Is President Obama powerful enough to get Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harper to remove those 40 year old RCMP lies about Terry Mallenby that Harper uploaded to Sergey Brin’s Google web sites? Apologies to President Obama and those caught up in this “mess”, but when Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harper flaunts the law – the only thing an “independent” author can do is solicit assistance – and barring that let “the world” know about his behavior! Another book from Jeffrey P. Bezos’ Amazon / Createspace independent Publisher site! Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harper’s government still owes Terry Mallenby, former federal peace officer and whistleblower one million in lost wages, when can he expect it? Did Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harper lie to the Queen of England or was that some idiot statement by the Moose Jaw Times Herald in Saskatchewan, Canada?
Chapter 1 – Part 1 7 Does Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harper have a “Hitler” Complex? Chapter 1 – Part 2 9 What else are people saying about Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harper – “He's an evil person. He's a bad person”? Chapter 1 – Part 3 20 What else are people saying about Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harper – “A controlled mass media”! Chapter 1 – Part 4 23 What else are people saying about Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harper – “Rampant sexism”! Chapter 1 – Part 5 30 What else are people saying about Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harper - “Harper government’s tendency towards paranoia, secretiveness and bullying”? Chapter 1 – Part 6 33 Once you control the courts you control everything – Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harper has appointed all the Federal Court Judges to make sure no one questions his illegals activities? Chapter 1 – Part 7 35 What will Federal Court Chief Justice Paul Crampton do about these illegal acts by Harper & Paulson?
Chapter 1 – Part 8 36 What good is suing in the Federal Court of Canada, if Canadian Prime Minister Stephen “Hitler” Harper and that other “jack-ass” RCMP Commissioner Robert Paulson ignores your judgement against them and they upload their 40 year old RCMP lies to Sergey Brin’s and web sites?? Chapter 1 – Part 9 41 What will these other Federal Court Judges do about these illegal acts by Harper & Paulson? Chapter 1 – Part 10 47 Once you control the courts you control everything – Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harper has appointed 6 of the 9 justices to the Supreme Court of Canada to make sure no one questions his illegals activities? Chapter 1 – Part 11 48 What will the Supreme Court Justice Beverley McLachlin do about the illegal activity by Stephen Harper? Chapter 1 – Part 12 56 Did Millionaire Justin Trudeau bilk senior charity out of $20,000? Chapter 2 – Part 1 69 Canadian Prime Minister “Hitler” Harper suppresses the truth about the 40 year old RCMP lies about Terry Mallenby! Chapter 2 – Part 2 107 Someone contacted the author to say where that “arse hole” RCMP Jack Randle is living –in Hope, British Columbia, Canada!! Chapter 2 – Part 3 109 Did RCMP John (Jack) Thomas Randle abandon son at birth – and after son tracked the “dead-beat” down – Randle has steadfastly refused to talk to the boy? Chapter 2 – Part 4 114 Canadian Prime Minister “Hitler” Harper refuses to remove the illegal 40 year old RCMP lies about Terry Mallenby he put on Sergey Brin’s and web sites? Chapter 2 – Part 5 116 What good is a Coroner Inquest Judgement when you have “arse holes” like Senator Larry Campbell, former Chief Coroner, former RCMP Officer and Canadian Prime Minister Stephen “Hitler” Harper and that other “jack-ass” RCMP Commissioner Robert Paulson ignore the 1976 Coroner Inquest Judgement? Chapter 2 – Part 6 123 Who to hell is Senator Larry W. Campbell that he doesn’t care about the missing and murdered in Squamish, British Columbia?
Chapter 2 – Part 7 130 What else can we say about Senator Larry W. Campbell that he doesn’t care about the missing and murdered in Squamish, British Columbia? Chapter 3 – Part 1 137 RCMP Commissioner Robert Paulson upload 40 year old lies as RCMP payback because Terry Mallenby successfully sued them!!! Chapter 3 – Part 2 141 Canadian Prime Minister “Hitler” Harper uploads 40 year old RCMP lies as RCMP payback because Terry Mallenby successfully sued the Federal Government of Canada?? Chapter 3 – Part 3 144 As RCMP payback, Canadian Prime Minister “Hitler” Harper sent two fellow University of Alberta graduates all the way to Squamish, British Columbia, Canada [a distance of 1,223 km / 1,000 miles] to upload the same 40 year old RCMP lies about Terry Mallenby!!! Chapter 3 – Part 4 148 As can be seen below, Terry Mallenby has the original Coroner Inquest report sent to him by the Coroner’s office of British Columbia Canada – clearly indicating he was not an unwilling witness!! Chapter 4 – Part 1 154 RCMP Commissioner Robert Paulson and Canadian Prime Minister “Hitler” Harper are exceptional pieces of slime using their Billionaire friends to keep these 40 year old RCMP lies about Terry Mallenby lies on and! Chapter 4 – Part 2 176 Is this the kind of person President Barack Obama wants to associate with – David Drummond? Chapter 4 – Part 3 182 Is President Obama powerful enough to get David Drummond to remove those 40 year old RCMP lies about Terry Mallenby from Drummond’s Google web sites? Chapter 4 – Part 4 186 Is President Obama powerful enough to get Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harper to remove those 40 year old RCMP lies about Terry Mallenby that Harper uploaded to Drummond’s Google web sites? Chapter 4 – Part 5 192 Canadian Prime Minister “Hitler” Harper meets the Queen, but Terry Mallenby can do one Better – the sister of his brother-in-law’s wife married into the Royal Family!
Chapter 4 – Part 6 197 Did Canadian Prime Minister “Hitler”Harper lie to the Queen of England, or was that some idiot statement by the Moose Jaw Times Herald in Saskatchewan, Canada? Chapter 5 – Part 1 203 Splitsville for Sergey Brin, he can’t keep his pecker in his pants! Chapter 5 – Part 2 206 Google Billionaire Sergey Brin has all emails to all the Directors of Google and blocked about removing the 40 year old RCMP lies from his and web sites about Terry Mallenby!!! Chapter 5 – Part 3 209 Canadian Prime Minister “Hitler” Harper also blocks emails to Dalhousie University Professors about the sordid murder of Mary Steinhauser by a Canadian Government employee! Chapter 5 – Part 4 216 And to show what kind of fine quality books the author is writing, and Canadian Prime Minister “Hitler” Harper is suppressing – just read this comment!! Chapter 5 – Part 5 217 Canadian Prime Minister “Hitler” Harper blocks emails to University of Ottawa Political Science Professors about removing the 40 year old RCMP lies from Sergey Brin’s and web sites about Terry Mallenby!!! Chapter 5 – Part 6 221 Canadian Prime Minister “Hitler” Harper has the media in his back-pocket! Chapter 5 – Part 7 227 Canadian Prime Minister “Hitler” Harper has the media in his back pocket – How come none of these W-5 “Investigative” Reporters bothered about this story – Lloyd Robertson, Victor Malarek, Lisa LaFlamme and Sandie Rinaldo? Chapter 5 – Part 8 235 Canadian Prime Minister “Hitler” Harper has the media in his back pocket – Why didn’t Canada’s Fifth Estate, Adrienne Clarkson, Linden MacIntyre, Bob McKeown, Gillian Findlay and Mark Kelley look into this case? Chapter 6 – Part 1 This is what the Royal Canadian Police are really like! Chapter 6 – Part 2 Those that blab about the RCMP threatened!! 239
Chapter 6 – Part 3 250 Incredibly, the Royal Canadian Mounted Police are still trying to decide if there is a serial killer preying on woman along the “Highway of Tears”?
Chapter 6 – Part 4 257 The Royal Canadian Mounted Police deny that there are at least 720 Native women missing and murdered in Canada? Chapter 6 – Part 5 263 Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harper gets tough on sexually exploiting children crimes, except those committed by Royal Canadian Mounted Police officers?? Chapter 6 – Part 6 264 However, what Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harper failed to tell the Canadian people is that this tough stand does not include RCMP officers charged with sexually exploiting children crimes - RCMP officer Adam Jonathan Clarke? Chapter 6 – Part 7 267 However, what Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harper failed to tell the Canadian people is that this tough stand does not include RCMP officers charged with sexually exploiting children crimes – RCMP officer Justin Harris? Chapter 6 – Part 8 269 However, what Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harper failed to tell the Canadian people is that this tough stand does not include RCMP officers charged with sexually exploiting children crimes – RCMP officer Andrew Ugrica? Chapter 6 – Part 9 271 However, what Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harper failed to tell the Canadian people is that this tough stand does not include RCMP officers charged with sexually exploiting children crimes – RCMP officer Khomphet Khamphoune? Chapter 6 – Part 10 273 However, what Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harper failed to tell the Canadian people is that this tough stand does not include RCMP officers charged with sexually exploiting children crimes – RCMP officer Seth Paine? Chapter 6 – Part 11 275 However, what Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harper failed to tell the Canadian people is that this tough stand does not include RCMP officers charged with sexually exploiting children crimes – RCMP officer James Adam Carson? Chapter 6 – Part 12 277 Is this what the Royal Canadian Mounted police think of women??
Chapter 1 – Part 1 Does Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harper have a “Hitler” Complex?
As cited: There are people who have a bit of the Hitler complex and have managed to get themselves elected to the executive! One who has a Hitler complex does not allow the people we voted in to represent to do their job. What is with the dictator garbage?? To some, this obviously describes Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harper? Why else would someone picture Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harper in a “Gestapo” uniform??
Who else did Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harper “screw with” to be pictured in such fashion??
And, here’s a few reader comments:
Chapter 1 – Part 2 What else are people saying about Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harper – “He's an evil person. He's a bad person”? What are they saying about Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harper? As cited: “When Stars new album The North came out earlier this fall, outspoken singer Torquil Campbell made any number of political pronouncements to the press, right up to warning about Canada's creeping fascism. Yeah, yeah. He's an evil person. He's a bad person.”1 Is Harper a Fascist? As cited: The stepped-up authoritarian, anti-democratic manner Stephen Harper conducts himself since obtaining his Parliamentary majority nine months ago raises serious concerns about how far right he is planning to push the country in his effort to forever change the face of Canada. 2 Harper hates many things about Canada—most of all the moderate liberalism that a majority of people have preferred over the years. He has adopted a ‘take-no-prisoners’ attitude, rushing ahead with destructive plans never before discussed in public, as well as doubling cuts to government compared to what he said before the election. 3 Elected with the support of only 25 per cent of eligible voters, Harper nevertheless is running roughshod over the wishes and interests of the majority 75 per cent of Canadians. 4 It was asked, so, just how extreme is Harper’s behaviour? Here’s a Fascist Principle - Disdain for the importance of human rights. And, as further cited: The regimes viewed human rights as of little value and a hindrance to realizing the objectives of the ruling elite. Through clever use of propaganda, the population was brought to accept these human rights abuses by marginalizing, even demonizing, those being targeted. When abuse was egregious, the tactic was to use secrecy, denial, and disinformation.5
Does Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harper fit the bill? As further noted, you decide: Jack Etkin, The Bridge, B.C., March 2011: “Mr. Harper is very likely a war criminal. In Afghanistan, he has forced Canadian troops to give innocent civilians to the Afghan police to be tortured. That is a war crime, but it is never mentioned by the corporate media.” 6 Alex Neve, The Toronto Star, January 3, 2011: “At the end of the day, what transpired within the official summits was overshadowed by the staggering assault on freedom of expression that played out on the streets of Toronto. It still seems impossible to imagine that more than 1,100 people were arrested over the weekend, the overwhelming majority of whom were involved in peaceful acts of protest or were just passing by. 7 Susan Riley, Ottawa Citizen, January 27, 2012: “He (Harper) was never going to downplay China’s human rights abuses in the name of the “almighty dollar,” until it became useful to ardently court China as a customer for tars and oil.” 8 Is this why Stephen Harper’s federal police, the Royal Canadian Mounted Police appear to get away with so many abuses, even to the point of getting away with apparent murder? As cited: The Royal Canadian Mounted Police seem to spend an inordinate amount of time defending their criminal acts, including the outright killing of this poor Polish chap!! Let’s look at this tragic case [see Coroner’s Report cited below]. Did the RCMP get away with murder? Some appear to think yes! And, thanks to the main newspapers / news media in Canada, it’s very clear they all searched the video tapes at the Vancouver, British Colombia, Canada airport to come up with the worst picture of this poor Polish immigrant [see pictures below] to Canada who spoke no English and the “shites” at the Vancouver International Airport and the Royal Canadian Mounted Police offered no assistance – just taser him to death after 30 seconds!!! "Nothing will happen to them, still they are on the job, the four RCMP officers who caused Robert's death by what they did, and then they lie," said Cisowski [see Appendix, cited below].9
The case involved the vicious tasering to death of 40-year-old Polish immigrant Robert Dziekanski. The RCMP lies start immediately. Richmond RCMP Sgt. Pierre Lemaitre said officers struggled to subdue the man: 'Even though he had received what they call pulses, two pulses from Taser, he was still out of control.'10 The man actually died after 4 Taser jolts, witness alleges.11 In fact, one witness said she offered to tell the RCMP officers what she witnessed, and that one officer said, "'I'll be with you in a few minutes.'" But the officers did not take a statement from her, she alleges.12 As reported, “within seconds, he had been Tasered. Dziekanski, even after falling to the ground, shrieking in pain, was Tasered repeatedly.”13 The cover-up begins! “After the event, the Mounties all gave similar statements about how Dziekanski had come at them, yelling and wildly swinging the stapler, and how several officers had to wrestle the man to the ground.”14 However, a video proves the RCMP officers outright lied! A witness’s video of the event showed none of that happened ... if not for the video, might have got away with whitewashing what the judge called the force’s "shameful" conduct in the events that led to an innocent man’s death.15 As further reported, “I saw more RCMP officers lie to cover up this cowardly crime.”16 Incredibly, “on Dec. 12, 2008, B.C. Criminal Justice branch spokesman Stan Lowe "cleared" the four officers of any wrongdoing and portrayed Dziekanski as a violent and agitated alcoholic whose irrational behavior contributed to his own death.”17 However, even this Stan Lowe was put in his place when Cisowski had the satisfaction of hearing Thomas Braidwood call the four Mounties "inapproprivately aggressive" and "patently unbelievable," while emphasizing Dziekanski did nothing wrong nor in any way caused his own death.18 Caught in their lies thanks to videotape of the “cowardly” crime, as it has been described. Braidwood called the bystander video by Paul Pritchard of Dziekanski's Tasering death "invaluable" evidence that "couldn't be cross-examined."19
“Onlookers were incredulous when RCMP Commissioner William Elliott said Friday he wouldn't be announcing any disciplinary measures for any of the four Mounties for their role in Dziekanski's death.”20 Get away with murder and no consequences? Even the apology to Robert Dziekanski’s mother was a bunch of RCMP bunk? “A raft of internal RCMP emails was released through an Access to Information Act request showing that the April 1 apology was a carefully-crafted script designed not to blame any RCMP member.”21 “On the day before the staging of the apology, RCMP Deputy Commissioner Gary Bass reassured RCMP staff relations supervisor Brian Roach that their "apology" to Cisowski did not mean they were apologizing for anything specific that any of their officers had done.”22 "Essentially, even though the word ‘apology’ worries some, we are not apologizing for the actions of specific members or saying anything about specific actions.”23 Cisowski said yesterday "this just shows that the RCMP even when they apologize to me, they coverup.”24 Actually tasered five times! “The e-mail, sent by RCMP Chief Supt. Dick Bent to Assistant Commissioner Al Macintyre suggested for the first time that the four Mounties who responded to a call at Vancouver's airport planned to use a Taser on Robert Dziekanski, who died at the airport on Oct. 14, 2007, after he was Tasered five times.”25
Footnotes 1. Stars' Torquil Campbell Calls Stephen Harper 'An Evil Man,' Talks Politics And Pop Music, By Joshua Ostroff, Huffington Post Canada, Posted: 11/22/2012 2 - 8. Is Stephen Harper displaying fascist-like tendencies? Canadian Dimension, Canadian Politics, Economy and Foreign Policy, Web Exclusive, By Nick Fillmore, February 8th 2012 9. Still they get no consequences. By Suzanne Fournier, The Province, June 20, 2010. 10 – 11. RCMP say deceased man was 40-year-old Polish immigrant Robert Dziekanski. Last Updated: Tuesday, October 16, 2007. CBC News. 12. One witness said she offered to tell the RCMP officers what she witnessed. 13 - 15. Inquiry deservedly hammers RCMP in Dziekanski death. By Paul Schneiderit, The Chronicle Herald, Tue. Jun 22. 16. I saw more RCMP officers lie to cover up this cowardly crime. 17 - 20. Still they get no consequences. By Suzanne Fournier, The Province, June 20, 2010. 21 - 24. RCMP's apology grudging, evasive. By Suzanne Fournier, The Province, June 17, 2010. 25. E-mail Suggests Four RCMP Officers Committed Perjury While Senior Officers Sat Silent. Contributed on Sun, 2009/06/21 - 2:30pm. Also see: Startling New Email Halts Inquiry. By Neal Hall and Lori Culbert; June 20, 2009 - Vancouver Sun. Also see: Damning e-mail suggests the four officers committed perjury and that senior officers sat silent while they did. By Ian Mulgrew; June 20, 2009 - Vancouver Sun.
Coroners’ Report British Columbia, Canada - Ministry of Justice CORONER'S REPORT INTO THE DEATH OF CBse No.: 2007-0270-1054 ROBERT DZIEKANSKI OF POLAND ClASSIFICATION OF DEATH HOMICIDE Date Signed: MARCH 20,2013 I, Patrick Cullinane, a Coroner in the Province of British Columbia, have investigated the death of the above named, which was reported to Kate Corcoran on the 14th day of October, 2007/ and as a result of such investigation have determined the following facts and circumstances: Mr. Dziekanski entered the semi-secure International Reception Lounge at 12:40 a.m. on October 14,2007. As noted Mr. Dziekanski spoke no English and at this point had been inside the airport for almost ten hours. At this time Mr. Dziekanski appeared to be exhibiting behaviours that might best be described as agitated and flustrated. While several witnesses described Mr. Dziekanski' s obvious upset, none identified feeling threatened by him. Due to Mr. Dziekanski's perceived state of agitation, security personnel from the airpport and members of the airport Royal Canadian Mounted Police [RCMP] detachment were dispatched. The RCMP officers arrived at I :28 a.m. The RCMP officers deployed a conducted energy weapon within 30 seconds from the time when one of the officers attending the scene first spoke to Mr. Dziekanski, ultimately deploying the weapon five times. Subsequently, the officers restrained Mr. Dziekanksi and handcuffed him. In addition to the statements by various witnesses who observed the interaction between Mr. Dziekanski and the RCMP members, the events were also recorded on video taken by another passenger in the airport terminal. Within seconds of being handcuffed Mr. Dziekanski lay motionless on the floor and was breathing heavily. He soon became unconscious and it was apparent he was experiencing significant medical distress. RCMP members did not engage in any resuscitation efforts but requested an ambulance be dispatched. The call to the BC Ambulance Service (BCAS) occurred at I :32 a.m. and Richmond Fire-Rescue also received a dispatch call at I :34 a.m.
Richmond Fire and Rescue arrived at the scene at approximately I :42 a.m. and the first two BCAS paramedics arrived at the scene approximately 90 seconds later. Roughly one minute later advanced life support paramedics also arrived at the scene, at which point they found Mr. Dziekanski's face was bluish. When Richmond Fire-Rescue staff first arrived, Mr. Dziekanski was lying in a prone position, with his hands handcuffed behind his back. In order to assist in assessing his condition the RCMP members were requested to remove the handcuffs, but this request was declined by the RCMP officers. Mr. Dziekanski was pronounced dead at the scene!!!
Appendix 'Still they get no consequences' 'Still they get no consequences' Four Mounties involved should not get off scot-free, says Dziekanski's mother By Suzanne Fournier, The Province June 20, 2010 Zofia Cisowski's "darkest hour" after learning that her son Robert Dziekanski was dead came when B.C. criminal justice officials declared that the RCMP had done nothing wrong -- and that it was her son's own fault that he died. Now that she has been vindicated by the Braidwood Inquiry report castigating the officers and ruling her son did nothing wrong, Cisowski still carries with her a news clipping containing the earlier blaming, hurtful words. On Dec. 12, 2008, B.C. Criminal Justice branch spokesman Stan Lowe "cleared" the four officers of any wrongdoing and portrayed Dziekanski as a violent and agitated alcoholic whose irrational behaviour contributed to his own death. Last week, Walter Kosteckyj, Cisowski's lawyer, said "that was Zofia's darkest hour, after losing her son, and that's why she still carries that news clipping with her." So far, Cisowski notes, none of the four Mounties "has ever got any consequences." On Friday, Cisowski had the satisfaction of hearing Thomas Braidwood call the four Mounties "inapproprivately aggressive" and "patently unbelievable," while emphasizing Dziekanski did nothing wrong nor in any way caused his own death. "This tragic case is at its heart the story of shameful conduct by a few officers," Braidwood said. "It ought not to reflect unfairly on the many thousands of RCMP and other police officers who have protected our communities and earned a welldeserved reputation in doing so." Cisowski heard B.C. Attorney-General Mike de Jong promise to appoint a special prosecutor and commit to a citizen-led Independent Investigation 16
Office to conduct criminal investigations into RCMP or municipal police incidents causing death or harm. Friday was an exhausting day after a night in which Cisowski slept little, coming at the end of years of hearings in which a video of her son's death was screened repeatedly -- although it helped a kind and patient former judge get to the truth. Braidwood called the bystandervideo by Paul Pritchard of Dziekanski's Tasering death "invaluable" evidence that "couldn't be cross-examined." Cisowski received an apology Friday from the RCMP's top cop, Commissioner William Elliott. Yet as a mother, Cisowski did not hear from Elliott -- the first lawyer and non-cop to head the national RCMP -- the words she has waited so long to hear, she said. "Nothing will happen to them, still they are on the job, the four policemen who caused Robert's death by what they did, and then they lie," said Cisowski. Listening to Elliott say the RCMP has reformed its training and Taser policies, Cisowski whispered: "Still they get no consequences for causing my son's death." Braidwood's 460-page report, entitled simply Why? The Robert Dziekanski Tragedy, is a blistering denunciation of the four Mounties who Tasered and restrained Dziekanski face down, then left him unattended until he died. Onlookers were incredulous when Elliott said Friday he wouldn't be announcing any disciplinary measures for any of the four Mounties for their role in Dziekanski's death. He said he would await the special prosecutor's report. Elliott acknowledged that Cpl. Benjamin Monty Robinson is suspended with pay, but only in connection with the unrelated traffic death of a motorcyclist. That matter doesn't go to trial until April 2011. The other three -- Const. Gerry Rundel, Const. Bill Bentley and Const. Kwesi Millington -- are "on the job but not in front-line policing," said Elliott, who couldn't explain why the four officers could be criticized about an unjustified death and yet remain on the RCMP payroll.
Elliott hinted it might even be too late to mete out internal punishment, but admitted: "We recognize there needs to be fairly fundamental changes in our discipline system." Braidwood said the four Mounties behaved as if they were responding to a "barroom brawl," and senior officer Robinson "intervened in an inapproprivately aggressive manner." "I found that Mr. Dziekanski had been compliant, was not defiant or resistant, did not brandish the stapler and did not move toward any of the officers," Braidwood said. "I concluded the constable [Millington] was not justified in deploying the weapon and neither the constable nor the corporal honestly perceived that Mr. Dziekanski was intending to attack any of the officers." Braidwood said the other two officers also "offered patently unbelievable after-the-fact rationalizations of their police notes and statements to [the Integrated Homicide Investigation Team]." As for Robinson's claim that the Mounties made a point to check if Dziekanski was alive, Braidwood was dismissive. "I can place little reliance on the testimony of Cpl. Robinson that he constantly monitored Mr. Dziekanski's breathing until the firefighters arrived. Similarly, I find unpersuasive the testimony of Const. Rundel that . . . he knelt down near Mr. Dziekanski and heard him breathing and snoring. "I am satisfied that Mr. Dziekanski went into cardiac arrest first, then went unconscious, and finally showed signs of cyanosis, all within 75 seconds of being handcuffed." De Jong was prompt to appoint special prosecutor Richard Peck to look into possible criminal charges against the four Mounties. "There was misconduct here and that reflects badly [on the RCMP]," said de Jong. "The human dimension in this is staggering, that someone would be lost within an airport for hours, separated by a glass door forever from one of his loved ones." The stark images on the Pritchard film, of the police behaviour and a man's death, had enormous impact, said De Jong.
"Many people [not just in B.C.] remember where they were at the time the film was shown," he said. "We are welcoming and one of the friendliest countries in the world -- we didn't display it that day."
Is Stephen Harper trying to be a gestapo government [Englisch][Taschenbuch] Wallice Bellair (Autor) BOOK SUPPRESSED BY “HITLER” HARPER!
Chapter 1 – Part 3 What else are people saying about Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harper – “A controlled mass media”! As mentioned: Under some of the regimes, the mass media were under strict direct control and could be relied upon never to stray from the party line. Other regimes exercised more subtle power to ensure media orthodoxy. Methods included the control of licensing and access to resources. The leaders of the mass media were often politically compatible with the power elite. The result was usually success in keeping the general public unaware of the regimes’ excesses.1 And this surely is the case with Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harper! Here’s another Fascist Principle - A controlled mass media. As further cited: Lawrence Martin, iPolitics, December 2, 2011: “Central to right-wing nationalism is information control and it is one of this government’s major priorities. A vetting system of unprecedented scope requires all communications to be filtered through central command. Much is done to limit access to information in a government often criticized for its secrecy. Fifteen hundred communications officers are at work massaging the message to fit the governing agenda. Bureaucrats, including those at the Privy Council Office are pressured into becoming propagandists.”2 Nick Fillmore blog, A Different Point of View… January 11, 1012: “First of all, newspaper corporations strongly support and benefit from neoliberal policies. Second, it appears that all major media companies in the country, with the exception of The Toronto Star, are on the Harper bandwagon. Many of the dailies occasionally criticize Harper for one thing or another, but to allow any of their journalists to describe Harper’s neoliberal policies in full would enrage the vindictive Harper. It also would send an alert to a public that does not realize that many of the things they dislike about the Conservatives are part of a bigger bundle.”3 And, that is why the main newspapers / news media in Canada searched all the video tapes at the Vancouver, British Colombia, Canada airport to come up with the worst picture of the poor Polish immigrant, Robert Dziekanski, tasered to death within 30 seconds by the Royal Canadian Mounted Police:
And once again, thanks to the main newspapers / news media in Canada, it’s very clear they all searched the video tapes at the Vancouver, British Colombia, Canada airport to come up with the worst picture of this poor Polish immigrant:
SIMPLY SHOWS THERE’S NOTHING BUT “SCUM” RUNNING THE CANADIAN MAINSTREAM MEDIA!!! JUST TO SUPPORT THE RCMP CALLOUS MURDER OF THIS POOR IMMIGRANT TO CANADA!! Footnotes 1 - 3. Is Stephen Harper displaying fascist-like tendencies? Canadian Dimension, Canadian Politics, Economy and Foreign Policy, Web Exclusive, By Nick Fillmore, February 8th 2012
Chapter 1 – Part 4 What else are people saying about Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harper – “Rampant sexism”! And, as further reported: Beyond the simple fact that the political elite and the national culture were maledominated, these regimes inevitably viewed women as second-class citizens. They were adamantly anti-abortion and also homophobic. These attitudes were usually codified in Draconian laws that enjoyed strong support by the orthodox religion of the country. 1 Here’s another Fascist Principle - Rampant sexism. As further noted, you decide: Laura Wood,, January 24, 2011: “Harper dramatically cut the funding of what was Canada’s most important body for promoting gender equity, Status of Women Canada. Status of Women Canada provided advocacy, research and lobbying on behalf of women’s groups. The government closed 12 out of 16 regional offices of SWC and their operating budget was cut by 38 per cent. Changes were imposed to the criteria for funding for the Status of Women Canada’s Women’s Program that essentially barred advocacy and lobbying groups from receiving funding.” 2 Informal Feminism blog, February 27, 2011: “Another large change that Harper made was to cut the plans for a government funded daycare program. This is a program that had been in the works before Harper was elected to office, it allotted 5 billion dollars to fund a government run daycare program for Canadian families. Harper pulled this plan from the table and replaced it with a 2.6 billion dollar plan, which instead sends $100 dollars a month to Canadian families with children under six. This change in the plans was very dramatic and is another way that Harper’s conservative views are affecting women in Canada. By getting rid of the 5 billion dollar plan it makes it harder for women to return to the workforce full-time if that is what they want or need to do.”3 Is that why the female RCMP officers sexually abused and molested by some of the male RCMP officers, including some high up in the organization are not getting anywhere with their law suits?? As cited, “there’s been little said or done to date that should give the public confidence action will be taken to root out harassment in the RCMP. In fact, the response to the everwidening scandal has been deeply discouraging.”4 “Bob Paulson, the Mounties’ new Commissioner, has made stern-faced avowals to get to the heart of the matter and take a zero-tolerance approach to harassment going forward.
But anyone who has bullied or harassed (sexually or otherwise) a colleague up to now would appear to be off the hook.”5 On Friday, CBC’s the fifth estate revisited the case of RCMP Staff Sergeant Robert Blundell, who in 2001 admitted to “discreditable conduct,” in connection with allegations that he sexually harassed and assaulted two female officers in the late 1990s.6 “The program revealed how the two women – Krista Carle and Victoria Cliffe – were devastated when an internal hearing into the charges was brought to an unexpected conclusion. What happened? A high-ranking RCMP official intervened and got the accused to admit to certain facts that the two officers say grossly understated the actual offences.”7 In the end, the onetime undercover cop admitted to “touching the private areas” on top of the clothing of one of the women and grabbing the breast of the other. He was ordered to take counselling and was docked a day’s pay. Staff Sgt. Blundell was subsequently promoted and still works in the force.8 “There are a number of things about this case that should disturb us all.”9 “Firstly, the high-ranking Mountie who brokered the unusual and highly contentious Blundell plea deal was Peter German. (The accused had denied all charges against him at a previous hearing). Mr. German is a deputy commissioner of the RCMP and was a finalist for the commissioner’s job given to Mr. Paulson. He does not come out looking at all good in the fifth estate’s story and now he is a member of the senior management team pledging to clean this harassment mess up.”10 “The new Commissioner, Bob Paulson, meantime told the fifth estate that he considers the Blundell matter closed – permanently.”11 Author’s note: Way to go Paulson – leave a “sexual pervert” in the RCMP! Not only that – promote him! Paulson is nothing but a joke? And, it appears this article agrees? “That’s wrong. He should reopen the case immediately. Even based on the charges that Staff Sgt. Blundell agreed to – which, as mentioned, the female officers involved say vastly diminishes what happened – he should have been kicked out of the force. He still should be.”12 “But if the Blundell matter is considered spilled milk, what does that mean for previous incidents of harassment that may come to light in the future?”13
“How can the new Commissioner allow one person to go virtually unpunished – and, in fact, be promoted – and then come down hard on others whose past behaviour is found to be wanting as a result of various reviews and investigations now under way?”14 Author’s note: Not another “frigging” RCMP bully? Didn’t the RCMP have enough of that with the last “jack-ass” RCMP Commissioner, William Elliott? “There are some, including Darryl Davies, a criminology professor at Carleton University, who believe that Commissioner Paulson should temporarily step aside until bullying allegations levelled against him are cleared up.”15 “Those claims were made by Canadian diplomat Robert Fowler who wrote in Season in Hell that a senior Mountie – since identified as the new Commissioner – bullied Mr. Fowler’s wife while he was a 130-day captive of an al-Qaeda affiliate in West Africa.”16 Author’s note: What, what a “slug”! “This is a serious charge that should be investigated,” said Prof. Davies. “There were other people in the room when Mr. Paulson spoke to Fowler’s wife. What do they have to say about what happened? It shouldn’t be hard to find out.17 “We have a crippled and dysfunctional organization under attack for bullying and harassment in the system and now we have a commissioner who has a cloud over his head related to this very issue of bullying and it hasn’t been cleared up.”18 “This is a horrible situation that seems to get bigger by the day,” said the professor. “And it should go to a royal commission or public inquiry. That’s the only way you’ll get to the bottom of what is going on here.”19 “He’s right, of course. As it is, few officers are likely to pay a price for their role in potentially one of the worst scandals to ever hit the force.”20 Reader’s comments: Creef 5:02 AM on December 13, 2011 Uneducated, power-hungry ignoramuses who can commit crimes with impunity.
George Nikitin 12:23 PM on December 13, 2011 The RCMP murders with relative impunity (Robert Dziekanski, Ian Bush, etal.), so harassment, while still egregious, is somewhat lower on the list of issues that need addressing. Rusherman 12:14 AM on December 13, 2011 Old boys at the Old Boy Club. Nothing new but a bit of spun rhetoric for the masses. By the way does in not bother anybody but me that this organization with so many perverts found dealing with each other on the inside are the same people who carry guns and other weapons out in the public. That they are the law on the streets. If you want to worry about anyone worry about the citizens that come under their power on a daily basis. Bookgoalie 1:06 AM on December 13, 2011 What came out at me the most with the Fifth Estate piece was how Paulson is certainly not the right person to change the culture of the Mounties. He started out the tense and defensive interview by stating that overall his force has "a very good record" when dealing with these matters. Is he kidding? Also, what was being alledged was very serious criminal behaviour and Paulson spouts off some banality that the 1 day suspension was indeed a heavy hit for Blundell. Why? Because the discipline stopped him from becoming an inspector? Did I hear him right? If Blundell is as alleged, guilty of these acts, the guy belongs in jail, not simply prevented from being "promoted." How can any policeman in good conscience defend this? Statler Waldorf 5:42 AM on December 13, 2011 Paulson was the wrong choice. Another BC old boys club guy who will be in over his head in no time. Ken K1 1:12 AM on December 13, 2011 Wow, what a shock. It hasn't even taken a month for the new Chief to become one of the suspected wrongdoers that he is supposed to be rooting out of the force. They are trained to be bullies; what do you expect? And 26
how can anyone be surprised he is taking the stance that an old case is permanently closed - a case that sounds an awful like a criminal offence and not just sexual harassment. Can't you just feel the ranks closing? Paulson wants to get to the bottom of the problem but doesn't want to upset those in the ranks. That is simply a cover up. Andrea_W 11:39 PM on December 12, 2011 Cpl. Catherine Galliford, who was the RCMP spokeswoman on the Air India and Pickton investigations, said police could have obtained a search warrant for convicted serial killer Robert Pickton **YEARS before they arrested the B.C. pig farmer. R. Hebner 9:30 PM on December 12, 2011 For the uninitiated, Canadian Prime Minister Mr Harper changes Commissioners every time the seat gets a little too warm from too many issues. Footnotes 1 - 3. Is Stephen Harper displaying fascist-like tendencies? Canadian Dimension, Canadian Politics, Economy and Foreign Policy, Web Exclusive, By Nick Fillmore, February 8th 2012 4 - 20. Inaction in RCMP harassment scandal should bother us all By Gary Mason, Globe and Mail Published Monday, Dec. 12, 2011
Come on RCMP Commissioner Bob Paulson: Tell the truth for once [Englisch] [Taschenbuch] Wallice Bellair (Autor) BOOK SUPPRESSED BY “HITLER” HARPER!
Now the Royal Canadian Mounted Police are accused of Rape [Englisch] [Taschenbuch] Wallice Bellair (Autor) BOOK SUPPRESSED BY “HITLER” HARPER!
Chapter 1 – Part 5 What else are people saying about Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harper “Harper government’s tendency towards paranoia, secretiveness and bullying”? What else are people saying about Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harper? As cited: The PMO ‘enemies list’ is yet more evidence of the Stephen Harper government’s tendency towards paranoia, secretiveness and bullying.1 At the risk of being added to the Harper government’s recently discovered “enemies list,” let’s consider why the existence of such a document should give us all pause.2 Even former environment minister Peter Kent, a long-time Harper toady, was unsettled by the “juvenile” with-us-or-against-us frame . “That was the nomenclature used by [former U.S. president Richard] Nixon,” he said. “His political horizon was divided very starkly into friends and enemies. The use of the word ‘enemies list,’ for those of us of a certain generation, it evokes nothing less than thoughts of Nixon and Watergate.”3 The comparison to Nixon is unsettling. The disgraced former president was thought to view dissenters as adversaries to be destroyed rather than debated. The enemies list is just the latest piece of evidence that Prime Minister Stephen Harper has a tendency to think the same way.4 During a week in which Harper likely hoped for headlines about his government’s reinvigorated, fresh-faced new cabinet, the shuffle was instead overshadowed by yet more evidence of some of the very political vulnerabilities it was meant to address : the government’s paranoia, secretiveness and bullying. Those qualities have often served the government well politically. But the fact that Harper was unable to suppress them even when it would have been politically expedient to do so suggests just how deep-seated they are. 5 As cited: A fascio is a bunch or bundle. When applied to persons the word can best be translated as a band or gang. Comparisons with the Nixon administration and Watergate are being raised following revelations the Harper government ordered “enemy” lists compiled in advance of this week’s cabinet shuffle.6
Continuing: The Prime Minister’s Office sent an email to Conservative ministerial aides on July 4 asking to develop lists of troublesome bureaucrats as well as “friend and enemy stakeholders” for incoming ministers and their staff.7 The PMO has refused to comment on the controversy, which erupted after emails outlining the order were leaked to media outlets in Ottawa by an unidentified source on Monday, the same day as the federal cabinet shuffle.8
Reader’s Comments: Letter to the Editor posted July 9, 2013 Dear Editor, The benefit of doubt is exhausted in Stephen Harper’s story that his former chief of staff acted alone when paying Mike Duffy’s expense claims. It’s a story that is simply unbelievable. The RCMP have confirmed three others in the PMO new of the schemes as well as the Conservative Party, which Stephen Harper is the leader of. But as of Saturday, July 6, 2013 Harper repeats the unbelievable. It reminds me of President Richard Nixon’s statement, “I am not a crook.” No amount of cabinet shuffling by Stephen Harper, is going to deliver to Canada a better, responsible, progressive, honest government. It certainly won’t disappear the Duffy / Wright scandal that surround Harper. A government that has the best interest of Canadians at heart is not what Harper and his comrades are all about. CM Parry Sound-Muskoa NDP Riding Association
Footnotes 1 – 5. Stephen Harper’s ‘enemies list’ a reason to worry: Editorial, The Star, Opinion / Editorials, Published on Thu Jul 18 2013 6 – 8. Richard Nixon, Watergate cited as anger erupts over Stephen Harper government’s ‘enemy’ list By Lee Berthiaume, Postmedia News July 16, 2013
If you like to LIE: The Canadian Government WANTS YOU [Englisch] [Taschenbuch] Wallice Bellair (Autor) BOOK SUPPRESSED BY “HITLER” HARPER!
Chapter 1 – Part 6 Once you control the courts you control everything – Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harper has appointed all the Federal Court Judges to make sure no one questions his illegals activities? “Hitler” Harper has appointed all of these Federal Court Judges: Chief Justice Paul Crampton - Lawyer at Osler, Hoskin & Harcourt LLP Russel Zinn - Lawyer at Ogilvy Renault LLP Richard Boivin - Associate Senior Counsel with Aboriginal Affairs Marie-Josée Bédard - Vice Chair of the Public Service Labour Board André F.J. Scott - Chair of the Canadian International Trade Tribunal Donald J. Rennie - Assistant Deputy Attorney General (Litigation) Mary J.L. Gleason - Lawyer at Ogilvy Renault LLP Jocelyne Gagné - Lawyer at Lavery, de Billy LLP Catherine Kane - Department of Justice Senior General Counsel Leonard S. Mandamin - Provincial Court of Alberta Michael Manson - Lawyer at Smart & Biggar LLP Yvan Roy - Deputy Secretary to the Cabinet Cecily Strickland - Lawyer at Stewart McKelvey LLP Peter Annis - Ontario Superior Court of Justice Glennys L. McVeigh - Senior Counsel at Public Prosecutions Apparently to solidify power, has “Hitler” Harper appointed all the Federal Court Judges so he can do as he pleases without retribution from The courts! Let’s look at this case: Terry Mallenby took on some slimy bastards and won!
Staff Sgt John Thomas Randle was the original RCMP LIAR who said the husband was an unwilling witness at the 1976 Squamish, British Columbia, Canada inquest!
As can be seen in text, Terry Mallenby has the original Coroner Inquest report sent to him by the Coroner’s office clearly indicating he was not an unwilling witness!! In fact, the Coroner apologized to Terry Mallenby for listening to the Police lies that he was an “unwilling witness”!
Staff Sgt John Thomas Randle was the RCMP “arse hole” who wrote a letter in 1979 saying the husband was a murderer! And to prove that Staff Sgt John Thomas Randle was not only a LIAR but a big,
fat “arse hole” – Terry Mallenby used Randle’s big fat lies to successfully sue the Queen of England, the Canada Government, the Royal Canadian Mounted Police and that “f--- up” RCMP Staff Sgt John Thomas Randle!! Terry Mallenby also used RCMP John Thomas Randle’s lies to be approved for a PTSD [Post-Tramatic Stress Disorder] pension, which he has received since he was age 28! Why then did “Hitler” Harper and “shite head” Paulson upload these 40 year old RCMP lies to Sergey Brin’s and web sites?? What good is successfully suing in the Federal Court of Canada if the Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harper [“Hitler” Harper] doesn’t honor the Federal Court Judgment favor in Terry Mallenby’s suit?? What good is successfully suing in the Federal Court of Canada if the RCMP Commissioner Robert Paulson doesn’t honor the Federal Court Judgment favor in Terry Mallenby’s suit?? What will these Federal Court Judges do about these illegal acts by Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harper? What will these Federal Court Judges do about these illegal acts by RCMP Commissioner Robert Paulson?
The author sent a personal and confidential copy for Justices Zinn, Rennie & Mandamin! Will Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harper prevent Federal Court Judges Zinn, Rennie & Mandamin from receiving a copy of this book???
PERSONAL & CONFIDENTIAL The Honourable Russel W. Zinn, Judge The Hon. Donald J. Rennie, Judge The Honourable Leonard S. Mandamin Federal Court of Canada, 90 Elgin St. Ottawa, Ontario K1A 0H9
[email protected],
[email protected],
[email protected],
[email protected],
[email protected],
[email protected],
[email protected],
Chapter 1 – Part 7 What will Federal Court Chief Justice Paul Crampton do about these illegal acts by Harper & Paulson?
As cited:
In looking on the internet, one finds a reference to Federal Court Chief Justice Paul Crampton: Biographies - The Honourable Paul S. Crampton - Federal Court ... cf en/Crampton Aug 23, 2012 - Paul S. Crampton was appointed Chief Justice of the Federal Court on December 15, 2011. However, when one tries that web link, Google can’t display the site:
Has Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harper blocked this information about his Chief Justice? In any event, the author found information elsewhere instead of Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harper’s government web sites: The Honourable Paul Crampton received a Bachelor of Arts (Philosophy) from l’Université du Québec in 1981. He received a combined Bachelor of Laws and Masters of Business Administration from the University of Ottawa in 1985 and a Masters of Law from the University of Toronto in 1987. Prior to his appointment, he was a partner at Osler, Hoskin and Harcourt LLP (2004-2009). He was a partner at Davies, Ward, Phillips and Vineberg (1992-2002) and an associate with Stikeman Elliott (1991-1992). 35
Chapter 1 – Part 8 What good is suing in the Federal Court of Canada, if Canadian Prime Minister Stephen “Hitler” Harper and that other “jack-ass” RCMP Commissioner Robert Paulson ignores your judgement against them and they upload their 40 year old RCMP lies to Sergey Brin’s and web sites?? Will any of these folks help Federal Court Chief Justice Paul Crampton to get Canadian Prime Minister to remove the 40 year old RCMP lies about Terry Mallenby from Sergey Brin’s and web sites? You are all cited in this new book, can you assist? This is doubly true when Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harper flaunts the law and keeps these 40 year old RCMP lies about Terry Mallenby from Sergey Brin’s and web sites? Osler, Hoskin & Harcourt LLP Suite 1900 340 Albert Street Ottawa ON K1R 7Y6 Tel: 613.235.7234 Fax: 613.235.2867 Jessica Harding Associate, Litigation
[email protected] 514.904.8128 James Hassell Partner, Employment & Labour
[email protected] 416.862.6623 Guy Savard C.M., FCA., Dr., h.c. Special Advisor
[email protected] 514.904.8161
Carey O’Connor Associate, Litigation
[email protected] 416.862.4869 Dov Begun Partner, Taxation
[email protected] 416.862.6571 Michel Benoit Partner, Pensions & Benefits
[email protected] 514.904.8110 Davies Ward Phillips & Vineberg LLP 900 Third Avenue 24th Floor New York, NY U.S.A. 10022 Telephone: 212.588.5500 Fax: 212.308.0132 Paul Watkins Partner 212.588.5547
[email protected] Michael Disney Partner 416.863.5540
[email protected] Michael D. Vineberg Partner 514.841.6434
[email protected] George J. Pollack Partner 514.841.6420
[email protected]
Justin D. Vineberg Partner 514.841.6533
[email protected] Sarah V. Powell Partner 416.367.6931
[email protected] Andrea L. Burke Partner 416.367.6908
[email protected] Cara Cameron Partner 514.841.6521
[email protected] Pierre-Luc Cloutier Associate 514.841.6530
[email protected] Robert S. Vineberg Partner 514.841.6444
[email protected] Stikeman Elliott 4300 Bankers Hall West 888 - 3rd Street S.W. Calgary, AB T2P 5C5 Telephone: (403) 266-9000 Fax: (403) 266-9034 Managing Partner Bradley B. Grant (403) 266-9008
[email protected] Media Contact Patricia McLaren (403) 266-9023
[email protected]
Susan Arnison Executive Director (403) 266-9035
[email protected] Andrea Boyle Human Resources Manager (403) 508-9265
[email protected] Patricia McLaren Director of Business Development (403) 266-9023
[email protected] Brandon Mewhort Associate (403) 266-9070
[email protected] Michael Mestinsek Partner (403) 266-9078
[email protected] Robert Kiesman Associate (604) 631-1474
[email protected] W. Chipman Johnston Partner (403) 266-9020
[email protected] Scott Perrin Partner (604) 631-1310
[email protected] Greg Plater Partner (403) 266-9051
[email protected] Paula J. Price 39
Associate (604) 631-1351
[email protected] Aniko Pelland Associate (514) 397-6456
[email protected]
Chapter 1 – Part 9 What will these other Federal Court Judges do about these illegal acts by Harper & Paulson? The Honourable Russel W. Zinn Justice Zinn was born in Oxford County, Ontario. He was educated at Carleton University (B.A. 1973 and M.A. (Philosophy) 1976) and the University of Ottawa (LL.B. 1979). Following his call to the Ontario Bar in 1981, he became an Associate and later a Partner with Gowling & Henderson in Ottawa (1981-1993). He joined Ogilvy Renault LLP as a Partner and in 2006 was appointed a Senior Partner (2001-2008). Justice Zinn’s legal practice focused on human rights, labour and employment, access and privacy law issues. He is the author of The Law of Human Rights in Canada: Practice and Procedure (Canada Law Book, 1996). Norton Rose Fulbright Canada LLP Suite 1500, 45 O'Connor Street Ottawa, Ontario, K1P 1A4 T: 613.780.8653 F: 613.230.5459
[email protected] Ogilvy Renault LLP will officially become part of the Norton Rose Group Charles E. Hurdon Managing Partner, Ottawa Office
[email protected] Paul Amirault, Partner
[email protected] Sally A. Gomery, Partner
[email protected] Geoffrey G. Gilbert, Partner
[email protected]
Karen Jensen, Partner
[email protected] Norman B. Lieff, Senior Partner
[email protected] The Honourable Richard Boivin Born in 1964 in Montréal, Québec. Educated at Collège de Montréal, Université de Montréal Min. Hist. (1985), University of Ottawa LL.L. (1988), B.A. (1990), LL.M. (1995) and University of London LL.M. (1991) (King’s College). The Honourable Marie-Josée Bédard Born in Montreal, Justice Bédard studied at the University of Ottawa where she obtained a bachelor’s degree in administration in 1989 and a degree in civil law in 1992. She practiced with the firm Bédard, Saucier in employment law, administrative law and municipal law. The Honourable André F.J. Scott Born in Ottawa, Ontario. Education at the University of Ottawa: BA (1972), LL.L (1975), LL.M. (1980) in business law. Lecturer at the Faculty of civil law of the University of Ottawa. The Honourable Donald J. Rennie Mr. Justice Rennie received a Bachelor of Arts (B.A.) from the University of Guelph in 1975 and a Bachelor of Laws (LL.B.) from Dalhousie University in 1978. Over the course of his 29 years of practice he appeared as counsel for the Attorney General of Canada in many complex cases involving the Charter of Rights and Freedoms, administrative, tort and constitutional law. He is the author of numerous legal articles, most recently “Application of the Charter of Rights” in the 2009 Supreme Court Law Review.
The Honourable Mary J.L. Gleason Justice Gleason was born in Regina, Saskatchewan. She obtained a B.A.(Honours) in History from the University of Ottawa in 1981 and an Bachelor of Laws (LL.B.) from Dalhousie University in 1984. She was a senior partner with Norton Rose, LLP (formerly Ogilvy Renault, LLP) and practiced labour and employment law in Ottawa with that firm for nearly 26 years. She was a founding member of CACE, its first (and to date only) female President [the Canadian Association of Counsel to Employers]. Norton Rose Fulbright Canada LLP Suite 3700, 400 3rd Avenue SW Calgary, Alberta T2P 4H2 T: 403 267 8222 F: 403 264 5973
[email protected] Ogilvy Renault LLP will officially become part of the Norton Rose Group Jack MacGillivray Managing Partner, Calgary Office, Senior Partner
[email protected] Marcus W. Archer, Partner
[email protected] Lori M. Bevan, Partner
[email protected] Kevin E. Barr, Partner
[email protected] Kathleen Cowick, Partner
[email protected] Richard P. Borden, Senior Partner
[email protected]
The Honourable Jocelyne Gagné Born in Kingston, Ontario. He studied economics at the University of Quebec at Montréal and in 1989 received a Bachelor of Laws from the University of Montréal. She practised civil and commercial litigation with Desjardins Ducharme until joining Lavery, deBilly in 2007. Lavery, de Billy Suite 1810 360 Albert Street Ottawa ON K1R 7X7 Telephone: 613 594-4936 Fax: 613 594-8783 Michael Beeson
[email protected] André Champagne
[email protected] Victoria Cohene
[email protected] Nicolas Gagnon
[email protected] Éric Gélinas
[email protected] The Honourable Catherine M. Kane Born in Ottawa, Ontario. Educated at Saint Patrick’s College (BA 1977) and the University of Ottawa (LLB 1980). The Honourable Leonard S. Mandamin Born in 1944, an Anishnawbe member of the Wikwemikong Unceded Indian Reserve on Manitoulin Island, Ontario. Educated at University of Waterloo (B.A.Sc. - Electrical Engineering 1971), University of Alberta (LL.B. 1982). 44
Faculty Co-ordinator for Aboriginal Justice Seminars at the Banff School of Management and Adjunct Professor at the University of Alberta School of Native Studies. President of the Canadian Native Friendship Centre in Edmonton, Alberta (1990). The Honourable Michael D. Manson Born February 17, 1955, in Vancouver, British Columbia. Educated at McGill University (BSc. 1976; Dip.Ed. 1978) and University of British Columbia (L.L.B. 1982). Associate and Partner at Smart & Biggar (1984-2012); Adjunct Professor of the University of Victoria (1996-2012). Smart & Biggar/Fetherstonhaugh 2300-1055 West Georgia Street Vancouver BC V6E 3P3 T. 604.682.7780 F. 604.682.0274
[email protected] Timothy P. Lo, Partner
[email protected] Neil S. Clark, Partner
[email protected] Stephen J. Ferance, Partner
[email protected] John W. Knox, Partner
[email protected] J. Christopher Robinson, Partner
[email protected] Theodore W. Sum, Partner
[email protected]
The Honourable Glennys L. McVeigh She attended the University of Saskatchewan, College of Arts, and completed a bachelor of laws in 1992. From 1992 to 1998, she was an associate with Jamieson Bains in Saskatoon, where she practised in civil and criminal litigation. She was a part-time lecturer at the University of Saskatchewan Law School from 2009 to 2010. Jamieson Bains Po Box 4047 Stn Main Saskatoon, SK S7K 3T1 T: 306-653-5410 F: 306-652-3031 Pamela J. Haidenger-Bains
[email protected]
What will these Federal Court Judges do about these illegal acts by Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harper?
What will these Federal Court Judges do about these illegal acts by RCMP Commissioner Robert Paulson? Nothing as usual because they are in Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harper’s “back-pocket” since he appointed all of them??
Chapter 1 – Part 10 Once you control the courts you control everything – Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harper has appointed 6 of the 9 justices to the Supreme Court of Canada to make sure no one questions his illegals activities? Marshall Rothstein (March 1, 2006 – present) Thomas Cromwell (September 5, 2008 – present) Andromache Karakatsanis (2011–present) Michael Moldaver (2011–present) Richard Wagner (2012–present) What will these Supreme Court Justices do about this illegal activity? The Right Honourable Beverley McLachlin, P.C., Chief Justice of Canada Supreme Court of Canada 301 Wellington Street Ottawa, Ontario K1A 0J1 Copy already sent to the Supreme Court Justices at:
[email protected],
[email protected],
[email protected] What will the Canadian Supreme Court Justice Beverley McLachlin do about this illegal activity by Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harper and RCMP Commissioner Robert Paulson? Another question – what does the P.C. stand for after Beverley McLachlin name? Usually P.C. stands for professional corporation after a lawyers name? However, does the P.C. stand for a Progressive Conservative which is Harper’s party? And, as such, how can Chief Justice McLachlin be impartial if she has labeled herself a Progressive Conservative, with the corresponding affiliations to Harper??
Chapter 1 – Part 11 What will the Supreme Court Justice Beverley McLachlin do about the illegal activity by Stephen Harper? Who are these Supreme Court of Canada Judges, and can these people help them get Canadian Prime Minister to remove the 40 year old RCMP lies about Terry Mallenby from Sergey Brin’s and web sites? This is doubly true when Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harper flaunts the law and keeps these 40 year old RCMP lies about Terry Mallenby from Sergey Brin’s and web sites? Here’s some information about these Supreme Court of Canada Judges: Marshall Rothstein (March 1, 2006 – present) Born in Winnipeg, Manitoba to Jewish parents who immigrated from Eastern Europe, he received a Bachelor of Commerce in 1962 and an LL.B. in 1966 from the University of Manitoba. Dr. Lorna Turnbull, Dean Room 301A, Faculty of Law, University of Manitoba Winnipeg, Canada, R3T 2N2 tel: 204.474.9282 fax: 204.474.7580 email:
[email protected] Andromache Karakatsanis (2011–present) Justice Karakatsanis was born in Canada to Greek parents, and raised with an emphasis on her Greek heritage. She grew up near the Don Mills Rd. and Lawrence Ave. area of Toronto, where her parents owned a restaurant called Top of the Mall which was where Karakatsanis got her start as a waitress serving souvlaki. She attended Victoria College at the University of Toronto, graduating with a B.A. in English literature in 1977. She then received her legal training at York University's Osgoode Hall Law School, receiving her LL.B. in 1980. Lorne Sossin LLB, Dean of Law, York University Osgoode Hall Law School, Room 2026 48
4700 Keele Street, Toronto, Ontario M3J 1P3 Tel: 416-736-5199 E-mail:
[email protected] Michael Moldaver (2011–present) A native of Peterborough, Ontario, Justice Moldaver earned a B.A. from the University of Toronto, before completing his legal training at the school's Faculty of Law, where he graduated in 1971. While in practice, he specialized in criminal law. Professor Mayo Moran Dean of the Faculty of Law University of Toronto Falconer Hall 84 Queen's Park Toronto, Ontario M5S 2C5 Tel.: 416-978-3718 Email:
[email protected] Richard Wagner (2012–present) Wagner was born in Montreal. He studied at the Collège Jean-de-Brébeuf in Montreal before receiving his Bachelor of Social Sciences in Political Science from the University of Ottawa in 1978. He received his LL.L from the same institution in 1979. Nathalie Des Rosiers, Dean of the Faculty of Law, Common Law section University of Ottawa 57 rue Louis Pasteur, Pièce 122 Ottawa, Ontario K1N 6N5 (613) 562-5800 poste 5927
[email protected] Thomas Cromwell (September 5, 2008 – present) Cromwell was born in Kingston, Ontario, remaining there to attend Queen's University where he earned a Bachelor of Music degree in 1973 and a law degree in 1976.
He then earned a Bachelor of Civil Law degree from the University of Oxford in 1977. He also earned an ARCT Diploma from the Royal Conservatory of Music in 1974. Dr. William F. Flanagan, Dean and Professor of Law J.D. Toronto, D.E.A. (Paris I), LL.M. (Columbia Univ.) Faculty of Law, Queen's University Kingston, Ontario K7L 3N6 tel: (613) 533-6000, ext. 74285 fax: 613-533-6509 e-mail:
[email protected] Timothy Endicott Dean of the Faculty of Law University of Oxford University Offices Wellington Square Oxford OX1 2JD United Kingdom Telephone: +44 1865 270000 Fax: +44 1865 270708 Dapo Akande Human Rights
[email protected] Andrew Ashworth Q.C. Honoris causa
[email protected] Roderick Bagshaw Constitutional Law
[email protected] Nicholas Bamforth Hauser Global Research Fellow
[email protected] Nick Barber Constitutional Law
[email protected] Iris Benöhr Human Rights 50
[email protected] Eirik Bjorge Research Fellow at Jesus College
[email protected] Alan Bogg Canadian Journal of Employment
[email protected] Mary Bosworth Centre for Criminology
[email protected] Ben Bradford Centre for Criminology
[email protected] Adrian Briggs Conflict of Laws
[email protected]
Andrew Burrows Tort, Remedies
[email protected] Hugh Collins Human Rights Law
[email protected] Rachel Condry Centre for Criminology
[email protected] Cathryn Costello Human Rights Law
[email protected] Paul Craig Human Rights Law
[email protected] Anne Davies Human Rights Law
[email protected] 51
Andrew Dickinson Conflict of Laws
[email protected] Julie Dickson Jurisprudence
[email protected] Janina Dill International Humanitarian Law
[email protected] Sionaidh Douglas-Scott Human Rights Law
[email protected] Nancy Eisenhauer Public International Law
[email protected] Richard Ekins Human Rights Law
[email protected] Charles Foster Law and Ethics
[email protected] Sandra Fredman Oxford Human Rights
[email protected] Denis Galligan Socio-Legal Studies
[email protected] John Gardner Jurisprudence
[email protected] Nazila Ghanea Oxford Human Rights
[email protected] Gilles Giacca 52
Human Rights
[email protected] Guy S. Goodwin Gill Human Rights Law
[email protected] Les Green Philosophy of Law
[email protected] Laura Hoyano University of Alberta
[email protected] Carolyn Hoyle Criminal Justice
[email protected] Miles Jackson Human Rights Law
[email protected] Aileen Kavanagh Human Rights Law
[email protected] Dori Kimel Moral & Political Philosophy
[email protected] Jaakko Kuosmanen Human Right for Future Generations
[email protected] Marina Kurkchiyan Socio-Legal Studies
[email protected] Maris Köpcke Tinturé Philosophy of Law
[email protected]
Beverley McLachlin, P.C., Chief Justice of Canada McLachlin was born Beverley Gietz in Pincher Creek, Alberta. She received a B.A. and an M.A. in philosophy and an LL.B. degree from the University of Alberta. From 1974 to 1981, she was an Associate Professor and Professor with tenure at the University of British Columbia. She is a Member of the Queen's Privy Council for Canada. On 15 December 2006 she was appointed Commander of the Venerable Order of Saint John. Philip Bryden, BA, BA, BCL, LLM Dean, Room 487 Law Centre Faculty of Law, University of Alberta 111 - 89 Ave, Edmonton, AB, T6G 2H5 Phone: (780) 492-5590
[email protected] John Law, BA, LLB, LLM Vice-Dean, Room 489 Law Centre Faculty of Law, University of Alberta 111 - 89 Ave, Edmonton, AB, T6G 2H5 Phone: (780) 492-2151
[email protected] Mary Anne Bobinski, Dean of Law Faculty of Law, University of British Columbia Allard Hall, room 263 1822 East Mall, Vancouver, BC Canada V6T 1Z1 Tel: 604.822.2818 Fax: 604.822.9322 E-mail:
[email protected] What will these Canadian Supreme Court Judges do about this illegal activity by Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harper and RCMP Commissioner Robert Paulson? Nothing as usual because they are in Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harper’s “back-pocket” since he appointed all of them??
Maybe these folks will help the Supreme Court Justice of Canada get Canadian Prime Minister to remove the 40 year old RCMP lies about Terry Mallenby from Sergey Brin’s and web sites? This is doubly true when Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harper flaunts the law and keeps these 40 year old RCMP lies about Terry Mallenby from Sergey Brin’s and web sites?
Justin Trudeau MP, Liberal 529 Jarry Street East Suite 302 Montréal, Québec H2P 1V4 Telephone:514-277-6020 Fax:514-277-3454 E-Mail:
[email protected] Hon. Gerry Byrne, MP, Liberal 14 Main Street, 2nd Floor (Main Office) Corner Brook, Newfoundland A2H 1B9 Telephone: 709-637-4540 Fax: 709-637-4537 EMail:
[email protected] Sean Casey MP, Liberal 75 Fitzroy Street, Suite 201 Charlottetown, P.E.I. C1A 1R6 Phone number: 1-902-566-7770 Fax number: 1-902-566-7780 Email:
[email protected] Hon. Judy Sgro, MP, Liberal 2201 Finch Avenue West, Suite 25 Toronto, Ontario M9M 2Y9 Telephone: 613-992-7774 Fax: 613-947-8319 EMail:
[email protected] John Rafferty, MP, NDP 409 George Street (Main Office) Thunder Bay, Ontario P7E 5Y9 Telephone: 613-992-3061 Fax: 613-995-3515 EMail:
[email protected]
Chapter 1 – Part 12 Did Millionaire Justin Trudeau bilk senior charity out of $20,000? Justin Trudeau has a Bachelor of Arts degree from McGill University, and A Bachelor of Education degree from the University of British Columbia. He was born on December 25, 1971, the eldest son of the late former Prime Minister Pierre Elliott Trudeau and Margaret Sinclair Trudeau Kemper. Terry Mallenby has a BSW from McGill University and a BA, and MA from Simon Fraser University in British Columbia. Justin Trudeau says we need a new leadership for Canada! Justin Trudeau says “I love this country and I want to serve it. I am Running because I believe Canada wants and needs new leadership. The Conservative government is taking this country in a direction most Canadians don’t want it to go. We need a vision for our future grounded not in the politics of envy or mistrust!” Justin Trudeau says “in the coming months, I will be traveling the country Talking with Canadians about the challenges, concerns and issues that affect us all. As part of this process, I intend to share my views about what I’m hearing and how I think we can overcome these challenges together. I hope to generate positive, open and constructive debate. This message has already been sent to Justin Trudeau without reply? A message to Justin Trudeau, Leader of the Liberal Party, as the Possible new Prime Minister of Canada, what will you do about these illegal acts by Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harper and RCMP Commissioner Robert Paulson?
The question has already sent to Justin Trudeau and his Liberal Party members in Parliament and others without reply:
Justin Trudeau MP, Liberal 529 Jarry Street East Suite 302 Montréal, Québec H2P 1V4 Telephone:514-277-6020 Fax:514-277-3454 E-Mail:
[email protected] Hon. Gerry Byrne, MP, Liberal 14 Main Street, 2nd Floor (Main Office) Corner Brook, Newfoundland A2H 1B9 Telephone: 709-637-4540 Fax: 709-637-4537 EMail:
[email protected] Sean Casey MP, Liberal 75 Fitzroy Street, Suite 201 Charlottetown, P.E.I. C1A 1R6 Phone number: 1-902-566-7770 Fax number: 1-902-566-7780 Email:
[email protected] Hon. Judy Sgro, MP, Liberal 2201 Finch Avenue West, Suite 25 Toronto, Ontario M9M 2Y9 Telephone: 613-992-7774 Fax: 613-947-8319 EMail:
[email protected] Trudeau Centre for Peace, Conflict and Justice Munk School of Global Affairs Univresity of Toronto, 1 Devonshire Place Toronto, Ontario, M5S 3K7 T 416-946-0326 F 416-946-8915 E
[email protected] Michelle Adelman Fellow, Fellowships in Global Journalism
[email protected]
Emanuel Adler Professor, Department of Political Science
[email protected] Alan S. Alexandroff Director of Online Research and the Global Summitry Project
[email protected] Robert Austin Senior Lecturer Centre for European, Russian and Eurasian Studies
[email protected] Jacques Bertrand Core Faculty Member, Department of Political Science
[email protected] Ritu Birla Director, Professor, Department of History
[email protected] Robert Bothwell Professor International Relations Program
[email protected] Evelyn Boychuk Fellowships in Global Journalism
[email protected] Allison Bramwell Research Fellow University of North Carolina Greensboro
[email protected] Dan Breznitz Munk Chair of Innovation Studies
[email protected] [email protected] Elspeth Brown Department of History
[email protected]
Rachel Browne Fellowships in Global Journalism
[email protected] Caryl Clark Co-Chair The Humanitites Initiative
[email protected] Jeffrey Crelinsten Senior Research Fellow
[email protected] Jordan Fletcher Fellowships in Global Journalism
[email protected] Harriet Friedmann Munk School of Global Affairs
[email protected] Scott Gilmore Senior Fellow
[email protected] Julie Gilmour International Relations Program
[email protected] Peter Hajnal Research Associate
[email protected] Randall Hansen Director Centre for European, Russian and Eurasian Studies
[email protected] Gerry Helleiner Distinguished Research Fellow
[email protected] Deanna Horton Visiting Senior Fellow
[email protected]
Arne Kislenko International Relations Program
[email protected] Edith Klein Centre for European, Russian and Eurasian Studies
[email protected] Teresa Kramarz Director
[email protected] Margaret McKone Executive Director
[email protected] David McGuinty, MP, Liberal 1883 Bank Street , Unit A (Main Office) Ottawa, Ontario K1V 7Z9 Telephone: 613-990-8640 Fax: 613-990-2592 EMail:
[email protected] Niki Ashton, MP, NDP 307-83 Churchill Drive (Main Office) Thompson, Manitoba R8N 0L4 Telephone: 204-677-1333 Fax: 204-677-1339 EMail:
[email protected] Greg Kerr, MP, PC 14373 Highway 1 Wilmot Station, Nova Scotia B0P 1W0 Telephone: 902-825-2320 Fax: 902-825-3785 EMail:
[email protected] George Abbott, MLA, Liberal BC Government Legislative Assembly of BC Room 018, Parliament Buildings Victoria, BC V8V 1X4
Hon. Bill Bennett, MLA, Liberal BC Government Legislative Assembly of BC Room 018, Parliament Buildings Victoria, BC V8V 1X4 Shaun Govender, Executive Director Liberal Party Headquarters 460 – 580 Hornby Street Vancouver, BC V6C 3B6
[email protected] Nadya Wilkinson Liberalist - Liberal Party of Canada Liberal Party Headquarters 460 – 580 Hornby Street Vancouver, BC V6C 3B6
[email protected] Justin Trudeau, MP, Liberal Liberal Party Headquarters 460 – 580 Hornby Street Vancouver, B.C. V6C 3B6 BC Office : 1-888-411-6511 Fax: (613) 235-7208 E-Mail:
[email protected]
Will Justin Trudeau get Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harper to remove the illegal 40 year old RCMP lies about Terry Mallenby from Sergey Brin’s and web sites?
Or, is Justin Trudeau just spouting a lot of “hot air”?? How would Justin Trudeau like to answer as the new Prime Minister of Canada, what will you do about these illegal acts by Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harper and RCMP Commissioner Robert Paulson – in your positive, open and constructive run for government? Justin Trudeau may be full of “hot air” when this is revealed about him? As cited: “Justin Trudeau repays expenses claimed for private trips” By Leslie MacKinnon, CBC News Posted: Jan 16, 2014
Hello Trudeau, you can’t tell the difference between our money (taxpayer’s money) and your money?? And then you lie about it? NDP Leader Tom Mulcair, speaking to reporters outside the NDP caucus room in the House of Commons, pointed out that in June Trudeau had denied spending parliamentary resources while conducting his speaking engagements. "Frankly, I think he's stolen a page from Stephen Harper's playbook — deny, deny, deny — until you get caught and then you apologize," Mulcair said.
And, according to Glen McGregor, Justin Trudeau admits that he ‘won the lottery’ with $1.2 million inheritance! So, Justin Trudeau is a millionaire and he can’t apparently tell the difference between your money as a tax payer and the million dollars he has squirreled away?? Liberal Leader Justin Trudeau has disclosed that he wrongly claimed $840 in expenses that were unrelated to his duties as an MP. Makes you wonder about the guy? What’s going to happen when he becomes Prime Minister and he has unlimited access to your money?? And here’s more about Justin Trudeau! As cited by Doug Hempstead in the Ottawa Sun: Former Ottawa police chief Senator Vern White says people shouldn’t brag about breaking the law. That’s his perception of comments this week by federal Liberal leader, Justin Trudeau. “It is immature for him to be bragging — and that’s what I think he is doing — about breaking a criminal law,” White said, via Skype. Trudeau admitted to having taken a puff off a joint, while at a barbecue. At the time, he was already an elected MP. White said that distinction is significant. “If he had been talking about mistakes, or even something he had done previous to his being elected to Canadian parliament, then I would see this as an error in judgment but this is something else,” said White. “What a terrible message to send to our youth. He is the leader of the Liberal party and an elected representative and I expect more from those who serve this country in this capacity.” As further cited: “Justin Trudeau admits smoking marijuana as MP” By Joanna Smith, Ottawa Bureau reporter, Published on Thu Aug 22 2013 “We had a few good friends over for a dinner party, our kids were at their grandmother’s 63
for the night, and one of our friends lit a joint and passed it around. I had a puff,” Trudeau said. His political rivals disagreed. “By flouting the laws of Canada while holding elected office, he shows he is a poor example for all Canadians, particularly young ones. Justin Trudeau is simply not the kind of leader our country needs,” Justice Minister Peter MacKay said in a statement Thursday. Reader’s Comment: After Justin Trudeau admits smoking marijuana as an MP, Peter MacKay quickly and publicly denounces him. This is interesting coming from a minister who used a military helicopter as his personal taxi at a cost of $32,000 to taxpayers. This is the same minister who, while working on the F-35 project, put the decimal in the wrong place at a cost of $10 billion. Trudeau's judgment may have been clouded by smoking pot. What's MacKay's excuse? JOHN ALKSNIS Winnipeg However Dave Breakenridge of the Calgary Sun, apparently gave an account of Justin Trudeau as being a “two-faced” freak in his article entitled “Justin Trudeau, police chiefs offering hypocrisy and half-measures on pot”! Justin Trudeau recently came out in favour of legalization of marijuana in this country, then went further, saying he has smoked weed while an MP. But I hope those who were fawning over his admission actually take a look at his public record on pot. He has been cool to legalization, according to a recent editorial: “He has said legalization would likely increase marijuana consumption, which is ‘not great for your health’ and ‘disconnects you a little bit from the world,’ adding, ‘I don’t know that it’s entirely consistent with the kind of society we’re trying to build.’” In 2010, he even spoke out against decriminalization: “I lived in Whistler for years and have seen the effects,” Trudeau told Maclean’s. “We need all our brain cells to deal with our problems.”
And here’s more about Justin Trudeau! As cited: “Justin Trudeau defends poor Commons attendance record” Lee Berthiaume, Postmedia News, December 10, 2013 Liberal Leader Justin Trudeau is making no apologies for appearing in the House of Commons only two days per week during this fall’s session of Parliament. Wow, I’m sure other hard working people would enjoy a job where you can skip out three days of the work week – each and every week like Justin Trudeau apparently does?? And here’s more about Justin Trudeau! “Trudeau admits he was wrong charging charity $20,000 for speech” June 16, 2013 — BC Blue Liberal leader Justin Trudeau tried his best to keep the unethical cash that a seniors charity had asked for back after he proved to be a fund-raising bust! Trudeau went on CTV today trying to justify his immoral behaviour by lamely calling himself a professional “environmental educational advocate”? Between 2006 and 2009, he made $1.3 million through the speaking events — more than the value of the stocks and bonds he inherited from his father. What is this Millionaire “arse hole”charging these benevolent organizations fees? Here’s a partial list of his exorbitant fees: May 3, 2006 – Elementary Teachers Federation of Ontario. $10,000 May 10, 2006 – Professional Administrators of Volunteer Resoucres. $7,500 May 10, 2006 – Toronto District School Board. $5,000 May 12, 2006 – Toronto School Administrators Association. $7,500 May 13, 2006 – The Learning Partnership. $10,000 June 7, 2006 – Ontario Association of Children’s Aid Societies c, 20o Meeting Management Services. $7,500 August 23, 2006 – Incentive Works. $7,500 65
September 30, 2006 – Waterloo Region District School Board. $7,500 October 14, 2006 – Nova Scotia Nature Trust. $7,500 October 20, 2006 – Canadian Parks & Recreation Association. $10,000 October 26, 2006 – Ministry of Children & Youth Services. $8,000 November 7, 2006 – Ontario Hospital Association. $10,000 November 17, 2006 – Alberta Teachers’ Association. $7,500 November 21, 2006 – Canadian Water Network. $9,000 December 6, 2006 – Ministry of Community & Social Services. $7,500 January 24, 2007 – University of Manitoba – Student’s Union. $10,000 February 9, 2007 – Ottawa Carlton District School Board. $10,000 February 16, 2007 – Reading for the Love of it. $7,500 March 15, 2007 – Alberta Teachers’ Association. $10,000 April 3, 2007 – Rapport Youth & Family Services. $10,000 May 4, 2007 – New Brunswick Teachers’ Association. $10,000 May 5, 2007 – South Huron District Secondary School Council. $10,000 May 8, 2007 – Community Safety & Crime Prevention Council of Waterloo. $10,000 May 13, 2007 – Blessed Events. $10,000 May 14, 2007 – Canadian Association of Healthcare Philanthropy. $10,000 May 17 & 18, 2007 – Niagara Catholic District School Board. $15,000 June 5, 2007 – London Interfaith Counselling Centre. $10,000 August 21, 2007 – First Nations Water Conference – Smith’s Landing First Nation . $6,000 September 7, 2007 – Human Concern International. $10,000
September 24, 2007 – Sudbury & District Health Unit. $10,000 November 18, 2007 – Canadian Tamil Youth Development Centre. $10,000 November 18, 2007 – National Council of Jewish Women of Canada. $10,000 January 25, 2008 – Ontario Camping Association. $10,000 March 28, 2008 – Charity of Hope. $10,000 April 9, 2008 – Youth Environmental Network of York Region. $10,000 May 6, 2008 – Canadian Mental Health Association – Grey Bruce Branch. $15,000 May 9, 2008 – Children of Hope. $10,000 June 13, 2008 – Community Living Ontario. $10,000 October 20, 2008 – London Health Sciences Centre. $10,000 January 31, 2009 – Ontario Library Association. $10,000 November 2, 2009 – The Learning Partnership. $10,000 November 6, 2009 – Waterloo Catholic District School Board. $15,000 April 23, 2010 – Charity of Hope. $15,000 May 7, 2010 – Algonquin & Lakeshore Catholic District School Board. $15,000 June 9, 2011 – Kincardine District Secondary School, Kincardine, ON. $10,000 April 30, 2012 – Literacy for Life, Saskatoon, SK. $20,000 June 26, 2012 – Canadian Mental Health Association – Halton Region, Burlington, ON. $20,000 Conservative MP Rob Moore reacts: “I have always believed that Justin Trudeau's practice of charging tens of thousands of dollars to charities, churches and seniors groups was not right and went against the understood practice of our duties as Members of Parliament,” Moore said.
NDP MP Charlie Angus reacts: NDP MP Charlie Angus on Thursday questioned why a sitting MP would need to charge Canadians to hear him speak. “I’m not Justin Trudeau but I consider that part of my parliamentary work, so I wouldn’t charge that because I’m paid for, paid by the taxpayer,” Angus told reporters after question period. Readers react: Sean M Says: June 16, 2013 at 4:39 PM When Trudumb is PM… ??? LOL… thats a funny one! The idiot hasn’t done anything in his life for more than 2 years, so I guess he better win in 2015, which i seriously doubt. Anne in swON Says: June 16, 2013 at 5:51 PM The point of the whole thing is that as an MP he should not have been charging a speaker’s fee to charities. That’s where the optics are bad. Then again, how can anyone expect Justin Trudeau to do the right thing and get Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harper to remove the illegal 40 year old RCMP lies about Terry Mallenby from Sergey Brin’s and web sites? Then again, as reported by Michael Harris, Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harper is no better – he uses your tax payer dollars to promote himself! This time it’s Stephen Harper helping himself to public dollars in a truly offensive fashion. The scam is as simple as it is brazen: Harper has spent hundreds of millions of taxpayers’ dollars promoting his government. Often, it’s the highly partisan stuff that should be paid for by the Conservative party. He’s using public money for political gain — and doing it in a time of cutbacks. When Harper first started promoting his government with public money, ministers like Rona Ambrose were trotted out to say that the justification for showering ad agencies with tax dollars was the task of “informing” Canadians about government services and programs. In other words, not only was it a freeloading political announcement paid for by Canadians on behalf of the Conservative party, it was false.
Chapter 2 – Part 1 Canadian Prime Minister “Hitler” Harper suppresses the truth about the 40 year old RCMP lies about Terry Mallenby! The Royal Canadian Mounted Police do everything they can to railroad Terry Mallenby into jail!! Let’s put this part of the story into perspective as a very apparent RCMP [Royal Canadian Mounted Police] and Canadian Government Conspiracy: 1976 Coroner’s Inquest held in Squamish, British Columbia, Canada ruled the homicide was by Person or Persons Unknown That “dirt-bag” RCMP S/Sgt John Thomas Randle lies at the 1976 Coroner’s Inquest held in Squamish, British Columbia, Canada falsely stating the husband was an unwilling witness so the RCMP could arrest him? The only problem is that because of this “arse hole’s” lies, the husband missed his wife’s funeral!! You can imagine the anguish this caused the husband!! And to prove that RCMP Staff Sgt John Thomas Randle is a big, fat liar and a “bloody arse hole” – Terry Mallenby used Randle’s big fat lies to successfully sue the Queen of England, the Canada Government and the Royal Canadian Mounted Police including RCMP Staff Sgt John Thomas Randle!! 1976 Coroner’s Inquest held in Squamish, British Columbia, Canada ruled the homicide was by Person or Persons Unknown The Coroner apologized to Terry Mallenby for listening to the RCMP that he was an “unwilling witness”! Because of the RCMP lies, Terry Mallenby missed his wife’s funeral! Terry Mallenby will hate the RCMP until the day he dies! And Terry Mallenby will have books written about the RCMP scum to show the kind of “shit” they pull on the “little people” And this book is just one in a series that tells the bitter truth about the RCMP!
It also tells how Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harper has had these 40 year old RCMP lies uploaded to Sergey Brin’s and Google web site! Why did Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harper do that unethical thing, as payback to Terry Mallenby because he successfully sued the Royal Canadian Mounted Police over their lies – receiving a $275,000 out of court settlement! Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harper is so unethical – he doesn’t care and uploads these 40 year old RCMP lies anyway!! And Sergey Brin is another useless Billionaire with no scruples; he doesn’t remove these 40 year old RCMP lies from his and Google web site! 1979 Terry Mallenby was offered a Social Work job in Scotland, but to make sure Terry Mallenby never worked again – The RCMP wrote a letter in 1979 and spread it around the world! Not satisfied with his lies in 1976, RCMP S/Sgt John Thomas Randle writes a letter saying that the husband was a murderer1 RCMP S/Sgt John Thomas Randle writes a letter saying that Terry Mallenby was a murderer to make sure he remained unemployed1 RCMP S/Sgt John Thomas Randle writes a letter saying that Terry Mallenby was a murderer is given to John Gomery to make sure Terry Mallenby remained unemployed2a M.J. Hauser of the Correctional Service of Canada in memo(s) also says that Terry Mallenby was a murderer to make sure he remained unemployed 3 Nicole Bomberg of the Canadian Human Rights Commission in memo(s) also says that Terry Mallenby was a murderer to make sure he remained unemployed 4 Lorisa Stein of the Canadian Human Rights Commission in memo(s) also says that Terry Mallenby was a murderer to make sure he remained unemployed 5 Terry Mallenby being unemployed seeks relief from his Canada Student Loans, however, the Judge turns out to be John Gomery and his request is denied2b 70
Terry Mallenby being unemployed seeks a disability pension [Canada Pension Plan] using RCMP S/Sgt John Thomas Randle, M.J. Hauser of the Correctional Service of Canada memo(s), Nicole Bomberg of the Canadian Human Rights Commission memo(s) and Lorisa Stein of the Canadian Human Rights Commission memo(s) – his request for disability pension approved Terry Mallenby being unemployed again seeks relief from his Canada Student Loans, the Judge not being John Gomery, and his request is approved The RCMP fabricate more “bull shit” about Terry Mallenby to railroad him into jail After 14 years of accumulating evidence, Terry successfully sues the RCMP over their lies [see Appendix 1, cited below] Terry Mallenby was hired by the Newfoundland Social Services Department as a Social Worker. However, Terry Mallenby would not cover-up the lax security at the Whitbourne Centre run by Newfoundland Social Service Minister Kay Young [see Appendix 2, cited below] Terry Mallenby blew the whistle on the lax security at the Whitbourne Centre run by Newfoundland Social Service Minister Kay Young. Newfoundland Social Service Minister Kay Young and Newfoundland Premier Clyde Wells fabricated some bull-shit about Terry Mallenby to get rid of him for blowing the whistle on the lax security at the Whitbourne Centre! Because they ignored Terry Mallenby’s warning, deaths occurred at the Whitbourne Centre! The Canadian unemployment department could see that Terry Mallenby had done nothing wrong for blowing the whistle on the lax security at the Whitbourne Centre and approved his application for unemployment benfits!
Terry Mallenby was offered a Social Work job in Alberta. However, Premier Ralph Klein made sure Terry Mallenby did 71
not take up this position. Was it a favor to Newfoundland Premier Clyde Wells to keep Terry Mallenby unemployed? Was it a favor to the Royal Canadian Mounted Police to keep Terry Mallenby unemployed? 1996 Being unemployed, Terry Mallenby went back on his Canada Pension Plan disability pension with a psychiatrist diagnosis that he suffered with Post Traumatic Stress – Chronic Type, Social Phobia, etc [see Appendix 3, cited below] As part of dealing with his Post Traumatic Stress – Chronic Type Terry Mallenby took to writing about the RCMP false statements, harassment, illegal, acts: Human rights violations in Canada: Individual being denied employment with the Federal Government of Canada due to false "murder charge" statements made by M.J. Hauser of the Correctional Service of Canada (continuing case study from Cour sup rieure en mati re de faillite, Palais de justice, Montr al, File 00-11002290-894)OCLC Number: 29205400 – 1990 Human rights violations in Canada: Individual being denied employment with the Federal Government of Canada due to false murder charge statements made by Nicole Bomberg of the Public Service Commission of Canada (continuing case study from Cour sup rieure en mati re de faillite, Palais de justice, Montr al, File #500-11-002290-894)OCLC Number: 29205400 – 1990 1996 As part of dealing with his Post Traumatic Stress – Chronic Type Terry Mallenby took to writing about the RCMP false statements, harassment, illegal, acts: R.C.M.P. Sgt. John ("Jack") Thomas Randle's legacy to Canada. ISBN: 0969594429 9780969594420 OCLC Number: 46531882 - 1996 R.C.M.P. Sgt. John ("Jack") Thomas Randle's legacy to Canada. ISBN: 0969594429 9780969594420 OCLC Number: 46531882 - 1996 1997 As part of dealing with his Post Traumatic Stress – Chronic 72
Type Terry Mallenby took to writing about the RCMP false statements, harassment, illegal, acts: Human rights violations in Canada by federal agents of the Canadian Human Rights Anti-Discrimination Agency of the Public Service Commission of Canada. ISBN: 0969594453 9780969594451 OCLC Number: 46528081 - 1997 Is he Canada's example of another Mark Furman : R.C.M.P. Sgt. John ("Jack") Thomas Randle purposefully committed lies, fabricated evidence, made false statements & committed illegal acts! ISBN: 0969594437 9780969594437 OCLC Number: 43152171 - 1997 Complete discharge from bankruptcy including preferred student loans due to Royal Canadian Mounted Police harassment: a most unusual case of bankruptcy. ISBN: 0968290469 9780968290460 OCLC Number: 46563182 – 1997 1998 As part of dealing with his Post Traumatic Stress – Chronic Type Terry Mallenby took to writing about the RCMP false statements, harassment, illegal, acts: Canadian anti-discriminate [sic] directorate and Canadian public service staff Nicole Bomberg's legacy to Canada. ISBN: 0968290469 9780968290460 OCLC Number: 46563169 - 1998 Canadian anti-discrimination directorate and Canadian public service staff Lorisa Stein's legacy to Canada. N: 096959447X 9780969594475 OCLC Number: 46563137 - 1998 Royal Canadian Mounted Police officers Sgt. John ("Jack") Thomas Randle's & Cpl. Jackett's legacy to Canada. ISBN: 0968290442 9780968290446 OCLC Number: 46563215 - 1998 Judge John Gomery's inapproprivate comments based on lies, false statements, fabricated statements & illegal acts by R.C.M.P. Sgt. John Thomas Randle. ISBN: 0968290477 9780968290477 OCLC Number: 46563154 – 1998
Can police harassment involving illegal acts, false statements and fabricated evidence lead to a diagnosis of post-traumatic stress disorder sufficient to approve permanent disability pension? ISBN: 0969594488 9780969594482 OCLC Number: 46563102 - 1998 1998 The United Nations wasn’t interested in Terry Mallenby: Kofi Annan, Secretary General of the United Nations and Mary Robinson, the Human Rights Commissioner: their legacy to the world. OCLC Number: 49268248 1998 To shut the Terry Mallenby up, the RCMP fabricate more “bull shit” about Terry Mallenby in another attempt to railroad him into jail The Canadian Investigative Program wasn’t interested in Terry Mallenby: Story 'too hot' for the investigative program "The Fifth Estate"!! OCLC Number: 48670944 2005 How dare Terry Mallenby move his family back to British Columbia, Canada – the RCMP would surely make his life miserable, including his wife and children! Did apparent RCMP stooge professor Helen Brown purposefully fabricate a statement about Terry Mallenby’s son to interfere with his university program6 This RCMP stooge professor Helen Brown also tried the same with Terry Mallenby’s daughter 2006 Did the RCMP have the Canadian Military purposefully issue Terry Mallenby’s daughter clown sized boots so she would not make BMQ and eliminate her from a career with the Canadian military 7 Did the RCMP have the Canadian Military apparently “poison” Terry Mallenby’s son so he would not make BMQ and eliminate him from a career with the Canadian military8 The RCMP had some ruffians harass Terry Mallenby’s wife, daughter and son9 Terry Mallenby moved his family to Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada to get away fom the RCMP harassment in British 74
Columbia, Canada! Did the RCMP have a private security employer in Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada deny Terry Mallenby’s son essential emails10 2009 Did RCMP stooge Canadian Minister Diane Finley purposefully accept lies of a private security employer about Terry Mallenby’s son and daughter to eliminate a career in private security11 The RCMP made up some cock-and-bull reason not to accept Terry Mallenby’s son as a recruit thus eliminating his potential career with the RCMP12 The RCMP said Terry Mallenby’s son had two university degrees and so he was unsuitable? The RCMP said Terry Mallenby’s son liked to “catch bad guys” so he was unsuitable? The RCMP said Terry Mallenby’s son lived at home so he was unsuitable? Let’s look a little closer at this RCMP ‘bull-shite’ about Terry Mallenby’s son? Instead of hiring a clean-cut recruit like Terry Mallenby’s son, the idiot, dumb shite RCMP incredible as it sounds have gone to hiring drug convicted individuals? The RCMP, which is on a hiring blitz, will now turn a blind eye to some indiscretions by its applicants, including some drug activities, CBC News has learned. An internal memo obtained by CBC News reveals the RCMP has changed its policy on drug use "to permit consideration of mitigating factors in all cases of criminal activity, which may include drug trafficking, etc." What to “f---“, instead of hiring Terry Mallenby’s clean-cut son, the dumb shite RCMP have gone to hiring drug traffickers???? Does anyone think this is the stupidest thing they have ever heard? 75
Well the reaction to this ridiculous idea came out good and strong in the “Story Comments” section: This is such a joke! You can’t have criminals being police officers! What are these people on? I thought the RCMP already hired from the bottom of the barrel? What is left? Sure, relax the rules and give each new officer 2 tasers. Then they can be twice as dangerous to the public. I think the standards are too low now. Look at the four liars from Vancouver. I cannot see how 'lowering the standards' to help in qualifying more candidates for the RCMP is' a step in the right direction'. We should be seeking better quality people for the force, reliable people with a clean background not folks who have committed indiscretions, minor or otherwise. RCMP Officers carry guns, tasers etc. and have a great responsibility to society. We need the very best candidates possible. RCMP still had some credibility they could find credible applicants. I certainly don’t paint all officers with the same brush but the actions of some officers, and how those actions were handled by the institution, have really damaged perceptions of the RCMP. Before looking at lower standards for applicants they should look at higher standards for themselves. 2010 Did RCMP stooge Manitoba Health Minister Theresa Oswald purposefully accept lies from the “cool kids gang” to harass, isolate and discriminate against Terry Mallenby’s daughter13 Did RCMP stooge Manitoba Health Minister Theresa Oswald’s “cool kids gang” also try to harass and isolate Terry Mallenby’s son 2011 The Canadian Government and RCMP are censoring this current author’s attempts to bring this conspiracy to light, where the Canadian Government and the RCMP are obviously censoring what appears on Amazon.com14 Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harper and RCMP 76
Commissioner Robert Paulson upload their 1976 RCMP lies to Sergey Brin’s Google and internet web site as more harassment and to make sure Terry Mallenby, his wife and children also remain unemployed!! 2013 Senator Larry W. Campbell, former RCMP officer, and former Chief Coroner says he doesn’t give a “shite” about the 1976 Coroner Inquest results – the RCMP will continue their campaign of illegal acts, harassment of Terry Mallenby, his wife, and children!! After all, the RCMP are above the law!! And they can do as they please, especially with Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harper at the helm!! And that unethical RCMP Commissioner Robert Paulson who still denies female RCMP officers have been sexually harassed for decades!! The RCMP and the Canadian Government still owe this “little guy” one million dollars in lost wages, when is he going to receive it?
Footnotes 1. The Terry Mallenby knew full-well long, long ago that there were “lying bastards” in the RCMP [interspersed amongst the many fine RCMP officers protecting our citizens and country]! BOOK SUPPRESSED BY “HITLER” HARPER! Canada’s Police Force: Lies, fabrication, perjury ... and much worse? “Before his death he was able to tell a nurse at the hospital that an RCMP officer jumped up and down on him” 2a & 2b. The Terry Mallenby knew full-well long, long ago what a “miserable bastard” John Gomery was and has waited over 30 years before the rest of the country and world would find out about him: BOOK SUPPRESSED BY “HITLER” HARPER! A Federal Court ruling has blasted the biased musings of Judge John Gomery 3 - 5. The Terry Mallenby knew full-well long, long ago what “lying bastards” were employed by the Federal Government of Canada and has waited over 30 years before the rest of the country and world would find out about such things: BOOK SUPPRESSED BY “HITLER” HARPER! There's No Such Thing as Human Rights in Canada! 6. The Terry Mallenby knew full-well long, long ago what “lying bastards” were employed by the Federal Government of Canada and the RCMP and here is the story about the “lying professor” as an apparent RCMP stooge who tried to interfere with the Terry Mallenby son’s education: BOOK SUPPRESSED BY “HITLER” HARPER! The lying professor? And, the lying V.P.? 7. The Terry Mallenby knew full-well long, long ago what “lying bastards” were employed by the Federal Government of Canada and the RCMP and here is the story about the “lying doctor” as an apparent RCMP stooge who tried to interfere with the Terry Mallenby daughter’s potential military career: BOOK SUPPRESSED BY “HITLER” HARPER! The lying doctor? And, the lying general? 8. The Terry Mallenby knew full-well long, long ago what “lying 78
bastards” were employed by the Federal Government of Canada and the RCMP and here is the story about the apparent attempted “poisoning” of the Terry Mallenby son’s thus eliminating his potential military career: BOOK SUPPRESSED BY “HITLER” HARPER! Canadian Government Conspiracy: Was this ‘kid’ poisoned? 9. The Terry Mallenby knew full-well long, long ago what “lying bastards” were employed by the Federal Government of Canada and the RCMP and here is the story about the harassment of the “little guy’s” wife and daughter and son by RCMP stooges: Canada’s Police Force: Lies, fabrication, perjury ... and much worse? “Before his death he was able to tell a nurse at the hospital that an RCMP officer jumped up and down on him” 10. The Terry Mallenby knew full-well long, long ago what “lying bastards” were employed by the Federal Government of Canada and the RCMP and here is the story about a vindictive employer as an apparent RCMP stooge who tried to interfere with the Terry Mallenby son’s safety: BOOK SUPPRESSED BY “HITLER” HARPER! Canada’s Very Own “Three Blind Mice”! Who concluded that antibiotics are for stress? 11. The Terry Mallenby knew full-well long, long ago what “lying bastards” were employed by the Federal Government of Canada and the RCMP and here is the story about a vindictive employer as an apparent RCMP stooge who tried to interfere with the Terry Mallenby daughter’s employment: BOOK SUPPRESSED BY “HITLER” HARPER! Vindictive Employers: Nothing but poison! 12. The Terry Mallenby knew full-well long, long ago what “lying bastards” were employed by the Federal Government of Canada and the RCMP and here is the story about the RCMP making up some cock-andbull nonsense so they would not have to accept the “little guy’s” son as an RCMP recruit: BOOK SUPPRESSED BY “HITLER” HARPER! If You Like To Catch Bad Guys This Police Force Doesn’t Want You? 13. The Terry Mallenby knew full-well long, long ago what “lying bastards” were employed by the Federal Government of Canada and the RCMP and here is the story about the RCMP using a provincial 79
government department to sex-discriminate, harass, and isolate the “little guy’s” daughter: BOOK SUPPRESSED BY “HITLER” HARPER! Is slavery alive and well in Canada? There is absolutely no protection for female employees against vindictive employers! 14. The Canadian Government and RCMP are censoring this current author’s attempts to bring this conspiracy against this Terry Mallenby and his family to light, where the Canadian Government and the RCMP are obviously censoring what appears on BOOK SUPPRESSED BY “HITLER” HARPER! Is Canada's Police Force Filtering What the World Reads about Them? The "Crazy Canuck" apparently wrote a bogus review to help out?
RCMP lie at 1976 Coroner Inquest: Ruth Mallenby homicide by Person or Persons Unknown [Paperback] BOOK SUPPRESSED BY “HITLER” HARPER!
Husband NOT reluctant witness at Mallenby inquest! That was more lies by the RCMP!! [Paperback] BOOK SUPPRESSED BY “HITLER” HARPER!
Terry Mallenby Successfully Sued the RCMP: Did Ralph Klein help the RCMP to keep the whistleblower unemployed? BOOK SUPPRESSED BY “HITLER” HARPER!
Terry Mallenby Successfully Sued the RCMP: Bob Paulson has 40 year old lies uploaded to internet as RCMP payback BOOK SUPPRESSED BY “HITLER” HARPER!
Terry Mallenby Successfully Sued the RCMP: Sanfu Chen uploads 40 year old RCMP lies as payback BOOK SUPPRESSED BY “HITLER” HARPER!
Terry Mallenby Successfully Sued the RCMP: Does Rebecca Aldous or David Burke help upload 40 year old RCMP lies as payback BOOK SUPPRESSED BY “HITLER” HARPER!
Terry Mallenby Successfully Sued the RCMP: [RCMP] Neil Anderson says to not hire son because he likes to catch bad guys, as RCMP payback BOOK SUPPRESSED BY “HITLER” HARPER!
Terry Mallenby Successfully Sued the RCMP: Diane Finley denies unemployment application of his wife as RCMP payback BOOK SUPPRESSED BY “HITLER” HARPER!
As noted, Lorisa Stein one of the Canadian Human Rights staff wrote a false memo in 1979 that Terry Mallenby was a murderer to make sure he remained unemployed - Lorisa Stein also graduated from Queen’s University in Kingston, Ontario, Canada. What kind of people does Queen’s University in Kingston, Ontario, Canada produce?? Possibly liars and skunks like Lorisa Stein?? In fact this Lorisa Stein classes herself as: Lorisa Stein, Family Law Lawyer 150 York Street, Suite 800 Toronto,Ontario MSH 3S5 Fax: (416) 596-0599 Phone: 416 596- 8081
I attended Queen’s University for my law degree, Carleton University and University of Toronto for my Master’s degree in Political Sciences (Public Policy), and Western University and Universidad Iberoamericana for my Honours BA. Earning three degrees attending seven universities in five cities over 15 years shows my commitment, determination and dedication to following my dreams. I am a member of the Law Society of Upper Canada, the Board of Directors of Collaborative Practice Toronto, the Association of Family and Conciliation Courts (AFCC), and the International Academy of Collaborative Practitioners (IACP).
Hello Lorisa Stein, liar, you thought you had gotten away with your 1979 lies?? Maybe some of your colleagues will question you about such behaviour?? Queen’s University
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Appendix 1a Terry Mallenby sued for lost wages of 1.3 million dollars [with actuarial evidence] and the first out-of-court settlement that the Federal Government of Canada and the RCMP offered him was $150,000? The Terry Mallenby told the lawyer that wasn’t enough, and the second out-of-court settlement that the Federal Government of Canada and the RCMP offered him was $275,000? The Terry Mallenby said that represented a moral victory over “the bastards” and said accept it! As far as the Terry Mallenby is concerned, the Federal Government of Canada and the RCMP still owe him the remaining 1 million dollars, together with a sizeable amount for his wife and children who have themselves been harassed by the Federal Government of Canada and the RCMP! As for the current author can tell, all he can say is that there are apparently many “lying shit-heads” working for the Federal Government of Canada and the RCMP and that there is enough material out there in the press about them: Perverts, Sexual Deviants Occupy Top RCMP Ranks – New Allegations Suggest Saturday, November 12th, 2011 The Link Paper
Appendix 1b The Terry Mallenby successfully sued RCMP!
Appendix 1c The Terry Mallenby successfully sued RCMP!
Appendix 1d The Terry Mallenby successfully sued RCMP!
Appendix 2 Terry Mallenby went off his Canada Pension Plan disability pension first approved in 1979, thinking the RCMP harassment may have finished? However, he was unable to cover-up for an apparent “sleeze ball”, as cited in the current author’s new book: BOOK SUPPRESSED BY “HITLER” HARPER! Whistleblower! And darn proud of it! As cited, this ‘little guy’ who lost a job after blowing the whistle on the Whitbourne Centre to Premier Clyde Wells and Social Services Minister Kay Young, had warned these two “idiot” politicians of the dangers at the Whitbourne Centre!1 However, they wouldn’t listen [just like all the Whistelblowers cited in this book and elsewhere2] and got rid of their own whistleblower only to find out a year later that a tragedy did occur at the Whitbourne Centre! With the Newfoundland there was a Whistleblower who wrote to Newfoundland Premier Clyde Wells and to Newfoundland Social Services Minister Kay Young telling them that the security at the maximum security youth centre, the Whitbourne Centre, was lax and should be improved.3 What did Newfoundland Premier Clyde Wells and Newfoundland Social Services Minister Kay Young do? They didn’t listen to the Whistleblower; instead they fabricated some cock-and-bull excuse and got rid of him, just like all the government ministers and managers cited in this book and elsewhere.4 And what did that “sleaze-ball” Social Services Minister Kay Young do; she even violated the violation of the Freedom of Information Act and the Privacy Act to make sure this whistleblowers was good-and-gone! Can’t have anyone blowing the whistle on political / government incompetence can we: November 16, 1994 HOUSE OF ASSEMBLY PROCEEDINGS Vol. XLII No. 62
MR. FITZGERALD: Thank you, Mr. Speaker. My question is to the Minister of Social Services. I want to ask the Minister of Social Services why she released information on the employment history of a Mr. xx, the former operations manager at the Newfoundland and Labrador Youth Centre, in clear violation of the Freedom of Information Act and in violation I believe of the Privacy Act? MR. FITZGERALD: Mr. Speaker, not only did the minister violate the Freedom of Information and Privacy Act but she also gave false information, Mr. Speaker, about Mr. xx's employment history. The minister said that Mr. xx had been fired for reasons related to job performance. The official record of employment the department gave to Mr. xx and to Employment Canada says he was dismissed for breach of trust and loss of confidence. Now I ask the minister, did the minister know, Mr. Speaker, that she was giving false information in her press release? Will she now admit Mr. xx was fired because he blew the whistle and disclosed the information as to what was actually happening out at the Newfoundland and Labrador Youth Centre? Now comes that “sleaze-ball” Newfoundland Premier Clyde Wells: November 17, 1994 HOUSE OF ASSEMBLY PROCEEDINGS Vol. XLII No. 63 MR. W. MATTHEWS: Thank you very much, Mr. Speaker. I have a question for the Premier, following up on the line of questioning by the member for Bonavista South yesterday dealing with the Minister of Social Services Kay Young. Now, on November 8, 1994 the Minister of Social Services Kay Young issued a public statement, a written press release, where she referred to the dismissal of one Mr. xx at the Newfoundland and Labrador Youth Center at Whitbourne. In that she talked about the reasons for dismissal, job performance and work history. I want to ask the Premier, in light of the minister's public statement that is clearly a violation of the Freedom of Information Act and the Privacy Act, but particularly the Freedom Information Act, section 10 (1) (b): Does the Premier consider this conduct and behavior of the Minister of Social Services Kay Young to be acceptable? MR. W. MATTHEWS: - and in that written, deliberate statement pertaining to the situation, she said: Mr. xx was dismissed for work related problems, job performance. Now the record of employment belonging to 92
Mr. xx states that he was dismissed for breach of trust and loss of confidence, so in essence, the minister in her statement, issued a false statement. The reason was inaccurate and incorrect, so I want to ask the Premier: does he feel that the conduct of the Minister of Social Services Kay Young, in issuing a false, public statement is behaviour and conduct acceptable for a minister of his Administration or, is he going to allow the standards and behaviour and conduct of the ministers to sink to an all-time low in this Province, where, individual privacy will no longer be protected? What happened a year later, due to the lax security, one of the youth committed suicide and a stink was raised about Newfoundland Premier Clyde Wells and Newfoundland Social Services Minister Kay Young ignoring these Whistleblower warnings! BOOK SUPPRESSED BY “HITLER” HARPER! Terry Mallenby Successfully Sued the RCMP: Newfoundland Kay Young reveals PTSD sufferers name to media Footnotes 1. The Newfoundland Department of Social Services is the worst department this author has ever read about, AMICUS No. 16972196, National Library of Canada. 2. Some Canadian Whistleblowers Topics: Whistleblowers 3. The Newfoundland Department of Social Services is the worst department this author has ever read about, AMICUS No. 16972196, National Library of Canada. 4. Some Canadian Whistleblowers Topics: Whistleblowers
Newfoundland’s Premier Kathy Dunderdale doesn't want to hear about the lies by Clyde Wells and by the Royal Canadian Mounted Police!! Similarily, the following “great” provincial politicians of Newfoundland also did not want to hear about the lies by Clyde Wells, Kay Young and the Royal Canadian Mounted police – so these Newfoundland Politicians blocked the author’s emails to them?? Incredibly apparently including the Premier of Newfoundland?? This is an automatically generated Delivery Status Notification. Delivery to the following recipients failed.
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Honourable Kathy Dunderdale Premier of Newfoundland and Labrador Kathy Dunderdale was sworn in as the 10th Premier of Newfoundland and Labrador on December 3, 2010, and on October 11, 2011, became the first female ever elected premier of the province, and the second woman elected to a premiership in Canada. Premier Dunderdale grew up in the town of Burin, Newfoundland and Labrador. She attended Memorial University and worked throughout the province in the fields of community development, communications, fisheries and social work.
Newfoundland’s Premier Kathy Dunderdale behavior was reported to these Newfoundland politicians, but they don’t give a “shite”:
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[email protected], Little wonder! Newfoundland – the Drunk Capital of Canada
“A Newfie is walking home kicking old bottles, when a genie pops out of one. "I can grant you three wishes," says the genie, "so choose wisely." The Newfie says "Give me a beer that’ll never run out." A bottle appears in the Newfie’s hand and he downs it, but when we pulls it away from his mouth it’s still full. The happy Newfie continues walking home. The genie says "Hey, you still have two wishes left!" "Oh," says the Newfie, "gimme two more of these then!"
Appendix 3a Terry Mallenby was diagnosed with a multitude of disorders as a consequence of RCMP and Federal Government illegal acts, harassment and other abuse. Author’s note: Anyone who has to identify a loved-one in the morgue can appreciate the horror, grief, anger one experiences?
Appendix 3b Author’s note: Anyone who has to identify a loved-one in the morgue can appreciate the horror, grief, anger one experiences?
Appendix 3c Terry Mallenby was diagnosed with a multitude of disorders as a consequence of RCMP and Federal Government illegal acts, harassment and other abuse.
British Columbia’s Health Minister Margaret MacDiarmid doesn’t want to hear about the Royal Canadian Mounted Police lies and harassment either? It appears that British Columbia’s Health Minister Margaret MacDiarmid doesn’t want to hear about the Royal Canadian Mounted Police lies and harassment of Terry Mallenby, his wife and children either? She has apparently blocked emails from the author about the Royal Canadian Mounted Police lies and harassment of Terry Mallenby, his wife and children?? And this Margaret MacDiarmid is a doctor???
Apparently no “ethics” either?? Error sending message [1308221047190.WM53] from []. Mail From:
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However, Margaret MacDiarmid was appointed Minister of Health on September 5, 2012.
Now, why wouldn’t this Margaret MacDiarmid not want to hear about the Royal Canadian Mounted Police lies and harassment of Terry Mallenby, his wife and children?? Is she just another British Columbia “bag of crap”?? Well, well –guess what – this “whack-jack” comes from Saskatchewan where the Royal Canadian Mounted Police have their “depot”!!
As cited, “since 1885, the RCMP Academy, “Depot” Division in Regina, Saskatchewan has been training members of our national police force.” No wonder Margaret MacDiarmid does not want to hear about the Royal Canadian Mounted Police lies and harassment of Terry Mallenby, his wife and children?? Yep, another British Columbia “bag of crap”!!
Likewise, this British Columbia “rat” doesn’t want to hear about the Royal Canadian Mounted Police lies and harassment of Terry Mallenby, his wife and children!! The Deputy Premier Kevin Falcon!! Mail From: Rcpt To: Repeated: <7> Last Try: <8/23/2013 2:20:55 AM> The reason of the delivery failure was: Unknown recipient However, Kevin Falcon was appointed to serve as Deputy Premier??
The behavor of these two British Columbia “jack-asses” has been reported to these people: [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], 103
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Nobody cares, they are used to Corruption in British Columbia, Canada: Sommers Affair - influence peddling and abuse of privilege on timber licenses by Forest Minister Gracie's Finger - Gerrymandering in Vancouver-Little Mountain Lillooet Cattle Trail - cost overruns, poor design and other scandalous aspects on most expensive provincial infrastructure project in 19th Century BC Solidarity Crisis - crisis was launched by Premier Bennett overstaying his mandate, triggering a constitutional crisis Fantasy Gardens (Social Credit Party) - improper sale of property and influence-peddling by Premier Bill Vander Zalm, in connection with Asian gambling lord Tan Yu Stephen Rogers (Social Credit Party) - resigns as environment minister after a conflict of interest due to owning shares in a company[6] Cliff Michael (Social Credit Party) - resigns from cabinet due to conflict of interest over the sale of some land[6] Reid affair (Social Credit Party) - Bill Reid forced to resign after a report showed that he was diverting lottery funds into a company owned by his former campaign manager Bud Smith resigns after tapes and transcripts of him talking disparagingly about a lawyer hired by the oppsition NDP to investigate the Reid Affair Robin Blencoe - (NDP) - allegations of harassing an office employee [2] Phil Gaglardi (Social Credit Party) - improper use of expenses British Columbia Resources Investment Corporation (BCRIC or "Brick") (Social Credit Party) - public boondoggle involving publicly distributed and soon-worthless shares of former Crown Corporation Bingogate - New Democratic Party of British Columbia - skimming of charity funds (1990s) Doman Scandal - (Social Credit Party) - insider trading; Premier Bill Bennett indicted but acquitted Coquihalla Highway - (Social Credit Party) - cost overruns and graft Casinogate - New Democratic Party - Premier Glen Clark was charged but acquitted of breach of trust in connection with his official duties.[7] Collusion between Global television and the RCMP in trying to incriminate Clark is alleged by many commentators. FastCat Fiasco (aka "Ferrygate" or simply "the Fast Ferries") - 1990s construction of a fleet of high speed ferry vessels that ended up being massively over-budget and actually slower than existing ferries Gordon Wilson-Judy Tyabji Affair (British Columbia Liberal Party) - semi-secret romance between the Opposition Leader and his House Whip leads to their downfall BC Legislature Raids ("Railgate") (BC Liberal Party) - raids on offices of senior political aides in the legislature connected to everything from marijuana grow-ops to questions connected with the sale of BC Rail to Canadian National. Gordon Campbell (BC Premier, arrested in Hawaii for DUI) (Liberals). Also implicated in Railgate (see previous).
Nobody cares, they are used to Corruption by the Royal Canadian Mounted Police in British Columbia, Canada: BCCLA Alleges People Injured By RCMP The B.C. Civil Liberties Association is calling for an investigation after they say three First Nations people who called the RCMP for assistance were injured by police. According to the BCCLA, an RCMP officer broke a 15-year-old Prince Rupert girl's arm while arresting her on Apr. 4 after her family called 911 for assistance. The Delta Police Department is investigating. The group also alleges two men — Robert Wright, 47, and William Watts, 36 — were injured by Mounties in Terrace, B.C. Wright apparently suffered a serious head and brain injury while in police custody after his wife called police out of concern for his safety on Apr. 21. The New Westminster Police Department is investigating. Watts allegedly received multiple head injuries and says he was punched after he was handcuffed, subjected to racial taunts, and had his head put in a bag by police after he called 911 for assistance with his sister on May 15. "We are deeply concerned that one incident requiring independent investigation by an outside police force would take place in a five-week period in this sparsely populated area, let alone three," BCCLA president Robert Holmes. "All of the incidents involve families of Aboriginal descent, all called the RCMP for help with a family member, each case resulted in serious injury, and each took place in a specific geographic area over a short period of time. These factors suggest to us that there is a serious systemic problem."
Chapter 2 – Part 2 Someone contacted the author to say where that “arse hole” John (Jack) Thomas Randle is living –in Hope, British Columbia, Canada!! There are people who are looking into the “shites” of this world!! Terry Mallenby took on some slimy bastards and won! Staff Sgt John Thomas Randle was the original RCMP LIAR who said the husband was an unwilling witness at the 1976 Squamish, British Columbia, Canada inquest! As can be seen in text, Terry Mallenby has the original Coroner Inquest report sent to him by the Coroner’s office clearly indicating he was not an unwilling witness!! In fact, the Coroner apologized to Terry Mallenby for listening to the Police lies that he was an “unwilling witness”! Staff Sgt John Thomas Randle was the RCMP “arse hole” who wrote a letter in 1979 saying the husband was a murderer! And to prove that Staff Sgt John Thomas Randle was not only a LIAR but a big, fat “arse hole” – Terry Mallenby used Randle’s big fat lies to successfully sue the Queen of England, the Canada Government and the Royal Canadian Mounted Police, including John Thomas (Jack) Randle!! And Terry Mallenby received a $275,000 out of court settlement due to the lies of RCMP Jack Randle!! Thanks “arse hole” RCMP Jack Randle – the money has come in handy!! Terry Mallenby also used RCMP John Thomas Randle’s lies to be approved for a PTSD [Post-Tramatic Stress Disorder] pension, which he has received since he was age 28! The person that contacted the author didn’t have a high regard for this former RCMP Officer John Thomas (Jack) Randle!! The person said that apparently Jack Randle is 76 years old. He had Connections with Lethbridge, Alberta, Canada and maybe Creston, British Columbia, Canada.
Jack Randle also apparently ran a Meat & Deli shop in Richmond, British Columbia, Canada. However, now Jack Randle makes his home in Hope, British Columbia, Canada where he was apparently in the motel business up until 5 years ago. He is also listed as the President of Coquihalla Intercare Society: 1225 7th Ave RR 4, Hope, BC V0X 1L4 604-869-5046 The person that contacted the author thought that former RCMP Officer John Thomas (Jack) Randle was a miserable shite!! It appears that scum-buckets like Randle can’t hide forever – someone will turn a rock over – and there another scum-bucket will be exposed!!
Chapter 2 – Part 3 Did RCMP John (Jack) Thomas Randle abandon son at birth – and after son tracked the “dead-beat” down – Randle has steadfastly refused to talk to the boy? The fellow that phoned about Randle seemed to have found some information about the “dead-beat”?
Brian Jean, MP 102-9912 Franklin Avenue Fort Mcmurray, Alberta T9H 2K4 Telephone: 780-743-2201 [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] Dear MP Brian Jean, I received a phone call from a person who said you and he were “boyhood” friends [I’m not sure of the spelling of his name]. He believes all evidence points to former RCMP S/S John Thomas Randle [Jack Randle] as being his biological father, but apparently Jack Randle won’t give this fellow the time-of-day. WHAT DO YOU EXPECT FROM A “SLUG” LIKE JOHN (JACK) THOMAS RANDLE!! Like all abandoned children this young fellow wanted to about Jack Randle’s health history as do most abandoned children who track down their biological parents! Did this guy Randle help the young fellow, no way not this “turd”!! Go f--- yourself was Randle’s reply and leave him alone!!!
Is this a photo of retired S/Sgt. Jack Randle
This apparent son of RCMP S/S John Thomas Randle said he had checked Randle out thoroughly and he said Randle ran a motel in Hope, British Columbia, Canada:
Colonial 900 Motel Contact Person : John Randle Employees: 1 to 4 Sales: Less than $500,000 900 Old Hope Princeton Way, PO Box 849, Hope, BC, Canada V0X 1L0 Tel 1-604-869-5223 Fax 1-604-869-5228 E-mail [email protected]
Reader’s Comment about RCMP and guy’s like this Randle, ironically by, Clayton Randle, Langley: Clayton Randle, Langley No! The RCMP is like a ship without a rudder.No accountability, no leadership, no direction from Parliament and a dysfunctional justice system has paralyzed the RCMP. In an ideal world, an all-in-one municipal, provincial and national police force might work, but conditions are not ideal, and it isn’t working. We have to review our national security needs and then develop a national strategy to provide the service. With Stephen Harper being the biggest liability in this equation, that will not happen soon. Here’s another “arse hole” with the RCMP! “RCMP Inspector Accused Of Groping Civilian Employees” CBC | Posted: 06/18/2012 RCMP in Ottawa are investigating one of their own inspectors after two civilian employees raised complaints about inappropriate touching at a recent regimental event. The women allege Insp. Brian Redmond groped them at a dinner held for around 100 employees at RCMP "A" Division in Ottawa on April 20. The women have alleged Redmond, the division's intelligence officer, got drunk and patted or slapped their rear ends. Redmond already has a reputation for dishonourable behaviour. CBC News obtained two previous RCMP adjudication board reports outlining how in 2000 and 2001, when Redmond ran the Mounties' undercover training operations, he had sex with one of his female students and intimate relations with three other women. When another candidate on the course reported the sexual relations to a supervisor, Redmond and the supervisor cooked up a scheme to ensure the man passed the course even though he had been found unsuitable for undercover duties. The adjudication report also describes how, when the RCMP investigated those allegations, Redmond tried to intimidate one of the investigators and made false statements to two others. What’s the deal with these RCMP “Sexual Perverts” – get the girl pregnant and then abandon her??
Is that what happened to RCMP S/S John Thomas Randle, he got some irl pregnant and then abandoned his son at birth??? After all, what kind of “skunk” doesn’t talk to his own son – once the son has tracked him down?? WHAT A “SLUG”!!!!
Terry Mallenby successfully sued RCMP S/S John (Jack) Thomas Randle and the Canadian Government because of the big, fat LIES by Randle!!
Chapter 2 – Part 4 Canadian Prime Minister “Hitler” Harper refuses to remove the illegal 40 year old RCMP lies about Terry Mallenby he put on Sergey Brin’s and web sites? Terry Mallenby took on some slimy bastards and won!
Staff Sgt John Thomas Randle was the original RCMP LIAR who said the husband was an unwilling witness at the 1976 Squamish, British Columbia, Canada inquest!
As can be seen in text, Terry Mallenby has the original Coroner Inquest report sent to him by the Coroner’s office clearly indicating he was not an unwilling witness!! In fact, the Coroner apologized to Terry Mallenby for listening to the Police lies that he was an “unwilling witness”!
Staff Sgt John Thomas Randle was the RCMP “arse hole” who wrote a letter in 1979 saying the husband was a murderer! And to prove that Staff Sgt John Thomas Randle was not only a LIAR but a big, fat “arse hole” – Terry Mallenby used Randle’s big fat lies to successfully sue the Queen of England, the Canada Government and the Royal Canadian Mounted Police!! Terry Mallenby also used RCMP John Thomas Randle’s lies to be approved for a PTSD [Post-Tramatic Stress Disorder] pension, which he has received since he was age 28! Now he has some other slimy bastards to take on! Terry Mallenby is now over 66 years old, and as payback for successfully suing the Canadian Government – RCMP Commissioner Robert Paulson and Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harper have the 40 year old RCMP lies uploaded to Sergey Brin’s Google web sites in 2012!! RCMP Commissioner Robert Paulson refuses to remove these 40 year old RCMP lies from Sergey Brin’s Google web sites!! That makes RCMP Commissioner Robert Paulson an exceptional piece of slime? Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harper refuses to remove these 40 year old RCMP lies from Sergey Brin’s Google web sites!! That makes Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harper an exceptional piece of slime?
Is that why Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harper appears in a “Gestapo uniform”?
In 2013, Senator Larry W. Campbell, former RCMP officer, and former Chief Coroner says he doesn’t give a “shite” about the 1976 coroner inquest results – the RCMP will continue their campaign of illegal acts, harassment of Terry Mallenby, his wife, and children!! That makes Senator Larry W. Campbell an exceptional piece of slime?
Chapter 2 – Part 5 What good is a Coroner Inquest Judgement when you have “arse holes” like Senator Larry Campbell, former Chief Coroner, former RCMP Officer and Canadian Prime Minister Stephen “Hitler” Harper and that other “jack-ass” RCMP Commissioner Robert Paulson ignore the 1976 Coroner Inquest Judgement? Senator Larry Campbell, former Chief Coroner, former RCMP Officer says he doesn’t give a shite about 1976 Squamish Coroner Inquest Judgement – the Royal Canadian Mounted Police will harass Terry Mallenby, his wife and children forever!! The Royal Canadian Mounted Police doesn’t like the fact that Terry Mallenby successfully sued them! So what did they do, they uploaded their 1976 lies when Terry Mallenby was age 28 and again in 2012 when Terry Mallenby was age 65?? Let’s first define a Coroner’s Inquest in British Columbia Canada. Coroner’s Inquest An inquest is held and a Verdict at Inquest is written. Inquests are formal court proceedings, with a five-person jury, held to publicly review the circumstances of a death. The jury hears evidence from witnesses under subpoena in order to determine the facts of the death.
So what have the RCMP done, they have uploaded their 1976 lies that Terry Mallenby was an unwilling witness: Husband reluctant witness .at Mallenby inquest -
However, as can be seen below, the author has the original Coroner Inquest report sent to him by the Coroner’s office of British Columbia Canada!!
Author’s Note: The letters and numbers [P3ai] at the bottom of the above noted letter refers to the evidence the Terry Mallenby submitted to the Federal Court of Canada when he SUCCESSFULLY SUED the Royal Canadian Mounted Police!! The RCMP didn’t like this and has harassed the author, his wife and children since that time!!! And they did that when they knew the author’s lawyer was out of town in 1976??
Again, the author has to put the facts straight!!! The verdict in this 1976 Coroner’s Inquest – by persons or persons unknown:
So what have the RCMP done, they have put some more bull-shit about the Terry Mallenby – this time that he was an unwilling witness which is what the RCMP [through the Crown] told the Coroner in 1976!!!
Chapter 2 – Part 6 Who to hell is Senator Larry W. Campbell that he doesn’t care about the missing and murdered in Squamish, British Columbia? Well, here he is:
References courtesy of the Fair Use Act, for research purposes, to clarify the author’s point of view. Biography One of Vancouver’s best-known and most admired citizens, Larry W. Campbell has served as mayor since 2002 after a distinguished and high profile career primarily in law enforcement and death investigation. Author’s Note: This Larry Campbell has a long career of law enforcement and death investigation, yet with respect to the missing and murdered in Squamish, British Columbia he says Yawn Squamish again Larry Campbell Here’s the missing and murdered in Squamish, British Columbia, Canada that Senator Larry Campbell, former RCMP officer, doesn’t give “two hoots” about:
SQUAMISH # 1 Oct. 29, '85: Rachel Turley, 20 Turley's body was found in a wooded area near Squamish. She had been sexually assaulted, beaten and strangled. Police say she was known to them as a Granville Mall "street person" who once worked as a prostitute. A 2001 Vancouver Sun article listing the missing
SQUAMISH # 2 Topic: 1970's Squamish, BC - possible connection between 3 murders? Re: 1970's Squamish, BC - possible connection between 3 murders? « Reply #20 on: August 02, 2011, 04:19:55 PM » I'm sorry about your friend. Sadly there were so many serial killers in this area during that era, it hard to know for sure. Unsolved Murders | Missing People Canada
SQUAMISH # 3 Re: Jodi Henrickson~17~missing~Bowen Island/Squamish~June 20,2009 « Reply #61 on: May 23, 2012, 11:55:54 AM » Body found on Bowen Island By Jane Seyd, North Shore News May 23, 2012 6:34 AM POLICE investigating the discovery of a body in a bushy area of Bowen Island say the remains are likely not those of missing Squamish teen Jodi Henrickson. "We don't feel it's connected to that case," said Sgt. Jennifer Pound, spokeswoman for the RCMP's Integrated Homicide Investigation Team. Pound said investigators ruled out that the body was Henrickson early on, although she declined to say how police did that. Bowen Island RCMP were called out Friday at around 2 p.m. by a local resident who had discovered the body on his land, a wooded property in the 1,000 block of Harding Road. An autopsy is to be performed Tuesday to try to identify the victim and the likely cause of death. Suicide remains a possibility, as does the chance that the body was dumped there.
"There are no obvious signs of injury," said Pound. So far investigators have not confirmed whether the body - which was badly decomposed - is male or female. "We believe the body was there for quite some time," said Pound. Lloyd Harding, who lives on Harding Road, said he was walking down to his mailbox with his son's dog at the end of last week when the Jack Russell terrier tried to drag him into the bush. Harding said he noticed a bad smell in the area. "I thought someone had hit a deer he said." Harding said he's walked right by the area where the body was found before but didn't see anything or notice any smell in the area before last week's spell of hot weather. Police are currently checking missing persons reports to see if they can help identify the remains. Henrickson, then 17, disappeared three years ago on June 20, 2009 after leaving a house party on Bowen Island with her ex-boyfriend Gavin Arnott. Neither Henrickson nor any signs of her have shown up since then, despite several searches by both police and volunteers. Police have repeatedly said they think Henrickson met with foul play and never left the island. Harding said the quiet community is "shocked and very concerned" by Friday's discovery. [email protected] Unsolved Murders | Missing People Canada
SQUAMISH # 4 Christopher Leo Turgeon | 3 | Missing Squamish BC | December 18, 1999 « on: July 17, 2011, 10:39:27 PM » Case Number: 0000110 Missing Since: 18 December 1999 Missing From: Squamish, British Columbia, CANADA Details: Christopher was abducted by his non-custodial mother, Lilia VAZQUEZ. Missing Child: Christopher Leo TURGEON Date of Birth: 14 March 1996 Sex: Male Hair: Brown Eye: Brown Height: 91 cm (36 feet, inches) Weight: 19 kg (42 lb) Additional Information: He has a mole on his lower lip on the right side. He speaks English and Spanish. Christopher's photo is age-progressed to 7 years old. May be in the company of: Lilia Martinez VAZQUEZ Date of Birth: 23 March 1974 Sex: Female Hair: Brown Eye: Brown Height: 173 cm (68 feet, inches) Weight: 50 kg (110 lb) Additional Information: The abductor was born in Mexico. She speaks Spanish and English. Alias(es): Lilia MARTINEZ, Lilia MARTINEZ VAZQUEZ, Lilia VASQUEZ Relationship: Mother Unsolved Murders | Missing People Canada
SQUAMISH # 5 Re: 1950 - 1969 Unsolved Murders and Missing - Canada « Reply #45 on: April 11, 2010, 06:18:24 PM » Furry Creek, BC Okay, I am going to post some more of my findings, unfortunately, not much to find. I will post the info over a few posts. This first lot is not in the date sequence as originally listed. I may have found a common thread in these ones. Although they are listed as Squamish/Vancouver cases, when I looked at the death registration information on I found all of their locations of death were within 18km of a place called Furry Creek, BC. I have included one that was listed as Squamish as it seems to be in the same area. I am not sure if these young ladies actually died/were found near Furry Creek or if they were perhaps, from there, and therefore, their deaths were listed for that location. I have to break this one into two posts as the computer is fussing 1. 12 April 73 Helen Hopcroft, age 17, Vancouver Her death was registered as 13 May 73, Furry Creek, BC There was an obituary for her in the Winnipeg Free Press 7 June 73 2. 17 Feb 75 Gayle Rogers, Vancouver, BC If it is the same young lady, found "Gail Sandra Rogers" Date of registered death, 7 Mar 75, she was born in 1949 so she was 26, her death is registered as "Squamish, BC" Unsolved Murders | Missing People Canada
SQUAMISH # 6 Fraser Member Posts: 120 « Reply #46 on: April 11, 2010, 06:27:30 PM » Furry Creek cont'd 3. 25 Jan 75 Margie Melinda Blackwell, 21 Death registration: 25 Jan 75, place of death, Furry Creek, BC 4. 26 Feb 76 Ruth Gwendolyn Mallenby, 26, Squamish Death Registration: "Ruth Gwendelyne Mallenby", 7 Mar 76 Lion's Bay, (18 km from Furry Creek, BC) For everyone's consideration. If I find anymore with this link I will add them to this post. Unsolved Murders | Missing People Canada
SQUAMISH # 7 Sunday afternoon a group of hikers found a dead body near a hiking trail on the side of Mamquam Road in Squamish. "It appears the man was met with foul play," said spokeswoman Sgt. Jennifer Pound. "It does appear to be a homicide." Pound also refused to comment on media reports that the man's body was found beaten and duct-taped. Kim Bolan has reported the identity of the body is that of William Woo from Surrey who was an associate of the East Vancouver hells angels but more recently went over to the other side. Now he's in a body bag. I wonder who the prime suspects are? If the East Vancouver chapter of the Hells angels contract a murder, that makes them a criminal organization guilty of murder. I don't know about the Duhre Daiquiris but Lotus, now there is some old school credibility right there. They are more than capable of professional payback. Beaten and duck taped. Yeah that would imply foul play. It reminds me of two other cases in Squamish. One was a guy named Alex Larsen who was run over by a truck because he was lying in the middle of the road. It's so strange and tragic. Yes it's possible he got drunk or high and passed out. Yet we've never heard a word either way. We don't know if he was beaten and dumped there or if he was walking on the side of the road and a car hit him which was why he was lying in the middle of the road before the bus ran him over. The case comes to mind and I wish there was more pieces to that puzzle. They say he had made a decision to turn his life around. Just like Britney Irving. Tragic indeed.
Of course there's that other bizarre case in Squamish, the murder of Javan Luke Dowling. Three drug dealers were driving in a car in Vancouver. One of the drug dealers, shot one of the other drug dealers in the head and the third drug dealer watched the shooter cut off Dowling's head and dismembered his body. The two surviving drug dealers buried the body in two separate locations in Squamish. Mihaly Illes was alleged to be the shooter while Derrick Madinski helped him bury the body. Derrick Madinski went with Joe Brallic to LA where Joe was ripped off and murdered. Meanwhile in that same original article about a new dead body being found in Squamish it later stated there was another shooting in Surrey near the corner of 111A Avenue and 146th Street at about 2: 40 a.m. on Sunday. It didn't even make it's own head line. Kinda sad. The point is violent crime is continuing and as the papers also report the court system is currently in crisis. That was before Harper's disproportionate crime bill sent the fragile system into chaos. Gangsters Out Blog
Chapter 2 – Part 7 What else can we say about Senator Larry W. Campbell that he doesn’t care about the missing and murdered in Squamish, British Columbia? As further stated about the guy: Larry W. Campbell moved to Vancouver in 1969, working for the RCMP and later becoming a member of the force's Drug Squad. In 1981, he began work for the Government of British Columbia's Ministry of Attorney General! Well, on Thursday, March 1, 2012 Senator Larry W. Campbell rose in the Senate and challenged two other Senators: Hon. Larry W. Campbell: Honourable senators, I rise today to speak on Bill C-10, the safe streets and communities act. Before I start, I will have to invite Senator Nolin and Senator Runciman to the province of British Columbia so that I can show them that, on Galiano Island at least, we are safe and that the crime rate has not risen substantially over the past few years. Sounds impressive, doesn’t it?? Well, until you scratch the surface!! First of all, Galiano Island had a population growth of only from 909 to 1071 from 1991 to 2001? WHAT?? Whereas Senator Nolin’s “riding” of De Salaberry, Québec, Canada had as of the 2011 Census a population of 40,077. And, Senator Runciman “riding” of Leeds – Grenville, Ontario, Canada as of 2001 had a population of 96,606!! Talk about not playing fair Senator Larry W. Campbell!! Compare your “piddly little” Galiano Island, with a population of around 1,000 to other Senators with 40,077 and 96,606 populations restively?? Is this Senator Larry W. Campbell “out to lunch”??? In any event, let’s examine Senator Larry W. Campbell assertions that his Galiano Island is free of crime!! 130
Well, the first thing one finds about Galiano Island is an article about the Marijuana grow ops on Galiano Island, British Columbia, Canada? References courtesy of the Fair Use Act, for research purposes, to clarify the author’s point of view Light Action May 6, 2011 - Uploaded by GIFTS Films This video mini-doc explores Marijuana grow ops on Galiano Island, BC.
WHAT?? Didn’t it say: Larry W. Campbell moved to Vancouver in 1969, working for the RCMP and later becoming a member of the force's Drug Squad. In 1981, he began work for the Government of British Columbia's Ministry of Attorney General!
And, in spite of this, the first thing one reads about Galiano Island is an article about the Marijuana grow ops on Galiano Island, British Columbia, Canada? What was Senator Larry W. Campbell doing when he was with the Royal Canadian Mounted Police drug squad?? Sleeping on the job?? Or, just ignoring the Marijuana grow ops on Galiano Island, British Columbia, Canada? After all, there are tons of photos of the “pot plants” on Galiano Island, British Columbia, Canada on the Internet:
More “pot plants” on Galiano Island, British Columbia, Canada on the Internet?
What was Senator Larry W. Campbell doing when he was with the Royal Canadian Mounted Police drug squad?? Sleeping on the job??
More “pot plants” on Galiano Island, British Columbia, Canada on the Internet?
What was Senator Larry W. Campbell doing when he was with the Royal Canadian Mounted Police drug squad?? Sleeping on the job??
More Marijuana “grow ops” on Galiano Island, British Columbia, Canada?
What was Senator Larry W. Campbell doing when he was with the Royal Canadian Mounted Police drug squad?? Sleeping on the job?? And this guy was the Attorney General of British Columbia, Canada entrusted with the task of prosecuting crime: Larry W. Campbell moved to Vancouver in 1969, working for the RCMP and later becoming a member of the force's Drug Squad. In 1981, he began work for the Government of British Columbia's Ministry of Attorney General!
Yet, as one person said: Will Emdomain 3 Sep 2013 ies/107745936248739775285 And I own a house on Galiano Island, the RCMP officers that come onto the island know who grows. They could just drive onto the property!! And in terms of any of these Marijuana grow ops on Galiano Island, British Columbia, Canada being “busted”, the same person writes: I haven't heard of one in almost 15 years in the South Gulf Islands (BC). WHAT?? Larry W. Campbell was the Attorney General of British Columbia, Canada entrusted with the task of prosecuting crime and there hasn’t been a “bust” of Marijuana grow-ops on his Galiano Island!! This guy wasn’t sleeping on the job – as being blind, dumb, and stupid!! Or, was he in cahoots with these Marijuana grow-ops, people used to say that the RCMP would supply protection for trucks with tarps over them coming out of the woods?? Others in British Columbia Canada have also said the RCMP are involved in the trafficking of Marijuana? Rumours, or fact – especially when one resident says: I haven't heard of one in almost 15 years in the South Gulf Islands (BC). Someone is obviously protecting the Marijuana grow ops!!!
Chapter 3 – Part 1 RCMP Commissioner Robert Paulson upload 40 year old lies as RCMP payback because Terry Mallenby successfully sued them!!! Anything is possible with this guy – He has no scruples! In 1976 the Royal Canadian Mounted Police [RCMP] lied to the British Columbia Coroner in Squamish saying that Terry Mallenby was an unwilling witness [so they could arrest him]!!! The Coroner apologized to Terry Mallenby for listening to the RCMP that he was an “unwilling witness”! Because of the RCMP lies, Terry Mallenby missed his wife’s funeral! Terry Mallenby will hate the RCMP until the day he dies! And Terry Mallenby will have books written about the RCMP scum to show the kind of “shit” they pull on the “little people” And this book is just one in a series that tells the bitter truth about the RCMP! Terry Mallenby eventually found a decent Canadian lawyer [they are hard to come by] who sued the RCMO, the Queen and the Canadian government [on a contingency basis] with Terry Mallenby winning a $275,000 out of court settlement. The RCMP have been harassing Terry Mallenby, his wife and children ever since!!! Terry Mallenby has been writing about the stupid bastards ever since: BOOK SUPPRESSED BY “HITLER” HARPER! Canada’s Police Force: Lies, fabrication, perjury ... and much worse? “Before his death he was able to tell a nurse at the hospital that an RCMP officer jumped up and down on him”
Terry Mallenby successfully sued RCMP!
Terry Mallenby successfully sued RCMP!
Terry Mallenby successfully sued RCMP!
Chapter 3 – Part 2 Canadian Prime Minister “Hitler” Harper uploads 40 year old RCMP lies as RCMP payback because Terry Mallenby successfully sued the Federal Government of Canada?? Anything is possible with this guy!
Terry Mallenby successfully sued the Canadian Government!!
Terry Mallenby successfully sued the Canadian Government!!
Terry Mallenby successfully sued the Canadian Government!!
Chapter 3 – Part 3 As RCMP payback, Canadian Prime Minister “Hitler” Harper sent two fellow University of Alberta graduates all the way to Squamish, British Columbia, Canada [a distance of 1,223 km / 1,000 miles] to upload the same 40 year old RCMP lies about Terry Mallenby!!! Why would Darby Love and Sanfu Chen both University of Alberta graduates travel all the way to Squamish British Columbia, Canada? A distance of 1,223 km / 1,000 miles?
Why would a University of Alberta graduate travel all the way to Squamish British Columbia, Canada to upload one article from a non-existent newspaper to the internet? “The company that owned the paper doesn't exist anymore so while the library has verbal permission to use the archives of the Squamish Times there is no formal document making it clear so an application is in front of the copyright board seeking formal acknowledgement that the library can publish the newspaper archive online, says Sanfu Chen.” Why because RCMP Commissioner Bob Paulson and Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harper told them to upload the same 40 year old RCMP lies to keep Terry Mallenby, his wife and children unemployed! 144
Squamish Public Librarian Sanfu Chen uploaded 40 year old RCMP lies because RCMP Commissioner Bob Paulson and Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harper told them to upload the same 40 year old RCMP lies to keep Terry Mallenby, his wife and children unemployed!!
Graduate student Sanfu Chen shifts through the Squamish Library’s archives Photo by Rebecca Aldous/The Chief H/eagle-8216-barometer-reaches-just-655
Squamish Public Librarian Sanfu Chen uploaded 40 year old RCMP lies because RCMP Commissioner Bob Paulson and Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harper told them to upload the same 40 year old RCMP lies to keep Terry Mallenby, his wife and children unemployed!!
Historical Squamish photos and documents go online Project awaiting word on next round of funding to carry on by John French
Squamish Public Librarian Darby Love also uploaded 40 year old RCMP lies because RCMP Commissioner Bob Paulson and Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harper told them to upload the same 40 year old RCMP lies to keep Terry Mallenby, his wife and children unemployed!!
Darby Love, Reference Librarian Squamish Public Library 37907 2nd Avenue, PO Box 1039 Squamish, BC V8B 0A7 [email protected] 604-892-3110, ext. 5307
Chapter 3 – Part 4 As can be seen below, Terry Mallenby has the original Coroner Inquest report sent to him by the Coroner’s office of British Columbia Canada – clearly indicating he was not an unwilling witness!!
Author’s Note: The letters and numbers [P3ai] at the bottom of the above noted letter refers to the evidence the author submitted to the Federal Court of Canada when he SUCCESSFULLY SUED the Royal Canadian Mounted Police!! The RCMP didn’t like this and have harassed Terry Mallenby, his wife and children since 1976!!! And the RCMP purposefully lied 40 years ago when they knew Terry Mallenby’s lawyer was out of town??
Again, this author has to put the facts straight!!! The verdict in this Coroner’s Inquest – by persons or persons unknown:
So what has RCMP Commissioner Bob Paulson and Prime Minister Stephen Harper sent two fellow University of Alberta graduates all the way to Squamish, British Columbia, Canada to upload the same 40 year old RCMP lies about Terry Mallenby!!!
So what has RCMP Commissioner Bob Paulson and Prime Minister Stephen Harper sent two fellow University of Alberta graduates all the way to Squamish, British Columbia, Canada to upload the same 40 year old RCMP lies about Terry Mallenby!!!
Chapter 4 – Part 1 RCMP Commissioner Robert Paulson and Canadian Prime Minister “Hitler” Harper are exceptional pieces of slime using their Billionaire friends to keep these 40 year old RCMP lies about Terry Mallenby lies on and!
These Billionaire shite heads include:
Sergey Brin a Google owner and Billionaire blocks emails about the removal of those 40 year old RCMP lies that Terry Mallenby was an unwilling witness, to keep Terry Mallenby, his wife and children unemployed! Larry Page a Google owner and Billionaire blocks emails about the removal of those 40 year old RCMP lies that Terry Mallenby was an unwilling witness, to keep Terry Mallenby, his wife and children unemployed! Eric Schmidt a Google Billionaire blocks emails about the removal of those 40 year old RCMP lies that Terry Mallenby was an unwilling witness, to keep Terry Mallenby, his wife and children unemployed! Google Billionaire David Drummond earned his JD from Stanford Law School yet refuses to remove these 40 year old RCMP lies from Sergey Brin’s
Google web sites!!
John L. Hennessy a Google Billionaire refuses to remove these 40 year
Old RCMP lies from Sergey Brin’s Google web sites!!
Ann Mather a Google Billionaire refuses to remove these 40 year
Old RCMP lies from Sergey Brin’s Google web sites!!
Shirley M. Tilghman a Google Billionaire refuses to remove these 40 year
Old RCMP lies from Sergey Brin’s Google web sites!!
Diane B. Greene a Google Billionaire refuses to remove these 40 year
Old RCMP lies from Sergey Brin’s Google web sites!!
Another Billionaire Mark Coker founder of Smashwords suppresses books about the removal of those 40 year old RCMP lies that Terry Mallenby was an unwilling witness, to keep Terry Mallenby, his wife and children unemployed! Another Billionaire Amazon and Createspace founder Jeffrey P. Bezos suppresses books about the removal of those 40 year old RCMP lies that Terry Mallenby was an unwilling witness, to keep Terry Mallenby, his wife and children unemployed!
The Stanford University Connection with Google Billionaire Larry Page is CEO and Co-Founder of Google with Sergey Brin while pursuing a Ph.D. at Stanford University. Another Google Billionaire John L. Hennessy has served as a member of our board of Google directors since April 2004. He has served as the President of Stanford University since September 2000. Billionaire Sergey Brin holds a Master of Science degree in computer science from Stanford University. Maybe Stanford University Department Chair Jennifer Widom and University President John L. Hennessy will get Eric Schmidt, John L. Hennessy and Sergey Brin to do the right thing and remove the 40 year old RCMP lies on Sergey Brin’s and web sites about Terry Mallenby!!! Jennifer Widom Department Chair, Computer Science Stanford University Department of Computer Science, Gates Building 4A, Stanford University, Stanford, CA 94305-9040 [email protected] John L. Hennessy President Professor of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science Stanford University Office of the President Building 10, Main Quad Stanford, CA 94305 [email protected]
The University of California Connection with Google Eric Schmidt holds a Ph.D. in computer science from the University of California, Berkeley. Another Google Billionaire, Diane B. Greene has served as a member of our board of directors since January 2012. She holds a Master of Science degree in computer science from the University of California, Berkeley Maybe University of California Chair David E. Culler will get Eric Schmidt and Diane B. Greene to do the right thing and remove the 40 year old RCMP lies on Sergey Brin’s and web sites about Terry Mallenby!!! David E. Culler Chair Department of Computer Science 205 Cory Hall, Berkeley, CA 94720-1770 [email protected]
The Princeton University Connection with Google Eric Schmidt a Google Billionaire blocks emails about the removal of those 40 year old RCMP lies that Terry Mallenby was an unwilling witness, to keep Terry Mallenby, his wife and children unemployed! Doesn’t Eric Schmidt believe in justice, the law, or anything like that? Eric Schmidt holds a bachelor’s degree in electrical engineering from Princeton University. Another Billionaire Amazon founder Jeffrey P. Bezos suppresses books about the removal of those 40 year old RCMP lies that Terry Mallenby was an unwilling witness, to keep Terry Mallenby, his wife and children unemployed! Doesn’t Jeffrey P. Bezos believe in justice, the law, or anything like that? Jeffrey P. Bezos graduated with a Bachelor of Science in Engineering in electrical engineering and computer Science from Princeton University!
Apparently, just like Google Billionaire Eric Schmidt and Google Billionaire Shirley M. Tilghman, Jeffrey P. Bezos attended Princeton University, with a Bachelor of Science in Engineering in electrical engineering and computer science. What’s this, the two Billionaire “skunks” helping each other out by suppressing books asking for the removal of those 40 year old RCMP lies that Terry Mallenby was an unwilling witness, to keep Terry Mallenby, his wife and children unemployed! The two may be Billionaires, but as far as the author is concerned they aren’t worth “shite”! Will the Executive Vice President Treby Williams at Princeton University do something about Google Billionaire Eric Schmidt’s and Google Billionaire Shirley M. Tilghman’s refusal to remove those 40 year old RCMP lies that Terry Mallenby was an unwilling witness, to keep Terry Mallenby, his wife and children unemployed!
Treby Williams, Executive Vice President Princeton University 318 Nassau Hall, Princeton, NJ 08544 P: 609.258.7097 [email protected] Maybe Princeton University Dean David Dobkin and Vice Dean Claire Gmachl will get these two Princeton University graduates, Eric Schmidt and Jeffrey P. Bezos, to do the right thing and remove the 40 year old RCMP lies on Sergey Brin’s and web sites about Terry Mallenby!!! Dean David Dobkin Dean of Faculty Department of Computer Science 9 Nassau Hall Princeton University Princeton NJ 08544 [email protected] [email protected] Vice Dean Claire Gmachl Eugene Higgins Professor of Electrical Engineering Vice Dean, School of Engineering and Applied Sciences School of Engineering and Applied Sciences Department of Electrical Engineering Engineering Quadrangle, Olden Street Princeton, NJ 08544 [email protected]
Is this the kind of person President Barack Obama wants as his campaign advisor or his Commerce Secretary? Eric Schmidt was a campaign advisor and major donor to Barack Obama and served on Google’s government relations team. Obama considered him for Commerce Secretary. Eric Schmidt refuses to remove those 40 year old RCMP lies from his and web sites that Terry Mallenby was an unwilling witness, to keep Terry Mallenby, his wife and children unemployed! What will the “little people” in America think of President Barack Obama using this Eric Schmidt for anything in his government – especially his fellow black Americans who are fed up with legal discrimination, with quite a few black folks being railroaded into jail over the year? What a “slug”: Schmidt graduated from Yorktown High School in Arlington, Virginia, in 1972. Schmidt sat on the boards of trustees for both Carnegie Mellon University and Princeton University. The New America Foundation is a non-profit public policy institute and think tank, founded in 1999. Schmidt is the current chairman of the board of directors. The Schmidt Family Foundation was established in 2006 by Wendy Schmidt and Eric Schmidt. In 2005 Google blacklisted CNET reporters from talking to Google employees: These people have been informed about this guy: Treby Williams, Executive Vice President Princeton University 318 Nassau Hall, Princeton, NJ 08544 P: 609.258.7097 [email protected]
Dean David Dobkin Dean of Faculty Department of Computer Science 9 Nassau Hall Princeton University Princeton NJ 08544 [email protected] [email protected] Vice Dean Claire Gmachl Eugene Higgins Professor of Electrical Engineering Vice Dean, School of Engineering and Applied Sciences School of Engineering and Applied Sciences Department of Electrical Engineering Engineering Quadrangle, Olden Street Princeton, NJ 08544 [email protected] Eugene Higgins Professor of Electrical Engineering Vice Dean, School of Engineering and Applied Sciences School of Engineering and Applied Sciences Department of Electrical Engineering Engineering Quadrangle, Olden Street Princeton, NJ 08544 [email protected] [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected],
The Createspace and Connection to Google Billionaire Amazon founder Jeffrey P. Bezos suppresses hundreds of books about the removal of those 40 year old RCMP lies that Terry Mallenby was an unwilling witness, to keep Terry Mallenby, his wife and children unemployed! Another Billionaire Amazon founder Jeffrey P. Bezos advertises his Create Space as a site to publish your work!
That’s a crock of “bull shite”! However, Billionaire Amazon founder Jeffrey P. Bezos is quite willing to suppress all books about the removal of those 40 year old RCMP lies that Terry Mallenby was an unwilling witness, to keep Terry Mallenby, his wife and children unemployed! Doesn’t Jeffrey P. Bezos believe in justice, the law, or anything like that? He has suppressed all books by Wallice Bellair about removing those 40 year old RCMP lies that Terry Mallenby was an unwilling witness, to keep Terry Mallenby, his wife and children unemployed!
As one reader said: And to show what kind of fine quality books the author is writing, and Jeffrey P. Bezos is suppressing – just read this comment!! Another of the author’s books was sent to Richard V. a Professor of Social Work: Good afternoon: The publication will no doubt make for a very interesting read. Mary Steinhauser was a UBC Social Work Grad MSW 1973 and I was privileged to be her classmate. She brought a wealth of experience and insight to the Program. If memory serves me correctly Mary graduated at the top of the class. Regards Richard V Mary Steinhauser was killed by a Canadian Government employee, and Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harper through people like Jeffrey P. Bezos keeps suppressing books about her murder!!! That, of course, is another story about Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harper and his unethical behavior!!
More about this Billionaire “Bozo” Jeffrey P. Bezos: Why did Amazon founder Jeffrey P. Bezos suppress this next book! Doesn’t he believe in justice, the law, or anything like that? Or, is he more interested in protecting his Billionaire buddies? Jeffrey P. Bezos Bezos attended Miami Palmetto Senior High School. Bezos has spent $42 million to fund the first full-scale Clock of the Long Now, designed to last 10,000 years. On August 5, 2013, Bezos announced his purchase of The Washington Post for $250 million in cash. Bezos was awarded an honorary doctorate in Science and Technology from Carnegie Mellon University in 2008. What does this billionaire have to hide? Only a rat hides the truth?
Amazon founder and Create Space owner Jeffrey P. Bezos has closed the account of author Wallice Bellair at the request of Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harper because Wallice Bellair wrote about the corruption in Canada by Harper and the Royal Canadian Mounted Police including many, many books about removing those 40 year old RCMP lies that Terry Mallenby was an unwilling witness, to keep Terry Mallenby, his wife and children unemployed!
Jeffrey P. Bezos may be a Billionaire – but he surely isn’t much of a person and he surely doesn’t believe in justice, the law, or anything like that? And where did attend university, Jeffrey P. Bezos attended Princeton University, with a Bachelor of Science in Engineering in electrical engineering and computer science. Is that the type of graduate Princeton University is producing these days – no morals, no scruples? Nothing but a “slug”!
The Smashwords Connection to Google Another Billionaire Mark Coker founder of Smashwords suppresses books about the removal of those 40 year old RCMP lies that Terry Mallenby was an unwilling witness, to keep Terry Mallenby, his wife and children unemployed! Coker projects $12 million in revenue this year, double last year’s take. Doesn’t Mark Coker believe in justice, the law, or anything like that? Apparently, just like Google Billionaire Eric Schmidt and Google Billionaire Diane B. Greene, Mark Coker apparently went to the University of California, Berkeley too? What’s this, the three Billionaire “skunks” helping each other out by suppressing books asking for the removal of those 40 year old RCMP lies that Terry Mallenby Was an unwilling witness, to keep Terry Mallenby, his wife and children unemployed! The three may be Billionaires, but as far as the author is concerned they aren’t worth “shite”! Billionaire Mark Coker founder of Smashwords suppresses books about the removal of those 40 year old RCMP lies that Terry Mallenby was an unwilling witness, to keep Terry Mallenby, his wife and children unemployed! Coker projects $12 million in revenue this year, double last year’s take.
Another Billionaire Smashwords founder Mark Coker advertises his site as:
What is Smashwords?
Smashwords is an ebook distributor. We make it fast, free and easy for authors and publishers to distribute ebooks to the world's largest ebook retailers. Authors and publishers retain full control over how their works are published, sampled, priced and sold. If an author wants to give it away for free, they have that freedom. That’s a crock of “bull shite”! Wallice Bellair’s books were FREE!!! However, Billionaire Smashwords founder Mark Coker is quite willing to suppress all books about the removal of those 40 year old RCMP lies that Terry Mallenby was an unwilling witness, to keep Terry Mallenby, his wife and children unemployed! Doesn’t Mark Coker believe in justice, the law, or anything like that?
The Cambridge University Connection to Google Another Billionaire, Ann Mather has served as a director of since November 2005. Ann holds a Master of Arts degree in Geography from Cambridge University in England Maybe Cambridge University Department Head Bill Adams will get Ann Mather to do the right thing and remove the 40 year old RCMP lies on Sergey Brin’s and web sites about Terry Mallenby!!! Bill Adams Head of Department Department of Geography University of Cambridge Downing Place Cambridge CB2 3EN [email protected]
The Canadian Connection with Google Shirley M. Tilghman another Google Billionaire served as the President of Princeton University from June 2001 to June 2013. Shirley holds a Bachelor of Science degree with honors in chemistry from Queen’s University. As you will note, Lorisa Stein one of the Canadian Human Rights staff wrote a false memo in 1979 that Terry Mallenby was a murderer to make sure he remained unemployed - Lorisa Stein also graduated from Queen’s University in Kingston, Ontario, Canada. Maybe Queen’s University Associate Head Natalie M. Cann will get Shirley M. Tilghman, a Queen’s University graduate, to do the right thing and remove the 40 year old RCMP lies on Sergey Brin’s and web sites about Terry Mallenby!!! Natalie M. Cann, Associate Head Department of Chemistry Queen's University 90 Bader Lane Kingston, Ontario Canada K7L 3N6 [email protected]
The Squamish, British Columbia, Canada Connection Hey, Squamish Mayor Rob Kirkham when are you going to have these 40 year old RCMP lies removed from Sergey Brin’s Google and internet web site? District of Squamish Council is made up of six Councillors and one Mayor who are elected for a three year term. The current Council was elected in 2011: Rob Kirkham, Mayor [email protected] Squamish City Hall Mailing Address 37955 Second Avenue, P.O. Box 310 Squamish, B.C., Canada V8B 0A3 Phone: 604-892-5217 Fax: 604-892-1083 Bryan Raiser, Councillor [email protected] Doug Race, Councillor [email protected] Patricia Heintzman, Councillor [email protected] Ron Sander, Councillor [email protected] Susan Chapelle, Councillor [email protected] Ted Prior, Councillor [email protected] They were all in office when in 2012 when Squamish Public Librarians Sanfu Chen and Darby Love uploaded these 40 year old RCMP lies because RCMP Commissioner Bob Paulson and Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harper told them to upload the same 40 year old RCMP lies to keep Terry Mallenby, his wife and children unemployed!!
Notice also how the Squamish Council members also did not want to hear about the Royal Canadian Mounted Police lies from 1976: Delivery to the following recipients failed permanently: [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] Notice how all these other Squamish scum-buckets have been informed, but nothing has been done to remove the 40 year old RCMP lies about Terry Mallenby on Sergey Brin’s Google web sites!!
[email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected],
The Lawyer Connection to Google Well can’t have a Billionaires Club like Google without a layer on board! And who does Sergey Brin have? Google Billionaire David Drummond earned his JD from Stanford Law School. David Drummond, as Chief Legal Officer for Google, was asked when he was going to remove the 40 year old Royal Canadian Mounted Police lies about Terry Mallenby that appear his web site? No reply? David Drummond was asked, is this what your Stanford Law School taught you – to Keep these 40 year old Royal Canadian Mounted Police lies about Terry Mallenby that appear on his web site? No reply? David Drummond was given proof that Terry Mallenby had already successfully sued the Royal Canadian Mounted Police over their lies receiving a $275,000 out-of-court settlement and David Drummond, as Chief Legal Officer for Google, was again asked when he was going to remove those 40 year old Royal Canadian Mounted Police lies about Terry Mallenby from his web site? No reply? Author’s Note: Maybe he missed the Rev. Martin Luther King Jr.'s “I Have a Dream” speech on August 28, 1963 – the author remembers it – what’s wrong with this character David Drummond, Chief Legal Officer for As cited, What would Dr. Martin Luther King think of the Duke case? Would he be pleased that whites too can be "railroaded" on bogus charges? Author’s Note: So what’s wrong with David Drummond, Chief Legal Officer for – you feel so inadequate that you have to “stick it” to Terry Mallenby by keeping the 1976 RCMP lies about Terry Mallenby on your site to make yourself feel empowered!!! Maybe Stanford University Law School Professors Juliet M. Brodie, Diane T. Chin, Sabrina Johnson, Julia Erwin-Weiner and Vice Dean Mark G. Kelman and Dean M. Elizabeth Magill will get David Drummond, Chief Legal Officer for to do the right thing and remove the 40 year old RCMP lies on Sergey Brin’s and web sites about Terry Mallenby!!!
Juliet M. Brodie Professor of Law, Associate Dean for Clinical Education [email protected] Diane T. Chin Associate Dean for Public Service and Public Interest Law [email protected] Sabrina Johnson Associate Dean for Communications and Public Relations [email protected] Julia Erwin-Weiner Associate Dean for External Relations [email protected] Mark G. Kelman Vice Dean [email protected] M. Elizabeth Magill Dean [email protected] Stanford University Law School Crown Quadrangle 559 Nathan Abbott Way Stanford, CA 94305-8610
Chapter 4 – Part 2 Is this the kind of person President Barack Obama wants to associate with – David Drummond?
Barack Obama hugs Dave Drummond, Vice President of Google before a town hall meeting at Google headquarters! David Drummond, as Chief Legal Officer for Google, was asked when he was going to remove the 40 year old Royal Canadian Mounted Police lies about Terry Mallenby that appear his web site? No reply? David Drummond was asked, is this what your Stanford Law School taught you – to Keep these 40 year old Royal Canadian Mounted Police lies about Terry Mallenby that appear on his web site? No reply? David Drummond was given proof that Terry Mallenby had already successfully sued the Royal Canadian Mounted Police over their lies receiving a $275,000 out-of-court settlement and David Drummond, as Chief Legal Officer for Google, was again asked when he was going to remove those 40 year old Royal Canadian Mounted Police lies about Terry Mallenby from his web site? 176
No reply? What will the “little people” in America think of President Barack Obama hugging David Drummond – especially his fellow black Americans who are fed up with legal discrimination, with quite a few black folks being railroaded into jail over the year? And David Drummond refusing to remove these 40 year old Royal Canadian Mounted Police lies about Terry Mallenby from his and web sites? And for President Barack Obama to associate with Google Billionaire David Drummond makes no sense whatsoever – especially when President Barack Obama is a graduate of Columbia University and Harvard Law School and President Barack Obama worked as a civil rights attorney in Chicago and taught constitutional law at the University of Chicago Law School from 1992 to 2004? Charles Barnhill, Jr. Miner, Barnhill & Galland, P.C. 44 E Mifflin Street, Suite 803 Madison, WI 53703 Phone: (608) 255-5200 Email: [email protected] George F. Galland, Jr. Miner, Barnhill & Galland, P.C. 14 W. Erie Street Chicago, IL 60654 Phone: (312) 751-1170 Email: [email protected] Dean Martha Minow Harvard Law School 1563 Massachusetts Avenue Cambridge, MA 02138 617-495-4601 Email: [email protected] David M. Schizer, Dean of Law Columbia Law School 435 West 116th Street, Box B -12 New York NY 10027 Tel: 212-854-2675 Fax: 212-854-9740 Email: [email protected] 177
Maybe the Watch Dog and Investigative Reporters at the Rochester Democrat and Chronicle can help President Barack Obama out with this dilemma: Rochester Democrat and Chronicle 55 Exchange Boulevard Rochester, New York 14614 Watchdog Desk Dick Moss, Investigations Editor Phone: (585) 258-2626 e-mail: [email protected] Gary Craig, Investigations Phone: (585) 258-2479 e-mail: [email protected] Steve Orr, Investigations Phone: (585) 258-2386 e-mail: [email protected] Staff Writers Erica Bryant Columnist Phone:(585) 258-2333 e-mail: [email protected] Sean Dobbin, Reporter Phone: (585) 258-2491 e-mail: [email protected] Neeti Upadhye, Reporter Phone: 585-258-2413 e-mail: [email protected] Maybe President Obama doesn’t want to “rock the apple-cart”? David Drummond, Google Inc.’s top lawyer, donated to Obama last year and wrote a campaign check in April to Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell, a Kentucky Republican seeking re-election on a platform of opposing the president’s agenda.
Maybe President Obama should “rock the apple-cart”? As cited by Tom Kelly in “Immoral Google cheated taxpayers out of millions”: London - A former Google executive on Sunday accused the company of cheating taxpayers out of hundreds of millions of pounds with an “immoral” tax avoidance scheme. Barney Jones, 34, described how profits on deals completed in the UK were processed in Ireland, where the corporation tax rate is lower. The whistleblower, who worked for the Silicon Valley giant between 2002 and 2006, is ready to hand over more than 100 000 emails and documents to HM Revenue & Customs, detailing what he claims was a “concocted scheme”. Mr Jones said: “The real victims are ordinary taxpayers in Britain who are being cheated. Google has pulled the wool over the eyes of HMRC and the British population. Google has prided itself on being a socially responsible company and to pay your tax is the most fundamental responsibility. This is a betrayal of everything that Google stands for.” Mr Jones has already provided testimony to the Commons public accounts committee about Google, which has the informal motto ‘Don’t be evil’. His evidence resulted in the heated questioning of Google vice-president Matt Brittin last week, during which committee chairman Margaret Hodge accused his company of doing “evil” and using “smoke and mirrors” to avoid paying tax. Mr Jones told the Sunday Times that Google’s London sales staff negotiated contracts with British customers, and cash was paid into a UK bank account. But he said the deals were technically booked through the company’s Irish office, where corporation tax is just 12.5 percent compared to 23 percent in Britain. Google recorded revenues of £11.9-billion between 2006 and 2011, according to American stock market filings. But by booking its UK sales through Ireland, it paid only about £10-million in corporation tax during the period. Father-of-four Mr Jones said: “To try and fool people into thinking that you are not making money in a country where you are is absolutely scandalous.
“When I was at Google, our job was to find advertisers, to close the deals [and] to get them to sign bits of paper saying they were committing to spend in the UK. If that is not closing the deal, I don’t know what is. “Google uses a concocted scheme to avoid tax. It’s a smokescreen to distort where the substance of its economic activity is really taking place.” Mr Jones also accused the tax authorities of being ‘asleep at the wheel’ and said they should have challenged Google years ago. During a two-hour interrogation by the Commons committee last week, Mr Brittin eventually admitted that “a lot of the aspects of selling” took place in the UK, but all sales were processed and billed in Ireland. The bipartisan donations to sometimes feuding politicians show how technology officials are innovating as they enter the political arena by picking people they are convinced will pursue policies in sync with their own. Maybe President Obama should stay clear of Google at any cost? What a tangled web these Google execs weave! As cited in “Sergey Brin love quadrangle blamed for Google executive's sudden departure”:
Brin's new partner has been identified as Google Glass marketing manager Amanda Rosenberg. Google has been rocked by news of an office romance that is being blamed for a split between co-founder Sergey Brin and his wife, and the sudden 180
resignation of another senior male executive who was the former boyfriend of Brin's new love interest. The fallout could get even more complicated because Brin's wife of six years, Anne Wojcicki, is the sister of the Google senior vice president in charge of product management ads and commerce, Susan Wojcicki. A collateral casualty from the Brin-Wojcicki separation is Hugo Barra, Google’s vice president of Android product management and the man who announced his resignation on Thursday to take up at senior role at Chinese smartphone maker, Xioami. It is unusual for such a senior Silicon Valley executive with no formal or familial ties to China to leave for a Chinese competitor.
Chapter 4 – Part 3 Is President Obama powerful enough to get David Drummond to remove those 40 year old RCMP lies about Terry Mallenby from Drummond’s Google web sites? It’s a known fact that Black Folks in America have been the brunt of racial discrimination, police harassment and brutality. As cited by Alter Net: Today people of color continue to be disproportionately incarcerated, policed, and sentenced to death at significantly higher rates than their white counterparts. Further, racial disparities in the criminal-justice system threaten communities of color—disenfranchising thousands by limiting voting rights and denying equal access to employment, housing, public benefits, and education to millions more. In light of these disparities, it is imperative that criminal-justice reform evolves as the civil rights issue of the 21st century. They represent a disproportionate percentage in American prisons, along with Hispanic Americans: As cited by the NAACP: Benjamin Todd Jealous President and CEO NAACP National Headquarters 4805 Mt. Hope Drive Baltimore MD U.S.A. 21215 •African Americans now constitute nearly 1 million of the total 2.3 million incarcerated population •African Americans are incarcerated at nearly six times the rate of whites •Together, African American and Hispanics comprised 8% of all prisoners in 2008, even though African Americans and Hispanics make up approximately one quarter of the US population Who have in many cases been “railroaded into jail”! For example, in Demico Boothe's book on "Why Are So Many Black 182
Men in Prison?", he refers to his own experience where, when he left prison after serving his time, he was actually railroaded back into prison by a crooked justice system. Why then, would President Barack Obama want to associate with David Drummond, Chief Legal Officer for Google, who has steadfastly refused to remove the 40 year old Police lies about Terry Mallenby that appear David Drummond’s and and web sites? David Drummond was asked, is this what his Stanford Law School taught him – to keep these 40 year old Police lies about Terry Mallenby on his and and web sites? No reply from David Drummond? David Drummond was given proof that Terry Mallenby had already successfully sued the Police over their lies receiving a $275,000 out-of-court settlement and David Drummond, as Chief Legal Officer for Google, was again asked when he was going to remove those 40 year old Police lies about Terry Mallenby from his Google web sites? No reply from David Drummond? What will the “little people” in America think of President Barack Obama hugging David Drummond?? What will President Obama’s fellow Black Americans who are fed up with legal discrimination, with quite a few black folks being railroaded into jail over the years in America think of President Barack Obama hugging David Drummond?? Especially President Obama hugging this guy, David Drummond, who was given proof that Terry Mallenby had already successfully sued the Police over their lies receiving a $275,000 out-of-court settlement yet David Drummond, as Chief Legal Officer for Google, refuses to remove those 40 year old Police lies about Terry Mallenby from his Google web sites? As further noted in “Historical Case Studies”, it is noted: Throughout history, there have been many incidences of Latinos being treated unfairly in the criminal justice system. They have often times been unfairly targeted by police and sometimes railroaded by the criminal justice system.
For example: Although there was a complete lack of evidence in the Sleepy Lagoon Trial, the twelve men were convicted of murder and five of them were convicted of assault. This case is just one example of how the criminal justice system does not necessarily work for Latinos. The men in the Sleepy Lagoon case were railroaded by the criminal justice system. They never even had a fighting chance. Unfortunately things have not completely changed and Latinos still face many biases in the criminal justice system today. Again, what will the Hispanic peoples in America think of President Barack Obama hugging David Drummond?? Especially President Obama hugging this guy, David Drummond, who was given proof that Terry Mallenby had already successfully sued the Police over their lies receiving a $275,000 out-of-court settlement yet David Drummond, as Chief Legal Officer for Google, refuses to remove those 40 year old Police lies about Terry Mallenby from his Google web sites? And President Obama was given big support by the Hispanic and Black communities in becoming President in the first place? A coalition of Americans from ethnic minority groups helped President Barack Obama win a second term in office on Nov. 6. However, there are grumblings amongst these communities: As Raynard Jackson, an NNPA Columnist , recently stated: In the 2008 presidential election, Blacks were the largest voting bloc for Obama (as a percentage)—96 percent. In 2012, Obama received 93 percent of the Black vote, again the largest percentage of any voting bloc. What type of return on their votes has the Black community received? Zero. They have received lectures, been talked down to, and, more often, totally ignored. In addition, as Andrea Billups reported in her story Blacks, Hispanics, Youth Abandoning Obama: President Barack Obama's approval ratings have dropped to a new low since his reelection among young voters, blacks, and Hispanics! 184
Author’s Note: President Barack Obama arrived at Buckingham Palace Wednesday evening for a private meeting with Queen Elizabeth II. During their private meeting Obama gave Queen Elizabeth II an iPod while she gave Obama a silver-framed photograph of herself and Prince Philip. Does the Queen know that President Obama supports people, like Sergey Brin and David Drummond, that refuse to remove those 40 year old RCMP lies about Terry Mallenby from their Google web sites?
Chapter 4 – Part 4 Is President Obama powerful enough to get Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harper to remove those 40 year old RCMP lies about Terry Mallenby that Harper uploaded to Drummond’s Google web sites? Apologies to President Obama and those caught up in this “mess”, but when Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harper flaunts the law – the only thing an “independent” author can do is solicit assistance – and barring that let “the world” know about his behavior! In addition to Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harper uploading those 40 year old RCMP lies about Terry Mallenby Drummond’s Google web sites, what else can one say about Harper? Nothing but negative – he’s quite a “slug”!
BOOK SUPPRESSED BY “HITLER” HARPER Nothing but negative – he’s quite a “slug”! Our fallen Heroes! “Hitler” Harper would like to ignore them!! So let’s look at Harper’s great accomplishments! As mentioned, Prime Minister Stephen Harper and “his government don’t see the death of our fallen heroes as a priority and it hasn’t made the list for the last 186
budget”1!! And to the well-being of our men in uniform, Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harper isn’t interested, as this brave young soldier tells in his suicide note: Sorry but I can't take it anymore. I love you mom, Shaun, James, Mike, Grandma, Aunti, Tom. Please know that I needed to stop the pain. PS. I don't deserve any kinda fancy funeral. Just family. So, as far as the author is concerned, Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harper you can take your Christmas message and stick it where the sun doesn’t Shine2!! People have already pegged Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harper for what he is and that isn’t much! Ms. Skalrud’s son died in an armoured vehicle accident in November, 2005, as Canadian troops moved into Kandahar. The death benefit had not been enacted at the time, but the Conservative government chose to backdate it for the families of troops who had died in the months prior to April 1, 2006. Still, Ms. Skalrud was excluded because Braun Woodfield was single. “It felt wrong in the pit of my stomach right from the beginning,” said Ms. Skalrud. “Was the life of my son worth less than a married soldier? That’s what this says to me. This policy is wrong and I’m definitely willing to pick up the torch.” Her comments were echoed by Jihan Diab, whose son Marc died in March 2009. “It’s not right. My son served as equally as any other married soldier – or soldiers that were in common-law status,” said Ms. Diab. The Canadian Human Rights Commission does not comment on complaints that are under investigation. But on the dismissal of the Dinning case, a spokesman said an important policy issue has been left in limbo. “The question is still an important one and has yet to be addressed. Entitlement to these benefits in similar situations remains an issue,” said David Gollob, the commission’s communications director. Both Mr. Cusley and Ms. Skalrud say Veterans Affairs has told the human-rights commission their complaints should not be pursued because they were not filed within one year of the alleged discrimination taking place, required under the law. 187
But the parents argue they are part of a continuing discrimination because some of the latest soldiers to die in Afghanistan were single. Let’s now look at the hero, Warrant Officer Matt Stopford, and how the Canadian government screwed him over as long as they could!1 Citing ver batim news articles and postings about this hero will give the reader a taste of what this poor soldier had to put up with! “Military Tells Soldier His Own Troops May Have Plotted To Kill Him” By Peter Worthington, Toronto Sun, 8-12-99 “Ex-warrant officer Matt Stopford has suffered since his duties in Croatia, including the loss of vision in his right eye. - Norm Betts, SUN The Canadian military thinks a soldier debilitated by mysterious ailments was not a victim of possible PCBcontaminated sandbags while peacekeeping in Croatia, but was being poisoned by his own men. In an extraordinary letter dated Aug.4 and hand-delivered to retired Warrant Officer Matt Stopford, Brig.-Gen. Patricia Samson, the Provost Marshal of the Armed Forces, writes: "Information has recently come to light that indicates you may have been the victim of systematic ingestion of naphtha gas during your tour to Croatia in 1993." Samson, the military's top cop, goes on to say it is "alleged," and that the allegations "have some credence," that "minute amounts ... of naphtha gas were covertly put into your coffee on a regular basis by other servicemen over an extended period of time ... the majority of your time in theatre." She urges: "I implore you not to make this information public at this time," because a "criminal investigation" is being "vigorously" pursued. Stopford, living alone in Peterborough, says the letter, delivered by Capt. Vince Mancini, Operations Officer of the National Investigation Service (CFNIS), told him it was considered too sensitive for the mail or phone and that as well as naphtha gas in his coffee, battery acid was probably put in his food. Stopford says: "He seemed surprised at the contents of the letter, and when I said I didn't believe it, he said: 'I thought you'd say that.'" Mancini then asked what Stopford knew of the memorandum removed from soldiers files to the effect that they had possibly been exposed to bauxite-filled sandbags contaminated by PCBs.
Stopford, once a super-fit soldier with no history of malingering or medical problems, is a physical wreck following duty in Croatia. His stomach is a mess, he bleeds from the rectum, his bones and joints constantly ache, he's gone blind in his right eye, and has difficulty breathing. Some days are worse than others, but all are bad. This, in a soldier who played on the army's national soccer team and who recalls, "I could run 20Ks without breathing hard." One veteran of Croatia, who asked not to be identified because he fears military retaliation, said: "It's inconceivable that his troops would try to harm Stopford -- he was well-respected by subordinates, by his peers and by his superiors. An excellent soldier, and a fine man." Retired Col. Michel Drapeau, former director-general of DND's Executive Secretariat, says in 34 years in the military he's never seen anything like this. "It's incredible, the letter maligns Stopford as a leader and soldier by suggesting his men tried to 'frag' (kill) him," he says. "The letter is also an indictment against the soldiers of his platoon. It is simply astonishing that the Provost Marshal would make such allegations in a letter while a criminal investigation is under way in what's a case of attempted murder." In her letter, Samson urges Stopford to tell his doctor about possibly being poisoned, while "imploring" him not to go public. “I've thought about the letter, which really upsets me, says Stopford. It is so totally ludicrous that I decided to go public. I've spoken to other guys in my platoon -- a lot of them are sick since Croatia -- and they say they haven't been contacted by the NIS investigators." One would think they'd have been contacted before telling Stopford his men had tried to poison him. "In Croatia, Stopford's leadership was saving lives, not risking them," one soldier said, unwilling to be identified. (As an aside, I've never known the Canadian military so fearful of reprisals from above if they speak up -- in itself revealing.) "I know my men, the guys I served with, and if anyone was out to get me, I'd have known it," says Stopford. "Besides, how could you drink coffee with gasoline in it and not know? Gasoline floats on water. As for battery acid in my food -- it makes no sense." Scott Taylor, publisher of the military magazine Esprit de Corps and co-author of the book Tested Mettle, which first exposed the possibility of Stopford and other soldiers 189
being exposed to PCB-contaminated soil and bauxite in sandbags in Croatia, says he was told yesterday that "the whole 13th floor of DND (the executive floor) was in a flap over this letter whose contents they weren't talking about." Stopford commanded a platoon of the Princess Pats in Croatia involved with filling sandbags with possibly PCB-contaminated bauxite. A memo put in every soldier's file by medical officer (Navy) Lieut. Eric Smith to this effect was mysteriously removed from files. “Someone shoved a copy of the memo under my door when I was a platoon commander in Calgary," says Stopford. "I checked with my platoon and they'd all signed the memo, which had disappeared from their files. So I made photocopies and gave them to the soldiers, and told them to hold on to them and not put them in their files." Stopford was commended for his leadership in Croatia -- one of the cool heroes of fighting in the Medak pocket against invading Croatian military. Ironically, he saved lives rather than put troops at greater risk. He feels he can no longer trust the army. "I'm fighting Veterans Affairs for a disability pension, and I don't trust army doctors who just gave me medications and said my sickness was all in my head. My civilian doctor took me off medication, and I'm now seeing specialists -- a toxicologist, neurologist, psychologist, rheumatologist, stomach doctor and the like." As for his own troops trying to poison him, he thinks the army is trying to absolve itself from responsibility for Croatia. "I think they were hoping I'd snap -- lose it and go off the deep end. Otherwise why would they tell me before they had fully investigated the case?" Commented one officer: "They're saying, in effect, that Matt was such a son of a bitch his men wanted to kill him." Stopford lives on only his army pension, yet has the same spirit of independence and personal pride he had as a soldier: "To say I'm disappointed in the army puts it mildly. Instead of sending a doctor or someone to help, they send a cop who says my own people were trying to kill me. That's hard to swallow." Stopford is expected to hold a press conference in Ottawa today concerning the Provost Marshal's extraordinary letter. Brig.-Gen. Patricia Samson was unavailable for comment.”3 Author’s Note: Please remember, the Canadian Military could have saved him!
Instead, they lied to him over and over again until it was too late? Welcome to Canada! Footnotes 1. Prime Minister Stephen Harper and “his government don’t see it as a priority and it hasn’t made the list for the last budget”!! ‘Our prime minister and his government don’t see it as a priority’ by Aaron Wherry on Monday, November 5, 2012 A fund created to help with the funeral costs of veterans has been rejecting twothirds of applicants and the executive director blames the Harper government. Jean-Pierre Goyer says they have been petitioning Stephen Harper’s Conservative government to not only overhaul the rules, but to increase the stipend given to those who do qualify for assistance. “Our prime minister and his government don’t see it as a priority and it hasn’t made the list for the last budget,” said Goyer. “We came close last budget, I’m told, and our improvements were taken off the list at almost the last minute. We hope in the next federal budget we can see this through.” “Veterans affairs and their minister, Steven Blaney, they are committed to see this change through. I would tell, and you can quote me on that, the problem is with the government of Canada.” Fund intended for impoverished veterans' funerals rejects most applications The Canadian Press Published Sunday, November 4, 2012 2:22PM EST Last Updated Sunday, November 4, 2012 5:28PM EST OTTAWA -- A federal burial fund meant to give impoverished veterans a final, dignified salute has rejected over two-thirds of the applications it's received since 2006. And of the requests that are accepted, Ottawa contributes just over $3,600 toward the funeral cost of destitute ex-soldiers, a figure that is substantially lower than what some social services departments pay towards the burial of the homeless and those on welfare. According to figures put before Parliament, of the 29,853 requests made to the veterans funeral and burial program, 20,147 pleas for funding 67.4 per cent were rejected. Burial fund for poor veterans rejects most applicants The Canadian PressPosted: Nov 04, 2012
Just recently, funeral directors meeting in Ottawa complained they were often subsidizing the shortfall between the federal government's $3,600 stipend and the nearly $10,000 price tag of modern funerals. Goyer says the fund sometimes is bypassed now and requests go directly to provincial social services, which in some cases contribute up to $5,000. The Royal Canadian Legion has also been lobbying to see the stipend increased for the funeral rate paid for serving members of the Forces, which is now over $13,000. The Legion argues the eligibility rules flaunt the Canadian Forces Military and Veterans Re-Establishment and Compensation Act. Fund to bury poor veterans rejects 67% of pleas Pays less than welfare does Murray Brewster, The Canadian Press Published: Monday, November 05, 2012 Jean-Pierre Goyer says they have been petitioning Stephen Harper's Conservative government to not only overhaul the rules, but to increase the stipend given to those who do qualify for assistance. "Our prime minister and his government don't see it as a priority, and it hasn't made the list for the last budget," said Goyer. Just recently, funeral directors meeting in Ottawa complained they were often subsidizing the shortfall between the federal government's $3,600 stipend and the nearly $10,000 price tag of modern funerals.
2. As far as everyone is concerned - you can tell this “jack-ass” to stick his Christmas message where the sun doesn’t shine!!
3. “Military Tells Soldier His Own Troops May Have Plotted To Kill Him” By Peter Worthington, Toronto Sun, 8-12-99
Chapter 4 – Part 5 Canadian Prime Minister “Hitler” Harper meets the Queen, but Terry Mallenby can do one Better – the sister of his brother-in-law’s wife married into the Royal Family! As cited: Prime Minister Stephen Harper met his Queen in London last night and had tea with her. Harper, an ardent monarchist, loves the Queen. She loves Harper. He was supposed to have a 25 minute audience with her, but the 89-year old queen is so fond of Harper that their meeting lasted a full 55 minutes, while other visitors had to cool their heels. Hopefully Harper told her all the ways he's been promoting the monarchy in Canada, and that's more than merely inviting one set of British royals after another. The Queen would be pleased to know that Harper has been slapping the word "royal" on everything. Now we've got the «Royal Canadian Navy" and the Royal Canadian Air Force. And the Queen's royal coat-of-arms has been painted on Harper's private plane, the one on which he flew to London. However, Terry Mallenby can do Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harper one better! You see, the sister of his brother-in-law’s wife married into the Royal Family: Montrealer Autumn Kelly weds Queen's eldest grandson Last Updated: Saturday, May 17, 2008 Canadian Autumn Kelly wed the Queen's eldest grandson, Peter Phillips, on Saturday in a ceremony in St. George's Chapel at Windsor Castle attended by about 300 guests, including 70 from Canada. Kelly, 30, wore a tiara on loan for the day from her mother-in-law, Princess Anne. She also had on earrings and a necklace given to her by her 30-year-old groom, as well as a veil.
Autumn Kelly is seen arriving at St George's Chapel in Windsor, England for her marriage to Peter Phillips, the eldest grandson of the Queen. (AP Photo/Sang Tan, Pool) (Sang Tan/Associated Press) Author’s Note: The man in the photo is the bride’s father, and Terry Mallenby has been to his house in Canada several times. After the ceremony — attended by the Queen, Prince Philip and Prince Charles, along with the bride's parents — the couple left the chapel in a horse-drawn carriage. They were later taken to a reception at Windsor's scenic Frogmore House. Autumn Kelly will not receive a royal title. Princess Anne turned down the Queen's offer of the honours for her daughter Zara and son Peter, who is 11th in line for the throne. Kelly grew up in Pointe-Claire, Que., in the largely English-speaking West Island region of Montreal. After attending McGill University [BA majoring in East Asian studies], she worked as a management consultant. She is now employed as a personal assistant to British broadcaster and television personality Michael Parkinson. Author’s Note: Terry Mallenby also attended McGill University, obtaining a BSW and Management Certificate in Social Services Management.
Peter Phillips and Autumn Kelly leave St. George's Chapel after their marriage ceremony. (Sang Tan/Associated Press) Being able to stand her ground in the House of Windsor could prove difficult. Diana, Princess of Wales, and Sarah, Duchess of York, both complained of callous treatment from members of the Royal Family and their advisers, but Peter Phillips is said to be a firm favourite of his grandparents, the Queen and Prince Philip. "Peter Phillips likes it out of the spotlight, and people who know him say he is a nice guy, but a bit dull, so out of the spotlight is probably best for him." When she met Phillips, Kelly was a Roman Catholic. She has since become an Anglican. Peter Phillips is 11th in line to the throne, and under the 1701 Act of Settlement, he would have had to give up his place in the succession if he married a Catholic. Phillips's grandmother, the Queen, is titular head of the Church of England. Kelly told Hello magazine that if she has children, they will be brought up as Anglicans. Kelly also said that she plans to continue working as a personal assistant to well-known British personality Michael Parkinson "because we need both incomes." Author’s Note: All of Terry Mallenby’s in-laws attended the Royal Wedding, meeting the Queen and Prince Philip. Word has it that Prince Philip was somewhat “standoffish” towards the “commoners” from Canada? Author’s Note: Does the Queen know what Stephen Harper is really like – keeping the 40 year old RCMP lies about Terry Mallenby on Sergey Brin’s Google web site?
Chapter 4 – Part 6 Did Canadian Prime Minister “Hitler” Harper lie to the Queen of England, or was that some idiot statement by the Moose Jaw Times Herald in Saskatchewan, Canada?
Let’s look at this story once again from the Moose Jaw Times Herald: “Harper meets his Queen in London; he loves her And she loves her favorite Canadian monarchist” Published on June 13, 2013 Prime Minister Stephen Harper met his Queen in London last night and had tea with her. Harper, an ardent monarchist, loves the Queen. She loves Harper. He was supposed to have a 25 minute audience with her, but the 89-year old queen is so fond of Harper that their meeting lasted a full 55 minutes, while other visitors had to cool their heels. Hopefully Harper told her all the ways he's been promoting the monarchy in Canada, and that's more than merely inviting one set of British royals after another. The Queen would be pleased to know that Harper has been slapping the word "royal" on everything. Now we've got the Royal Canadian Navy and the Royal Canadian Air Force. The Moose Jaw Times Herald 44 Fairford St. W Moose Jaw, S6H 1V1 Telephone 306-692-6441 Email: [email protected] 197
Hmm! The Queen loves Stephen Harper because Harper has been slapping the word "royal" on everything. Now we've got the «Royal Canadian Navy" and the «Royal Canadian Air Force. » Terry Mallenby saw the Queen of England when she visited Canada in the 1950’s: Dominion anchors Eglinton Town Square. Across Eglinton, Avie Bennett builds the Golden Mile Plaza, a strip with another food store and a cinema. (It is redeveloped 33 years later for the Golden Mile Supercentre). The Township of Scarborough is so enamoured with the cutting-edge Golden Mile Plaza that Queen Elizabeth is brought there in 1959. During mid 1950s the Golden Mile Plaza was developed just West of the industrial section of the mile, and was visited in 1959 by Queen Elizabeth II, which marked an important part of the community’s rich history. He was a Boy Scout at the time, and his troop was lined up at the Golden Mile Plaza when the Queen’s entourage passed by – he remembers the occasion well – he remembers the Queen looking very regal! He does not remember the Queen looking stupid or gullible? Maybe, however, Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harper thinks she is? Or maybe, Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harper thinks the Canadian people are? The point – so Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harper is telling the Queen of England that he is slapping the word "royal" on everything according to the Moose Jaw Times Herald. Now we've got the Royal Canadian Navy and the Royal Canadian Air Force. Hello, hello – that’s a crock of “bull shite”!!! For example, that proud Federal Police Force, The Royal Canadian Mounted Police has been around since 1919: In 1919, Parliament voted to merge the Force with the Dominion Police, a federal police force with jurisdiction in eastern Canada. When the legislation took effect on February 1, 1920, the name became the Royal Canadian Mounted Police, and headquarters was moved to Ottawa from Regina.
That other Canadian institution the Royal Canadian Navy has been in existence since 1911: The official title of the navy was the Naval Service of Canada (also Canadian Naval Forces), and the first Director of the Naval Service of Canada was Rear-Admiral Charles Kingsmill (Royal Navy, retired), who had previously been in charge of the Marine Service of the Department of Marine and Fisheries. A request to change name of the Naval Service of Canada to Royal Canadian Navy on 30 January 1911, brought a favourable reply from King George V on 29 August of that year. The naval college was established in the dockyard at Halifax, Nova Scotia in 1911 as "Royal Naval College of Canada". And now let’s look at that other formidable force, the Royal Canadian Air Force which was named in 1942: The history of the Royal Canadian Air Force begins in 1918, when the air force was created as the Canadian Air Force (CAF). In 1924 the CAF was renamed the Royal Canadian Air Force (RCAF) and granted the royal title by King George V. That idiot Harper wasn’t even born until 1959: Stephen Joseph Harper was born April 30, 1959. So, exactly what is that “turkey” Stephen Harper telling the Queen – exactly what has he “slapped” the word Royal on??? Is Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harper “all there”?? He isn’t delusional, is he?? Even the mail service in Canada was named in 1867 as Royal Mail Canada! However, it’s actually possible idiots like Stephen Harper are trying to re-write Canadian history in their own image!! As one person wrote: Is there any source of the Canadian postal service ever being called the "Royal Mail"? I've looked and I can't find anything. The photo of the "Royal Mail Canada" mail box seems to bear the royal cypher of King Edward VII. That’s why you get charlatans like Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harper telling the Queen that he has named the Royal Canadian Navy and the Royal Canadian Air Force?? 199
Then again, maybe the Moose Jaw Times Herald was writing this story for the “hillbillies” in Saskatchewan who have never heard of the Royal Canadian Navy and the Royal Canadian Air Force before?? And, Terry Mallenby surely doesn’t believe the Queen would have believed that Harper created the names of the Royal Canadian Navy and the Royal Canadian Air Force!! So who wrote this story for the Moose Jaw Times Herald and what was the purpose?? To make Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harper look good – it simply has made him out to be a liar or much worse delusional?? Does anyone want to catch Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harper up on these apparent “lies” to the Queen? These folks have been told about these apparent “lies”: “President Obama, First Lady Michelle Obama meet Queen Elizabeth II at Buckingham Palace” By Richard Sisk Daily News Washington Bureau 4 New York Plaza, New York, NY 10004 [email protected], [email protected], “Obama meets with Queen Elizabeth II, Prince William, Kate (photos and video)” By Sarah Anne Hughes The Washington Post, 1150 15th Street NW, Washington DC 20071 [email protected], [email protected], “Barack Obama meets the Queen and tours Westminster Abbey” By Peter Walker and James Meikle The Guardian Newspaper Kings Place, 90 York Way London N1 9GU [email protected], [email protected], [email protected],
Maybe these folks will be upset that Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harper lied to the Queen of England? Maybe some of them will get after Canadian Prime Minister to remove the 40 year old RCMP lies about Terry Mallenby from Sergey Brin’s and web sites? You are all cited in this new book, can you assist? This is doubly true when Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harper flaunts the law and keeps these 40 year old RCMP lies about Terry Mallenby from Sergey Brin’s and web sites? [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], dgmc-release-dgcm- [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected]; [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], 201
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Chapter 5 – Part 1 Splitsville for Sergey Brin, he can’t keep his pecker in his pants! In fact, Google Billionaire Sergey Brin has all emails to all the Directors of Google and blocked about the removal of those 40 year old RCMP lies that Terry Mallenby was an unwilling witness, to keep Terry Mallenby, his wife and children unemployed! And what kind of person is Sergey Brin, well he’s not much of a husband – cheating on his lovely wife Anne Wojcicki: The founder of 23andMe, Anne Wojcicki suffered a public split from her husband, Google co-founder Sergey Brin when his affair with an employee became public last summer. And now she’s had a setback on the professional front. Since 2009, she and her team at 23andMe have been working hard to convince the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) to give the company’s home genetic test—which uses a saliva sample to provide a quick read of selected bits of the genome—the legitimacy that it needs to make it more than a commercial novelty. What can you expect from some “jack-ass” like Sergey Brin who refuses to remove the 40 year old RCMP lies about Terry Mallenby from his and web sites!!
Will anyone of Sergey Brin’s alma maters get him to remove the 40 year old RCMP lies that Canadian Prime Minister “Hitler” Harper and RCMP Commissioner has uploaded to Sergey Brin’s and web sites?? These also include the Google executive staff and any news media or other persons that might hold sway over Sergey Brin: [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], 204
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Chapter 5 – Part 2 Google Billionaire Sergey Brin has all emails to all the Directors of Google and blocked about removing the 40 year old RCMP lies from his and web sites about Terry Mallenby!!! This quote from “Geronimo: An American Legend” applies to all the apparent “arses” associated with these illegal activities against Terry Mallenby, his wife and children! Do you know your scripture, sir? 'What does it profit a man to gain the whole world...' ...and lose his soul?' The author bets none of the “screw-ups” at Google even knows what these words mean – even with their education and oodles of money!! And what’s an author to do with such unethical behavior – but let the world know what kind of people are running Google and such that they will not remove the 1976 RCMP lies about Terry Mallenby on their site!!! To look at them you wouldn’t think they were “creeps”, but here’s the proof!!! Sergey Brin co-founded Google Inc. in 1998. Sergey Brin - Net Worth $24.4 B as of September 2013. But not much of a human being!! Remember he cheated on his lovely wife Anne Wojcicki: The founder of 23andMe, Anne Wojcicki suffered a public split from her husband, Google co-founder Sergey Brin when his affair with an employee became public last summer. And now she’s had a setback on the professional front. Since 2009, she and her team at 23andMe have been working hard to convince the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) to give the company’s home genetic test—which uses a saliva sample to provide a quick read of selected bits of the genome—the legitimacy that it needs to make it more than a commercial novelty. In fact Sergey Brin has all emails to all the Directors of Google and blocked from the author and here’s the proof – and what’s an author to do with such unethical behavior – but let the world know what kind of people are running Google and such that they will not remove the 1976 RCMP lies about Terry Mallenby on their and web site!!!: 206
HERE’S THE EMAILS SENT TO ALL THE DIRECTORS OF GOOGLE AND GOOGLE.CA From wallicebellair hide details To david.drummond , george.reyes , , sergey.brin , nikesh.arora , elliot.schrage , laszlo.bock marissa.mayer , david.lawee , vinton.cerf , jonathan.rosenberg , shona.brown , omid.kordestani , shirley.tilghman , larry.brilliant , andy.berndt Sent Monday, November 11, 2013 at 4:34 AM
Chapter 5 – Part 3 Canadian Prime Minister “Hitler” Harper also blocks emails to Dalhousie University Professors about the sordid murder of Mary Steinhauser by a Canadian Government employee! Google Billionaire Sergey Brin isn’t the only “arse-hole” that blocks emails about removing the 40 year old RCMP lies about Terry Mallenby! Here’s the latest book suppressed by Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harper about the sordid murder of Mary Steinhauser by a Canadian Government employee – why?”
Stephen Harper SUPPRESSES 5 books about the murder of Mary Steinhauser: Why Paperback– November 14, 2013 Already suppressed by Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harper Why would with an i.p. address in British Columbia, Canada want to block an email to all of these Dalhousie University Professors? Oh yes, isn’t this book about the sordid murder of Mary Steinhuser in British Columbia, Canada?
Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harper has suppressed 5 books about the sordid murder of Mary Steinhuser so far! Why is that? When the author tried to send all of these Dalhousie University Professors a copy of this book, the emails came back as blocked? Dr. David Black Director [email protected] He has also published on human rights Dr. Anders Hayden [email protected] He has worked with non-governmental organizations involved in issues of human rights Dr. Ann Griffiths [email protected] Interests human rights Dr. Louise Carbert [email protected] Interests political behavior Dr. Margaret Denike [email protected] Interests Gender Studies and of International Human Rights Dr. Mohammad Ehsan [email protected] Interests ethics and anti-corruption Dr. Kristin Good [email protected] Interests Politics and Governance Why would with an i.p. address in British Columbia, Canada want to block an email to all of these Dalhousie University Professors? Oh yes, isn’t this book about the sordid murder of Mary Steinhuser in British Columbia, Canada?
Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harper has suppressed 5 books about the sordid murder of Mary Steinhuser so far! Why is that? When the author tried to send all of these Dalhousie University Professors a copy of this book, the emails came back as blocked?
However, when the author checked out the message from – the request was sent to i.p. address And, where was this i.p. address located – none other than British Columbia, Canada where Mary Steinhauser was murdered by a Canadian Government employee:
And the site seems to be registered to Tucows Domains Inc. is an ICANN accredited registrar and a subsidiary of Co, apparently run by Michael Cooperman, President and Elliot Noss, Secretary. Why would with an i.p. address in British Columbia, Canada want to block all of these Dalhousie University Political Science Professors? Oh yes, wouldn’t these Dalhousie University Political Science Professors be interested in pursuing the sordid murder of Mary Steinhuser in British Columbia, Canada by a Canadian Government employee – and a story which Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harper keeps suppressing – is that ethical behavior by Harper? Naturally Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harper would not want this book sent to all of these Dalhousie University Political Science Professors in Canada! So Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harper blocked the emails to all of these Dalhousie University Political Science Professors! Is this legal? Isn't that against the law to interfere with private emails to professors?
Maybe these folks will be upset that Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harper has suppressed the book about Mary Steinhauser’s vicious murder at the hand of a Canadian Government employee?? Maybe some of them will even get after Canadian Prime Minister to remove the 40 year old RCMP lies about Terry Mallenby from Sergey Brin’s and web sites? You are all cited in this new book, can you assist? This is doubly true when Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harper flaunts the law and keeps these 40 year old RCMP lies about Terry Mallenby from Sergey Brin’s and web sites? [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], 213
[email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], 214
[email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected],
Chapter 5 – Part 4 And to show what kind of fine quality books the author is writing, and Canadian Prime Minister “Hitler” Harper is suppressing – just read this comment!! The book about Mary Steinhauser’s murder was well appreciated! And it’s “arse holes” like Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harper that want to suppress it because it tells the truth!! This “f--- up” should know you can only suppress the truth for so long!! Another of the author’s books was sent to Richard V. a Professor of Social Work: “Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harper has SUPPRESSED 5 books about the sordid murder of Mary Steinhauser – why?” And here is the Professor’s comments about Mary Steinhauser and the author’s book:
Good afternoon: The publication will no doubt make for a very interesting read. Mary Steinhauser was a UBC Social Work Grad MSW 1973 and I was privileged to be her classmate. She brought a wealth of experience and insight to the Program. If memory serves me correctly Mary graduated at the top of the class. Regards Richard V
Mary Steinhauser was killed by a Canadian Government employee, and Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harper keeps suppressing books about her murder!!! That, of course, is another story about Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harper and his unethical behavior!!
Chapter 5 – Part 5 Canadian Prime Minister “Hitler” Harper blocks emails to University of Ottawa Political Science Professors about removing the 40 year old RCMP lies from Sergey Brin’s and web sites about Terry Mallenby!!! Isn't that against the law to interfere with private emails to professors? Naturally Canadian Prime Minister would not want this information about the 40 year old RCMP lies about Terry Mallenby made public! So Canadian Prime Minister blocked the emails to all these University Professors: University of Ottawa Political Science Professors: Dr. Kevin McMillan [email protected] Invited speaker, "'Moral Leandership' Dr. Stephen Brown [email protected] Areas of Expertise Human Rights Dr. Patrick Fafard [email protected] Interests Governance and public policy Dr. Jennifer Wallner [email protected] Interests Public Policy Dr. Frank Ohemeng [email protected] Interests Public Policy Dr. Robert Johnson [email protected] Interests Public Policy Analysis Dr. Caroline Andrew [email protected] Interests Public Policy
Dr. Joseph Roman [email protected] Interests Social and Political Thought in Canada Dr. Rita Abrahamsen [email protected] Interests Good Governance Dr. Michael Williams [email protected] Interests Conflicts and Rights: Philosophical Perspectives Dr. Martin Papillon [email protected] Introduction to Canadian Politics Canadian Prime Minister also blocked the emails to these two Professors: Dr. Warren Magnusson who is a Professor of Political Science at the University of Victoria in British Columbia, Canada! Dalhousie University Professor Dr. Lori Turnbull! University of Winnipeg Professor Dr. Shannon Sampert! Author’s Note: Oh yes, isn’t Dr. Shannon Sampert a former journalist interested in the intersections of media and politics and she might just be interested in pursuing the sordid story of the 40 year old RCMP lies about Terry Mallenby, to keep him, his wife and children unemployed? Author’s Note: Canadian Prime Minister also blocked the emails to 52 other University Professors:
Is this legal? Isn't that against the law to interfere with private emails to professors?
Chapter 5 – Part 6 Canadian Prime Minister “Hitler” Harper has the media in his back-pocket! Author’s Note: The author would say Canadian Prime Minster Stephen Harper needs more than a “hairstylist” to improve his personality? Harper's Cabinet was defeated in a no-confidence vote on March 25, 2011, after being found in contempt of Parliament, thus triggering a general election. This was the first occurrence in Commonwealth history of a government in the Westminster parliamentary tradition losing the confidence of the House of Commons on the grounds of contempt of Parliament. He is the first prime minister to employ a personal stylist, Michelle M, whose duties range from co-ordinating his clothing to preparing his hair and makeup for speeches and television appearances. While formerly on public payroll, she has been paid for by the Conservative Party since "sometime [in] 2007". “Hitler” Harper has the media in his back-pocket and no media will investigate his illegal acts and remove his upload of the 40 year old RCMP lies to and as RCMP payback because Terry Mallenby successfully sued the Federal Government of Canada?? Why is that, these media “turds” are hoping Canadian Prime Minster Stephen Harper will reward them with a Senator’s spot in his “fascist” government! And here’s some example of media personalities that “Hitler” Harper gave Senator seats to – and they turned out to be just a “crooked” as he is: For example, Mike Duffy was a big media personality who turned out to be a “crook”: Senator Michael Duffy was appointed, surprise – surprise, by Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harper! “Senator Mike Duffy has continued using an Ontario health card since he was appointed to the Senate in 2009 despite professing to be a resident of Prince Edward Island, The Globe and Mail has learned. In an article entitled “NDP wants RCMP to investigate if Stephen Harper had role in spending scandal”, the ethics of Mike Duffy [and Canadian 221
Prime Minister Stephen Harper] were again called into question: “Prime Minister Stephen Harper to meet with caucus Tuesday as questions continue to swirl about the $90,000 payment from the PMO to Sen. Mike Duffy. “Canadians deserve the truth — something they have not gotten yet from the prime minister or the Conservatives,” he said Monday.”1 Here’s a picture of Harper with Duffy!
Let’s take another example, Pamela Wallin was another big media personality who turned out to be a “crook”: Senator Pamela Wallin was also appointed, surprise – surprise, by Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harper! “OTTAWA - Controversy over Mike Duffy's Senate housing allowance has mushroomed into a bigger question — whether he's entitled to sit in the Senate at all — that now threatens to ensnare colleague Pamela Wallin. Wallin's name got dragged into the mix Friday by New Democrats in the House of Commons. Wallin was appointed as a senator for Saskatchewan in December 2008, despite not actually having lived in the province for decades. “When you have someone like Pamela Wallin, who says one thing to the federal government with regards to her residency -- she says it’s in Saskatchewan -- she says quite another thing to the government of Ontario because she has an Ontario health card, then you obviously have a problem,” NDP Leader Thomas Mulcair told CTV’s Power Play Monday. 222
Now under investigation, Pamela Wallin is being audited for $321,037 claimed as “other expenses” since expenses were made public in September 2010. 2 As further reported: Nine months ago, not one in a 100 observers of national politics would have predicted Harper’s continuing leadership could be in serious question heading into the fall of 2013. But in the past six months, Harper and his party have been broadsided by one catastrophe after another – all self-inflicted, with Duffy the culmination. Harper personally is no longer broadly trusted, let alone liked, by a majority of Canadians. He may not yet be in Mulroney territory, circa 1992 – but we can see that crater from here. He's slowly cracking up. His corrupt regime is crumbling. The Con Cabaret is going NOWHERE... 3 Continuing: Harper, who often touted his disdain for an appointed Senate, now wants to appoint a Conservative-heavy Senate to pass his bills. Those bills, all 35 of them, which represent a year’s work of both houses of Parliament, the Senate and the Commons, are now, through prorogation, rendered null and void. As a result, pensioners and other victims of unscrupulous investment advisors watch in dismay as the Conservative promised “white-collar crime” legislation bites the dust. 4 Here’s how Harper did not protect Canadian seniors: Four Years Later: How Uncle Earl Jones Swindled Investors July 9 marks the 4th anniversary of the discovery of a Montreal-based fraud that cost trusting investors millions of dollars and pushed two of the victims' children into an unwitting legal battle against venerable Canadian financial institutions and two levels of government. The fact that eight victims died and others are now in a compromised intellectual state before ever seeing retribution is just another ripple in the wake of Earl Jones' finely orchestrated and highly nocuous manipulations, one propped up by an approachable folksy façade. 223
For the vast majority of the swindled clients, Jones offered more than a healthy return on their investment - he offered senior citizens comfort by taking complete control of their finances. 5 And, to show the distain for Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harper, this brave soul raised the warning for all Cabnadians: Brigette DePape staged an unprecedented protest on the floor of the Senate chamber, walking out into the red-carpeted centre aisle carrying a red “Stop Harper” sign that she’d pulled from beneath her skirt as Gov. Gen. David Johnston read the new government’s speech from the throne. She is calling upon Canadians to act creatively in protesting Harper, like she did with civil disobedience in the Senate chamber. Although this won’t start a revolution, her invitation to join social movements will certainly raise awareness of those movements who oppose Harper’s ideas. 6
The placard reads, STOP HARPER! What happened to this brave young woman? Thrown in jail by Harper! Very smart too, she had a press release emailed while she was still in custody.politician. “Extreme circumstances call for extreme measures,” Ms. DePape said in an interview. “I think that everywhere is the right place to resist the 224
Harper government.” 7 Footnotes 1. PEI Senator Mike Duffy uses Ontario health card, raising new residency questions Jane Taber, The Globe and Mail, Published Saturday, Feb. 09 2013 2. Housing flap plaguing Duffy, Wallin raises questions about Senate eligibility by Joan Bryden and Steve Rennie,, Friday, February 8, 2013 3. Stephen Harper's Ghastly Con Cabaret Show Montreal Simon, Thursday, June 13, 2013 4. Hedy Fry: Proroguing Parliament part of Stephen Harper’s bag of tricks Georgia Straight, Jan 13, 2010 5. Earl Jones Ponzi Scheme Carmen Marie Fabio, The Huffington Post, Posted 07.09.2013 6 - 7. Stop Harper, Says Brigette DePape In Senate Chamber Stephen Harper Watch - Keeping the Conservatives Accountable
Is this the nature of Politicians [Englisch] [Taschenbuch] Wallice Bellair (Autor) BOOK SUPPRESSED BY “HITLER” HARPER!
Chapter 5 – Part 7 Canadian Prime Minister “Hitler” Harper has the media in his back pocket – How come none of these W-5 “Investigative” Reporters bothered about this story – Lloyd Robertson, Victor Malarek, Lisa LaFlamme and Sandie Rinaldo? After all they were supposed to be “great” investigative journalists?
As cited: W5 is a Canadian news magazine television series produced by CTV News. The program is broadcast Saturday nights at 7 p.m. on CTV, with repeat broadcasts at later times on CTV as well as co-owned channels CTV Two, CP24, and Investigation Discovery. The title refers to the Five Ws of journalism: Who, What, Where, When and Why? It is the longest-running newsmagazine/documentary program in North America and the most-watched program of its type in Canada. Today's hosts are Lloyd Robertson, Sandie Rinaldo, Kevin Newman and Lisa LaFlamme. Ah, could this be the guy that stopped these reporters from overing this story – Anton Koschany, (born August 16, 1953 in Linz, Austria) is the Executive Producer of CTV W5! After all, he’s in the “back-pocket” of the Prime Minister of Canada: Koschany is also Executive Producer of the annual A Conversation with the Prime Minister!! And, this apparent “creep” was also in the den of the RCMP in Vancouver, Canada: Koschany was a Senior Field Producer for W5 in Vancouver when Eric Malling was 227
host, establishing the Vancouver bureau. W-5 and these so-called investigative journalists were informed about Squamish, British Columbia, yet they did nothing about it! W – 5 Investigative Team Member CTV Television Network Telephone: (416) 384-5000 Telephone National: 1-866-690-6179 SQUAMISH LIARS Squamish published RCMP lies in 1976! Squamish published same RCMP lies in 2013! Squamish published RCMP lies in 1976 about this guy when he was age 28! Squamish again publishes these same RCMP lies in 2013 about this same guy when he was age 65! Squamish Times newspaper published RCMP lies in 1976! Squamish Chief newspaper published same RCMP lies in 2013! As far as the author can tell, Squamish is the liar capital of Canada? And the RCMP are the biggest liars in Canada? Hey Lloyd Robertson, Victor Malarek, Lisa LaFlamme and Sandie Rinaldo, does the conspiracy against Terry Mallenby make sense now?? No reply from any of these “swine” over the years! Who are these so-called reporters? As cited: Lisa LaFlamme Lisa LaFlamme (born July 25, 1964) is a Canadian television journalist, and Currently the chief anchor and senior editor of CTV National News. She replaced Lloyd Robertson in this role on September 5, 2011. 228
LaFlamme was born on July 25, 1964 in Kitchener, Ontario, Canada. She graduated from St. Mary's High School and then from the University of Ottawa. LaFlamme began her career at CTV’s Kitchener affiliate CKCO in 1988 as a copy writer and script assistant. She moved on to become an anchor in 1997. Also from London, she covered the Diamond Jubilee of Queen Elizabeth II in 2012 and the Royal Wedding of Prince William and Catherine Middleton in 2011. Sandie Rinaldo Sandie Rinaldo (born Sandra Brycks; 16 January 1950) is a Canadian television journalist and anchor for CTV News. She was born in Toronto, and was first seen on television as a dancer during the mid-1960s on CBC Television youth series such as Where It's At. Rinaldo graduated from York University's Fine Arts programme with an Honours Bachelor of Arts in 1973. Victor Gregory Malarek Victor Gregory Malarek (born 26 June 1948 in Lachine, Quebec) is a Canadian journalist and author. Currently, he is a senior reporter for CTV Television's W-FIVE. Malarek entered the world of journalism in 1968 as a copy boy for Weekend Magazine, and joined The Montreal Star as a police reporter in 1970. His first major assignment was reporting on the Quebec October Crisis. He became a The Globe and Mail writer in 1976. In 1989, he was portrayed by Elias Koteas in the feature movie Malarek, based on his first book Hey, Malarek!. These works depict the journalist's turbulent youth and his life under Quebec's child protection system. In 2010, he spoke about human trafficking in Hope For the Sold's documentary Enslaved and Exploited: The Story of Sex Trafficking in Canada 229
Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harper and RCMP Commissioner Robert Paulson with the help of their billionaire pal owner Jeffrey P. Bezos suppress these books about Canada’s investigative news program W-5, CTV: Lloyd Robertson, Victor Malarek, Lisa LaFlamme and Sandie Rinaldo
Victor Malarek by Wallice Bellair(Author) Paperback– February 20, 2013; 798 pages ISBN-10: 1482599813 / ISBN-13: 978-1482599817 Victor Malarek W – 5 Investigative Team Member CTV Television Network Telephone: (416) 384-5000 Telephone National: 1-866-690-6179 SQUAMISH LIARS Squamish published RCMP lies in 1976! Squamish published same RCMP lies in 2013! Squamish Times newspaper published RCMP lies in 1976! Squamish Chief newspaper published same RCMP lies in 2013! As far as the author can tell, Squamish is the liar capital of Canada? And the RCMP are the biggest liars in Canada? Hey Victor Malarek, does the conspiracy make sense now?
Will these Alberta Politicians get Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harper to remove the 40 year old RCMP lies that he and RCMP Commissioner has uploaded to Sergey Brin’s and web sites?? Hon. Diane Ablonczy Calgary—Nose Hill [email protected] [email protected] Rob Anders Calgary West [email protected] [email protected] Hon. Rona Ambrose Edmonton—Spruce Grove [email protected] Blaine Calkins Wetaskiwin - Alberta [email protected] Hon. Mike Lake Edmonton—Mill Woods—Beaumont [email protected] Joan Crockatt Calgary Centre [email protected] Hon. Laurie Hawn Edmonton Centre [email protected] Peter Goldring Edmonton East [email protected] Linda Duncan Edmonton—Strathcona [email protected] Earl Dreeshen Red Deer - Alberta [email protected] [email protected] 232
Hon. Rob Merrifield Yellowhead - Alberta [email protected] Chris Warkentin Peace River - Alberta [email protected] Hon. Kevin Sorenson Crowfoot - Alberta [email protected] Brian Storseth Westlock—St. Paul [email protected] [email protected] Hon. Michelle Rempel Calgary Centre-North [email protected] Devinder Shory Calgary Northeast [email protected] Blake Richards Wild Rose - Alberta [email protected] LaVar Payne Medicine Hat - Alberta [email protected]
And especially to Brent Rathgeber who professes Accountability and Transparency for Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harper’s government – what a laugh!!
Brent Rathgeber, MP Edmonton—St. Albert [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] #220, 20 Perron Street St. Albert, Alberta T8N 1E4
Chapter 5 – Part 8 Canadian Prime Minister “Hitler” Harper has the media in his back pocket – Why didn’t Canada’s Fifth Estate, Adrienne Clarkson, Linden MacIntyre, Bob McKeown, Gillian Findlay and Mark Kelley look into this case?
Very Interesting? As cited: For almost four decades, the fifth estate has been Canada's premier investigative documentary program, acquainting viewers with a dazzling parade of political leaders, shady characters and ordinary people whose lives were touched by triumph or tragedy. The tradition of provocative and courageous journalism which began with Adrienne Clarkson, Warner Troyer and Peter Reilly on September 16, 1975 continues unabated with our current team of Linden MacIntyre, Bob McKeown, Gillian Findlay and Mark Kelley.
However, why didn’t Canada’s Fifth Estate look into this case, they were sent a copy in 2000? 2000 The Canadian Investigative Program wasn’t interested in Terry Mallenby: Story 'too hot' for the investigative program "The Fifth Estate"!! OCLC Number: 48670944 No reply from any of these “swine” over the years! Who are these so-called reporters? As cited: Adrienne Clarkson Adrienne Louise Clarkson (Chinese: 伍冰枝; née Adrienne Louise Poy, February 10, 1939) is a Canadian journalist and stateswoman who served as Governor General of Canada, the 26th since Canadian Confederation. Clarkson graduated from Lisgar Collegiate Institute in 1956, afterwards enrolling at the University of Toronto's Trinity College. Linden MacIntyre Linden MacIntyre (born May 29, 1943 in St. Lawrence, NL) is a Canadian journalist, broadcaster and novelist. After high school, MacIntyre moved to Antigonish, Nova Scotia where he obtained a Bachelor of Arts degree from St. Francis Xavier University in 1964. He also studied at St. Mary's University and the University of King's College in Halifax. From 1964 to 1967 he worked for the Halifax Herald as a parliamentary reporter in Ottawa. He continued in the same role with the Financial Times of Canada from 1967 to 1970. In 1980, MacIntyre moved to Toronto, where he still resides, to work as a producer and journalist on CBC’s new flagship news program, The Journal. Various jobs at the CBC through the eighties culminated in his appointment in 1990 as co-host of the weekly newsmagazine the fifth estate, with which he is still involved.
Bob McKeown Robert "Bob" McKeown (born October 10, 1950) is an investigative reporter with CBC News. He has also worked with NBC and CBS. McKeown returned to the CBC in November 2002 to host its investigative program, The Fifth Estate, a show which he had hosted from 1981 to 1990. Prior to his current position, McKeown spent eight years working for Dateline NBC as a correspondent and five years with CBS News. McKeown is a graduate of Yale University. While at CBS, he was also a Correspondent for two prime-time newsmagazines, Street Stories and America Tonight, and contributed to 48 Hours and the CBS Evening News. Gillian Findlay Gillian Findlay is a Canadian television journalist who has worked for the CBC and ABC. She studied history and literature at Simon Fraser University and she holds a degree in broadcast journalism from the British Columbia Institute of Technology. While at the fifth estate, her story on David Milgaard helped make the case for his innocence and against the man who was eventually convicted. Mark Kelley Mark Kelley is a Canadian television journalist, associated with CBC News. He is a graduate of Concordia University in Montreal. Recently, Kelley has moved away from being a regular reporter to focusing on documentaries and investigative journalism, making a series of ongoing stories on The National. His focus is often on issues of prejudice or controversy.
Will anyone at Canada’s Fifth Estate alma maters get these “investigators” at CTV’s Fifth Estate get Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harper to remove the 40 year old RCMP lies that he and RCMP Commissioner has uploaded to Sergey Brin’s and web sites?? Trinity College [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], St. Francis Xavier University [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], Saint Mary’s University [email protected], [email protected], [email protected] , University of King’s College, Journalism [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], Yale University [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], British Columbia Institute of Technology - broadcast journalism [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected],
Chapter 6 – Part 1 This is what the Royal Canadian Police are really like! What the RCMP apparently can’t fabricate, they apparently “screw-up”? “RCMP Staff Sgt. Ross Spenard thought he covered his tracks by shredding documents”: Incredibly, in another high profile case, another senior RCMP officer lied again and again. The so-called RCMP expert witness, classed an expert witness on bloodpattern analyses, was “accused of perjury and exposed in B.C. Supreme Court as the author of a flawed forensic report that got basic biology wrong.”1 Who was this RCMP Officer? “Staff Sgt. Ross Spenard’s credibility was shredded during the recent second-degree murder trial of Charlie Rae Lincoln, an aboriginal woman convicted of stabbing to death her own two-year-old. He acknowledged misleading the court and failing to send a letter to the Crown in the case revealing the concerns about the report and his errors.”2 RCMP Spenard thought he covered his tracks by shredding documents [see Appendix 1, cited below]. He was wrong. As noted, “armed with a copy of documents that Spenard thought were destroyed, defense lawyer Matthew Nathanson forced him to make a series of devastating admissions.”3 The document was riddled with so many DNA misinterpretations and errors that the top experts in the field were flown in from Edmonton and Halifax to correct it. Some conclusions were “not scientifically sound,” they said.4 “You were not being truthful, right?” the lawyer said, confronting the Mountie with a transcript of his earlier testimony.5 “Yes, I agree” Spenard admitted.6 As emphasized, “the performance was as bad as any at the Braidwood 239
inquiry into the death of Robert Dziekanski, which has also featured RCMP officers seemingly uncomfortable with the truth.”7 “You will recall the Staff Sgt. Spenard gave some evidence of blood found in... [a] house at different places,” the justice said before sending the jurors to deliberate. “You have heard the Crown totally ignore his evidence, and I suggest to you that you do ignore his evidence completely.8 “Staff. Sgt. Spenard is the perfect example of a person who clearly lied under oath, and violated his oath to tell the truth, and he even agreed to this. That conclusion is so clear and convincing, and so serious, that I suggest you should consider his evidence to be completely tainted, and without any value whatsoever.”9 As further cited in Retired B.C. Mountie charged with perjury, “a retired RCMP officer has been charged with one count of perjury for his testimony at the 2009 trial of a B.C. woman convicted of killing her own child.”10 What a “scum bucket”? Only one charge? Pretty lenient, wouldn’t you say? “Former staff sergeant Ross Spenard, a 32-year veteran of the RCMP, is accused of lying while testifying in B.C. Supreme Court in May 2009. He was testifying as an expert witness in bloodstain pattern analysis during the second-degree murder trial of Charlie Rae Lincoln.”11 “During cross-examination by defence council at the 2009 trial, Spenard admitted he did not tell the whole truth in his earlier testimony.”12 “Justice John Truscott then advised the jury to ignore Spenard's evidence.”13 "Staff Sgt. Spenard is the perfect example of a person who clearly lied under oath and violated his oath to tell the truth and he even agreed to this," Trustcott said. "That conclusion is so clear and convincing, and so serious, that I suggest you should consider his evidence to be completely tainted, and without any value whatsoever."14 Is this “scum bucket” getting a full pension at taxpayers’ expense?
Footnotes 1 - 9. Caught in a web of documents he thought had been destroyed: Blood-splatter expert admits to misleading court and failing to send a letter to the Crown revealing concerns about the forensic report. Ian Mulgrew, Vancouver Sun, June 29, 2009. 10 - 14. Retired B.C. Mountie charged with perjury Last Updated: Tuesday, January 11, 2011 | 1:24 PM PT Comments63Recommend34. CBC News
Appendix 1 RCMP Staff Sgt. Ross Spenard caught in a web of documents he thought had been destroyed Caught in a web of documents he thought had been destroyed Blood-splatter expert admits to misleading court and failing to send a letter to the Crown revealing concerns about the forensic report Ian Mulgrew, Vancouver Sun, June 29, 2009 An RCMP blood-spatter expert has been accused of perjury and exposed in B.C. Supreme Court as the author of a flawed forensic report that got basic biology wrong. Staff Sgt. Ross Spenard’s credibility was shredded during the recent second-degree murder trial of Charlie Rae Lincoln, an aboriginal woman convicted of stabbing to death her own two-year-old. He acknowledged misleading the court and failing to send a letter to the Crown in the case revealing the concerns about the report and his errors. Until now, Spenard testified, no one outside of the RCMP had been told about the doubt cast upon other cases, some of which have been reviewed by other specialists. The officer has been a blood-pattern analyst for five years and giving evidence on the basis of his work as a recognized expert witness. In this case, he claimed to have “peer-reviewed” a report he actually helped author that was based on the mistaken assumption that if someone was a possible contributor of a DNA profile, or if a person couldn’t be excluded as contributing to a DNA profile, then you could say the blood came from that person. What’s wrong with that logic is obvious: Anyone with a white car may be in the pool of suspects for a hit-and-run, but being potentially responsible is not the same as being culpable. Armed with a copy of documents that Spenard thought were destroyed, defence lawyer Matthew Nathanson forced him to make a series of devastating admissions, none thankfully that affected the outcome of the trial. The officer was at pains to try and mask the rewriting and review process 242
that led to the creation of the impugned forensic report on blood spatter and DNA evidence in the brutal child-killing. The document was riddled with so many DNA misinterpretations and errors that the top experts in the field were flown in from Edmonton and Halifax to correct it. Some conclusions were “not scientifically sound,” they said. Spenard was ordered to submit future reports for review and told to send an explanatory letter to the Crown. But he hid that from the judge until he withered under Nathanson’s crossexamination. “You were not being truthful, right?” the lawyer said, confronting the Mountie with a transcript of his earlier testimony. “I was splitting hairs,” the staff sergeant conceded. “Officer,” Nathanson pressed brandishing the transcript, “do you agree that by splitting hairs, you were not being completely truthful?” “Yes, I agree.” Spenard admitted he wrote the report supposedly authored by Sgt. James Gallant. “That was an untrue answer that you gave to this jury in this case, right?” Nathanson said. “Not correct,” the Mountie replied. “No, it was not.” “Untrue, right?” Nathanson continued. “You said that he authored the report, right? You told the jury last week that [Sgt. Gallant] authored the report, right?” “And I was in error.” “That was untrue, was it not?” Nathanson insisted. “No, it was not untrue,” the officer dissembled. “I was in error. I was mistaken.” “You were confused about who had written the report?” the lawyer scoffed.
“The circumstances, yes,” said the Mountie. “I realized I had written the report.” The performance was as bad as any at the Braidwood inquiry into the death of Robert Dziekanski, which has also featured RCMP officers seemingly uncomfortable with the truth. The force has conducted a review of other cases coming before the court in which Gallant was involved. But no review of completed cases in which he gave evidence has been done. Spenard also misled the court during earlier proceedings into believing Gallant was no longer doing blood-spatter work because he was seconded to an RCMP Olympic unit. He is not doing any policing at the moment. The Mountie said he lied under oath to protect his colleague’s “privacy.” Justice John Truscott has not specifically addressed Spenard’s misconduct, but he was savage in his charge to the jury. “You will recall the Staff Sgt. Spenard gave some evidence of blood found in... [a] house at different places,” the justice said before sending the jurors to deliberate. “You have heard the Crown totally ignore his evidence, and I suggest to you that you do ignore his evidence completely. “Staff. Sgt. Spenard is the perfect example of a person who clearly lied under oath, and violated his oath to tell the truth, and he even agreed to this. That conclusion is so clear and convincing, and so serious, that I suggest you should consider his evidence to be completely tainted, and without any value whatsoever.” After two days of deliberation, on June 17, the jury found the 23-year-old mom guilty of second-degree murder in the slaying of her toddler in July 2006 in the remote coastal town of Bella Bella. Nathanson had argued for a verdict of manslaughter because Lincoln suffers from the effects of fetal-alcohol syndrome and associated psychiatric problems.
Chapter 6 – Part 2 Those that blab about the RCMP threatened!! One thing is for sure, anyone that criticizes them is in for big trouble. For example, a top RCMP officer has issued a “thinly veiled threat” to strip funding from Simon Fraser University if its lead criminologist doesn’t stop criticizing the force [see Appendix 42, cited below].1 In an e-mail obtained by the Victoria Times Colonist, RCMP Deputy Commissioner Gary Bass chastises Robert Gordon, director of Simon Fraser University’s criminology department, for his comments in the media that RCMP “arrogance” stalled the investigation into serial killer Robert Pickton.2 “I would like to suggest that you should be much more careful in speaking on issues where you have no direct personal knowledge or where you may not be getting accurate information fed to you,” Bass wrote in the lengthy e-mail, sent Aug. 22, two days after Vancouver police deputy chief Doug Le-Pard released his report on the bungled missing-women investigation, which placed significant blame on the Mounties’ shoulders.3 RCMP Deputy Commissioner Gary Bass “went on to question the RCMP’s role as a key donor for SFU’s Institute for Canadian Urban Research Studies, which is housed in the School of Criminology.”4 “The ongoing bias you display against the RCMP in articles such as this have caused many to ask why we would want to continue to be in that partnership given this apparent lack of support from the head of the department,” RCMP Deputy Commissioner Gary Bass wrote.5 “This is a thinly veiled threat about the funding,” Gordon said, adding that he finds it appalling a top Mountie would try to silence one of the force’s critics. “It’s stirring up trouble for the person who has the audacity to stand up and criticize what they are doing.”6 University of Victoria ethics professor Eike-Henner Kluge agreed, calling Bass’s statements “inappropriate” and “unethical.”7 “I would certainly construe it as intimidating and a threat to withdraw funding,” he said. “The RCMP should have realized they are not funding a public-relations firm. You cannot fund academic positions with strings attached.”8
The e-mail by RCMP Deputy Commissioner Gary Bass “was copied to about 25 other people, including top RCMP brass, municipal police chiefs and the president of SFU.”9 “Gordon, a tenured professor and former police officer, said he has a duty to speak out for police reform in B.C. He has long said the Mounties should get out of provincial and municipal policing to better focus on national security.”10 Gordon also noted “he’s not the only one raising concerns about the RCMP, pointing to recent reports by former Supreme Court justice John Major during the Air India Inquiry and retired justice Thomas Braidwood after the Tasering death of Polish immigrant Robert Dziekanski.”11 “This organization is not capable of reflecting on their shortcomings and dealing with them, and that’s a problem for Canadians and particularly B.C.,” Gordon said.12 Footnotes 1 - 12. RCMP boss piqued by Pickton criticism, warns SFU criminologist to watch his words: Deputy commissioner questions whether Mounties should continue to fund SFU research after criminology professor spoke out about police handling of case against serial killer By Katie DeRosa, Postmedia News September 3, 2010 criticism+warns+criminologist+watch+words/3480789/story.html
Appendix 42 RCMP boss warns SFU criminologist to watch his words RCMP boss piqued by Pickton criticism, warns SFU criminologist to watch his words Deputy commissioner questions whether Mounties should continue to fund SFU researchafter criminology professor spoke out about police handling of case against serial killer By Katie DeRosa, Postmedia News, The Victoria Times Colonist, September 3, 2010 criticism+warns+criminologist+watch+words/3480789/story.html A top RCMP officer has issued a “thinly veiled threat” to strip funding from Simon Fraser University if its lead criminologist doesn’t stop criticizing the force. In an e-mail obtained by the Victoria Times Colonist, RCMP Deputy Commissioner Gary Bass chastises Robert Gordon, director of Simon Fraser University’s criminology department, for his comments in the media that RCMP “arrogance” stalled the investigation into serial killer Robert Pickton. “I would like to suggest that you should be much more careful in speaking on issues where you have no direct personal knowledge or where you may not be getting accurate information fed to you,” Bass wrote in the lengthy e-mail, sent Aug. 22, two days after Vancouver police deputy chief Doug Le-Pard released his report on the bungled missing-women investigation, which placed significant blame on the Mounties’ shoulders. Bass went on to question the RCMP’s role as a key donor for SFU’s Institute for Canadian Urban Research Studies, which is housed in the School of Criminology. “The ongoing bias you display against the RCMP in articles such as this have caused many to ask why we would want to continue to be in that partnership given this apparent lack of support from the head of the department,” Bass wrote. The RCMP funds two research chair positions at the institute, at a cost of $4 million over the last five years. It recently renewed the $4-million contribution for the next five years.
“This is a thinly veiled threat about the funding,” Gordon said, adding that he finds it appalling a top Mountie would try to silence one of the force’s critics. “It’s stirring up trouble for the person who has the audacity to stand up and criticize what they are doing.” University of Victoria ethics professor Eike-Henner Kluge agreed, calling Bass’s statements “inappropriate” and “unethical.” “I would certainly construe it as intimidating and a threat to withdraw funding,” he said. “The RCMP should have realized they are not funding a public-relations firm. You cannot fund academic positions with strings attached.” The e-mail was copied to about 25 other people, including top RCMP brass, municipal police chiefs and the president of SFU. In it, Bass told Gordon he would have preferred not to share the dialogue with dozens of other people but “given the fact that your comments are public, I do need to copy some of our key partners.” In an interview on Friday, Bass said the comment was in no way intended as a threat to pull financial support for the institute. He said he was citing one example of the many positive partnerships the RCMP has throughout B.C. “It was a comment I made based on concerns that had been addressed to me,” Bass said. “We have no intention of pulling away from that contract. We have a great relationship with SFU.” Bass also denied trying to silence Gordon. “There’s no intention to muzzle him,” Bass said, although he added he wishes Gordon would contact the RCMP before making “inaccurate” statements to the media. Despite Gordon’s concerns, Paul Brantingham, associate director of the SFU research institute, said he didn’t have a problem with Bass’s e-mail. The institute has explicit protocols that keep research independent and free from donor influence, Brantingham said. In this case, he said, the RCMP supplies data and crime statistics to the researchers, who then pursue the issues of interest to them. Gordon, a tenured professor and former police officer, said he has a duty to speak out for police reform in B.C. He has long said the Mounties should get out of provincial and municipal policing to better focus on national security. 248
He argued he’s not the only one raising concerns about the RCMP, pointing to recent reports by former Supreme Court justice John Major during the Air India Inquiry and retired justice Thomas Braidwood after the Tasering death of Polish immigrant Robert Dziekanski. “This organization is not capable of reflecting on their shortcomings and dealing with them, and that’s a problem for Canadians and particularly B.C.,” Gordon said. “Am I alone in saying that? No.”
Chapter 6 – Part 3 Incredibly, the Royal Canadian Mounted Police are still trying to decide if there is a serial killer preying on woman along the “Highway of Tears”? As cited in “Hunt to determine if a serial killer is preying on females along B.C. highways”, By Lori Culbert and Neal Hall, Vancouver Sun Dec. 12, 2009 “In their hunt to determine whether a serial killer is preying on girls and women along B.C. roadways, investigators have identified 2,000 “persons of interest” in the so-called Highway of Tears investigation. Project E-Pana, the joint RCMP-Vancouver police unit probing missing and murdered women along B.C. highways, previously has been tight-lipped about the high-profile investigation.”
“In his first extensive media interview, team commander Staff Sgt. Bruce Hulan has revealed new details to The Vancouver Sun about a case that has generated much emotion and debate across this province. Until now, it has not been clear what criteria the RCMP used to draw up its list of 18 “Highway of Tears” victims, how they chose the geographical scope of their project, and what headway has been made on possible suspects — including a person of interest targeted during a mysterious search this summer of a Prince George property.
E-Pana began in 2005 with a review of three unsolved 1994 murders along northern B.C.’s Highway 16, but would soon expand its scope. “We started doing the review but very early into it we recognized that, if we are looking for this serial killer, we’ll have to broaden our scope and have a look at other files,” Hulan said this week. “I don’t think we’ll be able to say [whether there is a serial killer at play] until we’re at the point where we are satisfied that we have been successful in solving or charging in all 18 of the files, or the majority, or having determined what the circumstances were that led to the murders.” Author’s note: Two points, the murders along the “Highway of Tears” go back for years “some files are four decades old” – but the RCMP only start looking at the possibility of a serial killer in 2005????? Continuing: “To zero in on a suspect or suspects police examined 619 unsolved files of violence against women along three highways, including murders and missing person cases, as well as sexual assaults and attempted sex assaults. A half dozen of the cases are in the Hinton area of Alberta, while the majority are from B.C. That file review, which wrapped up earlier this year, identified the 18 cases of missing and murdered women included on the official police list, as well as an additional 16 sex-crime cases that appeared very similar because the women were targeted on specific highways. “Our purpose in reviewing the [sex crimes] files is to identify elements common to our homicide cases which may assist us in identifying the person responsible,” said RCMP spokesperson Cpl. Annie Linteau, who attended The Sun’s interview with Hulan. Victims’ families and women’s advocates argue the official list should be much longer than 18 names, suggesting up to twice that number of girls and women have met similar violence in northern and central B.C. over the past 40 years. A Vancouver Sun investigation has uncovered 13 other victims who went missing or were murdered near a major roadway in B.C. or Alberta, who appear to be similar to the 18 on the official list and, in some cases, had been linked in the past to the “highway murders” by previous police investigations. The stories of these additional cases will be told in our series “The Vanishing Point” over the next five days. In some of the additional cases identified by The Sun, Hulan argued the victims don’t meet the criteria the RCMP set for inclusion on the list. Victims must be female and match at least one of the two following scenarios: they were involved in a high-risk 251
activity such as hitchhiking or the sex trade, or they were last seen — or their body was found — within a mile or so from three specific B.C. highways. Hulan conceded other victims might potentially be linked to one or more of the women on the official list, but he added the RCMP had to make its investigation manageable, so it focused on a certain geographical area. “There are other investigations out there that, when you look at them, would cause you to be concerned whether there are connections between them, but as I said before, we are constrained by resources,” Hulan said. “We couldn’t look at the entire province.” Author’s note: Ah, here’s the rub – the RCMP twiddle their thumbs as missing and murdered pile up year after year and when pressure is brought to bear – such as the “Highway of Tears” – they use the excuse they don’t have the resources??? Then again, here’s Harper’s stand on Aboriginal peoples:
Continuing: “There are other investigations out there that, when you look at them, would cause you to be concerned whether there are connections between them, but as I said before, we are constrained by resources,” Hulan said. “We couldn’t look at the entire province.” The cases that are on the official list span Highway 16 from Prince Rupert all the way to Hinton, Alberta; Highway 97 from Prince George to Kamloops, and Highway 5, which includes Merritt. In addition to the 2,000 persons of interest identified in the cases reviewed by police, there is a secondary list of 5,000 people whose names surfaced in the files for various reasons. There have been common names in some files, Hulan said. 252
“With anyone identified in the files as a person of interest we do a background check and analysis on them, their criminal history, and when they were in and out of custody, and if they had the opportunity or not to commit the homicide.” None of the 2,000 persons of interest has been identified, but in August police said a previous owner of a Prince George-area property they were searching was a person of interest in the disappearance of Highway of Tears victim Nicole Hoar. Convicted murderer Leland Switzer, who has been in jail since 2005, previously owned the property. While Hulan wouldn’t confirm Switzer as a person of interest, he revealed evidence was seized from the property and from a vehicle found at a nearby dump. The evidence is being analysed for DNA and undergoing other testing. E-Pana has also sent evidence recovered during the historical homicides to modernday labs, which in some cases has created new leads and in other cases has ruled out past suspects. It is often inaccurately reported that Nicole Hoar was the only non-native person on the Highway of Tears list, but The Sun has determined eight of the 18 women and girls are non-native. Hulan estimated the list was half native and half non-native. “These victims weren’t targeted because they were white or native or any other race, for that matter. “They are victims because ... they were engaged in high-risk activity,” he said. Many of the relatives of women on the list cringe at the description of their loved ones doing something high-risk, arguing some were just walking or cycling on a highway, or were hitchhiking in the 1970s, when it was a commonplace activity. The $6-million E-Pana investigation, which employs 60 people — including 17 RCMP and two Vancouver officers, as well as civilians and retired police officers — is not investigating all 18 files at once. “We prioritized files based on the risk of losing evidence and the potential threats to the public” he said. Hulan said it is possible detectives could provide some future answers for the families, but given that some files are four decades old, the perpetrators may no longer be alive. “Is it likely we will be able to charge on all 18 of them? I’m doubtful about that.”
Even the “idiot” Canadian media figured out serial killers were loose in British Columbia, and the entire west coast for that matter!! What’s wrong with the “frigging” Royal Canadian Mounted Police?? Afraid all these missing and murdered are going to make them look bad??
"It does have an unusually high number of serial killers, all the way from California right up to B.C.,” said Don Dutton, a professor of psychology at the University of British Columbia. Dutton said some experts have suggested killers tend to gravitate west. There is more mobility on the West Coast,” he said. “People sort of wind up here, but we don't know for sure whether all the serial killers have actually moved here. We know a lot of them are home-grown."
“Confessed serial killer Israel Keyes made at least two stops in British Columbia, according to the FBI, as he criss-crossed his way through the U.S. between 2001 to 2012. Keyes committed suicide last year while in jail for killing an Alaska barista. He is believed to have killed up to 11 people.” In fact the web pages entitled “Unsolved Murders - Missing People Canada” has a number of dedicated pages to serial killers in Canada: Unsolved Murders | Missing People Canada » Other Topics » Serial Killers In Canada
Where’s the Royal Canadian Mounted Police web sites for such stuff!!
The R.C.M.P. does not take the disappearance of 600 Aboriginal women seriously [Englisch] [Taschenbuch] Wallice Bellair (Autor) BOOK SUPPRESSED BY “HITLER” HARPER!
Chapter 6 – Part 4 The Royal Canadian Mounted Police deny that there are at least 720 Native women missing and murdered in Canada? The secondary media source that revealed this number appears ver batim below: Walk4Justice: 720 Native Women Murdered and Missing Valerie Taliman September 12, 2011 TORONTO – When they walked out of Vancouver’s Downtown Eastside on June 21, Gladys Radek and Bernie Williams prepared themselves for raw memories and painful moments on their fourth Walk4Justice across Canada. Survivors themselves, Radek and Williams share the grief experienced by too many First Nations families who continue to search for answers and seek justice for their lost women and children. They were surprised how many families came forward this year to report lost loved ones – 37, so far, 35 women and two men – increasing the number of murdered and missing Native women in Canada to an estimated 720. And the journey’s not over. Now 83 days into their winding 5,000 km trek to Ottawa, the Walk4Justice marchers were greeted by families and supporters as they stopped in small towns, reserves and cities. People also called, e-mailed and texted names and information to add to the database of murdered and missing women. In a telephone interview from Toronto, Williams said they plan to arrive in Ottawa in time to address members of Parliament on September 19 at a rally to demand a national investigation into the shocking numbers of murdered and missing women. Organizers plan to bring 10 coffins from each province to Parliament Hill bearing the names of those lost. “We help collect the data about missing women because the families don’t trust the police,” said Williams. “They’ve reported crimes and been ignored, so they reach out to us because they know they can trust us. We lost relatives, too.”
In addition to the estimated 720 Native women and children reported, several Native women’s organizations agree that the total number of all murdered and missing women in Canada tops more than 4,000. According to Canada’s 2009 General Social Survey on Victimization, nearly 67,000 Aboriginal women aged 15 or older reported that they were victims of one or more violent crimes. And 63 percent of those surveyed were aged 15 to 34, illustrating the rise in violence toward young women and children. “We founded the Walk4Justice in 2008 after my own niece, Tamara Chipman, vanished in 200 from the Highway of Tears near Prince Rupert,” said Radek. Williams’ mother and two sisters were murdered in Vancouver’s Downtown Eastside, notorious for high rates of drug trafficking and violent crime. Sadly, along the journey, Radek learned that another young relative, Angeline Eileen Pete, 24, was reported missing from North Vancouver. Her family is appealing to the public to help locate her, and a candlelight vigil was scheduled for September 11th at Hastings and Main in the Downtown Eastside. “It really hurt me to hear about Angeline, and it angers me knowing this has happened to so many aboriginal women,” Radek said. “It doesn’t matter where we move in this country – we’re not safe anywhere. It’s about time the government and police quit talking, and actually do something.”
I am afraid that to them: She is just another dead Indian [Englisch] [Taschenbuch] Wallice Bellair (Autor) BOOK SUPPRESSED BY “HITLER” HARPER!
Only days later, the decapitated body of another missing Native woman was found near Lake Winnipeg on the Sandy Bay First Nation in Manitoba. Roberta Dawn McIvor, 32, was killed July 30 when two teenage girls allegedly tried to steal her car while she was sleeping in it, according to police. Two girls, 15 and 17, are facing charges of manslaughter and are in custody.
The first time the Globe & Mail covered the Highway of Tears: Was when a 25-year-old White woman vanished [Englisch] [Taschenbuch] Wallice Bellair (Autor) BOOK SUPPRESSED BY “HITLER” HARPER! Only days later, the decapitated body of another missing Native woman was found near Lake Winnipeg on the Sandy Bay First Nation in Manitoba. Roberta Dawn McIvor, 32, was killed July 30 when two teenage girls allegedly tried to steal her car while she was sleeping in it, according to police. Two girls, 15 and 17, are facing charges of manslaughter and are in custody. Tragically, she was related to Helen Betty Osbourne, a Cree woman who was severely beaten, gang-raped and stabbed at least 50 times by four white men in 1971. Twenty years later, the Manitoba Justice Inquiry concluded that the murder of Helen Betty Osborne had been fueled by racism and sexism. The inquiry pointed out that Osborne might have been saved if police had taken action on a pattern of threats to Indigenous women. The Walk4Justice marchers were asked to meet with McIvor’s family and honored her memory with the Lillooet Salish Women’s Warrior song. (link to video) 259
Williams said it’s been hard at times riding the emotional roller coaster of searching for answers and pushing for corrective action as they visited, cried and prayed with families on the route. Though the Walk4Justice is four years old, Williams has been on the frontlines of the issue for more than 25 years. “I have no faith in the system,” she said. “There’s a raging war on women, and I can’t make sense of how the Canadian government is continuing to allow this to happen.” Noting that Canada recently eliminated major funding for First Nations, education and women’s programs, Williams is skeptical about the intentions of politicians to help solve the problems. “They know our communities are suffering, and yet they cut funding to help heal our children. We lose them to streets and to foster care – all those children in care are being raised by immigrants now,” said Williams. “They don’t want us to heal – it’s all about oppression. They’re trying to get rid of us because it ultimately comes right back to the land and the resources.” The 93-day walk across Canada ends in Ottawa next week, where Radek and Williams will join hundreds of others to protest Canada’s failing policies to protect women and children, particularly Native women. “We’re tired of wiping up the blood of our women on the streets of the Downtown Eastside and all across Canada,” said Radek. “The racism, murders and oppression have to stop – that’s message we’re taking to Parliament.” However, according to a CBC news media report – only 30 Native women and children have gone missing or murdered along the “Highway of Tears”: "That was the first time I'd heard it called the Highway of Tears," says Radek, about the 720-kilometre stretch of road between Prince George and Prince Rupert, where a rugged and often isolated landscape makes hiding crime easy. Over the past 40 years, say advocates for the cause, more than 30 women, mostly Aboriginal, have gone missing or been found murdered near the highway.”
Remember, CBC is a main media source in Canada?
Who are you going to believe, an independent source which states 720 missing and murdered Native women and children across Canada – or Canada’s mainstream media? Remember, Canada’s mainstream media doesn’t want to embarrass the Royal Canadian Mounted Police, and their incompetence?
Cannot wait to drop kick all the drunk idiots: What idiot RCMP said this [Paperback] BOOK SUPPRESSED BY “HITLER” HARPER!
Bar watch shift tonight, I gonna catch me a ginger: What idiot RCMP said this [Paperback] BOOK SUPPRESSED BY “HITLER” HARPER!
Chapter 6 – Part 5 Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harper gets tough on sexually exploiting children crimes, except those committed by Royal Canadian Mounted Police officers?? As cited in the Globe and Mail, published Thursday, Aug. 29 2013, in an article entitled “Harper unveils plans for tougher laws against child sex offenders”: Prime Minister Stephen Harper is proposing new legislation that would increase penalties for those convicted of sexually exploiting children. “We must create a justice system that is more responsive to victims, and especially more responsive to children and to the families of children who have been victimized by sexual predators,” Mr. Harper told a room full of cabinet ministers, senators, police officers and journalists during a visit to Toronto. Among the proposals is a move to ensure offenders convicted of exploiting multiple children will serve their sentences consecutively one after another instead of at the same time. As well, the Prime Minister hopes to increase maximum and minimum penalties for child sexual offenders, and ensure that spouses of those charged with child pornography will have to testify in court. Mr. Harper declined to say what he hopes the new penalties will be, saying the details will be decided upon in parliament. More than 3,900 sexual assaults against children were reported to Canadian police in 2012, according to a news release from the Prime Minister’s Office. This is an increase of three per cent from 2011. Mr. Harper criticized the justice system as having become progressively unbalanced and skewed in favour of offenders. “Indeed, the system has become profoundly centered on the welfare of the criminal,” he said. He brought up the example of Gordon Stuckless who pleaded guilty to sexually assaulting 24 boys and was sentenced to two years less a day in 1997. The sentence was appealed and extended to five years. Mr. Stuckless got parole after serving twothirds of his five year term. A very worthwhile cause and suggestion by Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harper!! He deserves a pat on the back for that idea!!
Chapter 6 – Part 6 However, what Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harper failed to tell the Canadian people is that this tough stand does not include RCMP officers charged with sexually exploiting children crimes - RCMP officer Adam Jonathan Clarke? And here’s a case in point Langley RCMP officer Adam Jonathan Clarke! “Langley RCMP officer Adam Jonathan Clarke was charged in June with two counts of child luring for allegedly using a community police office computer to convince a 12- and 15-year-old girl to produce child pornography for him.”1 What happened to these charges against RCMP officer Adam Jonathan Clarke? “In April, Adam Jonathan Clarke, a former Langley RCMP officer, received one day in jail and three years’ probation after he pleaded guilty to attempting to lure a 12year-old Langley girl, and a 15-year-old Richmond girl through the website Nexopia while on duty.”2 What, one day in jail for luring TWO children, one age 12 and one age 15?? Something screwy there - Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harper?? Once again, “on July 11, 2005, RCMP Const. Myrl Stus of Princeton was docked four days’ pay after the board found him guilty of viewing more than 40 pornographic websites during four successive shifts in August 2003.”3 Oh, oh – not another case of “diddling little boys” -- is it, as the saying goes? Duncan Canvin was arrested Thursday night and charged with sexual assault and sexual exploitation in connection with offences that allegedly took place while he was a member of the RCMP's Fort Simpson detachment.4 As indicated, “the complainant told CBC News on Friday that he and other teenage boys in Fort Simpson came under Canvin's influence in the early 1990s, when Canvin was an RCMP officer and a minor hockey coach in the community.”5 264
“According to the complainant, Canvin had allegedly turned his home into a fraternity house of sorts, where alcohol was readily available and pornographic movies were shown regularly.”6 And, you won’t hear anything in the mainstream Canadian media that RCMP officers were caught in this Child Porno sting!!
Atlantic Canada Child Exploitation Bust Nets 22 Arrests CBC, Posted: 06/26/2013 Twenty-two men were arrested and two children were rescued from harm after a major child exploitation bust in Atlantic Canada. RCMP officers said they laid 64 charges, seized 43 computers and found millions of images during Operation Snapshot II, which targeted child predators in the four Atlantic provinces. The men face a range of charges, including accessing child pornography, possession of child pornography, making available child pornography, making child pornography, and voyeurism. Footnotes 1. Eighty-one cases of misconduct by Mounties. By The Vancouver Sun October 15, 2006. 2. Mountie faces child porn charge By The Vancouver Sun December 15, 2007 3. Exclusive: Mounties ordered to resign. By The Vancouver Sun May 1, 2006. 265
4 – 6. Former N.W.T. Mountie, mayor faces sex charges CBC News Last Updated: Friday, October 8, 2010
The RCMP: And child pornography [Englisch] [Taschenbuch] Wallice Bellair (Autor) BOOK SUPPRESSED BY “HITLER” HARPER!
Chapter 6 – Part 7 However, what Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harper failed to tell the Canadian people is that this tough stand does not include RCMP officers charged with sexually exploiting children crimes – RCMP officer Justin Harris? Here’s another case1: Another RCMP officer Const. Justin Harris was suspended with pay in September 2004 and accused under the RCMP Act of behaving in a "disgraceful manner, accused of having sex with underage prostitutes.”2 RCMP Const. Justin Harris “was one of nine officers in Prince George named in investigative reports alleging links to underage prostitutes.”3 “One of the women said she was between the ages of 13 and 15 when she had sex with Harris, who is now in his early 30s.”4 “That woman, who can be publicly identified only as C.C., told investigators Harris once paid her $60 for oral sex and struck her in the face when she refused to perform the act.”5 Incredibly, but quite typical of the RCMP, Const. Justin Harris “had the disciplinary charges against him thrown out because the Mounties took too long to bring their case against him.”6 Deputy RCMP Commissioner Gary Bass lifted the suspension in April and ordered Harris reinstated as a full-time RCMP officer.7 “Harris’ lawyer Reginald Harris argued the Mounties failed to meet that standard in his client’s case because senior members of the force — including assistant commissioner Gary Bass — were aware of the allegations as early as July 2002.”8 In other words, the RCMP purposefully dragged their feet so the accusations against Const. Justin Harris would go nowhere. Something screwy there - Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harper?? Footnotes 1 - 8. Eighty-one cases of misconduct by Mounties. By The Vancouver Sun October 15, 2006. Also see: Suspended Mountie to return to duty. By The Vancouver Sun July 10, 2007.
Also see: RCMP scandals and setbacks since 2006. Globe and Mail Update. Published on Thursday, Mar. 29, 2007, Last updated on Tuesday, Mar. 31, 2009. Also see: Disciplinary charges dropped against ‘disgraced’ Mountie October 5/2006, page A7 of Victoria Times Colonist Also see: Best of the worst of Mountie misconduct. Posted: December 12, 2009 by Daniel Kaszor. National Post.
Who are the lunatics: That approved these RCMP officers [Englisch] [Taschenbuch] Wallice Bellair (Autor) BOOK SUPPRESSED BY “HITLER” HARPER!
Chapter 6 – Part 8 However, what Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harper failed to tell the Canadian people is that this tough stand does not include RCMP officers charged with sexually exploiting children crimes – RCMP officer Andrew Ugrica? Here’s another case! As reported: A North Vancouver RCMP member has been charged with possession of child pornography, a fact the Mounties kept quiet for more than four months, The Vancouver Sun has learned. Court documents obtained by The Sun show that Const. Andrew Ugrica was charged on Aug. 10 with one count of possession of child pornography. Since then he has made two court appearances -- one on Sept. 12 and the other on Thursday -- but the Mounties had not publicly announced the charges. City of North Vancouver Mayor Darrell Mussatto said the Mounties also didn't brief him about the case at the last police management committee meeting, which was held last week. "I'll certainly be asking some questions on Monday when I get back to the office," he said. 1 What happened to RCMP officer Andrew Ugrica? As cited: “Ugrica was arrested last year after police discovered 6,500 pornographic images on his computer, including 85 of children.”2 What was his sentence? RCMP officer Andrew Ugrica “has been given a 12-month conditional sentence for possessing child pornography.”3
Something screwy there - Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harper?? Footnotes 1. Mountie faces child porn charge By The Vancouver Sun December 15, 2007 2 - 3. Ex-Mountie sentenced for child pornography Mississauga News, Apr 25, 2008
Pure Evil: What a Police Force [Englisch] [Taschenbuch] Wallice Bellair (Autor) BOOK SUPPRESSED BY “HITLER” HARPER!
Chapter 6 – Part 9 However, what Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harper failed to tell the Canadian people is that this tough stand does not include RCMP officers charged with sexually exploiting children crimes – RCMP officer Khomphet Khamphoune? Here’s another case! As reported, “RCMP officer Khomphet (Kam) Khamphoune, a Richmond RCMP member who was charged with six counts in June after what police described as a lengthy child-pornography investigation.”1 However, what was RCMP officer Khomphet Khamphoune actually chatged with? “Khamphoune was charged with tampering with evidence, breach of trust, and various firearms-related offences -- but no child-pornography charges.”2 As further reported: Khamphoune isn’t the only RCMP officer charged with possessing child porn!3 These RCMP officers were: RCMP Paul Richer, RCMP Tristan Johnson, RCMP Stephen Hugget, RCMP Patrick Francis.4 As further note, “those are only examples through a simple Google search not a forensicsearch. Think of all of the cases that have been hidden away through publication Bans and Media notices”!5 Also, try to find what these RCMP officers were sentenced to – and it appears that Sergey Brin, Google owner, has no information on his web sites? A Google search comes up with nothing?? Is Sergey Brin, Googlwe owner, “in bed” with the Royal Canadian Mounted Police to keep this crap from the public?? Something screwy there - Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harper??
Footnotes 1 - 2. Ex-Mountie sentenced for child pornography Mississauga News, Apr 25, 2008 3 - 5. Jiminy Cricket, March 17, 2011
What ever happened to the high traditions of this Police Force [Paperback] BOOK SUPPRESSED BY “HITLER” HARPER!
Chapter 6 – Part 10 However, what Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harper failed to tell the Canadian people is that this tough stand does not include RCMP officers charged with sexually exploiting children crimes – RCMP officer Seth Paine? Here’s another case! As reported: How can it possibly be legal for a 31-year-old Royal Canadian Mounted Police officer to have sex with a 14-year-old girl? How can a judge decide that a cop using the Internet to lure a child to his bed is "the evolution of a relationship"? If we are to have any confidence in child protection laws and the willingness of judges and police to abide by them, the recent acquittal of Seth Paine must be appealed. In 2006, Paine advertised himself on an "adult-only" website as "one hot cop." His profile included a photo of the constable in his RCMP uniform. The phone number he later gave the girl was his RCMP-issued cellphone. All through his seduction of this child, Paine used the fact that he was a police officer as part of his appeal. Knowing the girl was 14 didn't dissuade Paine. He set up a date in the middle of her school day to have sex. They showered together before the girl went back to class. After that, the girl said that he gave her the "brush-off." She was suffering from a schoolgirl crush. Yet the man, old enough to be her father, was done with her.1 And who was the “arse-hole” judge that accuited RCMP officer Seth Paine? None other than British Columbia Judge Michael Hubbard. Something screwy there - Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harper?? Footnotes 1. When cops go bad, courts should act By Daphne Bramham, The Ottawa Citizen June 25, 2007
There is a raging war on women: How can the Canadian government allow this to happen?? [Englisch] [Taschenbuch] Wallice Bellair (Autor) BOOK SUPPRESSED BY “HITLER” HARPER!
Chapter 6 – Part 11 However, what Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harper failed to tell the Canadian people is that this tough stand does not include RCMP officers charged with sexually exploiting children crimes – RCMP officer James Adam Carson? Here’s another case! As reported: A former Revelstoke Mountie who broke into four female RCMP officers’ homes to soil and steal their panties will spend the next year behind bars. James Adam Carson was sentenced Thursday to a year in jail after pleading guilty to 10 counts related to break and entering, theft and accessing and possession of child pornography. Carson was arrested last year after his DNA from a coffee cup matched stains on the women’s underwear. A subsequent search of his home computer also found more than 32,000 pictures and videos of pornography, including 24 videos involving children.1 Notice how the possession of child pornography was glossed over by the courts in this case? Something screwy there - Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harper?? Footnotes 1. Former Revelstoke Mountie who broke into four female RCMP officers’ homes to soil and steal their panties will spend the next year behind bars. By Vancouver Sun June 8, 2007
Has RCMP Commissioner Bob Paulson been screwing the pooch [Paperback] BOOK SUPPRESSED BY “HITLER” HARPER!
Chapter 6 – Part 12 Is this what the Royal Canadian Mounted police think of women?? As cited in “Perverts, Sexual Deviants Occupy Top RCMP Ranks”1, “allegations Say Some Top Officers Constantly Harassed Women Officers For Sex, Blackmailed Some Trainees Into Sexual Submission – Their Punishment A Slap On The Wrist If Caught!”2 “The LINK did its own investigation and found one case of a recent Indo-Canadian woman RCMP trainee – who was married before she began her training but has filed for divorce since becoming an officer.”3 “The husband, who did not want his name disclosed, says that his wife most likely had an affair with her superiors or was coerced into ‘sexual submission’, which led to his wife becoming cold and distant.”4 “He said he’s devastated. And given the recent shocking allegations of sexual harassment and abuse – he blames the RCMP for ruining his life and tearing his family apart.”5 “Serious allegations of sexual harassment, blackmailing trainees into sexual submission and corruption have come to light against top RCMP officers, some of whom were involved in the expensive Air India investigation, which was dodged by failure on the part of the force, as well as another troubling investigation of sex-killer Robert Willy Pickton.”6 “More female members of the RCMP in British Columbia have come forward with serious allegations of harassment following CBC News’s shocking revelations of well-known Mountie spokeswoman Cpl. Catherine Galliford ’s claims she suffered from years of sexual harassment [see Appendix cited below].”7 “On Monday, CBC News revealed Cpl. Catherine Galliford has filed an internal RCMP complaint alleging repeated sexual harassment from some of her supervisors.”8 “Galliford said she experienced six to 10 incidents of harassment or sexual harassment, including one occasion in which a superior showed her his genitals and asked if a mole on his penis was ‘cute’.”9 “Earlier, during the Air India investigation, she said she was dragged along on pointless trips to Eastern Canada to meet with victims’ families. She said there was no news to impart, but her superior used the road trips as an opportunity to try to have sex with her.”10 277
“Following Galliford’s explosive allegations, Krista Carle contacted CBC News, breaking her own long silence.”11 “I know for a fact there are at least six women that I know [who] have left the force or are still in that have suffered harassment,” Carle said. “I’m sure there are others who are afraid to come forward for fear of reprisals.”12 “Carle, who graduated from the RCMP’s training academy with Galliford in 1991, says she was harassed and sexually assaulted. She is now off the job and says she has been diagnosed with post-traumatic stress disorder.” 13 “RCMP management tried to cover up the problems when she complained, Carle told CBC News.”14 “When I spoke out against the harassment, it wasn’t taken seriously and I felt diminished and I felt re-victimized every time I told what happened to me,” she said.15 “Carle is one of four women officers who have sued the RCMP, saying they were sexually assaulted by undercover Sgt. Robert Blundell in the late 1990s.”16 The women worked for Blundell on undercover investigations in Calgary from 1994 to 1997. According to the statement of claim, they were “individually and separately sexually assaulted and harassed by Sgt. Blundell.”17 “The case was eventually settled in 2007 with all parties agreeing to keep the terms of the settlement secret.”18 Current author’s note: Terry Mallenby has never kept his successful suit of the RCMP secret. Terry Mallenby has maintained for years there are a lot of “lying bastards in the RCMP [and Canadian Government] and incidents like those appearing in this book confirm his sentiments to be absolutely true! “Recently an Ottawa RCMP sergeant admitted to internal charges of disgraceful conduct after he had sex with one secretary and made advances toward another.”19 “Sgt. Daniel F. Marquis, posted to the force’s immigration and policing unit, has been docked eight days pay under the RCMP Act. He was docked three days’ pay for having sex with an underling, and five days’ pay for trying to kiss another secretary after calling her to a private meeting in a headquarters conference room.”20 Current author’s note: Another “slap on the wrist” for another RCMP pervert?
“The next disgraceful conduct case against Marquis involved another secretary in his unit.”21 “For his perverted indiscretions, Marquis only received 8 days docked pay. What a disgrace.”22 As further noted, “Sexual harassment of women thrives in environments that are male dominated, hierarchal and demand strict adherence to codes of silence like the RCMP,” said MacDougall, noting female officers are afraid to speak up.23 MacDougall adds that “police are not an option for women in this crisis.”24 “Female police officers are incredible public servants and the general public is only starting to hear about the harassment that we go through,” said Galliford, former RCMP spokeswoman for the Missing Women Task Force. “It can break you, and then if you need help, it’s very hard to find.”25 “The RCMP’s employee ‘assistance’ program was of no help and even leaked her medical files to the RCMP, said Galliford, who now has good medical support.”26 In a 115-page statement to RCMP Internal Affairs Insp. Paul Darbyshire, Galliford said she documented the sexual harassment she experienced from top RCMP.”27 An RCMP boss insisted she go along on road trips to visit victims’ families “and then he’d turn into Octopus-Man in a hotel room at night,” she said.28 Galliford named another female officer who had to physically fight off “an attempted rape” by the same officer. Female civilians also were targeted.29 Galliford is also haunted by the fact that senior officers appeared to know that nowconvicted serial killer Robert Pickton was a “prime suspect” in the murder of Downtown Eastside sex workers at his Port Coquitlam pig farm.30 Something screwy there - Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harper?? Footnotes 1 – 22. Perverts, Sexual Deviants Occupy Top RCMP Ranks – New Allegations Suggest Saturday, November 12th, 2011 23. Female RCMP officers’ accounts of sexual harassment in force prompt new hotline By Suzanne Fournier, The Province November 25, 2011
Also see: Black Balled by Manitoba Government for making sex-discrimination complaint Also see: Walking amongst the cannibals! Watching out for the sharks? Also see: Is slavery alive and well in Canada? There is absolutely no protection for female employees against vindictive employers! 24 – 30. Female RCMP officers’ accounts of sexual harassment in force prompt new hotline By Suzanne Fournier, The Province November 25, 2011
The Royal Canadian Mounted Police: And their protected sexual perverts [Englisch] [Taschenbuch] Wallice Bellair (Autor) BOOK SUPPRESSED BY “HITLER” HARPER!
The Conservative government of Prime Minister Stephen Harper has no intention of improving the lot of female RCMP officers [Paperback] BOOK SUPPRESSED BY “HITLER” HARPER!
To stamp out civil rights and liberties, Stephen Harper’s Canadian Government WANTS YOU! But only if you like to LIE!
SOME ARTICLES PRIOR TO THE BRITISH COLUMBIA RCMP 1976 & 1979 LIES AND TERRY MALLENBY’S SUCCESSFUL SUIT AGAINST THE BRITISH COLUMBIA RCMP!! Some articles by Terry Mallenby former federal peace officer old age pensioner & PTSD disability pensioner due to RCMP lies former Classification Officer BC Maximum Security Penitentiary former Classification Officer BC Medium Security Mountain Prison former Probation Officer NFLD Social Services Department* former Facility Operations Manager Whitbourne Youth Secure Custody Cognitive development: the functional aspect of symbolization and language, by Terry W Mallenby OCLC Number: 1206866 Publisher: Winnipeg, S. Evans, ©1973. A bibliography of research on spatial and social behaviour by Terry W Mallenby OCLC Number: 1188853 Publisher: Winnipeg : Thomas Todd Press, 1973. A bibliography of research on spatial behaviour. by Terry W Mallenby; Ruth G Roberts OCLC Number: 123780236 Publisher: Winnipeg : Thomas Todd Press, ©1973. A note on perceived self-acceptance of institutionalized mentally retarded (IMR) children. by TW Mallenby ISSN: 0022-1325 OCLC Number: 105523657 Article Language: English Publication: The Journal of genetic psychology, 1973 Sep; 123(1st Half): 171-2 Database: From MEDLINE®/PubMed®, a database of the U.S. National Library of Medicine. Personal space : direct measurement techniques with hard-of-hearing children by Terry W Mallenby OCLC Number: 8686052 From: Environment and behavior ; v. 6, no. 1 (March 1974). Publisher: [Beverly Hills, CA] : Sage Publications, 1974.
Effect of discussion on reduction of magnitude of Poggendorff illusion. by TW Mallenby ISSN: 0031-5125 OCLC Number: 107527338 Publication: Perceptual and motor skills, 1974 Oct; 39(2): 787-91 Database: From MEDLINE®/PubMed®, a database of the U.S. National Library of Medicine. Personal space: projective and direct measures with institutionalized mentally retarded children. by TW Mallenby ISSN: 0022-3891 OCLC Number: 105929976 Publication: Journal of personality assessment, 1974 Feb; 38(1): 28-31 Database: From MEDLINE®/PubMed®, a database of the U.S. National Library of Medicine. Personal Space: Projective and Direct Measures with Institutionalized Mentally Retarded Children by Terry Mallenby ISSN: 0022-3891 OCLC Number: 4631503689 Publication: Journal of Personality Assessment, v38 n1 (19740201): 28-31 Database: ERIC The ERIC database is an initiative of the U.S. Department of Education. Personal Space: Direct Measurement Techniques with Hard-of-Hearing Children by Terry W Mallenby OCLC Number: 424960945 Accession No: EJ098610 Publication: Environment and Behavior, 6, 1, 117-122, Mar 74 Database: ERIC The ERIC database is an initiative of the U.S. Department of Education. MALLENBY, TERRY W., Personal Space: Direct Measurement Techniques with Hardof-Hearing Children: Environment and Behavior 6(1) p. 117 N: 0013-9165 OCLC Number: 4647243973 Publication: Environment and Behavior, v6 n1 (19740301): 127-127 Database: ERIC The ERIC database is an initiative of the U.S. Department of Education.
The effect of extended contact with "normals" on the social behavior of hard-of-hearing children. by TW Mallenby ISSN: 0022-4545 OCLC Number: 107863896 Publication: The Journal of social psychology, 1975 Feb; 95(First Half): 137-8 Database: From MEDLINE®/PubMed®, a database of the U.S. National Library of Medicine. The personal space of hard-of-hearing children after extended contact with 'normals'. by TW Mallenby; RG Mallenby ISSN: 0007-1293 OCLC Number: 113775903 Publication: The British journal of social and clinical psychology, 1975 Sep; 14(3): 253-7 Database: From MEDLINE®/PubMed®, a database of the U.S. National Library of Medicine. The Effect of Extended Contact with "Normals" on the Social Behavior of Hard-ofHearing Children by Terry W Mallenby OCLC Number: 427052930 Accession No: EJ118344 Publication: Journal of Social Psychology, 95, 137-8, Feb 75 Database: ERIC The ERIC database is an initiative of the U.S. Department of Education. The personal space of hard-of-hearing children after extended contact with "normals" by Terry W Mallenby; Ruth G Mallenby OCLC Number: 14151807 Notes: Caption title. From: British journal of social and clinical psychology ; v. 14, no. 3 (Sept. 1975) Description: p. 253-257. Publisher: [Great Britain : s.n., 1975] The missing person in measurement techniques of interpersonal distance. by Terry W Mallenby OCLC Number: 678920246 Thesis/dissertation : Document : eBook Computer File Publisher: [Burnaby, B.C.] : [s.n.], ©1975.
The Effect of Extended Contact with “Normals” on the Social Behavior of Hard-ofHearing Children by Terry Mallenby ISSN: 0022-4545 OCLC Number: 4653399646 Publication: The Journal of Social Psychology, v95 n1 (19750201): 137-138 Database: ERIC The ERIC database is an initiative of the U.S. Department of Education. Facilitating the disappearance of perceptual error to the Poggendorff illusion. by TW Mallenby ISSN: 0023-8309 OCLC Number: 112913792 Publication: Language and speech, 1976 Apr-Jun; 19(2): 193-9 Database: From MEDLINE®/PubMed®, a database of the U.S. National Library of Medicine. Incidents of physical assault against child-abuse investigation workers : the nature of child-abuse protection legislation as possible reason for such incidents : some Canadian provincial examples of internal policies attempting to deal with such incidents : placing the trend of such incidents into a theoretical perspective by Terry W Mallenby OCLC Number: 44178037 Thesis/dissertation : Manuscript Archival Material Publisher: 1994. Teach your child to read : a simple method for parents and educators by Terry W Mallenby OCLC Number: 61554932 - 1984 The relative effectiveness of whole- and part-task simulators OCLC Number: 222728551 – 1984 Quality assurance in medical/health care utilizing and incorporating three methods of evaluation: process, setting and outcome : an introduction to assessing medical/health care by means of a conceptual "process matrix" : with special reference to acute care and chronic care hospitals by Terry W Mallenby OCLC Number: 184866019 - 1986. When the "baby-boom" cohort reaches 65 : will it be social chaos or a carefully planned transition? : an introductory research proposal by Terry W Mallenby OCLC Number: 184861481 - 1986.
Child abuse : a beginning social worker's understanding and use of the DSM-III-R and three reactive mental disorders following child abuse : reactive attachment disorder, posttraumatic stress disorder, and adjustment disorder by Terry Wallice Mallenby; Institute of Psychometric Assessment (Bay Roberts, Newfoundland) OCLC Number: 40533667 - 1994 Dealing with a violent work environment : internal policies and legislation dealing with physical assault and other threats against child protective social workers by Terry W Mallenby; Institute of Psychometric Assessment, Applied Studies & Investigative Research. ISBN: 0969594402 9780969594406 OCLC Number: 35875995 - 1994 Notes: Revision of author's thesis. Description: vii, 473 leaves; 29 cm. Series Title: Employee assistance program series. How to make staff safe: how to reduce labour-management conflict: how to reduce staff grievances by Terry W Mallenby ISBN: 0969594402 9780969594406 OCLC Number: 62920434 - 1997 Other Titles: How to reduce labor-management conflict, How to reduce staff grievances *Newfoundland - The Lieutenant-Governor in Council may designate probation officers appointed under the Department of Social Services Act to act as probation officers for the purposes of this Act and may designate probation officers appointed under this Act to carry out the duties of probation officers for the purposes of the Department of Social Services Act.