Top 10: 1. beFunky � Awesome web app that turns images to cartoonized paintings and videos to cartoons. 2. DisplayWars � Incredibly simple tool that helps lots of people. Want to buy a new screen? DisaplyWars lets you compare screen sizes by mapping one display size on top of the other. For smaller items see SizeEasy. 3. DocSyncer � Synchronize office documents in your �My Documents� folder with Google Docs account. 4. JotYou � By using this service you can send messages to others so they get them only when they are in the area you specify. [Video] 5. Keybr � Online keyboard to practice your touch typing skills. 6. Mint � The simplest way to manage your finances. More about Mint. 7. Numbr � Free disposable phone numbers. 8. PDFHammer � Merge, edit and rearrange PDF documents online. 9. PhoneSpell � Ever wondered if you phone number spells something memorable ? PhoneSpell will find it out. 10. SecondRotation / BuyMyTronics � Want to cash in on your old iPod ? Or mobile phone ? Both of these services will buy your old (broken) gadget, regardless of its condition. Other 11. BeamIt � Send pictures, music, videos, docs or any other file to your cellphone. 12. BooksInMyPhone � Download and read copyright-free books on a mobile phone. Comes with its own book reader. 13. CallTheFuture � Schedule text messages and get them delivered (as a voicemail) on any desired date in the future. 14. CameraSummary � Extracts so called EXIF data from the images. Shows what model of digicam was used, image creation date and time, resolution settings, location and so on. 15. CanYouRunIt � One-click web app that inspects your PC�s hardware and software settings to determine whether or not it meets gaming requirements for a game of your choice. 16. CellSwapper � Transfer your current mobile contract to someone else. Or get a free plan with only a short term contract. 17. CivilAnswers � Free legal assistance. 18. ControlC � This small cross-platform (Win, Mac, Linux) monitors your clipboard and saves everything online. 19. Definr � Incredibly fast online dictionary. It takes abt 14 ms to lookup
a word. 20. � By far the coolest service for private file collaboration and transfers. Add files by email, send voice messages from phone, etc. 21. File-Destructor 2 � Generates files (Doc, PDF, � ) that look genuine but won�t launch properly. Basically, it�s a tool that helps you put all the blame on your �faulty computer�. 22. File-encryptor � Secure encryption tool to freely encrypt/decrypt sensitive files online. Quite handy for sending over sensitive files. 23. FlashPhone � Free flash-based SIP-softphone. Simply add your SIP account and you�re good to go. No need to install anything. 24. Google Mobilizer � Makes your fav. websites mobile friendly. Must-have for your mobile bookmarks. 25. GetMyFBIfile � Here you can generate letter templates that you can use to request for a free copy of your FBI file. 26. LetterMeLater � Offers one feature that your email doesn�t have, �the ability to schedule when an email should be sent�. Coolest part about, you can use it directly from your email program (GMail, Outlook, etc.). 27. Mailbucket � Finally, a tool to help you forward emails to your feedreader. 28. Mobical � Over-the-air mobilebackup and restore service. Backup phone contacts, calendar, bookmarks and settings. 29. MoDazzle � Access Facebook, LinkedIn and dozens of other web services (weather, stock quotes, etc.) via email or mobile text messaging. Update Facebook �status�, get un-read messages from Facebook inbox, get someone�s profile info from LinkedIn, and lots more. 30. Nanoscan � Super fast yet compehensive online virus scanner. 31. OhDon�tForget � It does only one thing, but does it really well: Schedule text message reminders to any phone. 32. ProQuo � Reduce junk mail by removing your personal data from telemarketing lists. 33. PPCalc � Comprehensive Paypal fees calculator. 34. Rondee � Fast, easy and free way to arrange phone conference calls with as many people as you want. 35. SpokenText � Convert PDF, Word, plain text, PowerPoint files, ,RSS news feeds, emails and web pages to speech. 36. Sullr � Obtain information about telephone lines in reverse mode. Get address, location, owner�s name etc. 37. WakerUpper � Schedule wake-up phone calls. Lots of useful features. 38. WebMarkers � Adds additional option to your �Print� menu that lets you
print documents (or webpages) directly to the web. [Screenshot] 39. WhatShouldIReadNext � Book recommendation service. Simply enter the author and title of your latest book and it will give you a list of recommended readings. 40. WorldTaxiMeter � Calculate the cost of a taxi ride in a number of top cities worldwide (London, New York, Rome �). Accessible both from the web and mobile phone.