True Love - A Short Film

True love is an original short film produced for Valetine's Day by A group of young witches use magic to create the perfect man. But true love is more than they bargained for.
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True Love By Joshua Patrick Dudley 1st Draft: March 25, 2013 2nd Draft: July 9, 2014 [email protected] EXT. THE WOODS - SUNSET The woods are beautiful at sunset. In the distance, candles flicker on some sort of table. The camera moves in for a closer view. Three woman move around the table, each of them placing items onto the table between candles. One tosses stones of various shapes and colors onto the table. Another lights a stick of incense and places it in a holder on the table. The third places an array of spices/herbs on the table. SERENA Celeste... did you remember the... CELESTE Yes... horse semen... I got it. Please don’t ask me how. She places a jar full of a white liquid on the table. FIONA I’m 4 seconds away from puking... 3... 2... 1.... Fiona makes a barfing noise. SERENA Goddess, Fiona. You make it worse by acting so immaturely. You know we need all the right ingredients if we want the spell to work right. FIONA Sorry, Serena. I do! I want the spell to work right! CELESTE We all do, Fi. SERENA Then suck it up. It’s not like we’re gonna make you drink it. (CONTINUED) CONTINUED: 2. CELESTE Unless you keep whining... FIONA Done. I won’t complain again. SERENA Where the hell is Adrienne? She has the final ingredient... CELESTE Her mom grounded her... FIONA She said she was gonna sneak out. SERENA We don’t have much time. If she doesn’t get here soon I swear I’ll-Serena is cut off by Adrienne, who approaches behind her. ADRIENNE You swear you’ll what, Serena? Do the spell without me? Don’t make me laugh. The three of you have no power without me... SERENA The term is witch... with a "W" not a "B." FIONA Hi Adrienne! ADRIENNE Ladies, are we ready? SERENA If you brought what you were supposed to bring.... Adrienne reaches into a bag that she has slung over her shoulder. She pulls out a jar filled with blood. CELESTE I can’t believe you got it... the blood of a virgin male.... (CONTINUED) CONTINUED: 3. SERENA It’s real? ADRIENNE Of course it’s real. FIONA Where did you get it? ADRIENNE You really wanna know? FIONA Umm... maybe? ADRIENNE Remember that loser pizza delivery guy that asked me out last week? CELESTE The guy who gives you free pizza if you flash him? ADRIENNE Ya, him! SERENA (under her breath) Cough... Slut... Cough. FIONA So... how did you get it? ADRIENNE I told him if he really loved me, like, true love, he’d die for me. FIONA You killed him!?! CELESTE Adrienne! ADRIENNE Relax, I didn’t kill him.... he did it himself. Slit his wrist for me and bled right into the jar. CELESTE Is he dead? (CONTINUED) CONTINUED: 4. ADRIENNE Nah, I called an ambulance after the jar was full. They said he’d be fine. Celeste looks kinda OK with the situation. Fiona is totally freaked. Serena is somewhere in between. SERENA You are fucked up... how do you even know he’s a virgin? ADRIENNE He told me. Don’t worry. We’re good. Now let’s do the spell before the sun completely sets and it doesn’t work right. FIONA Yes, let’s do this. We’ve waited to long... CELESTE And made too many sacrifices. It’s time. SERENA It’s time. Agreed. Everyone light a candle. Each girl takes a candle into her hand and lights the wick. Serena pours a circle of a colored sand around the girls and the table. SERENA Protectors of the four corners, unite and watch over us as we perform this ritual. ADRIENNE Celeste, pour the horse... uh.. spunk into the cauldron. Celeste obeys and with a disgusted look on her face dumps the horse cum in the cauldron. CELESTE Quad, pertitum este. (CONTINUED) CONTINUED: 5. ADRIENNE Now, Serena, you add the the Dragon’s Blood and Lavender. Serena picks up two bottles of herbs and sprinkles some from each jar into the cauldron. SERENA Quad, pertitum este. ADRIENNE Fiona, pour the virgin’s blood into the mix. FIONA OK.... Fiona picks up the jar and pours all of the blood into the cauldron. FIONA Quad, pertitum este. ADRIENNE My turn. After I add my ingredient we must join hands. DO NOT LET GO OF EACH OTHERS HANDS OR YOU WILL BREAK THE SPELL. Got it? Every nods and joins hands. Adrienne raises a knife in the air and stabs herself in the chest. CELESTE What are you doing? SERENA W-T-F Adrienne? ADRIENNE Keep holding hands. FIONA What is the last ingredient? Adrienne sticks her finger into the open wound. ADRIENNE A piece of my still beating heart... Adrienne rips a chunk of her heart from her chest and SCREAMS. (CONTINUED) CONTINUED: 6. The girls all have shocked looks on their faces. She tosses it into the cauldron. Smoke erupts from the cauldron. ADRIENNE Now girls. All together. ALL Goddess Diana, Let him rise from the ash a better man. Perfect in every way. Let our love be the truest love known to man. ADRIENNE Diana, make him strong. SERENA Diana, make him attractive. VERY! FIONA Diana, make him kind and loyal. CELESTE Diana, give him the biggest dick I’ve ever seen! The girls all shoot Celeste a shocked look... then nod in approval. ADRIENNE So it is said, so it is done. Let our love never be undone. ALL Blessed be. The girls all stare at the cauldron, waiting for something to happen. Adrienne is still holding the wound on her chest. They keep waiting.... SERENA Did we fuck it up? ADRIENNE Be patient! (CONTINUED) CONTINUED: 7. FIONA I hope we didn’t waste our time... CELESTE Do you hear that? A low rumble can be heard... SERENA He’s coming... ADRIENNE Told ya it would work. The cauldron starts to shake and boil over. Smoke and fire erupt from it. As the smoke clears... they see him. Standing in the cauldron, completely naked (obviously we won’t see anything cause this is for YouTube lol). The girls stand around him with their jaws gaping open. ADRIENNE Well, Celeste. Your part came true. CELESTE You can say that again. All 4 girls tilt their head to the side, staring at his package. SERENA And mine! Finally, he speaks. DESMOND Have you brought me here? ADRIENNE We all have! FIONA You’re here for us all. DESMOND You are ALL for me? Am I in heaven? Are you angels? (CONTINUED) CONTINUED: 8. SERENA And I like him already. ADRIENNE Actually, we’re witches. We made you. To love us. CELESTE And hopefully do a few other things for us... DESMOND I would die for you. All of you. ADRIENNE That’s what I’m talking about. That’s true love! What’s your name? DESMOND Desmond. I am Desmond. But you can call me whatever you want. SERENA Desmond’s a hot name, we’ll stick with that. FIONA Anyone thought about how we’re gonna get a naked guy home without anyone noticing? ADRIENNE Don’t worry, he’s coming with me tonight. DESMOND That would be my pleasure... ADRIENNE You have no idea... Adrienne leans in and kisses him. The other girls get jealous. ALL I want to kiss him! He’s mine too! What the hell? My turn... etc DESMOND I would love to kiss and love you all! (CONTINUED) CONTINUED: 9. ADRIENNE But, like I said, tonight, he’s mine. CELESTE Why do you get him first? SERENA Right, why can’t I have him tonight? FIONA Or me? ADRIENNE I cut out a freakin piece of my heart to bring him here... I think I deserve first shot. The other girls can’t argue with that. SERENA Fine, but I got dibs tomorrow. FIONA And I’m the day after! CELESTE Great... and I’ll just take sloppy fourths... yay.... DESMOND Please don’t fight over me. I love you all. ADRIENNE Come on, Desmond. DESMOND Where are we going? ADRIENNE I’m gonna rock your newly created world. DESMOND That sounds very pleasant... and exciting. I am excited. Adrienne looks down to his crotch. (CONTINUED) CONTINUED: 10. ADRIENNE I can see that. Here... Adrienne reaches into her bag and hands Desmond a bathrobe. DESMOND Thank you, you want me to cover up? ADRIENNE Ya we’ll save naked time until I get you home. Let’s go! Adrienne and Desmond take off into the woods, back toward wherever she parked. SERENA That little bitch... I am so sick of her... FIONA Amen, sistah. CELESTE Guys, she did stab herself in the heart. She said she wanted a man who would die for her... looks like she’d die trying to get one. Let her have him for the night. FIONA I guess you’re right, I gotta get home anyway. SERENA Ya OK... have a good night. CELESTE You coming? SERENA Nah, I gotta stay and clean up. Can’t leave candles burning in the middle of the woods. FIONA Bye! Call you tomorrow! SERENA Sounds good. Serena watches as Celeste and Fiona disappear into the woods. (CONTINUED) CONTINUED: 11. Then she grabs a jar of something from the table and takes off running. We catch back up with Adrienne and Desmond as they reach her car. ADRIENNE So... you’re a virgin right? DESMOND If I was just made today... I would think so. That is, if I understand what you mean by virgin. ADRIENNE Hmmm... fun! A virgin is someone who has never... She leans in and whispers in his ear. Desmond looks extremely excited. DESMOND Yes, I think I would like to try that very much! Serena appears from the woods. SERENA Adrienne! Desmond! Wait! ADRIENNE What do you want? Serena gets right up in Adrienne’s face. SERENA What do you think I want? Him. ADRIENNE We already had this conversation... I won. DESMOND I would like to be with both of you. And the other two. I love you. I love you with true love. ADRIENNE Is that getting creepy already or is just me? (CONTINUED) CONTINUED: 12. SERENA You’re an ungrateful, selfish little bitch. You don’t deserve him. Adrienne slaps Serena. ADRIENNE You need to chill. Are you seriously trippin right now? One look at his massive man tool and you go coocoo for coco puffs? DESMOND I don’t understand that reference. Probably because I was born today. ADRIENNE Just shut up, Desmond. Grown ups are talking. SERENA Here’s another reference you won’t understand Desmond. Adrienne, can you quote the Wizard of Oz? ADRIENNE Huh? SERENA You know... what the wicked witch says at the end... ADRIENNE I’m melting? I’m melting? SERENA Exactly. Serena produces the bottle she took off the table in the woods and tosses it’s contents onto Adrienne. Adrienne SCREAMS bloody murder. ADRIENNE It’s burning! AHHHH! IT’S BURNING ME! SERENA No, honey. Your line is still "I’m melting...." Adrienne’s skin begins to melt and peel off and she slowly slides toward the ground. (CONTINUED) CONTINUED: 13. Pieces of her body, fingers and hands fall off. DESMOND Is this normal? SERENA In Oz, ya. DESMOND Are we in Oz? SERENA No. Adrienne melts until there’s nothing left but a puddle of blood and organs. Serena lets out a Wicked Witch of the West cackle. She notices Desmond’s eyes grow wide and she stops, concerned. SERENA Desmond, you look scared. DESMOND I do? SERENA Don’t be scared... I was just proving I love you... I’d do anything for you... that’s true love. DESMOND I love you too. True love we share. They kiss. From behind them, voices ring out. CELESTE What did you do? FIONA That was so fucking gross! You killed her! Serena turns to the girls. SERENA Shit... (CONTINUED) CONTINUED: 14. CELESTE Are you insane? FIONA What are you gonna do? You’re horrible... you... killed her... SERENA She had it coming... CELESTE Ummm... yup. You’re crazy. That’s something a crazy person would say. FIONA People who kill don’t deserve to live.... DESMOND Is that true? SERENA I did it for love! He loves me. DESMOND Yes, I do! I love you all! FIONA YOU DON’T DESERVE HIM! Flames ignite in Fiona’s fists. CELESTE Fiona! Calm down! You know how hard it is for you to control your powers when you’re angry... FIONA YOU KILLED OUR FRIEND! The flames around Fiona’s fists explode and engulf Adrienne. Desmond steps back and shields his eyes. CELESTE NOOOO! Adrienne catches fire and screams in agony. The flames tear her apart and soon she’s a pile of dust. (CONTINUED) CONTINUED: 15. DESMOND Did you do that for me? For our love? FIONA I... I... I don’t know. I was just... so angry.... DESMOND I love you. You’ve shown me how much you love me. Now I will show you how much I love you. Desmond turns and grabs Celeste by the throat. He starts to choke her. Her eyes bulge and she gags. Celeste can barely breathe, his grip is so strong. CELESTE Don’t kill me.. you love me too... DESMOND Yes, I love you, and Fiona, too. But if you love me, you will die for me. I will kill you to show Fiona I love her and you will die to show me that you love me. FIONA That’s not right! You don’t understand! DESMOND But... I love you. I love her. I love her to die for loving me. (to Celeste) You love me! You want to die for me. Celeste’s last breath escapes her and she goes limp. DESMOND She loved me very much. She died so well for me. FIONA (very upset) That’s right. And you love me. And I love you. So... (CONTINUED) CONTINUED: 16. DESMOND Will you die for me? FIONA No... DESMOND You don’t love me? FIONA True love... is not about dying for each other... it’s about protecting each other... trusting each other. DESMOND I’m confused. I want to have sex with you. From what Adrienne said, it sounded like fun. FIONA Oh trust me, I want to have sex with you, too. And it is fun. But I don’t think that’s happening. DESMOND Why? Fiona doesn’t answer. She waves her hand and a gun appears in it. She lifts the gun and blows his brains out. FIONA You were a mistake... it wasn’t supposed to be like this... this is not true love. She raises the gun to her own head. She pulls the trigger. CUT TO BLACK.