Sun Dial August 1961

SCNSD 61.08-Sun City Sun Dial newsletter for Aug 1961.
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Vol. 1, No. 8 SUN CITY, ARIZONA August, 1961 Dynamic Organization Builds Homes Men, Materials, Plans — They Make The Buildings TOM BREEN, Webb vice-president and head of the hous- ing division, leads a Sun Cit/ planning session. Other conferees, fromfore: JackFord, housingoperations chief; Joe Aubin, asst. chief of operations; J. R. Ashton, Webb vice president and head of land development; Owen Childress, housingoffice manager, and John Meeker, asst. chief of operations. f ft 4l . SUN CITYplanners, fromleft: Phil Colbourne, engineer- ing; Bill Havilen, assistant superintendent; Lynn Frazier, ^oncrete superintendent; Jack McPhee, general super- mfendent; D. E. Serafini, office manager; TomGilbreath, project superintendent. "Concrete, steel andlumber canmakethebuil d- ings, but peoplemakethecommunity." Thesewerethewordsspokenby Del E. Webb, president of the Del E. Webb Corporation, who madehisdreamof aretirement community, ful l of attractive homes and endlessfacilities for recrea- tional andcreativeactivity, areality for people50 yearsor older. While SunCity is still ayoungcommunity, its story of home constructionis as amazing as its growth. When Mr. andMrs. Senior Citizen areready to moveinto their newhometheywil l discover that anentireneighborhoodiscompletedandready for other newhomeowners tomovein. Yet they are unaware of the tremendous organizationrespon- siblefor theplanningandbuilding of asinglehome. Building housesdemandsspecific planning. Be- fore adeveloper beginstobuild, thelandmust be surveyed, and maps must be drafted showingthe boundariesof theareatobedevelopedandthelots specifically measured for each home. T. E. Breen, vicepresident andheadof thehousingdivisionof the Del E. Webb Development Company, and a host of other toprankingofficials within theWebb organization, spendmonthscarefully planningand discussingthecomplex processof housingdevelop- ment beforeputting any ventureinto execution. Whenordersaregiventostart building, agigan- tic teamof constructionexperts gointo action. Special constructioncrewsbeginwork on foun- dations, footings, stems, plumbing, finegradework, floors, walls, insulation, roofing, painting, andfin- (Continued On Page 4) Page 2 SUN CITYSUN DIAL DIGGERprepares ditches for concrete foundations to be poured for each home. August, 1961 1 ^ CONCRETE is poured and leveled Into the ditches to forma solid foundation base for the homes. Workmen followthe truck levelingthe wet concrete as It pours the foundation perimeter. PLUMBINGis tested after the base has been filled in and smoothed for the final pouringof the floor. SPECIAL machinery smooths the large floor areas. August, 1961 SUN CITYSUN DIAL Page3 EXTERIORwalls arefilled with specially-prepared insula- tion at thewindowand roof levels. TRUSSESspanningthewidth of theexterior walls are placed and erected beforesheathing. ludingpart of theWebb sales, administration, maintenance ROOFERlays tar paper and shingles over thehalf-inch plywood sheathingnailed to thetrusses. SKILLEDworkmen spread themortar and level theblocks for theexterior walls. FINISHEDcarpentry adds afinishingtouch to theinterior of thehomes. Page 4 SUNCITYSUNDIAL August, 1961 MASKED painter sprays overhangs and other exterior areas. Dynamic Organization (Continued from Page 1) ished carpentry. Each phase is repeated as the home building progresses. The finished product is a beautiful community with winding paved streets bordered by picturesque lawns dotted with colorful flowers, sometimes with crushed rock and cactus with simplicity and beauty of design that catches the eye of every passer-by. This is Sun City. Atown of friendly people where the house becomes a home and the coffee pot reigns supreme. This is not the end, but the beginning. PUBIISHED BY THE DEI E. WEBB OEVEIOPMENT CO., P.O. BOX 555, SUN CITY, ARIZ. Editor Otto Highfield ManagingEditor RichardKemp Assistant ManagingEditor JonSmith EDITORIALADVISORS T. E. BREEN T. G. AUSTIN J. P. McLAIN DELE. WEBBDEVELOPMENT CO. P. O. Box 555-SD, Sun City, Ariz. Please sendme the free, 28-Paga, Full-Color Story of Sun City, Arizona NAME ADDRESS _ _ CITY ZONE STATE.. S E N D F O R F R E E B R O C H U R E A 2i-Page, Full-Color Story of Sun City Then comesee this famous city that's the talk of the nation.