Os Lab Manual Programs



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//…….PROGRAM FOR SIMULATION OF FCFS CHEDULING ALGORITHM………..// #include main() { float avgwt,avgtt; char pname[10][10],c[10][10]; int wt[10],tt[10],bt[10],at[10],t,q,i,n,sum=0,sbt=0,ttime,j,ss=0; printf("\n\n Enter the number of processes: "); scanf("%d",&n); printf("\n\n Enter the NAME , BURST TIME and ARRIVAL TIME of the process"); for(i=0;iat[j]) { t=at[i]; at[i]=at[j]; at[j]=t; q=bt[i]; bt[i]=bt[j]; bt[j]=q; strcpy(c[i],pname[i]); strcpy(pname[i],pname[j]); strcpy(pname[j],c[i]); } } wt[0]=0; for(i=0;i main() { float avgwt,avgtt; char pname[10][10],c[10][10]; int wt[10],tt[10],bt[10],at[10],t,q,i,n,sum=0,sbt=0,ttime,j,ss=0; printf("\n\n Enter the number of processes: "); scanf("%d",&n); printf("\n\n Enter the NAME, BURSTTIME, and ARRIVALTIME of the processes "); for(i=0;ibt[j]) { t=at[i]; at[i]=at[j]; at[j]=t; q=bt[i]; bt[i]=bt[j]; bt[j]=q; strcpy(c[i],pname[i]); strcpy(pname[i],pname[j]); strcpy(pname[j],c[i]); } if(at[i]!=at[j]) if(bt[i]>bt[j]) { t=at[i]; at[i]=at[j]; at[j]=t; q=bt[i]; bt[i]=bt[j]; bt[j]=q; strcpy(c[i],pname[i]); strcpy(pname[i],pname[j]); strcpy(pname[j],c[i]); } } wt[0]=0; for(i=0;i main() { int pt[10][10],a[10][10],at[10],pname[10][10],i,j,n,k=0,q,sum=0; float avg; printf("\n\n Enter the number of processes : "); scanf("%d",&n); for(i=0;i<10;i++) { for(j=0;j<10;j++) { pt[i][j]=0; a[i][j]=0; } } for(i=0;i main() { float avgwt,avgtt; char pname[10][10],c[10][10]; int wt[10],tt[10],bt[10],pt[10],t,q,i,n,sum=0,sbt=0,ttime,j,ss=10; printf("\n\n Enter the number of processes : "); scanf("%d",&n); printf("\n\n Enter the NAME and BURSTTIME "); for(i=0;ipt[j]) { t=pt[i]; pt[i]=pt[j]; pt[j]=t; q=bt[i]; bt[i]=bt[j]; bt[j]=q; strcpy(c[i],pname[i]); strcpy(pname[i],pname[j]); strcpy(pname[j],c[i]); } } wt[0]=0; for(i=0;i #include #include #include #include main() { int pid,pfd[2],n,a,b,c; if(pipe(pfd)==-1) { printf("\nError in pipe connection\n"); exit(1); } pid=fork(); if(pid>0) { printf("\nParent Process");\ printf("\n\n\tFibonacci Series"); printf("\nEnter the limit for the series:"); scanf("%d",&n); close(pfd[0]); write(pfd[1],&n,sizeof(n)); close(pfd[1]); exit(0); } else { close(pfd[1]); read(pfd[0],&n,sizeof(n)); printf("\nChild Process"); a=0; b=1; close(pfd[0]); printf("\nFibonacci Series is:"); printf("\n\n%d\n%d",a,b); while(n>2) { c=a+b; printf("\n%d",c); a=b; b=c; n--; } } } OUTPUT: [root@localhost ~]# ./a.out Parent Process Fibonacci Series Enter the limit for the series:5 Child Process Fibonacci Series is: 0 1 1 2 3 //……….PROGRAM FOR PRODUCER CONSUMER PROBLEM ……….// #include int mutex=1,full=0,empty=3,x=0; main() { int n; void producer(); void consumer(); int wait(int); int signal(int); printf("\n1.PRODUCER\n2.CONSUMER\n3.EXIT\n"); while(1) { printf("\nENTER YOUR CHOICE\n"); scanf("%d",&n); switch(n) { case 1: if((mutex==1)&&(empty!=0)) producer(); else printf("BUFFER IS FULL"); break; case 2: if((mutex==1)&&(full!=0)) consumer(); else printf("BUFFER IS EMPTY"); break; case 3: exit(0); break; } } } int wait(int s) { return(--s); } int signal(int s) { return(++s); } void producer() { mutex=wait(mutex); full=signal(full); empty=wait(empty); x++; printf("\nproducer produces the item%d",x); mutex=signal(mutex); } void consumer() { mutex=wait(mutex); full=wait(full); empty=signal(empty); printf("\n consumer consumes item%d",x); x--; mutex=signal(mutex); } OUTPUT: [root@localhost ~]# ./a.out 1.PRODUCER 2.CONSUMER 3.EXIT ENTER YOUR CHOICE 1 producer produces the item1 ENTER YOUR CHOICE 1 producer produces the item2 ENTER YOUR CHOICE 2 consumer consumes item2 ENTER YOUR CHOICE 2 consumer consumes item1 ENTER YOUR CHOICE 2 BUFFER IS EMPTY ENTER YOUR CHOICE 3 //……PROGRAM FOR DIRECTORIES MANAGEMENTS……// #include #include #include main(int c,char* arg[]) { DIR *d; struct dirent *r; int i=0; d=opendir(arg[1]); printf("\n\t NAME OF ITEM \n"); while((r=readdir(d)) != NULL) { printf("\t %s \n",r->d_name); i=i+1; } printf("\n TOTAL NUMBER OF ITEM IN THAT DIRECTORY IS %d \n",i); } OUTPUT: [root@localhost ~]# cc dr.c [root@localhost ~]# ./a.out lab_print NAME OF ITEM pri_output.doc sjf_output.doc fcfs_output.doc rr_output.doc . .. ipc_pipe_output.doc pro_con_prob_output.doc TOTAL NUMBER OF ITEM IN THAT DIRECTORY IS 8 //……PROGRAM FOR I/O SYSTEM CALLS……// #include #include #include main(int ag,char*arg[]) { char buf[100]; struct stat s; int fd1,fd2,n; fd1=open(arg[1],0); fd2=creat(arg[2],0777); stat(arg[2],&s); if(fd2==-1) printf("ERROR IN CREATION"); while((n=read(fd1,buf,sizeof(buf)))>0) { if(write(fd2,buf,n)!=n) { close(fd1); close(fd2); } } printf("\t\n UID FOR FILE.......>%d \n FILE ACCESS TIME.....>%s \n FILE MODIFIED TIME........>%s \n FILE I-NODE NUMBER......>%d \n PERMISSION FOR FILE.....>%o\n\n",s.st_uid,ctime(&s.st_atime),ctime(&s.st_mtime),s.st_mode); close(fd1); close(fd2); } OUTPUT: [root@localhost ~]# cc iosys.c [root@localhost ~]# ./a.out UID FOR FILE.......>0 FILE ACCESS TIME.....>Thu Apr 8 01:23:54 2010 FILE MODIFIED TIME........>Thu Apr 8 01:23:54 2010 FILE I-NODE NUMBER......>33261 PERMISSION FOR FILE.....>1001101014 //…PROGRAM FOR UNIX COMMAND SIMULATION (GREP)…// #include #include main(int ag,char* arg[]) { char buf[200],line[200]; int i,j,n,fd1,count=0,opt; if(ag==4) { fd1=open(arg[3],0); if(strcmp(arg[1],"-c")==0) opt=2; if(strcmp(arg[1],"-i")==0) opt=3; } else if(ag==3) { fd1=open(arg[2],0); opt=1; } if(fd1==-1) printf("error in opening"); j=0; switch(opt) { case 1: while((n=read(fd1,buf,sizeof(line)))>0) { for(i=0;i0) { for(i=0;i0) { for(i=0;i main(int arc,char*ar[]) { int pid; char s[100]; pid=fork(); if(pid<0) printf("error"); else if(pid>0) { wait(NULL); printf("\n Parent Process:\n"); printf("\n\tParent Process id:%d\t\n",getpid()); execlp("cat","cat",ar[1],(char*)0); error("can’t execute cat %s,",ar[1]); } else { printf("\nChild process:"); printf("\n\tChildprocess parent id:\t %d",getppid()); sprintf(s,"\n\tChild process id :\t%d",getpid()); write(1,s,strlen(s)); printf(" "); printf(" "); printf(" "); execvp(ar[2],&ar[2]); error("can’t execute %s",ar[2]); } } OUTPUT: [root@localhost ~]# ./a.out tst date Child process: Child process id : 3137 Sat Apr 10 02:45:32 IST 2010 Parent Process: Parent Process id:3136 sd d s a A S D [root@localhost ~]# cat tst sd d s a A S D //……PROGRAM FOR FIRST FIT…...// #include #include #include #include struct allocate { int pid; int st_add; int end_add; struct allocate *next; }; struct free_list { int st_add; int end_add; struct free_list *next; }; struct process { int pid; int size; }; struct process pro[10]; struct free_list *flist=NULL; struct allocate *alot=NULL; void display_alot(struct allocate *temp_a) { printf("\n\n allocated list:"); printf("\n================"); while(temp_a!=NULL) { printf("\n process:%d st_add:%d end_add:%d ",temp_a->pid,temp_a->st_add,temp_a>end_add); temp_a=temp_a->next; } } void display_free(struct free_list *temp_f) { printf("\n\n free list:"); printf("\n================="); while(temp_f!=NULL) { printf("\n st_add:%d end_add:%d",temp_f->st_add,temp_f->end_add); temp_f=temp_f->next; } } void insert(int p) { struct free_list *temp_f; struct allocate *temp_a,*pre_a; int i,n; do { srand((unsigned int)time((time_t*)NULL)); n=rand()%5; }while(n==0); printf("\n\n no. of process:%d",n); for(i=0;iend_add-temp_f->st_add < pro[i].size) { temp_f=temp_f->next; } if(temp_f!=NULL) { pre_a=(struct allocate*)malloc(sizeof(struct allocate)); pre_a->st_add=temp_f->st_add; pre_a->end_add=temp_f->st_add=temp_f->st_add+pro[i].size; pre_a->pid=pro[i].pid; if(temp_a==NULL) { alot=pre_a; pre_a->next=NULL; } else { while(temp_a->next!=NULL) { temp_a=temp_a->next; } temp_a->next=pre_a; pre_a->next=NULL; } } else printf("\n there is not enough space"); display_alot(alot); display_free(flist); getch(); } } void main() { int no,n,i,nod,ndpid; struct process pro[10]; struct free_list *temp_f,*free_alot,*pre_f; struct allocate *temp_a,*pre_a; clrscr(); alot=NULL; flist=(struct free_list*)malloc(sizeof(struct free_list)); flist->st_add=0; flist->end_add=1024; flist->next=NULL; insert(0); do { srand((unsigned int)time((time_t*)NULL)); nod=rand()%2; }while(nod==0); printf("\n\n no.of process deletion:%d",nod); for(i=0;ipid!=ndpid) { pre_a=temp_a; temp_a=temp_a->next; } if(temp_a!=NULL) { if(alot==temp_a) alot=temp_a->next; else pre_a->next=temp_a->next; pre_f=NULL; while(temp_f!=NULL && temp_f->st_add < temp_a->st_add) { pre_f=temp_f; temp_f=temp_f->next; } if(pre_f!=NULL && pre_f->end_add==temp_a->st_add) pre_f->end_add=temp_a->end_add; else if(pre_f!=NULL&&temp_f!=NULL&&temp_f->st_add==temp_a->end_add) temp_f->st_add=temp_a->st_add; else { free_alot=(struct free_list*)malloc(sizeof(struct free_list)); free_alot->st_add=temp_a->st_add; free_alot->end_add=temp_a->end_add; if(pre_f!=NULL) pre_f->next=free_alot; free_alot->next=temp_f; if(flist==temp_f) { flist=free_alot; } } free(temp_a); } else printf("\n process not in memory"); temp_f=flist; while(temp_f!=NULL) { if(temp_f->end_add==temp_f->next->st_add) { temp_f->end_add=temp_f->next->end_add; temp_f->next=temp_f->next->next; } temp_f=temp_f->next; } display_alot(alot); display_free(flist); getch(); } insert(10); } OUTPUT: st_add:551 end_add:1024 no. of process:3 process to be inserted:0 size:120 no. of process:3 process to be inserted:10 size:195 allocated list: ================ process:0 st_add:0 end_add:120 free list: ================= st_add:120 end_add:1024 process to be inserted:1 size:185 allocated list: ================ process:0 st_add:0 end_add:120 process:1 st_add:120 end_add:305 free list: ================= st_add:305 end_add:1024 process to be inserted:2 size:246 allocated list: ================ process:0 st_add:0 end_add:120 process:1 st_add:120 end_add:305 process:2 st_add:305 end_add:551 free list: ================= st_add:551 end_add:1024 no.of process deletion:1 process to be deleted:0 allocated list: ================ process:1 st_add:120 end_add:305 process:2 st_add:305 end_add:551 free list: ================= st_add:0 end_add:120 allocated list: ================ process:1 st_add:120 end_add:305 process:2 st_add:305 end_add:551 process:10 st_add:551 end_add:746 free list: ================= st_add:0 end_add:120 st_add:746 end_add:1024 process to be inserted:11 size:96 allocated list: ================ process:1 st_add:120 end_add:305 process:2 st_add:305 end_add:551 process:10 st_add:551 end_add:746 process:11 st_add:0 end_add:96 free list: ================= st_add:96 end_add:120 st_add:746 end_add:1024 process to be inserted:12 size:148 allocated list: ================ process:1 st_add:120 end_add:305 process:2 st_add:305 end_add:551 process:10 st_add:551 end_add:746 process:11 st_add:0 end_add:96 process:12 st_add:746 end_add:894 free list: ================= st_add:96 end_add:120 st_add:894 end_add:1024 //……PROGRAM FOR BEST FIT…...// #include #include #include #include struct allocate { int pid; int st_add; int end_add; struct allocate *next; }; struct free_list { int st_add; int end_add; struct free_list *next; }; struct process { int pid; int size; }; struct process pro[10]; struct free_list *flist=NULL; struct allocate *alot=NULL; void display_alot(struct allocate *temp_a) { printf("\n\n allocated list:"); printf("\n================"); while(temp_a!=NULL) { printf("\n process:%d st_add:%d end_add:%d ",temp_a->pid,temp_a->st_add,temp_a>end_add); temp_a=temp_a->next; } } void display_free(struct free_list *temp_f) { printf("\n\n free list:"); printf("\n================="); while(temp_f!=NULL) { printf("\n st_add:%d end_add:%d",temp_f->st_add,temp_f->end_add); temp_f=temp_f->next; } } void insert(int p) { struct free_list *temp_f; struct allocate *temp_a,*pre_a; int i,n; do { srand((unsigned int)time((time_t*)NULL)); n=rand()%10; }while(n==0); printf("\n\n no. of process:%d",n); for(i=0;iend_add-temp_f->st_add < pro[i].size) { temp_f=temp_f->next; } if(temp_f!=NULL) { pre_a=(struct allocate*)malloc(sizeof(struct allocate)); pre_a->st_add=temp_f->st_add; pre_a->end_add=temp_f->st_add=temp_f->st_add+pro[i].size; pre_a->pid=pro[i].pid; if(temp_a==NULL) { alot=pre_a; pre_a->next=NULL; } else { while(temp_a->next!=NULL) { temp_a=temp_a->next; } temp_a->next=pre_a; pre_a->next=NULL; } } else printf("\n there is not enough space"); display_alot(alot); display_free(flist); getch(); } } void bestfit(int p) { struct free_list *temp_f,*enough_hole; struct allocate *temp_a,*pre_a; int i,n,rem_space; do { srand((unsigned int)time((time_t*)NULL)); n=rand()%10; }while(n==0); printf("\n no of processes:%d",n); for(i=0;iend_add - temp_f->st_add >= pro[i].size) { if(temp_f->end_add - temp_f->st_add - pro[i].sizeend_add - temp_f->st_add - pro[i].size; enough_hole=temp_f; } } temp_f=temp_f->next; } if(enough_hole!=NULL) { pre_a=(struct allocate*)malloc(sizeof(struct allocate)); pre_a->st_add=enough_hole->st_add; pre_a->end_add=enough_hole->st_add=enough_hole->st_add + pro[i].size; pre_a->pid=pro[i].pid; if(temp_a==NULL) { alot=pre_a; pre_a->next=NULL; } else { while(temp_a->next!=NULL) { temp_a=temp_a->next; } temp_a->next=pre_a; pre_a->next=NULL; } } else printf("\n there is not enough space"); display_alot(alot); display_free(flist); getch(); } } void main() { int no,n,i,nod,ndpid; struct process pro[10]; struct free_list *temp_f,*free_alot,*pre_f; struct allocate *temp_a,*pre_a; clrscr(); alot=NULL; flist=(struct free_list*)malloc(sizeof(struct free_list)); flist->st_add=0; flist->end_add=1024; flist->next=NULL; insert(0); do { srand((unsigned int)time((time_t*)NULL)); nod=rand()%5; }while(nod==0); printf("\n\n no.of process deletion:%d",nod); for(i=0;ipid!=ndpid) { pre_a=temp_a; temp_a=temp_a->next; } if(temp_a!=NULL) { if(alot==temp_a) alot=temp_a->next; else pre_a->next=temp_a->next; pre_f=NULL; while(temp_f!=NULL && temp_f->st_add < temp_a->st_add) { pre_f=temp_f; temp_f=temp_f->next; } if(pre_f!=NULL && pre_f->end_add==temp_a->st_add) pre_f->end_add=temp_a->end_add; else if(pre_f!=NULL&&temp_f!=NULL&&temp_f->st_add==temp_a->end_add) temp_f->st_add=temp_a->st_add; else { free_alot=(struct free_list*)malloc(sizeof(struct free_list)); free_alot->st_add=temp_a->st_add; free_alot->end_add=temp_a->end_add; if(pre_f!=NULL) pre_f->next=free_alot; free_alot->next=temp_f; if(flist==temp_f) { flist=free_alot; } } free(temp_a); } else printf("\n process not in memory"); temp_f=flist; while(temp_f!=NULL) { if(temp_f->end_add==temp_f->next->st_add) { temp_f->end_add=temp_f->next->end_add; temp_f->next=temp_f->next->next; } temp_f=temp_f->next; } display_alot(alot); display_free(flist); getch(); } bestfit(10); } OUTPUT: no. of process:7 process to be inserted:0 size:351 allocated list: ================ process:0 st_add:0 end_add:351 free list: ================= st_add:351 end_add:1024 process to be inserted:4 size:542 there is not enough space allocated list: ================ process:0 st_add:0 end_add:351 process:1 st_add:351 end_add:817 free list: ================= st_add:817 end_add:1024 process to be inserted:1 size:466 process to be inserted:5 size:547 there is not enough space allocated list: ================ process:0 st_add:0 end_add:351 process:1 st_add:351 end_add:817 allocated list: ================ process:0 st_add:0 end_add:351 process:1 st_add:351 end_add:817 free list: ================= st_add:817 end_add:1024 free list: ================= st_add:817 end_add:1024 process to be inserted:2 size:337 there is not enough space process to be inserted:6 size:89 allocated list: ================ process:0 st_add:0 end_add:351 process:1 st_add:351 end_add:817 allocated list: ================ process:0 st_add:0 end_add:351 process:1 st_add:351 end_add:817 process:6 st_add:817 end_add:906 free list: ================= st_add:817 end_add:1024 free list: ================= st_add:906 end_add:1024 process to be inserted:3 size:410 there is not enough space no.of process deletion:4 process to be deleted:0 allocated list: ================ process:0 st_add:0 end_add:351 process:1 st_add:351 end_add:817 free list: ================= st_add:817 end_add:1024 allocated list: ================ process:1 st_add:351 end_add:817 process:6 st_add:817 end_add:906 free list: ================= st_add:0 end_add:351 st_add:906 end_add:1024 process:6 st_add:817 end_add:906 process:10 st_add:0 end_add:155 process to be deleted:2 process not in memory free list: ================= st_add:155 end_add:351 st_add:906 end_add:1024 allocated list: ================ process:1 st_add:351 end_add:817 process:6 st_add:817 end_add:906 free list: ================= st_add:0 end_add:351 st_add:906 end_add:1024 process to be inserted:11 size:43 allocated list: ================ process:1 st_add:351 end_add:817 process:6 st_add:817 end_add:906 process:10 st_add:0 end_add:155 process:11 st_add:906 end_add:949 process to be deleted:3 process not in memory allocated list: ================ process:1 st_add:351 end_add:817 process:6 st_add:817 end_add:906 free list: ================= st_add:0 end_add:351 st_add:906 end_add:1024 free list: ================= st_add:155 end_add:351 st_add:949 end_add:1024 process to be inserted:12 size:188 process to be deleted:4 process not in memory allocated list: ================ process:1 st_add:351 end_add:817 process:6 st_add:817 end_add:906 process:10 st_add:0 end_add:155 process:11 st_add:906 end_add:949 process:12 st_add:155 end_add:343 allocated list: ================ process:1 st_add:351 end_add:817 process:6 st_add:817 end_add:906 free list: ================= st_add:343 end_add:351 st_add:949 end_add:1024 free list: ================= st_add:0 end_add:351 st_add:906 end_add:1024 process to be inserted:13 size:7 no of processes:9 process to be inserted:10 size:155 allocated list: ================ process:1 st_add:351 end_add:817 allocated list: ================ process:1 st_add:351 end_add:817 process:6 st_add:817 end_add:906 process:10 st_add:0 end_add:155 process:11 st_add:906 end_add:949 process:12 st_add:155 end_add:343 process:13 st_add:343 end_add:350 free list: ================= st_add:350 end_add:351 st_add:949 end_add:1024 process:10 st_add:0 end_add:155 process:11 st_add:906 end_add:949 process:12 st_add:155 end_add:343 process:13 st_add:343 end_add:350 process to be inserted:14 size:160 there is not enough space free list: ================= st_add:350 end_add:351 st_add:949 end_add:1024 allocated list: ================ process:1 st_add:351 end_add:817 process:6 st_add:817 end_add:906 process:10 st_add:0 end_add:155 process:11 st_add:906 end_add:949 process:12 st_add:155 end_add:343 process:13 st_add:343 end_add:350 free list: ================= st_add:350 end_add:351 st_add:949 end_add:1024 process to be inserted:15 size:100 there is not enough space allocated list: ================ process:1 st_add:351 end_add:817 process:6 st_add:817 end_add:906 process:10 st_add:0 end_add:155 process:11 st_add:906 end_add:949 process:12 st_add:155 end_add:343 process:13 st_add:343 end_add:350 free list: ================= st_add:350 end_add:351 st_add:949 end_add:1024 process to be inserted:16 size:198 there is not enough space allocated list: ================ process:1 st_add:351 end_add:817 process:6 st_add:817 end_add:906 process to be inserted:17 size:51 allocated list: ================ process:1 st_add:351 end_add:817 process:6 st_add:817 end_add:906 process:10 st_add:0 end_add:155 process:11 st_add:906 end_add:949 process:12 st_add:155 end_add:343 process:13 st_add:343 end_add:350 process:17 st_add:949 end_add:1000 free list: ================= st_add:350 end_add:351 st_add:1000 end_add:1024 process to be inserted:18 size:42 there is not enough space allocated list: ================ process:1 st_add:351 end_add:817 process:6 st_add:817 end_add:906 process:10 st_add:0 end_add:155 process:11 st_add:906 end_add:949 process:12 st_add:155 end_add:343 process:13 st_add:343 end_add:350 process:17 st_add:949 end_add:1000 free list: ================= st_add:350 end_add:351 st_add:1000 end_add:1024 //……PROGRAM FOR WORST FIT…...// #include #include #include #include struct allocate { int pid; int st_add; int end_add; struct allocate *next; }; struct free_list { int st_add; int end_add; struct free_list *next; }; struct process { int pid; int size; }; struct process pro[10]; struct free_list *flist=NULL; struct allocate *alot=NULL; void display_alot(struct allocate *temp_a) { printf("\n\n allocated list:"); printf("\n================"); while(temp_a!=NULL) { printf("\n process:%d st_add:%d end_add:%d ",temp_a->pid,temp_a->st_add,temp_a>end_add); temp_a=temp_a->next; } } void display_free(struct free_list *temp_f) { printf("\n\n free list:"); printf("\n================="); while(temp_f!=NULL) { printf("\n st_add:%d end_add:%d",temp_f->st_add,temp_f->end_add); temp_f=temp_f->next; } } void insert(int p) { struct free_list *temp_f; struct allocate *temp_a,*pre_a; int i,n; do { srand((unsigned int)time((time_t*)NULL)); n=rand()%10; }while(n==0); printf("\n\n no. of process:%d",n); for(i=0;iend_add-temp_f->st_add < pro[i].size) { temp_f=temp_f->next; } if(temp_f!=NULL) { pre_a=(struct allocate*)malloc(sizeof(struct allocate)); pre_a->st_add=temp_f->st_add; pre_a->end_add=temp_f->st_add=temp_f->st_add+pro[i].size; pre_a->pid=pro[i].pid; if(temp_a==NULL) { alot=pre_a; pre_a->next=NULL; } else { while(temp_a->next!=NULL) { temp_a=temp_a->next; } temp_a->next=pre_a; pre_a->next=NULL; } } else printf("\n there is not enough space"); display_alot(alot); display_free(flist); getch(); } } void worstfit(int p) { struct free_list *temp_f,*big_hole; struct allocate *temp_a,*pre_a; int i,n; do { srand((unsigned int)time((time_t*)NULL)); n=rand()%10; }while(n==0); printf("\n no.of process:%d",n); for(i=0;iend_add-temp_f->st_add>=pro[i].size) { if(big_hole==NULL) big_hole=temp_f; else if(temp_f->end_add - temp_f->st_add > big_hole-> end_add - big_hole-> st_add) big_hole=temp_f; } temp_f=temp_f->next; } if(big_hole!= NULL) { pre_a=(struct allocate*) malloc (sizeof(struct allocate)); pre_a->st_add=big_hole->st_add; pre_a->end_add=big_hole->st_add=big_hole->st_add + pro[i].size; pre_a->pid=pro[i].pid; if(temp_a==NULL) { alot=pre_a; pre_a->next=NULL; } else { while(temp_a->next!=NULL) temp_a=temp_a->next; temp_a->next= pre_a; pre_a->next=NULL; } } else printf("\n there is not enough space"); display_alot(alot); display_free(flist); getch(); } } void main() { int no,n,i,nod,ndpid; struct process pro[10]; struct free_list *temp_f,*free_alot,*pre_f; struct allocate *temp_a,*pre_a; clrscr(); alot=NULL; flist=(struct free_list*)malloc(sizeof(struct free_list)); flist->st_add=0; flist->end_add=1024; flist->next=NULL; insert(0); do { srand((unsigned int)time((time_t*)NULL)); nod=rand()%5; }while(nod==0); printf("\n\n no.of process deletion:%d",nod); for(i=0;ipid!=ndpid) { pre_a=temp_a; temp_a=temp_a->next; } if(temp_a!=NULL) { if(alot==temp_a) alot=temp_a->next; else pre_a->next=temp_a->next; pre_f=NULL; while(temp_f!=NULL && temp_f->st_add < temp_a->st_add) { pre_f=temp_f; temp_f=temp_f->next; } if(pre_f!=NULL && pre_f->end_add==temp_a->st_add) pre_f->end_add=temp_a->end_add; else if(pre_f!=NULL&&temp_f!=NULL&&temp_f->st_add==temp_a->end_add) temp_f->st_add=temp_a->st_add; else { free_alot=(struct free_list*)malloc(sizeof(struct free_list)); free_alot->st_add=temp_a->st_add; free_alot->end_add=temp_a->end_add; if(pre_f!=NULL) pre_f->next=free_alot; free_alot->next=temp_f; if(flist==temp_f) { flist=free_alot; } } free(temp_a); } else printf("\n process not in memory"); temp_f=flist; while(temp_f!=NULL) { if(temp_f->end_add==temp_f->next->st_add) { temp_f->end_add=temp_f->next->end_add; temp_f->next=temp_f->next->next; } temp_f=temp_f->next; } display_alot(alot); display_free(flist); getch(); } worstfit(10); } OUTPUT: no. of process:9 process to be inserted:0 size:21 allocated list: ================ process:0 st_add:0 end_add:21 free list: ================= st_add:21 end_add:1024 process to be inserted:1 size:469 allocated list: ================ process:0 st_add:0 end_add:21 process:1 st_add:21 end_add:490 free list: ================= st_add:490 end_add:1024 process to be inserted:2 size:30 allocated list: ================ process:0 st_add:0 end_add:21 process:1 st_add:21 end_add:490 process:2 st_add:490 end_add:520 free list: ================= st_add:520 end_add:1024 process to be inserted:3 size:74 allocated list: ================ process:0 st_add:0 end_add:21 process:1 st_add:21 end_add:490 process:2 st_add:490 end_add:520 process:3 st_add:520 end_add:594 free list: ================= st_add:594 end_add:1024 process to be inserted:4 size:182 allocated list: ================ process:0 st_add:0 end_add:21 process:1 st_add:21 end_add:490 process:2 st_add:490 end_add:520 process:3 st_add:520 end_add:594 process:4 st_add:594 end_add:776 free list: ================= st_add:776 end_add:1024 process to be inserted:5 size:100 allocated list: ================ process:0 st_add:0 end_add:21 process:1 st_add:21 end_add:490 process:2 st_add:490 end_add:520 process:3 st_add:520 end_add:594 process:4 st_add:594 end_add:776 process:5 st_add:776 end_add:876 free list: ================= st_add:876 end_add:1024 process to be inserted:6 size:183 there is not enough space allocated list: ================ process:0 st_add:0 end_add:21 process:1 st_add:21 end_add:490 process:2 st_add:490 end_add:520 process:3 st_add:520 end_add:594 process:4 st_add:594 end_add:776 process:5 st_add:776 end_add:876 free list: ================= st_add:876 end_add:1024 process to be inserted:7 size:411 there is not enough space allocated list: ================ process:0 st_add:0 end_add:21 process:1 st_add:21 end_add:490 process:2 st_add:490 end_add:520 process:3 st_add:520 end_add:594 process:4 st_add:594 end_add:776 process:5 st_add:776 end_add:876 free list: ================= st_add:876 end_add:1024 process to be inserted:8 size:292 there is not enough space allocated list: ================ process:0 st_add:0 end_add:21 process:1 st_add:21 end_add:490 process:2 st_add:490 end_add:520 process:3 st_add:520 end_add:594 process:4 st_add:594 end_add:776 process:5 st_add:776 end_add:876 free list: ================= st_add:876 end_add:1024 ================= st_add:0 end_add:21 st_add:876 end_add:1024 process to be deleted:1 allocated list: ================ process:2 st_add:490 end_add:520 process:3 st_add:520 end_add:594 process:4 st_add:594 end_add:776 process:5 st_add:776 end_add:876 free list: ================= st_add:0 end_add:490 st_add:876 end_add:1024 no.of process:6 process to be inserted: 10 size :105 allocated list: ================ process:2 st_add:490 end_add:520 process:3 st_add:520 end_add:594 process:4 st_add:594 end_add:776 process:5 st_add:776 end_add:876 process:10 st_add:0 end_add:105 free list: ================= st_add:105 end_add:490 st_add:876 end_add:1024 process to be inserted: 11 size :93 no.of process deletion:2 process to be deleted:0 allocated list: ================ process:1 st_add:21 end_add:490 process:2 st_add:490 end_add:520 process:3 st_add:520 end_add:594 process:4 st_add:594 end_add:776 process:5 st_add:776 end_add:876 free list: allocated list: ================ process:2 st_add:490 end_add:520 process:3 st_add:520 end_add:594 process:4 st_add:594 end_add:776 process:5 st_add:776 end_add:876 process:10 st_add:0 end_add:105 process:11 st_add:105 end_add:198 free list: ================= st_add:198 end_add:490 st_add:876 end_add:1024 process:12 st_add:198 end_add:258 process:13 st_add:258 end_add:361 process:14 st_add:876 end_add:948 process to be inserted: 12 size :60 free list: ================= st_add:361 end_add:490 st_add:948 end_add:1024 allocated list: ================ process:2 st_add:490 end_add:520 process:3 st_add:520 end_add:594 process:4 st_add:594 end_add:776 process:5 st_add:776 end_add:876 process:10 st_add:0 end_add:105 process:11 st_add:105 end_add:198 process:12 st_add:198 end_add:258 free list: ================= st_add:258 end_add:490 st_add:876 end_add:1024 process to be inserted: 13 size :103 allocated list: ================ process:2 st_add:490 end_add:520 process:3 st_add:520 end_add:594 process:4 st_add:594 end_add:776 process:5 st_add:776 end_add:876 process:10 st_add:0 end_add:105 process:11 st_add:105 end_add:198 process:12 st_add:198 end_add:258 process:13 st_add:258 end_add:361 free list: ================= st_add:361 end_add:490 st_add:876 end_add:1024 process to be inserted: 14 size :72 allocated list: ================ process:2 st_add:490 end_add:520 process:3 st_add:520 end_add:594 process:4 st_add:594 end_add:776 process:5 st_add:776 end_add:876 process:10 st_add:0 end_add:105 process:11 st_add:105 end_add:198 process to be inserted: 15 size :17 allocated list: ================ process:2 st_add:490 end_add:520 process:3 st_add:520 end_add:594 process:4 st_add:594 end_add:776 process:5 st_add:776 end_add:876 process:10 st_add:0 end_add:105 process:11 st_add:105 end_add:198 process:12 st_add:198 end_add:258 process:13 st_add:258 end_add:361 process:14 st_add:876 end_add:948 process:15 st_add:361 end_add:378 free list: ================= st_add:378 end_add:490 st_add:948 end_add:1024