Plan ahead. Be prepared. 1-888-973-2397
Table of Contents
TABLE OF CONTENTS . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Page 2 INTRODUCTION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .P age 3 TOP 10 EMERGENCIES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Page 3-5
Floods • Fires • Winter Storms • Tropical Storms, Tornadoes and Thunderstorms • Influenza (Flu) Pandemic • Hazardous Material Incidents • Earthquakes and Landslides • Nuclear Threat • Dam Failures • Terrorism
BE PREPARED – MAKE A PLAN . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Page 6
How to Make a Family Emergency Plan
HOME EMERGENCY KIT CHECKLIST . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Page 7-9
Additional Special Items
BE PREPARED IN YOUR VEHICLE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Page 10
How to Prepare
VEHICLE EMERGENCY CHECKLIST . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Page 11 BE PREPARED AT WORK . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Page 11
How to Prepare
WORK EMERGENCY CHECKLIST . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Page 11 PLANNING FOR SPECIAL NEEDS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Page 12-17
Planning For Older Pennsylvanians and People with Special Medical Needs • Planning For People with Disabilities • Planning For People who are Deaf or Hard of Hearing • Planning For People with Intellectual Disabilities • Planning For People who are Blind or Have Visual Disabilities • Planning for Children • People who can Help • Planning For Pets, Service Animals and Livestock
AFTER AN EMERGENCY . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Page 18 EMERGENCY PREPAREDNESS CONTACT INFORMATION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Page 19-20
Emergency Management Agency/Department of Health Contact List
EMERGENCY PLAN FORM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Page 21-23
Emergency Contact Form • Allergy and Doctor Form • Persons with Disabilities
Emergency Preparedness Guide
Why Prepare Now For Emergencies?
Emergency workers will help after a disaster strikes, but they may not be able to reach everyone right away. That’s why it’s so important to be ready to survive on your own for at least three days during an emergency. This may mean having another place to stay, extra food, water, first-aid and other basic needs. We can’t control natural disasters, emergencies, or terrorist attacks, but we can be ready for them and know what to do to take care of ourselves and our loved ones. This guide will help you become better prepared by learning about: • Different kinds of emergencies • How to create emergency plans and kits for your home, your vehicle and your workplace • How to plan ahead if you have a special need
Top 10 Possible Emergencies
Flooding is the most common natural disaster in Pennsylvania and can happen in different ways. Some floods start slowly during a long period of rain, or if warm air follows heavy snow fall. Others, like flash floods, can happen very quickly. Even small streams and dry creek beds can overflow to create flooding.
No matter where you live, you should always be ready for a flood emergency. Learn how to prepare for floods and what to do if a flash flood happens, whether you’re at home, in your car or at work, at
Fires can spread quickly, so they can become life threatening in two minutes and destroy a home in as little as five minutes. As the fire burns, poisonous gases are sent into the air that can make you feel drowsy and less in control of your thinking and movements. The top reason people die in fires is from smoke inhalation (breathing in smoke), not burns.
Learn how you can help prepare for and prevent a fire emergency at
Emergency Preparedness Guide
The National Weather Service refers to winter storms as the “deceptive killers” because most deaths aren’t a direct result of the storms. People are injured or killed in traffic accidents on icy roads or suffer from hypothermia (low body temperature) due to being cold for a long period of time. Another major danger with winter storms is that they can knock out power.
protection against the new flu virus which causes a pandemic, and many more people will get sick. When flu pandemics happen, they will likely go on for a while and cover a lot of area, causing changes in many parts of our everyday lives, including schools, work, transportation and other public services. During a flu pandemic, healthy people may have a higher risk for serious illness or complications.
Learn how to prepare for winter weather before it hits, visit
Learn what you should do to prepare for a Flu Pandemic at and help keep you and your loved ones safe and healthy.
Tropical storms, tornadoes and thunderstorms can cause a lot of damage and very dangerous weather emergencies. Tropical storms bring high winds and sometimes serious flooding. Violent tornadoes can happen suddenly and without warning — sometimes you can’t see them until a funnel cloud shows up. Thunderstorms bring dangerous lightning, one of the main causes of weather-related deaths in the United States each year. Learn how to prepare yourself and your family for the dangers you face from tropical storms, tornadoes and thunderstorms at
Hazardous materials are substances (like chemicals, liquids or gases) that if released or misused can pose a threat to the environment or people’s health. Because hazardous materials are moved along our roadways, railways, waterways and pipelines every day, a hazardous material incident can happen anywhere and you need to be prepared in case an incident happens near you. Learn how to prepare and what to do during a Hazardous Materials Incident at
Like the seasonal flu many people get every year, pandemic flu spreads by sick people coughing or sneezing and touching surfaces like doorknobs, elevator buttons, etc. Unlike seasonal flu, people will have little or no
Earthquakes and landslides are destructive natural disasters. An earthquake is the sudden, fast shaking of the earth caused by the breaking and shifting of rock deep underground. If an earthquake happens in an area with a lot of people, it can cause many deaths and injuries. Although most people usually think
Emergency Preparedness Guide
of our country’s west coast when they think of earthquakes, there are actually 45 states and territories throughout the United States (including Pennsylvania) that are at risk.
Landslides happen in all 50 states. During a landslide, large amounts of rock, earth or other items move down a slope (hillside, mountain, etc.). They can be started by storms, earthquakes, fires and man-made construction. Landslides can move quickly, striking with little or no warning at very fast speeds. They also can move several miles from where they start, growing in size as they pick up trees, boulders, cars and other materials.
When a dam fails, huge amounts of water go downstream with great force. Dam failures can happen with little warning, sometimes within hours of the first signs of failure. There are nearly 80,000 dams in the United States, and about one-third of these create a “high” or “significant” hazard to your life and property if there’s failure. But if you are prepared for what to do during a dam failure, you can greatly lower the risk to you and your family. Learn how to prepare for a Dam Failure at
Because of how fast and suddenly earthquakes and landslides happen, it is important for you and your family to be prepared ahead of time. Find out how at
Nuclear power plants use nuclear heat to turn water into steam, which makes electricity. Although the federal Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) closely watches these plants, accidents are possible. An accident could mean dangerous levels of radiation, which could affect the health and safety of the people living near the nuclear power plant. Although the risk of an accident isn’t high, knowing how to act during a nuclear emergency can reduce your risk of injury. Residents living within 10 miles of a nuclear power plant should be aware of the evacuation routes set up for their area and have an emergency plan in place. Learn how to prepare for a nuclear facility incident at
Terrorism is defined as the use of violence and intimidation to achieve a goal. Terrorists typically plan their attacks in a way that gets the greatest publicity (news coverage) for their causes and creates massive fear among the public. Acts of terrorism include threats of terrorism; assassination (killing) of important people; kidnappings; hijackings (taking over a vehicle); bomb scares and bombings; cyber attacks (computer-based); and the use of chemical, biological, nuclear and radiological weapons. Terrorism is a criminal act that is planned in advance. To stop this, we all need to be aware and take steps to prepare in advance. Learn how at
Emergency Preparedness Guide
Be Prepared At Home
If an emergency happens, it’s important to have a plan of action for you and your family. Creating an emergency contact list, making a plan for your family and having an emergency kit on hand are the most important things you can do to be prepared.
Your family may not be together when an emergency happens, so it is important to know how you will contact one another, how you will get back together and what you will do in case of an emergency. Below are tips to help you make an emergency plan for your family. Remember, your emergency plan should be looked at and updated several times a year. 1. Meet with family members and talk about the dangers of different emergencies, including things like floods, severe weather, nuclear accidents and flu pandemics. 2. Discuss how you and your family will respond to each possible emergency. 3. If your family is not together when an emergency happens, discuss ahead of time who will pick up the children or others who depend on you as well as where you will meet if an evacuation is ordered. You should plan to meet as far away from the danger area as possible.
4. Discuss what to do in case the power is out or someone is hurt.
5. Draw a floor plan (map) of your home. List escape routes from each room.
6. Learn how to turn off the water, gas and electricity at main switches in your home. If for any reason you turn off natural gas service to your home, call your gas company to have it turned back on when the emergency is over. Do not try to restore service yourself. 7. Put emergency contact numbers near all telephones. Pre-program emergency numbers into phones with auto-dial features. 8. Teach children how and when to dial 9-1-1 to get help during an emergency.
10. Tell family members to turn on the radio, the weather radio or television for emergency information.
9. Teach children how to make a telephone call to a trusted friend or relative if they are not with you during an emergency. Because it is often easier to call long-distance numbers during an emergency than local numbers, one of your emergency contacts should be from outside your area.
11. Pick two meeting places — a place near your home and a place outside your neighborhood — in case you cannot return home after an emergency. 12. Take a basic first aid and CPR class. Contact the American Red Cross for more information at: or call: 1-800-REDCROSS (1-800-733-2767). Community Emergency Response Team (CERT) training is also available through the Pennsylvania Emergency Management Agency (PEMA) at 717-651-2141.
13. Keep important family documents and recent photos (including photos of pets) in a waterproof and fireproof safe. Inexpensive safes can be bought at most hardware stores. Every year, photocopy the front and back of the cards in your wallet and place a copy in your safe and in your emergency kit.
Emergency Preparedness Guide
Home Emergency Kit Checklist
Your home emergency kit should have food, bottled water and supplies to live on for at least three days or longer. Keep your emergency kit in the same place in your home and in an easy-to-carry container in case you need to leave quickly. Make sure that all family members know where the emergency kit is kept. Below is a checklist of items that you should include in your emergency kit. As you start your kit, include items that best suit your family’s unique needs. Bottled water — every person in your family needs at least one gallon each day for drinking and bathing for at least three days Battery-powered radio and extra batteries Flashlight and extra batteries First aid kit
At least a three-day supply of foods that won’t spoil
• Sterile adhesive bandages (different sizes) • Gauze pads • Hypoallergenic adhesive tape • Antibacterial wet wipes • Antiseptic spray/antibiotic ointment • Rubbing alcohol • Hydrogen peroxide • Latex gloves • Scissors • Tweezers • Safety pins (different sizes) • Cold pack
• • • • • • • • • • • •
Non-breakable thermometer Wooden tongue depressors Cotton-tipped applicator sticks Petroleum jelly or other lubricant Eye wash Aspirin and non-aspirin pain reliever Antacid Laxative Anti-diarrhea medication Emetic (to induce vomiting) Smelling salts Snake bite kit
Sturdy shoes or work boots Hats and gloves Rain gear
Heavy socks (at least two pairs) Extra clothing and blankets Cash — because ATMs may not work during an emergency
Emergency Preparedness Guide
Tools and supplies • Case/nylon bag/fanny pack • Mess kits or paper cups, plates, plastic utensils • Non-electric can opener • Propane cooking stove • Pot and pan for cooking • Aluminum foil • Multi-purpose tool/utility knife • Small fire extinguisher • Paper and pencil/pen • Tent • Plastic sheeting and duct tape to shelter-in-place (to be used when directed) • Pliers/wrenches • Pry bar • Compass • Light sticks • Signal flare • Whistle • Needles and thread • Scissors • Matches in a water-proof container or bag • Plastic storage containers or plastic storage bags • Medicine dropper • Dust mask (for dust/debris) • Hard hat • Work gloves • Battery-powered fan Extra keys for car and house Nylon cord Portable generator, if possible Toilet paper/facial tissues/paper towels Wet wipes Personal hygiene items — toothbrush, toothpaste, deodorant, etc. Feminine supplies Disinfectant Soap Plastic garbage bags and ties Spray paint
Towels/washcloths Small shovel
Household chlorine bleach Plastic bucket with tight lid (indoor toilet)
Emergency Preparedness Guide
For Children: • Baby formula/food for at least three days • Bottles for at least three days For Pets/Service Animals: • At least three days’ worth of pet food, bottled water and supplies for your service animal or pet • Medications and medical records • Pet first aid kit • Dishes/bowls • Cat litter/pan
• Diapers for at least three days • Powdered milk for at least three days • Medications for at least one week • Games/activities • Wet wipes • Special toy(s) for comfort • Extra sets of clothing (check sizes every three months) • Anti-rash ointment • Emergency contact information in case you are separated from loved ones during an emergency • Blankets
• Extra leash and collar with ID tags
• Copies of licenses
• Name and phone number of veterinarian • Toys
• Microchip or tattoo number • Treats
• Bedding
For Adults: • One-week minimum supply of any prescription drugs (heart, high blood pressure, insulin, etc.) • Denture needs • Contact lenses and supplies • Extra eyeglasses • Playing cards and books • Lip balm and sunscreen For People with Special Needs and Older Pennsylvanians: • One-week minimum supply of prescription medications and dosage information (including inhalers, insulin, etc.)
• Paper towels and clean-up bags Important Documents Folder in Water-Proof Container: • Recent family photos including photos of pets • Copies of Medicare/Medicaid and health insurance cards • Copies of birth certificates • Copies of drivers’ licenses
• Copies of homeowner and car insurance policies • Bank account numbers • Cash • Local and state maps
• Pre-paid phone cards
• Medical equipment and information on how it’s used • Extra eyeglasses, contacts and hearing aids
• Extra batteries for medical equipment (hearing aids, wheelchairs, portable oxygen units, etc.)
Emergency Preparedness Guide
Be Prepared in Your Vehicle
To be able to act quickly in any disaster, your emergency planning should cover every possibility. Many times, an emergency may happen while you’re driving, or you may need to evacuate (leave) at a moment’s notice. If this happens, it’s important to have an emergency plan for your vehicle.
1. Keep a kit of emergency supplies in your car. This kit should have food, water, first aid supplies and other supplies. Find a complete checklist of emergency supply items for your vehicle below. 2. Have your emergency plan ready for communicating and getting back together with your family if you are separated during a disaster. 3. Keep a full tank of gas in your car if an evacuation seems possible or likely. Gas stations may be closed in emergencies and unable to pump gas during power outages. Plan to take one car per family to reduce traffic and delays on the roads.
4. If you are evacuating in your vehicle: • Leave early enough so that you are not trapped by severe weather or poor air quality. • Follow recommended evacuation routes (avoid shortcuts as they may be blocked). • Watch out for downed power lines and washed-out roads and bridges. Never drive into flooded areas.
Vehicle Emergency Kit Checklist
Flashlight and batteries Battery-operated radio Jumper cables Snow shovel
Extra cell phone batteries and charger Matches and candles First aid supplies Ice scraper Sand Blanket, extra warm clothing, gloves and boots
Anything else you may need for others in the vehicle (special medication, baby supplies, pet food, etc.)
Bottled water and foods that won’t spoil
Emergency Preparedness Guide
Be Prepared at Work
Emergencies can strike anyone, anytime, anywhere. If a disaster should happen while you’re at work, you need to have a plan.
1. Know your workplace emergency plan and alert system. 2. Participate in fire drills and don’t ignore fire alarms. 3. Make sure you know how to get to stair exits. 4. Know who your office fire marshals are.
5. Keep an emergency supply kit (see below) at your workplace. 6. Know locations of common emergency equipment, including: • AEDs (Automated External Defibrillators) 7. Take first aid and CPR classes. • First aid kit
Work Emergency Kit Checklist
Talk to your co-workers about what emergency supplies the company can provide, if any, and which ones you should consider keeping on hand. Recommended emergency supplies include the following: Bottled water — Each person needs at least one gallon every day for drinking and bathing Food — at least a three-day supply of foods that won’t spoil Battery-powered radio and extra batteries Flashlight and extra batteries First aid kit Whistle to signal for help Dust or filter masks Wet wipes
Wrench or pliers to turn off utilities Manual can opener for food (if kit contains canned food)
Plastic sheeting and duct tape to “seal the room,” to use when directed Garbage bags and plastic ties
Emergency Preparedness Guide
Planning for Special Needs
Some people may need extra planning before an emergency to make sure special needs are met when an emergency happens. This includes, but isn’t limited to, young children, older Pennsylvanians and people who have special medical needs. This section will also help you plan for the needs of your pets, service animals and livestock.
Medications • Always have at least a three-day supply or more of all of your medicines. • Store your medicines in one place in their original containers. • Have a list of all of your medicines and include the name, dose, how often you take it and the name of the doctor prescribing it. Medical Supplies • If you use medical supplies such as bandages, ostomy bags or syringes, have an extra three-day supply available. Intravenous (IV) and Feeding Tube Equipment • Know if your infusion pump has battery back-up and how long it will last in an emergency. • Ask your home care provider how to infuse without electricity in case of a power outage. • Have written operating instructions attached to all equipment.
Oxygen and Breathing Equipment • If you use oxygen, have an emergency supply (for three days or more).
• Oxygen tanks should be firmly braced so they do not fall over. Check with your medical supply company regarding bracing directions. • If you use breathing equipment, have a three-day supply or more of tubing, solutions, medications, etc.
Electrically Powered Medical Equipment • For all medical equipment needing electrical power such as beds, breathing equipment or infusion pumps, check with your medical supply company and get information regarding a back-up power source, such as a battery or generator. • Check with your local utility company to determine that back-up equipment is properly installed.
Emergency “Go Bag” Have a bag packed at all times in the event you need to leave your home with: • A medication list. • Medical supplies for at least three days. • Copies of important medical papers such as insurance cards, Advanced Directive, Power of Attorney, etc. • When you leave your home, be sure to take refrigerated medications and solutions.
Emergency Preparedness Guide
Medical Supplies • If you use a battery-operated wheelchair, life-support system or other powered equipment, call your power company before an outage happens. Many utility companies keep a list and map of the locations of power-dependent customers in case of an emergency. Ask them what other options are available in your area. Contact the customer service department of your local utility companies to learn if this service is available in your community. • If you use a motorized wheelchair or scooter, have an extra battery. A car battery also can be used with a wheelchair but will not last as long as a wheelchair’s battery. If possible, store a lightweight manual wheelchair for backup.
• People with disabilities often need more time than others to make necessary arrangements during an emergency.
• Because disaster warnings are often given by audible (easy to hear) methods such as sirens and radio announcements, people who are deaf or hard of hearing may not receive early disaster warnings and emergency instructions. Be their source of emergency information as it comes over the radio or television. • Some people with vision disabilities, especially older people, may not want to leave their home when the evacuation notice comes from a stranger.
• A service animal can become confused or disoriented in a disaster. People who are blind or partially sighted may have to depend on others to lead them, as well as their service animal, to safety during a disaster.
• Service animals are allowed to stay in emergency shelters with owners. Check with your local American Red Cross chapter or your emergency management officials for more information. • People with mobility disabilities are often worried about being dropped when being lifted or carried. Find out the best way to move someone in a wheelchair and what exit routes from buildings are best.
• Some people with intellectual disabilities may be unable to understand the emergency and could become disoriented or confused about the proper way to react. • Many respiratory illnesses can be made worse by stress. In an emergency, oxygen and respiratory equipment may not be readily available.
• People with epilepsy, Parkinson’s disease and other conditions often have very strict medicine needs that cannot be interrupted without serious consequences. Some may be unable to communicate this information in an emergency.
Emergency Preparedness Guide
Medical Supplies • Have extra batteries for hearing aids and implants and keep them in your emergency kit supplies. • Maintain TTY batteries (consult manual). • Store extra batteries for your TTY and light phone signaler. Check the manual for proper battery maintenance. • Store hearing aid(s) in the same location so they can quickly be found and used during a disaster.
– For example, consider keeping them in a water-proof container by your bedside, attached to the nightstand or bedpost with string or velcro. Missing or damaged hearing aids will be hard to replace or fix immediately after a major disaster.
Communication • Determine how you will communicate with emergency personnel if there is no interpreter or if you do not have your hearing aid(s). Keep extra paper and pens in your emergency kit.
• Consider carrying a pre-printed copy of key phrase messages with you such as ‘I speak American Sign Language (ASL) and need an ASL interpreter,’ ‘I do not write or read English.” “If you make announcements, I will need to have them written or signed.” • Install both audible (easy to hear) and visual smoke alarms that are battery-operated.
Before, During and After a Disaster • Practice what to do during and after a disaster. Practice leaving places where you spend time (job, home, school, etc.) until you are sure you know what to do during and after a disaster. • Keep a written emergency plan with you and in several locations. Make sure your emergency plan is easy to read and understand.
• After a disaster, information often comes at you quickly. Think through ways to do things you will need to do after a disaster. A small tape recorder, calendar with room for notes, to do lists, etc., will help you remember things. • Give copies of your written emergency plan to the people in your personal support network. Communication • Think through what a rescuer might need to know about you and be ready to say it briefly, or keep a written copy with you that says things like: – “I cannot read. I enhance my hearing with another communication device. I can point to simple pictures or key words, which you will find in my wallet or emergency supply kit.” – “I may have difficulty understanding what you are telling me, please speak slowly and use simple language.” – “I forget easily. Please write down information for me.”
Emergency Preparedness Guide
Medical Supplies • If you use a cane, keep extras in the same location at your job, home, school, volunteer site, etc. to help you move around. • Keep a spare cane in your emergency kit. • If helpful, mark emergency supplies with large print, fluorescent tape or Braille. Alternate Mobility Cues • If you have low vision, place battery-operated security lights in each room, to light your way. These lights plug into electrical wall outlets and light up automatically if there is a loss of power. They will, depending on type, continue to operate automatically for one to six hours and can be turned off manually and used as a short-lasting flashlight. • Store high-powered flashlights with wide beams and extra batteries. • If you wear soft contact lenses that have to be cleaned using electricity, you should have another way to clean them during a power outage.
• Service animals may become confused, panicked, frightened or disoriented during and after a disaster. Keep them safely confined or securely leashed or harnessed. A leash/harness is an important item for managing a nervous or upset animal. Be prepared to use other ways to move around until your service animal has calmed down.
• Plan for possibly losing the auditory (hearing) clues you usually rely on after a major disaster. An example would be audible street crossings, etc.
• Make sure your emergency kit includes enough baby formula, baby food, diapers, bottles, toys and games to keep your children safe and comfortable after a disaster.
• If children go to preschool, daycare or school, it is important for parents or guardians to know the school’s emergency plan. Review and update information on your child’s emergency card often. • Allow a trusted friend or relative that lives near you to pick up your children from school in case you are unable to travel to the school after a disaster.
• Tell trusted neighbors when your children are home alone so they can take care of them if you are not there when a disaster happens.
Emergency Preparedness Guide
• An important part of being prepared for a disaster is planning ahead with family, friends and neighbors. Know who could walk to your home to help you if other kinds of transportation, like public buses, are not working. • Talk about your disaster plans with your home healthcare provider. • Ask your local fire department or emergency management agency if they keep a list of people with special medical needs. If they do, make sure the information they have for you is up-to-date. • If you need electricity for your medical equipment, notify your local power company before a disaster strikes. Some companies will first help those with special medical needs during a disaster. • Keep a list (names and phone numbers) of people who can help: • Family or friends • Neighbors • Doctor/homecare provider • Pharmacy • Local hospital • Medical suppliers
If you have pets, service animals or livestock, it’s important to include them in your emergency planning. As you begin to think about disaster preparedness for your animals, keep in mind what’s best for you is usually what’s best for your animals. If you evacuate your home, DO NOT leave animals behind. However, because many public shelters will not allow any pets inside except for service animals, you should plan ahead for different shelter options that will work for both you and your pets. Below are some guidelines to help you prepare to meet the needs of your pets, service animals and livestock during an emergency. • For pets and service animals, include the following items in your emergency supply kit: • Enough pet food and bottled water for • Cat litter/pan or bags at least three days (one to two weeks • Manual (non-electric) can opener if possible) • Food dishes and water bowls • Medicines • Spoon • Veterinary records for each of your • Pet first aid kit pets (including a note that allows • Cloth or thermal blanket rescuers to give your pet medical • Collar and leash with tags treatment if needed) • Treats and favorite toy(s) • Registration and/or adoption papers • Emergency contacts
Emergency Preparedness Guide
• Talk to your veterinarian about evacuation and emergency care for your animals.
• Develop a buddy system with trusted neighbors, friends and relatives to make sure that someone is able to care for or move your pets if you are unable to do so.
• For public health reasons, many emergency shelters cannot take pets. As you prepare your emergency plan, make sure you find an emergency animal shelter in your area (kennels, nearby farms, state and local fairgrounds, Pennsylvania State Animal Response Team, etc.). • Know ahead of time which hotels will accept pets. • Keep all vaccinations (shots) up to date. • Have a portable crate, collar and leash ready for your pets. • Make sure you have more than one way to identify your pets (like having a dog license and microchip). Identification tags should be up-to-date and securely fastened to your pet’s collar. If possible, also attach the address and/or phone number of your evacuation site. You may also want to have your veterinarian give your pets microchips and/or tattoos as a more permanent way to identify them. • Have a copy of medical records and a list of necessary medicines on hand. Make different lists for each of your pets.
• If you must leave animals behind, place a sign high on your house (like a window or door) that will be easy for rescuers to see. Make sure the sign includes the type and number of animals which remain. Leave plenty of food and water with feeding instructions for rescuers. Keep the animals in the safest part of your home for the type of emergency you are experiencing. For example, if flooding is likely do not keep your animals in the basement. Livestock • Prepare an evacuation plan for livestock. Your plan should include a list of resources such as trucks, trailers, pasture and/or feed which might be needed in an evacuation. The plan should also list a person or persons (along with their phone numbers) who will be able to unlock gates and doors and make it easy for emergency workers to reach your animals. • Have halters and lead straps available. • Have a copy of medical records and a list of necessary medicines on hand. Make different lists for each animal.
• If you must leave animals behind, place a sign high on the building (like a window or door) that will be easy for rescuers to see. Make sure the sign includes the type and number of the animals which remain. Leave plenty of food and water with feeding instructions for rescuers. More Information • For groups whose needs may not be met by traditional service providers, they can reach out to the Pennsylvania State Animal Response Team. For more information visit,
Emergency Preparedness Guide
After an Emergency
After an emergency is over, there can still be danger. When you plan what you will do before and during a disaster, be sure to include a plan for afterward as well. What you do next can save your life and the lives of others: • Stay calm. Help family members or neighbors who may need help. • Check the area around you for safety. In the case of biological, chemical or radiological threats, listen for instructions on local radio or television stations about safe places to go. • Some natural hazards, like severe storms or earthquakes, may continue to happen over the next several days. Continue to be careful and follow safety instructions.
• Stay tuned to your local emergency station. Information may change quickly after a major disaster, so listen regularly for updates. If the power is still out, listen to a battery-powered radio, television or car radio. • Wash small wounds with soap and water. To help prevent infection, use bandages and replace them if they become dirty, damaged or soaked through with water.
• Unless told by officials to evacuate your area, stay off the roads so that emergency vehicles (like ambulances and fire trucks) can quickly get where they need to go. • Avoid using the telephone (cellular or landlines) if a large number of homes in your area have been affected by a disaster. Emergency responders need to have the telephone lines available so they can quickly help people. During the immediate post-disaster time period, only use the telephone to report life-threatening conditions and to call your out-of-town emergency contact.
• Turn off sensitive electrical equipment such as computers, DVD players and televisions to prevent them from being damaged when electricity is restored. You should also turn off major electrical and gas appliances (like stoves, refrigerators and washing machines) that were on when the power went off to help prevent power surges when electricity comes back on. • Keep your refrigerator and freezer doors closed as much as possible to keep in cold. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has more information on food and water safety after a disaster. • Do not use the stove to heat your home — this can cause a fire or deadly gas leak.
• Use extreme caution when driving. If traffic signals are out, treat each signal as a stop sign — come to a full stop at every intersection and look around you before driving through it. • DO NOT call 9-1-1 to ask about a power outage or to get other information about the emergency. Even during or after a disaster, 9-1-1 should only be used for emergencies. In case of a power outage, use battery-operated equipment to listen to news and radio stations for updates.
Emergency Preparedness Guide
• Encourage children to talk about their fears. Let them ask questions and tell you how they’re feeling. Listen to what they say, as a family when possible. • Reassure them with love. • Reassure them that they are safe and answer their questions honestly.
• Hold and hug them often.
• Tell them, in simple language, what is happening. Tell them that they are not responsible for what happened. Limit the amount of news they hear on the radio or see on the TV.
• When they go back to school, encourage them to also talk about their problems with teachers or school counselors and to play games, ride bikes and do all of the other things they did before the disaster.
Important Contact Information
In an emergency, call 9-1-1 There are many things you can do to help your family and community be prepared for a public health emergency. To learn more, call the Pennsylvania Department of Health (DOH) at 1-877-PA-HEALTH, 1-877-724-3258, visit or contact your county/municipal health department listed below: • Pennsylvania ReadyPA line: 1-888-9-ReadyPA,1-888-973-2397, • Pennsylvania Department of Health: 1-877-PA-HEALTH, 1-877-724-3258, • Pennsylvania Emergency Management Agency: • American Red Cross: 1-800-435-7669, • Ready America: • Pennsylvania Poison Control Centers: 1-800-222-1222 Emergency Management Agency (EMA)/Department of Health (DOH) Contact List It is important to know who in your community will be able to help you during a disaster, particularly if you have special needs. Your county emergency management agency can help you get ready for emergencies before they happen. Emergency Contact List (form to be filled out) Create an Emergency Contact List. Ask several friends or family members who live outside your area to act as an emergency contact for information about you and your family after a disaster. It is often easier to place an out-of-state, long distance call from a disaster area than to call other people within the area. All of your family members should know to call the contact person to tell them where they are and how they are. In turn, you should have your contact person get in touch with your other friends and family. This will also help to limit the number of calls that are coming into and out of a disaster area after the phones start working again. • Page 20 — County contact information • Page 21-23 — Special needs emergency plan template
Emergency Preparedness Guide
EMA/DOH Contact List It is important to know who in your community will be able to help you during a disaster, particularly if you have special needs. Your county emergency management agency can help you get ready for emergencies before they happen:
Adams County 717-334-8603 Allegheny County 412-473-2550 Armstrong County 724-548-3431 Beaver County 724-775-1700 Bedford County 814-623-9528 Berks County 610-374-4800 Blair County 814-940-5900 Bradford County 570-265-5022 Bucks County 215-340-8700 Butler County 724-284-5211 Cambria County 814-472-2050 Cameron County 814-486-9352 Carbon County 570-325-3097 Centre County 814-355-6745 Chester County 610-344-5000 Clarion County 814-226-6631 Clearfield County 814-765-5357 Clinton County 570-893-4090 ext 209 Columbia County 570-389-5720 Crawford County 814-724-2552 Cumberland County 717-240-6400 Dauphin County 717-558-6800 Delaware County 610-565-8700 Elk County 814-776-5314 20 Emergency Preparedness Guide Erie County 814-451-7920 Fayette County 724-430-1277 Forest County 814-755-3541 Franklin County 717-264-2813 Fulton County 717-485-3201 Greene County 724-627-5387 Huntingdon County 814-643-6613/6617 Indiana County 724-349-9300 Jefferson County 814-849-5052 Juniata County 717-436-7730 Lackawanna County 570-961-5511 Lancaster County 717-664-1200 Lawrence County 724-656-4927 ext 3701 Lebanon County 717-272-7621 Lehigh County 610-782-4600 Luzerne County 570-820-4400 Lycoming County 570-433-9063 ext 4732 McKean County 814-887-5070 ext 13 Mercer County 724-662-6100 ext 2442 Mifflin County 717-248-9645/9607 Monroe County 570-992-4113 Montgomery County 610-631-6530 Montour County 570-271-3047 Northampton County 610-746-3194 ext 226 Northumberland County 570-988-4217 Perry County 717-582-2131 ext 2256 Philadelphia County 215-686-1450 Pike County 570-296-6714 Pittsburgh, City of 412-255-2633 Potter County 814-274-8900 Schuylkill County 570-622-3739 Snyder County 570-372-0535 Somerset County 814-445-1515/1516 Sullivan County 570-946-5010 Susquehanna County 570-278-4600 ext 250 Tioga County 570-724-9110 Union County 570-523-3201 Venango County 814-677-0325 Warren County 814-563-2220 Washington County 724-228-6911 Wayne County 570-253-1622 Westmoreland County 724-600-7301 Wyoming County 570-836-2828 York County 717-840-2990 Pennsylvania’s public health network consists of 60 State Health Centers and 10 County and Municipal Health Departments. For public health preparedness information, call your designated health department listed below. 1-877-PA-HEALTH (1-877-724-3258) Allegheny County Health Department 412-578-8026 Allentown Bureau of Health 610-437-7760 Bethlehem Health Bureau 610-865-7087 Bucks County Department of Health 215-345-3318 Chester County Health Department 610-344-6225 Erie County Department of Health 814-451-6700 Montgomery County Health Department 610-278-5117 Philadelphia Department of Public Health 215-685-5670 Wilkes-Barre City Health Department 570-208-4268 York City Bureau of Health 717-849-2252/2299
Make sure you and your family and friends have a plan in case of an emergency. Before an emergency happens, sit down together and decide how you will get in contact with each other, what mobility and/ or medication issues will need to be dealt with and what you will do in an emergency. Keep a copy of this plan in your emergency supply kit or another safe place where you can find it quickly during a disaster.
_____________________________________________________ First Contact Name _____________________________________________________ Telephone Number _____________________________________________________ Email _____________________________________________________ Relationship _____________________________________________________ Second Contact Name _____________________________________________________ Telephone Number _____________________________________________________ Email _____________________________________________________ Relationship
SPECIAL MEDICAL NEEDS OR DISABILITIES (Like diabetes, epilepsy, heart conditions, high blood pressure, etc.)
_____________________________________________________ Special Medical Needs / Disability _____________________________________________________ Special Medical Needs / Disability _____________________________________________________ Special Medical Needs / Disability _____________________________________________________ Special Medical Needs / Disability
_____________________________________________________ Name of Medication _____________________________________________________ Reason for Taking _____________________________________________________ Dose and How Often it’s Taken _____________________________________________________ Name of Medication _____________________________________________________ Reason for Taking _____________________________________________________ Dose and How Often it’s Taken
_____________________________________________________ Name of Medication _____________________________________________________ Reason for Taking _____________________________________________________ Dose and How Often it’s Taken
_____________________________________________________ Name of Medication _____________________________________________________ Reason for Taking _____________________________________________________ Dose and How Often it’s Taken
Emergency Preparedness Guide
_____________________________________________________ Allergy _____________________________________________________ What Happens _____________________________________________________ Allergy _____________________________________________________ What Happens _____________________________________________________ Allergy _____________________________________________________ What Happens _____________________________________________________ Allergy _____________________________________________________ What Happens
MEDICAL EQUIPMENT USED (This may include wheelchair, crutches, home dialysis, respirator, oxygen, etc.)
_____________________________________________________ Type of Equipment _____________________________________________________ Type of Equipment _____________________________________________________ Type of Equipment _____________________________________________________ Type of Equipment
POLICY NUMBER (if needed)
_______________________________________ Doctor’s Name _______________________________________ Other Doctor _______________________________________ Pharmacist _______________________________________ Medical Insurance _______________________________________ Homeowners / Rental Insurance _______________________________________ Veterinarian / Kennel (For Pets)
Emergency Preparedness Guide
Make sure you and your family and friends have a plan in case of an emergency. Fill out these cards and give one to each of them to make sure they know who to call and what steps to take in case of an emergency.
________________________________________________ First Contact Name Telephone
________________________________________________ Medications ________________________________________________
________________________________________________ Second Contact Name Telephone
________________________________________________ Doctor Telephone
________________________________________________ Allergies ________________________________________________
________________________________________________ Special Medical Needs / Disabilities ________________________________________________
________________________________________________ Equipment Used
> >
________________________________________________ Medications ________________________________________________
________________________________________________ First Contact Name Telephone
________________________________________________ Second Contact Name Telephone
________________________________________________ Doctor Telephone
________________________________________________ Allergies ________________________________________________
________________________________________________ Special Medical Needs / Disabilities ________________________________________________
________________________________________________ Equipment Used
Emergency Preparedness Guide
Plan ahead. Be prepared. 1-888-973-2397