproductive organs, gonads, colon, rectum 284  285  AFRICAN HOLISTIC  HEALTH  Thighs, hips,  buttocks, liver,  sciatic nerve  Knees, bones, gaJl  b ladder,  teeth,  cartilage  Calves, ankles,  bladder, retina of eyes, parathyroid  Feet, circulation, pineal, lymphatic system  The face has arcas that  correspond to  zodiac  signs.  Each side of the fore- head  has  different signs while each side ofthe cheeks,  chin, as  well as  the  neck have  .same sign. A change in color (darkness,  lightness), blotchi- ness,  rash,  O1IIness,  dryness,  slight  temperature  variation  (cold  or warm  areas)  skin  in a sign indicates stressors, problems,  weak- ness or a dIsease With  the body part that the sign represents.  THE FACE, PLANETS Ac.1\'D DISEASE »  I I Sun 0  Moon » Mercury I) Venus   , - . . . .   U   Q J   0 - ( J ' )   S - a . . .   0 . .   Science Wholistic science is a science, which asks wholistic questions and receives wholistic answers. Non-wholistic science views man as a machine without a spirit. It separates science as a non-cultural, non-racial, or non-religious body of knowledge, while African wholistic science is a functional part of the culture, astrology, religion and racial identity of Black peoples. AFRICAN SCIENCE EUROPEAN SCIENCE All things (organic and inorganic)are living;  these living things are placed in kingdoms.  Kingdoms: Mineral, Plant, Spirit (Deities),  Ancestral, Animal, Human.  Organic, all things in nature are alive and  give and receive energy and they eat a  type of food and produce a type of waste.  African science states that all things are  controlled by seen and unseen forces.  Accidents are controlled by the law of Accident Subsequently, there is no use  of the word "accidenf' in this science.  Man is three things (body, mind, spirit) that  occupy one space at the same time. No  crude limited earth laws can apply to man  or define man's life, health, diseases, death,  and spirituality.  The earth has its own heat and excites  the earth's heat. For example, you cannot  give energy to adead person. It takes  energy to receive energy. Only the living  can give to the living. Therefore, the earth  has its own living energy.  The earth was made whole.  The layers of the earth indicate the age of  the layer, not the age of the earth.  Science is based on Male and Female  Principle.  There are two living things- plants and animals  These living things are in two kingdoms. There  are non-living things called organic.  Kingdoms: Plant, Animal  Organic things 0iving); Inorganic things  (not living)  European science-uses the words accident  coincidence or undefined.  All things are caused  by seen forces or it is accidental or due to  random selection (by chance).  No two things can occupy the same space  at the same time. Local earth laws can explain  all things.  The sun gives the earth sun heat.  The earth was made in layers.  Each layer of the earth can indicate the total age  of the earth.  Focus on the Caucasian male principle.  Science uses trances, astrology, divination  Science is abstract and only uses biology and  and ancestors.  chemistry.  316  317  AFRICAN  HOLISTIC  HEALTH  AFRICANSCIENCE EUROPEAN SCIENCE Studies the past,  present and Mure as one.  . To study the past is to study the future.  Science is a language of culture and Maat  Science is combined with Art  (Science is Art, Art is science)  Time, space and distance are mixed  together as one.  Males, Females and Children express  diseases differently.  Holistic Science  Part + Part =New Part (Not a Sum)  Vitamin A +Vitamin D = New (Synergistic)  Vitamin>To combine, they both have to  alter themselves and change into  something new.  Human Cells Grow =Corpuscles Divide  Human cells grow from a Melanin template  called a Stole.  Science myths are a part of the Art of  Science.  Science is spiritual.  There are many different types of air,  water,  vitamins, minerals, cells, molecules and  atoms-too numerous to label. These  various types are similar to the many  different types of humans, water, plants,  language, insects and cultures. Every  race has a unique biochemical  -··-·----personalfty and breathes in a unique form  of air (metabolizes a specific ratio of gases  to air). The lungs digest air, then the liver  synchronizes the building of the form of  airneeded by the individual. The gases  are put in the right combination for  the individual.  Each particular plant and animal converts  the air they breathe into the unique  Studies the past (standard formulas) and future  (theories) separately.  Science is non-cuHural.  Science is separate from art.  Time, space and distance are separated.  All disease diagnosis, signs and symptoms are  based upon the w   ~ male's expression of  disease.  Particle Science  Part + Part =Sum of Parts  Vitamin A +Vitamin D = Vitamin A, D  > Combine without changing is a contradiction  in logic and science  Cells Divide (Corpuscles and Cells are the same).  Science myths (theories) are believed to be facts  and are used as facts.  Science is not spiritual.  There is one type of water, air, mineral,  etc.  Everyone drinks the same water but converts it  to their race's biochemistry and the biochemistry  of each race is different. Each race has a  different Melanin content and a different  biochemistry. Races metabolize food differently  Water and air is food. These obvious facts are  defined in ethnomedicine. Caucasians ignore  these facts and say that all races are the same.  Section 16:  Wholistic Perspectives AFRICAN SCIENCE EUROPEAN SCIENCE structure they require before it is  absorbed  (metabolizes aspecific ratio of gases) air.  Each human requires a unique biochemical  form of air,  water and color light heat (sun rays).  We breathe in the air then the body converts  the substance into the right molecular/elemental  combination.for our biochemical personality.  Air is digested differently by different races.  Scientific proofs are wholistic and found  only in nature.  Food is medicine and medicine is food.  The African concept is that food (medicine)  stimulates the body towards heanh(has  enzymes) or disease (cooked, has no  enzymes. Foods cannot create health.  Health is created by God. Whole food can  stimulate good health. Junk food (processed)  can stimulate poor health. Food cannot  create you. Food cannot uncreate you.  Food stimulates the wellness in you.  Processed foods and drugs drain the  body's energy. The body can spend all its  energy defending itself from enzymeless  junk foods or drugs.  Eventually, the energy  is lost and  the health is lost-disease.  What is morally wrong cannot be scientifically  or rationally correct.  Scientific proofs are performed in an artificial  environment (laboratory) under controlled  conditions. These scientific proofs are  experiments (science rituals and ceremonies)  which force nature to give answers to questions  devised by man. Science proofs are not totally  valid. For example, Vitamin A  is tested in a  room with  light, air and a temperature of 72°F.  Vitamin A in the body is digested in the dark  and at  98.6°F. Consequently, the laboratory  proofs ofVitamin A's actions and reactions  within the body are based upon the wrong  conditions. The laboratory proof of Vitamin Ais  at best 60%  accurate. It does  not reflect the  intelligence or spirituality of VitamIn A. The  proof is a science guess about Vitamin A- mythology.  The basic difference between African and  Caucasian medicine science is in concept.  Hippocrates believed that food (herbal  medicine) is a fuel that  provides energy that  operates the body. If you give the body the  wrong fuel (processed food or drug medicine),  it will get sick. This Greek concept is the  foundation of Caucasian health and biological  science.  What is scientifically correct is rationally  correct.  318 319 AFRICAN HOLISTIC HEALTH VIOLENCE AND CHILDREN: BEATING, HITTING AND SPANKING CmLDREN Acts ofphysical violence against African children is a Caucasian socially engineered behavior (seasonin). Beatings teach the child that violence is the solution to problems. Beating a child should have a relationship to Maat. Beating should connect the child to Maat. Beating a Black child is usually done in the same way as Caucasians. Beatings connect the child to Caucasian culture. Beatings usually imitate the slave and slave master rela- tionship. The adult is the slave master and child the slave. Ifthe beating does not define Maat--don't do it. Historical evidence validates that physical violence was not used by ancient Africans. In fact, Incas, Chinese, Japanese, Indians, Eskimos and other races of color do not beat children. Even among African headhunters and cannibals, the beating ofchildren was not used for discipline. Spanking or lightly hitting the child to get their attention is needed (i.e., a child getting ready to touch a fire or wander into the street). The elders called it slaptime and laptime (nurturing, Maat). The Maat social conditions are not available for the child and parents. The beating ofchildren lacks a cultural definition. The beating ofchildren does not transmit or translate African culture. The elders and ancestors have no involvement in the child's beatings. The child can use the parents' violent beatings as a way to manipulate their parents by behaving or talk- ing disrespectful. The parent responds to the child's disrespect them with a beating. The child may then cause the parent to feel gUIlty for lack- ing control over the parent/child relationship. The parent may feel angry because they lack parenting skills and do not have the social skills needed to control the child. The child can use the parent's guilt or anger at them- selves to manipulate the parent into letting them go to a movie, eat pizza, playa computer game, etc. All intelligent thinking stops the moment violence begins. Violence is the beginning of social ignorance in solving a problem. The Caucasian practice of beating (violent physical attacks) children is because children are considered selfish, have subconscIOus ammahstlc traits, have deep evilness in their soul andlor have need to have sex with the parent or have a violent nature. While in African culture, children are . endowed with the spirit of the ancestors, striving to achieve Godliness, are raised to reach their highest level of humanism, mirror the village's soul, are God's property, the future of the village and Subsequently, in African culture violent attacks upon a child were ered a violent attack to destroy the culture, God, Maat, ancestors, spmts, society, tribe and individual. Child abuse, beatings and sexual abuse (minors watch or listening to pornographic R rated videos and/or movies) perpetrated upon Black chil- dren by Black adults is justified by excuses (rationales). For example, one of the popular excuses for beating a child is the saying "spare the rod and Section 16: Wholistic Perspectives spoil the child." The rod is misinterpreted to mean a stick, spanking or physical beating. Historically, the rod (or scepter) referred to in this say- ing is the divining rod or staff of a shepherd. The rod is the symbol of authority. The rod was not used to beat the sheep. The rod was used to guide the sheep. The rod is a symbol of the ultimate authority-God. The guiding force is Maat. The rod is symbol ofMaat and God. In other words, do not spare Maat or the spirituality of God or else the child will perish (be spoiled). A rod was believed to be guided by God. Parents without adequate parenting skills or the village support can be physically violent with chil- dren and use fists, switches, baseball bats, shoes, belts, hollering, verbal abuse, screaming, cursing and threaten the child with torture and violent punishments. The Slave Master beating the slaves did not stop slave revolts. In any ease, the sparing ofthe rod meant to ignore God's wisdom and cause the child to decay (spoil). The non-violent Civil Rights Movement of the 1960s was used to teach love, justice, harmony, democracy, peace and understanding to Caucasians. However, Blacks used violence in their male/female relationships and beat their children. Blacks were teaching their children to solve Black problems with violence and White problems with non-violence. Beating children must stop and alternative solutions used. The culture, Maat, spirituality and the control of rewards and pun- ishments and shaming the child can be used in place of beatings. Only take away rewards for specific behaviors. Do not tell the child they are bad. Tell the child the behavior was bad. Take away a reward as punishment. The child is not the sum total of bad. behaviors. Many unacceptable behaviors were learned from the parent and medias. Correcting the child means to cor- rect a parenting skill. Punishment ofthe child can be taking away privileges (i.e., CDs, videos, television, play time, telephone usage). SMOKING AND CHILDREN Is smoke (tobacco, marijuana) a natural food for the body? No! The human body was not designed for the inhalation ofsmoke in the lungs. Lungs are only anatomically structured to inhale clean (unpolluted) air. The cancer- causing and mood altering drugs are in droplet form in the smoke. The burning of tobacco and/or marijuana creates a drug. Fire (heat) creates a synthetic poisonous chemical combined with a transoil (synthetic) drug . Smoking in the presence of a child is child abuse. The drug droplets in the smoke cause liver damage, DHEA hormone imbalance, addiction, decreased oxygen to the child's brain and cancer. An adult who smokes in the presence of a child causes the child to be a passive smoker. An adult smoker forces the child to be a passive smoker. This kind of forced smok- ing is child abuse, a crime and is destructive to the child's health. Passive smoking is indirect and drugs in the smoke have a higher cancerous con- tent of toxins and tar. The thick oily tar contains drugs and is addicting. Ironically, the tobacco companies lowered the tar in a cigarette. This caused 320  321  AFRICAN HOLISTIC HEALTH  smokers to smoke more cigarettes in order to reach the drug level they use  to get from the tar drug of one cigarette.  .'  .,  '  The drugs in smoke weaken the lungs, hver, kidneys,  skm,  Iffiffiumty  and  destroy Vitamin  C.  The  smoke  from  a  single  cigarette destroys  the  Vitamin C  content of an average orange. Vitamin C  is vital in protecting  the child against dis-eases.  .  Smoke deprives  the  child's (and adult's)  skin of clean  au (oxygen).  This causes premature aging. The chemicals in smoke aggravate astm:natic  and  allergic  children.  It irritates the  sensitive mucouS  membrane  (Inner  skin  surface)  of the nose.  Children have an immature  immune  system;  smoking is twice as destructive to the child.  ,  .  The chemicals in smoke  can cause skipped heartbeats, palpItatIOn of  the heart, nervousness, rapid heart rates, paralysis ofthe cilia (hair) in the  lungs; toxins are absorbed, dizziness, shortness of breath, headaches from  rises  in blood pressure  and  pains  of distress  over the  front  of the  chest.  Smoke decreases circulation to the hands, feet and legs. The nicotine causes  the  veins  to  constrict (close)  and this  limits the blood flow  to  the  heart,  sex  organs and  other vital  organs.  The female  passive smoker undergoes  menopause at a younger age.  .  Children learn by example. They imitate adult behavior,  Histoncally,  the original smoke eaters (nicotine drug addicts) were Caucasians. Blacks  who are nicotine drug smokers are socially conditioned (engineered, sea- sonin) to do so.  The non-smoking  adults  and children can be partially protected from  smoke by using a high efficiency particle air (hepa) filter or the elecU;0nic pre- cipitator air cleaners, which can remove a few ofthe cancerous chemIcals., The  immunity can be protected from smoke with supplements such as  Chaparral, Pau D' Arco, Cysteine, VitaminA, C, E, B 1 , B 6 , PantothemcAcld,  PABA, Echinacea,  Selenium,  Bee Propolis and Zinc. Alkaline min.erals,  Phenylalanine, Betaine Hydrochloride and the herb  .and QuassIa  help curb the craving for the smoke. Tobacco and I?-anJuana IS  With  steroids  excessive  amounts  of estrogen,  whIte  sugar,  ammoma,  etc.  Vanadyl  Sulfate, Progesterone  and Milk Thistle  need to be  added to a treatment protocol.  SBOULDWE EAT FOOD?  (Breathatarian Concept)  In African sciences  of chemistry,  physics,  and biology,  it is  understood  that only God can create life and energy. Energy is in the atom (life).  do  not eat dirt for energy and atoms do not eat food for energy. All things  are composed of atoms. You do not  to eat  The aton: s  of  (food) are electromagnetic and biochemIcal. A pOSItIVe (clockwIse Spill) and  negative (counterclockwise spin) atom rubbing together generates electro- Section 16:  Wholistic Perspectives magnetic and biochemical energy. Food stimulates the atom to spin fast or  slow. !he fo?d atoms (particles) cause the body's atoms to lose their syn- chroruzed Spill; the body's atoms try to regain their synchronized spin-this  regaining of spin creates energy.  are  composed of atoms.  The body's  atoms  are  capable  of  The current diet and social situation ofAfricans is an adaptation  to White Supremacy. The African's life is not a nonnalAfrican life. It is a  dysfunctional  life  and not normal.  The current biochemical and electro- magnetic behaviors of atoms is an adaptation that is  erroneously assumed  to ?e  For example, the  Age caused the land in Europe to freeze.  ThIS freezmg destroyed vegetatIOn and contributed to the Caucasian can- nibals  using  animal meat for  food.  The  Caucasians' dietary adaptation  eventually became a normal  diet.  Caucasian scientists justify their scav- enger diet as optimum, despite  scientific proofs  that humans can exist as  vegetarians and despite proofs that atoms  do not eat food for  energy. The  that compose the skin, nerves, brain, bones and organs are wholis- tIC  and use  source of energy. Thoughts create thoughts, emotions  create emotIOns and energy generates energy. Energy is already present in  the atom. The atom did not create itself. It was created with its God-given  energy supply. Food was used as an offering to the Holy Temple (human      Food has mental and spiritual intelligence. The atoms that compose  the tIssue ofplants are spiritual and intelligent. Digestion (eating) separates  the food's  spirit and mind from  the  tissue  of the  food  so  that the body's  atoms  can use it. The course matter (tissue fiber,  minerals) residue of the  food  vitality of the  body.  The  ancient carnoptic jars have fig- ures  and pamtmgs on them that indicate the spirit and intelligence  of the  organs. Today, the spirit and intelligence ofthe organs are not used because  the Caucasians  have  forced Africans to  believe  that organs  (atoms)  are  only a physical (mechanical) structure. Africans no longer have the cultural  program needed to access their own intelligence or their spiritual relation- ship to food,  organs and atoms.  Eating earth minerals in plants and/or animal minerals causes the life  span  to decrease. The minerals (electrolytes) are stressors. They  rust  (oxIdIZe)  the  cells  and atoms.  Oxidizing  ages  the  cells  and  atoms  destroys immunity, causes disease and eventually death. All ancient  and religious ?ooks  (Indian, Chinese, African, Incas,  European)  indicate  that  hved from  400 to  1,000  years  of age.  Human beings  once  grew to  heIghts of 10 to  25  feet tall.  Ancient Africans' fasts  (food absti- nence),  and used whole foods  spiritually  and as  part of rituals  and cere- monies. Food is passive. The digestive system acts upon the food; food does  not act upon the body's cells  (atoms).  The body's atoms action upon the  food is called energy.  The stomach is a protrusion ofa pipe. It is not a separate organ like the  heart.  The stomach  is  not technically classified  as  inside the body.  The  stomach is a bulging out of a hollow tube that runs from the mouth to the  322 323 AFRICANHOLISTICHEALTH anus.Thetubeisinsidethebody.It isprotectedsimilartothewaytheskin onthehands, arms, legs, chest, etc. We do notthink ofourskir: eatin? food. Particles offood are suckedinto the bloodbythe straw-lIke hair (villa)ofthe smallintestine. Once thefood (atoms) are inthe blood,theyareelectromagneticallyandbysmellguIdedt?wher:theyare needed.ThefoodatomscauseanimbalanceandthebodysreactIOntothe imbalanceiscalledenergy. The Caucasianpractice ofeating animal flesh (J. A..Rogers, 1 Amazing Facts About the Negro) isdysfunctional.TheCaucasiansuseaSCI- encemythtodefinethehollowtubecalledthestomachasanorganand/or glandis questionable. In any case, the spirit andmental energy of excitesthebody'scellsinanegativeorpositivemanneranddoesnotgIve orcreateenergy.Humansarenotcreatedbyfoodnorarehumanstheances- torsoffood,andtheycannotbeuncreatedbyfood.Foodstimulatesenergy alreadypresentinthebody.Inancientdietetic food.wasused.to excitetheenergythebodyaccumulatedafterfastmg. TheanCIentwhohs- ticAfricancouldmovethespiritandintelligenceof thebody'satomsand generateenergy.Thisiscalledfreewill.Willingth: move.means foodisnotnecessary. Spiritdoesnotneedfood. Spmtmamfestsmmdand mindmanifeststhebody.Thekeytoenergyisspirituality.Thespirituality oftheAfricanbiochemicalandelectromagneticbodycanonlybeaccessed with theAfricanMaatculturalprogram.ACaucasianprogram(accultur- ateddiet)eatenbyanAfricande-programstheAfricanbiochemistry, andintelligence and creates a diseasedand culturally AfrIcan. Atoms(Atun)arespiritsseekinghigherlevelsandbypassmgthroughthe humanbody(asfood), theyhopeto obtainit. It is fuei!spiritthatwants communionwithaspirit.ThefoodatomsseekcommunIOn.Inbookssuch asProper Food o/Man byJ. SmithandPrinciples ofScience byW. Jevons, thissubjectisraised. RUN ORDON'TRUN Running is anisolatedactivity. Thebodyrequires a natural wh?lefood diet; spiritual, mentalandphysicalactivities to AnIsolat:d, unholistic activitycannotachievewellness. RunmngIS anIsolatedacttv- ityan-dneedstobepartofawholistic in tobenefitthehealth. Exercisetonesand/orbuildsmuscles.ExerCIserequITes fuel andthatfuel is obtainedfromagooddigestivesystem,thecorrectcombiningof whole foods. Thedietprovidesthefuel.Ajunkfood and thedegenerationofthebody.Anaturalfoods dIet exerCIseIllcreases thewellness.Exercise(running)thatincludesaffirmatIOns,chants,prayers, drumsandAfricanmusic(i.e.,jazz,positiverap,gospel,etc.)Africanphys- ical gamesputthe actofrunninginan cultural wh:ch resultsinwholisticexercise.Thisformof exerCIsebenefitsthespInt,mmd andbody. Section 16: Wholistic Perspectives EXERCISE Exer.cisedoesnothelpthelungsandheart.GeorgeShoehart,M.D.,cardi- OlOgIst, runnerandauthor ofmanybooksonrunninghas said"Exercise does for the,lungs;,that has beenamplyprovedbypul- monaryspeCIalIsts. NordoesIt espeCIallybenefityourheart.Running,no matterwhatyouhavebeentold, primarilytrainsandconditionsthemus- ?les.Legmusc!escanimproveasmuchas300%in workcapacitywith lmalchanges III heart capability."Thestrengtheningoftheheartafter a heartattackis not achievedbydeveloping legmuscles (running) rather thanheartmuscle.CardiologistPaulDudleyWhite(abicyclist)examined legs andconsidered goodmuscular structure andtone asa measurefor surgicalrisk.CardiologistGordonCummingof Canadaresearchhasindi- catedthatimprovementinmetabolicmuscleprocessesandperipheralcir- culationcouldaccountforincreasedheartstrokevolume. doesnotpreventheartdis-ease.Heartdisease is a systemic (boddy) illness. elimination ofprocessedfoods anddrugs can cure heartdIsease.Runnmghaslittleeffectonthewellnessof theheart. ReasonsforExercise • Decreasesstress • Decreasesdepression • Increasesself-esteem • Increasessexualenergy • Increasesdigestion • Increases theefficiencyof the body • Increasesoxygensupplytocells • Helpsburnoff fat • Relievestension • Increasescreativity • Relievesconstipation • Increasesendurance • Increasesflexibilityofmusclesandbones ExerciseTips • Exercisingallmusclegroupsorthewholebodyatonetimeisamore holisticworkoutfor rather than the fragmented and Isolated.w<;>rkouts offitness tramers, gymbodytoning exercise and bodybuIldmg • Scheduletimedailyto orlightexercise. Onyour daysoff from,work,exerCise(I.e.,work,Jog,rideabike,swim,play a   ..AcqUIremoreknowledgeaboutnutrition,Africancultureand spmtuahtyandconsciousness(i.e" read,listento healthlecturesonCD ortape, watchhealthtelevisionprograms,attendhealthseminarsor lectures). • Drink leasttwoglassesofwater.oneto twohoursbeforeyouwork  out. Dnnkwateronaschedule.It IS afoodandtoomuchatonetime  stops,itsdigestion,Drinkasmuchwaterasyouneedtowhileyouare  workingout,thenoneortwoglassesaftertheworkout.  • Topreventthelossofmuscleduringexercise,eatasmallwholegrain  (starch)carbohydratemealwithintwohours afteryouworkout.  324 325 AFRICAN HOLISTIC HEALTH • Experience yourspiritandfeel eachmuscle youare it. Recitepositiveaffirmationsand/orprayerswhIleyouareexercIsmg. • Keepallmovementsfluid andsmooth.Nosuddenjerkymovements. ExerciseWarm-Ups . 1st ·5 - 15minutesonstationarybike,rowingmachineortreadImll 2 nd  5 15 minutesonrowingmachineorcross-countryskimachine 3 rd 5- 15 minutesofstretching 4 tb Sit-ups(crunchesonly).Threesetsof 5- 15 5 th Verticallegraises.Threesetsof 5- 15repetItIOns exERCISE MUSCLES eXERCISED  Calf Raises  Calf Muscle  Chest Press/Pec Deck  Chest, Shoulders  Forearm Curls  Wrist, Forearms,  Fingers  Lat Pull-down  Lats,Biceps  LegCurls  Hamstrings, Calves  Leg extensions  Front of Thigh  Leg Press or Squat  Thigh, Buttocks  Shoulder PresslLateral Raises  Shoulders, Triceps, Traps  Tricep Push Downs  Triceps,  Forearms  TINO-arm Curls  Biceps, Forearms  ExerdseWork-OutSchedule Monday, Wednesday, Friday Weights Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday CardiovascularExercise(running, Lowintensityandlongduration Exercise) Walking. . • Youcanwalkwithtwotofive poundhandweIghtsand/orfiveto ten poundlegweights • Youcanwalkwithavarietyofarmpositions(i.e., sidelateral-front, circlepositions,raisedarms,rotateannswhilewalking,flexingarms [ccntractingandrela.'{.ingmuscles,etc.]) . • Youcanwalkupstepsorsteephills.Thiswillexerciseyourthighsand buttockmuscles. WalkingSchedules(ThreetoFourTimesaWeek) . Weeks 1 &  2 Walktwomilesatnormalwalkingpace, threetimesaweekfor30minutes Weeks 3to 5 Walkthreemiles(mileoneatnormalpace, milestwoandthreeatbriskpace,three timesaweekfor30minutes Section 16: Wholistic Perspectives Weeks 6-13 Walk threemilesbrisklyfourtimesaweek for30minutes Schedule Weekly Walks • Walkatnormalpaceforoneminute (intermediate and -Walkbrisklyforoneminute advanced walkers can • Walknormallyforlmeminute use any combination of • Joglightlyfortwominutes walks • WalknOImallyforoneminute • Walkbrisklyfortwominutes • Joglightlyforoneminute • Walkbrisklyforoneminute • Walknormallyforthreeminutes • Walkbrisklyforthreeminutes - Walknormallyforthreeto four minutes(totaltime, 18-20minutes). SUN EXPOSURE sunlightexposuredailyandusefullspectrumartificiallights.Sunlight IS foodforthebodyandemotions.Exerciseoutdoors. SUNUGHT INCREASES  SUNUGHT DECREASES  Pineal Gland Activity  Free radicals  Endurance  Respiratory rate Vitamin 0  Bone loss  Energy (increased glycogen  Lactic acid in the blood  stores in the liver)  following exercise  Melanin Secretion  Diseases  Strength  Blood pressure Melatonin and Serotonin  Fatigue and depression Balance of Stress  Bfoodsugar Sex Hormones  Oxygen Supply of Blood  Diastolic (Resting heart rate)  WHOLISTICFEMALEIMALEPUBERTY (Teenagers,Herbs,etc.) InAfrican.culturepubertyisaphaseofaspiritual,mentalandphysicalgrmvth. culture, isthejuvenilemaleandfemalebecomingfer- tile.PubertyIS aworddenvedfromtheFrenchlanguageanditmeans"grown   puberty, boys betweenages 14 and 18years startto havethe abilitytoejaculatespermandgirlsbetweenages 12and14starttoovulateand Duringpuberty,theboy'svoicelowers,facial,underarmandgen- Italharrstarts togrow. Themalehormonecyclestartsto influencemoods, 326  327  AFRICAN HOLISTIC HEALTH  behaviors and thoughts. In uncircumcised boys,  penisthforesrn:  . fl' d  hich lubncates  e pems  ea.  head :: is no medical or,health  the surgical butchering called circumcision.    I . al  In cultures  females are CIrcumCIse  .  gious  to  ;:: (breasts),  larger labia  hair, genital hair, more fatty tissue under the skin and the hips  e;!:-!ent growth is  physically  caused by sex hormoneshS ex  hor- mones are made by the ovaries, testicles and adrenal glands: :n ese  h  Th  x hormones  cause fertIlity  an  d  spm  a, stimulate and cause  growt:  e se  "  I mental and emotional  menn: l , e:n0tionals  to help the wholistic  energles Increase  transition into adulthoobd.  's the wholistic  hormonal and cyclical prepa- Adolescence or pu  escence 1  ,  ration for adulthood.  .  .  dacademic classes that teach Maat, Rites ofPassage ntuals, ceremomes an  .  bI'  th  Human Cy cle  MalelFemale Relationship, proper sexual  0  I- e  ,  hildr  d  mate  spIn  uty, men- gations to the village, ancestors, c  en and  lly'The purpose  of the  tal  duty  and physical duty  were structure  0 IS  lca  .  Rites of Passage is to transmit and translate Maat culture.  Herbs & Health .  . .  d  hormone  The male/female child, in  This  balance. A natural foods  optImum  e.  or  foods  reser- diet requires the complete elnnmatIon of synthetIc  h  u1d!clude  vatives, conservatives, soaps, toothpastes and deodorants an  s  0  the  use  of cotton underwear.  .  ki  t t  m  The  female  child should use the unbleached  sanItary  :)'  had  Tons cause the reabsorption of decomposed (putre  e  .  an  out of the  skin ofthe labias  and vagina, causing skinfsease.  Additionally, the girl should be given  such as Red Chas..te,  cohCosh, WpiBldarY:nB;ya:rryp, Ginger,  {\nm Damiana.  ram  "  d  tl=-,. a  arilla and Lady Slipper. In the case of  . .U(l- Sars  and Black Cohosh should be used cautiously (if IS  deSIred    Progesterone CremelLotion can be  applIed to fatty    Catnip:  CremelLotion cari be applied to  bony  m  an  t' h  rmone ur'lbalances caused by junk foods, meat, eggs, darry, order to correc  0  commercial fruits  and vegetables.  Section 16:  Wholistic Perspectives Supplements  can  aid passage into  pubescence.  Supplements  such  as  Pregnenolone  (progesterone tablets),  Vitamin E,  C, A, D,  and B Complex,  Coenzyme Q10, Vanadyl  Sulfate,  Lipoic,  Wheat Germ Oil,  Lecithin,  Kelp,  Histidine,  Phosphorus,  Selenium,  Calcium,  Potassium,  Magnesium,  Manganese and Iron are beneficial for puberty.  Ideally, the child's puberty education should start before the puberty tran- sition starts. It shou1d be viewed as the Maat training ofthe new ancestors and  elders of the society.  MEDICAL MIRACLES Caucasian Orthodox medicine  takes the credit for  scientific  miracles  and  modem advances  in health.  This  medical science  assumes that it has  saved  mankind from  disease.  Caucasians claim that their vaccinations are  miracle  cures.  However,  vaccines  can cripple  and cause  many diseases  and death.  Polio Vaccine has cancer-causing Simian Virus 40. Many vaccines have can- cer-causing fonnaldehyde,  poisonous  aluminum and DNA and  RNA from  rotten pork, beef and monkey tissue. No  vaccine improves immunity;  they  destroy immunity. Chicken Pox vaccine is totally unsafe; the ingredients are  white sugar, Thimersol (poisonous mercmy), fetal bovine serum (cattle pus),  EDTA, neomycin, Varicella Zoster Virus (herpes), hydrolyzed gelatin (pork,  beef), MRC-5 cells, sodium chloride (salt), potassium chloride, monosodium  glutamate (  cancer), potassium phosphate monobasic, sodium phosphate diba- sic, protein (pork, beet) and unspecified chemicals.  The diseases that Caucasian medicine claims to have eradicated has noth- ing to do with the use ofdrug medicine or vaccinations. The diseases that the  Caucasian medicines claim to have eliminated were eliminated by cleanliness,  soap and water, toilets usage and basic bodily hygiene.  European cities were kept filthy with human,  dog, cat, rat, bat and insect  waste; discarded remains of butchered animals, urine, dead bodies, garbage  and stagnant waters. Unsanitary conditions  and filth created an environment  for disease.  The Caucasians' Bubonic Plague was caused by fleas biting dis- eased and dead rats then biting humans; malaria is caused by anopheles mos- quitoes  (they used stagnant,  polluted water);  yellow fever  is  caused by ste- gomia mosquitoes  and  typhus  fever  is  caused by body lice.  The failure  of  surgeons to clean incisions caused many deaths until 1865 when Lister intro- duced antiseptics. African Egyptians used antiseptic herbal wines over 3,000  years before the Caucasians' miracle discovery of antiseptic. Lister observed  that foul smelling sewage was treated with carbolic acid, so, he applied car- bolic acid to foul smelling, pus-filled surgical wounds. However, the Caucasian  medical scientists ofthat century thought that an antiseptic was another super- stitious ritual. They failed to recognize that antiseptic procedures were related  to cleanliness until much later. The Caucasians were defecating and urinating  on the dirt floors of their homes and in their drinking water. This caused dis- eases. The miracle cure for this was Jolm Harrington's invention of the toilet  328 329 AFRICANHOLISTICHEALTH bowl(watercloset),in1500.In 1865,Semmelweisstoppedchildbedfeverby having hospitals wash sheets, utensils andfloors andhavinghealthpracti- tionerswashtheirhandsaftertouchingdis-easedpatientswoundsandcorpses. Asimplematter ofcleanliness andhygienic care ended many illnesses. However,thepuspeddlers(vaccinationists)teachthepublicthatmiracleof vaccinationssolvedtheproblemsofdiseases. Thepuspeddlersoperateonthetheorythatadiseaseattackcanbestopped byinjectingdiseasedpusintotheveins. Thefleas thatcausedtheBubonic Plague inoculate peoplewhentheybite; themosquitoes that causeyellow feverandmalariainoculatepeoplewhentheybite.Thefleasvaccinateandyet thepublicgetsthediseases.Itisasswnedthatmancannotwithstandasmall insect'sinoculatingdosageofdiseasebutcanwithstandalargehypodermic needleslargeinoculatingdosageofdisease. Manypeoplegetvaccinations (inoculations)orinitialattacksofinfluenza,colds,headaches, syphilis,gon- orrhea,herpes,yeastinfections,smallpox,chickenpox,fevers,polio,athlete's feet, toothdecay,andtoothachesandyetcontinuetogetasecond,thirdand fourth attackofthesamedisease.Manyofthesediseasesareblameduponan evil enemyattackofbacteria. This bacteriatheorywas first recorded in EuropeanhistorybyJohnAstrue, aphysiciantoLouisXlV, andisstillused todaytojustifYCaucasianmedicalmythology,ignoranceandpracticesbased uponsuperstitions. Thebacteriatheory(mythology)assumesthatevilbacteriaarealwaystry- ingto attackpeople. Unsanitaryconditions, ignorance, superstitions, med- ically-causeddiseases,vaccinations,poorhygieneanduncleanlinesscausethe accumulationoftoxinsinthebody.Thebodyiswellequippedtocontroland eliminateimpuritiesifgoodhygieneisfollowed. However,sciencemythol- ogyandthereligiousbeliefthatevil(devil)isouttodestroypeople'shealth keeps thiswidespreadparanoiaalive. Therampantparanoiaaboutcatchingcolds,viruses,bacterialinfections anddis-eases,isorganizedignorance.Vaccinationistsanddrugpeddlersstim- ulate,create,recreateandmanufacturethisgermtheoryparanoiatosellmouth washes, antihistamines for thenose, disinfectant sprays, douchesolutions, femininehygienesprays,deodorants,antibiotics,bottlesterilizers,eyewashes, soaps,toothpasteandfootsprays.Thismassiveparanoialeadsonetolivein fearofanattack from apredatorydis-easedbacteria,Bacteriaresideinthe bodyat all times,An imbalanceof bacteriacausedbydis-ease. Bacteriado notcausedisease;theyreacttodisease, Bacteriacangetoutofbalancewhenfaultydietaryhabitsarepresent.Dis- easecausingbacteriaareanexception.Thebodymaintainsabacteriabalance (symbiosis).Asickbacteriacanliveinasickbody.Asickbacteriaproduces exotoxins, whichmayresemblegram-negativebacteria,Asickbacteriain thehumanbodyis inmoredangerofbeingattachedbythebody'senzymes andimmunitythancanbeimagined.Thebodilydefensesagainstsick riaaretantamounttoafull-scalenuclearwarandcriss-crossedwith Section  16· Wh  /' . p ,  0 lstle  erspectives  defensemechanisms wh' h dangerousto thehumanbodythanto , Thebodyconfusesthe resembles orfriendlybacteria bacteria. Gram-negative bySICk asa . lipopolysaccharideendotoxininth' 7r a ha:e look-alIke bacteria with Oncethis misread s, aremisinterpretedasgram r ler police)activateenzymesthatphIS to the brain, leukocytes ysosomalenzymesthatbecome t' agocytically(eattheenemy)andsecrete supply. Next, the secondarydefisICky, togetherblockingthe blood Ehagocyticleukocytes(killer more leukocytes and more Thisstressreaction tothe,areawherethesick epmephrine. Thebloodvessels0 nervoussystem's abundan fh' verreacttoepmephrin h' h . ce0 Ighconcentrationsofd th. e, w IC resultsinan of killers),Furtherstill,heatis  used (defenseanny fameshafromgenns)is secretedfromthe andpyrogen(hot geanddeathtothebacteria ' e e oCY,tes, addingfeverto reactive overkillsthebacteria tendstobeover- endotOXIn ofthesickbacteria. Caue . ere n0thl;tgpOIsonousaboutthe defensereactionsandcontin' .th SCIence IS awareofthe body's b d ues eSCIencepI1 d tup?nmythology,superstitionsandlies It   th a ,The1?ropagandais ac ena. . c es epUblIctobeinfear . Thereligiousbelief,sciencemythol ' e,?lbacteriahelpsthemedicalprofessi ogyand propagandaabout have cureddisease,Again toconVIncethepublicthatmedical ygJene themedicalmiracle.The o!soap and.waterandgood ThemIracle workingmedical fi ,ythmgthatcanbecuredisham example,iftwopeoplehavethesam eSSlon overlooksthe obvious Fo; easehadspreadoris e thaterroneouslymeansthe'dl' 0 th fl . uw IOUS orcontagIOUS Th' s- at us,headaches coughs sne ' IS medIcaldefinitionmeans cramp tutt" ,ezes,cataracts flatule . s enngandstannnerin' , " nce,gas,menstruation  PI,ague, leprosy,measles dIarrhea, smallpox, cholera,  maJontyofcontagious evil bacteriac(on:m on coldarecontagious.The  emselves. nucro b es) caused diseasescure microbial (genns) diseasessuch as  hadbasicallyceasedbeforeth t' typhus, leprosy, and  serumsandnutritionalsu Ie e of medIcalmiracledrugs, vac- allIl1nessesandyetbacteria Micro?es(bacteria)areblamedfor  Therearemanytypesof enns ,ors, escapeinterpretations,  tnerelycauseself-limitingdisgeases 'whhiehthcankillthehuman.However they  antt0 killi suc as eflu Wh th ' .. ngthemselvesorbeingkilledb th ' y. esegennsareresist- 0 .genus notfightbattlesbetweeneach er ISnotexplained.Why ISnotexp!ainedbymedicalscie:ceerastowhIchgenushouldkillthe causehealth18 notexplained C ' .WI:y healthygennsdonotattack thehost(human)andthe explainstherelationship :Y,;'lttelnualt]'on. h ennsuc as vrrulen . omeostasisorimbalance Wh ' ce,reSIstance,toxic- o Ynucrobesexistinthebody 330 331 AFRlCAN HOLISTIC HEALTH In cities, rats have to eat the rotten foods ofthe people. The Caucasian food supply is limited and this limitation does not meet the nutritional require- ments ofthe rat, cat and dog diets. These animals ate poor diets, became dis- eased and then the Caucasians ate the rats, cats and dogs. This caused their dis- eased conditions to worsen. Caucasians on a nutritionally limited diet have weak immunity, which causes diseases. Diseased rats bit immune weak peo- despite escalating bodily immunity is beyond Caucasian science. When Caucasians link a germ with a disease, it is called the Doctrine of Specific Etiology. In African wholistic science, germs are symptoms of disease. Bacteria (germs) are similar to flies attracted to garbage (cellular waste). Caucasian allopathic medicine kills the flies (bacteria) and leaves the garbage. Consequently, the body remains in a diseased condition. Added to this, vac- cines cause a secondary disease while drugs suppress the illness and cause a different disease. This is pointed out in the book The Doctor sDilemma by G. Shaw. The Doctrine a/Specific Etiology links a specific germ as causing a spe- cific disease. Yet, the doctrine has failed to theoretically explain or get rid of cancer, headaches, stress, mental illness and arteriosclerosis. Caucasian med- ical failures are blamed on the lack of research and/or a lack ofa new vaccine. In other words failures are blamed on the future. Technology has to be devel- oped very soon in the future to cure the disease. Caucasian science does not explain why the germ enters the body and then kills some people while not killing others. It seems probable that some other factor converts the germ in the body to a deadly killer. Junk foods, drugs, radiation, synthetic hormones and vaccinations alter fungus, yeast and bacteria, which causes biochemical imbalances. The alter- ation causes altered microbe flora (fungus, yeast, bacteria), which alters the biochemical ecology. It can be clearly seen that instability occurs (fungus, yeast, bacteria) when the health sustaining biochemical ecology is altered. It can be clearly seen that instability occurs when Caucasians make alterations in large animal life (smaller animal life germs are just as imbalanced) such as the mongoose. For example, in 1872, Europeans brought the Indian mon- goose to the island of Jamaica to control the rats. The mongoose not only destroyed the rats but also multiplied and destroyed 'birds, reptiles and other small animals. The body's and environment's ecology are similar. When the microbes are destroyed by drugs, antibiotics, synthetic sex hormones, steroids, radiation, air and water pollution, the body becomes diseased and accumulates waste. The bacteria mUltiplies because they have an abundant food supply of waste. In Caucasian science, the evil microbes are used as a scapegoat and blamed for the disease. The effects ofmiracle drugs altering the body's e1ec- tfomagnetic balance and biochemical germ popUlation must be paid for by degenerative diseases or by the health destruction offuture generations. The increase in world populations is not due to the discovery of antimi- crobial drugs nor is it due to the Caucasian discovery that filth caused diseases. The world population was estimated to be over 450 million in the Seventeenth Century. It is now estimated to be five billion-an over tenfold increase. This increase in population started in the 16 th century during periods of famines, hunger, plagues and pestilence. The increase occurred in countries without Caucasian allopathic medicine. Populations increase whenever the lives ofthe public is threatened with extinction. Nobel Prize winner, K. Lornz' research Section 16: Wholistic Perspectives has documented this fmding. However, Caucasian science takes the credit for nature's disease defense reactions, their medical science takes credit for diseases eliminated instead ofthe use ofsanitation and hygiene (use ofsoap and water). The introduction ofeasy to wash cheap cotton underwear allowed for better personal hygiene among Caucasians. Further, the introduction ofthe African method ofmaking transparent glass, which allowed sunlight to enter the dark cave-like homes ofEuropeans improved health. Sunlight stimulated more cleanliness in homes. Sunlight, soap and the end ofthe taboo that for- bade bathing decrease filth and disease more than medical miracle drugs. The Africans introduced soap to Caucasians after the 11 th century. Soap elimi- nated diseases until the belief that bathing opens the pores and causes dis-eases (plagues) to enter the body. This superstition stopped the Europeans from tak- ing baths and diseases began to increase. Filth caused diseases directly and indirectly. The Caucasian homes were filthy with human and animal waste and pollution and they had a diet that con- sisted ofrotten food (parasite infected). This caused diseases. (Conditions of the Working Man in England by Engels, Treatise on Diseases o/Tradesmen by B. Ramazzini). The poverty of the workers and the filthy and polluted environment caused many illnesses. The rich created the poverty and exploited the poor and land (Mediziniche Polizei by Johanna Peter Frank). The usage ofbygiene and cleanliness stopped childhood diseases, not modem medical miracle drugs. ple resulting in diseases. Poverty, nutritional lacking diets, filthy overcrowded polluted cities create cities ofdiseased and mentally ill Caucasians. The overcrowded Black slave and free Black's concentration camps (slums) had no sanitation. This provided a disease atmosphere for Blacks in European slave colonies in the Americas, West Indies and in colonized Africa. Whltes in similar circumstances offilthy, nutritionally Starved, overcrowded . slums suffered from diseases (The Deserted Tlillage by Goldsmith). These "overcrowded dis-eased atmosphere's murdered many Blacks. Caucasians .. were infested with diseases that were transmitted to immune weakened i\fricans. th Caucasians carried many diseases such as in the 14th century lep- togy, 15 century plague, 16 th century syphilis, 17th and 18th centuries' scar- Jet fever, tuberculOSis, measles and pox to their slave colonies and colonial- !':edAfrica. Caucasian diseases added to force overcroWding, filth, hunger and ,-lnono:-diets that served to weaken the health and immunity ofAfricans. The :rospmaI    ioad which biochemically  iOlls pus and chemIcal tOXInS  cause  t  .  chemicals  and destroy  immumty.  poisons.  The  create l ne;  vaccination. Ifthe paranoia  Subsequently, one  .ea 1st the public then an evii dead cell partl- evil bacteria myth falls to mampu  e  .  cle (virus) myth is blamed for causmg a  ..  a virus  DDT  is  a virus,  It is  defined  vaccine IS  a VlfUS, pemcIllm and  Jd'  ease  Whenever a genu or  as  dead as well as living, and can  d.  1S  ase  'a virus is recruited to be the  ria cannot be blamed for the cause 0  adISet ca'llse an illness and at the same  .  b  .  one's system an  no  , cause. A V!TUS can  e III '1In Caucasian science uses laboratory am- time it IS  belIeved to  less.  'th  virus  The animal may react-to- mals (rat or monkey) and illJects them WI  a  .  Section 16: Wholistic Perspectives the virus within a few weeks, months, or not at all.  How a virus (polio virus)  enters the body is unknown.  What is known is that radiation, drugs, vaccina- tions and overfeeding on denatured foods and cooked foods cause weak innuu- l1ity aJld diseases, which inflames and destroy nerves causing Crippling polio.  Caucasian science has claimed to have  cured the world ofpolio with vacci- nations, yet polio still occurs among vaccinated children and adUlts.  Ancient Africans  practiced  inoculation  first.  In  northern Africa,  the  Ashantes used ann-to-ann inoculation. For example, theAshanti health prac- titioner would have a sick person rub their ann's kidney acupuncture merid- ian against the kidney acupuncture meridian ofa healthy individual's ann, This  ann to ann rubbing transferred the disease's aura to the healthy individual and  transferred the innnunity against that disease  through the spirit,  psyche and  then the physical body.  The Baris tribe,  ofLado, used the breasts for inocu- lation. The Nubians were believed to use inoculation for smallpox.  In  India,  the  Vedic  father of medicine,  Dhanwantari  (1500 B.C.),  used  inoculation  and  vaccine.  However,  these  colored cultures  used inoculation  and vaccination on a psycho-spiritual, spirit-psyche, auric and acupuncture sci- entific level. These scientific healing levels and curative devices may be loss  forever and/or disguised in the many healing papyrus stolen by Caucasians.  Caucasians call  this  higher knowledge  a mystery system. It is  a mystery to  them, but not to African Wholistic healers,  The  diseases  caused by contagious  evil  bacteria myth are  numerous. A  review ofa few ofthe dis-eases that destroyed European popUlations and the  diseases Caucasians carried into Africa and all parts ofthe world indicates the  path  of SUPerstitions,  science myths,  ignorance,  greed,  White  Supremacy  Psychosis,  poor hygiene  and uncleanliness.  In  fact,  the  European  diseases  were a useful tool for stealing land and resources, destrOying their enemies and  African peoples. A few ofthese diseases claimed to be cured by Caucasian sci- ence's medical miracles (science) are as  follows.  DIPHTHERIA Diphtheria  is  the  over-consumption of animal  flesh,  which causes protein  degenerative diseases aJld deteriorates immunity. Constant overeating, which  occurred in  European cultures  between food  famines  or in fear  of famines  causes constipation, fermentation and decomposition offood in the digestive  system, putrefied food fonus toxins in the stomach and intestines. Ironically,  diphtheria's so-called bacteria is present in individuals with "colds," and throat  infections.  The bacteria is present at all  times  in healthy individuals accord- .. ing to  the book The Principles and Practice ofMediCine by William Osier,  M.n. Diphtheria and other evil diseases are not found among strict vegetari- or diets that are at least 80% raw or in diets that include small amounts of  flesh.  The Caucasian's  medical science adds this cured dis-ease claims  have cured this  with a medical scientific miracle cure.  This dis-ease was  by Europeans having a steady food  supply and good hygiene.  334 335 AFRICAN HOLISTIC HEALTH TYPHOID FEVER The mosquito can be a carrier of typhoid disease if it has unclean water available. Unclean water has decomposed animal flesh, trash, manure, filth and septic sewage. Mosquitoes that populate the polluted water get it into their body and transfer the polluted water directly into the blood ofpeople by biting them. The body's reaction to the pollution is called Typhoid F ever. The typhoid vaccine cannot replace cleanliness, good hygiene and pure water. For example, the BritishArrny (1918) and French Army (1914) were both vaccinated for typhoid. Yet, they had outbreaks of typhoid and deaths at a high rate. If the natural defenses of the body are allowed to function it will take an individual three to seven days to rid the body of typhoid. However, the continued living in a septic sewage environment with a mosquito population coupled with an under·nutritiona1 diet weak· ens immunity, which causes disease and death. The Caucasian medical sci- entists take credit for ridding the world of typhoid and never suggests that cleanliness solved the problem. CHOLERA Cholera is a disease caused by poor hygiene and faulty eating. Food fer- ments and putrefies in the stomach and intestines, causing toxic poisoning of the body and the destruction ofimmunity. The body tries to eject the poi- sons by vomiting. Vomiting requires the body to use large amounts of fluid (blood serum) and lose water resulting in dehydration. Dehydration causes electrolyte stress, oxidization of tissue, bone deterioration, mood swings, weak immunity and disease. The limited diet of Europeans, plus poor sanitary treatment of foods, along with bakers adding clay and other non-foods to bread, caused this dis- ease. The Caucasian had a tendency to overeat when food was available because of the fear of starvation. Overeating is a mental illness called an Eating Disorder. Caucasians with a fear disease have an eating disorder and are obsessed with eating and tend to be violent toward others and live in constant fear of starvation. Overeating causes constipation, toxic poi- soning, immune fatigue and systemic weakness. During the famine era, Caucasians would greet each other by saying "have you eaten today" as starvation was a constant threat. Periods of overfeeding and stuffmg food in a constipated system and Eating Disorders produced cholera. A steady food supply, sanitary storing of food and preparing food hygienically caused cholera to end-not a medical miracle. SCURVY Scurvy is a vitamin C deficiency. European sailors on long voyages with inadequate nourishment would get scurvy. The general state of health in Section 16: Wholistic Perspectives early (as well as today) is in a mild state of scurvy. The modem diet of whIte sugar, bleached white flour, processed grains (cere- als), foods, canned meats and cow's milk causes scurvy or near .states.   medical science is credited with curing this strictly undemutrltIonal dIetary related dis-ease. The cost of medical miracles requires huge amounts of monies for ,!he Food.' Research and Disease Industries cannot make high profits If mexpensive good hygiene, soap, water, and cleanliness are of and drugs. The Research Industry uses an Afncan SCIence of testing cures on animals. For example, in cultures a patient with a disease is treated by giving that same dIsease and treatment to an animaL A patient with a broken leg has the leg set and herbs are given. Simultaneously, a chicken's leg is broken in a similar location and treated with herbs. If the chicken recovers, the recovers. Ironically, in European culture, a disease is given to an ammal and the curative drug is given to rid the animal of the disease. If the test animal recovers, the drug is safe and the human will be given the same drug. However, if the curative drug does not work the human will be given the drug at a lower dosage. In Caucasian cultu;e the use of test animals is classified as a scientific laboratory test. While 'in African cul- tu:es? !he Caucasians label the animal test as superstitious ignorance of pnmIt1ve savage Black people. The success standard for a drug's animal human test be altered. For example, during a research drug test tnaI, the drug gIven to an animal or human volunteer may cause harmful side effects on the fourth day ofusage. The drug researchers base the drug's success upon the first three days of use and omit the results of the fourth day. Consequently, the drug companies can legally sell the drug as a successful remedy. Research is a form ofpagan Caucasian rit- uals and superstitions. The Caucasians' beliefs in their pagan rituals, ceremonies, science myths and superstitions are used to reinforce and perpetrate the hoax of miracles. are plainly no medical miracles. Soap, water, good hygIene, and cleanlmess and the reduction of superstitions and myths are the miracles. Caucasian illness is and was the result of filth. . The Europeans were caused by their filthy cultural It IS .a deeply embedded superstitions, White Supremacy PSYChOSIS, Eating DIsorder, cooked food, pagan rituals and ceremonies and a of the instinct of health due to unwholistic lifestyles, which causes dIsease (L 'Hygiene Philosphique. by Virby). Europeans made disease a sin and convicted people to death for having colds by S. But!er). believed diseases to be sexually appealmg. The lConographlc and lIterary references have indicated that in the 16 th century in many parts ofEurope a goiter was considered attractive among females. In fact, the plants they liked were dis-eased. In Holland, in the 16th century, tulips infected by a virus (made it have a unique color pattern) 336  337  AFRICAN HOLISTIC  HEALTH  were expensive. This  diseased plant was very popular in many  countries until it was  recognized as  a weak flower.  The degeneratIon  a  man's body,  which caused it to  appear like a woman's body,  was consId- ered attractive during the Florentine Renaissance.  Disease was present in the Middle Ages, in EuroI?e, due to the cave homes  and wooden and loam houses with straw roofs. TheIr caves and h?mes were  infested with fleas,  lice and rats.  Black rats  are  more home-onented and  favored cave homes and wood and loam homes while the brown rats favored  brick homes.  Brown rats  invaded the home for food and then would leave  because they nest outdoors.  Food particles  and meat pieces  on the  floors  caused the rats  to be  attracted to the filthy  European homes  at;Id  caves.  Ironically, the healthy rats bitten by plague bacilli  mosqUItoes usu- ally do not get plague, while the rats eating under-nutnnonal  cooked human  food get the plague. The diseases, ofCaucasians, were  are) caused by a  deviation from nature, and, it is doubtful that the CaucaSians can ever be free  ifdisease or rid themselves ofWhite Supremacy Psychosis (Hygiea or Essays Moral and Medical on the Causes Affecting the Personal State of Our Middling and Affluent Classes by Thomas Beddoes). The Caucasians.try to  diagnose and treat disease because they want to know the nature of  not the nature  of the person who has the disease.  .the  symptom treating therapies views the body's cleansmg  and adaptIve  ability to a disease as a disease. (The Story o/Man, From the FIrst Human to Primitive Culture and Beyond by C.  Coon). Trust in  abilio/ to heal  seems to be the foremost tool of cultures in communal African SOCIety (The Descent of Man by  C.  Darwin,    of ?y  Kropotin).  The African healers beheved a  SIck sp:nt, SIck  SIck fa:mly  and sick village was spiritually, mentally and phYSIcal  for ru: mdi- vidual's illness. This is why the Asclepian (African Irnhotep medical sCIence)  cult in Rome believed that to consult a doctor after 30 years ofage meant that  the sick person was a fool who did not understand that the village, family  ancestors keep you healthy. European hunger, White Supremacy PSYChOSIS,  lack of human technology,  lack of a  healthy village  (society) .and lack of  human and natural resources combined with diseases and unc1ean1llless caused  them to invade Africa for disease remedies (so-called Fountain ofYouth).  The Europeans on explorations (invasions) followed a sequence ?fsend- ing navigators, missionaries, soldiers and  It was the nch who  sponsored the  merchants  that invaded Africa.  The  mcreased  of the  news that the Africans had no diseases, plenty offood and a good life was  lished in books and articles such as the semifactual book  Bn:sz! by  De Lery in 1556;  Captain Samuel Wallis,  in  1767,  his  of  Tahiti  and spoke of the glorious life of the Blacks;  Commerson, a  physician and naturalist on the Ship La    account  journey to  Tahiti  the:e WIth UtopIa;  CaptaIn  Ja:nes  s  invasions were commercIally wntten In many languages and published WIdely  by journalists in London,  New York,  France,  Germany and many other  Section 16: Whalistic Perspectives European countries.  The articles  spoke of plenty of food,  herb  medicine,  excellent health and wealth ofAfrican peoples. This caused the rich power elite  Europeans to  sponsor invasions  of Africa in search of human and natural  resources, wealth, food and health. However,  they also brought diseases and  death to Africans.  African. trypanosomiasis (sleeping sickness) was brought to the African  Ogowe RegIon  the  in the late Eighteenth Century and recorded  ?y SchweItzer. It killed one third ofthe population that had contact with  It: It killed 200,000 out  Blacks in Uganda.  In upper Ogowe,  it  killed  1,500 out of 2,000 In  one VIllage.  In tribes that were isolated from  Caucasian,s ?r with minimum contact with Caucasians, the total amount of  deaths  (nn.lhons)  never calculated by the Europeans because Africans  were  and savages.  Diseased Caucasians made physical  C?ntact With  trIbes. And, these tribes went deep into the African inte- nor and carned Caucasian diseases to  other tribes. This caused dis-eases to  widely .in  For example,  an isolated tribe  such as  the Tupari,  natives ofBrazIl,  third ofthe population was killed by Caucasian measles.  E:rropean measles killed 99% ofthe Eskimos ofthe Canadian Arctic in 1952.  of Europeans had a profound effect on Africa because the African  diet was made under-nutritional.  Caucasians stole  land and used it for their  crops.  This  left poor nutrient soil  for the Africans  to grow their food.  food  grown on poor soil produce crops of inadequate nutri- who ate  inadequate foods developed inadequate  unrnumty an? diseases. Many tribes  farmers were constantly moving in  order to aVOId  the predatory CaucasIans.  The African agriculture became  unstable and the health ofAfricans deteriorated. The Caucasian invaders dis- the harvest season ofcrops and storage of foods  and caused soil ero- SIon,  wells  .streams  spread filth.  The Caucasians indirectly  and dIrectly caused ll111hons to  die and caused others to become physically  mentally and spiritually ill.  '  Mental  and  are associated with certain cultural patterns.  The  mental. disease rate has been on a steady increase. For exam- ple,  psych?sis,  Eating Disorders, Depression,  suicides,  and V1?lence addiction has spread just as the taran- tisn: and  mama mental Illness ofthe Middle Ages. The village fool,  sernle  old and other mental defects have been part oftheir cul- ture. The Kirghizes and Kalmuks Tribes that were isolated from Whites until  1850  an  ofmental illness when they socialized with the  European civilization is  dysfunctional and creates  mental Illness Within Itself. The Caucasian workplace is dysfunctional and has  illnesses among workers who have monotonous work. Studies  mdicated that monotot;Ious  causes impaired thinking, hallucinations,  to  changes m braIn wave patterns, childish emotional response  dIstorted VIsual perceptions.  Caucasian that worked on plantations,  ships,  farms,  factones  and peasant Jobs  were mentally ill. These  mentally  338  339  AFRICAN HOLISTIC HEALTH  Caucasians made contact with Africans and caused not only physical diseases  but also mental diseases.  Caucasian art reveals their diseased state.  The art ofCaucasian culture reflects the health and diseased condition of  their race. Drawings, paintings, functional  artistic furniture,  statues, jewelry,  cosmetics  are  indicators  of the  health  of anCIent .Africans.  Art pictorially reflects facts which written history often  m Plague andPestilence in Literature andArt by R. Crawford (1914) this IS  eloquently  revealed. Europeans made disease into a gift from C!0d or a,od's way of ting rid of the ungodly (African savages and  IndIans).  C:aucaslan  women  and men with  diseases  (such  as  tuberculosIs)  were  as  attractive, spiritual, beautiful and romantic. !his  h?w  Caucasian culture is.  They have  a pSYChOSIS  that IS  escalatmg because theIr  dysfimctional culture compliments psychosis. A  seeks  (dis-eased) answers.  The  confused Cauca.sIan IS  nurtured I? a  functional  society that creates a dIseased  and  However  in the  midst of European  cultural confuSIon  the AfrIcans  dIe  m  untold  The  total  death of Africans  can be  deduced from  the per- centage of Caucasian deaths. The same percentage of deaths' figures can be  correlated to equal the African death toll.  .  Europeans had plagues in the  14th centuIy.  Plagues ki!led  of  the people.  Plagues attacked England  repeated.  from the  Fourteenth to Seventeenth Centuries, destroymg the entrre VIllages and  (History ofthe Plague, 1722 by D.  DeFoe).  The death toll  for  the. African  population is  greater or at  least equal to that of the  Europeans. ASIde  from  plague  deaths,  there were  deaths  caused by. the under-.nutritional  diet that  Africans ate. Africans were forced to eat the disease-causmg European mono- diets and cooked foods because ofcolonialism, land colonialization and slav- ery. The teeth ofAfrican mummies indicate that cavities were rare in Egypt  before  the  dynastic  era.  However,  cavities  among the  rich elite African groups. Ironically, the poorAfrican familIes and  had kept their original whole food  diet were cavity free.  In African tnbe  ofLuo, the children who lived in the cities and ate European Junk  had  a  28%  cavity rate.  However,  Banyarvanda children  who  ate  whIte  sugar,  cooked foods,  and very few European foods had an  11 % cavity  The  ofAfrican diets, land and cultural castration had far- reaching effects. Anthropologists have found that  diets cause  severe  gastrointestinal  (digestive)  illnesses  and constlpatIOn.  DIets  that  acculturated naturally (without European influence) can be balanced despIte  being  limited. African civilization  introduced yams,  peanuts  and com  China  between A.D.  1550 and  1600.  New  foods  caused the  increases of60 to  100 million in 1578; in 1660 it increased to  110 mIllIon;  1741  to  140 million; in 1850 to 300 million.  These  foods  were  by the Chinese; they were not forced upon the Chinese like the Europeans  to the Blacks.  Section 16:  Wholistic Perspectives African Zulus replaced millet with com.  Com yields larger crops  than  Unfortunate!y, com required cultivation oflarge amounts ofland;  resultmg m the destructIOn of sweet fruits  and berries, and other foods.  The  food  merchant  colonialization and cultivation of the  land had  destructIve  on Africans  health.  White  racism was  very destructive.  to  WhIte Supremacy Psychosis dismantled African culture caus- mg  of Africans  to  be  dysfunctional.  Com.caused the  Zulus  to  become dis-eased. The  eventually believed that they always ate corn and  could not fathom that It was  a recent addition to  their diet.  The Caucasians'  poor health and diseases caused their invasion to stop in Central Africa (Health Culture and Community by B. Paul).  '  was  the  White  man's grave and he  did not penetrate it.  Malana .m Algena left many Caucasians dead in the Mitidja Plain. The tsetse  fly,  camer of trypanosomiasis  (sleeping sickness),  stopped  the  Caucasians  and stoPI?ed th:ro from raising cattle crops in Central Africa. In many cases,  the  :gnorant,  superstitious  European doctors  were unaware of  Africa s medlcmal herbs and curative clay.  The word chemistry  derived from the African medicinal clay treatment  system and  One of Its oldest names for  Kemet (Egypt) is Kamt, Qemt  or Keme,  which n:eans Black.  This  word often referred to  Egypt because  black .clay  IS  found  on the  banks  of the  Nile.  Coptics  or Christian  Egyptians  distorted  word as  Kheme and  it  was  further distorted  by the  Romans,  Synans, and Arabs.  The Egyptians used  combinations of  me?lcmal herbs and clay as  well as medicinal metals.  These medical combi- nations were called  because clay was the main curative ingredient  and the    The  further distorted Keme and prefixed the  word WIth  Al  and It became AI-Khemeia or Alchemy.  MEN'S CYCLE,  ORGASM,  REPRODUCTION, IMPOTENCY  The  system of men is often mysterious and crudely explained.  Men have  e:n0tional  trigge:ed by monthly hormonal  changes,  monthly penods of  eXCItatIOn  or Impotency influenced by emotions.  Men a: e  erroneously beheved to be sperm production factories, non-cyclic and  unfeelmg creatures.  . ..  The man's  is  honnone controlled.  Spenn takes  between 60 to  72  days to develop mto a mature organism. Female sperm has two heads (black  ) and male sperm has one black dot.  Male sperm moves fast and female  .sperm moves slowly owing to  its two  heads.  Sperm is stored in a coiled 20- ,  tube ( epididymides) during incubation until it matures. During the  LnClloa1.10n  (maturity) the sperm must be regulated at a constant temperature,  IS  three to four degrees below body temperature. The temperature reg- ofthe  in the epididymides attached to the testes (ball-like organ)  are encased m the scrotum (sac-like). The testicles go up and down in order  338 339 AFRICAN HOLISTIC HEALTH Caucasians made contact with Africans and caused not only physical diseases but also mental diseases. Caucasian art reveals their state. ., The art ofCaucasian culture reflects the health and diseased condItIOn of their race. Drawings, paintings, functional artistic furniture, statues, jewelry, cosmetics are indicators of the health of ancIent Art pictorially reflects facts which written history often m Plague and Pestilence in Literature and Art by R. Crawford (1914) this IS eloquently revealed. Europeans made disease into a gift from   12  Estrogen  Serotonin  Stress, Action  6t> 16  Testosterone  Mixed Ratio  Sexual Arousal (Estrus)  12to28  Progesterone  Melatonin  Growth, Development,  Relaxation  MALE SEXUAUTY  Symptom  ~ Testosterone Syndrome  Behavior, Moods and Thoughts similar to PMS  (often masked with hypersex).  Andropause  Behavior, Moods and Thoughts similar to Menopause. Lack  of sexual desire, impotence, long hair growth in nose and/or  ears (often masked by forcing self tobe overiy sexual)  MALE PERIOD  (Duration of Cyclic Symptoms)  Symptom  Starts Period(Duration)  Cause Testosterone  Puberty  3 days to 2 weeks.  Intermittent and/or sporadic High  Syndrome  Estrogen, Low Testosterone, Unstable  Blood Sugar, Undernutrition, Disease,  Drugs,  LiverStress.  Andropause  SO-years-old  6years or less.  Intermittent and/or cyclical High  Estrogen, Low Testosterone, Low  Progesterone, Weak Adrenals,  Unstable Blood Sugar, Liver Stress  SEX HORMONES (Canbe purchased) Hormone  Chemistry Testosterone  Made in testicles (men) and Adrenal Cortex (Men and women)  Progesterone  Derived from DHEA. Changes to estrogen, testosterone  DHEA Changes totestosterone, estrogen, progesterone. Made from  (Dehydroephi-androsterone)  Adrenal chemicals.  Estrogen  Made byconversion of chemicals from  Adrenals.  SEXUAL AROUSAL (ESTRUS)  Phases  Behaviors  Proestrus  Tends to want to socialize with females, sexual hunting, flirtation  Estrus  Desires intercourse, wants orgasm, attachment  Metestrus  Wants tobe left alone following intercourse, detachment  The Estrus phases can be clustered and occur within one dayor the duration of phases can be unequal  and vary (i.e., one to three daysfor each phase).  Section 16: Wholistic Perspectives HORMONEAFFECTS LEVEL  EMonONS  Estrogen  Normal  Nurturing, kindness  High  Fear, threatening, doubtful (increases fat to hips and breasts in  women, prostate and breast disease in men) Low  Depression, Moody, Alters Leptin Hormone (Appetite control)  Imbalances Tends to like crunchy snack foods  Progesterone  Normal  Acceptance, willingness, caring High  Selfishness, Aggressive (increases fat to breast in women and  causes breast disease in men) Low  Nervousness, depression, anxiety Imbalances  Tends to like creamy snack foods  Testosterone  Normal  Protective, wants to bein control,  macho behavior, flirtation  Imbalance High or Low  Uncaring, wants to have way, aggreSSive. Tends to like symbols of  penis and testicles (Le.,  cars,  erect nipples, guns, ball games).  Tends to like salty foods, alcohol, vinegar and stimulants  SEX PHEROMONES (fer-o-mons) Pheromones •  Non-offensive,undetectablehonnonestimulatingfumes(odors)secreted frompores •  Stimulatessexualarousal(Estrus)inHeterosexuals •  Influencesbehavior,moods, thoughts,PMS,Andropause, Testosterone Syndrome,Menopause,etc. •  Alterschemical,electricalandmagneticbalanceofthebody •  Testosteroneodorandsecretionin thebloodstimulatesestrus MalePheromones •  Highestlevelsduringestrus •  Triggersestrus(biochemically)infemales (Maynottriggerfeelings forphysicalsexbutinsteadstimulateemo- tionalandspiritualaspectsofsex) FemalePheromones •  Highestlevelsduringfertiledaysof cycle(ovulation) •  Triggers estrus in males (maytriggersexual ideation andlorsexual conquestswithoutemotionalspiritualbond) PheromoneImbalanceSymptoms •  Unstablemalecycle •  Moodswings •  Mixedmessagesinconversations 344 345 AFRICANHOLISTICHEALTH • Unpredictablebehaviorandlormoods  Distorted/confusedrationalthoughts  • Lifestyleof excessemotionalsexual causeshypersex(spo- radicandfluctuatingconstantsexappetite) EXCESSESTROGEN Estrogenandsteroidhormones are added to non-organicfruits, vegeta..:. bles,milk, eggs,dairyandmeatscausesexcessestrogen. - Excessestrogencauses: • PMS • Diabetes • Boneloss • DrySkin • EarlyAndropause LowSpermCount(Sarsaparilla increases) • Lossof sexdesire • Baldness • Earlymenopause Splitendsonhair • Artluitis Prostatedisease • Vaginaldryness • Weight,waterandlorfat  increase  • Highbloodpressure • Prematureejaculationandlor dribblingofurine(bothsexes) Takesupplementstobalancehormonelevelandbloodcleansingherbstofirst outestrogen(Echinacea,goldenseal,Burdock,Chaparral,RedClover,etc.). REMEDIES  (CycleProblemsandExcessEstrogen)  Suggestedremediesforhormoneandcycleproblems: DHEA 50mg. inthea.m.  Pregnenolone 100to 150mg. inthep.m.  Progesterone(Cream) Usefrom 12to26daysof cycle  WildYamtablets Followlabeldirections  Histidine 2,000mg.beforebedtime  (promoteserectionthenextmorning) GrowthHormone Followlabel.(Regulatescycle) (ArginineandOrnithine) Melatonin 3mg. (Helpsrelaxandaidserection) Herbs  Theseherbscleanseand strengthentheprostate andareusedforprostate  diseases: SawPalmetto,Yohimbe(canincreasebloodpressure),Pygeum,  Tribulus,Maca,WildYam,MuiraPuama,WildOats,Damiana,DopaBean;  Section 16: Wholistic Perspectives TENTYRATEMPLE CIRCULARZODIAC  WORLD'S OLDESTZODIAC  (Cycles of PlantsandStars)  Aries  Taurus  m Gemini Cancer  leo tt  Virgo  ubra ;j!JJ   S,gllttsrlu, l  Capricorn  '± -.:;.  "i\ii'''''' Aquarius  Pisces  CanbefoundinV. Denon'sDescription de I 'Egypt 1809 andRediscovery ofAncient Egypt byPeterClayton(1982).Forenlargedchart,seepage525. Aboutthelllustration Ancient historyandastrology(Zodiac) indicatesthatthe earth is  presentlyupsIdedownandoff itsaxis. ThePtolemyGreekswhohadSCUlp- turedatthe Tentyra (Dendera}-"Middle"Annu--citytemple the famous  A_1Ll1!! 's circular/concentric star are di;idedinto twelve"signs."It  mdicates of:yearsofAfricanculture,historyandscience.  . . The ZodiachasthreeVrrgosbetweentheLionandLibra.African pneststoldthistoHerodotus(BookIT). . ancientAfricanPriestsknewthatthepolesoftheEarthandthe had fonnerlycoincidedandthatthePoles have been three times WIthin th.eplaneoftheEcliptic.TheancientAfricanInitiates(students) were this(M.Blavatsky,Secret Doctrine II). AllancientAfricanhealthprac- tItIonersusedastrologyaspartofdiagnosingandtreatingdisease. 346  347  AFRICAN HOLISTIC HEALTH  IMPOTENCY REMEDIES  Impotency is the failure to maintain or achieve erection.  Impotency is caused by diseases. Disease that interferes with circulation,  stress and emotions can cause impotency. Men that have mental or emotional  causes for impotence will have erections in the morning or during sleep. Men  that have impotence caused by disease or medication will not. The emotional  causes ofimpotency are multiple. Emotionalism is usually based on a woman's  behavior and not upon the  man's own emotional  acting  out.  For example,  impotency amongst women takes on another behavioral pattern. Women gen- erally refuse  to have  sexual intercourse or are  emotionally not involved in  the intercourse  and these  behaviors  are  not  directly  labeled  impotency.  Impotency is caused by genital diseases, drugs, heart disease, high blood pres- sure and diabetes medicine causes impotence, antihistamines, nicotine, anti- depressants, sedatives, harderring ofarteries, clogged arteries, ulcer medicine,  poor circulation, excess estrogen, electrolyte stress, alcohol, smoking, degen- erative disease, poor nutrition and poor health.  Impotency is  basically a  defense mechanism  of the  body.  The  body  protects the woman from extremely poor quality sperm by temporarily or  permanently ending sperm usage. This poor quality sperm is not allowed  to  leave the man's body. Impotency is not a spontaneous event. It takes an  accumulation of poor physical, psychological and spiritual health. A bod- ily reaction  to  poor health  is  impotency.  This symptom  of a  dis-ease  is  warning the body of a  far more  serious dis-ease  within  the  total  body_  Impotency can be caused by a dis-eased state in the entire body_  However,  when the body has no other means ofwaming the man to alter his dis-ease  producing behavior it resorts to  impotency.  Supplement Dosage Remarks Vitamin BComplex, 8 12 , 8 15 , C, E, Follow label directions. Nourishes and enhances Folic Acid, Para Aminobenzoic sperm and vitality. Acid, Zinc, Selenium See Prostate Problems, page 97, for additional supplements. AMINO ACIDS Histidine Follow label directions. Taken at night on an empty stomach can cause erections. Arginine As indicated. Stimulates sperm growth. HERBS Damiana, Dopa Bean, Ginseng, Gotu Kola, Horny Goat, Maca, Mucuna Purine, Muira Puama, Sarsaparilla, Saw Palmetto, Tribulus, Wild Oats, Yohimbe. HOMEOPATHIC Kali.Phos. As directed.  Enhances nutrients to organs. Section 16:  Wholistic Perspectives Be  FOODS e Pollen, Brewer's Yeast, Dates, Lecithin, Pumpkin Seeds, Raw Nuts, Royal Jelly. GLANDULARS Orchic, Adrenal Pituitary As directed.  Stimulates sperm production. PROSTATE REMEDY  Prostrate problems are caused b  th  ak' '. or swelling ofthe gland. The  :;e  harderun!?,  altered  in  smell,  viscosity    ofthe prostatIc flUId is usu- madequately nourishes and transport  anhd  color.  The prostate  fluid  s sperm w  en the prostate is diseased.  Enlarged Cranesbill, Shepherd's Purse, Witch Hazel  Problems Urinating Gravel Root, Juniper Berry, Uva Ursi  Inflammation Cat's Claw, Feverfew, MSM  Pain Boswella, White Willow  Cancer Chaparral,  Echinacea, Goldenseal, Horsetail, Red Cover  Infection Cranberry Juice,  Grapeseed Oil, Lysine  Promote Erection Histidine  2,000 mg.  1 hour before  bedtime on an empty stomach  As  - - glands  As dIrected  .  St'  I unu ates Sexual arousal.  :,:',::f,'VPlf'nll Health Problems, page 97, for foods.  SUEgar, Salt, Vinegar, Alcohol, Fried Foods  Junk Foods  N  ... eats,  ggs and Dairy.  "  on- 348 349 AFRICAN HOLISTIC HEALTH MAN: THE SEXUAL AGGRESSOR AND OTHER LIES The Caucasian belief that the man is physically the sexual aggressor has contributed to a distortion in women's health concepts and relationships. Penis penetration is caused by the hip movement of the man. Women equally have hips and can be by anatomical definition, the .sexual sor. Anatomically, the man's penis is composed of sponge tIssue whlle the woman's vagina is composed of muscle tissue. The penis is passive (lacks muscle activity) and the vagina is active (is a muscle). In other words, a man (male penis) that enters a cave (vagina) in which is attacked by th?usands ofwomen ( vaginal muscles) could never be consIdered an aggressIve con- queror ofthe woman. This belief is based upon rape. During rape, the erect penis can be forced into the vagina. However, the se;xual intercourse the male and female hips are both actIve. The pems IS stwu- lated by the muscular structure of the vagina. An erect penis is classified under the Female Principle, while a flaccid penis comes under the Male Principle. Sexual aggression is culturally defined and based upon the sex rituals and ceremonies of a culture. Orgasm and Ejaculation . . . Men associate orgasm with the good physical sensatIon ofeJaculatlOn and women believe it is the same as a climax. Orgasm is the pleasant holistic sensation caused by a physically stimulating climax caused by the eleva- tion ofmind and spirit. Orgasm can be achieved without ej aculating sperm. Orgasm is a holistic expression of and spiritual ?rgasm is achieved by men and women when theIr Male and Female Pnnclples com- bine to stimulate the Pineal. The female has the genetic code of her father (Male Principle) and the male has the and teristics (nipples) of his mother (Female Pnnclple). Dunng hohsttc het- erosexual intercourse, the Male and Female Principle combine in a holy union-they become one. The pleasant physical sensation of this reaches its highest height-orgasm during sexual intercourse. Each feelIng (touch, hearing, etc.) and emotion (happiness, anger, etc.) has a A threshold is the lower limit that triggers a sensation and the upper IWlt whereby the sensation reaches its maximum level. For example, a fwgeT will get burnt (upper limit). Stimulation (real or imagi?-ed) of the glans penis (head of the penis) reaches threshold and a sIgnal to the frex: u - lum (sensation center on the underside ofthe pems). The frenulum then trIg- gers a climax and! or ej aculation. A climax is not an orgasm. An orgasm can only be achieved by the holistic union of the complementary sexes of male and female. A man with a man or a woman with a woman (homosexuals) can sexually masturbate each other to achieve a climax but they never have an orgasm or sexual intercourse. Men have a Pnnclple gentle or feminine (i.e., gentlemen) quality. The Male Pnnclple has feml- Section 16: Wholistic Perspectives (not to be confused with effeminate). Men should con- sClOusly and emotlOnally accept the female portion oftheir Male Principle. were created .by their mothe: and father, so they have half ofeach par- ent s sexual, emotlOnal and phYSIcal characteristics. A man can switch to the woman's frequency during intercourse with the A woman can switch to the man's frequency. This dissolves and hannomzes the female/male division. This dissolution returns the woman and to a level. This non-sexual energy is orgasmIc IS spIrItual punty. Spiritual purity is culturally defmed and has no beglnmng and ?O end. Orgasm is a holistic energy, which is the pleasant sensatlOn of a woman's climax and a man's ejacula- tIon and chmax. It is safe to say that very, very few men have had an orgasm. Orgasm is culturally It may be similar to having a special talent. .Very few have the talent (hohstIc cultural sex rituals and ceremonies) achleve orgasm. They have had a physically pleasant climax and pleas- mg sensation from ejaculation and not an orgasm. An orgasI? by cultural definition is achieved by complemen- sexes. It IS a unIt of two different sexes (male/female), which results m the and 'Y0man joined together to form a complement-one unit. The phYSICal bemg, psyche being and spirit being join together to fonn one human ..   spirituality and mentality and woman s spmtuabty and mentalIty Jom and form one spiritual human com- plement. Orgasm is ofwhoIism. Wholism is the expression ofcultu:e. The belIeve men and women are opposite sexes and can achIeve a ,clImax ?y masturbation, homosexuality, rape, sex with chil- dren or deVIces, .masochism, sadism, anally, orally and through nec.rophilIa WIth a dead person). These are Caucasian ways in whlch a woman can clImax and a man can climax and ejaculate. Climax and orgasm two different things. Orgasm is God-centered. A prayer should be Said before sex. Orgasm requires Maat cultural sexual rituals cerem?nies. An African who is not free to practice their culture at all and m situations is in some form of slavery (i.e., psychological, relIglous, ph!"slcal, sex colonialism, etc.). A Black person that uses Caucasian sexual ntuals and ceremonies cannot access the intelli- gence needed to have an orgasm. They are sexually colonized. CONDOMS-THE SIDE EFFECTS oi SEX are a synthetic product with many dangerous chemicals. The SIde effects condoms and the talc powder and spennicidal chemicals should be pnnted on the and the public made aware of them just as they are made aware of the SIde effects of prescription medicines. The in Latex condoms cause the same allergies as latex gloves, mpples paCIfiers, contraceptive cervical caps and diaphragms, underwear, Walst and leg bands, tennis shoes, etc. Condom allergies 350  351  AFRICAN HOLISTIC HEALTH  increase with each use and have been linked to causing food allergies. The  Allergy Analysis Center, in has reported that 7 -,7% of the  population can have latex allergIes whlle The Henry Ford HospItal,  in Detroit, Michigan (USA) reports 6.60/0. The AIDS  (Fe?ruary 19,95)  reported that there might be a  latex  epIdemIc  Latex  allergies  can cause  inflammatIOn of the  vagllla?  uterus  hives  allergies,  difficulty  breathing, rashes, mood swmgs  and  nnmumty  (U.S. Food and  .  The talc powder used as  a lubncant IS  dangerous, It contaInS  sium silicate, boric acid, zinc oxide, coloring agents ,and  chemIcals.  The American Medical Association reveals that talc IS  It has  poisoning when swallowed and when applied to open.skin  oxide has caused blocked hair pores and Zinc Pox skin eruptIOn  ZlllC  workers. Talc contributes to cancer of the uterus and prostate, harderung of  the fallopian tubes, cancer of the ovaries an.d  if  it  cause  monia, lung irritation, vomiting and coughmg. Talc IS  chemIcally SImIlar  to asbestos and has the same poisonous effect and can cause cancer of the  reproductive organs. (Consumer sDictionary ofCosmetic Ingredients by  Ruth Winters' Nutrition Review article, "Dangers ofTalc Use for Women,"  Summer 1995; Times article, "Danger ofTalc Used on Condom" March 15,  1995; Journal ojObstetrics and Gynecology, May  199?).  .  Condoms' sperm killing chemical,  called a spermI- cide.  Phenol, the chemical base for nonylphenolis denved  causing  coal  tar.  It causes  skin  to  die  (necrosis)  and  IS  a  pOlson.  Nonylphenol  is  a poison that  causes  a  low  sperm  and uterus .a!1 d  breast cancer, birth defects, prostate problems, reproductIve abnormahttes  (i.e.,  Fibroids, Chlamydia, Pelvic.  etc.) Talc we.ak- ens the immunity. Condom spermICIde IS  an Endocnne Dlst;Ipter CheIDlcal  (EDC). In other words, it causes hormone and male  lI:nbalances and  perverts glandular function (i.e., Pineal Gland). Endocrme DIsrupters cause  female animals to act like males (Our Stolen Future by Theo Colborn).  The polyurethane  transparent  condom can reduce  sperm count and  cause cancer.  The  chemicals  used to  make  and  con- doms as well as the talc and spermicide are absorbed mto  the. skin of men  and women andcarried bytheblood to organs, nerves,  tIssue, sperm,  eggs,  cells  and the with  cotisequences.  1nere  are-other  factors to  consider aside from the chemIcals.  .  Condoms have  a  13-310/0  failure  rate,  which has resulted In  unwanted  pregnancies (Family Planning Perspective, Vol. 24,  Condoms ?annot  totally block the passage of sperm. Condoms have holes In  are  created during their manufacture. These holes can ?e five nncrons ill diame- ter  which allows bacteria and viruses (dead cell partIcles) to pass through. The  can be abrasive to the vagina, resulting in sores. They are often con- tarrrinated by bacteria growth (lycopodium),  in tumors. Cond?ms  fail to prevent nearly one in every three HIV infectIons. (Rubber Chemlstry Section 16:  Wholistic Perspectives and Technology by C.M. Roland, June  1992; Sexually Transmitted Disease .. Carey, .et  al;  July/August  1992; Manual oj Clinical Micro-biology, 4th  Editton,  ofTexas, Susan Weller, Ph.D.).  The pubhc  be    of the possible side effects of condoms,  talc  and spermtCldes.  Prescnption drugs,  cigarettes, pillows,  appliances,  household cleaners and toothpastes warn the consumer. Condoms present  more ofa health  yet carry no warning or list ofpossible side effects.  The  consumer WIthout  any type  of condom warning or side  effect listed  assumes  that they ar.e  totally  safe and  100% protected.  This  assumption  may prove to have dISastrous results.  Health food stores sell safer condoms.  WHOLISTIC FEMALE/MALE RELATIONSHIPS  The female/male relationship is microcosmic ofthe culture. The relationship  serves  Maat  and  transmits  and  translates  culture.  Black  female/male  (womanlman).relation.ships (monogamous polygyny and polygamous) is the  smallest functtonal.umt ofthe culture. Sex reflects the culture, the sexual rit- uals  and  ceremomes  are  an outgrowth  of the  culture  (Sex, Custom and Psych0l!athology: A Study ofSouth African Pagan Natives by B. Lambscher;  The SClence of Regeneration by H.  Hotema;  Sexual Secrets by N.  Douglas and P.  Slinger).  The Black  female/male relationship is for the upliftment ofthe  and,creatmg a technology (children) that advance the culture. The cul- ture (1.e.,  serves the relationship and the relationship serves the cul- ture.  It taRes  a  VIllage  to  have  a marriage.  In other words  it takes African  to  a holistic African cultural marriage.  Black  folks  are  based  uI?on  Caucasian  rituals  and  ceremonies,  CaucaSIan  and CaucasIan group dynamics. They all have a chat- tel  mentalIty that Negro men must love Black women as  if they were  White  and Negro  must love Black men as ifthey were White  relatlOnships  further Caucasian culture.  African rela- tionships  African culture. African cultural relationships solve African  problems.  fet.nale/male relationships serve Maat.  Caucasian cultural  !?'P,e  White supremacy. Consequently, relationships  men and.  women  just Bk:e relatIonships  between White men and women.  In. the  wholistic  woman/ma!1  relationship in Pre-Egyptian and  culture, the .lllvolvem.ent of dIet was ofprimary importance. The  of  In the maIntenance of spiritual, mental and physical  health IS  well establIshed .(Sex, Nutrition by P. Airola). In fact,  research by  Konrad Lorenz  Pnze) revealed that people act like the animals they  eat: Those  and chemicalized animals  no  longer adhere  to  therr  matmg ntuals.    ceremonies and selection processes.  They  are  forced  mto  sexual  actIVItieS  based upon  eroticism,  sensuality,  mass  352 353 AFRICAN HOLISTIC HEALTH breeding and the animal rituals and ceremonial aspects of the mating process are discontinued or changed to meet the needs of the animal fac- tory. In other words, they have sex but none oftheir animal rituals and cer- emonies (culture) is attached. The animal breeders (and slave breeder) can- not afford the large amount of time that the animal naturally dedicated to the mate selection rituals and ceremonies. These domesticated animals become divorced from their culture and people who eat these animals duplicate their denatured cultural behavior. The quality of food and physical vitality has a direct and indirect effect on the quality of the woman/man relationship. Food (nutrition) is the fuel that feeds the body. Denatured foods such as bleached white flour and white sugar are depleted of nutrients. They weaken the body's ability to defend itself and makes, the body an excellent host for dis-eases. A body thus weakened cannot be at its best. It cannot think at its best or produce good quality sperms or eggs. A body that uses poor quality fuel operates poorly. This lowered function and weakened vitality may not be noticed because the body has energy reserves and a resistive strain and will toler- ate all types ofabuse. It will tolerate drug addiction, radiation, alcoholism, smoking marijuana, polluted air and water, and noise pollution. These types oftolerated abuse and poor quality foods produce a poor quality life, even though the quantity (age) of life may be long. Foods are chemicals and chemicals (natural or synthetic) alter the health, spirit, mind, mood and state of consciousness. The healthier people are; the more able they are to serve the relationship. The male/female serves Maat. And, Maat serves the culture. The culture nurtures and is nurturing to the relationship. The rela- tionship is the seed that the culture grows from. Wholistic sexual relations between Black women and men were spe- cific. In wholism, an orgasm was and is the sublime state of the uplifted spiritual, mental and physical being expressed with sex. A wholistic orgasm cannot be achieved without mutual spiritual and mental harmony based upon the Maat. This wholistic cultural view was often expressed in the communal lifestyle ofAfricans. The culture uses "rites ofpassage" to teach the female to understand the male portion of herself. The woman has a man (not to be confused with homosexuality) component because she is anatomically structured by ma1e-Bp_enn._Ihis component gives the woman the ability to communicate with and feed the emotions of the The acceptance and utilization of the whole self (manJwoman parts) III sexual relations is by definition wholism. The man's cycle, hormonal mood fluctuations and monthly sperm cycle coincide with the woman's cycle (period). These cycles are a physically dominant part of the relationship. The man's emotional and behavioral responsibility during menstruation, pregnancy, birth and menopause is cul- turally defined and taught to him during his "rites of passage." The wholism of the Black relationship is based on concept (whole interrelationship) thinking. In this wholistic state, the woman/man has to Section 16: Wholistic Perspectives use every thought, action, emotion and sexual episode as a vehicle for reaf- firming Maat. Reaffirmation ofMaat dissolves the Caucasian cultural influ- ence on sexuality and relationships. In a relationship, the couple must see a connection between their behavior and Maat, their sexuality and Maat and see their behaviors as African Maat sexual rituals and ceremonies. Otherwise, they will not see God and spirituality in their sexual intercourse. Without God and spirituality involved in sex; sex becomes a feel good behavior, lust and sex acrobatic eroticism. Spirituality and God involved in a Black relationship makes it African cen- tered. In African cultures, an understanding of Maat, the unseen, invisible worlds, unmanifested, immortal and spiritual intelligence was the only crite- ria for a relationship. Sexual spiritual enlightenment acquired through "rites ofpassage" education earned the individual's title ofGod or Goddess. The fun- damental African belief was, ifGod created man, then man would be called God just as the offspring ofa chicken are called chickens. In Caucasian cul- ture, a person whose behavior is according to the teachings ofJesus Christ is called a Christian. In African culture, a person's behavior that follows God's Maat principles were called a God or Goddess. This was not confused to mean Almighty God, The Creator, etc. The true essential meaning of these titles of Gods and Goddesses found inAfrican history has been distorted by the religious bias ofthe Caucasian writ- ers. Spiritual growth and a Maatian life aimed towards achieving spiritual upliftment was the primary objective ofall Black woman/man relationships. Individuals in a relationship were regarded as spirits and treated as spirits. Spirit is the unified energy that moves intelligence and the world and should not be confused with ghosts or dead ancestors. In an African centered rela- tionship, each person was viewed as a sacred presence ofGod (or Creator God or One and Only God). An individual served God by serving their mate. Ifan argument would arise, it was resolved by one asking themselves "How is what I am saying benefiting me? How is my mate listening to me benefiting them and how is this argument benefiting God and serving Maat?" Who is right and who is wrong was not the standard for resolving arguments. Arguments were resolved according to how they benefited Maat, the culture, God and the ancestors. Finding out who is right or wrong in an argument or who is victor and which person is wrong or the victim does not serve Maat. Being "right" must serve and benefit of the person who is wrong and benefit the village, ancestors, Maat and God. In the "Negro Dialect" (African speech   Maat logic is quite noticeable. There are words, which have many meanings. However, Maat selects the "right" meaning. The meaning most "right" for the whole sentence at the time of the sentence's usage in a cpnversation determines the best "right" defInition. "Right" is judged by cor- rectness, justice, harmony, balance, reciprocity, truth, propriety and order (Maat). Relationships between Black women and men founded on correctness, justice, harmony, balance, reciprocity, truth, propriety and order (Maat) are 354  355  AFRICAN HOLISTIC  HEALTH  African centered. The male/female relationship is  a union of God that is the  balance of the spirit, mind and body. The couple is Maat and the living will  of God. Maat means the couple will not destroy their health with junk foods.  Because, to destroy the health means destroying the relationship.  Relationship, water, air, love, children, plants and culture were created by  God and will always exist.  People do not create relationship. People partici- pate in something made by God called a rela1ionship. Relationship is a sacred  creation ofGod. To dishonor, abuse, misuse or morally pollute a relationship  means disrespecting God. Relationship is given to African peoples as another  way to  serve God.  WOMEN'S HEALTH DISTORTIONS Women's health is  surrounded by many  Caucasian scientific  opinions,  myths and distortions. These distortions have an impact upon the dis-ease  and destroys the health of women (Every Woman sBook by P.  Airola).  The  standards of health for  a woman's  body  is  based upon scientific  myths and opinions. For example, science assumes that the moon influences  menstruation. Actually,  the moon is used to  correlate menstruation (hemor- rhaginglbleeding).  The  moon  does  not  induce  or  cause  menstruation.  Caucasian science's  cannot explain why  fertile  women do  not menstruate  each month or why women miss their menstruation cycle.  A missed period  indicates that the body has powers within itselfto regulate itself and does not  depend on the moon. Ironically, the moon is composed ofvarious types ofmin- erals (dirt) and this dirt is many miles away. If one wants to believe that the  dirt called the moon has a stronger influence upon their bodies than the earth  (dirt) under their feet, then they are using a scientific myth, not factual science.  The African Art and Science of anatomy  and physiology reveals  many  facts and many distortions in Caucasian science. Caucasian science assumes  that the planets (dirt), floating thousands ofmiles away have a stronger influ- ence than the  earth  (dirt)  under the feet.  Caucasian science has knowledge  about the rotation, orbits, vortices, galaxies and constellations and little knowl- edge ofthe rotation, orbits, vortices and galaxies ofthe dirt (Minerals such as:  calcium, magnesium, potassium, copper, zinc, lead, silver, etc.) under their feet.  African art aud science ofchemistry place dirt (minerals) in a special category  called the Mineral Kingdom.  The woman's menstruation cycle does  not have  a defmed beginning  end (other than menopause). The cycle of ovulation is controlled by hormones  and menstruation is not part of the ovulation cycle. The hormonal cycle ends  when the women's body has no hormones - this would mean death.  Menstruation,  ovulation and the hormone cycle have a wholistic mean- ing. Contemporary menstruation occurs when the uterus is deteriorating and  hemorrhaging (loosing fresh blood). Menstruation is a period when the  ..  and the  nutrients  from the cellular deterioration of the  egg recycles  in  body, while conception is when a spirit (a child) enters through the  Section 16:  Wholistic Perspectives The  hormonal  cycle  (period)  occ  h selves  and the  thoughts  spiral t  urs w len thought cycles  complete them- Afri  I 0  upper  evels  of mental  growth  In . can cu ture,  menstruation (the  loss  f  fI . anCIent  decayed egg, not hemorrha  in  0  a  e:v  drops  of blood from the  ing holistic occurrence.  was VIewed as a spiritually uplift- hormone  cycle,  menstruation and orrnones react and  to the female  movement in the womb  as a  'd  mlenopause.  CaucaSians  VieW the  fetus'  '  I CCI  enta  movements  Th  fI tu o  saws and moves accordin  t  I . e  e  s was  created by  G  d  of sperm and egg) produce  a ch1ld o  laws of conception (marriage  movements press the acu  UllCtur  .  . e.  s 18  a product of laws.  The  fetus'  unborn child's kicks  stmiulate t:e ofthe  and uterus.  The  abdomen (See Acupressure  and B  ian  sections  of the uterus  and  uterus is  divided into a circular se  t?  y RegIOn  Charts).  The abdomen  and  s;nall intestines; lower region:  Ionlcomposed ofthe upper region:  heart,  tines; left region:  liver, gall  nght  lungs, large intes- spleen. The child, stimulates these re'  t  e ce!lter regIOn IS  the  and  mother's blood feeds the placenta  t and  :ufluences  nutnents that the  unborn child.  .  8  e enrunes the nutntIOnal menu ofthe  . It is generally noticed that durin  lCally  healthy.  The  pregnant wo  gprerancy women appear more phys- duce good  nourishment  !e eansing her b,ody  in order to pro- baSIcally pure. The mother's cells be  tus.  J?e baby s cells and body are  ofthe unborn child  Thi come pure m order to maintain the health  Postnatal  her body from rejecting the child.  ofthe breast milk  Both  ur as well as the newborn baby's rejection  . VlLles are related to the place  ta  Th  .an  p acenta are one. The placenta hel  s tn. . e newborn baby  d  I of the mother to the baby's  0  convert the nutnents and oxygen  attached  to  the baby.  The  bab  co  The placenta belongs to  and is  m:'gnetically with  the  placenJ. A=:t;: blOcherlllcally  electro- With oxygen, nutrients and the ho  .' t  e placenta supplies the baby  centa stores the oxygen the baby  to  The  through the mother to breathin  .ts  e the transrtlon from breathing  before it  stops pulsating (supplg on r  own.  When the umbilical cord is cut  messages  (biochemical and el.;:;g  nulnents) It  cannot receive  Whe  cutting ofthe pulsating cord  from  the  baby to  eject itself.  lccte.y mt!::e placenta end 10",,0"'"  for the baby  destructlon ofthe toxic placenta instead  0  lnggcr    of the placenta out the uterus  R'  t'  ormones tnggenng the ejec- ...... with rejection of the baby :e;:nofthe placenta hormonally gets  't iS The mother's colostrums milk with  Icauses Postnatal Depression.  are needed for the baby's stomach  and bacteria  that  follows  colostrums.  Howev  t  e  t? di?est the breast  t  , ........ ...,,,"',,. '11  of the baby as well as the :'b ,e  s rejectIon (Postnatal  . The baby fmds the mother's  a.  y s .reJectIOn  the mother causes  The baby subconsciously  and rejects the  s  reast rejectIon WIth mother rejec- 356  357 AFRICAN HOLISTIC  HEALTH  tion. Pregnant mothers that are given antibiotics and drugs that. destroy the  teria flora needed for the baby to digest the mille The baby rejects breast IDllk  it cannot  digest.  In this  situation,  rub vegetarian bifidus  on the  breast's nipple so the baby can get the  flora,neede.d to dIgest breast  milk. Vaccinations, medical drugs and synthetic chemIcals gIVen to the mother  and/or baby  can  cause the  rejection of breast milk and  changes  cause Postpartum Depression. Cutting the  cord before  stops pul- sating causes the loss ofoxygen to the baby's bram and lungs. ThIS can  in the baby not breathing properly at birth (absence ofdeep breatI:s).  the baby on the buttocks in order  to force  it to deeply breathe IS  a cnn;nnal  offense that amounts to an assault and battery. It causes a pennanent emotIonal  scar.  The  abrupt cutting of the  umbilical cord causes the  baby to  have  a  decrease in the emotional and mental ability to bond to the mother, bond to  the culture and bond to itself. The mother and child, in some way become sub- liminally and/or subconsciously dysfunctional-either spiritually, emotionally  and/or mentally.  .  Lactation (milk) production is generally distorted. Sexual  and  work Gob) should be abstained from during lactation. !?ese  mter- fere with the quality ofmilk because they alter the  nutntIOnal qualIty ofcells  in the mother's body  and in the  case  of sexual  activity,  alter the honnone  level. Incidentally, the lumps (bumps and clogged areas on the breast) corre- spond to the acupuncture  organ regions.  The breast gets bumps, lumps and  clogs due to a weakness or overexertion ofthe internal organs.  The mammae (women's breasts) are not seen as food vehicles (milk)  their purpose is distorted. Breasts are viewed as sex objects and locked up ill breast nozzles, harnesses and straightjackets to make them appear sexy.  brassiered breasts harness and weaken the pectoral muscles and cut  off crr- culation.  They  stop the breast skin from  breathing.  and/or  panties stop the proper air and  ofthe vagina. This results m vagmI- tis, yeast infection, and other types ofdiseases.  Caucasian facial features and limp hair is the standard ofbeauty for Black  women. Beauty for Black females is based upon spirituality and Maat  ior. Today, women's beauty is based upon muscular  breast SIZe,  the curvature of the  hips,  Caucasoid facial  features,  colors. on  lips  and  face  and the  mutilation  of flesh  (earrings"  nose  IIp  rings).  Caucasians use makeup  to  add color to  therr pale.  skin.  Black  women's skin has color. In African culture,  makeup has spmtual and cultural  meanings. It was not used to make colored women colored.  ,  Another type of distortion is the wearing of high heels. HIgh heals ru: d  pointed toes on the shoes of Caucasians was created as sYn: bols  Ancient Greek homosexual men used them for masturbatIOn.  Wearmg  ,  heels cause the  spinal column to become misaligned,  bod?,  upon the uterus, shifts weight to the toes, tilts the body. agamst graVIty  IS  dis-ease inducing. Misalignment can result in back pam, decrease the  lation to the uterus, cause pelvic tilt, poor posture, and nervous system dlsor- Section 16:  Wholistic Perspectives ?ers. High heels increase  height of the female by sacrificing the anatom- Ical balance of the body. This off-balanced and poor posture is misinterpreted  as beauty.  The  iron deficiency  anemia of female  blood content  is  another distor- tion.  T}lls junk food :esearch conclusion was based upon an iron deficiency  found ill less than 30 Yo ofthose women used in the survey. The deficiency can  that.the  are weakened and unable to recycle and concentrate  This    the prescribing ofhigh levels ofsynthetic toxic  rron to women. This dIstortion has caused women to have biochemical imbal- ances.  .  The  orgasm has been vastly distorted.  Proper sexual stimula- of chtons can  achieved by adequate pelvic-to-pelvic pressure exer- tion,  which  m the.woman having an arousal climax. This pressure  has to be applIed WIth a pelvlc-to-pelvic, up-and-down sliding motion in order  to  an orgasm. Women and men have to be conscious ofGod's presence  durmg  sex know  their spirituality and understand how  sex  serves Maat  sex is reduced to a sensual erotic activity and/or a breeding  Ity ofCaucasian socially engineered slaves.  MENSTRUATION IS NOT NORMAL Menstruation is not a normal in a healthy woman.  Menstruation is the hem- and flow  of fresh  blood.  Hemorrhaging, whether it occurs in the  bram,  lungs or uterus, is not normal. Wholistically, BlackAfrican females  on  dIet  of natural  foods  do  not menstruate. Anthropological studies  on  African women have verified that ancient African women did not menstruate  (See cultural clowns, Black folks and sex).  women follow natural breeding cycles. These natural breeding  (mating) cycles have strict laws. Ancient African women did not have sexual  .pregnant  or  while  breastfeeding  or  menstruating.  Breastfeedmg tradItionally lasted from three to five years. Intercourse while  pregnant causes the body to  alter its nutrient and hormone level. This  alters  the ability to create healthy cells for the baby's body. Sexual intercourse while  a  is pregnant or breastfeeding decreases the health ofthe unborn child.  ExceSSIve sexual intercourse and out-of-cycle sexual intercourse causes  the  woman  to  menstruate:-Sexual intercourse  at night  is  abnormal and  out-of  .. cycle and weakens the sex organs and health. No animal or insect that eats dur- ing  hours has sex at night. Sex during the daylight hours follows  CIrcadian  of the  body.  Nighttime  sex exploits the  female  emo- and spmtually and contributes to the hemorrhaging called menstru- ation.  The vaginal fluid discharge (not vaginal lubrication for sex) ofthe female  Vagfua1 discharge is very high in hormones, vitamins and  It IS  a highly concentrated mixture equal to the nutritional concen- tratIon of semen. The nutrition that is  lost due to this milky discharge causes  358  359  AFRICAN HOLISTIC HEALTH  th  dometrium (uterus slcin) tissue to lose its vitality and deteriorate. This  deterioration is known as hemorrhaging and is commonly called men- struation.  .  E  ki omen men- All women do not have moon cycle menstruatIOn.  s  m? w  .  te on a sun (solar) cycle, every three years or more. TI:err  light and not the gush ofblood oftoday's hemorrhagmg ,menstruatIon.  M :7"truation that occurs among women that are on a natural diet  are not  e  .  a solar  (sun)  penod.  Lunar  wholistic  in  sexual practIces always  occurs  on  (moon)  eriods are a new occurrence among females.  .  LU:ar menstruations (periods) may be socially  and!or  icall  transmitted (passed on from generation to  lunar penod  Y  have been caused by the  consistent and persIs:ent habItual  sex  nd raping  of women and the nutritionally madequate  ?Iet of the  orgIes  a The  lunar  sex rituals  and ceremonies  modified CaucasIan culture  women.  d  tru  f Eventually  the  andmodified the women's honnonal cycle an  mens  a IOn.  , .  sociall  and sexually engineered Caucasian  hemorrhagmg  trait toYfuture females. The Caucasian men's fertIlIty ntuals  ofmen raping Caucasian women has caused them to  for romance,  lust and lunar hemorrhaging  African women m  slavery  colonialism  and  Caucasian  oppreSSIOn  were  caucasian sex rituals and ceremonies and the lunar  as we  I  st and romancing of Caucasian culture. The CaucaSIan relIgIons and  as sex  u  .  Often  blood thinning herbs  medicine believe this abnormality IS  necessary.,  h  that help induce hemorrhaging are  taken by women because t  e women  believe in menstruation. They herbally make themselves menstruate.  M  truation is the loss of fresh blood, not dis-eased blood. It was  . s  co=only believed inreligions that the woman is purging herself of sm- }Jl blood. This Caucasian myth is  subconsciously promoted. by :women  men  It is not a biological or anatomical fact that hemorrhagmg IS  nonna  0  that this blood is sinful and unneeded-it is science mythology.  h  In nature  menstruation among female  animals  occurs  t  e  female is  Female animals such as wild wolves, bears, g?nllas,  i  s  kan  aroos  cats  monkeys, sheep and other female mammahans  feed milk) will    are those domesticated by CaucaSIans sucn as tllu:sc  UlU\. CU,",  J.JJ...'" L The  Mammalian breeding cycle was  explored in the  book titled The Sexual Season ofMammal by Heape.  Heape's research revealed that the  estrous (sex excitation) cycle has stages:  The coming of sex desire (heat)  pro-estrum; sexual, mating-estrus; conception metestrum; and anestrum, the  period between mating. The spiritual and cultural functions of sex are not  mentioned.  Sex is  the  language of a  culture.  Sex transmits  and translates  cu1nu: e  its rituals  and ceremonies (sex positions,  petting, dating,  touchmg,  talking before, during and after sex).  .  The body' chemistry changes, hormone smells are given off,  sensitiv- Ity of senses mcreases  and blood increases to sex organs  during the mat- 398 399 AFRlCAN HOLISTIC HEALTH ing (breeding) phase called estrum. Wild animals, such as tigers, lions, etc. have one estrum a year. However, when the wild cat is enslaved by a cir- cus or zoo, it has three or four estrums. This abnormal sexual mating prac- tice irritates the sex organs and causes them to be overused and weakened. The nature ofthe human body causes a weakness in one organ or organ sys- tem to affect other organs. In humans, the kidneys work Under pressure and the kidneys help regulate hormones and excrete waste created by the overexcited sex glands. The prostrate gland gets overused and abused by excessive sexual intercourse. In nature, once an organ or muscle tissue becomes weak, it also becomes stiff. This stiffness (not to be confused with the penis sponge tissue being filled with blood resulting in erection) is called "nature's cast." For example, if you sprain your ankle, the ankle becomes stiff (''nature's cast") and this stiffness immobilizes the ankle while it is under repair. The same reaction occurs in the uterus and prostate. The prostrate becomes weak which results in "nature's cast." This ''nature's cast" is a defense reaction of the body and is used to immobilize the pros- trate gland so it can be repaired. In females, the menstruation cramps are another example of"nature's cast." The weakened uterus, which was caused to be weakened by excessive sex or menstruation is stiffened while the body tries to repair the damages. However, breathing, walking, stress, fibroids and sex stimulation exerts pressure on the uterus and causes pain ( cramps). Sitting, breathing, bladder pressure and other bodily activities cause the stiffened uterus to move and this movement is called cramps. A stiff muscle and/or organ collects more waste, has decreased oxygen and decreased nutrients and looses its flexibility and this loss causes stiffness. The movement of a stiff uterus is painful and called cramps. The kidneys try to eliminate the cellular waste created by worn out tissues and dead cells. Consequently, the kidneys become overtaxed and weaken. The kid- neys' hormone function, cleansing action and ability to help recycle min- erals (iron) cause it to be related to the two ovaries and testicles. Weak sex organs can weaken the kidneys and pituitary gland. The ancient African and Pacific basin cultures were aware that organs that function in pairs are interrelated and share activities. Chinese medicine such as that in the ancient medical text The Yellow Emperors Classic used the dual function of organ principle. The oldest medical book in the world, written by an African named Imhotep (See Cover), is called the Ebers Papyrus. Organs such as the liver and gall bladder function together; the large intestines and lungs function together (complimentary); and the uterus (male uterus-prostrate), ovaries and testicles function with the kidneys, pituitary, and pineal. The kidney and sex organs go into the descend stage (non-energy generating state between 3:00 and 5:00 p.m.). Nighttime sex stresses and weakens the sex organs and kidneys. It is advised that addi- tional supplements (male andlor female formulas) betaken as each sex act is equal to the energy needed to run twenty miles. Without supplementa- tion, the sex organs get weak and deteriorate. Weakened and/or deteriorated Section 16: Wholistic Perspectives sex organs result in mucous discharge known as venereal dis-ease, prostrate problems, menstruation, tumors, warts, unbalanced hormone (i.e., proges- terone), mood swings, bone loss, loss of hair (baldness), etc. Ironically, excess estrogen can cause sex addiction and reproductive diseases. Hypersex or having sex in order to feel normal is a sign of sex addiction. In other words, having too much sex is a sign of sex addiction disease. The laws of the human body are fixed rigid laws. Similar other laws, such as you are either dead or alive, pregnant or not pregnant, healthy or dis- eased, having healthy holistic African cultural sex or Caucasian dis-eased sex and you are either sleep or awake. These laws, the cyclic (circadian) laws, and the sperm maturity cycle can be found in books such as Stedman's Medical Dictionary. The body and its laws are ancient and have not changed. Historically, selfish Kings demanded that people in their kingdoms violate bod- ily laws. Kings (African and European) demanded that the only daytime activ- ity would be manual labor because labor produced monies for their empires. Kings made people breed more children in order to increase the labor force and thus increase their monies and annies. Today, the Caucasian predatory mil- itary multi-national governments and corporations continue this socializing process. Historically, Black folks subjected to slavery and/or colonialism were made to breed (mate) out of cycle and have sex at night because it meant monies to the White slave master. Ironically, Black folks are still having sex and indulging in sexual lust because they were mentally (not physically) owned by the White slave masters (Caucasian government and/or multina- tionals). They are having too much sex. Excessive sex and sex addiction weakens the physical body as well as the mind and spirit. Birth control pills and devices and prophylactics contribute to hypersex and massive reproduc- tive failures, impotency, venereal diseases, weak and poor quality sperm and eggs, all of which result in poor quality children with short lifespans. Black folks are masturbating and homosexually and heterosexually intercoursing the race to death (extinction). There is much evidence to support African mating cycles. Europeans such as Hippocrates (European Father of Medicine) upon visiting Africa stated that Africans had very rigid sex laws. In the Boulek Papyrus (1500 B.C.), an Egyptian sage, Kneusu-Hetep, states that his son was breastfed for three years. Additionally, in the "Moral Precepts ofAncient Egypt" as recorded by Ptahotep, a government official in the reign ofAssa, a king of the Fourth Dynasty (3360 B.C.), stated chil- dren were breastfed for three years. In traditional cultures (non-Caucasian), during the breastfeeding period of time sex was not allowed. In fact, no ani- mals (i.e., rats, dogs, elephants, pigs, etc.) have sex while pregnant except traditional Caucasian culture. Sex while the female is pregnant changes the hormone and nutrient of the fetus, alters the biochemistry of the female and causes sympathetic stress. This rule of sexual abstinence protects the species and creates a sexual system that sustains a culture. Incidentally, wild vegetarian gorillas when in captivity (zoos, circuses, laboratories) 400 401 AFRICAN HOLISTIC HEALTH and fed junk/synthetic foods and meat become violent. Ani:u-als put into captivity (i.e., oppression) by Caucasians in sex, prac- ticed homosexual activities violently beat therr young chIldren, masturbate and the females begin to 'menstruate. Animals or a race (Africans) in Caucasian captivity develop dysfunctional behaviors. Dysfunctional behav- iors are a symptom of oppression (captivity). Sexual systems are altered and created by each culture. A sexual system is those behaviors performed before, dunng and after cop- ulation (sexual intercourse). Sex is the language of a culture. Sex behav- iors are icons that reinforce culture. In some cultures, the act of sexual intercourse is a mixture ofa series ofrituals and ceremonies such as court- ing, petting and necking, dancing, singing, alcohol and [mally the sex act. While in other cultures the parents of the matmg couple get together, perform rituals and ceremonies that 'Yith deceased ancestors and God. After this formal socIahzmg, the day and tIme of marriage and/or sex of the mating couple is arranged the parents. In other cultures, a test ofvirginity is given to the female and Ifshe passes the test she is allowed to have sex with her mate. The net result ofthe sex sys- tem: is to transmit, translate and reinforce the culture and be in spiritual communion with God and then reproduction. The Caucasians' colonization of sexual behavior and systems by chat- tel slavery and social engineering is far In addition slavery, sex- ual engineering has been caused by CaucasIan created Afri.can Wars on the continent, by interracial marriages, intercultural marrIages by sex inspired media (movies, computer games, music videos, songs, etc.), menstruation, perversions, pornography of sex), forced intertribal marriages, rape, venereal dIs-eases, the of breastfeeding, sex exploitation, forced monogamy and Europeamzed Ille- gal gamy (polygamy practiced as deceit), etc.. . Black folks are sexually cultural clowns WIth no Idea of what accul- turated holistic sex means. Ancient African families got married and had a couple, the couple got married and then dated each other, the band/wife loved their mate until their mate became the person they deSIred to love non-homosexual marriage between two or more women that selected a male to marry (polygyny), it takes a village (community support, culture) to have a marriage and to raise a Holistic sex a ture while Caucasian type sex erodes the African cultural baSIS for sex and equates sex to an acrobatic fun event. The natural laws can be conden.sed as follows: The sex is communion with God and the ancestors, sex I.S a spiritual activity, sex transmits and translates culture and natural.matmg cycle (season) for humans is approximately every three'years. ThIS cycle is a solar cycle (the uterus is on a solar cycle and ovanes are on a .... cycle). The majority of the births among all around the world .. occurs between the months of June and July. ThIS places the human ing time in September or October at approximately three-year intervals. Section 16: Wholistic Perspectives nature, all mammalian (milk drinking animals) females do not have sex while the female is pregnant (one year of sexual abstinence). Mammalians do not have while the fe:nale is nursing (two to three years of nursing and sex Sex1l:al mtercourse at these times destroys the quality of and alters the hormone and nutrient quality of the mIlk. HolIstIC laws, If followed, would mean that a man with one wife would have reproductive sex every three years at the most. While a man with two or more wives would have reproductive sex every two years at the most. Aside from this, the women and men abstain from sex for one year after the end ofnursing or a miscarriage. This period of time allowed the woman to revitalize the reproductive system. In any case, many Caucasian sexual lust standards, chauvinistic medical science principles religious laws and social standards are created by men to benefit men and sexually exploit females. There are two types of sex-regenerative (injaculation-do not release and (ejaculation-release sperm). Sexual regeneration IS a method oftransferring the orgasm sensation to the pineal eye). feeling is reached without female or male having a clImax (pems IS Withdrawn out of the vagina). The climax sensation is sent to the pineal. This is called sexual regeneration and this type ofsex can be per- fonned often. Chauvinistic African and European men contribute to the deteriora- tion of a woman's body. Men are responsible for half of the births abor- tions, fibroids, miscarriages, venereal dis-eases, morning sickness dif- ficult menstruations. Incidentally, pregnant females without male holistic support and develop emotional, behavioral and holistic prob;.. lems. only occurs when a female animal is put in captivity (oppressIOn) such as a crrcus, zoo, farm, domesticated as a pet or enslaved. In nature, no female animals (so-called wild animals) menstruate. In other words, oppressed (enslaved) women will menstruate. Oppression can ?emampulatlOn and control on a spiritual, social, physical, emotional, mtellectual level and in the form of sexual servitude or sexual excess. Menstruation, impotency, reproductive failures such as still births defor- mitie,s, retarded children, children born with hyperactivity or attention defiCIt, confused, infant addicts, miscarriages, premature babies, etc. are SIgns of hypersex, Caucasian sex customs, poor quality sperm and/or egg and sex oppression. In cultures women were not inferiorized and sexually exploited by men, the women dId not menstruate. Menstruation is the loss of thirty times the amount of calcium found in systemic blood. Thus, the bone Structure is smaller and degenerated due to menses. Healthy menstruation was the blood the egg and the superficial endometrium tissue that the egg was attached It was, a very light blood flow and lasted from one to three days. A sani- napkin mayor may not be required for this healthy type ofmenstruation.   menstruation with a heavy blood flow that has to have a san- 402  403  AFRICAN HOLISTIC HEALTH  itary napkin is caused by the  of the uterus ..In fact, menstrua- tion's definition in today's books IS  defmed ashemorrhagmg.  The earlier cultures such as the  ancient Gauls had women who were  physically equal  in physique  as  men  and they  did not  In  Ammian and Diodorus writings, women were reported as bemg stronger  than men and were able to fight side-by-side in  with  The Andombis women of the  Congo  had splendId physIques.  The  Papuans,  women were taller and  stronger than men. Ancient Teutons'  female skeletons revealed that they were seven feet tall.  .  '  Menstruation,  petty  rape,  inferiorization,  sex  homosexuality, pedophile rape of girls and female prostitutIOn IS  the  Caucasian civilization. It causes the  uterus to  react by detenoratIng  and menstruating. In the booklet, Special Instructions  to  Women  by I:!. Butler  menstruation and genital mucous discharge (leukorrhea) are IndI- cated to be pathological (a dis-ease)  and it disappeared when women  in a socially unexploitative sexual environment. ,In  book RegeneratlOn  for  Women  by K.  S.  Guthrie,  M.D., menstruatIOn  Is.docume.nted  the  deterioration  of the uterus,  caused by the  loss of VItal  nutrIents  In  the'  mucous discharge. The cells lose their biochemical structure dll:e  to  discharge, deterioration and hemorrhage  rehgI?nS  say  that menstruation is  caused by the ongmal female  sm.  Menstrt:-atIon  means to purge the body ofsin. In  Woman ?y Havelock  the  anatomical structure  of women is  SCIentIfically venfied to  be supenor t?  men. However, the social freedom that women enjoyed in the ancient agn- cultural communities  in which collective families  were  the  norm,  men- struation was unheard of and  holistic  mating  cycles  were  followed.  The  Caucasian colonization of sex rituals and ceremonies,  of slayes  (domestication), the labeling ofAfrican culture's sex laws  eVIl  itive, the colonization ofAfrica and slavery destroyed Afncan  sex.  Ironically, the  sexual position of the man on.top  of  dunng  course is called "the missionary position." ThIS restrammg  pOSItion  was used by Caucasian male and female missionaries to  slaves.  The missionary position identifies that there are problems m  tionships,  sex  and menstruation.  These problems  are ,engIneered  mto  African folks'  lifestyle and are believed to be normal.  IS  not r:- ormal  for  a Black person to adopt Caucasian culture and  a whIte pers?n.  Black folks  are exploited and enslaved by unhohstlc  behaVIOr.  A purely sensual approach to sex is the approach that ?reedmg slaves were  forced to use. An example of this is kissing.  IS  a  sexual  and friendship  custom while  the rubbing  of noses  IS  Eskimo  Kissing  has  been found to  exist in African  pIctures  hIero- glyphics. However, Caucasians have redefined  and  It as a way  to keep Africans attached to Caucasian culture.  men  each other  and African women kiss each other because klssmg IS  a spIntual  Caucasian kissing between men and women is primarily sexual.  Section 16:  Wholistic Perspectives  folks quote Black literature, speak about the greatness  ofAfrica,  Aft;tcan clothes,  some have African names,  reclaim a nat- ural food African dIet,  African hairstyles, talk about being Black and  Proud  go to bed at mght and have sex just like they are  still owned by  the white Slave  They probably have sex in the Master's bedroom.  !hey are psychologIcally owned by the white master (Caucasian culture)  If they do not say a prayer and ask God to guide and spiritualize their het- erosexual sex.  Not  must. B!ack folks  do  away with the illusion of being able to  Afncan holIstIC  sex, but with it, Blacks must do away with the illu- SIon  recovery  of lost holistic  sex  is  our main hope.  Culture  defines  sexual ntuals and ceremonies. To be sexually free  ofCaucasians, you would  have to be ,?ulturally  means being able to practice your cul- ture  at all  tImes  m  all SItuations. You must first have your culture  in  order to  have. sex ntuals. Recovery ofAfrican holistic sex means freedom  CaucasIan c,ontrol  (mental  and  physical).  The African  culturalized  sex  IS  hIdden ?y nature, time, events, history, and obscured by a  EnglIsh  and  other  Caucasian  languages  must  be  translated as those languages have locked away the infor- mahon  to translate Black holistic sexual heritage.  The  of ow:  systeTI?- requires the use of all types of thought  The  mmd-Male Principle) reasoning process    Isolatmg  and analytical taking apart  of ideas.  The  (nght  Principle) reasoning process requires  the p:uttmg  and bUlldmg of Ideas. The "circular" reasoning process  reqUIres  the  umtmg  of ideas from  any  and  all  sources  that tell  the  same  story. All  reasoning processes are used simultaneously from a spirit  centered s.pmtual focus.  If we use our left mind with a spiritual base  and  all reasom?g processes, we can retrieve lost "aboriginal" holistic African  sex  sex fr?m our preslavery memory (genetic code).  .  RemventlOn takes  mto  account that we are  a  mixture of an  ancestral  kingdom,  cultural kingdom and spiritual/deity kingdom that can reinvent  sex and  cultural in a contemporary language that our children can  hear.  Our Afncan sex system must be shaped in contemporary behaviors  that our  can connect to and feel. It is  available in ancient rituals and  but needs to. be translated holistically so our youth can use it.  w.e Just have to  extract It.  We  have to  extract it from an African holistic  VIew:  Thus,  our sex will benefit spirit,  mind and body.  We  do  not need  sex, as we are not slaves breeding slaves.  The African cultures'  ffilx!TIre  of the past, present and future has preserved our methods for  lib- eratIon.  In other  the  is in the  "present." The present sexual  fragments  of Icon  need to be holistically retrans- lated. The  m the behaVIOr has to be psychospiritually surgically  removed:  Sex solutIons  are  contained in the present  sex  system  in some  altered dIstorted form. The various codes of the continuation of matter and  404 405 AFruCAN HOLISTIC HEALTH energy of DNA, of sexual cultural traditions, create and insure that holis- tic ancient sex modes are interwoven into current good, bad, distorted and perverted sex modes of behavior. They are somewhat superficially con- tained at the perimeter ofthe behavioral surface or by simple behavior par- allels. Sexually domesticated peoples are bred to reproduce their own kind just as in chattel slavery slaves were bred to reproduce their own kind. The field niggers bred (mated) with field niggers in order to produce a better quality offield niggers. Caucasian culture socially engineers college grad- uates breeding with other college graduates and the wealthy upper class breeds with the wealthy upper class. This results in a massive sexual domes- tication ofpeoples. People are domesticated to believe that there is only one way to mate and that is the Caucasian culture's way. This is sexual colo- nization and the domestication of sex. History can reveal much of the sexual nature of undomesticated man. However, history does not repeat itself any more than you can repeat your yesterday. Cultures develop habits and these cultural habits are behaviors, which repeat themselves. Cultures develop bad habits and g?od habits a reporting of cultural habits, racial habits and/or human habl!s are repeated in history. The original context of how the bega.n locked in time and events and astrology. In a natural state sex IS a holIstic encounter practiced during the day hours (preferably between 10:00 a.m. and 2:00 p.m.). The bad cultural habit of night time sex is locked in the social engineering scheme ofthe power elite, feudal kings, Caucasian bar- barianism, etc. There is a tendency to overlook the natural breeding hours ofAfrican peoples and to equate Caucasian sexual behavior as the same as African sexual behavior and, at the same time, to defme African culture's sex sys- tem , on the evidence of Caucasian anthropologist. Caucasians defmed . African Maat culture as primitive sex mixed with rituals, taboos, and magIC. The Caucasian definition is taken as correct by African peoples because they are addicted to Caucasian culture and/or have a sex addiction. The Circadian rhythm of the body, mating cycle and moon and sun cycle ofthe reproductive organs define sex as a daylight hour holistic God-centered activity. Victor Turner's writing on African societies, especially ofthe Ndembu Lunda ofZambia by European academics. He is a White Supremacist who is considered a fairly unbiased sympathetic observer. He observed that Africans had sex during the day hours and he deduced that African sex was full of delusions, hocus-pocus and unsound rituals. The undeveloped Caucasian linear thought causes them to believe and then see. In other words, they do not see and then believe. Their mind tells them that their eyes are lying. They have a Bipolar White Supremacist Psychosis and see with their beliefs, not with their vision. What their eyes witness was African culture and African sex in the context of African culture. Sex mirrors cul- Section 16: Wholistic Perspectives ture, reinforces culture and transmits and translates culture. The holistic nature of sex and the religious and ciIltural influences upon sex are lost to the naked eye ofan alien Caucasian cultural observer, and, they are lost to contemporary unholistic Black folks. The vast majority of Blacks are socially (seas?nin) to follow a strict monogamous marriage form, and Caucasian sex ntuals and ceremonies. Within the Caucasian cul- ture's I?ractices pedophilia, pornography, homosexuality, mas- turbation, mcest, necrophlha, sex with animals and has Freudian hidden subsconscious meanings. . .A Black with a slave mentality never supports polygyny, infe- nonzes African polygamy as a sex playground and seasonin Blacks follow Caucasian sexual appetites as normal. Nonetheless, monogamy, polygyny and polygamy were practiced side by side in Africa,and in unity with God and spirituality sex was the focus. The sexually polygamous woman acted out her sexual and/or social need for companionship within her monoga- mous, polygamous or polygynamous African marriage. Within African culture, she had socially acceptable events and ceremonies that allowed her to have the liberated freedom to have sex with more than one sex partner or more than one companion. In contemporary Black society, she is conSIdered sexually unfaithful and without morals. African society is uni- lineal, patrilineal and matrilineal with sex rituals and ceremonies for each. In patrilineal African societies, the sex culture adjusted to support it. Sexuality and mating is different in matrilineal as well as unilineal African societies,. Today, sexuality is strictly defined upQn patrilineal sex, rituals and ceremomes. The sexually polygamous womanln matrilineal African soci- ety is not sexually unfaithful nor a but a reality within   Monogamy as moral and polygyny and polygamy as Immoral IS for.ced upon Africans (seasonin, socially engineered) and causes cultural abraSIOn and a deep conflict in the cultural psyche. Created by our culture, our culture defines our diet. Our beliefs are by eat. Ifwe eat a diet ofcloned, genetically modified, hybndized, cheffilcahzed and honnone treated the domesticated plants then our thoughts are influenced by the Caucasian culture that freaked the veg- etables and   When Africans eat Caucasian domesticated plants grown on slave plantatIOns, they develop the aura and/or chemicalized domesti- cated nature of the tame plants. In other words, we are what we eat. Sex has colonialized. and domesticated and Caucasian. A sexually colo- rual,lzed Caucasian domesticated African is called a citizen, Every African CItIzen of a puppet African country or so-called independent coun- try or country is a trained tamed sexually controlled puppet of the CaucaSIans. A slave's sex is never a holistic sex or natural sex. Blacks do not know true holistic sex any more than a clown can know life outside a circus. African h?listic sex (systems) of petting and necking regeneratIOn, caressmg, sex positions and sexual spirituality are Icons that build, sustain and maintain culture, Sex is neither physical nor 406 407 AFRICANHOLISTICHEALTH mental.Itis amelaninatedhannonyoftheearth, lunar, solarandgalaxy cyclesofthebodythatisancestral,Maat,Godlyandspiritua.I.Sexwith.an Africanprogram(acculturation)allowsyou accessyourhigher glory. SexusingaCaucasiansexprogramwdlneverallowanAfricanto accesshis ownintelligence. . TheAfricansexualcultureis icons and smallkeynote deVIces that storeextremelyvastcomplexdata   cultu:e destiny. AfricansexualitycreatesaculturallearrungdeVIcethatIS VOIdofCaucaSIan culturalcontamination. ThequestforholisticAfricanculturalsexshouldstartwithafewguide- linessuchas: • Sayingaprayerandasking to blessyoursexualact;  Sexduringtheday(whenpossIble); .  • SexualRegenerationas wellasSexualReprod?-ctIon . Sexualabstinenceduringpregnancy,menstruatIonandbreastfeedmg; • Breastfeedingofchildren; . Men participatinginthebirthceremony/ntual and aplacentacere- mony/ritual; . . Emotional, mentalandbehaviorsthatindicateparticipatIOnIn preg- nancy,menstruationandmenopausebymen; . • PassivesexualrolesduringsexbymenanddOmInantrolesforwomen, andamixtureofroles; • Thinking aboutprocreationand forsex; .  Aftersexpetting,caressing,prayer, an.d necking;  • Usemore(non-sexualintercourse)behaVIOrofshanng; • Eatinganaturalfoods diet.  Donoteatonehourbeforeoraftersex.  Theholisticsexviewshouldnotlooktoancienthistorytosolvetoday'ssex problems.Africansexualitymustlookmoreinternally, cultural contradictionsandtranslateancientsexritualsandceremomesmtoacon- temporarybehaviorthatyouth   feel and.use. Menshould learntoaccepttheirFemalePrinCIple (African m them). other words,hisgentleman.ThisisnottobeconfusedWIth The womanshouldbesensitivetotheirMalePrinciple(Africanmanill her)and learntouseandsharethisemotional,mentalandphysicalenergywithher mate.Thisisexploredinthebook,The Secret of byI:I0tena. Theholistic perspective (spiritual, mental andphYSIcal), which can helptosustainBlackfolks, canbefoundin suchasSex byAirola, Sexual Secrets byDouglas and SlIngerandNative Medicine byG. W. Harley. In thepamphlets "BlackDot(HumanItI.es Ancestral Blackness)" byR. King and"The Cress Theory ofRaCIal Confrontation"byFrancesCressWelsing,thesignificanceof melaninin theuniqueanatomyofBlacksandcellularcreationis froma scientificposition.Diet and Nutrition byBallantme,M.D.,P?mts to someracial andcultural differences needed tobecomemore enlIght- enedaboutcultureandholisticsex. Section 16: Wholistic Perspectives UntilBlackculturegetsridofnighttimeslavesexandotherCaucasian sexualdistortions,theywillproducepoorqualityeggs, spermandadis- torted sexual cultural language for their children. They will be the Caucasians'culturalclowns(culturalmisfits). BIRTHDATEAND BIOLOGICALDISPOSITIONS Births were cyclicallyplannedbythe parents orthe food supply. Many times,astrologicalchartswerecasttohelpthecoupleplanchildren.Number one represents January, tworepresents February, etc. A personbornin numbersix(June)wasconceivedinthetenthmonth(October). Springandsummerbirthsmaybepronetorespiratorydiseasebronchi- tis, tuberculosis,kidney,heartandcirculatorydisorders. Autumnandwinterbirthsmaybeproneto digestive disorderinthe liver,gallbladder,spleen,pancreasandsmallintestine,illnessofdiabetes, constipation,stomachulcers,diarrhea,andnervousdisorders. WOMEN'SWHOLISTICHEALTH PhysiologyoftheWomen'sReproductiveSystem The woman'sreproduction systemis primarilyinternalandis notmore complexthantheman'scycle.Theman'scyclehastemperaturedrops in themiddleof themonththatcorrespondsto theovalutorymid-cycletem- peraturedrop.Inaddition,aman'stemperaturerisestoahighlevel,which correspondstothatof thewoman'stemperatureafterovulation.Thespe- cifichormonalcausesoftheman'stemperaturecyclearethesameasthe woman's. He has the samehormones as females (estrogen, testosterone andprogesterone). Theyaremadebyconversionofonehormone into another.The sexorgansareexternalandinternalandthefemale'sare internal.The internalreproductiveorgansconsistof theovaries, fallopiantubes,uterus,cervixandvagina. The uterus is located approximatelythreeto four inches belowthe navel.Therearetwoovaries,oneoneachsideoftheuterusandlocatedon eachsideofthelowerpelvicarea.Theuterusisconsideredabodywithfour appendages two arms (FallopianTubes) andtwo legs (ovaries). In Africanscience,theuterus'fallopiantubes'healthisreflectedbytheanns andthehealthstateoftheovariesarereflectedbythelegswhilethehealth stateofthe torso and internalorganis relatedto theuterus. Theovaries secrete the hormones estrogen andprogesterone and the adrenalglands converthonnonesintotestosterone.Oneoftheprimaryfunctionsof estro- genis to aidinthemaintenanceanddevelopmentoffemalebodilychar- acteristics suchasbreastdevelopmentandbodycontour. (A Textbook of Gynecology byCowperThwaite). 408 409 AFRICAN HOLISTIC HEALTII There are five aspects to women's sexuality. Menstruation, pregnancy, childbirth, nursing and menopause. Conception bonds life and a menstru- ation inhibit natural life (Maternal Emotions by N. Newton). The first day of menstrual bleeding is called day one ofthe cycle. Whether the intricate hormone feedback system of the endocrme glands, starts with bleeding, is unlikely. The pituitary is part ofthe honnonal cycle and not its co-worker hypothalamus. The to changes in the Earth's magnetic field and the effects of solar actIVItIes and this has an effect on the hormone activity. The hypothalamus has a con- nection between astrological conception and birth control. Aside from the pituitary and hypothalamus, effects upon menstruation, the honnones estro- gen and progesterone can cause mild diarrhea and weight loss when out of balance (Astrological Birth Control by S. Ostrander). . During the first five days of the cycle, the I:ncreases and estrogen which decreases causes a release Ho:r;mone (FSH) from the pituitary gland. The FSH stImulates the follIcles .m the ovaries. When the eggs are in the ovaries they cause the productIOn of estrogen. . . . The estrogen stimulates the growth of the skm mSIde the uterus (endometrium). The skin gets thicker and richer in blood. and the of the· uterus prepare for the fertilized egg. The egg Implants m endometrium whether fertilized or not. The mucous plug of the cerVIX becomes thinner and more slippery, which assists the sperms travel thr?ugh the cervix. During this part of the cycle, one of the undeveloped follicles begins to outgrow the others, becoming the Graafian follicle that produces the egg for the month. As the Graafian follicle toward the of the ovary, preparing to eject the egg, the fallopIan tube ?n the SIde reaches under the ovary to receive the expelled egg. The mcreasmg estro- gen level starts to block the FSH from the pituitary (Anatomy and Physiology by E. Steven and Ashley Montagu). .. The Graafian follicle has a higher amount of prostaglandms, whIch causes the ovary to contract and eject the egg. While this occurs, ovary turns to the side close to the hair-like (fimbriated) end of the fallopIan tube that engages the egg and its protoplasm. Inside the tube, the egg travels slowly to the uterus, by fim- bria (hairlike fingers). The ruptured Graafian follicle develops mto the pus luteum (yellow body) and secretes and to ulate the uterine lining which becomes spongy. ThIS causes an Illcrease m resting (basal) body temperature. It is (.4) degree temperature increase or more and IS a SIgn ofovulatIOn. A decrease of body temperature occurs after ovulation. However, if a pregnancy does not occur the increase in uterus skin hemorrhages and passes out of the body the vagina. This is called The cycles continue month after month until a woman IS III her late fortles or fifties. When the ovaries cease to produce an egg each month, the woman Section 16: Wholistic Perspectives has begun menopause and her childbearing period has ceased (Review of Medical Physiology by W. Ganong). The external genitals are known as the vulva. The vulva is not one specific organ. It is the name given to the entire outer area of the genital urethral organs. This includes the clitoris (female penis), the urethra (urine 0':ltlet) the opening of the vagina. These are encompassed by the labia (lIps) mInora and majora. The vagina is a tubelike Structure consisting of s?I ooth and .lined with soft mucous membrane tissue. Spenn is ejaculated Into a area near the mouth ofthe uterus. This vaginal area and mouth (cervIx) of the uterus are lubricated by the secretions of the gland, which two small glands located near the opening. The urethra. IS a part ofthe urInary system. The uretha is a tube that urine passes It IS located the clitoris and the vagina. The anus and pubic are not, techmcally considered part ofthe vulva even though most diSCUSSIOns of the vulva inevitably mention them because of their close proximity to the vulva. The organs of urinary are the kidneys, ureter and kIdneys are behInd the abdomInal organ near the lower ribs, restIng agaInst the muscles of the back. They are protected by a cushion of fat, which assists in retaining them in position. Urine is drained from the by a narrow tube called the ureter. The ureter connects the kidneys WIth the bladder. The bladder is a sac that stores urine. The urine leaves the bladder through a tube called the urethra. Because the external female reproductive and urinary systems are very close, a disorder of one system WIll often affect the other. For example, a vaginal infection (reproductive system) might cause a burning sensation during urination (excretory sys- tem). The majority of health problems that women have are related to the reproductive and excretory systems (Cyclopedic Medical Dictionary by C. Taber). DISEASES AND PATHOLOGY Leukorrhea Disease Leukorrhea is the white uterine discharge that contains white blood cells and excreted dead or damaged vaginal cells. The white blood cells indicate that it is a disease condition. ,Nonnally, the vagina has a balance of bacteria, flora (plants), microor- and yeast. Doderlein ?acillus bacteria helps maintain the pH of the vagInal flora. The nonnal vaginal flora is slightly acidic. This is caused by the fern:entation of lactic acid from natural sugar (glycogen) by the bacillus (bacteria). Antibiotics kill the Doderlein bacillus (bac-   and weaken immune system. Antibiotics cause the acidity of the vagma to be low, whIch causes yeast to multiply, creating a yeast infection. 410 411 AFRlCANHOLISTICHEALTH Normallytheuterus'leukorrhea(mucosalskin deterioration) remainsveryslight.Aslightleukorrheais secretedbythemucousmem- braneskinthatlines thegenitaltract. This slightleukorrheaprotectsthe mucousmembraneskinliningthe genitaltract. Thecellularquantityand mucousalqualityofuterussecretionschangesbeforeandaftermenstrua- tion sexual intercourseandthebirthingofa child. Allforms ofstress cau;edbyexhaustion, chemicals,hypersex, drugs, fatigue, catarrh,junk foods andemotions cancause changes in thecolor, odor, thickness and amount ofleukorrhea secreted. Secretions are also alteredbyestrogen, whenthe estrogenlevelrisespriorto ovulation, theuterus secretionsare clear,slipperyandwatery.Thisiscalledthewet asl?ngas thesecretionsremainnonnalduringstressors(chemIcal,emotIonal,dIsease, etc.)andovulationestrogenincreases,the cannotbe as pathological.WhenleukorrheamucosadIscharge becomes chromc or severeandthecolor,odorandthicknesschanges,itisatypeofleukorrhea disease. Pathology .. . LeukorrheaisprimarilyanabnormalcatarrhalconditIOn(mucoussecretI?n) similartonasalcatarrh(runnynose) and epidermalcatarrh. TheclaSSIfi- cationofthemucousdischarge(catarrhal)diseasedependsuponwhether itiscausedbycellularwastecongestionof themucousmembraneor inflammation.Emotions, anxiety, tension,fatigue andstressorscannutrI- tionallydrain the cells ofthe mucosal skincausing it to deteriorate, get infectedanddischargeleukorrhea.Extremetensioncancausethemuscle thatseparatesthevaginaandanus(perineal.muscles)toc?ntractandblock ' thedrainofvaginal secretions. The secretIOns blockedm the uterus can becomeseptic,irritate,infectand/orinflametheskin leukorrhea. Thevaginalcatarrhdischargevaries,basedonboththe and diet. BothcancauseadiseasevariationinleukorrheaconSIstency,WhICh dependsonthetypeofskin(derma)involvedandtheoriginof.discharge (fal1opiantubes,uterus,ovaries,vagina). Vulvaleukorr?ea,whIch. primarilyinadolescents isprincipallyoily(sebaceous)m compOSItIon. It isusuallycausedbyexcessivesexualintercourse, excess estrogen.and/or sexualstimulationofthemotherduring pregnancy.AdolescentgIrlS can havepoorhygienicpractices,resultinginworms travelingfrom theanus tothe vagina'svulva. Hygienically, afemale shouldcleanthevulvaarea atleastonceaday. Afterabowelmovementorurination, females wipewithunbleachedandunscentedtoilet (vagma) to back(anus).ThiswillpreventbacteriafromtravelIng(IDlgratmg)fromthe anusto the vulva. The sebaceousness (oiliness) leukorrheais causedby immaturesebaceousglandsinadolescents. This typeofdis-easeofleuk- orrheacanalsobefoundamongolderwomenandiscausedbyhypertro- phy(exhaustion) ofthe sebaceous glands. Girls andyoungwomencan Section 16: Wholistic Perspectives exhaust sebaceousglandsandcausedrynessofthevagina.AVitamin ESUPPOSItOry cansolvethiscondition. Theleukorrheaofyoungadultwomen(precedingsexualintercourse and hasanacidpH,containsplasma,blood,fattymat- ter, pus and epIthelIal scales. Pus inthe leukorrhea indicates a disease process. .Leukorrheawithcervicalanduterinemucosaispredominantinwomen d?Tmg the period. Cervical leukorrhea is ropy, thick, tena- CIOUS, andSImIlartoraweggwhite. Uterineleukorrheaiswater contains bloodandpus,whichcausesittohaveayellowcolor.Bothoftheleukor- rheasare alkalineandindicateadis-easeprocess. "When the 7 e is a.co:nbination ofvarious leukorrheatypes, the septic leukorrheaflUIdcanmdIcatethepartofthereproductivesystemandsever- ityofthe disease. Thesecondarycauseofleukorrheaisusuallythedeteriorationofthe sexorganswhiletheprimarycauseisadiseaseinthebody. Thesamedis- easesthatoccurto parts bodycanoccurtothereproductivesys- tem as rheumatIsm, poorCIrculation, hardeningofarteries, clogged artenes,etc.(The PhYSiological Basis ofMedical Practice byC. Best). The Bodily Generated Causes Highblood causestheuterineandvaginalmusclesto betense resultmg m waste accumulation--deterioration. Stress causesthe pHto betooaci.dic. alterthebacteria,yeast,fungus andpHof the uterus.The,seInI?alaCIdIC ejaculationfluidof menaltersthepHbalanceof s tract.Frequentsexualintercourseand/orsexstimulation inhibItStheprotectrv:e of vaginalmilieufromrecuperatingitsnor- mal pH. ContraceptIondeVIces (mventedbymen)contributetoexcesssex !hey andweakentheskinofuterus,pinchthenervemeridianand infectIOns. disease,junkfoods, drugs,excessestrogen,excessive phYSIcal actIVIty, andnegativeemotionalstatescausethesympatheticnerv- 0us systemto decrease the bloodflow (andcleansing) tothereproductive system. The symptoms ofa sympatheticnervous systemstressedreproductive systemare: • Vital  residual of bacteria)andfungal (candida)  Bactenal(venerealdIs-eases asgonorrhea, syphilis)  • endometnum,salpingitis,ovaritis,vaginitis,cer- VICItIS. AllareSIgnSof deteriorationoftheuterus  • of the byaphysicaltrauma,strenuousexercise,  an sexorwork(mtrovertedorfrontpositionisnonnal retro- vertedortIltedandmid-positionarenotnormal) ,  412  413  AFRICAN HOLISTIC  HEALTH  'b  d in herbal books  are  allopathic  and  geared The majority of  prescn  e  e  usuall  have astringents  such as Wild  towards suppressmg symptoms. Th  y  h  bYwith tannic acid. The herbs may  Alum Root, Witch  Root or :: S h)  or  an  astringent  alkaloid  contain  oily .(resmous)  astringents usually are safer  (Goldenseal)  of.tannI C   herbs may have  estrogen (i.e., Black  than the synthetic  e  h  one that reduces blood to the  Cohosh, Chaste, etc.),  IS  used from an allopathic per- uterus and this stops leukorr  er.:  roach to symptoms. Excess use  spective and upon the  J?1l  :kantly used in the manufacture  of allopathic  the formation of scar tiss,:e in  ofleathers),  In  .  b  sically dead tissue that is leathenzed.  the uterus  vagma.  c:U cause the sensitive uterine  vagi- Strong astrmg ent  tannIc aCId  d de  enerate resulting in uterine skin prob- nal skin to  get weak an  th git rflized egg from embedding in the  lems.  The scar tIssue may  conceiving andlor infertility  (A  endometrium and may cause  I  IC  .  Study on Matera Medical by N. Choundhun).  a Treatment of Leukor rhe . l' f  rimary importance. Sleep helps  Proper rest, nutrition, exerCIse and s  .Jell as promotes healing. A type  the secretion of the hormone  1  during the  sleep  cellular  cycle  of cyclic healing of the  body ta  P  hormones  are  released which  (anabolism).  DuD.J:g  the  sleep cyc e,  gro  stimulate cell reparr.  d  ch  as Witch Hazel,  Shepherd's  Herbal tinctures/extracts can be  and Devil's Claw. Combine  Purse, Saw Palmetto, Burdock  30 to 40 drops daily or until a leuko- equal amounts (mix together)  .  e 1 t  cleanse  regenerate and decrease  rrheacrisis subsides. These her. s stImu  e,  hatic  excretion plus  are  treatment. If in the  The healt? hIstOry 0  t  e  -:ase  then the homeopathic herb ofThuJa  there were epIsodes  dis  th  i bel  In addition to Thuja, a woman  6X  should be used  I,ndlcate  don  tarye a  hocld  also use the  cell salt drug of  whose physical actIVItIes  are  se  en  s  Natrun (sodium) Sulphate.  .  orthodox treatment of venereal  I ,  .,  0  suppressIVe The non-who  IstIC  nnmun . - toms  changing the biochemistry, focuses upon  the flora.  It does  not  destroymg helpful bactena an  latera  t  fungus  yeast and bacterial debns,  upon the  waste, electro ;:t;  e,  the sex organs and dete.:  cell particles (vrruses) and plas1lll  s  a  may  riorate the tissue.  th'  ak .mmunity caused them to develop  In 85% of infected women,  elf we k  they may not have symptoms.  gonorrhea. Ifthe  defenses    The typical early !':vumtC)IDS  Gonorrhea  be a  °d a  of pus from the penis.  in men are pam when  an  .  men  The women's    are typically no early warmng symptoms m wo  .  Section 16: Wholistic Perspectives can be detected between two and thirty days. Gonorrhea does not cause exter- nal skin sores or eruptions; it is a dis-ease of the mucous membrane. There are,  however,  some  detectable symptoms  such as  warts  in perineum  and vulva  and/or profuse green leukorrhea. The leukorrhea may not have a color but will  have the aroma of fish or cheese. Other symptoms are severe pain in the left  inguinal section (groin) and left ovary, excessive perspiration before menses  and the periodic fleshy growths ofpolyps.  lfthe health history reveals syphilis, the leukorrhea could be the result of  having  sex outside of the  normal  one  birth per three-year cycle,  hypersex,  synthetic douches, chemicals from condoms, excess estrogen, stressors and/or  degeneration  of the  sex  organs.  A bloody and greenish burning  discharge,  burning in the genitals and itching, which increases after urinating and breasts  that fill with milk during menstruation and become sore are symptoms  of a  venereal disease such as  syphilis.  A wholistic approach is ofthe utmost importance in understanding repro- ductive organ deterioration and its effect on uterus dis-ease and leukorrhea.  In adisease process, the diseased can alter the senses (taste, smell,  touch, etc.).  Therefore,  alterations  in  sensations  are  a way  in which the  body tells  the  woman that it is  ill. A dis-ease uses symptoms to  call attention to an illness.  The modifications  and alterations of the  senses was  analyzed by  ancient  African healers.  The ancient healers believed that dis-eases  were  messages  from the Gods and Goddesses. Diseases such as leukorrhea can indicate social  and/or spiritual problems in the African village as well as the male and female  relationship.  Disease  can  be  a physical  expression of an  emotional  illness.  Sex organs create (reproduction).  Sexual disease can indicate thatAfricans are  losing their ability to create or recreate African culture due to Caucasian cul- tural  castration  of African  sex  laws  and African  civilization.  We,  as  an  oppressed people,  are  taught to  be sexually  dysfunctional (non-African  in  sexuality).  This means we are taught to destroy each other--sexually steril- ize each other. This subconscious crime causes us to torture our emotions and  punish ourselves. A woman may emotionally and spiritually punish herself via  her reproductive organs.  She may punish herself with fibroids  and the male  may  punish himself with prostate  disease.  Spiritual,  emotional and health  problems  can  cause  the  uterus to  deteriorate  resulting in V.D.  (Venereal  Disease).  Venereal  Disease,  such as  leukorrhea can be  the  result  of a pro- lapsed colon (loss ofmuscle tone and ligament tone), insufficient exercise, hick  ofMaat, deficient spirituality, synthetic foods, etc. Yoka, African uterus heal- ing dances  and Afri-Aerobics  for  women have  many postures  and muscle  imovement'l_ which deal directly with rejuvenating and maintaining intestinal  uterus tone and health. Massage (popular in Northern Africa) can unblock  in the body particularly in the pelvic area. Being massaged brings the  up to touch the hands and PineaL The masseur can place one hand on  .e. at)dOlnen while the woman breathes deeply from the abdomen through the  . This  allows  the  body to  be  grounded and protected.  The  masseur's  hand is placed on the woman's head and they visualize the leukorrhea  414  Section 16: Wholistic Perspectives AFRICAN  HOLISTIC HEALTH  being removed out of the dis-eased body. Wanting to  healthy, think- ing health and c]aiming health is necessary for healmg. Sometunes women can  create dis-eases ofthe reproductive organs on a subconscious level. A woman  must visualize  green light bathing the dis-ease  condition,  as  well as  con- sciously breathing healing energy through the urerus---\his produces a sooth- ing effect. During a yeast infection, the female body is in an acidic state. AlkalinitY  of blood is helpful. The  body's growth  and repair takes  place in  alkalinity  while  a high acid  state causes deterioration,  disease,  addiction and triggers  yeast. The female and male have to be simultaneously treated for yeast mfec- tion or they will re-infect each other. The herb Pau D' Areo cures yeast mfec- tion. The diet has to be changed. The infected persons cannot eat mushrooms,  yeast (read labels), sugar, dried fruit, fermented foods (soy sauce, wine, beer,  cbeese, vinegar), bleached white flour, wheat, white  rice, grits or potatoes,  honey and chocolate. A broth of zucchini, celery and parsley can prove effec- tive.  Supplementing the diet with foods  and vitamins is helpful.  Stress can  cause a yeast infection. Stress makes the body acidic. Daily yoga balauces the  body, pH level, blood and the emotions and helps remove dis-ease.  can  provicle the energy necessary to correct the Jillbalances  m the woman s hfe.  A massage to the back ofthe legjust behind the ankle is    Massage  pressure on the ankles  stimulates circulation aud relaxes the falloplans ovanes.  The Handbook ofAlternatives to Chemical Medicine by M.  Jackson and T.  Teague and Yoga and Medicine by S. Brennan).  .  .  Do-In exercise can be used to treat leukorrhea. It conSIsts of exerCIses  that  can help maintain  and develop self. The exercises  are wholistic  and  focus upon the  spiritual,  mental  and physical by using various types  of  chanting, Yoka (Yoga), exercise, meditation, the}1lll11:ial arts, spiritual rit- uals  and other forms  of self-development. Do-In alters the  atmospheric charges that enter  the  inner part  of the  body through "Entering Points."  Once the energy enters the  body,  it can  charge the dis-eased  organs. The  energy enters the back,  gathers  at the  front for each organ, and can be  directed to  correct the dis-ease state. Do- In is an African science that is claimed by the Japanese.  Leukorrhea can also be treated where the Melanin forces in the body  cluster  together or intersect  (Chakras). These  places  of Melanin  energy  convergence generate an electromagnetic floW  toward the external atmos- phere while receiving energy  flow  from  the  internal atmosphere  (The Chakras by C. Leadbeader). Excessive  charge to  the Sacral  or  Second Melanin  Cluster  (Chakra)  can cause leukorrhea.The stimulation of the Chakra areas on the fingers,  palms, toes, and soles, shiatsu massage, moxibustion,  acupuncture, yoga  and exercise can help to treat leukorrhea.  Leukorrhea can be painful. pain can be associated with muscle and  bone alignment (Myofascial).  A healthy woman can recuperate from poor  myofascial alignment and recover emotional equilibrium. A woman  416 417 AFRICAN HOLISTIC HEALTH The criteria for choosing a health protocol/treatment should be based upon the following: Characteristics ofSymptoms Is there a burning sensation, itching, pain or painless? Is the vaginal/uterus dis- charge offensive, greenish, bloody, brown, stringy, thin, watery, thick, flesh colored (non-offensive), slimy, black, gushing, pus-like (purulent) and/or milky ? . Occurrence ofSymptoms Do the symptoms occur in the daytime, night, after sex, menses, urination and/or bowel movements? Do they occur instead of menstruation or with menopause symptoms? Accompanied Symptoms Do I get backache, abdominal pain, diarrhea, bleeding, weakness, urinary irritation, digestion problems (liver), cramps, depression, nervousness and moody? Before the symptoms, did I have any miscarriages, abortions and stillbirths? There are over fifty herbs used for the treatment of leukorrhea. The usage of an herb such as False Unicorn root is specific for offensive dis- charge and the prolapse of the uterus. If in addition to the offensiveness, there are chills in hot weather, then the primary cause is weak immunity. Accordingly, Psorium is the treatment remedy. The use of cooked (burnt) marijuana will cause a purulent (pus), yellowish discharge. The usage of salt (table salt, sea salt, etc.) can cause a water acrid discharge coupled with dryness and sensitiveness of the vagina. Nat-Mur 6x will be the rem- edy. Consequently, in both cases marijuana, sugar, fermented foods, salt, mushrooms, honey, dried fruit, non-organic dairy, eggs, milk, processed oils and junk food should be avoided. Fibroid Tumors: Cause and Cure Fibroid tumors of the uterus are a modem-day plague ofAfrican-American women. More than 600/0 ofthe Black women are afflicted with the disease. Tumor is a word describing a bump rather than naming a disease. The muscle fiber of the uterus weakens and develops a bump-like ballooning-out, similar to a hemorrhoid or varicose vein. Fibroids can grow with or without a capsule. Inside the fibroid capsule, there can be rotten blood, trapped veins, arteries, cellular waste, and a mass ofmuscle or fluid pus. The tumor can be the size of a bean or as large as a grapefruit. It can have various shapes, such as flat, oval, spider web-like, mushroom, needle-like, or even grow like a, tree. Fibroids are usually benign and non-cancerous and typically do not require surgery. They tend to shrink during menopause due to decreased estro- gen production. Section 16: Wholistic Perspectives The Three Layers of the Uterus Serous  Fallopian Tube  Muscular Layer  The Various Types of Fibroid Tumors. Fibroids can grow anywhere, including on the ligaments of the uterus. Pedunculated subserous fibroid.  This fibroid has degenerated.  Pedunculated tumors  can  twist, blocking the fallopian tube.  This is a firm  hard tumor with  in the myornestrum.  calcifications.  It is submucosal,  protruding into the edometriallining.  Subserous fibroid with fibers  Intramural fibroid with capsule.  This fibroid  has a capsule.  Fibroid tumor  with capsUle\  Fibroid tumor with  "feeder root" fibers  growing into normal  uterine muscle  tissue.  For enlarged chart, see page 530. A stressed liver cannot neutralize waste and therefore contribute to the growth of fibroids. A stressed liver is caused by junk foods, drugs, dairy, meat, and inadequate Calciums and Manganese. An ovulating female who temporarily cannot metabolize Manganese can cause her uterus to weaken and put her body temporarily in a menopause state. This temporary menopause state can cause fibroids and it can occur whether the female is a teenager or a young adult. Hormone imbalances can cause fibroids. It is indicated by facial hair, hair growth on the upper lip and lor chin, brittle nails and/or white spots on the fingernails, split ends on the hair, thin hair, white spots on the skin, pica (eating clay, starch or ice), hot flashes, night sweats, mood swings, hyper- sensitivity to smells, insomnia, loss ofenergy, etc. This disease-causing imbal- ance results in cellular waste accumulation in the uterus, which can lead to fibroid tumors. Fibroids can hamper the ability of the uterus muscles to contract and expand. The plant-like roots of fibroids can choke the uterus muscle fibers, veins and arteries. This stops vital nutrients from nourishing, cleansing and pro- tecting the uterus. Waste becomes trapped in the uterus-fibroids. The fibroids can trap blood and waste and cause blood vessels to leak. Uterus muscles can 418 419 AFRICAN HOLISTIC HEALTH  pull against the fibroid and its roots causing pain. Tumors can block and inter- rupt    stop fertilized eggs from implanting in the uterus; decrease  organism quality; cause sterility, painful intercourse, bleeding after sex, lower  back and pelvic pain,  cramping,  mood swings,  miscarriages, urinary tract  infections, kidney problems, numbness and/or tingling in the legs, excessive  bleeding, hormonal imbalances, poor circulation to the uterus and legs, etc.  The tumor can press  against the bladder causing problems with urination  and/or retention ofurine. It can press against the rectum causing constipation.  Fibroids can hamper digestion in the intestines and stomach. They can distort  the natural shape of the abdomen causing a pregnant-like figure,  which can  cause social embarrassment.  The size of the tumor is not nearly as  important as  the location (against  the bladder or blocking the opening ofthe uterus or fallopian tubes) since the  uterus can accommodate a nine-month fetus.  The conventional treatment is  to watch the trunor grow (monitor) and then give a hysterectomy or block the  blood flow  to the tumor by inserting plastic  in the tumor vessels (death by  strangulation). This is similar to tying a newborn's umbilical cord in order for  it to fall off. The trunor or tumors can be removed surgically, in which case  the uterus and pelvic area must be reconstructed in order to conceive a child.  Reconstructive surgery that leads to conception is successful in over 80% of  the women who choose  it.  The tumors can also  be dissolved with natural  remedies and spiritual cleansing.  Many  factors  can  contribute  to  fibroids.  The  chemicals  that  make  polyurethane  or latex condoms cause chlamydia,  pelvic inflammatory dis- ease, sterility, cancer and endometriosis. The spermicide gel in condoms can  cause cancer while the inner powder coating causes cysts and tumors. Estrogen  based birth control pills can also cause cysts, cancer and tumors.  Melatonin  based contraceptive pills are safer. However, they can contribute to fibroids.  Norplant, radiation (x-rays, ultrasounds,.microwave ovens, computers, etc.),  and irradiated foods  can cause  fibroids.  Stress and hypertension cause the  uterus muscles to hold tension and waste, which can lead to tumors.  Stress,  emotional andlor SlaveI)' Trauma can decrease Melatonin levels, which result  in disease and fibroids. High blood pressure and diabetes cause cellular waste  congestion and weaken the uterus.  The  synthetic  chemicals  in cough sup- pressants and deodorants get into the blood and hold (suppress) waste in the  uterus. Skin bleaching concoctions, synthetic hair relaxers, douches, vaginal  deodorants, conscious dioxin bleach in sanitary napkins and tampons cause  disease.  Super absorbent tampons pull the moisture  out of the vaginal skin  causing cracked skin and skin diseases (ie., trunors, cysts) and poisonous arti- ficial nail glue enters the blood and result in the deterioration of cells (uter- ine).  High levels  of the  Pineal  gland's Melatonin hormone  caused by the'  rebound effect of taking  legal  and illegal  drugs  cause  infertility.  The high  level can cause amenorrehic (absence ofmenstruation) as well as toxic waste  in the uterus-fibroids. Toxic waste andlor acid spenn harms the tissue ofthe  Section 16:  Wholistic Perspectives vagina and uterus. A man's sperm is only as healthy as he is-sick man, sick  spenn. All ofthese are contributing factors  for fibroids.  There are many natural remedies  for fibroid tumors, such as  a natural  foods  diet,  herbs,  exercise,  colonies, dancing,  massage, meditation,  herbal  cleansing baths and spiritual rituals. A natural foods diet is one free ofsynthetic  estrogen found in cow's milk, meat and eggs; and free offoods that dehydrate  tissue  (uterine),  such as white sugar,  vinegar,  alcohol,  sodas, salt,  bleached  white  flour,  polished white rice  and caffeine.  Caffeine  causes the uterus to  develop fibroids  by decreasing the blood flow  to the uterus,  which causes  waste to  accumulate-fibroids. Fibroids  are waste isolated in  a bump form  called a tumor.  FIBROID TREATMENT Supplements Suggested Dosage Remarks Glutathione 1,000 mg. Shrinks tumors. Pregnenolone 100 mg. Shrinks cysts.  Manganese 50 mg., three times daily. Improves health of uterus. Potassium 99 mg. daily. Aids bodily functions. Excretes cellular waste. VitaminK 5O-80mcg. Stabilizes bones. Stops bleeding. Herbal combination (equal parts) Witch 2 - 3 cups daily. Shrinks tumors. Hazel, Shepherd's Purse, .  White Oak Bark, Thuja and Burdock Herbal combination (equal 2 - 3 cups daily. Cleanses blood. Strengthens parts) Red Raspberry, uterus. Chaste [Vitexl or Dong Quai, Black Cohosh, Squaw Vine, Damiana and Blessed Thistle Herbal combination (equal 2 - 3 cups daily. Cleanses blood. Eliminates parts) Red Clover, Dandelion cellular waste. Root Chaparral, Echinacea and Goldenseal Cramp Bark, Boswella and As needed. Pain relief. White Willow Feverfew and St. John's Wort As needed. Relieves tension and stress. Saw Palmetto and Pygeum lhdosage. Reduces estrogen level, which reduces fibroids. Yohimbe, Trlbulus, Dopa As needed. Increases sexual desire. Bean and Damiana ProgesteronetVVild Yam As directed. Balances hormones. Comfrey As needed. Reduces bleeding. Alum Root douche As needed. Causes blood to clot naturally. Reduces bleeding. can-X (Black Salve) Tablets 1 - 2 tablets, Dissolves tumors. twice daily after meals. 420 421 AFRICAN HOLISTIC HEALTH Dancing centered upon the Female Principle stimulates the pc:uasympathetic nervous system, which is used for repair. This type of dancmg on pelvic rocking motions, side-to-side hip motion, circular and flowing motions performed at a walking pace with music or drumming. Dancing can be accom- panied with a healing prayer or meditation, which can be done before, dur- ing and/or after the dance. The dancing can healing c?lo:s (blue, green, etc.) and/or purifYing colors (yellow, along WIth mcer:tse, candles and/or a healing altar. There are many spmtual, mental and phYSIcal or holistic causes offibroid tumors and many holistic variations for their treat- ment The failure to freely use the spiritual regeneration creative force, or Female Principle, selfdoubt and SlavelY Trauma all contribute to the cause of It is not just the fibroid tumor that is the issue; it is the health ofmen and chil- dren and the African culture that the uterus mirrors. Fibroids are a male and female problem that indicates a disease in the village (African society). Cell Civilization The cell civilization is important in understanding fibroids. The cell is the basic unit of the human body. Cells do not divide, only corpuscles divide. Cells have a nerve attached to them and a blood supply attached to the nerve (arteries). A melanin template grows and the mass (bodf) of the cell grows from the stole (melanin template). The cell gets old and dIes, then a new stole grows and a new mass (body) grows from it. Cells are the foundation which tissues are formed. Tissues comprise organs, organs work collectIvely to form organ systems and the culmination of this cell progression is the human body. Subsequently, an understanding of the cell can improve the scope ofcomprehending fibroid tumors (abnormal cells) in the female body. There are specific cell social behavior patterns which defend and control the cell community. Every cell defends itself against chemicals, waste or dan- gerous cells. The ability ofthe cell to defend itselfis decreased by drugs and poor nutrition. Defective weak cells develop due to blOchemIcal imbalances. Adefective cell is one which behaves contrary to the normal cell society. It makes the cell society (body) weak (Beyond Reductionism by P. Weiss). Immunologists have revealed that the ability to develop cells that and destroy tumors (antibodies) and malignant development have a close relationship. Animals that live a long tIme (humans) and eat Junk foods, take drugs and vaccinations can cause a defective cell to grow. Complex animals (humans) have many corpuscle di':'ls.l?nS and cell growths. With each multiplication of cells comes the possIbIhty of a cell defect. A natural whole foods diet helps to develop cell police that can destroy asocial cells (defected). (The Logic o/Scientific Discovery by K. Popper). Cell immaturity is one ofthe primary characteristics of a malignant tumor growth. When a cell loses the specific characteristics that make it a member of a particular tissue or organ such as the intestinal epithelium, mammary Section 16: Wholistic Perspectives g!and, or the epidermis, it regresses to an uncontrollable juve- rule state SImIlar an ontogenetically or phylogenetically earlier growth phase. The begms to develop behavior similar to a unicellular organism or an embryomc cell and begins cell multiplication without consideration for the tissue it is to be part of. The further the cell regresses, the more the newly developed tIssue becomes asocial and defected the more malig- n?TI t the tum?r. growths ofmalignant tumors depend on weak: immu- mty and the mabihty to defend the healthy cells from defected asocial cells. growth culnJ!nates when malignant cells are treated by the surrounding cells as therr own type.and are nourished and protected by them. This IS when the deadly mfiltratlve growth develops into a fibroid tumor (Studies in Animal and Human Behavior by K. Lorenz). TYPes of Fibroids (Internal Bumps), Types Fibroids are also designated as myoma, fibro-myoma and fibrous tumors. are l?Calized (Male Principle) or hyperplasia (Female Pnnciple) WIthin tI.ssue. Hypertrophy is excessive growth of tis- sue of Its cells and can be due to sympathetic stress   Imbalance and electrolyte insufficiency. While hyper- plaSIa IS the exceSSIve growth of tissue due to excessive multiplication of its and can be due to parasympathetic stress (Female Principle), alkaline Imbalance and electrolyte deficiency. These abnormal growths occur within the uterine wall as well as in the connective tissues, especially the fibrous. Abnormal growth in the fibers is called fibroids. When fibroids include amounts ofmuscular tissue growth ofa pale fleshy color and do not feel like growths, but are more similar to an inflammation, it can indicate biochemi- cal problems the Male Principle. When fibroids are pale in color, more firm and dense texture, almost cartilaginous and feel similar to a foreign embedded m S?ft tissue it can indicate biochemical problems WIth the Female Prmciple. According to their locality, they are given the names of subperitoneal, interstitial and submucous. All fibroids are intersti- tial in their early stages ofgrowth and are caused by biochemical imbalances within the Male Principle or Female Principle. The intramural or interstitial, fibroid tumor is located in the middle of !he uterus musc:uar This type oftumor predOminantly develops entirely ill the wall, and 18 painless. Occasionally, large intramural tumors will obstruct the birth canal andlor the fallopian tubes. Fibroids are also located in the subserosal area ofthe uterus beneath the peritoneum- the outer lining ofthe uterus. These tumors are as sub- peritonal (beneath the outer skin) or subserous (beneath the skin). They freely grow on any area ofthe uterus outer wall. The subserous fibroids sometimes massive and cause no other symptom except feelings of heavmess. If they grow m front of the uterus, they press against the bladder 422 423 AFRICAN HOLISTIC HEALTH andcauseurinationdifficulties.Iftheygrowonthelowerportion uterus, theycancauseblockageof thebirthcanal. Enlargedorbloatedvemsonthe surfaceofthesubserousfibroidscanruptureandbleed. . Thesubserousfibroidsoftendeveloptopedunculate(stalklike}-grow similarlytoatreeontheouterportionof theuterus.Theythenattachthem- selvestotheuterinewallbyastalk-likeprotuberance subserousmyoma(musculartypetumor)usuallydonotInluatepamuntilIt twists aroundits ownstalk. This causesthe bloodsupplyto thetumorto decrease.Thisdecreasecausesseverepain. . . Thesubmucous(beneaththeinsideskin)fibroid the inewallbeneaththe endometriumand mtothe cavIty. Submucousfibroidsconsistofabout5%ofthevanoustypesof fibrOIds.They arethetypethatcausethemostproblemsandseverestdifficulties.SubmuC. ited diet became expanded by the introduction ofpopcorn, plant sap ing gum), Xictomatl (tomato), cassava (tapioca), (baSIC dient in Worcestershire sauce), and over 50 vanetles of and varieties of potatoes, corn, and nuts that they got from AfrIca and Americas. The Caucasian' invasion (Race War) of Africa for to Europe's starvation was necessary their survIval. '-./u.....v ...,,, ...• lacked an agriCUlture science and WIde food vanettes and the use of African herb medicine. For example, many recipes were collected by a Roman named He comnlltted after an elaborate gourmet dinner. Further, lr,t book Gluttons Gourmets by Betty Wason, extensive use ofmedlCmal herbs are men Section 16: Wholistic Perspectives as part ofrecipes. Roman were usually contaminated, poisoned with lead,.overcooked and constlpatmg. The overcooked diets of most Romans consIsted of concoctions. The majority of the Romans were on (pu?hc rehef, and poor). Caucasian civilizations exploit theIr 0:vn the n:;tasses to starvation and a general welfare state. The agnculture and food science and herbal med- lcme was Euro-centr:cally acculturated by various Caucasian tribes. The tnbal.laws have allowed the "wise ones" or "learned busmessmen, to create a privileged group. In former ti:nes, thIS pnvlleged group was called lords, secret societies, elite, feudal kings, popes, or When Caucasian ethnic groups (French, etc.), tnbes.or clans umte, they.are called multinational corpora- tIOns. corporatlOns have used the tIme tested colonial systems. They ha:ve colomzed the concept of God, sex, knowledge, infonnation, people SCIence and the food industry. Small farmers ofvegetable and food animai crops to huge modern day feudal lords (multinationals). multmatIonals pnvately own the government, money and the mili- tanes. The agencies are puppets to protect their colonies. Unfortunately, It health of the consumer that is eaten away by the processed synthettc pOIsonous foods. The multinationals (Caucasian clans and have Black (chattel slavery and wage slavery) and Afr.1Can land untIl. Black labor IS no longer economically needed. The have contmued to exploit Black's health with synthetic drugs and processed food the remaining Black populations are not a SIck but on the verge oftermination as a race. ASIde from thIS factor, a lImIted diet creates diseases. orthodox European medical treatments are culturally confined. need for Caucasian trained or Black schools with a Cumculum in the of nurses, doctors, specialists and ,X-rays, DNA testu.:-g, computers and high priced hospital con-   follows CaucaSIan protocols. The Caucasian colonializa- of medicme and the food supply has cause a high death rate amongst poor and forced Black folks to abandon their traditional medicine and healings are cheap in economic cost and holistically ,whIle Caucasian suppress!on of disease symptoms, surgical (laser)     and drugs are expensIve-profitable. are three types (1) healing (psychological and spir- , therapy and naturopathic); and (3) suppressions . ). Drug (po?s?ns) remedies are a relic from European poison ill that a greater evt1ls used to destroy a lesser evil. Hygienic cures sim- the so that the body can get welL Basically, the In tendency to cure itself. Diseases are either or phYSIcal condltions that tend to cure themselves or physical con- that not c:rre themselves. Eighty percent of the diseases are men- phYSIcal WhICh tend to cure themselves. Ninety percent of the dis- 438 439 AFRICAN HOLISTIC HEALTH eases can be treated hygienically (naturopathic ally ), while ten can be treated allopathically (herbal allopaths not drug allopaths). NInety per- cent of the diseases that get well on their own are relegated to modem medical miracle cures or faith healings. An individual develops a disease, ,then gets treated gets well. It follows that the treatment cured the disease. Actually the IndIVIdual got despite the treatment However, faith healers .that. therr powers cured the disease. In healmg IS the norm while in higher holistic African crVIlIzatIOns, hyglemc are the nonn. Moreover, Caucasian allopathic drug medicine suppresses disease them in the body), soothes the symptoms and does not ,treat the cause of dIS- ease. The processed food industry creates 800/0 ofthe dIseases and blames all diseases on a bacteria or virus, Processed and cloned foods weaken and dete- riorate the health resulting in diseases. European culture with DNAcloning and its mechanical and tech- nical developments can create an artificial nature by controllmg the we.ather and using greenhouses that control the climate to plants and arumals indoors (houses, factories, farms, barns) but Ca:ucasla.r:s cannot escape forever. They cannot escape nature's revenge and cyclIc laws. Th,ey can aCCI- dentally clone a disease strain that ha no cure or stops reproducnon, AIDS: A BLACK GENOCIDE GAME AIDS (Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome) called IDS (Immune Deficiency Syndrome). Inancient Caucasian hIStory, It was called the Black Death. The Black Death was characterized by swollen glands, cyst, tumors, bumps, colds, flu, weight loss, skin rot, weakness. and eventual death, Today, the Black Death and the common are classl?ed as a loss of immunity. Caucasians define all diseases as a faIlure of1h,e lIDl!lUne sys- tem. Diseases are the body's cleansing process. The body IS trymg to well and this is erroneously called a disease. ., ' Diseases ofthe sex organs arouse fear, emotions and rehgl0us It is easier to market a disease such as AIDS if there is attached to It: It makes it easier to get the victims to take worthless   AZT). Takmg AZT is like playing Russian roulette with pOlson of a lethal', bullet It will kill you, but the Disease/Medlcal mdustry WIll always say you die ofAIDS and complications ofAIDS. Ifa person takes AZT, they will die within three years (according to Glaxco-Srmth, the of the drugs). However, they won't prescribe it to a healthy person as this would:' expose the AIDS genocide crimes.. It has never been clinically proven that a RetroVIrus causes AIDS. is a syndrome with many causes that produces multipl,e effects,and A syndrome is a collection of diseases. It is not one WIth one It is an effect looking for a cause. Many people that dIe ofAIDS do not Section 16: Wholistic Perspectives the dead cell particle called a Retrovirus. It has not been proven that sex alone the AIDS It is more of a political, social and military caused   The that AIDS creates causes many peo- ple to beheve m dr:ug. medicmes. Fear IS used to keep people believing that only ?rugs (pres,cnptIOn and over-the-counter) will protect and save them. a marketmg tool of terrorists, drug companies, research institutions relIgIOns (fear God and Devil), etc. ' . AIDS is a sflldrome. A is' a group of symptoms and clinical SIgnS that a medIcal group or mSurance companies put together and call a dis- y?U can .or subtract siw:s and symptoms from a syndrome as you :,,111. It IS sUbjectIve (psychologIcal and emotional) not a objective (chem- Ical test) Issue. .AIDS is an arbitrary psychologically and emotionally based collection of and symptoms. The ELISA test for AIDS is imperfect but the CDC says It IS more accurate than the other imperfect AIDS tests. It will record 200 false AIDS positives (inaccurate/wrong) for every 29 true positives per 100,000 persons. . The ELISA ,test n:easures ability of the body to protect itself. The lOgiC of the test .IS baSIcally a sCIentific psychosis. The test shows that your an antIbody protect itself. Therefore, ifthe test shows you have then that. IS mterpreted to mean you have AIDS. This is crazy and a psychonc conclUSIOn, For example, ifyou take a mathematics test and pass the (positive reaction) the teacher would say you passed the test because yo,u faIled the test. Therefore, the teacher would put you in Special Education (gIve you AZT). There are over twenty-nine diseases and signs that can cause a positive on the test. Some ofthem are microbes, malnutrition, Herpes Simplex II, Hepa,tI,tIS B, . Lupus, Myeloma, !iemodialysis, vaccinations, prior preg- sIlIcone cross alcoholic hepatitis, malaria, tubercu- drugs, c10ttmg factors, toxms, cancer, arthritis, cold virus, pregnancy, semen, another. retrovirus, hemophiliac blood products, parasites, worms, etc. ThIS can cause 83% false positives. All positives are mdlcated as AIDS. There are many diseases on the list that are disease in do not need to be called AIDS as they already have a name. Why gI:e a dIs.ease a new .r:ame? The major cause of AIDS positives, in Africa, IS malana, tuberculosIS and malnutrition. These are already diseases. " Why call them AIDS? A is present in AIDS victims and is believed to be the cause of doublmg the amount ofAIDS victims each year. The early stages of the manifest symptoms such as lymph gland swellings, sud- den loss, prolonged diarrhea, night sweats, extended periods of fatIgue and skin diseases. This is usually followed by fungus growth in the ,central nervous system malfunctions, tuberculosis, genital warts, s finally death. Ironically, venereal diseases such as herpes, yeast mfectIOns, gonorrhea, syphilis can be a prelude to AIDS. 440  441  AFRICAN HOLISTIC HEALTH  Further  AIDS and AIDS Related Condition (ARC) are systemic. Systemic  means  weakness or disease of all the bodily organs,  tissues, bones,  mus- cles, nerves and all systems. Therefore, it follows, that  AI1?S  (retro- virus) is not the single cause of the disease. This retrovIrus IS  a SIgn of the  health being totally collapsed.  .'  Men and women with AIDS  are  systemically (entIre  body)  dIseased.  They do  not realize they have AIDS  AIDS  can take up  to  3 to  14  years before  it  is  defined  or  has  sympton: s  .that  Western  (Caucasian) medicine calls AIDS. Mean:vhlle, the AIDS VICtu?-S  can sexu- ally spread the disease to other people Wlth already weakened Immune sys- tems. (The Truth About AIDS: Evolution ofan by A. Fattner).  A disease such as AIDS requires a group ofmedIcally defined symptoms  before it can be medically classified as AIDS.  So it follows that less than the  specific number of symptoms (can be less than 6 or 1  means that an AIDS  victim does not medically have complete AIDS but partial AIDS call.ed AIDS  Related Condition (ARC).  This is  the absurdity of modem Caucasian med- ical thought. In other words, if you use this medical model, a woman ca? b,e  pregnant and classified as not pregnant because she  fit the CaucasIan.s  subjective signs  and symptoms of pregnancy.  WhIle  m.truth,  a woman IS  either pregnant  or. not. An either has  the  or does    There is no such thing as havmg partlal (half) AIDS  Lesser A?JS  )  or ARC.  One  either has the disease  or does  not have It.  The  fact  that  Caucasian modem medicine is ill equipped to do pre-early and  dla!plo- sis ofAIDS until AIDS has advanced to the terminal state. While  traditional medicine,  disease  diagnosis  takes place before the  signs that Caucasians (Western Medicine) require to make an early  sis (see Holistic Chart).lnAfricanmedicine, the defense ofthe  sta,rts WIth  a natural foods  diet. Immunity is  built and established by the dIgesnve  tern, especially the colon. The immunity is only as healthy as the colon.  from this, once the AIDS retrovirus goes into the human chromosomes, It  become a living part of the body, so to kill the virus,  one would have to kill  the AIDS victim. Immunity begins in the colon. The processed foods  foods) diet con- sists of diseased food.  Diseased foods  are those foods which a:e  genetically modified,  cloned, hybridized,  synthetically  WIth  additives, and cannot grow if once again returned  .S01l.  The Junk food  diet includes salt, fried  foods,  oils, white sugar, antibIotics, hormones,  sup- pressant and poisonous  drugs,  along. with  drugs,  and  polluted water. Antibiotics (Tetracyclme, PerucIllm! are  munune sup- pressive. This means that continuous use of s?'?thetIc antIbIotIcs destro.ys the  immune systems. This diet of non-fiber, nutntIOnless foods  the friendly,  relationships ofbacteria flora that live in the digestive tract  colon).- These bacteria flora are necessary for digesting food and protectmg the body;  However, once they are put in an imbalanced  by junk foods, these same  32 pounds of intestinal flora (yeast, fungus, bactena) become an enemy ofthe  Section 16:  Wholistic Perspectives body,  attaCk.  (M. "Contributions ofMicroorganisms to Foods and  Nutr:non, Nutritzon 38  13,  1975). Consequently, the immune sys- IS  destroyed by the bIochemIcal effect cloned and! or synthetic processed  Junk foods.  The orthodox western (Caucasian) medical system has manipu- the health standards sO,that  ill (fromjunk and cloned foods) is con- SIdered  J. Vakil, A. Kilara Natural Antibiotic Activity of Aczdophzlus and Bulgaricus 11 Isolation ofacidolphilin from L.  aCldolphilus. Cultured. Dairy Products J 12(2):  8,  (1977).  '!he  medIcal system, pharmaceutical cartel and food industrial  emprre have  together chemicals. They have chained together DNA  ( and synthetic chemicals to make junk: foods that are  genencally and chermcal1!,  unsafe  cause diseases.  Oddly  enough,  they  have found that one chermcal combmed with another forms a new chemical.  They know the.  ofthe individual chemicals, but not the chemical that  make. IndiVIdual  can escalate the effect of each other (syner- For example, Vltamm C works with bioflavonoids. Further  Western  sCIence  has  that vitamin C  requires  the  nutritional  tribe  of'  nutrients  (co- .m  for  the Vitamin C to  work effectively.  The  Caucasian  mmd Isolates  chains things together (Le., people-chattel slaves;  They  chamed stores together, radio and television stations,  compames, and  folks together in chattel slavery. The end result  of all types of cha1ll1ng  with the natural order, cycles, diets  or  always spells disease. Chammg is forcing an unnatural relationship  of or  Herbs are 10atural for the body and have always been  recogmzed and unhzed for health ill non-Caucasian medicine  .  Japanese, Indian and African mediCine, the large  mtestme Is.sy?ergIstlcallyrelated to the lungs. Therefore, it follows that 83%  of AIDS  :ICttms have .vIrulent  lung  infections  called Pneumocystis  Carinii  (PCP). ASIde  from  PCP,  herpes,  severe yeast  infections,  toxo- cytomeglovirus  and  lymphadenopathy are  also  AIDS  Related  CondItIons (ARC). ARC is the body's attempt to fight off the AIDS diseases.  AIDS  are present  Caucasians have socially engi- neered theIr processed foods,  vaccmations, allopathic medicine and diseases  upon  on the Continent ofAfrica and all over the world. The Caucasian  modem  of foods  l1l;ucous  forming,  disease forming,  causes  slow  ttme,  and IS constipa!mg. This modem foodstuff has replaced  natural  foods dIet ofBlacks. A junk food diet, drugs, vac- computers, radiatIOn and polluted air, soiland water can destroy the  unmune  resulting in AIDS  (4IDS Fact Book by K.  Mayer, M.D.).  ConsnpatIOn has many forms;  dIarrhea,  colds,  skin eruptions, dandruff,  coated tongue,  hard stools,  three  or four  bowel  movements  a week,  flatu- lence, fevers,  foul feet or underarm odors, halitosis, straining to have a bowel  low water consumption can indicate constipation. Poor nutri- tion and dlgestlOn problems are the indirectresult ofconstipation. Poor health  causes a weak colon. The colon becomes too weak to help the body's need for  442 AFRICAN HOLISTIC HEALTH immunity against disease. Added to this, Black scientists do challenge expose the Caucasians culture's chemical rituals ceremomes SCI- ence. And the Black population is not aware ofAfrican-centered sCle.nce nor do they know science is the language And, do reahze over 500 years of Caucasian culture's dommation has   Blacks to believe that the Caucasian's diet is good for the African bIOchenustry. They believe Caucasian dietary science is the only dietary science. This indicates that Caucasians have achieved cultural, castration and adultery upon Black folks. The Caucasian myth that the bodily rejection of toxins or the bodt s attempt to get rid of impurities is "disease" is a myth has become realIty. Caucasian medical science uses antibiotics, serums, anlIDal pus, surgery and drug therapies to keep the diseases inside the body. When make the body deteriorate, they are given the of Therr ments ofdisease symptoms keep the body Ill. FaIlures to cure dIseases WIth drug therapies are not labeled AIDS. ,.' AIDS strikes heterosexual women, men and children mAfrica. For exam- ple, in Zaire, twelve percent ofthe population has AIDS. has been doc- umented in Uganda as far back as 1973. Ho:vever, the horror ab?ut AIDS did not develop until 1982 when WhIte gay activIsts began demandmg help. AIDS statistics in Africa and Haiti are easy to amass because the popu- lation uses the Caucasian medical model in their clinics and hospitals. Most diagnosis are subjective-if you look like you ha."e then you, AIDS. Whites in America use private doctors, pubhc hospItals and statIStIcal data is not easily amassed. For example, Atlanta, Georgia, hos- pitals and clinics can easily amass statistics on its Black smce use public health facilities. Consequently, Atlanta has the distInctIOn ofbemg a city where Blacks have more V.D. I?isease) victims t:h an any other city in America. The White populatIons statistics on V.D. are bIased they do not track Caucasians with the same amount of accuracy. are usually treated by private facilities or by private doctors so that V.D. rate is falsely indicated as low. Caucasian research and statIstics are manipulated in order to make supenor or more moral. AIDS was scientifically written about InSCIentific Journals after the European tribal war called World War II. Infants (approximately 100,000) in European orphanages had AIDS related pneumocystis due to the accumulated effect of penicillin and protein , . " ' The Western (Caucasian) sCIentific eVidence mdlcates that AIDS IS het- erosexual in African and homosexual among Whites, It is assumed that the sperm enters the blood during anal sexual intercourse. The speI?D can enter the bloodstream during oral sexual intercourse (oral Sperm. entering any part of the body except the vagina and uterus IS consIdered an enemy and attacked. Thus, oral and anal sperm transmittal may the immune system to become nonreactive and can lead to a collapse nity reactions. Western evolutionary scientific theory (fantasy behef) bIas Section 16: Wholistic Perspectives 443 causes them to relate diseases ofCaucasians to lower animals that they evolved from or blame the spreading ofdiseases on Blacks. animals have similar diseases to humans. Animal biochemistry is totally dIfferent from humans. The human body will reject animal cells as as another human's cells because ofbiochemical differences. Cowpox is slIDllar to human smallpox but cannot be interchanged or exchanged between cow (The Hy,gienic Care o/Children by Shelton). They are just sim- Ilar dIseases and nothmg more. There are 50 diseases humans have similar to cattle, 35 46 with goats and sheep, 42 with pigs and 65 with dogs, SCIence has found that the African green monkey has a dis- SImIlar to ALl?S, which is not AIDS. Animal disease similarities are beheved by CaucaSians to mean sameness. They believe an animal's disease cells can be and incol1?orated into human cells despite the fact that cells any cell that IS alien. The humarl body's rejection of alien cells IS the mam reason why transplanted organs (cells) are rej ected and require drugs :0 force alien (transplanted) organ to be accepted. Their beliefin ani- mal dIsease bemg transferred to humans is fortified by another belief that is the that C,aucasians evolved from a monkey. A belief (theory) based on a. IS a beltef. Caucasians have the sternoclavicular muscle, sInular to ThIS muscle allows greater mobility when swinging from tree limbs whIle such a muscle is rare in Blacks. Whites relating them- selves to healthy do not explain why they evolved to be very unhealthy WIth disease and why Africans have escaped example, Ugandan chIldren have developed antibodies to AIDS. T!lls mdlcates that the retrovirus has possibly changed to a more deadly killer or perhaps AIDS IS merely a mild disease similar to a childhood disease or that only a s:r:nall ofthe population develops it. Ironically, Haitians devel.op AIDS ,HaItI but not while residing in America. This indicates that of Blacks in Haiti and/or poor health has caused AIDS ill HaIti. HaItIans, ill America, have better nourishment and better health and good sanitary,c,onditions, Protein malnutrition causes AIDS positives in Haiti. When the HaItians migrated to America start to eat junk foods, they will soon reflect the Amencan trend for AIDS such as the statistics reported by the Center for Disease Control (CDC). . The CDC statistical hierarchy reflects that 73% ofthe AIDS victims are bIsexual and homosexual males, 17% intravenous drug users 70/0 unlmown causes, and 1 % heterosexuaL Unfortunately,' these statistics do not gIVe a true mdication ofthe intravenous (IV) users as the New York City Health Department (NYCHD). They reveal that one-third ofthe AIDS victims N drug users. For example, one-fourth ofthe cocaine users use IV one- third of users, aside from this an unestimated of body buIlders, houseWIves, herbal users, prostitutes, and heroin users can 0 contact AIDS with unsanitary hypodermic needles, Blood transfusions are source ofspreading diseases and AIDS. A person having physical contact With another person's open sore, bruise, cut, lesion or scratch can also trans- 444 AFRICAN HOLISTIC HEALTH mit AIDS (Dr. John Scale, Journal of the Royal Society of Medicine), Approximately 7% ofthe people will develop AIDS each year with five to ten times as many carrying AIDS symptoms, According to statistics in San Francisco, California, this would mean that for single men, 205 cases ofAIDS will develop for every 100,000 men. AIDs causes the same amount of deaths as cancer and heart disease, In fact, more people are dying from degenerative diseases than AIDS. poor nutrition andlor a series of diseases or constant dis- ease episodes provide fertile soil for AIDS to develop. Hospital workers have not contacted AIDS from patients, Hospital workers in San Francisco have deliberately stuck themselves with AIDS contaminated hypothermiC needles without contacting AIDS. This indicates that the AIDS retrovirus is only active at body temperature and not at the temperature of an exposed hypothermic nee- dle. This indicates that the health workers did not have poor health or protein malnutrition [Computerized AlDS Information Network (C.A.J.N) , DELPHI, General Videotex Corporation]. The victims of AIDS are estimated to be 5 to 100/0 of the population of the Central African Republic, Zaire, Zambia and Uganda. It is generally believed by Caucasians that the AIDS disease started between 1970 and 1980 inAfrica and spread to other countries. However, immigration, tourist and out migration have made the figures about AIDS carriers beyond precision (Lymphadenopathy-Associated Virus: From Molecular Biology to Pathogenicity by L. Montagner). The estimated figures indicate AIDS is an epidemic similar to biochem- ical warfare, For example, women account for 23% of the AIDS patients in Haiti. Further, 35 to 480/0 of the women in Zaire and Rwanda have AIDS, Breastfeeding has been suggested as a means of transmitting AIDS. Aside from this, the professional female prostitute has AIDS. The AIDS victim transmits the disease from woman to man and man to woman in a vicious cycle, The scope of AIDS among Black heterosexuals is beyond clear esti· mates ("Acquired Immunodeficiency syndrome in Rwanda," Lancet 2: 5, 1984 by P., D, Rouuroy, p, Lepage, et al.; Seroepidemiology of IDLV·ill Antibody in Haiti, Clinical. Research 33:4l4A, 1985 by J., B. Liautoud, F. Thomas, etal.). Western man (Caucasian man) is the victim ofAIDS. Those Black who follow Caucasian culture'S sexual perversions are AIDS victims, Homosexual transmission of AIDS is related to the fact that sexually mitted intestinal parasites enter the blood through open skin (scratches, etc.) when anal/fecal sex occurs. Intestinal parasites once in the blood the immunity system. Furthermore, speno that enter the blood during anal (or oral) can weaken the immunity, Women with open skin who indulge in sex (or anal) with men can also weaken their immune systems. Spenn fecal matter that enter the blood via open skin through the anuS or causes a violation of the natural sequential pattern of immunity because immune defenses are bypassed, causing the immune system to self The Caucasian sex rituals and ceremonies are socially engineered into Section 16: Wholistic Perspectives 445 culture and influence and cause dise d victims in Caucasian society is 0 an, AIDS. The number of AIDS infected with AIDS will probabl nr: s number of those occurs in "high risk" (h y ac ten millIon. ThIS mcrease of AIDS groups omosexual Caucasian d users, blood transfusions hemophil') 11 women an men, IV r ) ,laCS as we as "non . k" ( IC groups. Risk and non-risk ou s h ' ' -ns general pub- makes everyone that has more ave sexual relationships and this ner and unprotected. one consIstent sex partner a potential car- . Condom use is the protection from AIDS d Dtseases), !he condom (commonly called (Sexually Transmitted eases, and IS considered the best ch' :6 ) can cause AIDS and dlS- person has not used the condom to However, the sexually active not used them during the AlDS threat p Ob . m the past or the and has oral or anal sex by men or . vIOusly, the condom IS not used for Scratches, lesions, or open be the h homosexual or to carry AIDS into the body An th e or anus allows dIseased blood chemical in some contrace tive er orm of is nonoxynol-9, a cancer and kills the AIDS   s[or:.omen. ThIS chemical agent causes the chemical. The orally sexuall es Ian women and gay men do not use not use the toxic chemical No:eth ;ve and homosexuals can- as a form of protection by the AID; elgFel and c.ond.oms are promoted Th Bl k C ' e lca oundatIOn 1ll New Yo k . e ac anbbean population ofBell Gl d' r . ill every three school children m'it t d 'h the a e, Flonda has at least one th AID ec e WIt eAJDSpara 't Th' , d' at Scan be inflicted amon a e 1 . SI e. IS 1ll Icates a disease-causing diet vaccinati;ns p op ,e the forcmg food, promoting medicine Blacks, ,sugar addtctlon and disease bIOchemical warfare against Blacks It . m t, ;s ?ecomes a form of biochemical weapon of genocidal . IS. mls a eled a dIsease instead of a ,AIDS victims are children African continent. This clearly means women and men on the mitted disease but a result of de e t' S is not solely a sexually trans- clill dren have AIDS indicates tha7 The fact, that sexually inactive dlet,drug medicine and unsanita r' as III an under-nutritional and malnutrition caused by C?ndillons. Obviously, poor health eXlPlOJltati'.on.. aucaSlan control of land andJ'unk:6 d econorruc and social colonialism Black Uncle] ., 00 slavery. The sum total ofth f1' ., om SCIentIsts, and to degenerate to an AIDS t ;se actors results ill causing Black folks AIDS sa e. . be solved by a magic pus (vaccination) or th' , all dIseases, is a result of health th t h d syn etlc serum. ty. Western science has not a as egenerated and loss ) with all of its science and   STD (Sexually Transmitted of genital herpes 2000000 f h' Yearly, there are 500,000 vic- 1 000 000 (P' l'o rngflonorr ea, 4,000,000 of chlamydia tra- " e VIC ammatory Diseases'. 20O/C f 4=: , cases are caused by SIDs and infi rt'l' r- en 0 0 Lemale old has tripled in 20 years despite   °Cma 2? to . ucaSIan SCI- 447  AFRlCAN HOLISTIC HEALTH  entific  community has  had longer to research these STD diseases and have  found no solution. Disease (AIDS, cancer) is an industry controlled by mili- tary logic with a predatory mentality with a  system of rewards and punish- ments based on "The Law ofthe Caves." The only thing that satisfies a pred- ator is more prey (victims) not morality, correctness, death, sex, money, power,  etc.  A holistic nutritional approach to AIDS is the basic step in restoring the  immunity ofthe body. (Herbal Dynamics by J.  Heinerman; Life Extension by  D. Pearson, S.  Shaw and Mucosless Diet Healing System by A. Ehret).  AIDS  is  a  sign to  all people of African descent that a  return to  natural  whole foods and traditional herbal medicine is the only acquired intent dietetic  symbol (a.i.d.s.) for Blacks. Blacks that continue to eat junk    dairy and non-organic meat, use synthetic drugs and/or surgery will fmd no  help for their path to disease  death  except AIDS.  Currently,  in the United  States ofAmerica, 25% ofthe victims ofAIDS are African-American children,  women and men. Furthennore, three out ofevery five children with AIDS are  African-Americans;  one out of every two  women with AIDS  are African- Americans,  and over 43%  of the African-American IV drug abusers  have  AIDS. This disease is numerically equal to a form of genocide with no con- trols. It is time Afri-centric scientists help the race, because Euro-centric sci- entists have not.  Caucasians cannot save themselves from  a  common cold.  Therefore, solving the AIDS epidemic is beyond their scope.  AIDS Nutritional Remedies A disease that goes untreated or treated with drugs develops into a degen- erative disease,  cancer  and/or AIDS.  For example,  a  cold untreated or  treated with suppression drugs becomes Flu, Bronchitis, Pneumonia and/or  Chronic Pulmonary Disease. These diseases weaken the liver, kidney and  large intestines,  which causes degenerative  diseases,  cancer or AIDS to  develop.  Diseases require money and money demands profit.  Therefore,  AIDS is no longer just a  disease, it has developed into the AIDS indUStry.  It is  a profit making industry for  drug,  herb  and supplement companies  and the healthcare industry. Like any industry, each year the AIDS indus- try must have new research findings,  new miracle cures and treatments in  order to  stay in business. The new miracle cures, research and treatments  within a year end up on the shelf with last year's unsold miracles.  In Africa,  it  is  easier to  get monies  for AIDS  than  nutrition,  repara- tions or debt free technology to become self-sufficient. Therefore, the pro- tein malnutrition, poor health and unsanitary conditions that cause AIDS  positives  are  treated with AZT.  The drug AZT causes  degenerative  eases, cancer, AIDS and death. Aside from this, most of the AIDS monies  given to Africa goes to  politicians, bureaucrats,  administrators,  drug and  medical companies and is  stolen or unaccounted for.  AIDS  means  free  money without strings attached. The AIDS, cancer, vaccination and  ing disorders businesses are self perpetuating. They will not go away. They  Section 16:  Wholistic Perspectives rr:ust.keep the diseases alive to sta  in bu  .  cmatlOns  is  a  medical  terrorist  to  The use. ofAZT and vac- business profits  AIDS h<  b  estroy health m  order to create  .  as  ecome a predatory mil"ttl the Caucasians in control ofAfr'  1 ary  00  used to  keep lca.  Supplements Suggested Dosage Remarks Mega Multi Vitamin and Mineral  As directed. Extra strength garlic  Essential nutrients. As directed.  SHT (Buty/ated Hydroxytolene)  Purifies, antibiotic. As directed. Co-EnzymeQ  Retards cell destruction. 100-200 mg.  Helps purify blood,  Clay  immune support. 1to 2 tsp. SComplex  Aids deansing. 100 mg. 3 times daily.  Enhances nerve function  PABA  antistress.  '  300-10,000 mg.  Helps prevent autoimmune  Biotin  disease.  mcg. Beta Carotene  Used for skin disease. 25,000 I.U. Vitamin A  Stimulates immunity. 5,000-25,000 I.u. Vitamin C (Acid Free)  Used for infections.    mg. Vitamin  E  Enhances healing. 400-800 I.u., 2 times daily. B Protects immunity. 15 2,000mcg. Pregnenolone  Antioxidant  Balances hormones.  AMINO ACIDS L-Gysteine  1,000 mg. L-Arginine  Protects cells from  harm. 1,000-2,000 mg.  Stimulates immunity. Used  L·Lysine  for infection.  1,000-2,000 mg. Aspartic Acid  Used for infections. 1,000-2,000 mg. l-Tryptophane (5HTP)  Increases stamina. 50-1,000 mg.  RegUlates kidney,  L·Ornithine  respiratory and heart. 1,000 mg. Glutathione  Stimulates tissue repair. 500 mg. l-Dopa  Fights free radicals.  GLANDULAAS Uver Adrena, Thymus,  Pituitary  As directed.  Aids immunity.  MINERALS Selenium  100·200 mg. Zinc  Antioxidant. 15-50 mg. Magnesium  Tissue repair. 200-700 mg.  Antispasmodic, aids  Potassium  metabolism. 100-500 mg.  Balances electrolytes and  Calcium  flUids.  500-1,500 mg.  Proper nerve, muscle and  heart function.  Kali  Phos  "  HOMEOPATHIC • 'J  Nat. Mur., SilIca, Nat. Phos., Kali. Sulph., Calc. Sulph.  Enhances immunity.  448 AFruCANHOLISTIC HEALTH HERBS ·Pau O'Aroo, Echinacea, Chaparral, Red Clover, Burdock, Fa-Ti, Siberian Ginseng, Oregon Grape, Shigandra, BlackWalnut, Saw Palmetto, Goldenseal, Cleavers, Wild Cherry Bark,Sarsaparilla, Prickly Ash Bark, Alfalfa. FOODS Asparagus, Beans, Beets, Broccoli, Cabbage, Carrots, Cauliflower, Com, Cucumbers, Currants, Dates, Dulse, Endives, Gooseberries, Grapefruit, Guava, Horseradish, Kale, Kohlrabi, Lemons, Lettuce, Urnes, Marney, Olives, Onions, Oranges, Parsley, Peaches, Peppers, Pilinuts, Pistachios, Pomegranates, Potatoes, Quince, Raisins, Raspberries, Rice, Sesame Seeds, Soursop, Spinach, Strawberries, Tangerines, Tomatoes, Turnip Greens, Walnuts, Watercress, Wheat. PROSTAGLANDINS ProstaglandinsarevitalforthetreatmentofAIDSandalldiseasecrises.It isnecessarytokeeptheabilitytoutilizethematanoptimumlevel. Prostaglandins arefattyacidderivativeswithamultitudeofphysio:' logicalfunctions. • Helputilizehonnones • Helputilizeneurotransmitters • Theinflammatoryresponse • Plateletaggregation • Prostaglandinsappearto playsomerole in virtuallyallbiochemical  activity  Restore Prostaglandin Balance • NutritionaldosesofZinc,Magnesium,VitaminsB3,B6,C, andE • AvoidVitaminEandotherantioxidantsinhighdoses • Strictlyavoidtransfats(processedoils, cookedoils) • AvoidPUFA: saladdressings,mayonnaise,nuts(exceptoliveoiland  coconutoil)  • Avoidexcessarachidonicacid: shellfish,mollusks • Avoidalcoholandvinegar • Avoidfoodadditives • Avoidsteroids,aspirinandotheranti-inflammatorydrugs • Avoidlithium(intherapeuticdoses) DIET Do noteatprocessedfoods,redmeats,pork,bleachedflour, whitesugar diaryproducts,friedfoodsandsaltorusealcohol,cigarettesburnt! marijuanaandnon-prescriptionsyntheticdrugs.Getanaturalwhole cookbook.UseWholeOat,Wheat,RiceorComBran. Section 17 Herb s, Africa and H istory The  European  Invasion  of Ancient  Africa  for Medicinal  Herbs  B.C.  to  I 800 A.D.  The ancient usage of medicinal herbs was established long before Menses combined the upper and lower kingdoms of Egypt in 3200 B.C. The predynastic cultures of the Amratian, Badarian (cultural ruins found beneath those ofAmratians), Gerzean (extension ofAmratian, 3600 RC.) and the Nok cultures had medicinal herbs and drugs. In the Berlin Medical Papyrus, it is stated that medical schools were established long before Egypt. The Nile Valley Africans of Egypt came from the southern direction of Abyssinia between 6000 and 3000 B.C. This migration ofpeoples, knowl- edge, plants, and medicinal herbs caused a concentration of information. The First Dynasty (3000 B.C.) was ruled by King Mina, then Kings Nanner and Aha. Their relics and coprolith studies {fossil food remains and remains of food in the intestinal tract of mummies) indicate both a primarily raw food diet and medicinal herbs. Various African people such as the Nubians and Hamites of the second cataract (curves in the river) and the Egyptians ofthe first cataract initiated a cluster ofherbal knowledge. Imhotep estab- lished holistic medical schools during the regime of Pharaoh Zozer in the fourth Dynastic Era. The medical books produced by Imhotep (20 vol- umes) spread the allopathic, homeopathic and naturopathic usage of herbs and diagnostic techniques over the continent. His books are presently at Karl Marx University, Leipzig, Germany, where they were given the name of the European who stole them, Ebers and are called the Ebers Papyrus. Historically, he is a science bandit-technology thief. In any case, the rulers of the Fourth Dynasty (3360 B.C.) were Seneferu II and King Asa. It was this dynasty that invaded the Sudan for gold and slaves, and Sinai for copper. With the invasions, the cultural and herb knowledge were exchanged. Medicinal flower essences coupled with medicinal herbs were found in the tomb ofKhufu, a ruler during this dynasty. Today's African flower essence treatments are called the Bach Flowers Remedies. Flower essence therapy is given the name of the thief that stole the African sci- ence-Bach. The fertile crescent of northeast Africa possessed medical schools. The indigenous herbal medicine and holistic diagnosis and treat- ments is considered exact. The Nubians had developed the medicinal herb and holistic diagnosis and treatment system ofhomeopathy. The Caucasians credit Hahneman, the German that stole the system with its invention. He 452 453 AFRICAN HOLISTIC HEALTH altered and distorted it and reduced it to a mild fonn of allopathic medicine. Allopathic medicine uses very heavy dosages of homeopathic remedies. The First through the Thirteenth Dynasties are considered the Old Age Empires. These dynasties had good holistic health. In the tomb of Doctor Skar of the Fifth Dynasty, there were over thirty surgical tools, pictures of scenes depicting activities, a list of the foods he ate and medical informa- tion. Mummified remains and coprolith studies indicate that their teeth were cavity-free and that they were free ofbone disease, degenerative dis- ease (i.e., Cancer, AIDS), digestive tract illness, had a natural foods diet, and used herbal medicine. The mummies from the dynastic eras after the Thirteenth Dynasty have indications of appendicitis, ulcers, mastoid dis- ease and battle wounds. This indicates that the health began to deteriorate as the diet increased in cooked foods coupled with disease spurred by increased trading and invasions by the Europeans. In addition, the domes- tication and cultivation of plants caused the nutritional value of plants in the Egyptian diet to decrease. This decreased immunity and weakened the health. Domestication ofplants requires that the plants be taken out oftheir nat- ural environment and placed on plant plantations. Plantations for plants are a synthetic societal environment, which deteriorates the plant, insect and. animal ecology. Plantation plants cause a nutritional alteration of plants. The consumption of nutritionally altered plants alters the health. This _ domestication or processing of plants is unholistic as cultivated soil - becomes drained of nutrients and limits the range of nutrients the plant absorbs. People that eat plants with limited amounts of nutrients develop limited ranges of thoughts, behaviors and moods. They become domestI- cated. Whatever the Caucasians do to plants, they do to Africans. Plants on a plantation-Africans on a plantation-domesticated plants-domesti- cated (seasoned) Africans; cloned plants, cloned Africans; the breeding of plants, the breeding of Africans, etc. A distorted picture of plant slaving (breeding, domesticating, etc.), can be found in The Origin of Domestication by Jack Horlan. In this book, the alteration process IS dehn- eated. Many valuable herbs were destroyed at the end of the Thirteenth Dynasty. Caucasian Aryans and Semitics invaded and destroyed. Egyptian cities, raped women, children and men and stole gold and precIOUS heal- ing crystals. Timaus was a ruler during this invasion Many African plants were traded· (transplanted) to other countnes (I.e., Amencas, Orient, etc.) during the early (pre-Columbus) African mercantile Wherever early Africans traveled to, they brought culture, technology, SCI- ence, spirituality and plants. They improved other races' civilizati?n. Wherever early Caucasian invaders went, they brought disease, explOIta- tion, war, destruction and undeveloped others' civilizations. Many ancient Africans fought the Caucasians. During the 15th Dynasty when King Salatis was ruler, the Caucasian Hyksos or shepherd kings invaded Egypt (1730-1580 B.C.) and destroyed Section 17: Herbs, Africa and History wi!dlife, crops and herbs. Africans, such as the Black Egyptian died fighting the Hyksos. The Hyksos hated the prince, WhICh IS eVIdent by the many wounds on his mummy in Cairo. His mummy a skull, a knife cut over the eye, a bitten tongue and bro- ASIde crops and curative herbs, the Egyptian empire (which mcluded colomes outSIde of Egypt) had abundant financial wealth and academic knowledge. This made the predatory militaristic Caucasians want to invade and capture Egypt. Foreign powers in pursuit of Egypt had varying ideas about war. The Caucasian cultures' practice of war has been colonialized and become the only idea offighting war. However, war ideas often varied within the same culture, with a variety of contrasting organizational structures and sanctions. War varies from one culture to another. The Caucasian idea of war has the accepted nor:n. war may also have contrasting objec- tIves m a In anCIent Africa, war amongst two groups must satisfy Maat. The VIctor and defeated must both benefit and preserve each other's honor. There is no precise winner or loser. Maat claims the victory. The end result of war is for both sides to enrich the culture and serve Maat. For example, the Aztecs concept ofwar had a religious meaning. War was used as a means to get captives for religious sacrifices. The Spanish invasion of empi,re was a shock to the Aztecs because the Spaniards would WIthout a ntual and ceremony and the killings had no religious mean- mg. The   could not attach any religious principles or cultural pur- pose to killmg m that manner. They did not know how to fight without a spiritual purpose. The Spanish killed to destroy culture. It was savage ideals that Cortez had and used to win the war along with superior weapons. It was a cultural shock for the Aztecs. This same type of senseless killings and use of superior weapons defeated Africans. The .Caucasian war concept is based upon killing the so-called enemy. The African culture's concept of winning a war is based upon Maat and God. In that respect, these war concepts conflict and vary. Often, there are no cultural relevancy factors that can translate a definition of war from one culture to the next. All we really know of these wars is that the Europeans raped the girls and women, stole treasures, destroyed the food supply, dehumanized the defeated and exploited the land. This caused star- vation, erosion, famines and diseases. In any case, the Caucasian Race War against Africans continued in Egypt. Two rulers of the Eighteenth Dynasty, from 1600 to 1300 B.C., were Queen Hatshepsut and Ahmes I who fought the Caucasian barbaric invaders, called the Hyksos. The Hyksos persisted in their wars to gain food, wealth, land and herbs. These wars marked the the long decline of Egypt. The Caucasians' stealing technol- ogy, medICInal knowledge, land and destroying valuable treasures were using weapons (cannons, rifles, etc.) to capture Africans. It was after thIS tIme that the Kush Empire (modern day Sudan Republic) and Queen Hatshepsut united upper and lower Egypt. At the same time, Pharaoh 454 455 AFRICAN HOLISTIC HEALTH Thutmosis invaded the land of the Caucasian barbarians and made the defeated European countries his possessions. This cultural contact caused African colonized Caucasians to become more aware of African medicine, wealth, philosophy, agriculture, knowledge, astronomy, mathematics and food. The Nineteenth Dynasty was ruled by Pharaohs Ramses and Seri (his father) and others. Many invading Caucasian barbaric hordes attempted to capture Africa's technology. The famines and diseases of the were known to African civilization and attempts were made to gIve aId to the Caucasians. However, the constant and violent attacks against Africans by gangs ofCaucasians may have caused reluctance to help. Ramses sent vast amounts of wheat to the plagued and famme strIcken Europe. Pharaoh Merneptha's priest taught his captured barbari: slaves farming, which included herbalism and astrology. Afncan pnests were agriculturists, astrologers, social scientists, physicians and chemists. In fact, the priest temples were colleges of learning in art, science and reli- gion. . .' The Twentieth, Twenty-Second and Twenty-Thud DynastIC penods (1085-730 B.C.) had several dynasties ruling at the same time from different capitals in various parts ofAfrica. Social unrest and strife was caused by the presence of mixed Caucasoid rulers and continued until the Twenty- Fifth (715 to 600 B.C.) Dynasty. Many African cultures were moving away from the invaders and fighting back. This destabilized the agriculture and economy. The Twenty-Sixth Dynasty (663-525 B.C.) was marked by the Egyptians' total loss of independence. The African Egyptians were even- tually controlled by the Caucasian Persians. . The Egyptians are noted for their abundant records that reflect theIr greatness in African medicine and civilization. These records and artwork document a history offighting against the invading Caucasians, as well as the higher civilization of Africans. Thebes (Greek word) was the greatest city in Chern (later named Egypt). This city was named Wo'se or Nowe by the Africans. This city was the central city of a vast empire, which included Nubia, Cush, Egypt, etc. However, the current study ofAfrica is mostly of a lesser domain called Egypt and the Caucasians who invaded it. The early Caucasian invaders of Africa were killed or captured. Caucasian prisoners of wars, learned culture, science, herbal medicine and eventually participated in the African society. Let there be no doubt that these Caucasians contributed nothing to African culture except diseases, land rape and chattel slavery. In fact, Greek society was founded upon the slavery ofCaucasians and these Caucasian slaves could not own property, Nonetheless Black Africans kept Caucasian relatives (sons) ofAsian and rulers. These hostages learned culture, philosophy, science and African medicine. The Caucasian hostages and prisoners of war ulation eventually greatly increased. Section 17: Herbs, Africa and History Egyptian internal social problems (poverty, high taxes) and Maatian gave the Caucasian slaves freedom to participate in society as full CItizens and the opportunity to have strikes and rebellions. Weak ineffec- tive kings created a cycle ofBlack innrigration movements. Blacks migrated the first cataract of the Nile and a predominantly Caucasian popu- lation I?-0ved second cataract. This resulted in Asian (Caucasian) dynastIes and Afri-Aslan dynasties mixed with various combinations of races with a few Black dynasties, Periods of social unrest lasted until the Twentieth (l200.B.C.) ruled by Sotnekht who was succeeded by Ramses. Dunng these penods, Caucasian barbaric hordes of invaders con- tinuously attacked Africa. Africa's medical science was practiced in African empires that had colonies in Europe and many African trained Caucasian physicians returned to Europe with this so-called new science. A few are indicated in recorded history such as Hippocrates but there were many. In any case, Ramses III fought the invading Caucasian sea merchants and defeated them (1191 B.C.). He captured so many Caucasian slaves (90000) that had to colonize them in Europe because he could not transport them to AfrIca. He to draft his Caucasian slaves in his army to fight the CaucaSIan barbanans who were primarily driven by hunger, treas- ures, freedom from feudalism and disease to Africa. The Harris Papyrus makes reference to the career of Ramses III. The Caucasian invasions, coupled with the Caucasian slaves in Africa inmigrations, African refugees running from war in addition to internal African sn:ife (caused by social injustice and governments) caused Africa to weaken. With every increase in Africa deterioration, the became more, powerful and eventually undermined and usurped culture, agr,lculture, philosophy, science, banking system, edu- catlOnal system, medical knowledge and religion, The greatest Caucasian historians Herodotus, Pliny, and Diodorus wrote that the early Black African civilizations were the most advanced of all in w.orld. These historians wrote that Europeans bor- rowed   permISSIOn stole) Black Africa's sciences, technology, and relIgIOn. No matter how Caucasians deny this, these Caucasian ,:"ere ,honest and visited Africa to confrrm their findings. Written and hIStOry has confirmed time after time that everything the Cau.casIans know about hygienic medicine, culture, philosophy, mathe- matICS, astrology, art and politics is unquestionably African. . Greek to confirm Africa's glory and Egyptian dynas- tIes. The EgyptIan dynastIc eras lasted over 10,000 years. These dynastic saw Egypt dommate world trade, technology, science, medicine, art, SCIence and.the herb/drug trade, Much of the era's medicinal knowledge was m college (mystery system) by professors who had spiritual, astrology and science knowledge on high levels. They were called god-kmgs. systems were taught to priests (so-called monks) m monastenes or temples. The Caucasians called them 456 457 AFRICAN HOLISTIC HEALTH mystery systems because the knowledge was above anything that ever learned. For example, if you never heard of or learned mathematics, the classes on calculus would be a mystery to you. Thus, the CaucaSIans called African colleges mystery systems. . The succession of Caucasian controllers of Egypt learned at Afncan universities (mystery schools) and they learned from the African monks an? transmitted the herb and drug knowledge to Caucasian monks and therr native European lands. These carried the medicinal knowledge intact to Europe and WIth and modifications adjusted it to a low level of knowledge and lary. The successive colonizers of Egypt were the Ass.ynans, Saites, Persians, Greeks and the Romans. The Greeks (mvaded AfrIca .332 B.C.) and Romans (invaded African 201 B.C.). They learned. the medicine system and claimed it as their own knowledge (mformatlOn thieves) and a discovery ofthe European culture. learned an introductory level of the medical science and rehgIOus of the spiritual system. (The Destruction Civilization by C. WIllIams, The African Origin ofCivilization by C. DlOp). . , . Egypt developed monastic living.   type of the acquisition of knowledge of Maat, medlcmal herbs and spI:ltuahty. The Greeks studied on the Upper Nile islands under the relIgIous order at Tabennae founded by Pachomius. These relig!ous herbalists. sold herbs, honey and foods at Alexandria. Egyptians hve,d on these islands and instructed many European religious monks on agnculture, astrology, Maat and industry. This is vaguely mentioned in The Golden Age ofHerbs and Herbalists by R, Clarkson (1940). The spiritual, knowledge was learned and claimed by the Caucasians (Romans) as therr own. They transp0I!ed this system to Europe and built a Benedictine monastery at Monte Cassmo in Italy. Herbology, holistic diagnosis and treatment methods ,came from African empires such as Mali, Songhai, and The Kl!sh dominated mostly by light-skinned CaucasIans and their dIet was nutn- tionally lacking. The Caucasians began to invade the areas which had plentiful crops, agriculture, treasures',technology, .and medicine. This area was inhabited by Black Afncans and was nch m If?n ore and fuel supplies. Areas around the fifth and cataracts of the Nile had vast iron industries. Assyrians were one of the mvaders the African technology ofironwork and a socialized form. of medlcme SIm- ilar to the Babylonians, which dated from 2250 B.C. This was around the same period that the Egyptians had traded herbs and dry goods with Ethiopia in 2275 B.C. EgyptIan medlcma,l knowledge. extended acrosS the Sudanic belt of AfrIca. The Kush Empue began to decline as African empires entering the trade market dominated goods such as the Sandalwood, Hawthorn berry, TropIca, Aloe Vera and figs. The Kush declme occurred around the FIrst CenturY' Section 17: Herbs, Africa and History A.D. Axum, the capital ofEthiopia, was one of the competitors that seized control of part of the Kush trade market. . The desert African empires controlled the aloe vera market. The North Africans controlled such herbs as hawthorn berry, and the forest region controlled and eucalyptus. Ethiopia controlled the khat,. IS a bram stImulant. Axum was typical of the splendid AfrIcan cItIes; It had stone palaces, Obelisks, gardens of herbs, indoor and te.u:ples. Meroe was invaded by the Kush; and thus caused Afncans to mIgrate to Lake Chad and beyond. This migration of human technology, fanners and medicinal knowledge helped to weaken Africa. The internal wars and dispersion of peoples, food, science and herb helpe? spread the glory ofAfrica aboard to Europe. The African trade mdustry helped spread information about Africa's human and matenal resources. Egypt was conquered byAlexander the Great (356- 323 B:C.). Then a ge?eral army, ruled Egypt and estabhshed the CIty Alexandna. ThIS gradual decline of Black Egypt is in African Glory by J. C. deGraft-Iohnson. Other Black races con- tributed to the decline ofAfrica. They stole Africa's sciences philosophy herbology and diagnosis and treatment systems.' T.he Phoemclans expanded their trade and colonized North Africa. They mvaded northeast Tunisia and established the city of Utica at the :nouth of the Majada River around 1100 B.C. They established Carthage m 822 It was by.the 200 B.C. St. Augustme, the BIshop studIed m the African colonial city of Ca:thage. ThIS. CIty IS where the priest/herbalist monastic system was estabhshed and thIS system expanded herb medicine knowledge all over the European world. ,. knowledge was needed in Europe, European civ- s were on a massive decline due to dis-eases from scavenger dIet, famines, lack of agriculture, a series oftribal wars, low bIrth rate, diet, poor hygiene and lack of cleanliness. The Ron:an Emprre colomzed Northern Africa and used it for grain farms, The contmuous European abuse ofthe land caused the Sahara Desert (Lake) to and become a more massive desert. The Apollo spaceship of the Aeronautics and Space Agency (1982) has validated photo- gra?hically that the Sahara was at one time an inland lake. Fossil remains that the Sahara had vast vegetation and wildlife. Europeans the land for farm crops, herbs and wildlife. Heavy consumption of arumal flesh by early Greek, Roman, Arab and Indian civilizations caused to the agriculture, herbs, food crops and forest. Caucasians lacked agnculture skill, did not rotate crops, revitalize the land, compost and were not concerned about ecology. This caused over-irrigation and damage to the, land .. The ?ver-grazing by cattle gradually reduced the lands to desert and mfertlle SOIL The introduction of European animals such as 458 459  Section 17:Herbs, Africa and History AFRICANHOLISTICHEALTH domesticatedcattle, pigs andthe undomesticatedratcausedecological imbalancesinAfrica'swildanimalpopulationandplantpopnlation.The rapeoftheFertileCrescent(presentdayIraqandIran)forfoodcropsand overgrazingbytheflesheaters'animalscropscauseddamagedthatstillhas notbeenrepaired.Themassiveamountsof meatthattheCaucasianscon- sumedandthemethodusedtoinsurethesupplyof animalfleshhasreduced northandnortheastAfricatovastwastelands.AlexandertheGreatinvaded AfricaandIndiaand leftthe landtreeless andbarren.Anuncontrollable needforWhite SupremacyandneedtoownAfrica'shumanand material resourcescausedthe exploitationofplantsandtheenslavementofBlack people.It is estimatedthatthe totallandlostthroughoutthe course of Europeanhistory(predominantlyinAfrica)isgreaterthanthetotal land noW incultivationintheentireworld(A Vegetarian Sourcebook byKeith Akers). Herb Mercantile Trade among Africans and Europeans Africa'smercantilesystemwasverysuccessfulandinvolvedanabundance ofcommercelongbeforetheEuropeaninvasions.Cities,communities,states, Africanempiresand coloniesofempiresmanufacturedfoodstuff, books, medicinalherbs,metals,crystals,fabricsanddry goodsforexport.Thecost oftransPortinggoodswashighespeciallyfortheforestregions.Consequently, thekingswithwealthyempiresandmerchantsforcedsmallermerchantstosell to thematlowerprices.Inadvertently,thiscausedlargemonopoliesandcom- petitivepowerpoliticsinthemercantilesystem.Forexample,thelongtrips toneighboringstatesrequiredfoodandsuppliesfortheescortarmies,animals ofburden,bookkeepers,astrologers,bankers,teachers,children,translators, womenandphysicians.Theseinter-countrytradingtripscouldonlybespon- soredbythe economically elite individuals or governments. Trading increasedthewealthofthemonopolistandincreasedtrade. TheGuineastatestradedwiththemerchantsoftheSudan.Incidentally, duringtheMiddleAgesthelocationof Guineainthetropicalforestregion ofWestAfricanearthe savannasmade itinaccessible to Europeans. However,inmigrationcausedbytradingfromGuineatotheSudanbrought knowledgeofitsdry goods,agriculture,treasures andhetbalmedicineto theEuropeans.ItemsfromAfricaweresoldinEuropeandtheEuropeans weretoldabouthouses,wealth,abundanceoffood,highercivilizationand knowledgeofthemanufactures. Guinea'smerchantswere stateagencies andincreasedthewealth stategovernmentsandthekings.Tradefromstate-to-s tate requiredthe ofAfrica's standardizationofmoneyvalues, measurements, and a rnercelawandregulationsystem.Africahadstandardizedclassification illnesses,diagnosisandclassificationofherbandherbtreatmentsby ciansacrosSthecontinent.Someof theothercountriesinthe   temwereSahara(whichmonopolizedsaltandthecactus),Sudan, andthenortheastAfricanterritoriesoftheMediterraneansuchasIsrael . Mesopotamia. Kolanuts (stimulants)we c.alledGhana. Yombalandsales wer . resoldbythe countrypresently erall tIlesalesofGum ea. Therewerea Intheo:r mercan- slaveryas ahumanfleshmercantl'l b a:v es mtheforestregIOns,However I  . . e usmesswasunh d f  '  savesill Gumeawereof asocialstatusandt ear o.Thesalesof laborers,governmentofficials,couldbea servedasservants,porters, chants andwere a functional part f 1?nnceorruler,teachersandmer- allowedtopracticetheircultu dO SOCIety, TheseAfrican slaves were , h  rean werenotown d Th h ng ts.Theycouldnotbera ed be.ey adfullhuman domfromtheirobligation   or   Theycouldearnfree- ofIslamintheSudan.Thekidna' ill  beganafterthegrowth gt nd human animal livestock exportmgofAfricansasnon- Caucasiansonly. eveoped from the 16th century by AbyssiniaresistedtheIslami 1" try and remainedChristianized colonializationof theircoun- whereAfricannamesforGod' was, omthe south and incountries tolabelAfricansasungodly pa thattheCaucasiansstarted slavetrade. ' g an uncIvIhzedheathensandstartedthe TheZagwewarriorkingsintheTenthC Europeans.TheZagwe eo I  enturydefeatedtheinvasions hnetoavoidfurtherEuropean pk e movedsouthwardsfromthecoastal markers showingtheirpathof atrc sandlefttheirRoharockchurchesas ' , re eatment TheE maye ordISIllusionedbecause the' :. uropeanswerenotdis- d was escaping the caves ofE Ir force for the invasions &: '  urope andhornble . ., , lammes, starvation poverty 'Il't . pnmltlvelIfestyleswith ,  "I1 eracy tnbal w d' Ignorance,hungerandtyrannicalC'.e dal' k' ars, pan emlCS, medical Th I  I' . U  mgs. s amlC Mushmizedcountriesex a d MalaYSIa, IndonesiaandIndia Th' , I Jn edfromEastAfrica to 1 TanganyikaandSomalI'a Isla: IS U  ed coastal states ofKenya . mlC coomestrad d 'h h ' ate Sung Dynasties ofCh' fr . e Wit t eearlyMingand I Ironically,thetoyofChina(thl:;rreomkwh)lCh they obtained porcelain, merchantsanditwasthisto cou crac.er overlookedbytheMuslim andendtheMuslimreign fh E Pled WIthdIseasethatwastodefeatAfrica thedeathweaponcalledthe   c?nvertedthisfirecrackertoyto  weaponsof theCaucasianssuchas' ynamiteandgun.It wasthesuperior escalatedtheinvasionsofAfriea andgunpowderbombs i1ted theultunateweaponfortheex loitaf Arnenea:" weaponscre- trade,herbtradingandthee;tablis: ofpeoples,the ledgeneededtoinventthe ' en 0 Ite Supremacy.The ofAfrica,themassmetalte= :e, stolenmathematicalsci- .. •  logy ofAfrica. It wasnot th     themetalmining dIdtheCaucasiansgainaccesstothes e ree s allowedinto wereveryguardedabouttheirt hn IetechnologIes,TheEgyptian ofsecrecyinthemystery s t ec 0 0!o/knowledgebecauseofthe 0 ys emstoWIthhold . f fi  h" ( unmatureculture)astheywerecalledbAn'I t  e Greek y ClentAfricans.Atfirst 460  461  AFRICAN HOLISTIC HEALTH  Africans  gave  the  death  penalty to  strangers  lying,  Caucasians)  that came  to  their  country or  col,omes.  wa.s  50?  B.C. did they let foreigners such as the Greeks mto theIr ,umversitIes. TheIr  studies amounted to a college preparatory course. They  dId not have enough  intelligence to understand higher African knowledge.  aS,Plato,  Socrates, Hippocrates,  Praxagorus,  and Pythagoras, studle:d  m  In  any case, the mercantile system in Africa and trade  P.aclfic basm coun- tries spread the wealth, technology, philosophy,  culture,  practices and medicine ofAfrica to,  (also called  World Island  as  Africa and Asia are connected by SmaI, ASia and Eur?pe are  by  this land created on that island has  85% of the  s  The wars between the Christian tribes and MuslIm tnbes, better  as  the  Crusades,  stimulated trade  between Africa and Europe.  merchants traded with the Muslims because they controlled many  Portugal and Spain (1400)  were  beginning  to  feel  the  economIC  dram  caused by the Venetian control  of the  and he:b  drug  They attacked the peninsula and started an mvaSlOn of the  Ocean  side  in  1415.  These two  allies  were  defeated  m theIr  Illvaslon of  Morocco.  Their individual invasions  near  the  Cape. of,Good Hope soon  brought them reports  of the countries on the  SIde  ?f the  Venetian sea control and trade control caused the italIans to mvade Afnca.  The powerful Italian clans were  .starved and hope to create  an  economic base  and  food  and  herb tradmg  III order to  profit  fro:n  the  pandemics and hungry population of Italy joined f?rces WIth the  portuguese and  Spanish to break  controL ThelI plan  to  invade the  coastal African countrIes. ThIS  would cause  the Venetians to  extend armies  and ships  along  the  coast and create  a  network that  would weaken their (Venetian)  ability to  protect  establIshed  Therefore  they joined the forces ofportugal and Spain began to explOit the  gold and herb  dry goods  and food markets of Guinea, In due course, they  used the Indian merchants to buy commodities for them.  bought herbs r from Asia at  prices  below the market  rate  of the  Venetians.  Thus, the  Venetians  were  unable to produce enough  capital  to  control  and protect  their markets in Africa. Venice fell as the  controller of the  market.  ,  The portuguese invaded Africa around  1445  and colomzed the  Cape  Verde Islands as a port for trade with Mali. The portuguese    ther into Africa for dry goods,  food, technology, treasures and  herbs and in 1471  invaded the Gold Coast. By the 1480's, they had  the Congo, by 1488, they rounded the Cape of Good  and. by 1497 to,  1499, led by Vasco  de Gama, they established markets m India:  In 1517  the  Ottoman  Turks  had  invaded  and  conquered  the  Maghnb  [jJ\:'\ Morocco. The Turks were based in their Egyptian colony. The Turks  to seize the herb, food and dry goods market from the  but  defeated (between 1400 and 1500). However, in 1571  a combmed  'I..._r.+."""" fleet  of European  mercantile  adversaries  defeated  the  portuguese  Section 17: Herbs, Africa and History Merchants .began to  more with the  European controlled  African coastal ports mstead ofusmg the ancient trade routes ofthe Sahara.  The  traded mostly with the Asians, Americas, and  African colomes. The dense African forests made further trade for  medIc mal herbs,  treasures,  sugar and dry goods,  extremely difficult.  The  had  the  technology  needed  to  adapt vegetation  to  the  Amencas and thIS  knowledge coupled with the earlier extraction of tech- nol?gy, culture and scientific knowledge by the Greeks, Romans and other  lessened European dependence on African herbs.  In addition, the  AfrIcan forests  and  been reduced to  deserts and wastelands by  the Romans and succeedmg mvaders, so the African monopoly ofherbs and  food  plants  was  no  longer a  viable market.  Consequently  the  economic  that could be gained from the market ofchattel  became entic- The  human plantation  system was  tested and  tried on the  offshore  ISla?ds  The kidnapped Africans were mixed with different  African cultures WIth different religions and languages.  Slaves that spoke  the  same  were  separated and re-mixed with Black prisoners  of  war. Oftentimes, If slaves spoke the same language, their tongues were cut  out.  Some Blacks would starve themselves rather than become slaves and  were force-fed  two spoons attached to one handle (the oral forceps).  One  contamed food and the other spoon contained hot coals. A slave  had  a chOIce  between  swallowing  food or swallowing  hot coals.  Black  men, boys, women and girls were raped by male and female heterosexual  and homosexual  enslavers. Black prisoners ofwar captives were  branded and treated lIke any other animal of burden. Many were forced to  perform  tasks and sex acts for the amusement ofthe slavers.  The  were teachers,  musicians, bookkeepers,  naviga- and skilled laborers were separated and sold at  or ktl!ed m order to  further the White Racist myth of Black  WhIte Racism Addiction). The European White Racist psy- C.hOSIS  of WhIte  Supremacy (superiority)  has  caused much of the  scien- tIfic  created in Africa to be destroyed. However  the African  n:-edicmal herbs  and holistic diagnosis  and treatment knowl;dge has sur- vlved because the  race would have vanished without it.  In any  case, the  plantatIon system was indirectly first perfected with plants  The word Itself  indicates this.  On a "plant" plantation  "are  made nutritionally'docile,  m an allen artIfiCial plant CIVIlIzatIOn,  made to breed out of breed- made to create plant social systems  (hybridized seeds) in alien  ,.. ts  and the plant leaders are destroyed. For example, the more  seeds  are  the  first  to  leave  the plant while the weaker  less  strong  stay  to  the  plant.  It is  these  seeds  that are'picked and  rem.a.]ote4j.  IS  the :veaker aberrationalized seeds that are capable ofgrow- III an ahen enVIronment. Thus, the seeds that further the domesticated  system are  furthering  a  species  of nutritional  limited  and  462  463  AFRICAN HOLISTIC HEALTH  weak plants that nature was trying to eliminate. In the human  sys- tem the physically strong and rebellious Black slaves were kIlled and the  educated Blacks of the upper class elite were killed in order to propagate  the European psychosis of "all niggers are  thie:,es,  uncivilized,  savages,  and  wild  sexual  anImals."  (See  WhIte  RaCIsm  Anatomy,  and  Psychology).  The  plantation  system .and  European mercantile  system merely  shifted  from  one non-human Item  (herb,  food)  to  another  non-human  item-Black  The  immorality of Caucasians was kept intact by their psychologIcal 11lUSlOn of  White Supremacy supported by White Racism.  '  The Spanish participated in the Black slave, herb, food, and  goods  markets  in North America.  They  traded slaves  across  the  AtlantIc to  the  West Indies while  the Portuguese merchant  traders  exported kidnapped  Black prisoners to  Brazil and South  slave plan- tation system could not work in America WIth  natlve Amencans because  the Indians were slaughtered by Caucasian invaders, starved due to  food  shortage,  died  of European diseases,  ran  away,  ?id not  the  techno- logical skills or agricultural knowledge of the AfrIcans and dId J?-ot  produce  enough labor to make it profitable. The slave system was growmg too rap- idly and their  population was  too  small  (12  million killed by.European  Smallpox disease). Consequently, the Europeans could not feaSIbly trans- port the American plantations to Africa's slave labor; so; they transp?rted  the African  slave  labor  to  the  colonized  Euro-Amencan  plantatIOns;  Enslaved Africans, with agricultural skill, technology and labor controlled  by Caucasians with a psychosis (White Supremacr) and  land of  Americas provide the wealth that produces today s  Ifyou  follow  the  Caucasian money trail,  it will  lead to  money  obtamed by the  blood of Africans. The fact that conservative estimates state that between  50 and 75  million Black lives were murdered due to slavery and an addi.,  tional inestimable millions to dis-eases is not a moral issue to Caucasians  or the  descendants  who  have the  hereditary blood money.  The  fact  that  European disease caused massive amounts ofdeaths killing e?tire villages  is of no moral consequence. The fact that many slaves were kIlled by slave  rustlers  (thieves)  in many raids  of slave  caravans,  plantations  and slave  ships arouses no moral issues. Many times, ships packed with  were  sunk in the battles between slave traders and slave rustlers. Later m hIstOry,  Caucasians would rustle (steal) each other's slaves, reb rand them, cripple  them, kill them or use the Underground Railroad (runaway slave network  ofpeople).They would steal each other's slaves and give  to the  ground railroad.  This was  a slave  owner's method of  or gettmg  rid ofhis competition. This would cause low crop productIOn, mcreasethe  price  of crops  or  increase  the  price  of slaves  with. special  skills,. The  Underground Railroad was just another way for  to  terrorize each other and steal each other's  slave  hvestock along WIth the  help  of other  slaves'  and with the  underground's  freed  Blacks' sutmOll:'  Section 17: Herbs, Africa and History The foods, herbs and medical science ofAfrica rescued the European from  the .Dark Ages  stopped their population decline. The morality and men- tal Illness (WhIte Supremacy) of the Caucasians is overlooked because of  the condition of European countries is overlooked. Europe was land poor,  and labor poor  .. However, they write a feel good history and  dIstort theIr cave man mentalIty and present it as civilized and cultured. If they  were  developed  and  civilized,  they  would not have  had  a  need for  land and African peoples  whom they called  slaves.  More  infor- mation  on slavery  can be found  in The Masters and Slaves by Gilberto  Freyre and Slavery by Nathan Glazer, as well as a host of other books.  THE HERB CONTROLLERS The nee? for a scientific medical system and herbs in Europe was caused  by  contmuous uncontrollable  outbreaks  of pandemics,  There was  not  enoug?  of herbs  or diseases  to  save  the  European peoples.  hIstOry reveals that there were approximately 235  herbs on the  .of Cos in Asiatic Turkey. However, Hippocrates, the Greek father of  medIcllle,. was only skilled enough to use less than thirty, He had no knowl- of eIther psychology or anatomy and did not know blood circulated  1ll the body.    African knowledge was rejected by his culture and was  the late 1800s. Churches capitalizing on the people's fear of  ?Ylllg r:orr; dIs.-ease, advertised for customers by saying they had the orig- mal Salllts  artIfacts, The churches were gathering false relics and bones in  order to  members and amass fortunes during the Middle Ages. This  started nvalnes  churches. The cathedral in Cologne obtained the  of the Three Wlse Men of the East in order to attract new members  WIth monies. In competition, the Church St. Gereon produced relics of St.  Gereon and the  of a  band of martyrs in order to get new cus- tomers (members) With momes. Then, another church had an entire ceme- tery of bones taken from graves and placed in the church and called these  bones the bones ofsaintly martyrs. The eleven thousand bones of so-called  female virgin martyrs helped faith healing and raised a fortune,  despite the  fact that  of the bones ?elOJ.:ged to men. The church was using igno- rant  and sensatIonahsm to get customers (religious members).  European SCIence  not save the dis-eased and dying population, so the  ohurch used these devlces to attract and cure dis-eased people. They did not  anyone bu,t preyed on the people's money, food supply and land.  Soon  churches dId produce a legitimate way to help such as  herbalist.  The  and, its monk!herbalists were to play an important part in the inva- ofAfnca for herbs, vegetables, fruits and knowledge.  The  helped to develop methods for the adaptation and hybridiza- of Afncan. herbs  to the  E:uropean  and  colonial  climates  by grafting  orossbreedmg plants. Then knowledge of herbology,  agriculture  and  464 465 AFRICAN HOLISTIC  HEALTH  horticulture was  eventually  used by the  European  fanners  and this  also  caused the herbal exploitation ofAfrica to end. Monks wrote books about  herbology, horticulture and medicine like De Laudibus Divinae  by Alexander Neckham,  an Augustinian  Ab?ot.of ,  These discoveries  did  not overshadow the  Caucasian need for  herbals, food and methods of domesticated plants.  Section 17: Herbs, Africa and History The Treatise ofFruit Trees by Ralph Austin (1653)  gives  definite  instruction for the pruning, grafting, setting and domestication ofplants. He  mentions that he improved on the methods of the fifth,  sixth,  and seventh  centuries. There would have been no need for adapting plants unless they  came from a different climatic country such as Africa. The exotic tropical  African medicinal fruits  stimulated an interest in importing them. However,  the people in Angleland (England)  dis-ease causing diet,  which was  pri- marily flesh and they were not interested in massive fruit or vegetable con- sumption unless it could stop dis-eases.  The French and Dutch had fann- ing  methods  for  tropical  African  fruit  trees,  these  plants  could  stop  starvation and dis-eases. Books that provided ways to adapt African plants  were translated by Leonard Mascall in 1572. The books ofknowledge were  useful but the need for cures caused drastic measures.  Plagues and pesti- lence were still prominent.  Plagues  caused the  deterioration  of European social structure  and  affected the rich merchants with landslide profits. Merchants sold herbs and  foods  at higher prices (more profit). In London in August  1665  during a  one-week period,  171  children were  born.  However,  there  were  5,568  deaths  and 4,237 of the deaths were caused by the plague, as reported in  "Bill a/Mortality" for the week ofAugust 15  to 22 in 1665. "Bill" was an  early  European name  for  newspaper.  The people running from plagues  looted  and  destroyed property.  These people were often ambushed  and  killed as carriers of the plague. This was reported in a 1625 pamphlet called  "A Rodfor Run-Aways 11  by Thomas Deekes. Aside from this, many myths  surrounded the plague. Pepys in his  "Diary" reported that a comet appeared  December 1664 before the plague struck.  King Charles II was reported to  have witnessed the sighting of a comet before the plague struck. In previ- 0us  histories,  events  occurred to  give  mystical  meaning  to plagues.  For  example,  before the plague of Justian in 543 A.D., the harvest failed  and  there  was  an  earthquake  that  preceded  the  coming  of  the  plague.  Nonetheless, plagues brought further dis-ease to the land.  The European cultures' need  for  food caused them to  use  the  quick  growing method.  The quick growing method was used  in Africa in  areas  where  towns,  cities,  or other building  structures  were  to  be established.  Cultivation  is  the  name of the  quick crop  growing method.  Cultivation  without rotating crops will  destroy the  land.  It does not matter how shal- the  land  is plowed, plowing kills  valuable  earthwonns,  insects  and  secondary plant life and the soil. In addition,  cultivation exposed the land  to excessive sunlight, air and water that causes the soil to be drained nutri- tionally and electromagnetically of its vital elements. The naked lands do  ··notbreathe properly, hold moisture properly, nor can the sun's energies be  stored by plants for the winter. In this respect,  the soil dies or is  forced to  produce substantially poorer quality plants. Plants enslaved on a plant plan- tation react just like human slaves.  Consequently, it is a constant struggle  .for nutritional  survival.  The  book,  The Secret Life a/Plants by Peter  494 495 AFRICAN HOLISTIC HEALTH Tompkins, addresses the emotional aspects and intelligence ,of plants .. In Africa, plants were respected and beyor:d s CaucasIan science. In fact, the Europeans from their VISIts to aware of the herbs, food and knowledge that they could m AfrIca. Many ancient West Africans had socIal. The University ofTimbuktu was widely known as a hIgher 1earnmg that was far more advanced than any institute in Europe. The health of was far better than the Europeans. African physicians hIgher knowledge. A town such as Benin (in present day western NIgena) was remarked on by the Dutch in 1602 as being greater than the towns, streets, houses and the King's court of Amsterdam, Holland. In due Europeans seized and destroyed this city and many others dunng theu invasions. 17th Century The herb market was controlled by the Dutch in the 17th Century. The herb market still had demands for more varieties ofherbs because continued in European countries. These countries tried to use against plagues but they were based on medical myths, superstItIOns ,and ignorance. In Geneva in 1743, Jean Jacques tells of being instituted to prevent on hIS return.:tt: 0m hIS sian ofAfrica initiated a quarantme, m 1795. European phYSICIans behe.ved the spread of dis-ease was caused by open pores after Consequently, Caucasians stopped taking ba,ths and burned herbs. The introduction of African soap was conSIdered a moder,n mve,ntlon, by the ancient Greeks, and they used oil for cooking and washmg. OIl pro- tection against evil was the purpose of ?il baths among as cooked animal grease was used for c1eansmg the body. The African herbal water system was adopted by herb water were used as a protection against eVIl and to hIde the unbathed CaucasIan foul body odors. Today it is called In many cases, people were persecuted as carriers of the or as who a plague. The Constitution Criminals by Mana Theresa m 1768 mentIOns the orate machines that were used to torture people to confess to startmg . plague. Some ofthe torture devices thumbscrew, the rack, hot oil baths and the burning ofbody parts With lIghted candles. There were attempts to use the stolen African medical The antiseptic principle of African medicine is invented by Joseph Lister. He wrote a book on The Antlseptlc Prmclple In the Practice ofSurgery, in 1866. This did not the sad that between 1864 and 1866 that at least 450/0 of the patients dIed after mmor surgery well as amputation because antiseptics were not used. The compound frac- ture operation caused overwhelming deaths and was as as th5 Bubonic Plague. The Escalapius Temple or Irriliotep medIcal trammg tem was introduced to nurse. A German by the name ofTheodore Section 17: Herbs, Africa and History who as. a pastor his asylum for discharged female prisoners into a 1853. One of his famous students was Florence (who dIed from syphilis). The Europeans still used African medICIne as a .type of superstition combined with their ignorant medical myths. Caucasians used dIs-eased animal pus to fight disease. The same ani- mal pus system was flIst introduced to England by Lady Mary Wortley of the British Ambassador to the Ottoman Court in 1717. that It called inoculation against cowpox. Later, this filthy sep- tic proved to be harmful and was abolished by an act of m In 1754, the Royal College of Physicians issued an offi- paper a?amst Its harmful effects. Oddly enough, European social med- Ical Ignorance, and superstitions allowed Edward Jenner to re-insti- tute t?lS same system under a new name ofvaccination. In 1798, he wrote Into the Cause and Effects of Variolas Vaccine and this served to legahze a Medical ideas and treatments that are morally wrong can be correct. It is morally wrong to make a healthy person SIck WIth pus and germ vaccination. It would be better to add to the person's by a mango or papaya instead of giving them pus. Inoculatlon or vaccmatIOns ,:e!e performed by Africans holistically (usage ofher?s orally) and unhohstIcally (use of pus topically). . The NubIans were among the earliest recorded Africans to use inocu- latIOn. have a healthy person sleep with a sick person as a form ofInOCulatIOn. The Baris ofLaluaba inoculated themselves over the heart on the skin area above the left breast. Moreover, the Pouls and Black Moors of used inoculation against specific dis-eases such as congestlon known as pleuro-pneumonia. The Arabs, Ashantis and Mo?rs m used the direct body contact of arm-to-arm inoc- The drrect body contact system was also used in Senegal for the chlldren. The Dutch learned of these systems during the 17th Century as they controlle.d herb market and had made more invasions in Africa.   populanzed moculation in Berne and Switzerland. Other countries system. Cotton Mather spoke of inoculations as bemg m Turkey in his book Philosophical Transactions in 1721. Inocu1atlOn was a desperate means to save Europe from disease. Queen Mary II died ofsmallpox in 1694. In 1790, a total of60,OOO,OOO persons died of smallpox. This added strong support for the need to get more and knowledge from Africa- whether holistic or unholisbc was not an Issue. The search for a way to use the African science of anatomy to save Europe was attempted. . . The medical schools in Europe needed corpses to dissect and study. .caused a wave ofgrave robbmg and mysterious deaths and reports. of .people. Grave robbers were not respected and could be tried as thIeves they .stole a wearing clothes. Consequently, grave rob- bers conVIcted oftheft by removing the clothes from a corpse before steahng It. In 1752, grave robbing was made legal and they were 496 497 AFRICAN HOLISTIC HEALTH titled Resurrectionists in England. The grave robbers and schools ( cults) that dissected corpses were not fully accepted in America by Euro-Americans. For example, no anatomy was allowed to be taught at the University of Pennsylvania in Philadelphia. Furthermore, in New York City, a large protest was organized against doctors performing autopsies. The protest- ing crowd became an uncontrollable mob and the doctors had to hide injail to protect themselves against death. This event was recorded as "The Doctors Mob ofApril 1788." In any case, the study of anatomy helped to elevate the medical knowledge of the body but not of cures or the dietary prevention of dis-ease. In contrast, anatomy was studied for over 4,000 years in Africa. 18 th Century In the 18th Century, the English controlled the herb market. African foods were considered as drug cures. The herb supply declined in England and the search for more herbs caused the need to invade Africa. England was besieged by European tribes from the north of Britain and from the northwestern coast of Europe. The medicinal herb farms (erroneously called orchards or gardens) plantations that the Romans had previously established inthe fIrst century had long died out. Many native tribes ofEngland had become uncivilized and barbarous from the invasions of other European tribes. Consequently, the need to constantly defend life and property caused the herb farms to waste away. Monks were encouraged to look for herbs not grown in their countries and to procure any information about how to cultivate the herbal drugs. Monks seemed to have knowledge of horticulture and were welcomed to European countries. The monks that came from France and Italy were encouraged to bring seeds, parts of herbs, tropical herbs or a plant when they came to England. The monks domesticated, experimented with grafting and adapted many African herbs and fruits to the European climate. However, their knowledge ofhow to control and successfully prescribe herbs was steep in ignorance and lacked the African holistic medical technology. Europe demanded more herbs from Africa. Consequently, the herb mer.:. chants increased their exploitation and invasions ofAfrica. The Caucasians, in order to keep a healthy army needed pain suppressants for battle injuries and wounds. They needed the dis-ease remedies ancient Egyptians had per- fected. They needed the African science of anesthesia and herbs such as Opium, Mandrake, Hash and others. However, the Africans were aware individualized dosage and herb ratios needed for the application while Europeans were not. The African scientist employed meditations (called prayers by Europeans) in order to clear the thinking for proper herb dosage and proper diagnosis. The ancient symbol for the invocation of medicationwas the distorted symbol of Jupiter Rx. Before Europeans gained African anesthetic usage, they would tie, bound and gag patients in pain. This newly usurned Section 17: Herbs, Africa and History anesthetic and antiseptic knowledge did not decrease deaths. The European surgeons did not wash their hands or use antiseptics. They usually waited in the autopsy room before surgery. While they were in the autopsy room, they would touch the contaminated, dis-cased flesh of the corpse. It was not until 1818 that a man by the name ofSemme1weis (bom in Budapest, Hungary) sci- entifIcally reasoned that deaths were caused by the unwashed hands of sur- geons. In contrast, African medical scientists were washing before and after patient care over 4,000 years before the Europeans discovered washing hands and antiseptics. Drugs were used by many health practitioners. In 1879, William Morton of Charlton, a Massachusetts pediatrician, started using cocaine. In the pediatrics medical branch known as midwifery, there was much protest. In contrast, ancient Africans did not use drugs for childbirth. James Simpson wrote the paper, "Answers to the Religious Objection Against the Employment ofAnesthetic Agents in Midwifery and Surgery." to defend drug use for birth in 1847. The "Lancet" magazine ofMay 1853 had an arti- cle against drugs for birthing. Today, drug use during birth is acknowl- edged to have side effects and risk factors. Drug use during birthing did not cover up or satisfy the Caucasian medical need for more information about the African natural birth and drug free systems. In order to save lives, more dissection and more corpses were needed for study in the schools of Europeans. Many Resurrectionists and illegal markets for dead bodies inspired murders and the stealing of cadavers. For example, in 1827 William Hare and William Burke of Edinburgh, England were partners in the business of killing people to get cadavers. They performed clandestine murders to get dead bodies to sell to medical schools for dissection. Burke would kill peo- ple by getting them drunk and then smothering them with pillows. The sound the victim made grasping for breath became known as "burping (burking)." Today, the term is still used and called "burping." In any case, knowledge was needed, and Africa was invaded for its wealth of knowl- edge. The invasion ofAfrica for herbs during the 18th Century included the capture of Black Africans who could teach herbal use. Black women were kidnapped because they were herbalist/cooks and prepared many herbals for the family. Elderly Black females became a source ofherbal knowledge and during slavery saved Blacks and Caucasians alike. Before the European invasions, many of the captured Africans who were enslaved were farm- ers who grew herbs for the African herb trade market. African herbalists became prized slaves along with elderly women and medicine men. The earlier exploitation ofherbs use by herb merchants, monks and slave traders had drained the African continent of its human resources. This caused the new European arrivals to Africa to assume that Africa always existed as a backward country. It was backwards because it was culturally raped by explorers and made undeveloped. Actually the exploitation of the land by 498 499 AFRICAN HOLISTIC HEALTH Greek (332 B.C.) and Roman (20 I B.C.) cattle fanners, the of the land by abusive cultivation, the rape of the books and herbal SCIence, coupled with the slaughter of over 75 million Blacks because of sla:e trade added to the never estimated deaths caused by the Caucasian dIS- eases' brought to Africa. Many Africans became culturally destabilized due to the constant inmigration because of European attacks. Before they could gain strength to fight the Caucasians, they had to retreat to barren areas. Eventually, the African original cultural structure These factors are but a few ofthe reasons why Africa appeared unCIVIlIzed and backwards to Europeans. Aside from this, the Europeans had a distorted evaluation of African culture and knowledge because the Caucasians were illiterate, had a limited vocabulary and had a barbaric primitive culture whose society was based upon "The Law of the Caves" mentalio/. Th.e Caucasians had a fic- tionalized idea ofAfrica and a false over glonfied Image ofEuropean cul- ture itself. In that respect, a view of the European scientific method can reflect upon this youth culture that crystallized itself in the 18th .Century. The ancient African scientific method would never vahdate the Caucasian practice of eating a brave man's heart as a of bravery. Further, the African scientific method cannot valIdate the eatmg of an owl's brain to make an individual wise or the eating of a lion 's to acquire the wisdom of a king. Today, this animal organ flesh eatmg IS called the glandular extract treatment by !hese ancient Caucasian beliefs and practices are supported by theIr SCIence and con- tinue today. They eat cow's liver capsules, and animal flesh as dietary supplements. The eatmg of dead internal organs can excite human internal organs in a negatIve or POSItIve manner. European science indicates that animals as well as human organs are rejected by the recipients. So it follows the of a glandular extract excite a person's organ's t? reject the arumal s organ thus it is believed to increase health and . .By t?e way, the liver is the most toxic and most waste-filled gland m an anImal s body and should not be eaten. Eating animals' eyes to improve human sight cannot be validated by the European scientific method. If this w.ere: so, then the animal flesh eaters should have the best of health by eatmg every gland, organ and piece of mucous and feces that are in an animal's Yet, from eating meat, they do not have sup.enor healt.h and still dis- eased. The meat eaters' logic assumes that ammal flesh IS medlcme. In anr case, the thought distortions of Caucasian cultural psychosis theIr medical science to maintain their superstitious caveman short lifespan ofEuropeans 200 years ago   years corrtbmed WIth dis-ease, pestilence and plagues caused thIS superstItIOn to have an ever- increasing lifespan. . . Ancient Caucasians used bloodletting to cure dis-eases. PhYSICIans of , the Seventeenth Century promoted blood transfusions for curing dis-eases' and rejuvenation. Ancient Caucasian Jews believed that a dying man whn Section 17: Herbs, Africa and History had sex with young girls could be rejuvenated and avoid death. This did not work. Ponce de Leon searched for magic youth-giving herbs and the foun- tain of youth. Mohammed selected one wife of seven years of age and another of eight years of age to restore his deteriorating health. Another Caucasian belief was wearing an animal skin could give you the powers of that animal and cure of dis-eases. None of these practices can be scientif- ically validated and yet they persist. They persist because White Supremacy is a psychosis. This psychosis generates and creates the inability to see or understand reality. It creates supportive psychoses. The Caucasian gadgets and machines have changed and the Caucasians assumed that they have changed. Machines, computers and science do not make people healthy. People make people healthy. The Euro-Americans and Europeans still have plagues and pestilence. For instance, a plague struck America in 1900, occurring in San Francisco. The Federal government and local governments argued that the plague did n?t ..Yet, they used all the prevailing methods to stop a plague. They killed Ill1lhons of rats and well over 20 million squirrels that carried the dis- ease. However, they denied the existence ofa crisis. Today, the same crises exist in the human health arena, the diet is synthetic and nutritionally poor and causes diseases. Caucasian medicine is controlled by the pharmaceu- tical clans and it operates as a business. THE ORIGIN OF HEALTH AND MEDICAL TERMS The terms, names, labels and health words used in anatomy, biology, chem- istry and the sciences are culturally based. Words expose a culture's life blood and are what keeps the culture's heart pumping. Culture is people. People are their words. The Caucasians' original words and terms contain their true feelings, emotions, behaviors and state ofmind. The Caucasian's dictionary gives the origin of the word (etymology) and then deliberately omits the original meaning. The dictionary civilizes (modifies) their words by omitting the historical crude behaviors and thoughts that defined the word. Caucasians civilized their words, but not the culture that defined the words. !. An examination of a "word's" original journey in vocabulary is an examination ofculture in motion. For example, "Nigger (Niger)" referred to Africans captured around the Niger River. It became transformed by slavery and colonialism and made derogatory by Caucasians. Essentially, "words" are neutraL It is people that make them "good" or "bad." People then word changes. Changing a "word," shortening it, making Itlonger, spellmg it backwards, adding or omitting letters or altering words invarious ways does not change the nature of the people that gave birth to the word. Words transmit and translate culture. They are conscious and subconscious symbols of the nature of a culture. The ancient Caucasians 500  501  AFRICAN HOLISTIC  HEALTH  clearly  attached their naked feelings,  emotions  and  knowledge  to  their  "words"  .  ) terms  and words about the body  (anatomy, physIology, etc'  l stee  ed in Caucasian ignorance,  superstitions,  and myths  and  e    true  nature.  The  ancient (original)  words  reflect a  understanding  of life.  The  ancient words' usages  the  foun  0 .  l·.c  Thel'r  '''words''  may  take  on  vanous  new  meanmgs. CaucaSIan  he.  .  b  1  t  k  ep  H  .  t takes an advanced spiritual and emotlOnal voca  u  ary  0 e  "words" movement through time. People change words. Words  a people. The Caucasians'  are naked and  to  become a  art of the new changes in word meanmg. More than anyt  mg,  CaucasianPbehavior indicates that people are words, wordhs  Th  terms  and words used in the health field have t  elf ongm m  Greek and Roman culture's stories (mythology).  p  d  tolen from the ancient African Egyptians, such as Aset  vanatIOns  an  s  .  D  M  Menu  Mmerva  Ceres,  are Venus, Diana,    the  their  and slavery. If their culture  is  c;:zed  and advanced as  they claim it to be, they  would not have sto en  can  wor*he ancient Caucasians' limited vocabulary caused thelll: to  backwards in order to  create  new words.  For  In :ytso  Dedi  us  means  a  boy who wants to  have  sex WIth  hIS  mot  er.  pe  it is Supideo. Supideo means a girl who wants to have sex  her father.  Electra (Electricity) means a  who wants to  his daughter. Electra spelled backwards IS  Artce1e· Artcele me to label the  ha  rith  her son  These words were use d  culture: The words di? not create the behav- ior  the people did. The original (ancient) w?rds  the    The  , Words can be seen clearly ifthe CaucaSIan culture IS  seen c ear y.  .  C  .,health and diseases were manipulated and controlled  They did not know blood circulated in the body;· :  did not  ractice  hygiene,  did  not bathe,  did not know the  heart pumped  blood  the world was flat and had no ?oncept of zero  used  bone; and sticks for counting; the bone and stIck symbols are ca  e  ?man  IV X  III) Their expanded stolen vocabulary (words) dId not I ( . numera s  I.e.,  ,  ,  advance their knowledge or culture.  .  .  filth  ... The ancient Caucasians lived in caves and theIr feet V;,ere  1  y,  and dark from grime. The primitive Greeks called  feet  tarsal  a  er  mythological god Tartaros who lived in the dark gnmy gloom. The  or teeth of animals were tied on to shoes. This  that the  a  ood hunter  powerful and/or in control. The weanng  son  .  h;S replaced the claws. The word "tassal" indicates that pnmitIve  are still in Caucasians.  Section 17: Herbs, Africa and History Shoes  among  the  ancient Caucasians  were  associated with sex  and  Aphrodisia (Aphrodite). In mythology, the god Zeus sent a bird to steal the  shoe  of Aphrodite.  In ancient  Caucasian culture, when  a  father  gave  his  daughter's  shoe  to  a  man  or woman,  it  meant that they  were  given per- mission  to  rape  his  daughter.  Remnants  of this  custom  are  found  in  the  children's story Cinderella. Cinderella's shoe was found by a Prince. Once  he put the shoe on her foot, he was allowed to have sex with her (marry her).  The red shoe of the character Dorothy in the story The Wizard ofOz sub- liminally expresses that Dorothy has come of age (sexually active). Sex, as  a gift, was associated with shoes in Caucasian culture. Originally, Christmas  gifts were put in shoes then in contemporary times, the shoe was replaced  with socks.  Caucasian's primitive  sexual  feelings  are still attached to  the  shoe.  For example, the pointed toe and high heels on their shoes are sym- bolic ofthe penis. The word "tassel's" ancient meaning and the sexual cus- tom involving the shoe helps to  expose the nature ofthe Caucasian. The fol- lowing examples of ancient (original) words' definitions reveal more about  the  Caucasian.  The Pectoralis  chest muscle's name is derived from the mythological  Picus (Peco) who had a hairy coat. Picus was the servant god of Saturn. The  chest  of Caucasian men is  very hairy  (Picus).  The primitive  Caucasians  called  the  chest  Picus.  This  word  eventually  evolved  to  Pecus,  then  Pectoralis.  Urine  is  derived  from  Urea.  The  gods  Kronus/Crown  (Fire)  and  RhealUrea (Water) had a daughter named Dementia (Demented). The birth  of Dementia was  a  loss  for the father.  Boys were valued above  girls  and  girls  were  often killed  at birth  because  they had no  social  importance.  Dementia means loss, failed,  etc. A mind that has lost its ability to function  properly  is  "demented." Accepting the  original meaning  of Dementia  exposes the emotional and intellectual foundation of Caucasian thought.  Sacrum (flat sack) or tailbone was called the  flat brain by primitives.  The  ancient Caucasians believed you had a  round brain (skull)  at the top  of the  tree (vertebral column) and a flat brain (skull) at the bottom of the  bone tree (vertebrae). Vertebral (twist) column (tree) or back bone means  "twisting tree."  The "Anus" is the hole between the buttocks, which evacuates manure  (bowel movements). The word Anus is derived from Roman mythology's  Temple oflanus (Anus), which had two cheeks/faces (two buttocks). Anus  meant "the hole between two cheeks (Anus)." The ancient Caucasian sim- ply referred to it as "the hole oftwo cheeks." Anus was not and is not a med- ical term but a social word for "the hole of two cheeks." Today, Anus may  seem like a medical term but it is more ofa social term. It is not an advanced  word but a crude word from a crude people. It is an "icon" word that glues  .. Caucasians to  their ancient cult-ure.  The  word "Semen" is derived from the primitive Greek's mythology  (belief) about Dionysis (the son ofZeus). Dionysis (wild orgy god) ate his  502  503  AFRICAN HOLISTIC  HEALTH  wife  Semen/Semele  in  order to  give birth.  He  ate  Semen and  stole  her  unborn baby.  Dionysis  sewed the  baby  (put  semen)  into  his  thigh  (but- tocks) and gave birth immaculately. Immaculate Conception means with- out a "wolf (lupus), wolf-man = wo-man" (self-fertilized). This myth pro- vides the primary spiritual rationale for the Caucasians' perversion ofsemen  swallowing and ejaculation in bowel movements in rectum of the buttocks  activities  in  homosexuality and homosexuality rituals  in secret societies,  occult groups, brotherhoods, orgies, sororities, fraternities,  etc.  The word "queer" is derived from Roman mythology's Quere/Quirites.  Romulus (Rome) was the homosexual brother of the homosexual Remus.  Romulus formed the male homosexual city of Rome. Incidentally, in Rome,  the thieves,  liars  and criminals  were  forced  to  live on a  hill of the  city  called Capitol  Hill.  The  ruling senators  and  congressmen  of the  United  States of America work in a  section called Capitol Hill. The male homo- sexual city's popUlation was becoming extinct because it had no women.  Romulus  devised a  scheme to  get women to  breed with the homosexual  men.  He  invited the  men  and women from  another  city called Sabines  (means cave) to come to a festival. At the festival, the Roman homosexual  men raped the Sabine women. The husbands of the raped women became  angry.  In order to  avoid a  war,  Romulus  promised that his men would  marry the raped women. Romulus' and Sabines' peoples eventually united  and called themselves the "Queers (Quere/Quirites)."  Rhomboideus back muscles that resemble a hill or Christmas (pine) tree  in shape.  RhomJRome was  established on a  "hilL" The  "Id" part of the  word Rhomboideus means the demon nature of the  man's mind. "Id" also  means  primitive  uncivilized  dark  thoughts  or  "idiot"  mentality.  Rhomboideus means ''the demon hill on the back"  Plantaris (Plant) muscles of the feet touch the ground. Things that grow  in dirt were called "ground things  (plants  Y' by primitive Caucasians. The  foot, because it touches the  dirt, was called "the ground (plant) bone."  In mythology, Nessas (Nesa, Neva, Navel) raped Deianeira (Hercules'  wife). He told Deineira to use the blood caused by her rape and!  or menstru.:  ation blood on Hercules  as  an aphrodisiac.  The blood was  believed to  restore fertility. A child's umbilical cord (rope) bleeds when cut. When the  baby's umbilical cord heals itself, it is renamed the navel. The navel (umbil- ical cord) was once in the sea (amniotic fluid)  of the womb. Navel (Navy)  means "the sea rope."  The disease Lupus  is associated with females.  Lupus was the femalt!  wolf that nursed Rhomulus  and Remus.  Lupus  means wolf (wolf-man;=7  wo-man).  The  lower leg bone  (shin)  is  called the Tibia.  Tibia  (Thethy) was  mythological god that lived in Olympus. The Tibia bone was believed  grow from the sacrum (flat brain). Sacrum (Sacred) was believed to be  home of the gods. The gods gave birth and created Tibia.  Section 17: Herbs, Africa and History The Ileocecal valve is inside th'  .  intestines joins with  the  large  .  t  e t:ntestmes and located where the small  from the large intestines from  m' es meso  valve  liquid  food  valve is inside the intestine  back up l?tO the small mtestines. The  (rleos)  was  the brother of'Herc  I lIquefied digested food.  Iolas  Hydra,  the  three-headed crab  0 Hercules  by killing  Hydra means  water (i e  Fire H  S  er w  0  Ived  in the  watery swamp,  swamp (manure),"  ..,  ydrant).  Ileocecal  means  "protect from  The Sternum  (breast bone)  is  th  .  bones.  The ribs are shaped like th  fi e  that gUIdes  the boat made of  (key)  bone  of the  chest connects  rame 0  a  wooden boat. The Clavicle  shoulder has the  Tricep (three  h  d  the  and the shoulder bone.  The  monster Hydra.  Ileo (Iolas)  cut  an  :ice p  (tw,o heads)  of the  crab  swamp. This prevented  s heads  in the Delta  m  the  swamp  (Delta).  The  "bone boat (  h  fron;, bemg trapped (Trapezius)  Therefore,  the muscles  in  betw  th  c. est)  traveled  along the  coast.  "Intercoastal." The  "Scapular  e  (f;,ame  of b.oat)  are  called  bone sale of the boat.  er  ade)  was  belIeved  to  be  the  Inguinal  (groin)  ligament  (ro  e)  b  r  that tied the leg and hip togeth  p  was  e  Ieved to  be  the groin ropes  Phalanges  (Phallux)  mea::'  ems .  Th  penis-like  with  a  bone inside  Tt .,  fingers  were  believed to  be  (fruit/flower) petal palm  h  edPems- e  bones  grew  from  the  carpi  Ph'  an  .  yrr  ea IS  the inflammation of the  'aw  d  .  .  the Pyrrhea people had fire.  This  than  :oothJ?mt. In mythology,  earth. Zeus told Poseidon to flood the earth  ;m  0 survIve the flood of the  people  from  the  flood  by  "  h  .  rometheus helped save some  Prometheus  (promiscuous  t )  y  fire. (Pyrrhea).  Zeus  punished  Caucus in order to  destroy his b  d  C or savmg people.  He took him to  The  '  't'  .  0  y.  aucus means body,  pru1l11Ve  meanmg of Ca'  d  intelligence. It is similar to takin  g  wor. s  reduces the range of their  range ofmotion is limited by th  tre ,pe and tymg a dog to a tree. The dog's  e  e s roots (word o·  .)  h  . ( Words  such as  Brachioradialis  ngm  anc  ored m the soil  limb ofa bone tree' Zygomaticus :fi arm muscle means  a  branch of a  Orbicularis Oculi  a series of yoke that holds the jaw;  means sack (bag), "oculi" means e  .  .  means mouth, "cularis"  sack ofthe eye." Abdomen is deri  mean "the mouth  "domain" means house. The  a  ,  means "away from,"  from  the belly's house" Serr  tu  t  th  ords mean  muscles that grow away  tooth-like front  () eef)  t. anterior (front) muscles means the  (cap) with ropes, etc.  ea  19ament (rope) means the knee leaf  Psychology is derived from the  d P  such as those  on ButterfliesWor  butterfly.  who 1S  the goddess of retribution 0  were assOCIated WIth  Funes (Eriyas)  their mind to  be filled  with h'dd  vengeance.    .Caucasians believed  1  en  emons or pnmltIve untamed desires.  504 505 AFRICAN HOLISTIC HEALTH The mind was believed to have a wing of "good" and a wing of "eviL" They believed the battle between good and evil make the mind fly (think). Good seeks vengeance against evil and causes the mind to think (pros-cons). Caucasian words broadcast their culture. Their words are connected to primitive rituals, ceremonies and customs. Words are icons that keep a cul- ture glued together. Icon is a derivative of Iron. Iron (Icon) was their prim- itive classification of races. The Iron Race was uncivilized and only knew how to crudely survive. The Bronze Race was a race of criminals. The Golden Race was"the race from the land of the Golden Sun (Africa) where the land had plenty food. The word Icon" reflects the Caucasian under- standing of their own culture (Iron Race/Age) and others' cultures. An "icon" picture symbol nonverbally helps ideas to "survive" and live with- out defining the spoken or writteri word. Icons are symbols commonly thought of as being limited to computer technology. It is a social term. Words ancient (original) meanings and subliminal subconscious Caucasian meanings are obvious when yon take their ancient words as ancient words. For example, in primitive Roman mythology, the godNuma (Month) arranged the gods of the months in an order. Janus (January) was the god ofPeace; Mar (March) was the god of war; and Feb (February) was the god of death. February is Black History Month-the month of death. The Caucasian words and definitions have to be understood from their ancient meanings and origins. Take Caucasian words for precisely what they once meant, then refer to their contemporary meaning. The contem- porary meanings wander away from the ancient meaning. However, they still have their ancient beginning or else the word itselfwould not exist. In other words, take their words for what they mean-take their word for it. Ancient African words were created holistically (spirit, mind, body) and mixed with the concept of the past, present and future as one. For example, the African word "Maat" means the same thing as it did over a million years ago. Caucasian words change in order to reach a more per"" feet definition. The original Caucasian terms and words truly mirror the his.;. tory oftheir health and culture. Their words are not merely grammar, they expose the nature of Caucasian people. Section 17: Herbs, Africa and History HEALTH AND MEDICAL TERMS COMMON TERMINOLOGY Foot Digestive System  Colon/Rectum  Child Birth/Child  Bearing        Healthcare  Arthritis  Blood Cancer &  Malignant Diseases  Elderly  Infants/Children  Nervous System  Weight Control  X-Rays  MEDICAL TERMINOLOGY Psychiatry  Otology  Ophthalmology  Otorhinolaryngology  Endocrinology  Pulmonary Disease  Cardiovascular  Disease  Nephrology  Dermatology  Gastroenterology  Urology  Proctology  Obstectrics  Gynecology  Orthopedics  Podiatry  Rheumatology  Hematology  Oncology  Geriatrics  Pediatrics  Neurology  Bariatrics  Radiology  506 507 AFRlCAN HOLISTIC HEALTH HERBS (A complete listing would be beyond the scope ofthis writing) These herbal drugs and many more were fought by European drug traders. They helped to stimulate the invasion ofAfrica. Four hundred ago, they were used to cure dis-eases. Today, they are forgotten or use as so-called spices and seasonmg s . Aloe/Aloe Vera Agrimony Basil BogaBark Calumba Chamomile An herb of the cactus plant tribe. It was con-. trolled by the sultan and it was sold by the King of Socrota to England in the 17th records of the East Indian Company ve.nfy thIS trading. The invasion of the herbs' of south and east Africa caused ecologIcal daJ:r: age and destroyed lives. Aloes are used as laxatives, bitter tonics, vermifuge, and emmenagogue. This herb has an astringent effect. It contracts and hardens tissue. It strengthens and tones the muscles of the body. It allows fluids to pass more readily through the kidneys and is regarded as a diuretic. . For diarrhea, digestive disorders, and unnary tract inflammations. Basil wreaths have ' found in ancient Egyptian burial chambers 1ll the pyramids. This African herb used as expellant of the placenta (afterbIrth) and struation pains. In the 15th and Centunes, the Venetians, portuguese and Spamards fought battles over this herb and many Europear: s :"fere killed. It was very important in the formulas of nutmeg and clove. In addItIon, I11s<: used to extract poisons from insect bites. . It was used in Africa (Nigeria and the Congo) a relaxant. European-Americas use.it psy- chotropically. It is used to addIctIon. For digestive problems, skm and to expel worms. It is a stimulant, and . tive. This African plant grows III near the Zambezi River, MozambIque and Africa. . U sed as a tonic and stimulant.EgyptIans bined this herb with olive oil, used it for mas- sage, and rubbed it on sore The Romans learned of this medIc mal herb and it for massage, venereal dis-ease, nervous Camphor Cinnamon Celery Clove Section 17: Herbs, Africa and History ders, as well as a hair rinse for blondes and for alcoholism treatment. ' The Arabian herb was used for bruises, nervous- ness headaches and to lessen sexual desires. The Romans and Greeks did not learn of this herb's use. The Arabian drug and herb trade was not lim- ited. They controlled the herb cinnamon. They were the principle merchants that sold the herb to the Phoenicians, Greek and Romans. It has been found in African tombs. Cinnamon was used for and for spiritual enlighten- ment. Astde from being a germicide stomachic and antispasmodic it was used for uterine hem-' orrhages and as a sex stimulant. l!sed as a carminative and for respiratory condi- tIOns. The Greeks and Romans learned of this herb and used .it as a sex stimulant. Additionally, the   were used for protection agamst WItches and evil. European herbal use of celery lasted until the 1 Th Century. from being an antiseptic, astringent, and . stImulant for the circulatory system. It was over during the herb and drug trade. The VenetIans controlled clove and sold it in England for its curative value. The Arabians competed with the Venetians in marketing this herb. Other countries such as the Portuguese Dutch fought sea battles, much blood was spIlled and many merchants were killed in the wars to control cloves. African herb is used for digestive and skin dIs-eases. The historian, Pliny, reports that it was used in Egypt by physicians to treat dis- eases. Europeans used it to treat the pestilence called St. Anthony's Fire. It was controlled by the English drug merchants. This African herb was used for digestive disor- ders, and soreness. The Egyptians used It as a remedy for colic, flatulence and skin di s-eases. ' U sed for respiratory dis-eases, skin dis-eases and inflammations. Africans used this tree to' malaria. Wherever it was planted, fever, dis-ease, and mosquitoes disappeared. The seed 508  509  Fennel Frankincense Gotu Kola Berbane Henna Horsetail Hyssop Kola Nuts  AFRICAN HOLISTIC  HEALTH  was much sought after by the early French and  Romans. A Gennan botanist and African  invader  Baron Ferdinand von Muller in the  18th  brought this plant to Europe. It is  one of the largest trees.  This African herb  was used for digestive disor- ders,  inflammations, and skin disorders.  Egyptians used fennel and it  reported III the  papyrus with extensive prepa:-atlOn,. dosage and  herb combining formulas.  ThIS  partIcular  papyrus was destroyed when the Alexandria  library was burned.  European  of  this herb.  Egypt and Dutch traded WIth  It.  A purifier. It was used for religious purposes.  When Constantine the Great declared  Christianity the  official religion ofthe Roman  Empire, the burial ceremonies in which the herb  was used  were  discontinued and was replaced  by cremation. Thus, religious use of this herb  for funeral rites and mummification was halted ..  This herb was marketed by the Arabians in the  4th  Century.  .  This herb is used to increase circulation, mental  powers and for memory.  In ancient Africa, ele- phants were followed and it was noted that they  ate this herb.  It was used and found to be good  for memory.  This African herb  is used for stress and nervous  conditions. It has a narcotic effect and is  a pain  reliever.  This herb is used for inflammation of the skin.  Ancient Egyptians used it as a dye for finger"'  nails. Mummies have been found with Henna  dye on fingernails.  It was  to dye  navel  and breast of ancient EgyptIans.  CaucasIans  it as a hair dye.  Used for respiratory and skin dis-eases in  Africa. The Romans learned of it, used it as  food  and ate horsetail sprouts.  A  and is used for  and  dis-eases. The Persian Blacks used It as a  Used as  a cardiac tonic and beverage by  Africans. Caucasian Americans copied the  erage tonic drink and called it coca cola.  They  copied the ancient African flower essence (  Licorice Lime Mandrake Marshmallow Oil Section 17: Herbs, Africa and History water) dis-ease treatment system and called it  dew water (Mountain Dew was  originally a  treatment for disease).  I:icorice is  used as a demulcent, emollient, laxa- tIve and hormone (estrogen) regulator. The  Greeks and Romans  used it.  Writers such as  Dioscorides (Greek), Celsius and Scribamus  Largus (Roman) mentioned it.  Hippocrates  learned of it from the Africans and treated dia- betes and dropsy with it.  Licorice was stored in  King Tut's tomb (Tutankhamen).  This tropical fruit  found in Burma and Africa is  used for liver disorders.  The Jewish slave trader  Christopher Columbus, traded with it in the East  Indies.  This African herb is used for liver dis-eases and  inflammations, varicose veins, ulcers, and used  as  a narcotic. The Egyptians used it to cleanse  the  reproductive system and for surgery.  The ArabIans  called it the devil's apple.  The  Europeans used it as a sex stimulant and for  casting out demons.  This African herb is used for inflammation  a  diuretic,  a demulcent and a laxative. It was'used  as  a food during times of famine in Egypt.  It  was adopted by the Greeks, Assyrians,  Chinese  and Romans. Historians Pliny and Dioscorides  wrote about it.  This  herb was used for pain, bruises and  arthritIS.  The Romans learned of it and used it to  increase thinking.  Used as  a diuretic  and for respiratory disorders  and as  a stimulant. Africans used it as a varnish  for wood in boats and furniture.  Used for skin dis-ease, brushing teeth,  circula- tory problems and as an antiseptic. The  Egyptian papyri of2,000 B.C. mentioned its  ?se. Mrr: h  was used as an aromatic (burned as  Illcense) III the temples of Isis, the Egyptian  Goddess of Love.  Used for digestive problems and for skin disor- ders.  Africans used it for massage,  011,  soaps, ointments,  salves, plasters,    hair oil.  The monks brought it to  Amenca III 1796. Ancient Greeks, Romans, and  510  Oranges  Opopanax  Parsley  Papaya  Peppermint  Peony  Periwinkle  Plantain  Pineapple  Pyrethrum  Rose  AFRICAN HOLISTIC  HEALTH  Assyrians learned of it from Africans and used  it.  A fruit used for stomach and spleen disorders.  Drug merchants brought it to America in  1565.  This plant was used in northern Africa as  a fixa- tive.  The Greeks learned of it and used it for the  same purpose.  Used for urinary tract dis-ease and the nervous  system. The Greeks learned of it and used it for  the same purpose.  Used for pancreas dis-ease and digestive prob- lems. Today, an ingredient of the fruit (papain  enzyme) is  injected into animals before they are  slaughtered. This causes the flesh to decompose  and be tender.  Peppermint was cultivated by the Egyptians and  used as medicine. Hippocrates, who as an  Escalapian (Imhotep), learned of its effective  usage by studying African science. Peppermint  usage was adopted by the Greeks and Romans  as reported by Pliny.  Used for respiratory and female reproductive  dis-eases. In the European Middle Ages, it was  used as a protection from witches.  The Greeks  also used it as a food flavoring.  U sed as an astringent, and for hemorrhages and  toothaches.  In southern Africa, it was used for  pancreas dis-eases such as  diabetes. Today,  Europeans are using it for cancer.  This ancient African fruit is in the banana plant  tribe.  It is used for skin dis-eases,  inflammation,  varicose veins and digestive disorders. The  Europeans learned of it in the Middle Ages and  used it for female reproductive dis-eases. It was  believed that wherever the English took posses- sion of the  soil ofAfrica, a plantain would grow.  Used as a general tonic, digestion and for wast- ing dis-ease.  In the  16 th  Century, the Portuguese  controlled this fruit medicine and sold it to India  and St.  Helena.  This herb is from North Africa and was used as  an insecticide. Today,  Caucasians use it in many  commercial insecticide products.  An astringent. Used for female reproductive  complaints, skin diseases and for urinary tract  Section J7: Herbs, Africa and History 511  disorders. The Europeans learned of it from  Africans and used it during the Middle Ages.  Saffron  An anodyne and diaphoretic. Used for female  reproductive disorders and as  a carminative.  Ancient African royalty used it as  a dye. The  Greeks and Romans  learned of it and used it to  scent baths and halls.  Sage  Used for asthma and is a vermifuge, astringent  and expectorant.  Sage was used as a hair rinse  to soften hair and soothe the scalp.  Europeans  used it to hide the flavor of spoiled meat. The  Romans used it for muscle pain and soreness.  Today, Caucasians use it to flavor food.  Sandalwood  Used for inflammation, indigestion, skin disor- ders,  respiratory dis-eases,  and fevers.  King  Solomon's temple was built of sandalwood. The  Burman Empire used it as a purifier.  Squil  This herb is a diuretic,  emetic, expectorant and  is used for respiratory inflammation. The  Egyptians used it for heart dis-ease in 1500 B.C.  The Greeks and Romans learned of it and used  it for the same purpose.  Tragacant  Was used for mucous congestion and as a  demulcent. Africans in the areas ofAsia Minor  and present day Iran used this herb. The Greeks  learned of it in the 4th Century.  EUROPEAN DIS-EASES  DEFEAT ANCIENT AFRICA  The  European "disease invasion ofAfrica" caused massive deaths and  weakened the strength ofAfricans to fight offthe invasions. Rome, during  its  Golden Age  (6th  Century), had dis-eases  and plagues.  These disease  epidemics  slowed down the  Caucasian conquest  of many  countries  and  limited the travel of dis-eased Caucasians. Caucasian plagues spread into  Africa. Where Caucasians traveled they brought poor hygiene,  food  crop  exploitation, hunger and disease. In 542 B.C.  the European disease of the  Plague spread to the Nile then to Asia Minor. European dis-eases followed  their invasion route along the coast and reached Constantinople, killing an  estimated 10,000 persons daily. The total figures for the dis-ease deaths of  Black Africans  are  beyond estimation.  Plagues generally reverse them- selves. They travel forward with Caucasians,  then travel back to the ports  with Caucasians, which doubles the plagues' killing power. The European  invasion  routes  thus  escalated  the  dis-ease  death  toll  of Africans.  The  Plagues were  in Greece,  Italy,  and Gaul to  the  Rhine  taking  15  years to  512  513  AFRICAN HOLISTIC  HEALTH  travel the European inter-tribal trade routes.  It took over 50 years for  the  air to clear from the foul  stench ofdecayed bodies. The European dis-eases  in its path killed millions of Blacks.  .  .  .  ,  In the  14th Century,  over 25  millIon  WhItes  dIed  In f!om  plagues  and  the  plagues  ceased  because  it  :at;t  of  ':Ict:ms.  However, the plague did not run out ofBlack Victims, In Afnca, so It killed  many more  Blacks  than  Whites.  The plague  1348.  deaths .of  Blacks inAfrica. The Dutch brought plagues dunng their mvaSIOn. AgaIn,  the rich get richer and the poor died when over 100,000 diseased  Catholic Church members marched to Rome and less than 10,000 survived  the march. The church confiscated the riches of the dead marchers. Those  that survived the march were blamed as the cause of the plague and were  burned or murdered.  The moneylenders  of that  era were various  tribes,  Jews, rich  individuals  and Church.  The  Church  label  their creditors  as  plague carriers  and  had them killed in order to  out of debt  an? tohen  confiscated the riches ofthe dead Jews. These anCIent European ChnstIans  used faith healing, prayers,  incantations,  and human sac- rifices to stop the dis-eases without success.  FaI!h ,healIng was  and  superstitiously based.  Moreover,  the early  ChnstIans  stopped USIng  the  hygienic  rational  African  approach  to  he.alth  that  was  taught  at  the  Escalapian Temples. The Greek system  aban?oned, as  rampant hunger, dis-ease  and famine turned neighbor agaInst  The diseases were carried on the high seas and on slave ShIPS  and the  death toll  of the invasion routes  of Africa were  massive.  Historian Pliny  relates that during the war with the Teutons in the first  after  the Christ, the invading Roman Army was nearly extenmnated on the Rhme  River banks by scurvy.  '"  Portuguese invaders ofAfrica also carned  I,n  15  16th  Centuries. In fact, they killed themselves with  dIseases.  Vasco da Gama usually had from 6 to  12 healthy SaIlors left In hiS crew, journeys.  This  was  caused by dis-eases  killing, his  crew.  The  sailors were either dis-eased  or had scurvy as  m  1497  when he Invaded  India. Spaniards carried smallpox dis-ease and  to Africa. The  African deaths due to  this  dis-ease have not been estImated. However,  must have been approximately 4  million. In 1735, GasJ?er Casal, a  cian at the court of King Philip of Spain described the dIs-ease as rose dIS- ease.  They  also  brought  smallpox  to  New Mexico  in  the  16th Century,  causing the death of 32 million natives.  .,  Smallpox is a self-inflicted dis-ease, which was recorded In Europe IIi  the  10th Century.  Historian Macaulay denoted that smallpox was always  a  constant disease, causing deaths and plagues among Europeans, In 1  it was in London, Queen Mary died of it and in France Charles    nose  was scarred by it and  it appeared as  if he had 2  nos.es.  In addltIOt;t,  the  Europeans brought the dis-ease with them when they  :vnenca  the colonists had it.  In 1700 there were 6 smallpox epIdemiCS In Boston:;  Section 17: Herbs, Africa and History In 1.1 93 , Yel.lo w  Fever killed 10% ofthe population ofPhiladelphia. In  correlatIOn,. Africans  must have had  a  similar popUlation  decline  due  to  dIs-eases, Again,  the invasion route was also the dis-ease route  as ASiatIc  Cholera came with the Europeans to the Americas, to Quebec,  then  to the  Great  Lakes,  then to  the  Upper Mississippi,  then New York  where over 10,000 Whites died. The Native American and African deaths  equally high  these same dis-eases and were not recorded because  Afncans were  conSIdered  the  same  as  livestock  animals.  Incidentally,  Blacks drove .the hearse carts  In fact, they were the only  people at WhIte funerals as Whites (mcludmg relatives and priests) would  not attend funerals  for fear of getting the dis-ease.  .  The number of European dis-eases caused by the poor hygienic prac- tIces,  lack of and clean water use, famine and hunger is beyond count.  However,  dIseases  of a  wealthy king with  good doctors  and the best  dIet  can reflect the health of the  White peasant.  Louis XIV of  France IS  recorded as having smallpox at 9 years ofage, venereal dis-ease  at  11  years, then typhoid disease, measles at 25 years,  intestinal parasites  (worms),  teeth and abscesses, gout at 44 years, dislocated elbow at  45,  at 48  years,  then malaria,  kidney  stones  and  hardemng of He dIed ofgangrene ofthe leg. This indicates the gen- eral health (dls.-ease) status of the European population.  .  Venereal dIs-eases ,:ere transported to Africa and wherever Europeans  mvaded. In fact,  the PurItans that first arrived in America had syphilis and  accu,sed  each ?ther as  the  sinners.  It nearly  caused the  Plymouth Rock  (PurItans)  dIsband.  fact,  the syphilis carriers in European history are  very  extenSIve:  CatholIc  Pope Alexander VI had syphilis,  Henry III  of  France, Emperor Charles V, the Terrible ofRussia, Herod King ofthe    VIII accused Cardmal Wolsey ofgiving him syphilis by whis- permg In his ear and he made whispering a crime which carried the death  penalty.  In James  Savage's Diary 1826,  he mentioned that syphilis could  be the  ofblameless manners (immorality). Moreover, gonorrhea was  aprevaIlmg cause of death  its  origins  are  lost in antiquity.  However,  dis-ease and man-created famInes depopulated Africa.  fM?ine  (lack. of food)  and hunger played a major  role  m the European InVaSIOn  ofAfrIca.  In many battles with Africans  it  was  European  disease  that killed Africans  and  won the  battle  for  the  Dis-eases caused Europeans to be constantly in fear of death;  whIle fammes caused them to be in constant fear of starvation. The lack of  natural  human  resources  and the  small  land  area of the  Caucasians  was a pnme factor for the invasions.  :  Europe  ofthe.combined tribes of the Soviet east and capital- No other tnbal regIOn on the earth's surface has existed on the con- tInUOUS  dependency  for human resources  (slaves),  knowledge,  natu!al resources,  herbs and edible plants.  Geographically,  the  SOVIets  are  Europeans,  aSIde  from  their  obvious  membership  in  the  514 515 AFRICAN HOLISTIC HEALTH Caucasoid race. Europe has 4% of the earth's surface, Caucasoids are 60/0 of the world population and they have historically been dis-eased, preda- tory militaristic thieves and cultural cannibals who romantically call them- selves explorers. Europe (named by African Queen Europa) has always existed in one form or another ofhunger and disease from its cavemen beginnings to the Feudal period. Europe was divided into large estates of 16,000 acres. White slaves (called serfs) suffered hunger and dis-ease under the control oflords. (Historia Economica y Social De La Edad lVledia by H. Pirenne). European dis-eases caused a population drain. It left vast areas of farm- land vacant and caused land to be exploited for food, which caused barren land and famines. Caucasians were in perpetual hunger and fear of death from dis-ease. And Africa's attraction was the absence of hunger and ease. The oldest documentation of forced hunger in African is the "Stele of Famine." It was discovered over a granite tomb at the first cataract of the Nile. This famine devastated Egypt during the reign ofTosorthrus. During this famine the Nile did not flood for several years and massive starvation occurred. The Europeans' geopolitical land control caused starvation in Africa despite it being four times the size ofthe United States (11,500,000 square miles) with a scant Black population to feed. There is an over- abundance of fertile land to feed its population. Aside from this, the large water supply of the Congo, Zambezi, Nile and Niger rivers can keep the land fertile for food. Africa has the richest supply of natural resources, all ofwhich are directly or indirectly controlled by European land barons. The majority of the land is in the Torrid Zone and the land is either equatorial jungle or tropical desert both ofwhich are difficult to artificially control. This caused the Europeans to search for other land areas and other means to exploit existing land and people in Africa. Europeans were after quick-growing crops. These quick crops neces- sitated artificially controlling the land (cultivation), resulting in soil nutri- tional deprivation, which caused food nutrient deprivation, which resulted in causing diseases to become rampant. The pandemic stricken Europe seized all types of African herbs and European tribes were in vital need ofmedicinal herbs so much so that they used plants of any type (medicinal and non-medicinal) seeking cures. They resorted to eating all types ofleaves, roots, plants, and trees Ill: a blind effort for medicinal herbs. They also practiced tribal (collective) hibernation. Entire tribe collectives (villages) would spend 4 to 5 months· with limited physical activities accompanied with long periods of lying down. They would drug :induce artificial sleep. (Histoire de 1 ' . Vegetal by A. Maurizio). The exploitation of the land of Africa for quick easy profits Caucasian imported diseases caused Africa to weaken. Thus, the   invasion was quickened and devastated a land and its people. Section 17: Herbs, Africa and History . . . The European tribes that invaded Africa for ivory, gold and herbs were the Portuguese, later the Spanish, French, English, etc. It was the that the plantation colonies. The plantation farming system reqUlres destroymg the naturally occurring plant balanced flora and fauna and the destruction of the natrural food crops' ecological systems. In contemporary time, land exploitation was caused by the Aswan Dam built in .1902. This established year-round irrigation resulting in nutrient- poor SOIL However, this dam killed the soil because rich mud from the interior no longer came to the farmlands, and year-round cultivation the existing fertile soil. Aside from this, the European geopolit- Ical structure caused the land provided by the dam to be devoted to mono- crops (cotion and sugar) and no food crops to feed the Africans, which created forced hunger. The European mono-crops temporarily stopped hunger and improved health but in due course caused vitamin deficiencies soil destruction: this allowed the European invaders bme to focus on bUlldmg wealth, while destroying African peoples and land. European invaders committed all types of land and people abuse. Romans invaded Africa and killed the Africans with weapons and with the dis-eases they carried and they overworked the soil for grains and herbs. The great olive orchards of the Atlas Mountain slopes and forest were for wood, which Caesar and the Romans used to build egotistic luxunous palaces and boats. They stripped the land which caused an end to the food supply needed to feed them as well as the Africans. This com- bined with dis-eases, caused an end to Roman power in North The Romans caused desert to replace the fertile land, leaving vast areas ofbar- ren soil. Aside from this, they destroyed animal balance and annihilated the elephants of the Atlas Mountains for ivory. These ,Primitive cultured Europeans not only exploited Africans but also explOIted each other on stomachs full ofAfrican foods. .. In France, the merchants exploited the hunger crisis by mixing grains non-foods. The devotion of vast amounts ofland to grains resulted in killmg the land and peoples. The Europeans' diet of high grain content is not a necessary factor for proteins as many African cultures as well as Eski:nos, exist without bread. In any case, bread (and its many 'forms- pas- try) IS a good stable for Europeans. Bakeries were besieged dur:ing famines and bread sold at high prices. The price ofbread kept it out ofreach for most poor most of them died (the rich got richer and the poor die). Aside thIS, the .bread was usually bitter, burnt, and full ofclay. This resulted m of the, gastro-intestinal tract and throat and brought on constIpation accompamed with stomach pain. Famine .and overpopulation are not natural causes that pro- ducestarvatlOn. CaucaSians control the land and therefore cause and con- famines and starvation. 516  517  AFRICAN HOLISTIC HEALTH  The false notion that there is not enough land to feed the European is  a barbaric lie. The planet earth has plenty ofland. The  cov- ers 71% ofthe surface, leaving 29% land. This land s:u- face  IS  56,000,000  square miles.  Of that  plams  are  20 Yo,  32 VO IS  desert  30% is forest and 18% is mountam. ThIS leaves 25,000,000 square  miles 'of agricultural land or half of the  land surface  (minus  desert and  mountain  land).  Yet,  the  conservative  United  of  Agriculture estimate leaves 8 acres  p.erson. Further, It  estImated  only 2 acres are required for  each mdividual (based on arumal  dIet,  less land is  required for vegetarian diet). The problem of starvatIon  rests  in the European geopolitical structure- who controls the land controls star- vation and dis-ease.  There  is  50%  arable  land (farm  land)  on the  planet  and only  10% is used for food  crops.  ..' .  The world  population  did  not produce  starvatIOn.  StarvatIOn  IS  pro- duced by land exploitation. This exploitation is  a  result of  businesses  and individuals that control vast amounts of land, WhICh con- tribute to ;  shortage of individual  .'  .  Soil erosion is not producing starvatton. SOlI erOSIon IS  an earth cycle.  erosion is part ofsoil inter-mixture and balancing, which has  kept  in hannony. This is similar to our skin as the soil is the    skin. Our skin  is constantly replaced in our taking in food  evacuatton ofwaste process.  Further, soil erosion would have destroyed Chma 5,000  ago.  Yellow  River Valley  in China is  the cradle  of their culture. ThIS  carnes away  approximately 25,000,000 tons ofsoil to the sea yearly. According to Western  theory, the Yellow Valley should have disappea: ed  5,000  ago.  nature created and maintains soil balance on tlns planet despIte European SCI- ence  mythology  (theories), gadgets  (technological machines-computers)  and land exploitation.  .' It is European military land control, hunger, dIsease, poor hygIene and  uncleanliness that caused one-crop diets  such as  cereals.  .  Cereals (fruit seeds) served as the dietary prime food  for  the  anCIent  Chadean, Indian, Mayan,  Chinese and Egyptian. This. fo?d  population growths in the valleys of the Euphrates,  and Nile. ThIS  resulted in a large accumulation of wealth for the  !ew.  .  Africans primarily ate uncultivated seeds that had vitamm and  values far higher than domesticated cereals. Howeve!, when .the  domesticated cereal-based diet is used by Black Afncans, dIs-eases anse.  This occurred among Africans in tlIe Belgian C?ngo once.they were forced  to  abandon sorghum,  cassava,  millet,  etc.  TheIr populatIOn decreased by  50% due to European-forced hunger, and the dis-eases produced by poor  diets and poor hygiene. When the conditions are created to cause pe?ple to  die, the Europeans called it genocide. Caucas,ians  SOCIal  and  nutritional conditions that cause Africans to dle or lIve m a  state,  The recorded famines between the  10th Century and the Renaissance  number over 400, Europe had 22 famines in the  13th Century alone. Legal  Section 17: Herbs, Africa and History and illegal  human flesh markets  developed  as  cannibalism increased in  Europe,and hunger and dis-ease were the norm. Moreover, there were over  20 fammes  between the  11th and ,12th Centuries  (see  The Famines a/the World by C.  Walford). These fammes caused Europe to invade Africa for  food.  The usage  of Africa for food,  plants  and medicinal herbs  in the  16th  famines  in  H?wever, for the most part European  famI?es  contmued and starvatIon and dIs-ease producing diets and habits  had its worst famine in 1586. France, around Blois, had  a famme, which caused people to, eat the field grass like cattle, they chewed  on roots, brushes and thIstle, hopmg to save their lives, Furiliermore, in the  7th  famines caused children to  suck the bones of dead humans  m cemetenes and adults lay dead on the roadside with mouths packed with  grass:  and. History by E. Prentice).  .  m  was pnmaply created by the dehumanizing European  ofA.fi?ca  and the European dis-ease carriers, forced inmigration,  whIch destabIlIzed the food  supply, culture and colonial merchants. Their  European one-crop culture was unable to feed their economics (Hunger by  Knut Hamsun).  science has not mastered human hunger. For exam- ple, thIS, mabIh,ty contmues today as Western Science killed many starving  people  NaZI  Germany's  concentration  camps.  In the  camp  of Bergen  Belsen m  1945  the  Cross an? .;\l1i.ed Medical men orally  fed predi- gested fo?d and used mtravenous mJections to feed those in the last stages  ofstarvatlon. The result was torturous death and the victims thought it was  another form ?f Later, they found skim milk to be the  safest food  to curb  ASIde from this, human milk is the better choice to com- bat staryatton, but European dependence on lower animal milk (goats and  cows),  milk, prevails. Ironically, the massive amounts of  people to dIe dunng ,the two major European tribal battles (so-called World  due to dIs-eases and starvation not battles. In addition, the vast  ,during the  Revolution were caused by star- vatton of 17 mIllIon dIs-eases, WhICh  resulted in over 25  million deaths.  ,  The    during their tribal war called World War I, had tech- meal dommatlOn of food  land that it grew upon. Further, during their  World War II they had  of food and land.  Currently,  they  !he land WIth  chemicals and their military.  Hunger  . and  .IS  the most ObVIOUS  underdevelopment ofEuropean cultures.  It clearly mdicates that they cannot satisfy the fundamental element oflife- food!  obser:ing Africans, the Europeans failed to note cyclical food crop  plantmg,  plants an,d  food combinations and hygienic care,  Black Afncan Arabs Introduced a nutritional diet high in fruits  herbs  vegetables,  and food mixtures into the Iberian Peninsula, Asia Mi;or and  to the Romans, Portuguese and Spanish.  Former Professor of Nutrition at  518  519  AFRICAN HOLISTIC HEALTH  the  School  of Public Health,  Sant!ago,  Dr.  the nutritional benefits of this AfrIcan dIet.  The ments 0  many p  the African diet are being rediscovered by Europeans.  .  .  .  n  The palm was brought from Africa to Brazil  Its v1tamm  - tent helped stop blindness, retarded growth and other dIs-eases cause  Y  faulty European nutrition.  durin  the  The Black Arabs caused Spain to be the best  country  and  Middle Ages. Arabs living there used varied plant agr1culture d  f  ,  The herb  farms  so-called gardens  an  d  orc  ar  s  0    Spain  medicine,  vitamins,  minerals  and  n  a USia  '. Th  Afri  n  Blacks  grew  proteins,  which kept Spain well  a co:plex mixture of  dates, almonds, oranges, figs and  M  Age by L  Provenal and  African plants. (La Penisule Iberzque u oyen - .    largely  on  r  (in the form of couscous),  wheat and barley, 0  lYe  01,  quantities of camel milk and animal flesh ?f a:d used herbs, Incidentally, the fig  to  tional value while  dates  are  good f?r  stro;;he And yet  have always remarked on the superlOr  0  d  herb  they ignored the vast dietary food combmmg system an  me  .  systems of these Africans.  .  e  d'  tare  The Blacks who stay close to  their  s,oc1etal  struc:t nutritionally balanced. They abide by thelf h?hst;c cU,lture  m e1urther  y organizations  and the  diversified  crop  rotatIOn  arm:nghs ;  e  for agri'      ,  d"  1h  b  yams  potatoes  ml  e, com, bananas  cassava  sprouts,  me  lcma  er  s,  ,  .c'  Th'  ,  ,  d'  1  t  of the  lorest  IS  pre- diet  in  Kenya were  examIned  an  not a  e  c  .  found (Nutrition and nutri- The  Blacks  of the BelgIan Congo  ave  a  I  .  1fru'ts  medicinal  tional diet. It is  dominated by large am?unts  of troplca  h  1. 'd'  t  ("L" I  Th  are  dls-ease  free  on  t  elf  Ie.  herbs  and  green  eaves.  ,  e b Bi  wood  and Trolli).  The physique of  Alimentation Au BeIge g  ti  d the areas of the African  Blacks varies aCcordlllg to the SOlI, vegeta  °al n  an  ,  ch as the savanna  continent on which they live. Africa has natur  regIOns su  '  ,  .  btr  . cal  rain forest and desert.  on ofthe equator. It has thick a;:d  e  etation that is mostly impenetrable (excludlllg the Amazon  asm.  ;o;est vegetable diet lacks a    formation (Pygmies).    a  gnathism  The Black population; not  variety  of bone deformItIes  an  pro  .  Section 17: Herbs, Africa and History forced  into nutritionally lacking regions by Caucasian created social and  cultural factors, have healthy physiques.  The diet of Blacks was drastically altered wherever the plantation sys- tem (one-crop  or mono-crop)  was  used  for  exploiting herbs  (so-called  spices)  and  foods.  Blacks  abandoned  their  own  land  to  work  on  the  European cocoa plantations on the Gold Coast and the peanut mono-crop  of Senegal. Their massive plant domestication caused the soil to become  ruined especially in the Louga region and Cayor. This inadvertently caused  damage in the Sudan as  laborers abandoned their own farms and land of  the Sudan to  work in  Senegal  for-the  Caucasians,  so,  during the  Sudan  rainy  season,  African  labor was not  available  to  protect their  own farm  land and widespread erosion resulted. Further, the forced hunger ofBlacks  caused massive deaths in the Black population of the Congo and the 1920 Belgian Governor General M. Lippan stated that abandoning salad for rub- ber (black gold) caused the deaths.  The White racist depiction that the slaves were lazy and mentally slow  is erroneous. Laziness and below normal mental capabilities were caused  by a lack of proper food nutrition,  and this  further verifies  that Africans  forced to abandon a nutritionally food-rich variety and concentrate on the  limited diet of Caucasian food crops become ill. They (Africans) had phys- ical and mental lethargy (slow,  lazy, shiftless nigger behavior) because of  a  poor  diet.  The  slowness  was  a  slavery resistance behavior.  European  experts of the United Kingdom's Committee on Nutrition in the  Colonial  Empire study indicated that the slow,  lazy,  shiftless  nigger behavior is  a  lethargy caused directly by a European controlled mono-diet coupled with  the European dis-ease contamination.  The limiting ofone crop or a few types ofplants on a plantation causes  the  soil to  lose nutrients. This translated into  a nutritional drain  and sub- clinical malnutrition for  the Blacks  that must survive on the plantation'S  food crops.  The human infestation of parasites (worms) is  created by a soil  lack- ing nutrients such as calcium. Calcium stimulates the nitrogen-fixing bac- teria,  which stimulates proteins  in plants.  Soil erosion causes the nitrates  to be  washed away.  Iron deficiency due to  soil abuse  occurs. Aside  from  this, worm infestation can be cured by including proteins and iron in the  diet. However, the mono-plant crops (mono-animal crops) and land abuse  causes  80% to 95% of Blacks living on such soil to have worms. Worms  cause a nutritional lost which results in a pint of blood being lost daily. It  is estimated that people such as the Chinese are raising an intestinal worm  population equal to furnishing food for 400,000,000 Chinese. Consequently,  disease  and hunger  are  caused by  land exploitation and undernutritional  diets. The Europeans were constipated, worm infested, diseased and hun- gry.  The European invaders limited the African food supply and used the  farmland ofcash crops. This control ofmono-crops limited the diet and was  520 AFRICAN HOLISTIC HEALTH dis-ease forming, causing the Africans' health to become weak and dete- riorate, the European hygiene and unsanitary behaviors were poor. Caucasian invaders and colonizers did not treat human waste by compost- ing it with vegetables or use carbolic acid, which neutralizes its small path- ogenic organism. The non -decomposed human waste would be washed into the drinking water of insects and animals would use the bacteria infested water. The African natives and invaders would drink the water. The Caucasians forced their constipating diet on the Africans, causing their health to become too weak to ward off dis-ease. The Caucasian hetero- sexual and homosexual raping ofAfrican women, young girls and young boys and the forced increase in breeding ofAfricans caused sex organ dete- rioration, resulting in venereal dis-ease. African society was unstable and weak because of the attacking Caucasian invaders. Social unstableness and an unstable food supply caused a poor diet and forced hygienic deteriora- tion, further resulted in diseases among Africans. Hunger became normal. The White racist taboos and murders ofAfrican health practitioners (witch doctors) caused Africans to stop using their medicine and switch to allo- pathic medicine. This increased their health deterioration and dis-eases. Europeans lacked medical knowledge. Their population declined because of diseases, famines and wars. The European civilization was liv- ing in caves 25,000 years ago and 500 years ago used human sacrifices for diseases. Hippocrates started using African medicinal art in 640 BC He separated Greek primitive medicines from the Church and used the hygienic system. His treatments were not widely accepted until late 1900. In the 2nd Century A.D., Galen revived Hippocratic medicine. However, the Christians rose to power and this religion spread eastward to China until the 7th Century. The Christian Church used human sacrifices and faith healings, and forbade the use of African hygienic or rational treatment. For example, a man with tuberculosis would be told to fast, pray, repent of sins and prepare to die. And, he would die. This medical ignorance and mythology was exported to Africa during the invasions. Oddly enough, in the 16th Century, Hippocrates' use of the African rational system of heal- ing was revived by Paracelsus. He burnt Galen and Avicenna's books and stated there was no one more knowledgeable before him and that his beard had more knowledge than Hippocrates. He believed the myth that there is a synthetic chemical for every disease and made no association with hygiene and cleanliness. The Caucasians' militaristic predatory clans, men- tal and physical illnesses, ignorance, medical mythology and superior weapons allowed them to force generations ofAfricans to have diseases, famines, hunger and destabilized societies. Section 18 Enlarged Charts and Pictures EVE CHART (Sclera = Whites) Right Left ~ Stomach C":l :::to Skull Pituitary ~ 0 "- ?? Brain ~ Pineal ~ ~ 9 Thyroid !::I Thyroid r "i f &:l' !::I ~ SCiaticNerve Arteries Heart £l... Adrenal "t1 Bladder 't r1',   ~ r:;' Prostate Back E' ~ orUterus  Adrenal  TransverseColon  AscendingColon Stomach DescendingColon  TransverseColon  N \.;,) VI U'I N .j::). Hand Chart SexOrgans RIGHT I Circulation LEFT Heart Ears c: Lungs Lung Thymus ::r:: Shoulder ThymusAdren i -- Adrenal Shoulde ti p;: Liver Pancreas Spleen a Gall Bladder  Thyroid \ ........,;.....--t-- Re,ctum  Spine Intestines  1.-----1-' Bladder  _ H h'd Hip . emorr 01 s Hemorrhoids Prostate, Uterus,Vagina, Peni Testicles &Ovaries .., LowerBack Ear (Auricular) Acupuncture Points Hemorrhoids Bladder High Blood Pressure Ankle Fever, Inflammation f(l • Hepatitis/Liver f':. -- "  ...... ?;> i:r Back PaiD Liver aoa::::: -::::.............   • Q a- ;::: DY'MIIg! $.J.. Heart &Emotions Neck Forehead PltUltarv U'I  N  U'I N Tentyra  Temple Curcular Zodiac-World's Oldest Zodiac  Ul  0\  (Cycles of  Plants and  Stars)  True South  ~ ~ H Aries  Taurus  Gemini  ~ >-'I o   ~ t t !  Cancer  Leo  Virgo  ~ ::r:: d§Jl  viP ~ ti  Scoipio  Sagittarius Libra  ~ i Aquarius  Pisces  Sexual  Matching  (Do  not confuse with  Personality Matching)  TYPE OF MATCH  MALE I FEMALE  COMPLIMENTARY  SEXUAL TYPE  Type One  Warrior  March 22 to May 12 Aries  'r  Taurus  ~ Type Seven  Visionary  January 28 to March 2 Aquarius  ~ Pisces  >-<  Type Two  Innovator  May 13 to July 3 Gemini  n  Cancer  ®  ~ Type Two  Innovator  May 13 to July 3 Gemini  n  Cancer  ®  Type Three  Leader  July 4  to August 24 Cancer  ®  Leo  b2  Type One  Warrior  March 22 to May 12 Aries  'r  Taurus    (;)  ..... C·  ~ "'"  ~ Type Three  Leader  July 4  to August 24 Cancer  ®  Leo  b2  Type Two  Innovator  May 13 to July 3 Gemini  n  Cancer  ®  Type Four  Idealist  August 25 to October 15 Virgo  111  Libra  ............... - ~ ~ ~ Type Four  Virgo  Idealist  August 25 to October 15 111  Libra  ............. - Type Three  Leader  July 4  to August 24 Gemini  ®  Leo  b2  Type Five  Scorpio  Organizer  October 16 to December 6 11'L  Sagittarius  ~ Q  ~ "'!  ~ ~ ~ ~ Type Five  Scorpio  Sagittarius Organizer  October 16 to December 6 1t'L  ..,L  Type Six  Capricorn  Counselor  "., December 7  to January 27 Aqarius  ~ Type Four  Idealist  August 25 to October 15 Virgo  111  Libra  ............... - "tJ (S.  E'  ~ v.,  Type Six  Capricorn  Aquarius  Counselor  ~ ~ December 7  to January 27 Type Five  Organizer  October 16 to December 6 Scorpio  nt.  Sagittarius  ~ T  ype Seven  Visionary  January 22 to March 2 Aquarius  ~ Pisces  >-<  Type Seven  Aquarius  Pisces  Type One  Aries  Taurus  Type Six  Capricorn  Aquarius  Visionary  January 28 to March 2 ~ >-<  Warrior  March 22 to May 12 -r  ~ Counselor  December 7  to January 27 V.7  ~ lJ'o  tv  -.l  00 v. N  FEMALE AND MALE  EMOTIONAL CYCLES  1. JANUARY  1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 2. JAN/FEB  29 30 31 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 3.  FEB/MAR  26  27  28  1  2 3 4  5  6  7 8 9 '10 11  12 13  4. MAR/APR  26 27 28 27 30 31  1  2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 5.  APRIMAY  23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 1 2 3 4  5 6 7 8 6. MAY/JUN  21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28  29 30 31  1 2 3 4  5 7. JUN/JUl  18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 1 2 3'  8. JUUAUG  16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31- 9. AUG/SEP  13 14 15 16 17 :18 19 20  21 22  23 24 25 26 27 28 10.SEPJOCT  10 11 12 13,  14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 11. OCT/NOV  8 9 10 11 12  13 14 15  1.6 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 12. NOV/DEC  5 6 7 8'  9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 13. DECEMBER  3 4 5 6 7 ·8 9 10 11 12 13 14 .15116 17 ·18 '.  17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 14 15  16 17  18  19 20 21 22 23 24 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 9  10 11 12 13 1.4 15 16 17 18 19  ,6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 4  5  6 7  8 9 10 11  12 13 14 1 2  3 4 5  6 7 8 9 10 11 29 30 31 1 2 3 4 5 6  7 :8 26 27 28 29 30 1 2 3 4 5 .·6  24 25 26 27 28 29 30  31 1 2 '3  21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 1 19 20 21 22 23  24  25  26  27 28 29  28 25 25 1 22 20 17 j 15i  121 9  7 4 2 30 1  Anger  2  Anxiety  3  Cramps/Pain  4  Cheerful  5  . Depressed  6  Energetic  7  Food or Snack craving B Forgefful  9  Headache  10  Hopelessness  11  Impatient  12  Insecure  13  Insomnia  14  Irritable  15  Lonely  16 Worried  17  Want to sleep  KEY 18  Mistrusfful  19  Talkative  20  Spend too much money  21  Want to fix things for people  22  Menstruation  23  Back Pain  24  Sexually Aroused  25  Swelling  26 Tenderness  28  Water gain/Retention  29 Weight gain  30  Lack energy  31  Nervous  32  Moody  33  Jealousy  34  Tend  to cry  35  Stressed  Additional Categories  36 __  37 ___  38 ___ 39_-..:..-_ 40 ___ 41 __ ~ o  ;t. Z  ~ ~ o  ::t::  ~ ~ Put the number that coincides with ~ your emotion on the date it occurs. ~ c·  You may have to use a different color ;::s '- pen (red, green, etc.). At the end of ~ two or three months, you will see an ~ emotional pattern (cycle). This will be El  your emotional cycle (Personality ~ Cycle). ~ Q $.':) ~ [  ""0  ~   ~ V'I N  '-0 Ul  C"'-I  -0  W  0 -=r" :::J:!(fJ  CD C"'c  gur a.  C CDo- A"- ::I (jJ(I)  :n:f  0 _,CD  COa ::::l0  C  ....... c  s:o.:  ill  CD::::r  CD  5=  -Ill  a.  "  a;i 00 -'(I) O'a. -<0  0- 0-, -0  CD C  fA- -{O 3a.  III  eo  3  eo::E  :J:J  C  Q)"'" 00  _.  f"t) '-+CD c.,  8  00  o-Ill  Q)  to  t:  :;!  CD .....  3\  2S ,  CD 3<:3(1)  (") a.  f't)  r- (j)Q)"tj  ::r: :::S(1)  0 ::E  Q ;;,  C o  (I)  C/J s:  ::E  10  ::l -0 ;::;.:  -,  (") 0  ::r-C'O""" - 0  c:  5'(3 CD  ::r:: t:  ()  ...., - a.o(f)  Q5" (f)0"1)  .....  cn-Q.  2 ;!s'a lll  CD '  t::  CD III  CD mID  c':::J:!  <::::la.  a.  g.. ......  CD ....... c  (f)  :::s't:   (i)::E::J  C  0- to3 g"o:""'::r  -0  (f)  00 o  .............. Ill  Ill- - eo -·om  :::S(;J :::rCD(f)r+  ?mro  0  ,....... IllQ..CC  C  ::::r  00  0  C"'3  CD m.:: (f)  :J  C  :::J:! 1113  30  r