Ena Leadership Conference 2013 Exhibitor Prospectus

ENA Leadership Conference 2013 Exhibitor Prospectus Ft. Lauderdale February 27-March 3, 2013
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LEADERSHIP CONFERENCE 2013 FORT LAUDERDALE, FL FEBRUARY 27 – MARCH 3 EXHIBITOR PROSPECTUS Maximize your marketing dollars and expand your reach to new prospects. ENA Leadership Conference draws more than 1,000 emergency nurse prospects from all positions including: nurse managers, charge nurses, clinical nurse specialists, nurse educators and more. talk directly with your prospects and you will: • • • • Increase your sales closure rates Generate qualified leads Interact with decision-makers and influencers Obtain information on your prospects’ future needs EXHIBIT DAYS February 28 - March 2, 2013 Greater Fort Lauderdale | Broward County Convention Center SECURE YOUR BOOTH SPACE TODAY! Visit www.ena.org or contact Linda Moustis at [email protected] or 847-460-4077 ReACh yOuR tARGet AuDienCe with PROmOtiOnAl OPPORtunities Sponsorship Opportunities As an exhibitor and industry partner of ENA, you have a unique opportunity to network and develop relationships with potential customers. We are excited to introduce you and your company to creative ways to promote your products and services to the emergency nursing community. Contact us to learn about and take advantage of our amazing sponsorship opportunities. Our goal is to work together with you to develop mutually beneficial business solutions that best meet your marketing needs. For more information, please contact either: • Pierre Désy Director of Development and Foundation at 847-460-4102 or [email protected] • Patti Galuski Sponsorship Coordinator at 847-460-4101 or [email protected] Attendee Profile* Of the emergency department nurse leaders who attend: • 99% visit the exhibit hall • 84% have a stake in the purchase of products/equipment/services • 75% will take purchasing action within the next 12 months Attendee Positions Other Staff Nurse 15% 14% Management 71% Advertising Opportunities ENA CONNECtiON Be sure to include advertising opportunities in your exhibit plans. Published 11 times per year, ENA’s popular magazine reaches the entire membership of more than 37,000. • Product Advertising Mindworks Communications Kathy Huntley: 877-307-5255, ext. 249* or [email protected] • Recruitment Advertising Mindworks Communications Monique McLaughlin: 877-307-5255, ext. 200* or mmclaughlin@gomindworks. com *In New Jersey or outside the U.S., call 856-384-1793. Areas of Practice Administrative Other 4% 2% Pediatrics 4% Other 20% CCU 1% Adult & ? 69% Onsite PROGRAm GuiDe Available for ENA Leadership or Annual Conference and is provided to every attendee. enA AnnuAl COnfeRenCe BlOG Conference news, updates, features and photos posted live throughout the show. enA memBeR mAilinG lists Call 800-708-list, ext. 3247 or visit www.ena.org/education/mailinglists. PReshOw AnD POstshOw mAilinG lists Available only to ENA Leadership Conference 2012 exhibitors, pricing is $350 for the preshow list and $450 for the postshow list delivered electronically in an Excel format. Contact Linda Moustis at 847-460-4077 or [email protected]. JOuRnAl Of emeRGenCy nuRsinG Published bi-monthly, JEN is ENA’s official peer-reviewed journal featuring the latest in clinical practice and research findings. • Product Advertising RH Media LLC Bob Heiman: 856-673-4000 or [email protected] • Recruitment Advertising Elsevier Barbara Blum: 215-239-3156 or [email protected] Role in Purchasing Decisions Final Decision Maker Evaluate 19% Specify/ Products Recommend 17% 45% No Role in Decision 19% size of facility (# of eD visits/year) 60,001–100,000 28% 100,001+ 8% 0–20,000 8% 20,001–40,000 25% 40,001–60,000 24% NA 7% *ENA Leadership Conference 2011 Survey COnfeRenCe CenteR flOOR PlAn – enA leADeRshiP COnfeRenCe 2013 Greater fort lauderdale / Broward County Convention Center exhibit halls A/B Booth size and rental fee 10’ x 10’ Inline = $2,500 10’ x 10’ Corner = $2,850 20’ x 20’ Island = $12,000 20’ x 30’ Island = $17,250 20’ x 40’ Island = $22,800 For more information contact linda moustis at [email protected] or 847-460-4077. BOOth APPliCAtiOn AnD COntRACt infORmAtiOn Booth Rental Booth size 10’ x 10’ In-line 10’ x 10’ Corner 20’ x 20’ Island 20' x 30' Island 20’ x 40’ Island Booth Rental fee $2,500 $2,850 $12,000 $17,250 $22,800 Deposit A 50% deposit is due by April 6, 2012 or with the completed application and contract to exhibit. If the contract is submitted on or after January 18, 2013, the full booth rental fee is due with the completed contract. Balance Due Full payment for booth space rental is due by January 18, 2013. In the event that full payment is not received by that date, show management reserves the right to release space back into general inventory. Please contact Linda Moustis at [email protected] or call 847-460-4077 for additional configurations and fees. Booth Construction ENA requires that all booths comply with the display rules and regulations set forth by the International Association of Exposition Management (see the section on Display Rules in the Exhibitor Service Manual for further information; this manual will be available online in late November 2012). Booths are 10' x 10' unless otherwise noted. Each booth is equipped with a standard 8'-high draped back wall, 36" draped side rails, and 7" x 44" booth locator sign with the company name, city/state and booth number. Carpeting and furniture are not included in the booth fee. Island booths are available as indicated on the floor plan. Drapes and booth locator signs are not provided. Cancellation Policy Cancellation of exhibit space or reduction of reserved space must be made in writing and sent to Emergency Nurses Association, Exhibit Services, 915 Lee Street, Des Plaines, IL 60016-6569. In the event of cancellation, ENA has the right to use said space to suit its own convenience, including selling space to another exhibitor, without rebate or allowance to the canceled exhibitor. Cancellation Date On or before 10/4/12 10/5/12 – 1/18/13 1/19/13 or later Cancellation Penalty $500 administrative fee 50% of original contracted booth rental fee No refund height Restrictions in-line and Corner Booths: 8' island Booths: 16' Booth Reassignment Show management will immediately contact the company involved if it is necessary to relocate an exhibitor after booth space has been confirmed. Every effort will be made to reassign the exhibitor to a similar space. In all cases of confirmed booth relocation, the exhibitor has the option to cancel and receive a full refund of all payments made. ENA reserves the right to make the final determination of any and all space assignments and to modify the floor plan in the best interest of the overall trade show. Booth Assignment Every effort will be made to assign booths as requested. In the event this is not possible, show management reserves the right to assign the exhibitor to a similar space. Upon receipt of your application and contract to exhibit, ENA will send you written confirmation of your booth assignment. Display Rules in-line or Corner Booth: Exhibit fixtures, components and identification signs will be permitted to a maximum height of eight feet. All display fixtures over four feet in height and placed within 10 feet of an adjoining exhibit must be at least five feet from the aisle. island Booth: Exhibit fixtures, components and identification signs will be permitted to the maximum allowable height of 16 feet. Hanging signs are not allowed any higher than 20 feet to the top of the sign. Because an island booth is separated by the width of an aisle from all neighboring booths, full use of the booth area is permitted. Registration and housing Registration and housing information, including an exhibitor badge request form, will be in the Exhibitor Services Manual available online in late November 2012. All hotel rooms will be assigned on a first-come, first-served basis. Carpet and Show Colors Exhibit Halls A/B is carpeted in blue jay aisle carpeting. Show colors are blue and beige drapes with blue side drapes. Floor covering is mandatory in the booths. Exhibitors are responsible for the floor covering in their booths. exhiBitOR Rules & ReGulAtiOns — enA leADeRshiP COnfeRenCe 2013 (Note: “Conference” refers to the ENA Leadership Conference 2013; “Exhibitor” refers to applicant for exhibit space named on application; “Facility” refers to the Greater Fort Lauderdale / Broward County Convention Center; “Show Management” and “ENA” refers to the Emergency Nurses Association and its authorized agents and employees.) Only those products and/or services considered by ENA as relating directly to emergency nursing may be exhibited at the Conference. Exhibits, practices and presentations which may be judged by ENA, in its sole discretion, not in good taste, lacking in dignity, detracting or not in keeping with the purpose of the Conference are prohibited. ENA reserves the right, in its sole discretion, to restrict or evict Exhibitors for violations of this provision. ENA will not make any refunds or otherwise be responsible for expenses associated with such restriction or eviction. Rules, Regulations and laws It is integral to the success and growth of the Conference to actively contribute to an atmosphere of integrity and dignity. Exhibitor agrees to abide by (i) the rules and regulations set forth in this agreement, the ENA Exhibitor Prospectus, and ENA Exhibitor Services Manual; (ii) the rules and regulations of the Facility; and (iii) all applicable federal, state, provincial, and local laws and ordinances. This agreement shall be governed by the laws of the State of Illinois. Further, Exhibitors agree to: (i) Interact respectfully and thoughtfully with all registrants in the exhibit hall, educational sessions, and networking situations; and (ii) respect the rights of other Exhibitors to conduct business without interference or improper interventions. alcohol, tobacco, Food, beveRage and Miscellaneous giveaway iteMs Distribution or use of alcoholic beverages and tobacco products in the exhibit hall, educational sessions, and other events is prohibited. The Conference is a smoke-free meeting and exposition. Giveaways, awards or drawings are limited to prizes of an educational nature and/or in keeping with the character of the Conference and must be submitted to ENA for prior approval (written description acceptable). Giveaway: Exhibitor Form located in Exhibitor Services Manual must be submitted to ENA by February 8, 2013. Promotions not approved by ENA are not permitted. Exhibitors may not serve or dispense food or beverage of any type from their booths. aMendMents Any and all matters not specifically covered by this agreement and the rules and regulations contained in the ENA Exhibitor Prospectus, and ENA Exhibitor Services Manual shall be subject to the decision of Show Management. Show Management shall have the full power to interpret, amend, and enforce these rules and regulations, provided any amendments, when made, are brought to the notice of Exhibitors. Each Exhibitor, for itself and its employees, agrees to abide by the foregoing rules and regulations and by any amendments or additions thereto in conformance with the preceding sentence. audio visual equipMent and photogRaphy If closed sound systems cannot be arranged, open sound systems are permitted. However, sound “leakage” must not interfere with any other Exhibitor. Show management requires compliance and reserves the right to take any necessary corrective action. Video taping and photography in the exhibit hall is not allowed without written permission from ENA. badge policy Admissions to the exhibit hall will be by badge only and you must be 18 years or over. Badges for preregistered exhibit personnel will not be mailed. Exhibitor badges will be available for pickup during exhibitor registration hours and will be held under the company name. All exhibit booth personnel, as well as meeting attendees, are required to wear their official Conference badge. Security guards will be monitoring the entrance to the exhibit hall for proper identification. Only Conference attendees and registered Exhibitors will be admitted to the exhibit hall. No unregistered guests are allowed in the hall at any time. booth cleaning Booth cleaning is mandatory after move-in and is not included in the booth rental fee. Show Management has the right to order daily cleaning if booth appearance is unsightly. The cost will be charged to the exhibiting company. booth ManageR Each Exhibitor must identify one authorized representative as booth manager to be responsible for the exhibit throughout the Conference. booth staFFing Exhibitors must staff their exhibits during the exposition hours. ENA reserves the right to remove any booth left unattended for an extended period of time. The Exhibitor is responsible for all costs incurred in the removal of the booth from the show floor. deMonstRations, inteRviews, subletting Demonstrations by Exhibitors should contribute to the attendee’s knowledge in a professional way. Demonstrations and adequate space for interviews should be available within the confines of the individual Exhibitor’s booth, and comply with all applicable laws, including, without limitation, FDA regulations, and federal, state and local laws regarding the handling and removal of hazardous and/or infectious waste. Interference with normal traffic flow and infringement on neighboring exhibits is not permitted. No subletting or sharing of exhibit space is permitted unless it is within corporate divisions. display Rules In-line or Corner Booth: Exhibit fixtures, components and identification signs will be permitted to a maximum height of 8 feet. All display fixtures over 4 feet in height and placed within 10 feet of an adjoining exhibit must be at least 5 feet from the aisle. Island Booth: Exhibit fixtures, components and identification signs will be permitted to the maximum allowable height of 16 feet. Hanging signs are allowed no higher than 20 feet to the top of the sign. Because an island booth is separated by the width of an aisle from all neighboring booths, full use of the booth area is permitted. distRibution oF adveRtising MateRial Canvassing any part of the exhibit hall or meeting rooms by anyone representing or connected with a non-exhibiting company is strictly forbidden. Anyone doing so will be escorted from the Conference. Canvassing or distribution of advertising material by an Exhibitor will not be permitted outside of the Exhibitor’s allotted booth space. exhibitoR designated contRactoRs (edc) Exhibitors may employ the service of independent contractors to install and dismantle their display, providing the Exhibitor and the EDC comply with the requirements specified in the Exhibitor Services Manual. The Exhibitor must notify ENA Exhibit Services and GES/Global Experience Specialists of the intent to utilize an EDC no later than January 16, 2013 (30 business days prior to the first day of scheduled exhibit installation), furnishing their name, address, and telephone number. In addition, the Exhibitor shall provide evidence that the EDC has a proper Certificate of Insurance with a minimum of $1 million liability coverage, including property damage, to ENA Exhibit Services and the GES/Global Experience Specialists no later than February 14, 2013 (at least 10 business days before show opening on March 1, 2013). hospitality suites, Focus gRoups and satellite pRogRaMs Hospitality suites, focus groups and satellite programs sponsored by Exhibitors must be approved by ENA. No event may be scheduled to conflict with the Conference program hours, activity hours, or exposition hours. Contact ENA Exhibit Services for details. laboR Regulations Exhibitors must conform to the local labor regulations. All work in connection with exhibit set-up and dismantle is to be performed by union personnel carrying the appropriate union card. Carpenters, painters, electricians, plumbers and other skilled labor, as well as common labor and porters, are to be arranged by GES/ Global Experience Specialists at established rates. Information for arranging union labor will be included in the Exhibitor Services Manual. liability Exhibitor agrees to protect, indemnify, save and hold forever harmless ENA and its officers, directors, employees and agents, and the Facility, GES/Global Experience Specialists, the State of Florida and the City of Fort Lauderdale, and their respective agents and employees (collectively, the “Indemnitees”) against and from damages or charges imposed for violations of any laws, regulations, or ordinances, whether occasioned by the negligence of the Exhibitor or those holding under the Exhibitor, and further, Exhibitor shall at all times protect, indemnify, save and hold harmless the Indemnitees against and from any and all losses, costs, damages, liability, or expenses (including attorney’s fees) arising from and out of or by reason of any accident or bodily injury or other occurrences to any person or persons, including the Exhibitor, its agents, employees, and business invitees which arises from or out of or by reason of said Exhibitor’s occupancy and use of the exhibition premises, or any part thereof, unless any such losses are the result of the sole negligence of the Indemnitees. insuRance All property of the Exhibitor is understood to remain under its custody and control in transit to and from or within the confines of the Facility. Neither ENA, the Facility, GES/Global Experience Specialists, the State of Florida, or the City of Fort Lauderdale maintain insurance covering Exhibitors’ property. Neither the Conference, ENA, nor the Facility can or will be responsible for damage to, loss, or theft of property belonging to any Exhibitor, its agents, employees, business invitees, visitors, or guests. Each Exhibitor is to carry its own insurance. disability pRovisions Exhibitor represents and warrants (i) that its exhibit will be accessible to the full extent required by all applicable laws, ordinances and regulations; (ii) that its exhibit will comply with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) and with any regulations implemented by that Act; and (iii) that it shall indemnify and hold Indemnitees harmless from and against any and all claims and expenses, including attorneys’ fees and litigation expenses, that may be incurred by or asserted against Indemnitees on the basis of the Exhibitor’s breach of this paragraph or noncompliance with any of the provisions of the ADA. Music licensing Exhibitor represents and warrants that it shall not violate any copyright, trademark, or other similar intellectual property laws and that it shall comply with all copyright restrictions including, but not limited to, any license ENA may obtain or any other laws or restrictions with respect to the use or performance of music. Exhibitor further represents and warrants that it shall obtain any and all licenses or grants of authority required of Exhibitor under the copyright laws, and present Show Management with a copy of such license or grant no less than 30 days prior to the start of the Conference. FoRce MajeuRe In the event the Facility or any part of the exhibited area thereof is unavailable whether for the entire Conference, or a portion of the Conference as a result of fire, flood, tempest, inclement weather or other such cause or as a result of governmental intervention, malicious damage, acts of war, terrorism, strike, lock-out, labor dispute, riot or other cause or agency over which ENA has no control, or should ENA decide that because of any such cause that it is necessary to cancel, postpone, or re-site the Conference, or reduce the move-in and installation time, show time, or move-out time, ENA shall not be obligated to indemnify or reimburse the Exhibitor in respect of any damage or loss, direct or indirect, arising as a result thereof. pRoducts ENA reserves the right to prohibit exhibition or advertisement of any product it deems unsuitable for the exposition. No ENA endorsement, express or implied, is connected with any product exhibited or advertised. Only products that have been approved by the FDA or other appropriate governmental agency shall be exhibited or advertised, unless approval is pending and a notice to that effect is prominently displayed with the product, or unless the product does not require such approvals. pRopeRty caRe Exhibitors must surrender booth space in the same condition as it was at the time of occupation and are liable for any damage caused by disregard of these rules and regulations. The Exhibitor is not to affix, nail, or otherwise attach anything to walls, doors, floors, or columns except where a nailing strip is provided. Exhibitors may not apply paint, lacquer, adhesives, or any other coating to the building columns, floors, or standard booth equipment. If there are any special requirements in this respect, the Exhibitor should call GES/Global Experience Specialists. public saFety Each Exhibitor is charged with the knowledge of all laws, ordinances and regulations pertaining to health, fire prevention and public safety while participating in this event. The Exhibitor assumes all responsibility for compliance with local, city, and state safety, fire and health ordinances covering installation of exhibit and operation of equipment. Compliance with such laws is mandatory for all Exhibitors and the sole responsibility is that of the Exhibitor. All display materials must be reasonably located and protected by safety barrier guards. Radiological equipment may be displayed but not operated. No combustible decoration or materials, such as crepe paper, tissue paper, cardboard, or corrugated paper shall be used at any time. All bunting, draperies, or other fabrics must be fireproofed before use in the exhibit booth, with a certificate of fireproofing present in the exhibit booth during both installation and show hours. All materials and fluids that are inflammable are to be kept in safety containers. Open flames, butane gas, oxygen tanks, etc., are not permitted without permission of ENA, the Facility, and the Fort Lauderdale Fire Department. Balloons filled with helium are not permitted. Only three-prong grounded extension cords will be permitted in the exhibit hall. No zip cords are allowed for electrical connections. Aisles must be kept completely clear and unobstructed. Fire exits and fire hose cabinets must be kept clear at all times. No hazardous display of any nature will be permitted. GES/Global Experience Specialists should be contacted if further information is required. Special illumination, such as bare spotlights, must be indirect or adjusted so the beam does not offend neighboring Exhibitors or guests. The use of laser, strobe, flashing, or neon signs or neon-type lights of any kind will not be allowed in the exhibit hall. selling in exhibit space The selling of any products for delivery during the Conference and related taxes are the sole responsibility of the Exhibitor. violations Complaints of any violation of any rules and regulations are to be made promptly to ENA. Exhibitors and their personnel agree to abide by the decisions of ENA. deFault If this agreement is violated, exhibitors will not be permitted to set up their exhibits or will be subject to eviction form the Conference without refund. enA leADeRshiP COnfeRenCe 2013 APPliCAtiOns ACCePteD until shOw OPens! COMPANY NAME (Print company name exactly as it should appear in the program, ENA promotional materials, booth signs, and representatives’ badges.) APPLICATION AND CONTRACT TO EXHIBIT ENA Leadership Conference 2013 February 28 - March 2, 2013 Fort Lauderdale / Broward County Convention Center Fort Lauderdale, Florida Make checks payable to: Emergency Nurses Association STREET ADDRESS CITY TELEPHONE CONTACT PERSON E-MAIL ADDRESS STREET ADDRESS (IF DIFFERENT FROM ABOVE) CITY STATE ZIP/POSTAL CODE COUNTRY STATE FAX TITLE WEB ADDRESS ZIP/POSTAL CODE COUNTRY Mail or Fax BOTH SIDES OF THIS FORM and payment to: ENA Leadership Conference 2013 Exhibits P.O. Box 1341 Bedford Park, IL 60499-1341 Phone: 847-460-4077 Fax: 847-460-4005 Only applications accompanied by a credit card payment may be faxed. TELEPHONE FAX Who is the decision maker for educational programs or sponsorships? NAME TELEPHONE TITLE FAX E-MAIL ADDRESS Is this the first time your company has exhibited with ENA? ❏ Yes If yes, how did you hear about our show? ❏ No BOOTH SELECTION Please list up to six (6) preferred booth spaces; we suggest that you do not concentrate them in only one area of the hall. Every effort will be made to accommodate your request. Assignment will be based on the company’s accumulated priority points. 1st ____________________ 2nd ___________________ 3rd ____________________ 4th ___________________ 5th____________________ 6th ____________________ COMPANIES YOU DO NOT WISH TO BE CLOSE TO: COMPANIES YOU WISH TO BE CLOSE TO: DEPOSIT AND PAYMENT INFORMATION AND SPONSORSHIP REQUEST Size of space desired _____________________ x ____________________ Total Amount Due: $ ________________________________ From April 6, 2012, a 50% deposit by check or credit card must accompany the application and contract to exhibit. Deposit can be made by check (in U.S. funds payable to ENA), MasterCard, Visa, American Express or Discover. Full payment for booth space must be received by January 18, 2013. Credit Card Information: ❏ MasterCard CARD NUMBER CARDHOLDER NAME (AS IT APPEARS ON THE CARD) ❏ Visa EXPIRATION DATE ❏ American Express ❏ Discover CARDHOLDER SIGNATURE CARDHOLDER BILLING ADDRESS (IF DIFFERENT FROM ABOVE) The above signature authorizes ENA to charge the above account. Should the total be incorrect, ENA is authorized to charge the correct total. We agree to abide by all of the requirements, restrictions, and obligations set forth in the rules and regulations as stated in the exhibitor prospectus. All applications are subject to review and approval by ENA. This application will not become a binding contract until fully executed by both parties (exhibitor and show management) hereto. NAME AUTHORIZED SIGNATURE TITLE DATE ❏ Please contact me regarding sponsorship opportunities at the ENA Leadership Conference 2013. FOR ENA USE ONLY Points ______________________________ Booth(s) Assigned _____________________Combined Space? ❏ Yes ❏ No Balance Payment Method ❏ Credit Card ❏ Check Combined Booth # _____________ Deposit Payment Method ❏ Credit Card ❏ Check _________________________________Check # __________________________________ Date Deposit Rec’d ____Accepted by _________________________________Check # __________________________________ Date Balance Rec’d ____Accepted by 915 Lee Street Des Plaines, IL 60016-6569 800-243-8362 www.ena.org Be A PARt Of the enA leADeRshiP COnfeRenCe mark your Calendar: Key Dates to Remember PReshOw late november 2012: Exhibitor Kit available online. December 21, 2012: Last day to submit exhibitor listing information to be published in the Onsite Program Guide. January 16, 2013: Notification of intent to use exhibit designated contractor due to ENA and GES/Global Experience Specialists. January 18, 2013: Balance (50%) of booth rental fee due to ENA. Last day to obtain refund for canceled space – NO REFUNDS GIVEN AFTER THIS DATE. february 8, 2013: Requests for approval for booth giveaways, drawings, entertainment, food and beverages. february 14, 2013: Exhibitor designated contractors must have certificate of insurance on file with ENA and GES/Global Experience Specialists. shOw sCheDule exhibitor Registration hours Wednesday, February 27, 2013 Thursday, February 28, 2013 Friday, March 1, 2013 Saturday, March 2, 2013 8 a.m. – 6 p.m. 8 a.m. – 6 p.m. 7:30 a.m. – 1:30 p.m. 7:30 a.m. – 1 p.m. installation hours Wednesday, February 27, 2013 Thursday, February 28, 2013 8 a.m. – 6 p.m. 7 a.m. - noon exhibit hours Thursday, February 28, 2013 Friday, March 1, 2013 Saturday, March 2, 2013 6 p.m. – 8 p.m. 9:30 a.m. – 1:30 p.m. 9:15 a.m. – 1:45 p.m. Dismantle hours Saturday, March 2, 2013 Sunday, March 3, 2013 * Please note hours subject to change. 2 – 6 p.m. 8 a.m. – Noon