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ETSI ES 200 778-3 V1.1.1 (2002-01) ETSI Standard Access and Terminals (AT); Analogue access to the Public Switched Telephone Network (PSTN); Protocol over the Local loop for display and related services; Terminal equipment requirements; Part 3: Protocol Implementation Conformance Statement (PICS) proforma specification On-Hook and Off-Hook 2 ETSI ES 200 778-3 V1.1.1 (2002-01) Reference DES/AT-030001-3 Keywords PSTN, CLIP, supplementary service, PICS ETSI 650 Route des Lucioles F-06921 Sophia Antipolis Cedex - FRANCE Tel.: +33 4 92 94 42 00 Fax: +33 4 93 65 47 16 Siret N° 348 623 562 00017 - NAF 742 C Association à but non lucratif enregistrée à la Sous-Préfecture de Grasse (06) N° 7803/88 Important notice Individual copies of the present document can be downloaded from: The present document may be made available in more than one electronic version or in print. In any case of existing or perceived difference in contents between such versions, the reference version is the Portable Document Format (PDF). In case of dispute, the reference shall be the printing on ETSI printers of the PDF version kept on a specific network drive within ETSI Secretariat. Users of the present document should be aware that the document may be subject to revision or change of status. Information on the current status of this and other ETSI documents is available at If you find errors in the present document, send your comment to: [email protected] Copyright Notification No part may be reproduced except as authorized by written permission. The copyright and the foregoing restriction extend to reproduction in all media. © European Telecommunications Standards Institute 2002. All rights reserved. ETSI 3 ETSI ES 200 778-3 V1.1.1 (2002-01) Contents Intellectual Property Right..................................................................................................................................4 Foreword.............................................................................................................................................................4 Introduction ........................................................................................................................................................4 1 Scope ........................................................................................................................................................5 2 References ................................................................................................................................................5 3 Definitions and abbreviations...................................................................................................................6 3.1 3.2 4 Definitions..........................................................................................................................................................6 Abbreviations .....................................................................................................................................................6 Conformance ............................................................................................................................................7 Annex A (normative): PICS proforma for EN 300 778-1, EN 300 778-2 and EN 300 659-3 .....................8 A.1 Guidance for completing the ICS proforma .............................................................................................8 A.1.1 A.1.2 A.1.3 A.2 Purposes and structure........................................................................................................................................8 Abbreviations and conventions ..........................................................................................................................8 Instructions for completing the PICS proforma................................................................................................10 Identification of the implementation ......................................................................................................10 A.2.1 A.2.2 A.2.3 A.2.4 A.2.5 A.2.6 Date of the statement ........................................................................................................................................10 Implementation Under Test (IUT) identification .............................................................................................10 System Under Test (SUT) identification ..........................................................................................................10 Product supplier................................................................................................................................................11 Client (if different from product supplier)........................................................................................................11 PICS contact person .........................................................................................................................................12 A.3 Identification of the reference specification type ...................................................................................12 A.4 Global statement of conformance...........................................................................................................12 A.5 Roles.......................................................................................................................................................13 A.6 TE role....................................................................................................................................................13 A.6.1 A.6.2 A.6.3 A.6.3.1 A.6.3.2 A.6.3.3 A.6.3.4 A.6.3.5 A.6.3.6 A.6.4 A.6.4.1 A.6.4.2 A.6.5 A.6.5.1 A. A. A. A.6.5.2 A. A.6.5.3 Major capabilities .............................................................................................................................................13 Service capabilities...........................................................................................................................................14 Physical Layer ..................................................................................................................................................15 Electrical .....................................................................................................................................................15 Alerting signal types ...................................................................................................................................16 Alerting signals ...........................................................................................................................................17 Criteria for leaving the DIT state ................................................................................................................18 Timers .........................................................................................................................................................18 Data signal characteristics ..........................................................................................................................19 Data Link Layer ...............................................................................................................................................20 Data Link message format ..........................................................................................................................20 Data Link Message Types...........................................................................................................................21 Presentation layer .............................................................................................................................................21 Call Set Up Message Parameters ................................................................................................................21 Message Waiting Indicator Message Parameters ..................................................................................24 Advice of Charge Message Parameters.................................................................................................25 Short Message Service Message Parameters.........................................................................................25 Parameter Coding .......................................................................................................................................26 Call Type Parameter Coding .................................................................................................................26 Handling of invalid presentation messages.................................................................................................27 Annex B (informative): Bibliography ...........................................................................................................28 History ..............................................................................................................................................................29 ETSI 4 ETSI ES 200 778-3 V1.1.1 (2002-01) Intellectual Property Right IPRs essential or potentially essential to the present document may have been declared to ETSI. The information pertaining to these essential IPRs, if any, is publicly available for ETSI members and non-members, and can be found in ETSI SR 000 314: "Intellectual Property Rights (IPRs); Essential, or potentially Essential, IPRs notified to ETSI in respect of ETSI standards", which is available from the ETSI Secretariat. Latest updates are available on the ETSI Web server ( Pursuant to the ETSI IPR Policy, no investigation, including IPR searches, has been carried out by ETSI. No guarantee can be given as to the existence of other IPRs not referenced in ETSI SR 000 314 (or the updates on the ETSI Web server) which are, or may be, or may become, essential to the present document. Foreword This ETSI Standard (ES) has been produced by ETSI Technical Committee Access and Terminals (AT). The present document is part 3 of a multi-part deliverable covering the PSTN subscriber line protocol over the local loop for display (and related) services, as identified below: EN 300 778-1: "On-hook data transmission"; EN 300 778-2: "Off-hook data transmission"; ES 200 778-3: "Protocol Implementation Conformance Statement (PICS) proforma specification On-Hook and Off-Hook"; ES 200 778-4: "Test Suite Structure and Test Purposes (TSS&TP); On-Hook and Off-Hook"; ES 200 778-5: "TTCN (On-Hook and Off-Hook)". Introduction To evaluate conformance of a particular implementation, it is necessary to have a statement of which capabilities and options have been implemented for a given protocol. Such a statement is called an Implementation Conformance Statement (ICS). An ICS stating what capabilities and options have been implemented for a particular protocol is called a protocol ICS. This is commonly abbreviated to "PICS". ETSI 5 1 ETSI ES 200 778-3 V1.1.1 (2002-01) Scope The present document provides the Protocol Implementation Conformance Statement (PICS) proforma for the subscriber line protocol for the support of PSTN display services at Local Exchange (LE) in "on-hook" state defined in EN 300 778-1 [1] and in EN 300 659-3 [3] in compliance with the relevant requirements and in accordance with the relevant guidance given in ISO/IEC 9646-7 [5]. The present document also provides the Protocol Implementation Conformance Statement (PICS) proforma for the subscriber line protocol for the support of PSTN display services at Local Exchange (LE) in "off-hook" state defined in EN 300 778-2 [2] and in EN 300 659-3 [3] in compliance with the relevant requirements and in accordance with the relevant guidance given in ISO/IEC 9646-7 [5]. The supplier of a protocol implementation that is claimed to conform to either EN 300 778-1 [1] and EN 300 659-3 [3], EN 300 778-2 [2] and EN 300 659-3 [3] or both is required to complete a copy of the PICS proforma provided in annex A of the present document and is required to provide the information necessary to identify both the supplier and the implementation. 2 References The following documents contain provisions which, through reference in this text, constitute provisions of the present document. • References are either specific (identified by date of publication and/or edition number or version number) or non-specific. • For a specific reference, subsequent revisions do not apply. • For a non-specific reference, the latest version applies. [1] ETSI EN 300 778-1 (V1.2.1): "Access and Terminals (AT); Analogue access to the Public Switched Telephone Network (PSTN); Protocol over the local loop for display and related services; Terminal Equipment requirements; Part 1: On-hook data transmission". [2] ETSI EN 300 778-2 (V1.2.1): "Access and Terminals (AT); Analogue access to the Public Switched Telephone Network (PSTN); Protocol over the local loop for display and related services; Terminal Equipment requirements; Part 2: Off-hook data transmission". [3] ETSI EN 300 659-3 (V1.3.1): "Access and Terminals (AT); Analogue access to the Public Switched Telephone Network (PSTN); Subscriber line protocol over the local loop for display (and related) services; Part 3: Data link message and parameter codings". [4] ETSI EN 300 659-1 (V1.3.1): "Access and Terminals (AT); Analogue access to the Public Switched Telephone Network (PSTN); Subscriber line protocol over the local loop for display (and related) services; Part 1: On-hook data transmission". [5] ISO/IEC 9646-7 (1995): "Information technology - Open Systems Interconnection - Conformance testing methodology and framework - Part 7: Implementation Conformance Statements". [6] ISO/IEC 9646-1 (1994): "Information technology - Open Systems Interconnection - Conformance testing methodology and framework - Part 1: General concepts". ETSI 6 3 Definitions and abbreviations 3.1 Definitions ETSI ES 200 778-3 V1.1.1 (2002-01) For the purposes of the present document, the terms and definitions given in EN 300 778-1 [1], EN 300 778-2 [2], EN 300 659-3 [3], ISO/IEC 9646-1 [6], ISO/IEC 9646-7 [5] and in particular ISO/IEC 9646-1 [6] and the following apply: Implementation Conformance Statement (ICS): statement made by the supplier of an implementation or system claimed to conform to a given specification, stating which capabilities have been implemented NOTE: The ICS can take several forms: protocol ICS, profile ICS, profile specific ICS, and information object ICS. Protocol Implementation Conformance Statement (PICS): ICS for an implementation or system claimed to conform to a given protocol specification PICS proforma: document, in the form of a questionnaire, which when completed for an implementation or system becomes a PICS 3.2 Abbreviations For the purposes of the present document, the following abbreviations apply: From the conformance documents: ICS IUT PICS SUT Implementation Conformance Statement Implementation Under Test Protocol ICS System Under Test From EN 300 778-1 [1]: AS CLIP DC DIT DT-AS DTMF FSK LE LR LR+DT-AS PSTN RP-AS TAS TE Alerting Signal Calling Line Identification Presentation Direct Current Display Information Transfer Dual Tone-Alerting Signal Dual Tone Multi-Frequency Frequency-Shift Keying Local Exchange Line Reversal Line Reversal followed by a Dual Tone-Alerting Signal Public Switched Telephone Network Ringing Pulse Alerting Signal TE Alerting Signal Terminal Equipment From EN 300 778-2 [2]: TE-ACK TE ACKnowledgement signal From EN 300 659-3 [3]: AOC-D AOC-E CCBS CCNR CLIR CNIP CNIR Advice Of Charge During the call Advice Of Charge at the End of the call Completion of Calls to Busy Subscriber Completion of Calls on No Reply Calling Line Identification Restriction Calling Name Identification Presentation Calling Name Identification Restriction ETSI 7 CT MSN MWI SMS SUB VPN 4 ETSI ES 200 778-3 V1.1.1 (2002-01) Connection Type Multiple Subscriber Number Message Waiting Indication Short Message Service SUBaddressing Virtual Private Network Conformance A PICS proforma that conforms to this PICS proforma specification shall be technically equivalent to annex A, and shall preserve the numbering and ordering of the items in annex A. A PICS that conforms to this PICS proforma specification shall: a) describe an implementation which conforms to either both EN 300 778-1 [1] and EN 300 659-3 [3] or both EN 300 778-2 [2] and EN 300 659-3 [3]; b) be a conforming PICS proforma, which has been completed in accordance with the instructions for completion given in clause A.1; c) include the information necessary to uniquely identify both the supplier and the implementation. ETSI 8 ETSI ES 200 778-3 V1.1.1 (2002-01) Annex A (normative): PICS proforma for EN 300 778-1, EN 300 778-2 and EN 300 659-3 Notwithstanding the provisions of the copyright clause related to the text of the present document, ETSI grants that users of the present document may freely reproduce the PICS proforma in this annex so that it can be used for its intended purposes and may further publish the completed PICS. A.1 Guidance for completing the ICS proforma A.1.1 Purposes and structure The purpose of this PICS proforma is to provide a mechanism whereby a supplier of an implementation of the requirements defined in either EN 300 778-1 [1] and EN 300 659-3 [3] or EN 300 778-2 [2] and EN 300 659-3 [3] may provide information about the implementation in a standardized manner. The PICS proforma is subdivided into clauses as follows: A.1: guidance for completing the various parts of the PICS proforma; A.2: identification of the implementation; A.3: identification of the protocol to which this PICS proforma applies; A.4: global statement of conformance; A.5: roles; A.6: questions to determine roles; A.1.2 Abbreviations and conventions The PICS proforma contained in this annex is comprised of information in tabular form in accordance with the guidelines presented in ISO/IEC 9646-7. Item column The item column contains an identifier related to the item in the table. Item description column The item description column describes in free text each respective item (e.g. parameters, timers, etc.). It implicitly means "is supported by the implementation?". Reference column For protocol related items, the reference column makes reference to EN 300 778-1, except where explicitly stated otherwise. For messages and parameters, the reference column makes reference to EN 300 659-3, except where explicitly stated otherwise. ETSI 9 ETSI ES 200 778-3 V1.1.1 (2002-01) Condition for status column This column, if used, defines the boolean condition, which applies to the status on the same line. In case of absence of a condition for status, the status is always applicable. EXAMPLE: Item item.x Major capabilities: Does the implementation support... … item.y … Reference Conditions for status C1 C2 Status Support M O M The status of the item.x is as following: When C1 is true: M (mandatory), When C2 is true O (optional). NOTE 1: C1 and C2 shall be mutually exclusive, when none of the listed conditions is true, the status for the item is implicitly N/A (not applicable). The item.y item is always Mandatory. Status column The following notations, defined in ISO/IEC 9646-7, are used for the status column: M mandatory - the capability shall be supported. O optional - the capability may be supported or not. N/A not applicable - in the given context, it is impossible to use the capability. O.i qualified optional - for mutually exclusive or selectable options from a set. "i" is an integer which identifies a unique group of related optional items and the logic of their selection which is defined immediately following the table. Allowed values column This column shall be filled out with a value or a range of value that are allowed for the item, according to the conditions. EXAMPLE: 500 ms ≤ t ≤ 2 000 ms. Support or Value column The support column shall be filled in by the supplier of the implementation. The following common notations, defined in ISO/IEC 9646-7, are used for the support column: Y or y supported by the implementation. N or n not supported by the implementation. N/A, n/a or - no answer required (allowed only if the status is n/a, directly or after evaluation of a conditional status). 1 000 ms the corresponding item was implemented with a value of 1 000 ms. NOTE 2: As stated in ISO/IEC 9646-7, support for a received PDU requires the ability to parse all valid parameters of that PDU. Supporting a PDU while having no ability to parse a valid parameter is non-conformant. Support for a parameter on a PDU means that the semantics of that parameter are supported. ETSI 10 ETSI ES 200 778-3 V1.1.1 (2002-01) References to items For each possible item answer (answer in the support column) within the PICS proforma a unique reference exists, used, for example, in the conditional expressions. Prerequisite line A prerequisite line takes the form: Prerequisite: . A prerequisite line after a clause or table title indicates that the whole clause or the whole table is not required to be completed if the predicate is FALSE. A.1.3 Instructions for completing the PICS proforma The supplier of the implementation shall complete the PICS proforma in each of the spaces provided. In particular, an explicit answer shall be entered, in each of the support or supported column boxes provided, using the notation described in clause A.1.2. If necessary, the supplier may provide additional comments in space at the bottom of the tables or separately. More detailed instructions are given at the beginning of the different subclasses of the PICS proforma. A.2 Identification of the implementation Identification of the Implementation Under Test (IUT) and the system in which it resides (the System Under Test (SUT)) should be filled in so as to provide as much detail as possible regarding version numbers and configuration options. The product supplier information and client information should both be filled in if they are different. A person who can answer queries regarding information supplied in the PICS should be named as the contact person. A.2.1 Date of the statement ......................................................................................................................................................................................... A.2.2 Implementation Under Test (IUT) identification IUT name: ......................................................................................................................................................................................... ......................................................................................................................................................................................... IUT version: ......................................................................................................................................................................................... A.2.3 System Under Test (SUT) identification SUT name: ......................................................................................................................................................................................... ......................................................................................................................................................................................... ETSI 11 ETSI ES 200 778-3 V1.1.1 (2002-01) Hardware configuration: ......................................................................................................................................................................................... ......................................................................................................................................................................................... ......................................................................................................................................................................................... Operating system: ......................................................................................................................................................................................... A.2.4 Product supplier Name: ......................................................................................................................................................................................... Address: ......................................................................................................................................................................................... ......................................................................................................................................................................................... ......................................................................................................................................................................................... Telephone number: ......................................................................................................................................................................................... Facsimile number: ......................................................................................................................................................................................... E-mail address: ......................................................................................................................................................................................... Additional information: ......................................................................................................................................................................................... ......................................................................................................................................................................................... ......................................................................................................................................................................................... A.2.5 Client (if different from product supplier) Name: ......................................................................................................................................................................................... Address: ......................................................................................................................................................................................... ......................................................................................................................................................................................... ......................................................................................................................................................................................... Telephone number: ......................................................................................................................................................................................... ETSI 12 ETSI ES 200 778-3 V1.1.1 (2002-01) Facsimile number: ......................................................................................................................................................................................... E-mail address: ......................................................................................................................................................................................... Additional information: ......................................................................................................................................................................................... ......................................................................................................................................................................................... A.2.6 PICS contact person (A person to contact if there are any queries concerning the content of the PICS) Name: ......................................................................................................................................................................................... Telephone number: ......................................................................................................................................................................................... Facsimile number: ......................................................................................................................................................................................... E-mail address: ......................................................................................................................................................................................... Additional information: ......................................................................................................................................................................................... ......................................................................................................................................................................................... ......................................................................................................................................................................................... A.3 Identification of the reference specification type This PICS proforma applies to the following standards: EN 300 778-1 (V1.2.1): "Public Switched Telephone Network (PSTN); Subscriber line protocol over the local loop for display (and related) services; Part 1: On-hook data transmission". EN 300 659-3 (V1.2.1): "Public Switched Telephone Network (PSTN); Subscriber line protocol over the local loop for display (and related) services; Part 3: Data link message and parameter coding". EN 300 778-2 (V1.2.1): "Public Switched Telephone Network (PSTN); Subscriber line protocol over the local loop for display (and related) services; Part 2: Off-hook data transmission". A.4 Global statement of conformance Are all mandatory capabilities implemented? (Yes/No) NOTE: Answering "No" to this question indicates non-conformance to the EN specification. Non-supported mandatory capabilities are to be identified in the PICS, with an explanation of why the implementation is non-conforming, on pages attached to the PICS proforma. ETSI 13 A.5 ETSI ES 200 778-3 V1.1.1 (2002-01) Roles Table A.1: Roles Item Role Reference Status R.1 Terminal Equipment (TE) M EN 300 778-1 1 NOTE: Local Exchange is outside the scope of the present document. A.6 Support [ ] Yes [ ] No TE role This clause contains the PICS proforma tables related to the TE role. They need to be completed only for TE implementations: Prerequisite: A.1/1 -- TE role A.6.1 Major capabilities Table A.2: Data Transmission Item MC.1 MC.2 MC.3 MC.4 MC.5 MC.5.1 MC.5.2 MC.6 O.1 O.2 O.3 Comments: Major capabilities: Does the implementation support... FSK Reference EN 300 778-1, clause 1 EN 300 778-2, clause 4.4 DTMF EN 300 778-1, annex A On-hook EN 300 778-1, clause 1 Off-hook EN 300 778-2, clause 1 Data transmission associated with ringing EN 300 778-1, clause 4.2.1 Data transmission associated with ringing EN 300 778-1, prior to ringing clause Data transmission associated with ringing EN 300 778-1, during ringing clause 4.2.2 Data transmission not associated with ringing EN 300 778-1, clause 4.2.2 Support of at least one of these options is required. Support of at least one of these options is required. Support of at least one of these options is required. ETSI Conditions for status Status O.1 O.1 MC.1 M MC.1 O MC.3 O.2 MC.5 O.3 MC.5 O.3 MC.3 O.2 Support 14 A.6.2 ETSI ES 200 778-3 V1.1.1 (2002-01) Service capabilities Table A.3: Services supported by TE Item SC.1 SC.2 SC.3 SC.4 SC.5 SC.6 SC.7 SC.8 SC.9 SC.10 SC.11 SC.12 SC.13 SC.14 SC.15 SC.16 SC.17 O.1 Comments: Service capabilities: Reference Does the implementation support... EN 300 659-3 CLIP annex B CLIR annex B CNIP annex B CNIR annex B AOC-D annex B AOC-E annex B SMS annex B CCBS annex B CCNR annex B MWI annex B MSN annex B SUB annex B CT annex B CALL RETURN annex B ALARM CALL annex B USER PROCEDURE NOTIFICATION annex B MONITORING SERVICE annex B Support of at least one of these options is required. ETSI Conditions for status MC.3 OR MC.4 MC.3 OR MC.4 MC.3 OR MC.4 MC.3 OR MC.4 MC.3 OR MC.4 MC.3 OR MC.4 MC.3 OR MC.4 MC.3 MC.3 MC.3 OR MC.4 MC.3 OR MC.4 MC.3 OR MC.4 MC.3 OR MC.4 MC.4 MC.3 OR MC.4 MC.3 OR MC.4 MC.3 OR MC.4 Status O.1 O.1 O.1 O.1 O.1 O.1 O.1 O.1 O.1 O.1 O.1 O.1 O.1 O.1 O.1 O.1 O.1 Support 15 A.6.3 ETSI ES 200 778-3 V1.1.1 (2002-01) Physical Layer A.6.3.1 Electrical Table A.4: Physical Layer Electrical Item Phy.1 Electrical: Does the implementation support... FSK electrical requirements The data signals frequency requirements Phy.2 The Data signals rate requirements Phy.3 The Data signals levels requirements Phy.4 Phy.5 The Data signal unwanted signals requirements On-hook electrical requirements The Polarity requirements Phy.6 The AC Termination requirements Phy.7 The DC termination requirements Phy.8 Phy.9 Phy.10 Phy.11 Phy.12 Phy.13 Phy.14 Phy.15 Phy.16 Reference Conditions for status Status EN 300 778-1, clause EN 300 778-1, clause EN 300 778-1, clause EN 300 778-1, clause MC.1 M MC.1 M MC.1 M MC.1 M EN 300 778-1, clause 4.1.2 EN 300 778-1, clause 4.1.3 EN 300 778-1, clause 4.1.4 MC.3 M MC.3 M MC.3 M MC.4 M MC.4 M MC.4 M MC.4 M MC.4 M MC.2 M MC.2 M MC.2 M MC.2 M Off-hook electrical requirements Muting of voice path and disabling of manual EN 300 778-2, clause 4.2.1, signalling facility requirements 2) Sending TE-Ack signal requirements EN 300 778-2, clause 4.2.1, 3) Entering off-hook signalling state EN 300 778-2, clause 4.2.1, requirements 4) Restoring voice path after completion of data EN 300 778-2, clause 4.2.1, transmission requirements 6) Restoring of voice path if no data EN 300 778-2, clause 4.2.1 transmission is received requirements DTMF electrical requirements The additional Polarity requirements EN 300 778-1, clause A.3.1.3 The DC resistance in the DIT state EN 300 778-1, clause A.3.2.2 requirements The AC impedance in the DIT state EN 300 778-1, clause A.3.2.3 requirements The DTMF code reception in DIT state EN 300 778-1, clause A.3.3 requirements Comments: ETSI Support 16 ETSI ES 200 778-3 V1.1.1 (2002-01) A.6.3.2 Alerting signal types Table A.5: Alerting signal types Item Alert.1 Alert.2 Alert.3 Alert.4 Alert.5 O.1 Comments: Does the implementation support... Reference Conditions for EN 300 778-1 status clause MC.5.1 OR MC.6 OR MC.4 clause MC.5.1 OR MC.6 The Dual Tone Alerting Signal detection (DT-AS) The Ringing Pulse Alerting Signal detection (RP-AS) The Line-reversal + Dual Tone Alerting clause MC.5.1 OR MC.6 Signal detection (LR+DT-AS) First ring pattern detection clause MC.5.2 Display Information Transfer (DIT) phase annex A MC.2 Support of at least one of these options is required. ETSI Status O.1 O.1 O.1 M M Support 17 ETSI ES 200 778-3 V1.1.1 (2002-01) A.6.3.3 Alerting signals Table A.6: Alerting signal characteristics Item Does the implementation support the detection of... DT-AS signal characteristics AlertSig.1 The nominal low frequency AlertSig.2 The nominal high frequency AlertSig.3 The signal level AlertSig.4 The twist AlertSig.5 The signal duration RP-AS signal characteristics AlertSig.6 The frequency AlertSig.7 The amplitude AlertSig.8 The signal duration Reference Conditions Allowed value EN 300 778-1, clause EN 300 778-2, clause 4.2.2 EN 300 778-1, clause EN 300 778-2, clause 4.2.2 EN 300 778-1, clause EN 300 778-2, clause 4.2.2 EN 300 778-1, clause EN 300 778-2, clause 4.2.2 EN 300 778-1, clause EN 300 778-2, clause 4.2.2 Alert.1 2 130 Hz ±0,5 % Alert.1 2 750 Hz ±0,5 % Alert.1 AND MC.3 Alert.1 AND MC.4 -9 to -40 dBV/tone -12 to -35 dBV/tone Alert.1 6 dB max Alert.1 AND MC.3 Alert.1 AND MC.4 100 ms ± 10 ms 80 ms ± 5 ms Alert.2 25 Hz OR 50 Hz Alert.2 30 to 90 Vms Alert.2 200 to 300 ms EN 300 778-1, clause EN 300 778-2, clause 4.2.2 EN 300 778-1, clause EN 300 778-2, clause 4.2.2 EN 300 778-1, clause EN 300 778-2, clause 4.2.2 Comments: ETSI Value 18 ETSI ES 200 778-3 V1.1.1 (2002-01) A.6.3.4 Criteria for leaving the DIT state Table A.7: Criteria for leaving the DIT state Item DIT.1 DIT.2 DIT.3 DIT.4 DIT.5 Does the implementation leave the DIT state on... DTMF code received Ringing signal received Feeding voltage polarity back to idle polarity No DTMF code is received within 1 s after the reversal of the feeding voltage polarity and the reversed voltage has reached a level of higher than 30 V DC After receipt of a DTMF code the DTMF pause condition is present for more than 1 s Reference EN 300 778-1 clause A.3.4.2 clause A.3.4.2 clause A.3.4.2 clause A.3.4.2 Conditions for status Alert.5 Alert.5 Alert.5 Alert.5 Status clause A.3.4.2 Alert.5 M Support O O O M Comments: A.6.3.5 Timers Table A.8: Physical Layer Timers Item Timer. 1 Does the implementation support … The timer T0 Timer. 2 The timer T1 Timer. 3 The timer T2 Timer. 4 The timer T3 Timer. 5 The timer T4 Timer. 6 The timer T5 Timer. 7 The timer T6 Timer. 8 The timer T7 Timer. 9 The timer T8 Timer. 10 The timer TD Reference Conditions Allowed value EN 300 778-1, clause 4.2.1 EN 300 659-1, clause 6 EN 300 778-1, clause 4.2.1 EN 300 659-1, clause 6 EN 300 778-1, clause 4.2.1 EN 300 659-1, clause 6 EN 300 778-1, clause 4.2.1 EN 300 659-1, clause 6 EN 300 778-1, clause 4.2.1 EN 300 659-1, clause 6 EN 300 778-1, clause 4.2.1 EN 300 659-1, clause 6 EN 300 659-1, clause 6 EN 300 659-1, clause 6 EN 300 778-1, clause 4.2.1 EN 300 659-1, clause 6 EN 300 778-1, clause 4.2.4 Alert.3 ≥ 100 ms Alert.3 ≥ 45 ms MC.5.1 200 ms ≤ T2 ≤ 500 ms Alert.2 500 ms ≤ T3 ≤ 800 ms Alert.1 45 ms ≤ T4 ≤ 500 ms MC.5.2 500 ms ≤ T5 ≤ 2000 ms MC.5.2 ≥ 100 ms Alert.3 ≤ 700 ms MC.6 200 ms ≤ T8 ≤ 500 ms Alert.3 ≤ 45 ms ETSI Value 19 Item Timer. 11 Does the implementation support … The timer TR Timer. 12 The timer Tres Timer. 13 The timer TA Timer. 14 The timer TTE-ACK Timer. 15 The timer TF Timer. 16 The timer TU ETSI ES 200 778-3 V1.1.1 (2002-01) Reference Conditions Allowed value EN 300 778-1, clause 4.2.4 EN 300 778-1, clause 4.2.4 EN 300 778-2, clause 4.3 EN 300 778-2, clause 4.3 EN 300 778-2, clause 4.3 EN 300 778-2, clause 4.3 Alert.3 ≤ 500 ms Alert.3 ≤ 150 ms MC.4 85 ms MC.4 65 ms ≤ TTE-ACK ≤ 90 ms MC.4 295 ms MC.4 120 ms Value Comments: A.6.3.6 Data signal characteristics Table A.9: Data signals characteristics Item DataSig. 1 DataSig. 2 DataSig. 3 DataSig. 4 Does the implementation support … The mark (logical "1" frequency) The space (logical "0" frequency) The rate The signal level DataSig. 5 The twist Comments: Reference EN 300 778-1 clause 4.1.5 clause 4.1.5 clause 4.1.5 clause 4.1.5 clause 4.1.5 ETSI Conditions Allowed value MC.1 MC.1 MC.1 MC.3 MC.4 MC.1 1 300 Hz ± 1,5% 2 100 Hz ± 1,5% 1 200 bit/s ± 1% -8 dBV to -36 dBV -11 dBV to -33 dBV 6 dB max Value 20 A.6.4 ETSI ES 200 778-3 V1.1.1 (2002-01) Data Link Layer A.6.4.1 Data Link message format Table A.10: Data Link message format Item Does the implementation support … Reference Datalink.1 Channel seizure (300 alternating bits of mark-space starting with a space) Datalink.2 Mark signal 180 ± 25 mark bits (case a) Datalink.3 Datalink.4 Datalink.5 Datalink.6 O.1 Comments: EN 300 778-1, clause 5.1 EN 300 778-1, clause 5.2 a) EN 300 778-1, Mark signal 80 ± 25 mark bits (case b) clause 5.2 b) EN 300 778-2, clause 5.2 Message length of a value of 3 bytes to EN 300 778-1, clause 5.4 255 bytes EN 300 778-2, clause 5.4 Checksum EN 300 778-1, clause 5.5 EN 300 778-2, clause 5.5 Restoring of the voice paths on detection of EN 300 778-2, clause 5.6 an incorrect checksum Support of at least one of these options is required. ETSI Conditions for status MC.3 Status MC.3 O.1 MC.3 MC.4 O.1 M MC.1 M MC.1 M MC.4 M M Support 21 ETSI ES 200 778-3 V1.1.1 (2002-01) A.6.4.2 Data Link Message Types Table A.11: Data link message types Item Does the implementation support … MSGtype.1 Call Set-Up MSGtype.2 Message Waiting Indicator MSGtype.3 Advice of Charge MSGtype.4 Short Message Service Reference Conditions for EN 300 659-3 status clause 5.1 (SC.1 or .2 or .3 OR SC.4 or C.8 or C.9 or SC.11 or SC.12 or SC.13 or SC.14 or SC.15 or SC.17) clause 5.2 (SC.10 or SC.11 or SC.12 or SC.13) clause 5.3 (SC.5 or SC.6 or SC.11 or SC.12 or SC.13) clause 5.4 (SC.7 or SC.11 or SC.12 or SC.13 or SC.16) Status Support M M M M Comments: A.6.5 Presentation layer Indicating support for an item in the following tables, states that the implementation is able to decode the parameter related to that item. The actual requirement for support of that parameter is indicated in separate tables for different message types. NOTE: Excepted for the parameter Call Type (see clause "Parameter Coding"), all the coding values inside each parameter type shall be recognized. A.6.5.1 Call Set Up Message Parameters Table A.12: Call Set-Up Message Parameters Item Does the implementation support … CallSetUp.1 Date and Time Reference EN 300 659-3 annex B CallSetUp.2 Calling Line Identity annex B ETSI Conditions for status (SC.1 or SC.2 or SC.3 or SC.4 or SC.8 or SC.9 or SC.11 or SC.12 or SC.13 or SC.14 or SC.15 or SC.17) ((SC.1 or SC.14) AND NOT (CallSetup.3)) Status (SC.3 or SC.4 or SC.8 or SC.9 or SC.11 or SC.12 or SC.13 or SC.17) O O M Support 22 Item CallSetUp.3 Does the implementation support … Reason for absence of Calling Line Identity Reference EN 300 659-3 annex B CallSetUp.4 Called Line Identity annex B CallSetUp.5 Calling Party Name annex B CallSetUp.6 Reason for absence of Calling Party Name annex B CallSetUp.7 Complementary Calling Line Identity annex B CallSetUp.8 Call Type annex B CallSetUp.9 First Called Line Identity annex B CallSetUp.10 Number of Messages annex B CallSetUp.11 Type of Forwarded Call annex B CallSetUp.12 Type of Calling User annex B CallSetUp.13 Redirecting Number annex B ETSI ETSI ES 200 778-3 V1.1.1 (2002-01) Conditions for status ((SC.2 or SC.14) AND NOT (CallSetup.2)) Status (SC.1 or SC.3 or SC.4 or SC.8 or SC.9 or SC.11 or SC.12 or SC.13 or SC.17) (SC.1 or SC.2 or SC.3 or SC.4 or SC.8 or SC.9 or SC.11 or SC.12 or SC.13 or SC.17) (SC.3 and not (CallSetup.6)) O (SC.1 or SC.2 or SC.11 or SC.12 or SC.13 or SC.14 or SC.17) (SC.4 and not (CallSetup.5)) (SC.1 or SC.2 or SC.3 or SC.11 or SC.12 or SC.13 or SC.14 or SC.17) (SC.1 or SC.2 or SC.3 or SC.4 or SC.11 or SC.12 or SC.13 or SC.14 or SC.17) (SC.8 or SC.14 or SC.15 or SC.17) (SC.1 or SC.2 or SC.3 or SC.4 or SC.11 or SC.12 or SC.13) (SC.1 or SC.2 or SC.3 or SC.4 or SC.11 or SC.12 or SC.13 or SC.14 or SC.17) (SC.11 or SC.12 or SC.13) (SC.1 or SC.2 or SC.3 or SC.4 or SC.11 or SC.12 or SC.13 or SC.14 or SC.17) (SC.1 or SC.2 or SC.3 or SC.4 or SC.11 or SC.12 or SC.13 or SC.14 or SC.17) (SC.1 or SC.2 or SC.3 or SC.4 or SC.11 or SC.12 or SC.13 or SC.14 or SC.17) M O M O M O O M O O O O O O Support 23 Item CallSetUp.14 Network Provider Identity Reference EN 300 659-3 annex B CallSetUp.15 CallSetUp.16 Carrier Identity Selection of Terminal Function annex B annex B CallSetUp.17 Does the implementation support … Display Information CallSetUp.18 Extension for network operator use CallSetUp.19 Service Information annex B annex B ETSI ES 200 778-3 V1.1.1 (2002-01) Conditions for status SC.1 or SC.2 or SC.3 or SC.4 or SC.8 or SC.9 or SC.11 or SC.12 or SC.13 or SC.14 or SC.15 or SC.17 (SC.8 or SC.9) (SC.11 or SC.12 or SC.13) Status (SC.1 or SC.2 or SC.3 or SC.4 or SC.8 or SC.9 or SC.14 or SC.15 or SC.17) SC.7 O (SC.1 or SC.2 or SC.3 or SC.4 or SC.8 or SC.9 or SC.11 or SC.12 or SC.13 or SC.14 or SC.15 or SC.17) (SC.1 or SC.2 or SC.3 or SC.4 or SC.8 or SC.9 or SC.11 or SC.12 or SC.13 or SC.14 or SC.15 or SC.17) SC.17 Support O O M M O O annex B O (see note) NOTE: The Service information parameter is not included in the CallSetup message parameter list in EN 300 659-3, clause 5.2.1. Comments: ETSI 24 A. ETSI ES 200 778-3 V1.1.1 (2002-01) Message Waiting Indicator Message Parameters Table A.13: Message Waiting Indicator Message Parameters Item Does the implementation support … MWI.1 MWI.2 Date and Time Calling Line Identity MWI.3 Reason for absence of Calling Line Identity Calling Party Name MWI.4 MWI.5 MWI.6 MWI.7 MWI.8 MWI.9 MWI.10 MWI.11 MWI.12 MWI.13 MWI.14 MWI.15 MWI.16 Comments: Reason for absence of Calling Party Name Visual Indicator Message Identification Last Message CLI Complementary Date and Time Complementary Calling Line Identity Number of Messages Type of Calling User Network Provider Identity Selection of Terminal Function Display Information Extension for network operator use Reference EN 300 659-3 annex B annex B annex B annex B annex B annex B annex B annex B annex B annex B annex B annex B annex B annex B annex B annex B ETSI Conditions for status SC.10 (SC.10 and not (MWI.3)) (SC.10) and not (MWI.2)) (SC.10 and not (MWI.5)) (SC.10 and not (MWI.4)) SC.10 SC.10 SC.10 SC.10 SC.10 SC.10 SC.10 SC.10 SC.10 SC.10 SC.10 Status O O O O O M O O O O O O O O O O Support 25 A. ETSI ES 200 778-3 V1.1.1 (2002-01) Advice of Charge Message Parameters Table A.14: Advice of Charge Message Parameters Item Does the implementation support … AOC.1 AOC.2 Date and Time Calling Line Identity AOC.3 Reason for absence of Calling Line Identity Called Line Identity Complementary Calling Line Identity Charge Additional charge Duration of the call Network Provided Identity Carrier Identity Selection of Terminal Function Display Information Extension for network operator use AOC.4 AOC.5 AOC.6 AOC.7 AOC.8 AOC.9 AOC.10 AOC.11 AOC.12 AOC.13 Comments: A. Reference EN 300 659-3 annex B annex B annex B annex B annex B annex B annex B annex B annex B annex B annex B annex B annex B Conditions for status (SC.5 or SC.6) ((SC.5 or SC.6) and not (AOC.3)) ((SC.5 or SC.6) and not (AOC.2)) (SC.5 or SC.6) (SC.5 or SC.6) (SC.5 or SC.6) (SC.5 or SC.6) (SC.5 or SC.6) (SC.5 or SC.6) (SC.5 or SC.6) (SC.5 or SC.6) (SC.5 or SC.6) (SC.5 or SC.6) Status Support O O O O O M O O O O O O O Short Message Service Message Parameters Table A.15: Short Message Service Message Parameters Item Does the implementation support … SMS.1 SMS.2 Date and Time Calling Line Identity SMS.3 Reason for absence of Calling Line Identity Calling Party Name SMS.4 SMS.5 SMS.6 SMS.7 SMS.8 SMS.9 SMS.10 SMS.11 SMS.12 Comments: Reason for absence of Calling Party Name Complementary Calling Line Identity Type of Calling User Network Provider Identity Selection of Terminal Function Display Information Service Information Extension for network operator use Reference EN 300 659-3 annex B annex B annex B annex B annex B annex B annex B annex B annex B annex B annex B annex B ETSI Conditions for status SC.7 (SC.7 and not (SMS.3)) (SC.7) and not (SMS.2)) (SC.7 and not (SMS.5)) (SC.7 and not (SMS.4)) SC.7 SC.7 SC.7 SC.7 SC.7 SC.7 SC.7 Status O O O O O O O O O M O O Support 26 ETSI ES 200 778-3 V1.1.1 (2002-01) A.6.5.2 Parameter Coding A. Call Type Parameter Coding Table A.16: Call Type Parameter Coding Item Does the implementation support … CallType.1 Normal (Voice) Code Reference EN 300 659-3 clause 5.4.12 CallType.2 CCBS or CCNR (ring-back) clause 5.4.12 Conditions for status (SC.1 or SC.2 or SC.3 or SC.4 or SC.11 or SC.12 or SC.13) (SC.8 or SC.9) CallType.3 Calling name delivery CallType.4 Call Return (SC.11 or SC.12 or SC.13) clause 5.4.12 (SC.3 or SC.4 or SC.11 or SC.12 or SC.13) clause 5.4.12 SC.14 Alarm Call (SC.11 or SC.12 or SC.13) clause 5.4.12 SC.15 CallType.5 CallType.6 Download function clause 5.4.12 CallType.7 Reverse Charging Call clause 5.4.12 CallType.8 External Call (VPN) clause 5.4.12 CallType.9 Internal Call (VPN) clause 5.4.12 CallType.10 Monitoring Call clause 5.4.12 CallType.11 Message waiting (SC.11 or SC.12 or SC.13) (SC.1 or SC.2 or SC.3 or SC.4 or SC.11 or SC.12 or SC.13) (SC.1 or SC.2 or SC.3 or SC.4 or SC.11 or SC.12 or SC.13) (SC.1 or SC.2 or SC.3 or SC.4 or SC.11 or SC.12 or SC.13) (SC.1 or SC.2 or SC.3 or SC.4 or SC.11 or SC.12 or SC.13) SC.17 (SC.11 or SC.12 or SC.13) clause 5.4.12 (SC.11 or SC.12 or SC.13) Comments: ETSI Status O M O O M O M O O O O O M O O Support 27 ETSI ES 200 778-3 V1.1.1 (2002-01) A.6.5.3 Handling of invalid presentation messages Table A.17: TE considerations Item Does the implementation support … Invalid.1 Discard a parameter with an unknown value Discard an unknown message Discard an unknown parameter in a known message, keeping the known parameters Discard the message in which exclusive parameters are found Discard the message in which two or more of the same parameters are found in a message with different values Discard the second parameter in the case where two parameters are identical within a message Process the network operator specific message if the IUT recognizes the "Extension for network operator" parameter data Discard the complete message if the IUT does not recognize the "Extension for network operator" parameter and if it is a network operator specific type of message Discard the parameter if the IUT does not recognize the "Extension for network operator" parameter and if it is a network operator specific parameter or parameter value Invalid.2 Invalid.3 Invalid.4 Invalid.5 Invalid.6 Invalid.7 Invalid.8 Invalid.9 Reference EN 300 659-3 clause 5.1.3 Conditions for status Status O clause 5.1.3 clause 5.1.3 O O clause 5.1.3 O clause 5.1.3 O clause 5.1.3 O clause 5.1.3 O clause 5.1.3 NOT (Invalid.9) O clause 5.1.3 NOT (Invalid.8) O Comments: ETSI Support 28 ETSI ES 200 778-3 V1.1.1 (2002-01) Annex B (informative): Bibliography ETSI EN 300 659-2: "Access and Terminals (AT); Analogue access to the Public Switched Telephone Network (PSTN); Subscriber line protocol over the local loop for display (and related) services; Part 2: Off-hook data transmission". ETSI 29 ETSI ES 200 778-3 V1.1.1 (2002-01) History Document history V1.1.1 October 2001 Membership Approval Procedure V1.1.1 January 2002 Publication ETSI MV 20011228: 2001-10-30 to 2001-12-28