Meroni V Mchenry County - 09mr399 - Official Transcript - 1-20-10

Official Transcript of hearing held 1-20-10 before Judge Prather
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1 1 2 3 4 STATE OF ILLINOIS) ) COUNTY OF McHENRY ) SS: IN THE TWENTY-SECOND JUDICIAL CIRCUIT MCHENRY COUNTY, ILLINOIS 5 6 7 Sharon Ann Meroni, Patriot's Heart Media Network, Inc., et. ai, Plaintif"f"s; -vsMcHenry County Grand Jury Foreman and Grand Jury Members, Def"endants. 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) 09 MR 399 Report of" Proceedings had at the hearing of" the above-entitled cause, bef"ore the Honorable Sharon L. Prather, Judge of" said Court, on the 20th day of" January, 2010. APPEARANCES: The Honorable Louis A. Bianchi, State's Attorney f"or McHenry County, By: Mr. Jef"f" Bora, Assistant State's Attorney, representing the People; Ms. Sharon Ann Meroni, appearing pro se. Sandra K. Gardner, C.S.R., 084-001984 Of"f"icial Court Reporter 2200 North Seminary Avenue Woodstock, I L 60098 2 11 :06:58PM 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 THE COURT: Patriot Heart Media. 11 :07:10PM Good morning, Ma'am. MS. MERONI: you today? THE COURT: f"or the record? MS. MERONI: MR. BORA: your Honor. THE COURT: Ms. Meroni, this matter IS 11 :07:10PM Good morning, your Honor. How are 11 :07:12PM 11 :07 : 12PM Could you please state your name 11 :07:14PM 11 :07:16PM Sharon Ann Meroni. Jef"f" Bora on behalf" of" the people, 11 :07 : 18PM 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 11 :07:20PM 11 :07:20PM bef"ore 11 :07 : 22PM the court this morning on your petition? MS. MERON I : THE COURT: Yes. State has f" i led a response. Are 11 :07:26PM 11 :07:26PM 11 :07:26PM you ready to proceed? MS. MERON I : THE COURT: MS. MERON I : Yes, this That IS IS 11 :07:30PM my response. 11 :07 : 32PM your response? 11 :07:34PM Yes, Ma'am, because the court had wanted to it took me a 11 :07:36PM 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 asked me to provide detai Is f"or what test i f"y about. And so, unf"ortunate Iy, 11 :07 : 38PM 11:07:44PM lot of" hours; but I was able to provide that inf"ormation. And according to public pol icy, sect i on f"i ve - - one- ten - f"i ve, it says that the 11:07:48PM 11 :07 : 50PM 11 :07:56PM 11 :07:56PM f"undamental phi losophy of" the American 3 11:07:58PM 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 constitutional rorm or government IS declared to be And 11 :08:02PM the publ ic pol icy or the State or I I I inois. 11 :08:06PM that the -- it continues to say that the law or the court and other agencies THE COURT: Ms. Meroni, let me stop you here. What you're doing that correct? IS 11 :08:10PM 11 :08 : 10PM 11 :08:12PM just opened your ri Ie here. ri I ing an amended petition; MS. MERONI: IS 11 :08:16PM 11 :08 : 18PM 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 Wei I, you know, the -- the court 11 :08:22PM had asked me to be more speciric about what my al legations were. And so I presented this. And 11 :08:24PM 11 :08 : 28PM wasn't sure exactly what to cal I it. down. So I put that 11 :08:32PM But I'd be happy to re name it according to, 11 :08:36PM you know, what it needs to be. But the ract is that -- the question IS 11 :08:36PM do 11 :08:40PM I have surricient evidence that I would I ike ror you to consider. And I do. And I would be most 11 :08 : 44PM 11 :08:46PM appreciative ir you would consider it. And I am a Iso st i I lin conversat i on with the state's attorney and would I ike him to have an opportunity to consider this inrormation as wei I . THE COURT: Did you provide the state with a 11 :08:48PM 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 11:08 : 52PM 11 :08:56PM 11 :08:58PM 11 :09 : OOPM copy or this amended motion? MS. MERON I: MR. BORA: Yes, I just gave it to him now. 11 :09:02PM 11 :09:06PM Your Honor, Jerr Bora on behalr or 4 11 :09:06PM 1 the people. However, We did receive a prior version or it. We did rece Ive the 11:09:08PM 2 3 4 5 6 7 it was uncomp Ieted . 11 :09:10PM complete version now. The state's position IS that pursuant to the cases cited In my motion, with this inrormation, it doesn't change our standing or our 11 :09:12PM 11 :09 : 14PM 11 :09:18PM 11 :09:20PM response to the motion ror her to appear berore the Grand Jury. Rather, al I this wi I I do IS al low the 11 :09 : 24PM 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 11 :09:28PM state's attorney's orrice to determine whether or not they wi I I deem it surricient to investigate the matters being brought up by Ms. Meroni, a private citizen. Based upon this, although it IS an extensive ri I ing, the state would not have any objection proceeding on the motion today, as we reel that the legal aspects or the motion and the legal basis ror the state's response are not changed by this. MS. MERONI: would say that People V. 11 :09:30PM 11 :09 : 32PM 11 :09:36PM 11 :09:36PM 11 :09:38PM 11 :09:40PM 11 :09 : 44PM 11 :09:46PM 11 :09:50PM 18 19 20 21 11 :09 : 50PM 11 :09:56PM Florendo says that the breath or the Grand Jury's power IS to rerret out criminal investigations. 11 :10:06PM 11 :10 : 08PM 22 And that the case that -- rirst or al I, the prosecutor erred In assuming that I was looking to become appointed ror a special prosecutor. And 11 :10:12PM 23 24 11 :10:14PM 5 11 :10:18PM 1 I did not wish to be appointed special prosecutor. THE COURT: I understand that, Ms. Meroni. You had 11 :10:20PM 2 3 4 5 6 7 11 :10:20PM 11 :10:22PM That was pled In your initial motion. 11 :10 : 26PM indicated that you are not seeking to prosecute anyone, that you only were seeking to present inrormation to the Grand Jury. MS. MERONI: Yes. And as I understand it, your 11 :10:28PM 11 :10:32PM 11 :10 : 34PM 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 11 :10:36PM Honor, there were rour ways that we can come berore the Grand Jury. One would be through you. One 11 :10:38PM 11 :10 : 40PM would be through the state's attorney. And two 11 :10:42PM the other two ways are to go -- are through the Grand Jury. In other words, inrormation that they 11 :10:44PM 11 :10:46PM come to on their own and also inrormation that they rind out In the course or an investigation. And I do recognize that individual citizens prosecuting other individuals IS problematic, and that the case that the state's attorney quoted would reply to -- would respond to individuals. My case IS responding to a constitutional Issue and IS asking to proceed with the Grand Jury under that regard. And I would quote that People V. Door, 11 :10:50PM 11 :10 : 52PM 11 :10:56PM 11 :10:58PM 18 19 20 21 11 :11 : 04PM 11 : 11 : 06PM 11 : 11 : 06PM 11 :11 : 08PM 22 11:11:12PM 23 24 11:11:14PM 6 11:11:18PM 1 (Phoen.), on Page 55 says that the broadest scope possible should be al lowed when constituents are com I ng with reg a rds to const i tut i ona I Issues beTore the Grand Jury. So I'm not really coming to identiTy one spec i f"i c pe rson . I'm coming to identiTy that my 11 : 11 : 20PM 2 3 4 11 :11 :24PM 11:11:28PM 11:11 : 28PM 5 6 7 11 : 11 : 30PM 11:11:34PM rights to vote have been compromised. THE COURT: opportunity -Ms. Meroni, I have had an 11 : 11 : 36PM 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 11:11:38PM read your motion In its entirety. The court 11 :11 :42PM The court has read the state's response. has also did research on its own. UnTortunately, Ma'am, there IS no 11 :11 : 44PM 11 :11 :48PM 11 : 11 : 50 PM statutory provIsion or case law that authorizes you to do what you are seeking to do. Whi Ie it IS true that it IS the duty OT the Grand Jury to inquire into oTTenses which come to its knowledge, the only procedure Tor doing that IS through the state's attorney's oTTice. Your motion IS denied. MS. MERONI: And may I please have permission 11 :11 :56PM 11 :11 :58PM 11 :12 : 02PM 11 : 12: 06PM 11 :12:10PM 18 19 20 21 11 :12 : 14PM 11 :12:16PM 11 :12:18PM to represent it aTter I speak with the state's attorney? THE COURT: MS. MERONI At this time, it IS denied, Ma'am. 11 :12 : 22PM 22 11 :12:22PM 23 24 11 : 12: 26PM Does that mean that I can talk to 7 11 :12:28PM 1 the state's attorney -THE COURT: state's attorney. MS. MERON I : -- and come back I'm a Ii tt Ie You certainly can talk to the 11 : 12: 30PM 2 3 4 5 6 7 11 :12:32PM 11 :12:32PM 11 :12 : 32PM conTused because nobody read my -- you asked me to prepare - - I mean, hours -THE COURT: I understand that, Ms. Meroni. The litera I I Y spent hundreds OT 11 :12:34PM 11 : 12: 36PM 11 :12 : 38PM 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 11 : 12: 40PM state has indicated THE PLAINTIFF: THE COURT: I've 11 :12:42PM 11 :12 : 42PM Ma'am, your motion IS denied. 11 :12:44PM There IS no legal basis Tor you to do what you are asking to do. MS. MERONI THE COURT: The law does not al low it. Does it al low me to The only procedure IS through the The state's attorney's 11 :12:48PM 11 :12:52PM 11 :12:54PM 11 :12 : 58PM state's attorney's oTTice. 11 : 13 : OOPM oTTice IS vested with the exclusive authority to decide what cases to prosecute or iT to prosecute at a I I . MS. MERONI Are there -- there's also 11 :13:04PM 18 19 20 21 11 :13 : 10PM 11 :13:10PM 11 :13:12PM provIsion that al lows the judge to review whether or not to appoint a special -THE COURT: There are no Tacts pled In your 11 :13 : 16PM 22 11 :13:18PM 23 24 11 : 13: 20PM petition which would require what you're asking. 8 11 : 13: 26PM 1 MS. MERONI: new petition. THE COURT: MR. BORA: Thank you. THE COURT: MS. MERONI: Yeah, that's why I gave you the 11 : 13: 26PM 2 3 4 5 6 7 11 :13:28PM Ma'am, your motion IS denied. I'll prepare an order, your Honor. 11 : 13: 30PM 11 :13 : 32PM 11 :13:32PM Please. So what do I do with my Tol low-up 11 :13:32PM 11 :13 : 34PM 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 with my response there? THE COURT: Ti Ie, Ma' am . 11 : 13: 36PM I t becomes a part OT the court IT you disagree with the court's 11 :13:38PM 11 : 13 : 40PM order, your option IS to take an appeal to the Second Appel late District In Elgin. MS. MERONI: to do that? THE COURT: You have thirty days Trom today's Okay. And how many days do I have 11 :13:44PM 11 : 13: 46PM 11 :13:48PM 11 : 13: 50 PM 11 : 13 : 50 PM date to Ti Ie a notice OT appeal. MS. MERONI: Okay. And that decision IS made 11 : 13: 56 PM 11 :14:04PM 18 19 20 21 beTore the evidence that I was asked to provide IS considered? THE COURT: MS. MERON I: Ma'am-I'm conTused about that, Trank Iy, 11 :14 : 06PM 11 :14:08PM 11 :14:08PM 11 :14 : 10PM 22 because I really spent a lot OT time doing that. THE COURT: Ma'am, the only thing that the 11 :14:12PM 23 24 11 :14:14PM court had prev i ous IY i nd i cated - - you had Ti Ied an 9 11 :14:20PM 1 emergency petition. With respect to that emergency 11 :14:24PM 2 3 4 5 6 7 petition, the court indicated to you at the time that it was beTore the court that the emergency petition did not plead any speciTic Tactual a I I egat ions. MS. MERONI: THE COURT: MS. MERONI: THE COURT: MS. MERONI: THE COURT: Right. So then I presented those. 11 :14:26PM 11 :14:30PM 11 :14 : 34PM 11 :14:36PM 11 :14:40PM And the petition IS now denied. Even though they weren't read? Correct. Okay. What's next then? 11 :14 : 42PM 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 11 :14:44PM 11 :14:46PM 11 :14 : 52PM I just indicated to you, Ma'am, IT you disagree with the 11 :14:52PM what your next option IS. 11 :14:56PM court's decision, you have the right to appeal that decision to a higher court, which IS the Second Appel late District Court In Elgin. days Trom today's date to do that. MS. MERONI: THE COURT: Okay. Okay. Thank you. You're welcome. You have thirty 11 :15:CXJPM 11 :15:06PM 11 :15 : 08PM 11 :15:10PM 11 :15:12PM 18 19 20 21 11 :15 : 14PM WHICH WAS AND IS ALL THE EVIDENCE OFFERED AT THE HEARING OF SAID CAUSE 22 23 24 10 1 2 3 4 5 STATE OF ILLINOIS) ) COUNTY OF MCHENRY ) SS: IN THE TWENTY SECOND JUDICIAL CIRCUIT MCHENRY COUNTY, ILLINOIS 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 I, Sandra K. Gardner, an Of"f"icial Court Reporter f"or the Circuit Court of" McHenry County, Twenty Second Judicial Circuit of" I I I inois, do hereby certif"y that I reported In shorthand the proceedings had at the hearing in the aboveentitled cause; that I thereaf"ter caused the f"oregoing to be transcribed into typewriting, which I hereby certif"y to be a true and accurate transcript of" the proceedings had bef"ore the Honorable Sharon L. Prather, Judge of" said court. Sandra K. Gardner, C.S.R. 084-001984 Of"f"icial Court Reporter 14 15 16 17 Dated this ________ day of" , 20 _____ 18 19 20 21 22 23 24