Tramps: Arresting Dallas Police

How did the tramps get cut loose?
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..... . 4,. AtUc;htd h a caPr o( U1d. r Ill l•""r•lAI poUu M•li"' t whh prua npnHnhthn •M a copy of • U'-' P:e&.fw.ry l, lttJ, hued tO a U •rabert of Uc Otput ... ... , ulll"' auutloo to ,._ policr au forth l a GeMn..l OrcStr •11. • You aho ....... for a co1J.ectt4 .. , of Jaet nctlona 011 poU q procedure to bt l rt tht t tMtACa o( apccHJc ordol n to W contnrr.. Au ac:Md h a c:OPr •l o..u Gcarnl Onkr boo'• • cOpJ' of of Coo.Jw.ct eM • cooy of Dlilp&riMoUl     Prvc.e.wu. koM • f Uwu laurwctl•• t.u '"• ..ttflect ' '""' Ho¥tobtr , UaJ, •• • ntw.U of Uw u uul ... t loa. 11M coph a utad_. a r• up ... oanuah. n.r u '"" a. a ... bl r of dtpulJ' eWrtffo ll crOWd ,....., U&e ., •• • , uw . ..... .t . . .... l .......... .__. ,., ........... , dlIR. IL' T::NESS: n t of •)o] ice. 19   B::<:LIN: Ilo,·: long h: vc you been 1•:il:h 20 21 i·El.. Little over 17 yc:·rs. 22 :.!R. BBLIN: H•.)l'.' I)Jr: yuu, sir" 23 24 ;.m. Dtc: you go to ;_;clwoJ in D: 11: 25 7l 2 Rigb school. 3 4 5 :.In. n;::LIN: Tlwn l':h:: c:ic! you 6 One yc<'r \\'o"::uc' for the 7 8 :n .. FLLIN: Then \\·h; i:'> 9 IO !Io::el in •. he : uc>cinr; office. II 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 yc: :.·s. . -·") •·• I.. E::T,IN: ··icc h· ·•r.-p _._;:J -..:__,-   ·o? Co: :· t Cu: rr'. I •::z s EO c S\": i_n 'S ;.{" t e !';ec on:' ··:-.nsCJIJrt : the . ir,H? of my ·'isch: ·go. BELIN: Honor: bJe c'isch: rge"" H_. : Y , sir. B.SLIN: Re: ASSASSINATION OF PRESIDENT JOHN FITZGERALD KENNEDY, NOVEMBER 22, 1963, DALLAS, TEXAS Caller 61 (Patrolmen G. W. TEMPLE and R. E. VAUGHN) Conversation We have information from the agent out here at T&P. Said that the train is stopped on the overpass, the triple over- pass; that there was a person jumping at the ninth boxcar from the front ·engine. Said he is hiding in a car. Dispatcher (HULSE and MC DANIEL) Is the train stopped there now? 61 (TEMPLE and VAUGHN) I'm in behind the Texas School Depository. He has the train stopped. He said it is the ninth car from the engine. Gondola-type car; said he is hunkered down inside. Dispatcher (HULSE and MCDANIEL) Any squad Elm and Houston ... 392 (Criminal Investigation Division) 392 (Criminal   Division) Dispatcher (HULSE and MC DANIEL) 392 (Criminal Investigation Division), did you receive that information? 392 (Criminal Investigation Division) 10-4. En route. Dispatcher (HULSE and MC DANIEL) 10-4. 241 (Patrolman J. P. HOLLINGS- WORTH) 361 (Criminal Investigation Division) - 94 - 241 (HOLLINGSWORTH) en route. 361 (Criminal Investigation Division) en route. I 2 3 4 5 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 y:)u ·. n .: r l l ( _,_ -"-. I i_ ( 1 -- ..1 I . 1"(' '· - . ·.., I' hey <.I "'I I I Then c.itc: you :.roun< tho fhei1 V/h, t   you   I l':ent b:cl: : n•. to 0'(:' t '' tlw to s owe le<:vins cu: of F .,· '·o r"o l. D f · ·e· 1· rrh1· L ._, c2rs thrt the y:- ·· '. 1 l e ..... _ ' \·.·e (''Cl;· :. 1. Oll" f-·e1' "'h'·   · - . - t-. - b 1.,. \... ..:. :... I'<>' in the·,·e, n( \Ye IJUllec' some peo;"Jle off of there :.nn took :;hem ,:o the sl:: ;·.rrL IL' i .. : .. 'LC:SS: HlDS : ncl hoboes. HR. It' ;_:·:tmss: Yes I s i :r. ?hen you wrs 211 my ::ss:ignmcnt, be- 83 1':; , to my ct'ge. in all the: rrer1 t-here. 2 • ·e h" 1.. seve:,f' 1 officers in L he- t 3 i•IR. B.ZLIN : Do you knor: whe c her or not . nyone 4 f ounr 1 ny suS') i c i ous peoole of r ny kind or nr. cure 6 ;.J11 . H.'.1!CNESS : Yes, sir . \1e nmc'e some rrrest:s, 7 I ryut some neonle in . ... s H::l . BELIN : \1'e,,e t hese v: h" t you 11 hoboes or 9 •J 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 H/ Yer:, sir . l·lR . BELIN: ':ere :::;11 c•ueEtioner 1 ? 1·IR. rlr'.1IiliESS : Yec:;, sir, they \':ere to che   ouestioned. MR . BELIN: t. ny guns of r.ny lri nr 1 founc'? )ffi . H: 1KNESS : Not to my l::: nowlec'ge . MR. BELIN: I to go bLck to t his imos .E'uin,? . Do you remembe1.· he snid to you " nd wh• t you to him you first him? MlL   I wen c i n ch::- c crowd up :, t. he r rer· t he : n · r d icl r nyone see ny 1l, ce where t he shots c ome from, . nc t here WPS uni ·entified nerson pointed to him, srid t his boy here \': it , saw t he s hots, whe :;..,e t he c from. Ln( he told me i t wns . ·• f.IR . BELIN: Then ... b j i ci he s::-r? I • • • 3 4 6 7 8 9 B2LIN: 88cn 10 EvC?r since. 11 12 13 BELIN: '1 rr '> _). J. ... t--> " ,. 14 ihe Lrrffic .,\,...L'-"- ,'-..) IS from :.L i.n nc' Fi.c 1 _( D: :c·;r e to ;m rnr· 16 Hous on. 17   '.,'he;·e we::-e you : l'OUJY- 12:30 p.m."' 18 :.JR. Il' 1:1ESS: ."t M:-in Houston. 19 :•1R. B2LIN: Cn the or of H ust 20 :11. I-l'RI:li.2SS: ·:es. side of Houscon. 21 Di<:' you wrcch :he come 22 23 !.JR. R".1;:_i'IZ,SS: Yes, sir. 24 i·IR. •;:ere you •dwn you rc' the 25 shn ·r: i c: i' i c h 73 I 2 ; 0 . hn T . '('11 1 • - "' ....... .. ..l. ' ' :.-.. '.·.·!1.: .. ·- 11''Y c· ·11 ... ·'•'-' '··· 3 •·n .•L_ • 4 5 6 7 a . '! - 1 • • ' .. 1:.-c (,1_(' you : fter you 9 10 11 12 !3 :.m. IF·l:·:NESS: ·.:hen I   the fir,;t   14 IS !6 · o you by th::-t') 17 :.m. H:: I''.NE:i)S: ',.hen I Lhe first shot :·nd !8 s: ... •; the Jresiclent 's c:··,· :.lmost come to , stop ;,.nd some 19 of 9i1.tng off che c:r. I '.'.'Gnt brcli: the 20 to gee my motorcycle. 21 :rl. BZLIN: You were in the 'Jrocess of c:oing 22 th:·t \'.'hen you he:.rri the ::w' third shot? 23 24 :.m. B.EL! N: .he,·e cij.c 1 the shol.s sounc' li.l;e they 25 I ; -. - ..!.. ' • 2 T C OU l ·. il ' c 3 :-,....., l l \,.. 1..- -'- L • 5 Yes. 6 7 I ··:en: 8 c he 9 10 Dy th,, ')CO)le. '.'.llcn I 11 v:cn t i_n to c: h's ···e: hi_' t'• ill''' '110 (F''Olll1' '" • A, t"; ..., ., ' 12 :11. scmcr:n-c let' u::;   •     th:. the     14 :-EL You me: n f:·om soiile p(J'i.nt in IS of L lw 16 y co. .. 17 l'-lR. DEL IN: i)o you who • someone     18 No, sir. 19 21 I don't rcwcmbcr. 22 ;.m. B:SL IN: 23 I •::cnt t"o·:·n to   sec 24 if I cou1cl see ::nyone t ; "c· 25 .h; C: ir' yrm see·.· I 3 5 7 9 10 12 13 14 15 18 19 20 21 22 23 25 i'OUl1 I c:o chts fence E2LIN: H'"S. BELIN: B:SLIN: t ( · o you n c s C' i _ _, u -· l ' thts ·,.·tghc hc:l'C. '"'r> £· l l .,..,. c:::: ,- v; n a -- ·- ....... -' '-J ......,, "' ·- ::::.. ·c•.c-, .- - \...- . You rc   l_ng o { pl::-ce be the extension of :i:lii1 p·o '-' i·l1. Ii'_1ICN:2;SS: Yes, to the sir. .. h::" i: ''ic; you fin:· there? I founc': little colored boy, i:lco; who tolr: me he s:Y·; the shoes come fl'Om NcY,; you just rJi c::t'c' out o l E tle 76 2 Yes, str. 3 4 Is c '-he o"Pi 0·i n'"' 1 ..._, _.._ - _) . l • --· noc: i: i. on l: h=.- you m: .-'c? 5 6 7 :·.El. 8 10 :.:: ir. I curncc 11 f.ffi. B.SLIN: 12 -_ >   .s ,_ 14 on :he kcl.: of my 3-•.·:heei : n hi.m in 16 MJ. BELIN: Nov: ycu Jacn::ionc·· you :out s or:1e 17 18 Defore 19 21 22 :.1'1.. BELIN: 23 c ll \\' i h r. r -t ton t 2 : 3 G 9. Hl. , 26 J to 53 J • 531 / 24 25 I 3 5 7 8 9 10 II 12 14 15 16 17 h: .n I h: ve hiJ,l y:i. t.h me n'Y.·.· : n. ·::c ·'C :C'C: l inc>; ''\') T)-·:1" 71-._T • l 1 o l ;_· ' .I • ..l. i o ··--')• · ,_ '- __ < 1 I, t . . :_ J. . l r::.v 1:.:, Yes, sir. the bl1t, 'in;>: 'r · .. ' ._: c 12 :3C '):J. •· off T11 . !10 D1'0CC" 0   c:·o··· l ,. o-Ff !·hr.-' "- L- l \_ ..::Ju i.___l "-''---'· --- t·, ...1.__. you ·o·.· C{ . .,.,1>.' 'I -· J f. .. :. -ttly--sr. u; .. :. '-' 0'" 1 0'1g j_ l .' -·- l ') 18 co h· ve ';he ''t se: lee' off'? 19 ·rhe scu:J wrs rriving by the 20 t:i.•,Je I off my mo'cm·cycle. There W8S rlrerdy 21 :c'(:tcion;·l_ squrC:s enroute. 22 MR. BELIN: How soon rfter 12:36 r:;.m., would yo D s:y butl(ing wrs serled off? 24 It off then 25 I '.:: s b; he,·c "n:.' c·:;o · oche·.· •. 1211. 1 1) jl} ., 3 Yes, str. 4 5 6 Tn''i)''C'· 01' . , .__) : \.... '-' -- n . '-\' () 8 pc) T'l· ;_)_-...J '_I -• J. ', • By the you   o L ho 9 f c'Clh 'l oJ the buil. 'ing 10 Yes, str, by c.-he I 1ut 11 tn hi_s c: I '.':ent 'UJ.\c' l, cely ::he 12 Jy c':. 13 14 seruencG. you to brcl: of 16 ?·To, sir. 17 Y·Ju l:e11 me :: h: n:1enec' 18 I 19 to Jose th?_s 20 1] ri.ght. 21 So I took hi1n the 22 :r1. To 1nspect:or err? 23 24 ,,., s i"ighi: in f•:on c. 25 I 2 4 B I !f : 6 .;he c: ,.r; 7 8 ' 11···;c "' L ,_, - \.... ' 9 the :c. 10 >11. BELIN: II 12 .. , P• :'io tr:.ffic . ' 13 JCIL e   on how 1om: 14 BELIN: IS J ·,·l.' ''" '·!1n C" l l I" 'i]" "-' L '- .._ ·'- ' ' '· T . ' :- -- .on .. 'jc you c: U" 'c'hcn wh:: t (i/ y·Ju c'o'' '.'.:r s he: vy : ·L t L . i_Jile , '· n: you hr: ,: l:o '.','; i - - c .. 0 o·e t- ::' ...... in . ,··ll ,,.h-.'- - - <·:. .... ' in :· ny even c, r f ce •: you .:'i• you 0 on ohC' c': •.'io? 16 you got the m:.n in che 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 ·.ell -- >lR. BELIN: The witness in the c: r, whet you Stryed : t the b: ck of the builc'- tng until I wrs relieved by (. ;.m. BELIN: :- h2 b - l , . 1 u 1_ .'. i.' J l g : So you then went to che brck of Yes. 1 c · :, you see him there? 2 l·lR. IL rCNESS : Yer, s i l '. 3 '·P:L B'SLIN: .rs he ::t hi.s c< :? 4 MB. . H. "1:.:NJSS : Yer-, sir, he w •• s by his c r :, 5 ne r his r . .. 6 ;.m. BELIN: Do you len ow whe t her or not he hr r1 7 gone i nsi<:e Lhe'ing yet? 8   No, sir . 9 MR. You you l'on ' L know':' 10 H/ Don't kl10\'' v:he c her he lr c1 gone in 11 or not . ,' c tur. lly, he s n 'ing "here in front 12 trki ng inform:tion . All t he tion wrs bcjng funneled to Inspec tor 14 MR . B.SLIN: Die! you tell him you hr cl witness .... 15 r r.t . H.' Yes, 16 BELIN: In his c :. r? 17 MR . IL' R.::N:ESS : Yes, sir. 18 MR. BELIN: t1t time, che buil(:i ng been 19 serled off yet when you told him 20 MR. JL) l. 1 CNESS : .' t t hn t time? 21 BELIN: \;hen you told Inspector Snwyer T: hr.t 22 you hr c r wit ness t h2 t sn id t he shot c r me from t he 23 building. uu to thr.r. prrticulr.r moJ!lent, hrd the front ) 24 of t he building been ser led off yet? 25 Yes, sir . \ - lr: i_'c·   ' . 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 c:. u;;c 1 'r--, .. 'T J.'l L.J • 11.   .     , .\., ..• .lit ..... n..J ,,J • nn. I (on ' 1·1:1. TN: ]\in. n· -,-,-i'-'"1;->(1C< . NC.··, sir, 1 ' on ' ' Lnow C:h:· t be- c , t ( 'n ' rro U} : nc' t ;_:o :.:hen!. v 0 ou of c he bu:'' No. I in ··oun• cO the b<·ck of chc buill'.ing cO lil: l:C fUre i.v :.n. B:6LIN: Jlluny is you .'i(_n' t notice •;:hc:.:he<· in n< ouc-.: Dh' you not, or •' you noc noc:Lco '>'.'hccl1el' pecnlc were coming oul: of i:he builc'ing time? : n. · t 1' •• c• " '- ..._} 0eve1·: l officers : t -::he : l·er, lot of people I ('on't ln1ow wheth they v:c·:c goinr; in OJ: ouc Ol' noc. I cou1dn' t s::y th2 Then you wen C: r round to the b: ck of MR.. R' 1!·:.t'l'ESS : Yes , sir. :.Q.. B .LIN: :nyonc :.•.·oun. i_n b:cl: \'.'hen I • 2 3 :n. D::LE: : f •.:h .. t bn i_1 ( i   4 5 6 i:h: .. buiJ,'ing'? 7 8 9 '\r,,r (""1· •• le--'c l '-.._.; ,_) '   - '- ' \_, ._) f;cc, I b?cn 10 by '11: cc milli.on iJaes.     lee p:e .:he.·c ts the 11 12 You cr.n'.: i'4Fhc nu:: 'ci'initcly " 13   C:: \.·h: c: floor i:hc le<:;c woulc' be-:- 14 IS 13:SLIN: If you c<·n'.:, I l':ouL' c·rthe;: noc 16   you guess, buL if you (o :mm .. T l'.·ouJ.c: to 17 h.· vc you s L:- 18 I believe it 19 nov.r, o you knCY:.· where 20 21 22 ;.m. BELIN: Between v:h:-; L floors is the lc•.:ge? 23 ;.J2l. Hi. 1I:lESS: The is bet 1. een, over the 24 Sixth Floor. 25 1 2 3 " 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 j 24 ·" 25 BELIN: nll ':._ell here i.n y our 10lice ..... ... ..._.,. _eport I sho.v you SLwyeP ' S : , you i d the, "\·i t ncss sr ys s hots c r me f fift h Floor rex: s School Book Je·Josii:ory ... " Did t he sry it \'.TS f 'Oill t he Sixt h Floor, or 'cid he ic wrs f ·.·om Fift. h Floor?       He it wrs from the Fifth Floor . r.lR. BELIN: were t he c t worc?s of t he wi t ness? MR . Hr 3.=rnESS : The exr c c worr 1 s of the witness, "r :- , ... \.'C::S un<.er i: hc le('ge," wh i ch woul t' pu t it on the c;_xt h FlooT. It wr.s my error in Cl y c oun t of floors . HR . BEI.,IN: lJic1 t he wit ness whrt on floor he sEw i t on? On t he floor unc'er the MR . H/1ICNESS : f'aid it W8S t he last wi nclo\'.', which woul ( 1 indic t:! te it wou lcl be t he lns t wi ndow on the erst sicle of Lhe build ing . BELIN: Di d he say to hi s righ t 8S he s Ew it, or did he just say t he l as t wi ndow from where he w:::s ivlR. li'. RKNESS : Last wi ndow f rom where he was r. nd nt ,_·t   h-t " ._ (. L \., .. ' t • . 2 3 6 7 11 12 13 15 16 17 bu i_ , rn .' . •lil ;- s i_ t un 'l'(Y""C""" lln:'nr .. : ., - ..__ •-' . -.._.. - in Yes. !:he: t :' ;_ 'J: c un .,l,. ·' '" - j So t t ','.'OU l_r' be   h nf _ J'lm s i -L 18 tnto the un1 1 er9:ss, but sou:h of chc exconsion 19 of .:::1m; 20 21 'i l'. 22 :f:l. D:::L!N: ·.: oul c_' you h: vc been l: of the 23 :..:chool n,)i)l•   Dtjil.·-incr j_) .. .. --' "-"..:. . ._: -- . u -. ·. - (:> t h: t time? 24 25 ,. 3 4 i-ITI L lli C L - ,_: 6 l'-ffi. H_·- No, sir. 7 9 10 11 12 ;.IR. U   ..1..:..; .   :_J.Ji...) o No, 13 MTI. B:G!_J IN : 15 i: he l'C '? 16 Yes, sir. 17 18 19 Yes, sir. 20 21 22 one of those floors. He di(n'l:   it, 23 :-- s he s ;:- •:. :· m:: n 1·: it h , rifle   ,__. 24 rounci U:J t 25 C' i 'V'I 0 ·- J_ • 2 No, 3 :.IR. 4 I h· ve hi.s 6 0i.( he s:.y : ny"i:h'nc; c1sc? 7 No, Sil''. 8 Is :nyching celso   9 [:h: 0 C:.y t '.n zny ,,.: y bee :·clcv: nt c:o thts 11 No, s i_r. 12 :n. B:SLIN: 13 I to 14 TT '. 1·,ous con, between Elm Mrin. 15 Is the···e < nything else you 'i( 16 17 ·:·elevz,nt to thi.s : • of i.nquiry: 18 ;.JR. IL'. 19 :'o<.m i:hcl'C, ::nc' I observed Ruby : L the ent-:::--nce 20 of the _j;: '.1 ( tlw ·:·e on Sr t ur( :. y. 21 ):lR. m:LIN: You sr.w :1uby ner.r the entrr.nce 22 f t l . . 1 C' - ' '. ,.., o 1c J: '· _ on ru l' r y: 23 Yes, sir. 24 MR. BELIN: H:.s your r.L·c: r:y been 1 T'; c1"' ,_ .... ·- ' l ... I 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 '· .. , J.'l_ \... y··)u c•-, - .. L h:--- c:ffcc nyDnc else m· .. nything tllr, the   L:h: , ,- <;-• 1'1..., 1 . _. ' .. ' __ \_, h,.c' been · .. hen I - "> • ': .r1 l -- • ._, ,_ i_n il the <':y befm·e, which B.ST,JN: 'ny:l1inn· nlce'' - '-' - '--' __ .._, .   l: i. s ; ll , :.::t. DEL IN: I?·T: :'.ll by or not 0 I h: .. ;:: met hi m, ;,ne-.: .,·,ho he t;;; s, but oi:he·: th: n ch:·., th:·t i.s :.ll. ;.m. B:SLIN: Is thc··c ny 0 he• ·c· thing you c:-n thin:: oi' ' ··:he L he' I h: ve l_ ' 'l :. 110•. ' L c C' ! I 2 3 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 in r:· ,. i (). :_.he Ilc iilC', he i. Th: ·- "- , ... s I c ·lul '· n ' ' '·.•,·ct :.11y 1-'lfoc_'J·,·J:il·r_·J,.l "l1 .,.c '1· l l 4 _._ - -- •• 1 : ;, • en 1 i.-) .. T) .·l-.1. • E.:::.'LIX: s -i_   "'Ji r '""' .,,. n·- .- · 0 .. :-h.· n·_,, "Oll ··y ; __ ) '''- lrt __ • J· 'lUCll fr•" C"l'l'l1" ·r,•,"n .-.11'. tro.r:i ... fyi_l1 .. "' .. • J. -· .·. ' ' -- ,, - . ' - - . ynu:"' t.··hcn it is ·y·)c',' \... \.... '-- J si_gn c , 22 si:;ni nc-: i" ; n·.·: ju::;" cou··. "e'!ortc•.· scnr tho 23 : o us ·• i_ rc:c ·: ly i.n ·,, c•' · o···- r .• e>lllll,. '·.Jl1. II you 24 : ny 'J:efe ·once, you us ':no•:.·. 25 I juoc t ho I I 1 2 3 4 5 () 6 c: D 7 8 9 10 11 ·--· ,, ' 12 ,. ;') 'c 13 14 15 16 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 I l \ r (:.:_• - ·; .. p-; .'1. \. • he j_7l1 " 'n) .. ·.1. • n T :-T • ..i ·--'-' _J __;.._ .:. , ; n·n i nr, .. •: - ') - ' t•.• y ':)() .. 0 ' , J..j...'. "CC 'Unc;, Tn ny C'':'Cl1 c ' I y·Ju '-- ni: L 0 s i -c,·n ' You h' IJO • 1 -' ·.= Co s i P:I1 c•:· y I 'lJ .. , ive ·' It .:o::sn't r <>;·,1r· --' 11 .' ' n i.: 0 c b' c>:. lL - .... ') C" i c " ' '· I, " ::m n '- () ;:;" :.· i '\" r n i_ ' :1g· q: I 0 ,< - . ,_ S':::n-- 1 us I h:'VC ·_:hem   - -- -b b') :: h '.i' ys. I ,_,Ul jus' ( , _, ,. __ ) '"'1'' <''U''8 '"'' l. ve1' ) .. ) -.. ;__-,... - _, - ·,' . . . . ' . REPRODUCED   ! PER·:·L l'IARA AP 102-526 (JFK 4CT) DATE lb/211'L3 VETERANS ADMINISTRATION SAM RAYBURN MEMORIAL VETERANS CENTER BONHAM, TEXAS 75418 IN REPLY REFER TO, 522/116B June 1, 1978 TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: This statement is made on behalf of Mr. Seymour Weitzman on his request and with his consent. Mr. Seymour Weitzman, born January 28, 1922, in his capacity of deputy constable of the Sheriff's Office, personally and from close distance witnessed the events that resulted in the death of former President John F. Kennedy. His testimony and account of what he observed were collected by the Investigators of the Police Depart- ment of Dallas, Office of the Sheriff of the Dallas County, and the Warren Commission. His testimony is a of record, and he has no new or additional information to add to the statements made at that time. Since that time Mr. Weitzman was treated for emotional illness for many years, and is presently a member of the Veterans Administration Domiciliary at this Sam Rayburn Memorial Veterans Administration Center in Bonham, Texas. It is of great importance for his welfare and emotional well-being to excuse Mr. Weitzman from participation in any further investigations of the events he witnessed; any information sought from him should be extracted from his testimony and depositions made at that time. rC //' Ute z Charles Ph.D. Chief, Service , __ Show vaeran's full name, VA file: number, and social Jtcurity numher on all correspondmce. .. "' " .., w w raa 2 n• ]!I 1!3$ .. -- INVESTIGATION INTERVIEW SCHEDULE Identifying Information: Name Roy Eugene Vaughn Address Route #1, City/State Midlothian, Texas Date ____________ _ Place ___________ _ ,, J .. A ' •.1 c,.... ·- '--· KENNEDY Date of Birth._...;:.3/'-2=-4"-'/:....3::.;5:__ ______ __ M or s _____ 1 _ 1 _l_c ______ __ Social Security ______________ __ Spouse ____________________ __ Children ______________ __ 2. Physical Description: Height ________ __ Color Eyes __ Hair _______ _ 1'7eigh Special Characteristics _______ __ Ethnic • . 3. Personal History: a. Present Employment=-------------------------------------- Address ------------------------------------------- Telephone _____________ . __________ __ b. Criminal Record 1. Arrests __________ _ 2. · Convictions --------- 4. Additional Personal Information: a. Relative(s): Name Address ______________________ _ b. Area frequented: ________________ __ c. Investigator Harold Rose / (, u 1 v-f"   Date 11,122/77 Form 14-B (J' r--_,__ _____________ _ f t [ r I .. ' ; t· f t REPRODUCED AT -- SELECT COMMITTEE ON KE'::;EDY NAME Roy Eugene Vaughn Da te _______ Time. ______ _ Address Route # 1 Place Midlothian, Texas Telephonic interview Interview: By Investigator Harold Rose Roy Vaughn stated that on November 22, 1963, he was in patrol working in a two man car. G.W. Temple was his partner. They worked the South Dallas area. The ate lunch at Vaughn's house and then were cruising in the area of Hatcher and Colonial. They decided to switch over to channel 2 to see how the motorcade was coming along and heard what sounded like mass confusion. They switched back to Channel 1. dispatcher sent all squads in the downtown area to Elm and Houston, Code 3 (Emergency). Someone on the air asked what happened. The dispatcher said Signal 19 (Shooting) involving the President. They proceeded to the area and pulled up on Houston Street, on the west side of the T.S.B.D. After Vaughn I and Temple got out of the car, Vaughn lost track of Temple. Vaughn stayed on the east side of the T.S.B.D. he had parked the car on the curb on the east side of the T.S.B.D. A security guard came of the building across from the T.S.B.D., now the Museum, and had_a man in custody. The guard told vaughn that he took the man into custody because he didn't belong in the building. The guard turned the man over to Interviewer ___________ -:------- (SignatureU . / Harold Rose (Typed) Date Transcribe d __           ___ by 1: (In. '· 1 • • ' r f . .   (?.G 23 3) t ''Jnn - 2 - vaughn. vaughn took the man to the Sheriff's office and turned him over to a deputy sheriff (name unknown) . Vaughn then returned to the T.S.B.D. he heard someone say that some men had jumped into a box car down by Union Station. He told a Sergeant in front of the T.S.B.D. Vaughn, Bill Bass, Marvin Wise and another officer (name unknown) ran down the tracks for 3 or 4 blocks to the grain cars near Union terminal. Vaughn'climbed up and went to the rear of a car. He looked into an open car and saw three men at the opposite end of the car, kind of lying down. Vaughn pulled his revolver and ordered the men out of the car. . . The men came out of the ·car. Bass and Wise took the men to the Sheriff's office. and the other officer rode the Caboose back to the area of the T.S.B.D. and got off. Vaughn said that he did not look in any other grain car. He stayed in the area of the T.S.B.D. and heard on police radio that an officer had been shot. He couldn't get his car out of the parking jam to go to Oak Cliff. At some point, he went into the T.S.B.D. and was on the floor where the rifle was found. He remained in the area of the T.S.B.D. until released. On Sunday, November,24, Vaughn was working relief. Sometime in the morning he got a call to go to the Patrol Office. on the 2nd floor of the Court Building. On arrival, there were several other officers there. Lieut. R.S. Pearce came in and told him to see Sgt. P.T. Dean in the basement and get d I REPRODUCED ·.· .. ..... ~   . ~ ........ -- - 3 - his assignment. When Vaughn got to the basement, Sgt. Dean was busy and couldn't talk to him. Vaughn told Sgt. Putnam what Lt. Pearce had told him and Sgt. Putnam made the assign- ments. Vaughn was assigned to the ~ a i n Street entrance to the basement. He was not to let anyone without a Press Pass into the basement. As he started up the ramp, he met a man coming down. ,He challenged the man, who produced identification from the Department of Public Safety. Vaughn went up the ramp to Main Street, where he observed former Dallas police officer N.J. Daniels standing outside the Main Street entrance to the basement. He talked to Daniels a while. Later on Sgt. P.T. Dean came up the ramp and told Vaughn that two armored cars would come into the basement but he didn't k n ~ which side they were coming in. Vaughn checked several I.D.'s. An armored truck came and backed down the Commerce Street side. The truck couldn't get all the way down. Vaughn saw what he described as confusion in the basement. Vaughn saw a police car with its red light flashing, back up in the basement and start up the Main Street ramp. In the car was Lieut. Pearce, Sgt. Maxey and Sgt. Putnam. Vaughn had to step aside to let the car out. Prior to Lt. Pearce's car coming out, a man pulled up to t.he entrance in a squad car. This man was Tommy Chibolt, a mechanic in the police garage. Chibolt told Vaughn that he was supposed to check the parking situation in the basement. Vaughn told Chibolt to park the car on the street and he then let him walk down the ramp. { I t r t REPRODUCED AT THE   • ... ,. "'!"! "     (RG 2 3 3) • ':14 ••• - 4 - Vaughn stepped back into the entrance way after Pearce's car went by. In a few minutes, Vaughn heard someone in the base- ment say, "here he comes." There was mass confusion and a bright light came on in the basement. Shortly, thereafter, Vaughn heard a muffled noise and saw a scuffle. He saw a hand come out of the crowd and another hand tried to grab the hand as if struggling for a weapon. Shortly thereafter, a man broke loose from the crowd and started running up the ramp toward Vaughn. A reserve officer grabbed the man. Vaughn drew his revolver. The man identified himself as Detective D.M. Burgess, now deceased, was released and came up to Vaughn. He told Vaughn that a reporter had shot Oswald. ' Vaughn stayed at his post. After a while, a man came up to Vaughn and mentioned Ruby's name and said he wanted to talk to someone. Vaughn took the man to the information clerk and turned the man over to a detective. In a short while, Vaughn was relieved. Later in the day, Capt. Talbert called Vaughn and asked if he knew Jack Ruby. vaughn said that he did know Ruby. On Tuesday, November 26, Lieut. Pearce called Vaughn at home and told Vaughn to come in and write a special report on the incident. Tuesday and Wednesday, Vaughn worked extra with NBC newstream. Sometime Honday or Tuesday, Vaughn became aware that Ruby had supposedly entered the basement through the Main Street ramp. Vaughn stated that he called N.J. Daniels and asked him if he saw anyone go down the ramp when Lt. Pearce's car came out of the basement. Daniels told Vaughn that he '· . ,- . - l i I ! I f • A_T},HE     2 3 3) , .... - 5 - didn't see anyone go down the ramp. \'lednesday night, Lieut. Pearce called Vaughn and told him to come in Thursday, Thanksgiving Day, the Chief wanted to talk to him. Thursday morning, he was told to report to the Patrol Office. On his arrival, Chief Fisher, capt. Talbert and Lieut. Pearce were in the Patrol Office. They all went into Chief Fisher's office, where Vaughn verbally related his actions on the day of the Oswald shooting. Chief Fisher asked Vaughn if he would take a Polygraph. Vaughn was upset because he felt they doubted his integrity, but agreed to take a Polygraph. Vaughn went to the 4th floor and was given a Polygraph by Paul Bentley. It was quite lengthy. After finishing the test, vaughn went back to the patrol office and asked if he could go home because it was Thanksgiving, and was given permission to go home. The FBI came to his home on two different occasions and interviewed him. He was called to testify at the Federal Building in Dallas and was interviewed by a Warren Commission attorney. The attorney showed Vaughn both of his FBI interviews, Vaughn stated that the first interview was not exactly as he had related to them. vaughn made notations on the first interview where he corrected it. He said the second interview was correct. The attorney questioned him about knowing Ruby. Vaughn stated that he knew Ruby from getting calls to the was Vegas Club. He/never in the club on a social visit. He had talked to Ruby on a few occasions and definitely knew Ruby when he saw him. r -1 2 4 ; ·i j f • 3 • j • .. I 1 .... • .     ..     (RG 233 ) -- INVESTIGATION INTERVIEW SCHEDULE Identifying Information: Date 11/11/77 Name Lee Bass Address 616 Jardin City/State Mesguite, Texas Place pa11as Police Headquarters Date of Bi rth._----"'4.t..I.=1-'-7"'-/-"'3-!:2'------ Social Security ------- Physical DescriEtion: Telephone 285-3665 M or s _______ _ Spouse. __________ _ Children. ________ _ Height Color Eyes ___ _ Hair _____ _ l'leight Ethnic Group Special Characteristics ______ _ . < ' . . Personal History: a. Present Employment: pall as Police oeQartment Address Telephone b. Criminal Record l. Arrests 2. Convictions Additional Personal Information: a. Relative (s): Name _____________ _ Address. ___________ _ b. Area frequented: ___________ _ c. Remarks: years on Dallas P.O.; presently assigned to Legal Liaison Unit. Investigator Harold Rose Date 11/22/77 Form #4-B f t - . REPRODUCED AT THE NAT .. IONAL £) . . ARCHIVES - ofo,. ' 0 '1 "-   233) -- SELECT COMMITTEE ON ASSASSINATIONS - Kennedy NAME Billy Lee Bass Date ll/ll/77 Time 10:40 a.m. Address 616 Jardin Place Dallas Police Headquarters Mesquite, Texas Interview: .Billy Lee Bass stated.that on November 22, 1963 he was assigned to a one-man car in patrol, either number 21 or 101. He had come into town in company with another officer (name unknown) to book a prisoner. Officer Bass cannot remember if he drove his car or the other officer drove. After having the subject booked, the officers headed back to their work area. They stopped for the motorcade at Cedar Spring. After arriving back in their area, they got into their own vehicles. He was cruising south on Harry Hines Blvd. near Wolfe Street when the dispatcher came on the air and told Bass to report to Elm and Houston (Code 3- Emergency). After driving several blocks, Bass asked the dispatcher what the nature of his call was. The dispatcher said either shooting at the President or shots fired at the President. The dispatcher ordered all squads to report to Elm and Houston. Bass said that he believes he was one of the first units to arrive at the scene. He parked his car headed north at the southwest corner of the T.S.B.D. He took the shotgun out of the car. Everyone was running around ( in mass confusion. '> •) Interviewer __ (Signature) Harold Rose (Typed) Date Transcribed __ l_l_/_2_2_/_7_7 ___ by am (Ini Ulbili¥* - • ' I [ I REPRODUCED AT THE NATIONAL ARCHIVES -••• ,., ... .,.. '"f•f ,!JIW'.l\ill .. •••=·- (RG 233) Billy Lee Bass Interview ... page 2 Somebody pointed to the T.S.B.D. and said: "He's still in the building." Bass took a position on the s.w. corner of the T.S.B.D. so that he could see anyone running out of the building. Somebody, Bass said it may have been Sgt. Dave Harkness, said three men ran down the railroad yard and got into a grain car. qave Harkness, Marvin Wise, Roy Vaughn and Bass ran down the railroad tracks about one-quarter mile to the grain cars. Roy Vaughn climbed up the ladder on one of the cars and saw three men huddled in the corner of the freight car. Vaughn ordered the men out onto the ground and the men cursed at Vaughn. Officer Vaughn then jacked a shell into the chamber of his shotgun, pointed it at the men and ordered them out of the car. When the men got on the ground, they were given a good pat-down for weapons - but none were found. The men were marched up the railroad tracks to Elm Street, across the front of the T.S.B.D., across the street to the county jail, and turned over to a Deputy Sheriff (name unknown). Bass went back to the front of the T.S.B.D. and shortly thereafter heard a call come over poLice radio that an officer had been shot in Oak Cliff. Bass stated that he couldn't get his car out of the parking jam-up to go to Oak Cliff. He stayed around the area of the s.w. corner of the T.S.B.D. until about 5 p.m. when an order came out for the day shift officers to report to the garage . - REPRODUCED AT THE NATIONAL r• """! ''' tteil ·   233) --- Billy Lee Bass Interview ... page 3 To his knowledge, no other boxcars were searched after the three men were apprehended. He observed that the three men had hobo type clothing on, but from the neck up were clean shaven and had good haircuts. The men did not say anything while being taken to the Sheriff's office. j - '1 I ' I r ' f REPRODUCED AT THE •••• CA (rtG 233) . ... __ . -- INVESTIGATION I NTERVIEW SCHEDULE dentifying Information: Name Marvin Lynn Wise Address 7015 Overlook Qriye City/State Dallas. Texas Date of Birth __   ________ ___ Social Security __________________ _ 2 . Physical Descrirtion: Height _____ _ {17e i g h t ________ _ Ethnic Group ___________ __ . . J . Personal History: Date __ __ ___ Place Pallas police Headquarte rs Telephone 381-7382 M or s ______________ _ Spouse ___________________ _ Children ------------------- Color Eyes ____ _ Hair ---------- Special Characteristics ___________ __ a. Present Employment: ___ ______ ___ Address _______________________________________________ _ Telephone. _______________________ __ b. Criminal Record 1. Arrests ----------- 2. Convictions _________ __ 4. Additional Personal Information: a. Re lative(s}: Name _______________________ __ Addr ess _____________________ ___ b. Area frequented: _____________ _ c . Remarks: 19 years on Dallas poljce Dept : presently assigned to Intelligence Unit. Investigator Harold Rose Date 11/22/77 For m #4 - B ' t • I ' i 1 l t ! t ' REPRODUCED AT THE .. .,._ ...... 'I!" • ....... ,..., 'h   (RG 233) -- SELECT COMMITTEE ON ASSASSINATIONS - Kennedy NAME Marvin Lynn Wise Date 11/14/77 Time 9·00 am Ad d r e s s _ __,7_,0 ... l....._5 Place Dallas police Headquarters Dallas. Texas Interview: Marvin Wise recalls that it rained on the morning of November 22, 1963. He attended roll call and was assigned to #71 District, Radio Patrol, in South Dallas. His regular partner! A.R. Brock, was assigned to #69 District for that day. Wise handled about two or three calls,and about 12:15 p.m. he received a Robbery in Progress call at Lamar and Cockrell. Wise stated that he was at the far end of South Dallas, anq on , the way to the call he heard the dispatcher tell somebody to. switch to Channel #2. Out of curiosity, Wise flipped to Channel #2 and the dispatcher was telling someone to go to Parkland Hospital - there had been a Signal 19 (shooting) involving "The Man." Wise switched back to Channel #land the dispatcher was sending all cars to Elm and Houston, with the exception of one car in each part of the city to remain and patrol its area. The dispatcher called #71 and Wise was just arriving at the robbery scene. The dispatcher told #71 (Wise) to go Code 3 (Emergency) . to the T.S.B.D. and report to the supervisor. He arrived and parked near the railroad tracks. Wise went to the T.S.B.D. 7 (Sign'ature) Harold Rose (Typed) Date Transcribed ll/22/77 -. /by am • a;; :.:a ;; a NATIONAL f t I f I ' REPRODUCED AT THE , ,,.   ,,-,tf•"W" seA (RG 233) -- Lynn Wise Interview ... page 2 and was assigned to the west side of T.S.B.D. He was sitting in his car and a man working in the Railroad Building waved at him. Wise and another officer (name forgotten) were told by the man that three men got into a boxcar about four or five hundred yards down the track. Wise, in company with Bill Bass, Roy Vaughn and Middleton, went to the boxcars and took the men off the boxcar. Wise stated the men acted scared and he could smell wine on the breath of one of them. Wise took the men over to the Sheriff's office and, while waiting to turn them over, asked the men for identificati9n. ' Wise stated that he believes two of the men had documented .: He wrote the identifications down on paper and put them in his hat. He turned the men over to the Sheriff's office (Deputy's name unknown) and went back to his radio. He heard over the police radio that a policeman had been and a little later heard that it was J.D. Tippit. He was told to remain at the T.S.B.D. and stayed there until relieved. Wise stated that he put the paper with the tramps' identification on it in his locker, where it remained for over a year. He cleaned his locker and just after that people began asking him for the information - but he had thrown it out. On November 24, Wise was originally assigned in the basement behind a TV camera. Then he was moved to the corner of Elm and St. Paul for security and to hold traffic when the armored • SO.   ~ G 233) REPRODUCED AT THE NATIONAL ARCHIVES - . , Marvin Lynn Wise Interview .. . pa ge 3 car came by. He stated that after a short while he heard sirens. Sgt. Fluschette came by and said Oswald had been shot. Wise and Officer Brock were sent to Parkland Hospital. Wise guarded the operating room until he was relieved and was told by Sgt. Fluschette that Jack Ruby had shot Oswald . Wise stated that he knew Jack Ruby even before he became a police officer . He and his wife liked to dance and would go to Ruby's Vegas Club. He stated that Ruby was pro-law-enforcement. Relative to the photograph showing Wise leading the tramps, be advised that Wise stated that he had an ear infection from swimming and had cotton in it. He stated that ~ it probably was hanging out because he had run a good distance and it may have come loose. He said that his doctor then is sti ll his doctor now: Dr. Kendall Moore , 10611 Garland Rd., 327-4584. Wise stated that the odd looking shoes he was wearing were in fact low-cut galoshes or overshoes. He worked South Dallas,and very few streets were paved- most were sand and dirt. He v.ore them because it had rained in the morning and he kept them on. ... t l • RefereJ 1\.t.PKUULL.t..U Al Utt.   1V,\AL t· ,- I'Y. n11 - .... u.... tua ;H ttt1 ·' SELECT COMMITTEE ON ASSASSIN NAME. __ D!<-"a"'v'-'i"d"'-.:t.Y_,._,H,a"-"-r"'k""n.,e"'s"-s"'----- Date 10/26/77 Time 9·20 a.m. Address Summit Place Dallas Texas Phone: 214/821-5659 Interview: by J.P. Kelly and Harold Rose Harkness was interviewed at 9:20 a.m. on 10/26/77 at the County of Dallas ?robation Office on Thornton Expressway. He 27 years with the Dallas P.D. and has been retired for the four years. Harkness was questioned about his activities in connection with the JFK motorcade in Dallas on 11/22/63. Harkness road a three wheel motorcycle. He says that his function on that day was to supervise the areas Main to Field Streets and Elm and Houston Streets on the parade route to see that no obstructions to the parade were permitted. "Just before the motorcade was due, a man suffered an epileptic seizure. We called an ambulance from Parkland for him. This incident took place near the pool on the West side of Houston. I went to the corner of Main and Houston and the' motorcade came by. I parked my bike and started to cut diagonally across the grassy area when I heard the shots. The President's car slowed, almost stopped. A second and third shot came close together. I couldn't tell where they came from. I went back to my bike and drove to Industrial Blvd. In t ervi ewer __ (Signature) ,?/ I didn't see anything (Typed) ! .. D a t e Transcribe .:._7_____ by 1 j ( Im. t (cont'd. on pg. two) l 1 ' Ref ere IU.YI(Ul!LLI:.V Al lht.   I ""', ..... ..,... ........ ·- , ...... . ·4 - 2 - tk ' • that way so I went back to the area of Elm and Houston. There was a iittle colored boy. Euins was his name. He was a school boy. He said he saw a rifle come from the window of the School Book Depository. The boy gave no description of a person, he just talked about the rifle. I took him to the TSBD and turned him over to Inspector Sawyer;" Harkness told us. Either Sawyer or Lumplain gave him an assignment to search the railroad cars and he helped roust the "three tramps." He did not know their names or what happened to them. They were taken to the Sheriff'soffice. He recalls that the names of two escorting policemen were Wise and Bass. Harkness then told us that on Saturday morning, Nov. 23, 1963, he was again at Houston Street across from the county jail. It was not known when Oswald was to be transferred from Police Headquarters to the county and they were guarding the area in front of the alley-way entrance to the jail. Jack Ruby came up and was attempting to get past the police barriers. Harkness, who knew Ruby, ordered him behind the rope at Elm and Houston StreeGdiagonally across the street from the TSBD. At that time, a lumber truck came by and dropped a load of 2x6's on the street. While Harkness was yelling at the driver, a man from CBS News was standing there watching Harkness' discomfort. He said: "Don't worry, Sgt. we'll know when he's being transferred long before you d0. 11 (con'td. on pg. three) l 1 Refe   ... ,., }ff A 1 Uit. l lU;-,AL A.tH .... t11 v , hii••U••t t..a !H "It: ,_ __ _ - 3 - Harkness touches upon another point of interest in connection w1th Lee Harvey Oswald. Marina Oswald (Porter) in her book "Marina & Lee" says that on only one day Oswald handed out Fair Play For Cuba leaflets in Dallas. Harkness says he received a call from a DPD officer Walter Finigan one day that a man was handing out pro Castro literature downtown. When Harkness arrived at the scene which he says was near the Piccadilly Hotel at Main and Ervey Streets, the person was running away. Finigan asked Sgt. Harkness if he should go after the subject. Harkness told him "No, just leave him alone." Harkness told us there was no complainant and there was nothing he could charge the man with. He says he never saw the man's face,but he knows it was Oswald. Harkness furnished us with a crude drawing of Dealy Plaza area showing his location and others on ll/22 and 23, 1963. 1 ' 1 l ! . ·_ ·. .. • •     __ -, __ -. _- .. -. -__ --_-__--:-- .. ;;-. :-. .:.. w - ' ' ' I i• ' •.i I l 1 ' ,-. KENNEDY SELECT COMMITTEE ON ASSASSINATIONS Name James Herbert Sawyer Date 5 24 78 Time 9:30AM Address Rt. J. Box J92A Place3254 Irving Boulevard Frisco, Texas Dallas, Texas Interview: Mr. Sawyer was interviewed by Staff Investigator Joseph J. Basteri at his restaurant, Jan's Coffee Shop, located at 3254 Irving Boulevard, Dallas, Texas. He has owned and operated this restaurant since his retirement from the Dallas Police Depart- ment in 1967. Sawyer recalls that on November 22, 1963, he was assigned to be in charge of a detail of men on the upper portion of the Presidential Motorcade. A few minutes after the President. had passed him, he heard over the radio that shots were fired from the Texas School Book Depository. Sawyer, who held the rank .of Inspector, immediately rushed to this and had it secured. He·then organized a group of law-enforcement officers from the Dallas Police Department, FBI, Secret Service and the Sheriff's Office instructing them to find witnesses and possible suspects. These witnesses were brought to the Sheriff's office where affi- davits were taken. Sawyer had also sent a team to search the rail- road yards as there were reports that shots may have come from that direction· 'and also it was good investigative procedure to cover all surrounding areas. He recalls his men finding the three 'nte :'' -' ' . Sawyer Interview Page two hobos in a box car. Sawyer did not personally interrogate these men, but said that they did look like hobos. Sawyer did remark that a few years ago a writer had called him challenging several details of a photo he saw of the police officer escorting the three hobos. The writer was puzzled as to the type of shoes, gun and a hearing device the police officer had. Sawyer's answer to ' the writer was that the hearing device was in fact cotton for an I l I ' "1 . I · ~ · - ' t.' . ' ear infection the police officer had. This fact was documented by Staff Investigator Harold Rose. The only requirement the DPD makes as to shoes is that they must be black and this officer was wearing black shoes. Lastly, DPD requires only that officers must be armed with a 38 calibre or more gun. This officer was armed with a 45 automatic which is not an uncommon weapon for Dallas police officers. This police officer was later identified as Marvin Wise. Although Sawyer was picked to head the unit investi- gating the operational security involving the transfer of Lee Harvey Oswald, he had very little to do with it as he was hospi- talized a week after it was formed. Sawyer did state that he was kept well apprised of the progress of the investigation and did assist Captain Baker who prepared the final report on the conclusion of the investigation. Sawyer had received periodic information from his men and after reading all reports submitted concerning the investigation, he was positive that the shooting of Lee Harvey Oswald by Jack Ruby was not planned because of the following reasons: I I ' I r ~ I .· -;.-. I f f _· I ' I • ·' AGENCY RECORD NUMBER RECORDS SERIES NUMBERED FILES REPRODUCED AT THE NATIONAL   JFK ASSASSINATION SYSTEM IDENTIFICATION FORM AGENCY INFORMATION HSCA 180-10102-10056 AGENCY FILE NUMBER : 006996 [PART 3) (FOLDER 3 OF 7) Date:OB/13/93 Page:1 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ORIGINATOR FROM TO TITLE DATE PAGES DOCUMENT INFORMATION DALLAS POLICE DEPARTMENT 11/22/63 120 SUBJECTS DALLAS POLICE DEPARTMENT RADIO; CHANNEL 1 KENNEDY, JOHN; MOTORCADE TIPPIT, J.; SHOOTING OSWALD, LEE; ACTIVITIES OF NOVEMBER 22-24, 1963; ARREST OSWALD, LEE; MURDER BY RUBY DOCUMENT TYPE CLASSIFICATION RESTRICTIONS CURRENT STATUS DATE OF LAST REVIEW OPENING CRITERIA COMMENTS : TRANSCRIPT u OPEN IN FULL 0 08/05/93 • Radio calls from 10;00am 11/22/63 to 6;00pm 11/24/63 channel 1 of KKB-364 Dallas, Tx. Box 134. \ I ' } • ,. D. Mentzel Hulse McDaniel Mentzel Hulse McDaniel Mentzel R. Hawkins Hulse McDaniel R. Hawkins Hulse McDaniel Hawkins H. W. Su11111ers Hulse McDaniel ; Sunvners Hulse McDaniel C. R.Gilbreath Hulse McDaniel Gi I breath Hulse McDaniel J. T. Smith • L. Hackney ulse cDaniel ackney I ' ' AT THE NATIONAL ARCHIVE·S· CALLER 91 Disp 91 Disp 91 211 Disp 211 Disp 211 221 Disp 221 Disp Disp Disp 32 Disp 32 91. 91 CONVERSA Tl ON What do you want me to do with the keys after I lock that car up? Just keep them until you contact 223. IO.Jt. 211 211 Captain Westbrook wants a photographer up here at the Texas Theater. 5b9 is supposed to be enroute. Message received. (l 5b9 is 4oo block E. lOth. He 1 s out down there, he said. .... m 10-4. Send him on up to the Texas Theater, 221. g. He 1 s got his speaker on. I've already left there. guess he 1 11 come on up. Go back by and contact him. 49 •••• Report to the City Hall Identification Bureau, pick up some equipment, Take down to the scene of the earlier shooting on Houston. IO.Jt, I :56 p.m. 32 •••• 32. On Shorecrest at the end of the North-South runway, report to that location, 1:57 p.m. IO.Jt. ____ , ___ _   0 , "' N w w Hulse McDaniel Smith Hackney Hulse McDani e l Smith Hackney G. W. Temple R. E. Vaughn Hulse McDaniel G. W. Templ e Vaughn Hulse McDaniel Temple Vaughn Hulse McDani e l c.t.n. Hulse McDan ie l C.I.D. Hulse McDani el J.P. Holl i ngsworth C.l .D. Special Service ' 1 •     AT THE NATIONAL ARCHIVES ' c ' • CALLER Disp 32 Disp 32 61 Disp 61 Di sp 61 Disp 392 Disp 392 Disp 2+1 361 498 CONVERSATION 32 •••• 32. Keep everyone moved out of that area, when you arrive. 10-4. 61. • 61. We have information from the agent out here at T&P. Said that the train is stopped on the overpass; the triple overpass; that there was a person jumpi ng at the 9th boxcar from the front engine. Said he was hiding in a car. Is the train stopped there now? I'm in behind the Texas School Depository. He has the train stopped. He said it is the 9th car car from the engine. He climbed over the top of cars. Said he's hovering down inside. Any squad Elm & Houston ••• 392. 392, did you rece ive that information? Io-4. Enroute. 10-4. 2+1 enroute. 361 enroute. 498 is going back. REPRODUCED AT THE NAlLONAL   r . REPRODUCED AT THI:: NAHUNAL AKLH1 f I . I I ' . - tl 11 J--- =::-=J;-icW: ..   -- -- ---- ,:: tt- . ·- - ----L- ___ a}L __ :O:::L..c..- - d .. , • - =-- u ·--- -- _____ m _____ :- - ------- --·' ---- .. .. ------· -- _,' - -<=t . ------ t ----- I &   ---- - _ ·. -L-,.1:h{}bf+------,,-.-',. - ; - .:.,:c__;;;;; c.;' •¢. -- ---- - --- :__· -- ...... .,..,. -------- -----4 +-- -·- ----------------- 1 ! l . ------------------------------- ------ I, -+--- . -- ·--------------------------·------------------ ---L :II -----·-t ----------------------- -- --------r------ -------__ I ! ' ' ---tf----- REPRODUCED AT THE NATlONAL AJH .. . I • - · ·-------------- -- I --·-·- ·----------- -------!----- I • .., ( ....   _;j_ \ ·P / ----- ------- ..... \ ,, -------t [_ __________ - - -------------..:_;::_:-:;:_:-r""------- ' I ' ·---··- - - ·-----. .. - ·---- -· I I ··---·-- - ....... -- --· -- ·-- ----. i -·----- -------------------- - --- - -----··------ -·-- ·----- -·-- ----------- - r . --- ··- -- ------- ·------- I                 1- --- - ------------- - -------- . I I I - -- - ··- - I ---- ,, .l • I, ________ _J: ·-----· -- l . -·-· I I I   J ! . I ' I I I . I I --- I t - ! I l . - - I I ' I I I I . I I I I -- I NVESTIGATION INTERVIEtv SCHEDULE .dentifyi ng Information: v iJQJfJ IJI Name Address 7015 Overlook Qri ve City/State Dallas, Texas Date of Birth __   __________ __ Social Security ------------------- 11/ 14 / 77 Place Dallas POl jce Headquarters Telephone 381-7382 M or S Spouse -------- ----------------- Children 2 . Ph?sical Description: Height ------- l'Jeight ------- Ethnic Group ------- Color Eyes ---- Hair --------- Special Characterist ics ---------- ' : 3. Pers onal History: 4 . a. Present Employment: Dallas Police Department Address ---------------------------------------- Telephone ------------------------ b . Criminal Record 1 . Arrests 2. Convictions -------- Additional Personal Information: . a. Relative(s): Name --- --·- ---· -- - --------------------------- Address --------------------- b. Area frequented: ----------- c . Remarks: 19 years on Dallas Police to Intelligence Unit. Dept : presently assigned Investigator Harold Rose Date 11/ 22/ 77 Form #4-B .... - -- INVESTIGATION INTERVIEW SCHEDULE Identifying Information: Name Billy Lee Bass Address 616 Jardin City/State Mesquite, Texas Date of Birth __ Social Security ------------------ 2 . Physical Description: Height _____ _ r7e i ght _______ _ Date 11 / 11/ 77 Place M or Spouse ____ Children Color Eyes Hair ------- ---------- • ,_, tl • Spec1al Ethnic Group ------------- . .   ,v-- ---- "" 3. Personal History: ' · a. Present Employment: __ Address ------------------------------------------------ Telephone _____________________ ___ b. Criminal Record 1. Arrests ---------- 2. Convictions ---------- l . . ___ __ Addi tiona! Personal Information : a. Relative(s): Name Address ----------------------- b. Area frequented: ---------------- c. Remarks: years on Dallas P.D.; presently assigned to Legal Liaison Unit. Investigator Harold Rose Date 11/ 22 / 77 Form # 4-B ( [;JLW . v \3 1 M fj / - "" 0 0 ... NATIONAL ARCHIVES I& • 0 .. ,... .... 'L.- 'f o 0 " ( ?.G 2 3 3) -- ,-, - \ • 0 A 0 - , . ., v tJ · - . KENNEDY Identifying Information: Address __________ City/State Midlothian Date of Birth __   ___ M or s ____ •_ 1 _•_l_e ______ _ Social Security _________ _ Spouse ____________ Children ________________ __ 2. Physical Description: 3. 4. Height _____ _ Color Eyes __ Hair _______ __ \'7eigh t _____ _ Special Characteristics --------- Ethnic Group ------- ' • 0 . P.ersonal History: a. Present Employment: Address Telephone __________________ _ b. Criminal Record 1. Arrests -------- 2. Convictions -------- Additional Personal Information: a. Relative(s): Name Address ---------------------- b. Area frequented: --------------- c. Remarks: I_n_v_e_s_t_i_g_a_o_t o-r---H-a_r_o_l_d __ R_o_s_e __   .,...------------ Da te 11'/22/77 For m 14- B ... 0 " - r I ; , I AT THE NATIONAL . 1'1 • # - w. F. l>y:wn, Jr. '1100 Riddle Hoad A!Jstin, Texas Business: (512) 476-3541 A. M. Eberhardt Rt. 411, Box 234 Mesquite, Texas (214) 286-7577 B 75149 Thomas .0. Trotman Rt. 4t2, Box 165 Kemp, Texas 75143 (214) 498-5671 John C. Day 3722 Shady Hollow Dallas, Texas 75233 (214) 337-2919 Marvin J . Wise 1004 Lindsey Lane I(L Tylev,"'Texa·s 75701 _/   592-2780 0{ 6p./ W. E. (Pete) Barnes Rt. ft2, Box 195 Plano, Texa s 75074 (214) 424- 3625 James Sawyer 3260 Irving Boulevard Dallas, Texas 75247 Bu sines s: (214) 638-3692 Pattick T. Dean R t. It 3, Box 5 21 Tyl e r, T cx:1s 75701 (214) 566-1585 Billy Senkel R t. 411, Box MP.3-139 Belton, Texas 76513 'SI(V'1t ! I f t • . I f f Cl• :• • I r· · . N. lll1•11 i I y /ZOO I. :HJc· Me Lt•, 'l.' c x:ts 75149 (21.4) 279 -4R47 Hiclt:JI·d M. Sims Swee twater Dallas, Texas 75228 (214) 324- 4195 George M. Doughty P. 0 . Box 28452 Da llas , Texas 75228 Robert L. Studebaker 1601 Pa peete Pl ano , Texas 75074 (214) 423-9367 L. C. Craves 7 719 Tillman Dallas, Texas 75217 (214) 391-7011 Roy W. Walker 3915 Bonni eview Road Da llas , Texas 75216 (214) 374-3144 M. G. Hall P. 0. Box 215 Avery, Texa s 75554 Johnni e B. Hicks 4318 Matilda Da ll as, Texas 75206 (214) 823- 8922 James R. Leave l le 7703 Ri lla Avenue Da ll as, Texas 75217 (214) 391-2939 -   ._rt :l ::<1 : .. 111 ' ..., 111 11 111 ·j tl n CD n 0 ,_ 10 '< .. c.. .., :-1 0 0 .... .... 111 n ..... 0 tl .. i . til til 0 ;1:0 ,.... I ::<1 \ COl ) IV w w .._, .... REPRODUCED AT THE NATIONAL ARCHIVES Vcrlon D. Monaghcn 5817 Enchanted Lane Dallas, 75227 (214) 381-2427 T. A. Hut son 1030 Erin Dallas, Texas 75218 (214) 328-1150 Joe M. Poe Box 249 Edgewood, Texas 75117 (214) 896-4425 Jack Revill 5204 Elkridge Dallas, Texas ( 214) 388-25 72 Elmer L. Boyd Drive 75227 2649 Crestridge Drive Dallas, Texa s 75228 (214) 328-4926 Guy F. Rose 2109 Edna Smith Street Garland, Texas 75040 (214) 495-4586 Joe Mars hall Smith 733 Cliffview Lot 1!41 , Texas .J-5 f 17 (214) I 1 i•' . M. 'l'urnt· r 1101 Lnnc Ga rl:tnd, Tcx:1s 75040 (214)   Gcr.1ld L . Hill I 52 7 Sou t:h n Uuncanville, Texas (214) 298-3996 Kenneth E. Lyon P. 0. Box 2606 Dalla s , Texas 75221 (214) 946-2629 Maurice N. McDonald 1420 Deborah Avenue DeSo to, Texas 75115 (214) 224-3667 L. D. Montgomery 9043 Anaconda Mooney s .... ·ce twatcr Dalla s , Texas 75 (214) 327-4076. -· Bus.: 749-8678 y .., n 0 1-' 1-' co 0 ... 0 1:1 .. \ I ..... ·v Refere1 • ' · :... .. ,:,; . • •. • t .. SELECT COMMITTEE ON ASSASSIN NAME __ Date 10/ 26 / 77 Time 9:20 a.m. Address Summit Place Da llas, Texas . Phone: 214/821-5659 Interview: by J ._P. Kelly and Harold Rose .. was at 9:20 a.m. on 10/ 26/ 77 a t the of _Dallas Office on Thornton. He 27 years with the Dallas P. D·. and has been retire d f or the I?ast four years . . Harkness was questioned about , his activities in connection with the JFK motorcade in Dallas on 11/ 22/ 63· . . Harkness road a three wheel motorcycl e. He say s that his function · on that day was to supervise the areas Ma.'in t o Fie·ld Streets and Elm and Houston Streets on the parade r o ute to see that no obstruGtions to the parade were permitted.   before the motorcade was · due, a man an epileptic seizure. We called an ambulance from Parkland for him. This incident took place near the pool on the West side o f Houston. I went to the corner of Main and Houst on and the mo tor c ade came by. I parked my bike and started to cut diagonally a cro s s the .area when I heard the shots. The President's car slowed, almost stoppe d. A se-aond a nd third shot came clo se together. I   where they came from. I went back to my bike and drove to Industrial Blv d . Interviewer __ __ ·_ • (Signature) _ (Typed) I didn 't s e e anything Date Trans· crib e d_l_l_,/'-4 --'/'--- 7_7 _____ by 1 j , .... · ( Init (cont'd. on pg. two ) -- ·- .... ·····- ... ----·····--···· ··- ·· -- -·--- ·-···-··· - - - •• - ..... . • • • ,10 • • •• • ... . •, .j . ' ,. - - ·     · KENNEDY SELECT COMMITTEE ON ASSASSINATIONS Name James Herbe.rt Sawyer Date 5 24 78 Time 9:30AM Address Rt. 1. BOx 1 9 2A Place 3254 Irving Boulevard Frisco, Texas Dallas, Texas Interview: Mr. Sawyer was interviewed by Staff Investigator Joseph J. Basteri at his restaurant, · Jan's Coffee Shop, located at Irving Boulevard, Dallas, Texas. He has owned and operated this restaurant · since his · retirement from the Dallas Police Depart- ment in 1967. Sawyer recalls that on November 22, 1963, he was . assigned ·to in charge of a detail of men on the upper portion of the ·Motorcade. · A few . minutes after the President . . had passed he heard radio that shots were fired from the Texas School Book De .. posi.tory. · Sawyer, who held the rank .of . . ' . £nspect0r 1 inunediately . tO. thiS buildin<:f and had· it SeCUred • He organized. a · group · of·· officers from the . . . ... . . tal las . Police Department··, FBI, Secret· Service arid the Sheriff's . . .. . . Office instructi?g th.e'm· to· find witnesses and possible suspects. . . . These the Sheriff's office where affi- .... ; ; .. davits were. had also sent a team to search the rail- road yards as · there· ·were. reports that shots may have come from that ;:xd:. t was good investiga·ti ve.' procedu;e to .. .. : .· . ·, i . - . . . .. :. .:.: ... · ·. , __ .. . . i ··> ·;·. f. ... : .. • ' • • I , _ ... L··..:. : . :· . ..... :·.· . ·- , _ . . . . . : . ·· ... . cover all surrounding areas. his men finding the three : .. . •.•. ·-·:1 · . .• • ·I .. - . I Date transcribed 6 19 7S By: ROSS Form .. ;; : : I ;· . • ••· · t ..... :. -. i4-A I