Course Title:
Issue No: 01 Course Code: ENGR06 Prerequisite: NSC103; MATH6B Lecture Hour: 3
Revision No: 01
Effectivity Date: 2nd Trimester SY 2003 - 2004 Page 1 of 7 Credit Unit: 3 Laboratory Hour: 0
1.0 Course Description
A study of the laws of thermodynamics, properties of gases and the power cycles of gases including compressed air; also includes a study of thermochemical reaction of fuels in power plants. 2.0 Course Objectives At the end of the term, the students should be able to: 2. 1. 2. 2. 2. 3. 2. 4. 2. 5. 2. 6. 2. 7. 2. 8. Demonstrate proficiency in the theoretical foundation of engineering materials. Apply the concepts and principles of engineering materials in solving related problems. Evaluate and identify the varied applications of different engineering materials. Apply the use of innovative techniques in dealing with more complex engineering problems. Develop critical thinking and logical reasoning. Acquire desirable habits and attitudes in learning the course. Develop the values of accuracy, neatness and of being systematic. Imbibe the values of honesty, orderliness, patience and persistence in one’s work in order to carry on such desirable traits in the practice of one’s profession.
3.0 Grading System
Lecture: Quizzes Class Standing Major Exam TOTAL Prelims 40% 10% 50% 100% Midterm 40% 10% 50% 100% Finals 40% 10% 50% 100% Laboratory: Average MP Class Standing Major Exam TOTAL Prelims 40% 10% 40% 100% Midterm 40% 10% 40% 100% Finals 40% 10% 40% 100%
Final Grade = 30% Prelims + 30% Midterm + 40% Finals Laboratory Grade = 30% Prelims + 30% Midterm + 40% Finals
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Course Title:
Issue No: 01 Course Code: ENGR06 Prerequisite: NSC103; MATH6B Lecture Hour: 3
Revision No: 01
Effectivity Date: 2nd Trimester SY 2003 - 2004 Page 2 of 7 Credit Unit: 3 Laboratory Hour: 0
4.0 Course Program
Time Frame (No. of Sessions) 1 Topics PRELIM PERIOD I. Orientation 1. Setting of ‘house’ rules. 2. Discussion of the College Mission, Vision and Objectives. 3. Course Requirements 4. Grading System Specific Objectives At the end of the session, the students should be able to: • Assess and value their participation in creating the ‘house’ rules. • Abide by the ‘house’ rules set by the class. • Identify and describe the course requirements and grading system. • Discuss the basic concepts, systems, properties and applications of thermodynamics. • Perform conversion of units. • Describe and apply the fundamental principles and the mathematical operations of mass, force, weight, volume, density, pressure and temperature. • Explain the conservation of mass. • Derive the conservation of mass equation.
Evaluation Tools
Observation of class discipline and their compliance to the House Rules
II. Introduction III. Fundamentals of Thermodynamics 1. The rmodynamics: nature, systems and properties 2. Ne wton’s Law of Motion 3. Sys tems of Units 4. Pro cesses 5. Ma ss, Force and Weight
Lecture Active learning - In basket exercises - Icebreakers - Visualization Group discussion
Quiz Seatwork Graded recitation/board work Assignment/Take Home Problem Sets
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Course Title:
Issue No: 01 Course Code: ENGR06 Prerequisite: NSC103; MATH6B Lecture Hour: 3
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Effectivity Date: 2nd Trimester SY 2003 - 2004 Page 3 of 7 Credit Unit: 3 Laboratory Hour: 0
6. Spe cific Volume, Density and Specific Weight 7. Pre ssure and Temperature 8. Con servation of Mass
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Course Title:
Issue No: 01 Course Code: ENGR06 Prerequisite: NSC103; MATH6B Lecture Hour: 3
Revision No: 01
Effectivity Date: 2nd Trimester SY 2003 - 2004 Page 4 of 7 Credit Unit: 3 Laboratory Hour: 0
III. Conservation of Energy 1. Forms of Energy 2. General Energy Equation 3. Evaluation of Potential, Kinetic and Transferred Energies 4. Internal Energy 5. Power 6. Enthalpy
• Discuss the fundamental concepts and principles of the conservation of energy. • Identify the significance and application of the conservation of energy. • Write and explain the general energy equation. • Define potential energy, kinetic energy, internal energy, work, power and enthalpy. • Apply the general energy equation in analyzing and solving problems involving the law of conservation of energy. • Discuss the fundamental concepts and principles of ideal gas. • Enumerate and explain the ideal gas laws. • Derive the formula of the ideal gas laws. • Distinguish ideal gas from real gas. • Solve ideal gas problems.
Lecture Active learning - In basket exercises - Icebreakers - Visualization Group discussion
Quiz Seatwork Graded recitation/board work Assignment/Take Home Problem Sets Prelim Examination
MIDTERM PERIOD 7 IV. The Ideal Gases 1. Ideal Gas Laws 2. Equations of State 3. Ideal Gas vs Real Gas Lecture Active learning - In basket exercises - Icebreakers - Visualization Group discussion Quiz Seatwork Graded recitation/board work Assignment/Take Home Problem Sets
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ISO 9001:2000 QMS Document This is a controlled document and is subject to revision control requirements. Users should verify latest revision.
Course Title:
Issue No: 01 Course Code: ENGR06 Prerequisite: NSC103; MATH6B Lecture Hour: 3
Revision No: 01
Effectivity Date: 2nd Trimester SY 2003 - 2004 Page 5 of 7 Credit Unit: 3 Laboratory Hour: 0
V. The Ideal Processes 1. Isochoric/Isometric 2. Isobaric Process
• Enumerate and define the ideal processes. • Recognize the importance and applications of the isometric and isobaric processes. • Identify the procedure or steps in solving isometric and isobaric problems. • Analyze and determine the applied ideal process in the problems. • Describe the concepts and mathematical operations involved in isothermal, isentropic and adiabatic processes. • Identify the applications of isothermal, isentropic and adiabatic processes. • Write the corresponding formula for isothermal, isentropic and adiabatic processes. • Use the appropriate formula or technique in solving problems involving thermodynamic processes of ideal gases.
Lecture Active learning - In basket exercises - Icebreakers - Visualization Group discussion
Quiz Seatwork Graded recitation/board work Assignment/Take Home Problem Sets Midterm Examination
FINAL PERIOD 6 V. The Ideal Processes (continuation) 3. Isothermal Process 4. Isentropic Process 5. Adiabatic Process Lecture Active learning - In basket exercises - Icebreakers - Visualization Group discussion Quiz Seatwork Graded recitation/board work Assignment/Take Home Problem Sets
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Course Title:
Issue No: 01 Course Code: ENGR06 Prerequisite: NSC103; MATH6B Lecture Hour: 3
Revision No: 01
Effectivity Date: 2nd Trimester SY 2003 - 2004 Page 6 of 7 Credit Unit: 3 Laboratory Hour: 0
VI. The Carnot Cycle VII. Internal Combustion Engines 1. Otto Cycle 2. Diesel Cycle
• Identify the concepts, fundamental principles and significance of the Carnot cycle. • Determine and discuss the components of a Carnot cycle. • Solve problems involving Carnot cycle. • Define internal combustion engines. • Enumerate and describe the applications of internal combustion engines. • Distinguish Otto cycle from Diesel cycle. • Use the appropriate approach or technique in solving problems internal combustion engines.
Lecture Active learning - In basket exercises - Icebreakers - Visualization Group discussion
Quiz Seatwork Graded recitation/board work Assignment/Take Home Problem Sets Final Examination
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ISO 9001:2000 QMS Document This is a controlled document and is subject to revision control requirements. Users should verify latest revision.
Course Title:
Issue No: 01 Course Code: ENGR06 Prerequisite: NSC103; MATH6B Lecture Hour: 3
Revision No: 01
Effectivity Date: 2nd Trimester SY 2003 - 2004 Page 7 of 7 Credit Unit: 3 Laboratory Hour: 0
5.0 Text book 5. 1. Saad, Michael. Thermodynamics: Principles and Practice. Prentice Hall, 1997 6.0 References 6. 1. Borgnakke, Claus. Thermodynamics and Transport Properties. John Wiley & Sons, 1997 6. 2. Faires, Virgil Moring. Thermodynamics. McMillan Publishing Co., Inc. 6. 3. Howell, John. Fundamentals of Engineering Thermodynamics. McGraw-Hill, Inc. 6. 4. Sta. Maria, Hipolito. Thermodynamics. National Bookstore, Inc.
7.0 Required or Suggested Readings 7.1. Introduction: Thermodynamics and Material Science from 7.2. Introduction to Thermodynamics from 7.3. The First Law of Thermodynamics from 7.4. from 7.5. Thermodynamics from 7.6. Heat and Temperature from 7.7. The First Law of Thermodynamics from 7.8. The Thermodynamics of the Internal Combustion Engine from
Prepared by: Name & Position
Reviewed by: Name & Position
Approved by: Name & Position
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