Upland's 2015 California Public Records Requests

A log of California Public Records Act requests processed by the city of Upland in 2015. Log provided to the Los Angeles News Group on Feb. 17, 2016, in response to a CPRA request by the Inland Valley Daily Bulletin.
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PUBLIC RECORDS REQUEST LOG – YEAR 2015 REQUEST NO. DATE REC’D 1 01/05/15 Justin Martinez emailed 2 01/06/15 Abel Chapa -walk-in 3 01/06/15 Jay Truman – walk-in 4 01/12/15 01/12/15 5 NAME/COMPANY DESCRIPTION DEPT N O . O F P A G E S COST DATE NOTIFIED Comments $5.00 01/12/15 Copy of conversation provided in will call. Jackie 01/12/15 Tried a couple of times message says “mobile number no longer in service”. Sent letter with documents identified. Jackie Emailed document provided by Animal Services. Jackie 01/22/15 – emailed extension. 02/05/15 mailed letter identifying documents. Jackie Copy of phone conversation made by Chief Bonson and Justin Martinez on 01/05/15. Information regarding initiative on medical marijuana dispensaries PD Animal Services Justin Martinezemailed Copy of Animal report taken 01/05/15 at 545 n. 8th Ave. Information on 247 N. 2nd Ave CC/Buildin g/Plannin g/Code/P D/City Attorney 01/22/15 & 02/05/15 Justin Martinez – emailed Information on a meeFting between PD/CC/Cit y Attorney 01/22/15 & 02/05/15 CC 1 $0.00 01/07/15 01/22/15 – emailed for extension. 02/05/15 Requests for ext of time Denied Request (Whole/P art) Disclosure Determinati on Given Disclosure of records in electronic format X 02/05/15 02/05/15 Request s requirin g program ming 6 01/12/15 Justin Martinez – emailed 7 01/12/15 Justin Martinez REQUEST NO. DATE REC’D Chief Mendenhall and Kim Barlow , City attorney Code Enforcement/Law Enforcement information View phone conversation on 01/10/15 @ 10:44 am from Justin Martinez to Lt. Moore at PD mailed letter with denial 624(k) & 6254(f) Jackie PD/Code/ City Attorney 01/22/15 & 02/05/15 PD/City Attorney $5.00 01/22/15 & 02/05/15 01/22/15 – emailed for extension. 02/05/15 mailed letter no documents responsive to request. Jackie 01/22/15 – emailed for extension. 02/05/15 mailed letter stating document identified. Jackie 02/05/15 02/05/15 PUBLIC RECORDS REQUEST LOG – YEAR 2015 NAME/COMPANY 8 01/12/15 Allie Mayrovitz 9 01/12/15 Liset Marquez-DB 10 01/12/15 Chris Macias –mailed 11 01/12/15 Justin Martinez – emailed DESCRIPTION DEPT Information on outstanding checks also outstanding funds Initiative info provided by speaker at CC mtg Information regarding Marc Grossman, citations etc. Finance/PW Misc information requested CC CC/PD/City Attorney NO. OF PAGES 4 COST DATE NOTIFIED Comments $0.00 01/21/15 Emailed docs provided by finance. Jackie $0.00 Requests for ext of time 01/22/15 & 02/05/15 Mailed letter of extension. Mailed letter advising documents identified. Jackie 01/22/15 – emailed for extension. 02/05/15 mailed letter documents identified. Jackie Disclosure Determinatio n Given Disclosure of records in electronic format X Gave to her at CC mtg/dlc 01/22/15 & 02/05/15& 02/12/15 Denied Request (Whole/Part) 02/05/15 02/05/15 Requests requiring programming 12 01/14/15 Justin Martinez – emailed Information on marijuana dispensaries City Attorney/C ode/CC 01/22/15 & 02/12/15 01/22/15 – emailed for extension. 02/12/15 – mailed letter of denial and identifying documents. Jackie 13 01/14/15 Justin Martinez emailed Information on fees relating to Justin Martinez City Attorney/C ode/CC 01/22/15 & 02/05/15 14 01/14/15 Justin Martinezemailed Information on video, audio, surveillance on Justin Martinez City Attorney 01/22/15 & 02/05/15 01/22/15 – emailed for extension. 02/05/15 mailed letter stated documents identified. Jackie Emailed letter of extension 01/22/15. 02/05/15 mailed letter of docs identified partly 02/05/15 Until 02/05/15 REQUEST NO. DATE REC’D NAME/COMPANY 15 01/14/15 Karen Morrison – faxed 16 01/15/15 Neil Nisperos – emailed 17 01/15/15 18 DESCRIPTION DEPT NO. OF PAGES COST DATE NOTIFIED Comments Information on Speed Survey Benson,Mildura and Murfield Ave Sales Tax Revenue for Colonies Crossroads PW $0.00 01/20/15 Emailed speed survey and cert. provided by PW. jackie Finance/Chr ista $0.00 01/15/15 Pete PItassi – spoke with Jeff Zwack Copy of Upland Hills Country Club Specific Plan DS $195.2 5 01/15/15 & 02/10/15 01/20/15 Justin Martinez – emailed Information on City Manager, Mayor and Council CC/City Attorney 19 01/20/15 Justin Martinez – emailed Information on Jones and Mayer CC/City Attorney $0.00 02/02/15 & 02/12/15 20 01/20/15 Derek Rojas-Valley Vista – walk in Copy of Waste & Recycling Contract CC $0.00 01/20/15 Emailed CAFR 2013-2009 and HDL Sales Tax Revenue for Colonies Crossroads. Jackie Kerri Johnson advised she made a copy already. Left voicemail with Mr. Pitassi advising document available. Jackie Wanted additional modifications. Jackie 02/02/15- mailed letter of extension. 02/12/15- mailed letter identifying documents. Jackie 02/02/15 – mailed letter for extension. 02/12/15 mailed letter denied 6254(k), EC 950 &CCP 2018.010 Emailed Burrtec Waste Agreement and any amendment s. 125 02/02/15 & 02/12/15 Request s for ext of time Denied Request (Whole/Part) Disclosure Determinatio n Given Disclosure of records in electronic format X X 02/12/15 02/12/15 X Requests requiring programming Jackie REQUEST NO. DATE REC’D NAME/COMPANY DESCRIPTION DEPT 21 01/20/15 Ross Kolodge – called 22 01/20/15 Dena Mintz – emailed Original building plans for 1213 N. Palm Ave and any permits Copy of business license information 23 01/20/15 Lilly Norris – walkin 24 01/21/15 25 01/21/15 NO. OF PAGES COST DATE NOTIFIED Comments CC/Building $0.00 01/21/15 Finance $0.00 01/20/15 Copy of Code Enforcement report for 559 W. Alpine Street #A Code Enforcemen t $0.00 01/28/15 & 02/05/15 Jennifer Halbert – emailed Copy of work order history for 631 N. Redding PW $0.00 02/02/15 & 02/05/15 Nate Baker – emailed List of employees ,title and email addresses Finance Emailed permits on file. No plans per building dept. Jackie Tracy Sendldorfer emailed document. Spoke to Howard Herrera advised no report done at this time will follow up with Code Enforcement . No documents responsive. Jakie. Emailed and advised awaiting documents if any from PW. Jackie Emailed docs responsive. Jackie Emailed report provided by finance. Jackie 01/29/15 Requests for ext of time Denied Request (Whole/Part) Disclosure Determinatio n Given Disclosure of records in electronic format X X X X Requests requiring programming 26 01/22/15 Rami Asad – walkin Information on employees at the City of Upland HR/Finance $0.00 01/29/15 Emailed documents provided by HR. Jackie X REQUEST NO. DATE REC’D NAME/COMPANY DESCRIPTION DEPT NO. OF PAGES COST DATE NOTIFIED Comments 27 01/26/15 Monica Christianson – called animal services Copy of dog bite report for 1406 Purdue Street 01/07/15 Animal Services 2 .50 01/26/15 Finance/CC $0.00 01/26/15 Owner name of pit bull licensed at 1858 3rd Animal Services $0.00 01/26/15 Lone Star Security & Video – mailed Copy of all false alarm fines from Jan 2014present PD/PNAM $0.00 02/05/15 Left voicemail dog bite report available. Ms. Christianson called back advised docs will be in will call. Jackie Emailed staff report for item 13A for 01/27/15 CC meeting Emailed Animal bite report. Jackie Emailed document provided by PD . Jackie 28 01/26/15 Keith Calvert – emailed City Council Priority List from Fiscal Task Force 29 01/26/15 Janice Brewer –walk-in 30 01/26/15 31 01/26/15 Steven Voss – mailed FD Information on Oakmont of San Antonio Heights FD 32 01/27/15 Carolina Regla – SCE – called Copy of current ordinance on campaign spending limits CC 01/26/15 $0.00 01/27/15 Emailed advised jurisdiction of the County as provided by the FD Emailed Ordinance 1871. Jackie Requests for ext of time Denied Request (Whole/Part) Disclosure Determinatio n Given Disclosure of records in electronic format X X X X X Requests requiring programming REQUEST NO. DATE REC’D NAME/COMPANY DESCRIPTION DEPT 33 01/27/15 Brad Austin – unclaimed recoveries .com Information on unclaimed checks, unrefunded deposits 34 01/27/15 Theresa Richardson – Law office of Lee C. Arter 35 01/27/15 Justin Martinez – emailed 36 01/27/15 Justin Martinez – emailed 37 01/29/15 Corrie Jochim – called 38 01/29/15 Justin Martinez – emailed NO. OF PAGES COST DATE NOTIFIED Comments Finance/PW $0.00 02/04/15 Information on 1397 W. Shannon Street PW $0.00 02/05/15 Emailed documents provided by finance. Jackie 5 minutes Emailed document provided by PW. Jackie Request for emails from Kelly Gonzales to Luz Barrett Requesting information on emailed dated October 16 from Debbi Covington to Richard Jegahnathan Minutes of the 06/27/07 PC meeting Phone conversation he made to UPD at 2:43 pm on 01/29/15 CC 02/05/15 CC 02/05/15 CC $0.00 01/29/15 PD $5.00 02/04/15 Requests for ext of time Denied Request (Whole/Part) Disclosure Determinatio n Given Disclosure of records in electronic format Mailed letter with denial GC 6255 & 6255(k) Mailed letter no document responsive to the request. Jackie Emailed documents. Jackie Mailed letter stating document identified. Jackie X Requests requiring programming REQUEST NO. DATE REC’D NAME/COMPANY 39 01/29/15 Justin Martinez – emailed 40 02/02/15 Francisco Flores called Animal Services 41 02/02/15 42 43 DESCRIPTION DEPT NO. OF PAGES COST DATE NOTIFIED Comments Copy of phone conversation made 01/29/15 from Chief Bonson to Justin Martinez Copy of dog bite report at 1327 Toledo Way PD $5.00 02/04/15 Mailed letter stating document identified. Jackie Animal Services $0.00 02/02/15 Erin Soto – walkin Wants to know if there is an Easemont on file for 2583 Blanchard Place Planning $0.00 02/05/15 & 02/12/15. Called Mr. Flores, language barriers, mailed 1 page dog bite report. Jackie Emailed dcos provided by PW. Mr. Soto added permits and assessors map . Jackie. Emailed permit provided by Building. Advised Assessors Map via County 02/02/15 Randall Longwith – called, emailed Copy of Medical Marijuana Initiative CC $0.00 02/05/15 Emailed measure and notice of intent for imitative. Jackie 02/03/15 Janice Brewer – walkin Copy of dog bite report from Sept 2014 at 1858 3rd Animal Services $0.00 02/03/15 & 02/10/15 Emailed docs provided by Animal Services. Requests for ext of time Denied Request (Whole/Part) Disclosure Determinatio n Given Disclosure of records in electronic format Requests requiring programming 44 02/04/15 Jim Richardson – jimrichardson@roadru nner.com Copy of documents Mr. Diamond gave to City Council on 01/26/15 CC meeting CC $0.00 02/05/15 Jackie 5 min. Sent follow up information on 02/10/15 Emailed Initiative and Oral Communic. Document from 01/26/15 meeting. Jackie REQUEST NO. DATE REC’D NAME/COMPANY DESCRIPTION DEPT NO. OF PAGES COST DATE NOTIFIED Comments 28 $7.00 02/12/15 & 02/17/15 & 02/19/15 .50 02/11/15 02/12 & 02/17-Called left message we identified documents to please call. 02/19/15 – sent letter identifying docs. Jackie. Docs in will call. Jackie Advised certified document available will pick up in will call. Jackie 45 02/05/15 Clarence Olson walkin First Inspection reports for several addresses FD 46 02/05/15 David Fernandez called Certified copy of his original request in 2014 of a document from Animal Services. Animal Services 47 02/05/15 Jennifer Pan CC $0.00 02/05/15 Faxed list. Jackie 5 min 48 02/05/14 Anthony McLin – State Farm Ins. Animal Services $0.00 02/09/15 49 02/10/15 Lucille Zabel – called CC $0.00 02/10/15 50 02/11/15 Justin Martinez – emailed Copy of Tabulation of Bids for Mountain Ave Pavement Copy of dog bite report for 1327 N. Toledo Way Copy of permits for 252 S. Sultana DVD copies of the CC Meeting for 02/09, 01/26 and 01/12. Faxed dog bite report. Email is down. Jackie Emailed documents. Jackie Provided 01/12/15 DVD on PRR #11. Mailed letter identifying documents. jackie CC 02/18/15 Requests for ext of time Denied Request (Whole/Part) Disclosure Determinatio n Given Disclosure of records in electronic format Requests requiring programming REQUEST NO. DATE REC’D NAME/COMPANY DESCRIPTION DEPT NO. OF PAGES COST DATE NOTIFIED Comments Requests for ext of time 02/19/15 &03/05/15 & 03/16/15 02/19/15mailed extension letter. Jackie Mailed extension letter per City Attorney Emailed document provided by Christa Called and advised there are no documents responsive to request. Jackie Emailed Ord – 1880,1265,1 802 and Res 5579 Downloaded document to link provided by SmartProcur e. Jackie 03/05/15 51 02/12/15 Lawrence Bynum – Law office of Lawrence Bynum Code Enforcement Info at 388 E. Foothill Blvd Code/City Attorney 52 02/12/15 Ryan Fischer – called Copy of Billable Hourly rates for FY 14/15 Finance 02/12/15 53 02/17/15 Joe Phillips – walkin Copy of Certificate of Occupancy for 1276 Bradford Ct. Building 02/18/15 54 02/17/15 Karla Rodriguez – City of Compton Copies of Ordinances cc $0.00 02/18/15 55 02/18/15 SmartProcure – emailed Copy of purchase orders from 11/13/14 – present Finance $0.00 02/25/15 Denied Request (Whole/Part) Disclosure Determinatio n Given Disclosure of records in electronic format X X X Requests requiring programming REQUEST NO. DATE REC’D NAME/COMPANY DESCRIPTION DEPT NO. OF PAGES COST DATE NOTIFIED Comments 02/25/15 Emailed redacted documents provided by Code Enforcement . Jackie $1.50 03/04/15 $5 2/25/15 Called left voicemail of documents identified. Jackie 03/04/15 – Eric called and will pick up in will call. Available in pick up 56 02/19/15 Faxed from Arlene at Animal Services for Amber Padgett [email protected] Adoption information for Impound #A032338 Animal Services 57 02/23/15 Eric Guzman - walkin Information on fines and violations for 91 w. 9th Street , Upland CODE 58 02/24/15 Bill Scheussler CC 59 02/25/15 Barbara Navarro – faxed Requested DVD from CC 2/23/15 Copy of street sweeping contact with terms CC 02/25/15 60 02/25/15 Christine Brisco – walkin Copy of residential plans for 2218 N. San Antonio Ave Planning 03/05/15 61 02/25/15 Angela Ferguson – called Permits on file for 1356 E. 9th Street. Building 02/26/15 Emailed 3rd amend. To burrtec waste for street sweeping. Jackie Ms. Brisco is working with planning on retrieving plans. City Clerk not needed. Emailed permits in Questys. Jackie Requests for ext of time Denied Request (Whole/Part) Disclosure Determinatio n Given Disclosure of records in electronic format X X Requests requiring programming REQUEST NO. DATE REC’D NAME/COMPANY 62 02/24/15 Lexis Nexis – mailed FD 63 03/02/15 Justin Martinez 64 03/05/15 Mark Gutflueck 65 03/05/15 Matt Gerlich 66 03/09/15 67 03/09/15 DESCRIPTION DEPT Copy of FD Incident report 2012-1202980000 Copy of audio recordings from 09/10 & 09/11 from PD Copy of emails examined by legal council Permits for 2006 W. Foothill Blvd FD Stan Kimmel Information on medical marijuana ord 1873, 1831 CC Rosa Lillebahl Information on business owner for A1 Recycling 1248 W. 9th Street HDL NO. OF PAGES COST 2 DATE NOTIFIED Comments 02/24/15 Stephanie faxed copy of report. PD $10.00 03/10/15 Verbally spoke to Justin items available for pick up. Jackie CC $0.00 03/05/15 Stephanie emailed the emails. Jackie Building 03/09/15 & 03/18/15 $0.00 $1.75 03/19/15 & 03/31/15 & 04/13/15 & 04/16/15 03/11/15 Called and advised no documents responsive. Will check planning file. No documents responsive for PW or planning. Emailed electronic documents. Extended for 2 weeks. 03/31/15 emailed documents retrieved from storage. J. Crandell 04/13/15 emailed add documents. Publication in “will call” Jackie Called and left voicemail to call back need email address to mail document. Jackie. Emailed document. Requests for ext of time Denied Request (Whole/Pa rt) Disclosure Determinati on Given Disclos ure of records in electro nic format 04/02/15 X X Requests requiring program ming REQUEST NO. DATE REC’D NAME/COMPANY DESCRIPTION DEPT NO. OF PAGES COST DATE NOTIFIED Comments Requests for ext of time 03/19/15 & 04/02/15 03/19/15 – mailed extension letter.04/02/15 Sent letter advising documents identified J. Crandell #2 Emailed budgets and CAFR’s Jackie 2 weeks 04/02/15 68 03/10/15 Justin Martinez – emailed Misc information requested CC 69 03/10/15 Autumn Carter – CA Common Sense CC $0.00 03/10/15 70 03/10/15 Eric Hansen Budgets/CAFR’s for various years DVD Copy of 03/09/15 CC Meeting IT $5.00 03/11/15 Called left message CD will be in will call. Jackie 71 03/11/15 Ryland Martinez PW $0.00 03/11/15 Emailed documents provided by PW . Jackie 72 03/11/15 Daniel Dagata Animal Services/Cit y Attorney $0.00 03/11/15 72-A 03/11/15 Craig Beresh History of Intersection of Arrow Rte/Arrow Hy Copy of dog bite report for his dog 1406 Purdue Street Marijuana Initiative Information CC $15.00 03/19/15 & 04/02/15 Emailed Animal Bite report provided by Animal Services. Jackie Emailed minutes/agendas/st aff reports advised CD/Emails extension. 04/02/15 – Emailed letter of additional docs identified. Jackie Denied Request (Whole/P art) Disclosure Determinatio n Given Disclosure of records in electronic format X X X 04/06/15 X Requests requiring programming REQUEST NO. DATE REC’D NAME/COMPANY 73 03/11/15 Flor Pico 74 03/16/15 Laura Smith 75 03/16/15 Chris Retzinger 76 03/17/15 Richard Opp 77 03/19/15 78 03/23/15 DESCRIPTION DEPT NO. OF PAGES COST DATE NOTIFIED Comments Copy of properties with code enforcement violations Copies of complaints regarding 549 E. 9th Street Code $0.00 03/18/15 No documents responsive to request. Jackie CC/Code/ FD $1.50 03/25/15 Copy of Agreement with HDL and staff report of 04/14/14 with HDL FD files, hazmat information for 2005 & 2006 N. Campus Ave CC $0.00 03/16/15 & 03/31/15 Emailed documents responsive. Code need to redact if Ms. Smith wants we can for .25 per page. Put in will call. Jackie Emailed agreement and staff report. Jackie. Emailed no other documents responsive. FD 03/25/15 Michelle Olson Information on police shootings at UPD PD 03/30/15 & 04/13/15. Jim Richardson Information on City Investment Policy CC $0.00 03/23/15 Emailed advised FD has no documents however has provided house file for 2006 N. Campus if he would like to come view. Mailed letter of extension. Emailed/mailed documents identified. Emailed resolution 6214 Reques ts for ext of time Denied Request (Whole/Part) Disclosure Determinatio n Given Disclosure of records in electronic format X 2 weeks/A pril 13th. X X Requests requiring programming REQUEST NO. DATE REC’D NAME/COMPANY 79 03/23/15 Fred O’Malley 80 03/23/15 Danetta Brunellli 81 03/25/15 82 DESCRIPTION DEPT NO. OF PAGES COST DATE NOTIFIED 03/23/15 Boards, Comm, Committee application Reports for TT 18697 CC $0.00 PW $0.00 03/30/15 Phillip Carrasco Information on the Homeless Task Force CC/CM $0.00 04/01/15 $ 04/07/15 03/25/15 Jaclyn Pipersburgh CC $0.00 03/25/15 83 03/25/15 Eris Barillas CC $0.00 03/25/15 84 03/30/15 David Dlugitch Copy of several ordinances Copy of Ordinances that adopted 1970, 1973 Uniform Code Inspection and maintenance records for 1791 N. San Antonio Ave PW $0.00 04/07/15 Comments Stephanie emailed document and sent link Emailed reports provided by PW . Jackie Emailed no documents at this time. I will let him know when it is uploaded to the website per Liz Chavez. 04/07/15 – emailed powerpoint received from Mr. Story. Jackie Emailed ordinances. Emailed ORd. 935 and 1028. Reques ts for ext of time Denied Request (Whole/Part) Disclosure Determinatio n Given Disclosure of records in electronic format X X X X X Emailed documents provided by PW. Jackie X Requests requiring programming REQUEST NO. DATE REC’D NAME/COMPANY 85 03/30/15 Bill & Rita Marts 86 03/30/15 John Tucker 87 03/19/15 88 DESCRIPTION DEPT NO. OF PAGES COST DATE NOTIFIED 03/31/15 Comments Dog bite reports for 34 Vista Place , Edwins Towing Liens on business in the City of Upland Animal Services $0.00 Emailed documents provided by Animal Services. Jackie CC $0.00 04/01/15 Chip Shiner Listing of all active businesses in the City of Upland. Finance $0.00 03/19/15 & 03/24 & 03/31 04/01/15 Bryan Nguyen - CACS Public Records CC $0.00 04/01/15 89 04/01/15 Laura Melby Animal Services .25 04/02/15 Called and advised redacted document in “will call”. Jackie 90 04/01/15 Maricela Vargas Copy of 2007 budget, CAFR 08,10,11 Copy of Animal Services Incident made by Maricela Vargas Copy of Animal Services Incident same as PRR #89 Animal Services .25 04/02/15 Stephanie gave Maricela redacted copy of Animal Services report Emailed no docs responsive however sent weed abatement, delinquent utilities tax roll. Jackie Emailed 03/19/15 for clarification. Referred to finance. 03/24/14 Tracy Sendldorfer in contact with Mr. Shiner. 03/31/15Emailed reports provided by HDL. Emailed reports requested. Jackie Reque sts for ext of time Denied Request (Whole/Part) Disclosure Determinatio n Given Disclosure of records in electronic format X X X X Requests requiring programming REQUEST NO. DATE REC’D NAME/COMPANY 91 04/06/15 Sherlice Lewis 92 04/07/15 Tomas Navarro 93 04/08/15 94 DESCRIPTION DEPT 275 n. garnet way, any zoning or building code violations Information on General Election 2015 Code Chad Cummings Information on complaints of his dogs residing at 1504 Forest Street Animal Services, PD, City Prosecutor? 04/13/15 [email protected] m 95 04/15/15 Patricia Garcia Request for information to run for office Copy of Service Order lock-off dated 04/15/15 96 04/15/15 Josh Woods – Woods Maintenance Services, Inc. Information on Protective Coatings Graffiti removal. NO. OF PAGES COST DATE NOTIFIED $0.00 04/09/15 CC 04/07/15 $4.50 04/16/15 & 05/04/15 04/13/15 Finance $0.00 04/20/15 CC/Finance $0.00 04/15/15 Comments Emailed no documents for Code and emailed permits from building regarding 275 n. garnet Emailed CC Min 03/09/15, Reso 6267 & staff report for 03/09/15. Jackie Emailed advising docs identified. Additional time needed for any City Prosecutor documents. Jackie. 04/20/15 – put docs in “will call” Emailed pre-election information from 2014 election Emailed copy of Service Order Work sheet provided by finance. Jackie Emailed staff report 08/13/12 -13.a and invoices provided by finance. Jackie Requests for ext of time Denied Reques t (Whole /Part) Disclosure Determin ation Given Disclosure of records in electronic format X X 04/30/15 X x Requests requiring programming REQUEST NO. DATE REC’D NAME/COMPANY DESCRIPTION DEPT NO. OF PAGES COST DATE NOTIFIED Comments Emailed FD docs/Questys docs regarding the addresses requested. Jackie. 04/27/15 emailed additional docs provided by building. 05/13/15 Emailed FD Inspection reports. Jackie Emailed 2013/2014 budget. Jackie 97 04/16/15 David Wells Information on College Business Park 1164-1336 Monte vista, 2315-2377 W. Foothill Code, Building, FD $0.00 04/23/15 & 04/27/15 & 05/13/15. 98 04/20/15 Richard Wright CC $0.00 04/20/15 99 04/20/15 Steven Graham CC $0.00 04/20/15 Emailed initiative. Jackie 100 04/22/15 Rusty Cushing CC $.50 04/22/15 Provided him with copy 101 04/23/15 Donna Strickland Copy of the 2013/2014 Budget re: Animal Services Copy of marijuana initiative Copy of Reso 6137 Information on water installation for 1689 W. Arrow Hwy 05/04/15 & 05/06/15 102 04/23/15 Lawrence Tai Information on his employment/pa yroll records HR/Finance Emailed no documents responsive to the request from finance waiting on PW. Jackie. 05/06 – emailed PW work order. Jackie Emailed no documents responsive to the request. Jackie Requests for ext of time Denied Reques t (Whole /Part) Disclosure Determin ation Given Disclosure of records in electronic format X X X PW/Finance $0.00 04/30/15 X Requests requiring programming REQUEST NO. DATE REC’D NAME/COMPANY 103 04/27/15 Stephen Wall 104 04/27/15 Isaac Martin 105 04/28/15 Enrique Rodriguez 106 04/29/15 107 04/29/15 David Morgan Jr. Came in Karen Crist 108 04/29/15 Amy Allen- Ramirez DESCRIPTION Information on total cost for pacific electric trail Information on elections 1990,1998,2000 Information on compensation for planning commission Copy of MMD Initiative ord FD report for 1365 San Bernardino RD #5C Information on water account for 1323 N. 3rd Avenue DEPT PW NO. OF PAGES COST DATE NOTIFIED $0.00 04/29/15 CC 05/07/15 Comments Debbie emailed staff reports 11/08/03 6G, and 08/14/06 10J Emailed resolutions and identified staff reports for purchase. jackie Emailed resolution 6038. Emailed resolution #5786. Jackie CC $0.00 04/28/15 & 05/06/15 CC $1.75 04/29/15 Provided doc 04/30/15 Emailed advised FD is responding to their first request that was sent to UFD directly. Jackie Emailed advising documents identified and need to redacted before release. Jackie. Emailed asking if docs still wanted no payment received. Received payment and emailed docs. Jackie FD Finance $3.75 05/07/15 & 05/27/15 & 06/18/15 Requests for ext of time Denied Reques t (Whole /Part) Disclosure Determin ation Given Disclosure of records in electronic format X X Requests requiring programming REQUEST NO. DATE REC’D NAME/COMPANY DESCRIPTION Information on Mountain Ave Rehab Bid 2015-1 Information on IT Services DEPT NO. OF PAGES COST DATE NOTIFIED CC/PW $0.00 05/05/15 Finance/DS $0.00 05/13/15 $1.50 05/07/15 109 04/30/15 Doris Johnson – Center for Contract Compliance 110 05/05/15 Kevin Muldoon – 5 Bars 111 05/05/15 Allen Yee Information on 2583 Blanchard Place Code, DS, PW 112 05/11/15 Sylvia Florentino Information on block wall at 768 – 777 Olive Street Building, Code 113 05/11/15 Eric Young – AEI Consultants HDL $0.00 05/14/15 114 05/11/15 Eric Young – AEI Consultants Business licenses for 233-373 S. Mountain & 1255 – 1277 W. 7th Street Building Permits/COC for 1255 – 1277 W. 7th Street & 233-373 S. CC/Building $0.00 05/14/15 & 05/27/15 Comments Requests for ext of time Denied Reques t (Whole /Part) Disclosure Determin ation Given Disclosure of records in electronic format Emailed documents responsive. Jackie X 05/12/15 & 05/18/15 & 06/03/15 reinstated Emailed lease agreements and finance documents. Jackie Emailed advised what documents were response. Redact Code Enforcement letters (addresses) if Mr. Yee wants to review or purchase. Ms. Montes came in and purchased copies. Jackie 05/12/15-emailed requester on clarification of address. Advised address not valid per Code/Building. 05/18/15 – re-emailed no response from first email. Jackie. 05/27/15 Closed request no response from requester. Jackie 06/10/15 – emailed building and code documents. Jackie Emailed document provided by HDL businesses and their license numbers. Jackie X X Emailed permits in Questys for both addresses. Jackie. Emailed additional permits provided by X Requests requiring programming Mountain Ave REQUEST NO. DATE REC’D NAME/COMPANY 115 05/11/15 Vanessa Pete 116 05/12/15 April Mcguire – AEI Consultants 117 05/13/15 Alicia Amaro – Level 2 Automation 118 05/13/15 Manual Palacios 119 05/14/15 Hall Tanner 120 05/14/15 Michelle Olson Building. Jackie DESCRIPTION DEPT Any and all call/PD and Animal Services regarding 752 E. 8th Street Environmental and Hazmat information on 1695 N. Benson. Information on new business in the COU from Jan – April 2015 Information on inspection done by Code Enf. at 1074 Springfield St # A Copy of Ordinance 1859 and reso regarding council and exec. staff Copy of any agreement the City has with organizations regarding surveillance equipment NO. OF PAGES COST DATE NOTIFIED PD/Animal Services $0.00 05/13/15 PW/FD $0.00 05/18/15 Finance $0.00 05/18/15 Code $2.50 05/19/15 CC $0.00 05/14/15 PD $0.00 05/19/15 Comments Requests for ext of time Denied Reques t (Whole /Part) Disclosure Determin ation Given Disclosure of records in electronic format Emailed Animal Svcs and PD documents. Jackie X Emailed no docs responsive. FD house file available for review. Jackie. Did not review file returned to FD 05/27/15. Jackie Emailed documents provided by finance. Jackie X X Emailed and advised 11 pages of redacted Code Enforcement documents available for review, purchase for a fee. Jackie Emailed Ordinances 1859, resolutions 5548, 6076. Jackie X Emailed staff report for License Plate Reader dated 12/08/14. Jackie X Requests requiring programming REQUEST NO. DATE REC’D NAME/COMPANY 121 05/14/15 Stan Kimmel 122 05/14/15 Stan Kimmel 123 05/18/15 Debora – [email protected] om 124 05/18/15 125 126 DESCRIPTION DEPT NO. OF PAGES COST DATE NOTIFIED 05/19/15 Comments PC min/staff report from the 08/23/06 meeting CC min/staff report from the 06 meetings regarding ZA06-01 Bids for Citywide Sewer DS $0.00 CC $0.00 05/19/15 Emailed docs pertaining to 01/09/06 & 02/ PW $4.00 05/19/15 Alicen Wong – Gresham Savage Law Information on convenience stores, staff report, CUP approval DS 05/20/15 Mary Ellen Corr, AEI Consultants Code, DS, FD 05/20/15 Jeffezsmallclaims@gm ail.com Building, fire violations, code violations for 1695 N. Benson Ave Name on Building Permit for 1659 W. Foothill, Lowes. Emailed advised no one document available can view and or purchase Basic Bid for each company. Jackie Emailed docs relating to items #11/12. Emailed most items did not receive all from planning. Extended for 2 weeks. Jackie 06/11/15 finalized request. Jackie Emailed permits no other documents responsive. Jackie Requests for ext of time Denied Reques t (Whole /Part) Disclosure Determin ation Given Disclosure of records in electronic format Emailed docs provided by DS. Jackie X 05/27/15 & 05/28/15 & 06/11/15 $0.00 05/26/15 06/11/15 X X HDL 05/26/15 Emailed document received by HDL.. Jackie X Requests requiring programming REQUEST NO. DATE REC’D NAME/COMPANY 127 05/21/15 128 05/21/15 Liset Marques – Daily Bulletin Bahman Rohan – Nova Consulting 129 05/21/15 Eric Young- AEI Consultants 130 05/21/15 Steve Rawlings – ABC 131 05/26/15 Mikey Fuentes – City of Montclair 132 05/26/15 Linda B. Martin – Law office of Rinos & Martin DESCRIPTION DEPT NO. OF PAGES COST DATE NOTIFIED 05/21/15 Comments Copy of Notice to Circulate Petition Permits/certificat es of occupancy for 555 W. Foothill Blvd Building documents for 385 S. Mountain Ave Copy of Planning Commission minutes from 09/24/14 meeting Copy of fees for City Clerk Dept. CC $0.00 Stephanie emailed document Emailed Questys documents and docs provided by Building. Jackie Emailed Questys documents and docs provided by Building. Jackie Stephanie emailed minutes Building $0.00 05/27/15 Building $0.00 05/27/15 CC $0.00 05/21/15 CC $0.00 05/26/15 Emailed resolution #6259 master fee schedule Information regarding Chase Heffron in PD Case #14048015 PD/FD $0.00 06/04/15 Sent letter certain items exempt to GC 6254 (f). Redacted CAD call provided. Jackie Requests for ext of time Denied Request (Whole/ Part) Disclosure Determinat ion Given Disclosure of records in electronic format X X X X X X REQUEST NO. DATE REC’D NAME/COMPANY 133 05/26/15 Eric Hanson – [email protected] 909-9814500 Jim Hunt – Hunt research 134 05/26/15 135 05/27/15 Eric Chung – Smartprocure 136 05/27/15 John Fruciano – Fruciano Development 137 05/27/15 Jonathan Lee 606-6725912 138 05/27/15 Janice Elliott [email protected] DESCRIPTION DEPT NO. OF PAGES COST DATE NOTIFIED 05/27/15 Any resolution with the word “alarm” in it. CC $0.00 Information on FD emergency response times Purchase order information from 02/25/15 –current Wanted to know if there is a developers agreement for Holliday Rock Copies of permits for his property located at 1911 Belmar Way Copies of RFP for Animal Services bid FD $0.00 05/27/15 Finance $0.00 05/28/15 Comments Requests for ext of time Denied Reques t (Whole /Part) Disclosure Determin ation Given Disclosure of records in electronic format Emailed resolutions. Jackie X CC 05/27/15 CC $2.75 06/03/15 Roberta/Re creation & City Attorney $0.00 06/01/15 Emailed document provided by the FD. Jackie Downloaded document provided by Finance. jackie X X Emailed PC Reso #4285 and Ordinance 1731 advised he can purchase recorded copies of agreement. Jackie Copies of permits in “will call”. Jackie Denied X Whole GC 6255 Requests requiring programming REQUEST NO. DATE REC’D NAME/COMPANY 139 05/28/15 Jacklyn Kerns – JMS Recovery 140 06/02/15 Doug Johnston – Petra Geosciences 141 06/03/15 Anthony Yueta 142 06/03/15 Sean Brady – Michel & Associates 143 06/03/15 David Sikorski – Operating Engineers Contract Compliance 144 06/03/15 Jorge Berdin – AEI Consultants DESCRIPTION DEPT NO. OF PAGES COST DATE NOTIFIED $0.00 05/28/15 Uncashed checks for last 180 days Soil reports for for APN’s 1044641-40,59,60 Finance Information on 1254 and 1284 Airport Drive CCW Acceptance and Denial Letters Mountain Ave Rehab information Building, HDL, Planning, PD $0.00 06/11/15 $0.00 06/10/15 CC/PW $0.00 06/04/15 & 06/29/15 Building/zoning , fire violations for 1695 N. Benson CC $0.00 06/03/15 PW 06/10/15 Comments Emailed document provided by finance. Jackie Emailed no documents responsive to the request. Jackie Emailed permits, business license info from HDL. Jackie Emailed documents provided by the PD. Jackie Emailed documents provided by PW and CC. Jackie. Asked to provide further documentation of employment with OECC. Jackie Emailed same response as PRR #125. Same request from same company. Jackie Requests for ext of time Denied Reques t (Whole /Part) Disclosure Determin ation Given Disclosure of records in electronic format X X X X X Requests requiring programming REQUEST NO. DATE REC’D NAME/COMPANY DESCRIPTION DEPT NO. OF PAGES COST DATE NOTIFIED Comments 06/04/15 & 06/10/15 Stephanie advised documents responsive. Documents already in possession of Mr. Bunch no other documents needed. Called left vm. Redacted document in Will Call Jackie Called left vm. Redacted document in Will Call Jackie Emailed redacted documents provided by PW . Jackie 145 06/01/15 Carl Bunch - Sewage incident 200 block of N. Euclid on 11/11/14 CC/Stephan ie 146 06/03/15 Jeanette Hannigan Dog report for 1409 N. Ukiah Animal Services .25 06/04/15 147 06/03/15 Larissa Tucker Dog report for 1409 N. Ukiah Animal Services .25 06/04/15 148 06/04/15 David SikorskiOperating Engineers Payroll records for Mountain Ave Rehab PW $0.00 06/11/15 07/07/15 149 06/04/15 John Atwater 150 06/08/15 Craig Beresh Code Enforcement violations for 261 & 263 N. 2nd Ave. Title and Summary for Petition Emailed list of employees w/addresses.ok’d by Ivy. Nancy Code $0.00 06/10/15 Emailed document provided by Code Enforcement. Jackie CC $0.0 06/08/15 Provided him with the copy of the letter to Mr. Rodriguez and Title/Summary Requests for ext of time Denied Reques t (Whole /Part) Disclosure Determin ation Given Disclosure of records in electronic format X X Requests requiring programming REQUEST NO. DATE REC’D NAME/COMPANY DESCRIPTION DEPT NO. OF PAGES COST DATE NOTIFIED 06/18/15 Comments 151 06/08/15 Taylor Haney – KPCC Southern California Public Radio Information on water bills on elected officials. City Attorney $1.50 Advised redacted documents identified. Jackie 06/25/15 paid for copies, sent to requester. Jackie Provided redacted Animal Services report. Jackie Emailed Ordinances 769 & 1614. Jackie 152 06/08/15 Danielle Locke – emailed Copy of dog incident report Animal Services $0.00 06/10/15 153 06/08/15 Gary Smith – walkin CC $0.00 06/08/15 154 06/09/15 John Atwater-walkin Code $0.00 06/11/15 Emailed no documents responsive. Jackie 155 06/09/15 Justin Martinez – emailed Information on MC 5.04.350 and 5.04.360 Code violations for 296 N. 2nd Ave. Copy of City Council meeting for June 8th CC 06/09/15 Emailed advised can view meeting on website or can purchase a copy. 156 06/09/15 Justin Martinez – emailed Information regarding arrest/calls for himself on 06/07/15 PD/City Attorney 06/18/15 Mailed letter denied per GC 6254(f) Requests for ext of time Denied Reques t (Whole /Part) Disclosure Determin ation Given Disclosure of records in electronic format X X Requests requiring programming REQUEST NO. DATE REC’D NAME/COMPANY 157 06/10/15 Justin Martinez 158 06/10/15 Justin Martinez 159 06/10/15 Justin Martinez 160 06/10/15 Justine Martinez 161 06/10/15 Justin Martinez 162 06/10/15 Justin Martinez DESCRIPTION DEPT Copies of warnings and citations from 09/11/14 to 06/8/15. Copies of emails or documents the city and PD regarding protest. Access to previous records request and recorded conversations. Information on Jeff Mendenhall and City Attorney. Recorded conversations regarding Jeff Mendenhall from 12/14. Copies of every Public Records Request from 5/13/146/10/15. Email conversations NO. OF PAGES COST DATE NOTIFIED Comments City Attorney 06/18/15 & 06/29/15 Mailed letter of extension for 2 weeks. Jackie. Mailed letter deny request for citations per GC 6254(f). Jackie. Waiting on emails from IT. City Attorney 06/18/15 Mailed letter stating can view past request during regular business hours. Jackie City Attorney 06/18/15 & City Attorney 06/18/15 City Attorney 06/18/15 City Attorney 06/18/15 mailed letter of extension for 2 weeks. Jackie Mailed letter advising this request has already been requested in past and can come and view at CC office. Mailed letter advising he can come and view all his past request. Jackie Mailed letter advising he can come and view all of his past request . Jackie Requests for ext of time 07/03/15 07/03/15 Denied Reques t (Whole /Part) Disclosure Determin ation Given Disclosure of records in electronic format Requests requiring programming REQUEST NO. DATE REC’D NAME/COMPANY 163 06/11/15 Justin Martinez 164 06/11/15 Yolanda Campos – Office of the Inspector General 165 06/15/15 Glenn Hallam, Ph.D 166 06/15/15 Tatjana McCondichie, REA 167 06/15/15 168 06/15/15 David Gautreau – thecontrolroom.com Jim Richardson DESCRIPTION DEPT Emails, video , conversations, paperwork, regarding arrest on 6/7/15 Information on transactions made regarding Ronald Folmar Number of 911 calls made in error in the last 12 months. Environmental information rearding 1480 West 9th St. Speaker Cards/June 8th Council Meeting regarding water rationing 2015 Sales Tax. Staff report. PD and City Attorney NO. OF PAGES COST DATE NOTIFIED 06/18/15 Comments Requests for ext of time Denied Reques t (Whole /Part) Disclosure Determin ation Given Disclosure of records in electronic format Mailed letter denied under GC 6254(f) Finance/Cit y Attorney 06/18/15 Emailed no documents responsive to request. Jackie PD 06/25/15 Emailed advising PD already responded to request. Jackie PW and Planning $0.00 06/25/15 Emailed documents provided by DS and PW. Jackie CC $0.00 06/18/15 Emailed speaker card from 06/08/15 CC meeting. Jackie CC $0.00 06/18/15 Emailed minutes to 03/23/15 CC meeting. Jackie X x X X Requests requiring programming REQUEST NO. DATE REC’D NAME/COMPANY DESCRIPTION DEPT 169 06/15/15 Mickey Wheritt/Planning and Zoning Resource 170 06/15/15 Mickey Wheritt/Planning and Zoning Resource 171 06/15/15 Tanya MacLean/TETRA TECH Open building and zoning violations for 850 N. Benson Ave. Open Fire Code Violations for 850 N. Benson Ave. Hazardous Material info. 685 E. Foothill Blvd and 779 W. Foothill Blvd. List of new businesses for May 2015. Finance/Tra cy NO. OF PAGES COST DATE NOTIFIED Comments Code, Building Permits/Car los $0.00 06/25/15 Fire $0.00 06/18/15 Emailed document provided by FD. jackie Fire and PW $0.00 06/25/15 Emailed documents provided by FD. Nancy 6/30/15 Tanya came and viewed documents. Nancy $0.00 06/24/15 Emailed document provided by Finance. Jackie Emailed documents available can come and review Code Enforcement letters 06/25/15-called L/M stating we are waiting for the business license dept to respond. Nancy Emailed document. Nancy Requests for ext of time Denied Reques t (Whole /Part) Disclosure Determin ation Given Disclosure of records in electronic format Emailed documents provided by bldg. Nancy X X 172 06/16/15 Alicia Amaro 173 06/16/15 Danny Velasquez/ Real Estate Acquisitions Information regarding 2583 Blanchard Pl. Building/Co de/Planning /PW $1.75 06/25/15 174 06/17/15 Chris Thrope Requesting information regarding SOS Wireless/Owne rs name Finance/ Tracy/ HDL $0.00 06/25/15 06/29/15 X X X Requests requiring programming REQUEST NO. DATE REC’D NAME/COMPANY DESCRIPTION 175 06/18/15 Lanet Brown – State Board of Equalization Info on business: Carrillos Party Rental in Los Angeles 176 06/18/15 Brett Larson – Scolinos, Sheldon & Nevill DEPT NO. OF PAGES COST DATE NOTIFIED Comments HDL $0.00 06/18/15 & 06/25/15 Records relating to Ethan Gray accident on 12/24/12 FD/City Attorney $0.00 06/25/15 Called State Board to confirm if request belongs to Upland business in Los Angeles. Jackie. 06/25/15 – mailed documents provided HDL . Jackie Emailed Mr. Larson requesting copy of death certificate for Mr. Gray. Jackie Mr. Larson notified me that the incident was in Corona not Upland. Nancy Copy of phone conversation from 6/21/15 from PD. Self insured liability program. Code Report for 1735 W. Foothill. PD $2.50 06/29/15 Mailed letter advising CD available for purchase. Jackie HR $56.20 07/20/15 Code $0.00 06/29/15 Mailed copies of all RFP’s. Nancy Emailed documents provided by Code Enforcement. Jackie Agenda packet for the 8/11/14 City Council meeting. CC 0.00 06/22/15 7/8/15 Requests for ext of time Denied Reques t (Whole /Part) Disclosure Determin ation Given Disclosure of records in electronic format X 177 06/22/15 Justin Martinez 178 06/22/15 179 06/22/15 Stacey Haggerty/Unisource Discovery Joe Fallah Walk-in 180 06/22/15 Rafik Albert/ EPD Solutions Emailed staff report for the 8/11/14 Council meeting. Nancy X X Requests requiring programming REQUEST NO. DATE REC’D NAME/COMPANY 181 06/22/15 Allen & Jennifer Halbert 182 06/22/15 Justin Martinez 183 06/22/15 Allyson Brown/ Zoning Info 184 06/24/15 Tarah Jones-Briscoe DESCRIPTION History Inventory Search for 631 N. Redding Way Phone conversation on 6/23/15 Information on 1348-1438 W. 7th St. Information on 1379-1399 E. Foothill Blvd DEPT NO. OF PAGES COST DATE NOTIFIED PW $0.00 07/01/15 PD $2.50 06/29/15 Bldg, Code, Planning, FD, PW Bldg, Planning, Fire, PW, Code $0.00 07/01/15 $0.00 07/07/15 $0.00 07/16/15 Comments Requests for ext of time Denied Reques t (Whole /Part) Disclosure Determin ation Given Disclosure of records in electronic format Emailed Inventory History Search. Nancy X 185 06/25/15 Chris 397 W. Arrow Hwy. Code and Bldg violations Code, Bldg $0.00 07/09/15 186 06/25/15 Alex Cocca – So Cal Technologies Information on RFP for copier Finance Mark $0.00 07/01/15 Mailed letter advising CD available for purchase. Jackie Emailed documents to Allyson Brown. Nancy Emailed documents form Code, Fire, Bldg, PW. Nancy Emailed permits found in Questys1385,1383,1379,1387,13 99 E. Foothill Blvd. Nancy Spoke w/Chris on phone. The address is 387 W. Arrow not 397. Code has no open cases and there is nothing in Questys. Nancy Emailied copier/multifunction contracts. Nancy X X X X Requests requiring programming REQUEST NO. DATE REC’D NAME/COMPANY 187 06/29/15 Jon Knowlton 188 06/29/15 189 06/29/15 Shelley Parker – dataresearchpartners. com Diana Mendoza – Employment Development Department 190 06/29/15 Eric Young – AEI Consultants 191 06/30/15 Jeni Hoff 192 06/30/15 Jeni Hoff DESCRIPTION DEPT NO. OF PAGES COST DATE NOTIFIED Comments DVD copy of the 06/22/15 CC Meeting Listing of all City of Upland employees Copy of Business License for 110 N. 3rd, Clausen and Cobb Management Copy of building documents for 1334 W. Foothill Blvd Bldg permits/ 1175 E. Arrow Hwy. IT $2.50 CD is in will call for Jon to pick up. Nancy Emailed list of employees. Nancy Emailed documents from HDL to Diane Mendoza/edd Nancy Rocio $0.00 07/07/15 HDL $0.00 06/30/15 Questys, Building $0.00 07/07/15 Emailed documents – permits. Nancy Bldg $0.00 07/07/15 Emailed permits. Nancy Bldg permits, documents for hazardous waste/ 369 N. Mountain Ave. Fire $0.00 07/07/15 Emailed documents. Nancy Requests for ext of time Denied Reques t (Whole /Part) Disclosure Determin ation Given Disclosure of records in electronic format X X X X X Requests requiring programming REQUEST NO. DATE REC’D NAME/COMPANY 193 07/01/15 Jonathan Mummolo 194 07/01/15 April Hilario 195 07/06/15 John Ickis 196 07/06/15 John Ickis 197 198 07/06/15 07/06/15 Alys Day-ZAP Manufacturing HDU, Inc DESCRIPTION DEPT NO. OF PAGES COST DATE NOTIFIED 07/23/15 S.W.A.T. deployments 1980-present 2015-16 Solid Waste Rates Urban Forest Management Plan. PD $0.00 CC $0.00 PW $0.00 7/14/15 540 E. 11th St. Tree removal list. Notification to residents on or around 6/26/15 PW $0.00 07/08/15 Bids, PO’s,invoices current prices for traffic signs. PW Parking and Business improvements. Assessments, expenditures, accounting Developme nt services 07/14/15 $0.00 07/15/15 07/16/15 $0.00 7/14/15 Comments Emailed document provided by PD. Nancy Emailed rates. Nancy Emailed Forest Management Plan provided by PW. Nancy Emailed list of tree removal provided by PW. Nancy Emailed updated removal of trees list along w/door tag. Nancy Requested more time to gather documents (PW) Nancy Emailed documents provided by PW. Nancy Emailed documents provided by DS. Nancy Requests for ext of time Denied Reques t (Whole /Part) Disclosure Determin ation Given Disclosure of records in electronic format X X X X X X Requests requiring programming REQUEST NO. DATE REC’D NAME/COMPANY 199 07/07/15 Kate Lien 200 07/08/15 Rafik Albert 201 07/09/15 Rafik Albert 202 07/14/15 Vivian Xie DESCRIPTION DEPT Open cases and any Public Records regarding property Resolution No. 6259 adopted on 2/09/15 Fee payments for 2009-10 plan check for TM16198 Documents regarding TRACT #16364 NO. OF PAGES COST DATE NOTIFIED Code,CC, Bldg $0.00 07/08/15 CC $0.00 7/9/15 Jeff Zwack, Finance $0.00 07/16/15 Comments Requests for ext of time Denied Reques t (Whole /Part) Disclosure Determin ation Given Disclosure of records in electronic format Emailed documents from Code and /Bldg. Nancy X PW/NIsha 07/29/15 08/03/15 203 07/14/15 Jon Knowlton Minutes from June 30th Finance meeting CC $0.00 7/15/15 204 07/15/15 Ankit Bhakta Petition/Medic al marijuana dispensaries. CC $0.00 07/15/15 Emailed Resolution No. 6259. Nancy Emailed documents provided by PW/Nisha. Nancy Emailed Vivian Xie. She can come view or purchase copies. Per Ivynothing needs to be redacted. Nancy Emailed Vivian Xie-We do not have proof she purchased bond. She needs to contact bond co. Nancy Emailed document/Minutes 6/30/15 Finance Meeting. Nancy Emailed documents. Nancy X X X X Requests requiring programming REQUEST NO. DATE REC’D NAME/COMPANY 205 07/15/15 Justin Martinez 206 07/15/15 Sean & Kathy Ponce 207 07/15/15 Justin Martinez 208 07/20/15 John Ickis 209 07/20/15 Doris Johnson 210 07/20/15 Danny Hermosillo DESCRIPTION DEPT NO. OF PAGES COST DATE NOTIFIED $0.00 07/21/15 Emailed documents on Candidate Donations. Nancy 07/22/15 Emailed Mr. Martinez. Documents are available to view or purchase. Nancy Emailed documents from PW and contract with West Coast Arborist. Nancy Emailed documents provided by PW. Nancy Stephanie Mendenhall, Jackie Crandell, Jeff Mendenhall Candidate Donations/ Filippi, Timm, Stone, Musser, Bozar Citizen complaints/ PD and CC reponse CC, HR Contract w/ West Coast Arborist. Lists of tree removal since 4/13. Citywide Sewer Rehabilitation 201503. PW $0.00 07/29/15 PW $0.00 07/29/15 Franchise Agreement/Pub lic Poles, Tax paid to City to provide services to end users, Business License info. PW, Scott, HDL, CC $0.00 07/29/15 Comments Requests for ext of time Denied Reques t (Whole /Part) Disclosure Determin ation Given Disclosure of records in electronic format X CC X PD, CC X X X Emailed documents provided by HDL and CC. Ask Mr. Hemosillo to clarify item #3 on request. Nancy X Requests requiring programming REQUEST NO. 211 DATE REC’D 07/20/15 NAME/COMPANY Marilyn Mills DESCRIPTION DEPT NO. OF PAGES COST DATE NOTIFIED Misc documents CC,DS, REC 8/13/15 HDL $0.00 07/23/15 Fire, Bldg, Planning $0.00 07/29/15 8/17/15 212 07/21/15 Alicia Amaro 213 07/21/15 Jenny Xu/Remax Realty List of new businesses for June 2015. Violations, restrictions, etc. 214 07/21/15 Mikey Fuentes Refuse Rates CC 215 07/21/15 Michelle Olson Tort claims HR 07/21/15 $14.74 10/7/15 10/19/15 216 07/16/15 Rosemary Hoerning Merit Oil Co. contract CC $0.00 07/21/15 Comments Emailed Marilyn MillsCD’s at Finance counter. Mailed letter regarding requests. Debbi wrote letter. Ivy drafted letter. Nancy Emailed list provided by Tracy. Nancy Emailed documents from Fire, Planning, Bldg Nancy Emailed Resolution 6230. Nancy Emailed Ms Olson-let her know the fee to mail or she can come view. Nancy Sent requested documents/received payment Oct. 14, 2015 Nancy Emailed contract Nancy Requests for ext of time Denied Reques t (Whole /Part) Disclosure Determin ation Given Disclosure of records in electronic format 07/29/15 Keri ask for additional time. Due by 08/10/15 X X X X Requests requiring programming REQUEST NO. DATE REC’D NAME/COMPANY DESCRIPTION DEPT NO. OF PAGES COST DATE NOTIFIED 07/22/15 Comments 217 07/21/15 Janice Elliott Financial Task Force proposed budget meeting CC $0.00 218 07/22/15 David Lopez Ordinance No. 465 & No. 553 CC $0.00 07/22/15 219 07/22/15 Brandon Childers Misc financial documents Finance $0.00 07/29/15 220 07/22/15 Naseem Farooqi CC $0.00 07/22/15 221 07/22/15 Taylor Haney 0.00 07/23/15 Emailed water usage provided by Finance. Nancy 222 7/27/15 Denise Jeanson Agenda for the 7/13/15 City Council Meeting Water usage for Musser, Bozar, Stone and Timm Request for Tree trimming contract for past 5 years and record retention policy 07/27/15 Provided CM with the scanned West Coast Arborists Agmt 20092015 and link to agenda were records retention approved by CC-having formatting issues so not yet finalized. Nancy Finance City Clerk Emailed copy of Special Finance and Economic Development Committee meeting/July 20, 2015. Nancy Emailed Ordinance No 465 & 553. Nancy Emailed documents provided by Finance. Nancy Emailed 7/13/15 Agenda. Nancy Requests for ext of time Denied Reques t (Whole /Part) Disclosure Determin ation Given Disclosure of records in electronic format X X X X X Requests requiring programming REQUEST NO. DATE REC’D NAME/COMPANY 223 07/28/15 Jesus Armas 224 07/27/15 Marilyn Mills 225 07/27/15 226 227 228 DESCRIPTION DEPT NO. OF PAGES COST DATE NOTIFIED Current agreement/con tract with Burrtec Digital audio file of June & July Planning Commission meeting CC 0.00 07/29/15 CC, IT, DS $2.50 08/03/15 Fred O’Malley CD of the General Plan Update and Zoning Code Update. DS $2.50 07/29/15 07/30/15 Francesca Muller/Storetrieve CC, Finance $0.00 08/17/15 07/30/15 Andrew Contracts, price lists, invoices for records storage Permits/1911 Belmar Way Bldg, CC 0.00 08/10/15 07/30/15 David Lopez Ordinance No. 465 map Planning/ Joshua $0.00 08/06/15 Comments Emailed agreement w/ Burrtec. Nancy Emailed Marilyn Mills letting her know a CD of the 6/24/15 7/22/15 Planning Commission meetings are at the Finance counter in will call. Nancy DS/Shelley gave a CD. I sent email to Mr. O’Malley letting him know the CD is at will call for $2.50.Nancy Fred O’Malley purchased CD 7/30/15. Nancy Emailed contract, invoice from StorageMax. Nancy Emailed Andrew Domer scanned permits. I pulled file from storage, scanned. Nancy Emailed—Planning Div has a map from 1958. David can view map in Planning per Joshua. Nancy Requests for ext of time Denied Reques t (Whole /Part) Disclosure Determin ation Given Disclosure of records in electronic format X X X X Requests requiring programming REQUEST NO. DATE REC’D NAME/COMPANY DESCRIPTION DEPT NO. OF PAGES COST DATE NOTIFIED 08/03/15 Comments 229 08/03/15 Brando Resurreccion Permits and Haz Mat/11251241 E. 16th. St. Bldg, CC $0.00 230 08/03/15 Annette Matzen Code $0.00 08/05/15 231 08/06/15 John Ickis CC. PW $0.00 08/12/15 Emailed document provided by PW and Finance. Noted in email that he can come view the docs. Nancy 232 08/05/15 Barbara Papa CC $0.00 08/06/15 Emailed Rami. Attached the salary and benefits from city website. Rami will respond to Barbara Papa. Nancy 233 08/10/15 Sarah Mealey Ordinance/regis tering vacant, occupied foreclosed properties. Inspect all records pertaining to city trees for the period May, June, and July 2015. Invoices and payments for work performed on trees. Salaries and pension benefits for new police officers. Chief Johnson wants us to respond to him and he will respond to Barbara Papa High School Diploma. CC $0.00 08/10/15 08/12/15 David Lopez Magnolia Historic District map Planning $0.00 08/17/15 Emailed Sarah Mealey. Informed her to contact the Upland Unified School District. Nancy Emailed map provided by Joshua-Planning. Nancy 234 Emailed permits located in Questys. Indicated to contact San Bernardino County for Haz Mat docs. Nancy Emailed-City has no documents responsive to request. Nancy Requests for ext of time Denied Reques t (Whole /Part) Disclosure Determin ation Given Disclosure of records in electronic format X X X X X X Requests requiring programming REQUEST NO. DATE REC’D NAME/COMPANY 235 08/12/15 David Wells 236 08/12/15 Garrett Milovich DESCRIPTION DEPT Open fire violations, las inspection, open bldg planning or code violations Questions of project: 301& 313 E Foothill, 247 N.2nd, 867 E. 11th, 1391 Chafee, 80 E Foothill, 877 N. Campus Copy of City Seal CC $0.00 08/13/15 PW $0.00 08/18/15 $0.00 08/24/15 237 07/31/15 Elizabeth Hotchkiss 238 08/11/15 John Ickis Re-requesting docs. Tree removal list 239 08/17/15 Matt Sanchez Fire, Bldg, and zoning violations regarding 1125, 1225, 1241 E 16th NO. OF PAGES COST DATE NOTIFIED Fire, Code, Bldg. $0.00 08/18/15 Planning $0.00 8/17/15 Comments Requests for ext of time Denied Reques t (Whole /Part) Disclosure Determin ation Given Disclosure of records in electronic format Emailed docs. Nancy X 08/19/15 Emailed documents provided by JoshuaPlanning. Emailed information provided by JoshuaPlanning regarding 1391 Chaffee St. Nancy Sent 2 City pins with the Madonna on it given by Colleen. Nancy Emailed tree removal list provided by PW/Don Cease. Nancy Emailed docs from Fire, Code, Bldg. Nancy X X X Requests requiring programming REQUEST NO. DATE REC’D NAME/COMPANY DESCRIPTION DEPT Bldg permits, bldg code violations, zoning info, fire code violations, certificate of occupancy 1164-1336 Monte Vista Ave and 23152377 W Foothill Blvd. Bldg permits, bldg code violations, zoning violations, storage tanks, have mat, wastes and spills. 1164-1336 Monte Vista Ave and 23152377 W Foothill Blvd. Audio files of Feb, March, April 2015 Planning Commission meeting. 240 08/17/15 The Planning and Zoning Resource Co. 241 08/17/15 EBI Consulting-Renato Nalupa 242 08/17/15 Marilyn Mills 243 08/17/15 Jesus Armas Green waste 244 08/18/15 Stephen Seakan Dog bite report NO. OF PAGES COST DATE NOTIFIED Comments Planning, Bldg, Code, Fire, CC $0.00 08/18/15 Planning, Bldg, Code, Fire, CC $0.00 08/18/15 Emailed docs sent from fire, Planning, Questys. Nancy Planning $2.50 8/24/15 PW, Finance Animal Services $0.00 08/25/15 $0.00 08/18/15 Emailed Marilyn Mills. Let her know the CD for the Feb, March and April Planning Commission meetings are available at the Finance counter to purchase for $2.50. Nancy Per PW no documents responsive to request.N. 8/18/15 Jon Knowlton emailed me the bite report. I emailed bite report to Stephen Seakan. Nancy Requests for ext of time Denied Reques t (Whole /Part) Disclosure Determin ation Given Disclosure of records in electronic format Emailed docs pertaining to request. Nancy X X X (partial) X X Requests requiring programming REQUEST NO. DATE REC’D NAME/COMPANY DESCRIPTION DEPT NO. OF PAGES COST DATE NOTIFIED 08/19/15 245 08/18/15 Amal Bhattarai Zoning for horse property Planning $0.00 246 08/19/15 Kim Newandee Copy of Family Trust. Her attorney retired and told her he filed it with the city. CC $0.00 08/19/15 247 08/20/15 Alicia Amaro/Level 2 Automation HDL $0.00 08/24/15 248 08/24/15 Maria Luisa Toman Martin CC $0.00 8/24/15 249 08/24/15 T3, Inc/Tim Klein New business list for July 2015 Collector of badges, pins and stickers. She would like the City of send her one. 430 Alpine St. Alpine Woods. Misc documents Fire, Planning, Bldg,PW $0.00 08/31/15 Comments Emailed response from Joshua-Planning. No residential zones allow horses. Nancy Called Kim back and told her we do not keep family trust. Recommended calling the County of San Bernardino. Nancy Emailed Alicia list of new businesses for July. Nancy Sent her a City pin. Nancy Emailed docs from Fire, Planning, Bldg, Code. Nancy Requests for ext of time Denied Reques t (Whole /Part) Disclosure Determin ation Given Disclosure of records in electronic format X X X X Requests requiring programming REQUEST NO. DATE REC’D NAME/COMPANY 250 08/26/15 Upland Parents Against Drugs 251 08/27/15 SmartProcure 252 08/27/15 Robert Masciola 253 08/27/15 Katrina 254 08/27/15 Kathy Walker DESCRIPTION DEPT Campaign statements filed by committee Purchase Orders dated 5/20/15 to current Enclave at Upland. Presentations given by Picazo and Collier at City Council meeting on 7/13/15 Purchase a street sign CC Information on burying ashes on church property NO. OF PAGES COST DATE NOTIFIED 09/01/15 Comments Requests for ext of time Denied Reques t (Whole /Part) Disclosure Determin ation Given Disclosure of records in electronic format Debbi forwarded to Jeanette. Nancy Finance $0.00 09/02/15 Emailed docs provided by Finance. Nancy Planning $0.00 09/02/15 Emailed docs provided by Planning / July 13th presentations City Council Meeting. Nancy PW 08/27/15 Planning 08/27/15 Per Rosemary…we do not sell signs. Former employee may have given ok to sell in the past. Nancy Per Keri…Refer her to the local mortuary. Nancy X X Requests requiring programming REQUEST NO. DATE REC’D NAME/COMPANY 255 08/27/15 Steven Graham 256 08/27/15 Amy Mitchell 257 08/27/15 Sgt Richard Garayna 258 09/02/15 Lynne Merrill 259 09/01/15 Kevin Stockford DESCRIPTION DEPT NO. OF PAGES COST DATE NOTIFIED 08/31/15 All Agenda Backup/Staff Reports for the Medical Marijuana Initiative Animal bite report on 8/18/15 CC $0.00 Animal Services $0.00 09/02/15 Regarding Jenna Wolf/police records 2583 Blanchard Pl. Code violations Adoption letter from Animal Services. PD $0.00 09/02/15 Code $0.00 09/09/15 Animal Services $0.00 Comments Emailed Agenda/Staff Report for the Medical Marijuana Initiative. In the City Clerk Drive. Nancy Per Ivy…emailed Activity Card provided by Animal Services. Did not redact other parties info. Nancy Emailed information provided by Sharon at PD. Nancy Emailed docs provided by Code. Nancy Emailed docs provided by Animal Services. Nancy Requests for ext of time Denied Reques t (Whole /Part) Disclosure Determin ation Given Disclosure of records in electronic format X X X X X Requests requiring programming REQUEST NO. DATE REC’D NAME/COMPANY 260 09/01/15 Frank Atry 261 09/01/15 Marilyn Mills 262 09/01/15 Jennifer Brutus 263 09/02/15 Christy McKinzie 264 09/02/15 Melinda Aguirre DESCRIPTION DEPT NO. OF PAGES COST DATE NOTIFIED 9/9/15 1884 Anton Way. Fire violations. Acct docs Upland General Plan,Audio Planning commission meeting-August 26, 2015, Audio Planning commission 12015, Climate Action Plan, minutes, telephone calls International Council. CAFRs from 2007-2015 Fire $0.00 Planning $2.50 09/24/15 Finance, CC $0.00 09/09/15 RFP’s / Animal Services for last 5 years. Contract/ Crossing Guards for 2014-2015 and 2015-2016 CC Roberta $0.00 09/10/15 CC $0.00 09/10/15 Comments Emailed-No docs responsive to request. Nancy Emailed response. CD available. Nancy Requests for ext of time Denied Reques t (Whole /Part) Disclosure Determin ation Given Disclosure of records in electronic format X X (partial) Emailed all CAFT’s requested except 2015. Nancy Emailed 3 Animal Services RFP’s. Nancy Emailed crossing guard contract provided by Mark Baxter. Nancy X X X Requests requiring programming REQUEST NO. DATE REC’D NAME/COMPANY 265 09/03/15 Joe Mendoza 266 09/08/15 Fred O’Malley 267 09/08/15 Ashley Masuda/SBA Communications 268 09/08/15 Steven Rawlings/ccsdesigns 269 09/08/15 State Board of Equalization/High Bidder Motors DESCRIPTION Proof of fees charged to city for returned checks. Specific Plans for Upland Hills Golf Course, Condominiums. Telecommunica tion towers/ 401 E. 19th St. and 2098 Benson Ave Planning Commission Minutes9/24/14 Business license info. High Bidder Motors DEPT COST DATE NOTIFIED Finance $0.00 09/08/15 Planning $0.00 09/16/15 Emailed documents provided by Planning. Nancy Planning, BLDG $0.00 09/15/15 Emailed docs from Questys. No docs available from Planning. Nancy CC $0.00 09/09/15 Emailed Planning Commission Minutes 9/24/14. Nancy HDL NO. OF PAGES Comments Emailed Master Fee Schedule. Nancy Requests for ext of time Denied Reques t (Whole /Part) Disclosure Determin ation Given Disclosure of records in electronic format X X X X Requests requiring programming REQUEST NO. DATE REC’D NAME/COMPANY 270 09/09/15 Stephanie Reimer 271 09/09/15 Chloe Hackert/California Fair Political Practices Commission 272 09/03/15 Alicen Wong 273 09/10/15 Jackie Steward/Cass Information Systems 274 09/10/15 Ed Jimenez DESCRIPTION DEPT All residential code enforcement violations from 9/1/14-8/31/15 Campaign statements for committee’s/Ky le Brodie for City Council, Thomas City Council 2012, Schwary committee Misc docs for mini marts Code Updated addresses on accounts to process payments 222 N. Mountain Ave Ste 215. Download docs from city website. NO. OF PAGES COST DATE NOTIFIED $0.00 9/17/15 Comments Requests for ext of time Denied Reques t (Whole /Part) Disclosure Determin ation Given Disclosure of records in electronic format No docs responsive to request per Code. Nancy X CC $0.00 9/9/15 Finance $0.00 09/10/15 CC, Bldg $0.00 09/14/15 Emailed-No docs responsive to request. Nancy Emailed info provided by Lorrie-accts have been updated. We do not have revert back to owner form. Nancy Emailed docs from Questy. Nancy X X X Requests requiring programming REQUEST NO. DATE REC’D NAME/COMPANY DESCRIPTION DEPT NO. OF PAGES COST DATE NOTIFIED 09/14/15 275 09/10/15 Marilyn Mills CD of the August 26, 2015 Planning Commission meeting Planning $2.50 276 09/08/15 $0.00 09/14/15 09/14/15 PW $0.00 09/15/15 278 09/14/15 Pat Grady Business License/High Bidder Motors Info on water installation at 1689 W Arrow Hwy Inquiring on friend John Kruze. HDL 277 State Board Of Equalization/Kevin Tran The Claims Center/Matthew Kasten CC, Fire $0.00 09/28/15 279 09/15/15 Jennifer Neves/Transactlaw CUP 8101/Carden Arbor View School CC, Bldg $0.00 09/24/15 09/30/15 Comments Requests for ext of time Denied Reques t (Whole /Part) Disclosure Determin ation Given Disclosure of records in electronic format CD of Planning Commission meeting from 8/26/15 at Finance counter for purchase. Nancy Sent documents to State Board of Equalization. Nancy No documents responsive to request. Per Rosemary. Nancy Emailed Pat Grady. This is handled thru the Fire Dept. $23.00 fee. Contact the Fire Dept. Nancy Requested extension.Nancy Emailed document provided by Joshua/Planning. Nancy X X X X Requests requiring programming REQUEST NO. 280 DATE REC’D 09/16/15 NAME/COMPANY Dean Mills DESCRIPTION DEPT Misc docs regarding vehicle emissions, mileage, climate, etc. City wide NO. OF PAGES COST DATE NOTIFIED $0.00 09/24/15 10/22/15 Comments Emailed to clarify request. Nancy Emailed Dean Mills documents provided by Rosemary & Jeff Nancy Emailed docs provided by HR. Ivy reviewed-no redaction needed. 9/24/15 CD at Finance counter for purchase/employee handbook Nancy Emailed contract and invoice paid for Patrick Clark Consulting provided by HR. Nancy 281 09/16/15 Dean Mills Employee handbook & policies. Sample of forms employees sign. HR $0.00 09/22/15 282 09/16/15 Upland MidManagement Assoc. HR $0.00 10/5/15 283 09/17/15 Cynthia Coulter Mulvihill/Attorney PW $0.00 09/28/15 Emailed docs provided by PW and Planning. Nancy 284 09/09/15 Jamie Garcia Contract for the City and Patrick Clark Consulting. Invoices for services. Foothill & Campus. Signal timing chart, signal repair and speed survey 424 W 7th St. Code, Bldg, CC $0.00 09/21/15 Emailed documents provided by Code & Bldg. Ivy reviewed-ok to release no redactions. Nancy Requests for ext of time Denied Reques t (Whole /Part) Disclosure Determin ation Given Disclosure of records in electronic format X X X X X Requests requiring programming REQUEST NO. DATE REC’D NAME/COMPANY DESCRIPTION DEPT NO. OF PAGES COST DATE NOTIFIED 09/22/15 285 09/17/15 Filipa Tomas City pin CC $0.00 286 09/21/15 Alicen Wong CC, Bldg, Planning $0.00 287 09/08/15 Dean Mills 288 09/21/15 Alicia Amaro 289 09/23/15 Christina Haynes 503 N. Mountain Ave. All entitlement docs Copy of General Plan, Zoning Code relating to landscaping, letter to State re: landscaping, date Schwary, Velto, Verrinder appointed to Planning Commission New list of businesses for August 2015 All traffic collision reports on 9/18/15-/20/15 CC, Planning 09/30/15 09/17/15 Comments Requests for ext of time Denied Reques t (Whole /Part) Disclosure Determin ation Given Disclosure of records in electronic format Sent a City pin. Filipa Tomas Rua 24 de Abril nr.6 8005-455 Estoi – Faro PORTUGAL Nancy Emailed documents provided by Mel/Planning Nancy Emailed Mills-sent link for items 1 & 2. Item 4 the can come view or purchase. Items 3 & 5 no docs. Nancy X X (partial) Finance/Tra cy PD $0.00 Emailed list provided by Finance/Tracy Nancy Sent to PD to handle per Debbi. Nancy X Requests requiring programming REQUEST NO. DATE REC’D NAME/COMPANY 290 09/23/15 New World Systems/Kim Sands 291 09/17/15 Dean Mills 292 09/14/15 Denise Jeanson 293 09/28/15 Clarence Olson 294 09/28/15 Dean Mills DESCRIPTION DEPT Contract Tyler Technologies. Proposals Tyler Tech, Sungard, score sheets,etc. All slide shown at the 9/14/15 City Council meeting. Street Tree Database Portal, user name, info for password.20042014 Street Tree apps/Recertific ation. Name for State Foresters office. Tree Grants. Street Tree grid/Tree Trimming. Permit for Board and Care facilities from 1/1/15-9-28-15 City Council meeting/ September 14, 2015 on CD. NO. OF PAGES COST DATE NOTIFIED Comments Finance/ Scott $0.00 10/5/15 CC $0.00 Jeannette Vagnozzi $0.00 09/23/15 Jeannette responded to Denise Jeanson. Nancy Bldg $0.00 09/28/15 CC $7.50 09/30/15 Per Tamara-direct him to call Planning. Called and left a message for Mr. Olson. Nancy Emailed Mr. Mills-3 CD’s available at the Finance Counter. Nancy Requests for ext of time Denied Reques t (Whole /Part) Disclosure Determin ation Given Disclosure of records in electronic format Kim Sands/News World Systems emailed me. They no longer need any docs-they merged with Tyler Technolgies. Nancy Emailed documents. Nancy X X Requests requiring programming REQUEST NO. DATE REC’D NAME/COMPANY 295 09/29/15 Dean Mills 296 09/30/15 Dean Mills 297 09/29/15 John Crossen 298 09/30/15 Eric Correia 299 10/5/15 Laurel Galloway DESCRIPTION DEPT NO. OF PAGES COST DATE NOTIFIED 10/14/15 Comments Agreement between SCAG and the City. Agreement with SanBag. Monies paid by the City to SCAG and SanBag. September 28, 2015 City Council meeting on CD CC CC $2.50 10/5/15 Code violations. Fire violations and last inspection. 1571 W Foothill Blvd. Upland Hills Plaza.10011103 E. 16th St. Fire and Code violations. Impound records for 2 rabbits AO42292 & AO42294 Fire, Code $0.00 10/5/15 Code, Fire $0.00 10/7/15 Emailed document provided by Fire. No Code violations. Nancy Animal Services $0.00 10/5/15 Emailed impound reports provided by Jon/Animal Services. Nancy Requests for ext of time Denied Reques t (Whole /Part) Disclosure Determin ation Given Disclosure of records in electronic format Emailed docs. Let Mr. Mills know there are 15 pages available to copy for $3.75. Nancy X Emailed Dean Mills notifying him the CD for the September 28th City Council meeting is at the Finance counter for $2.50. Nancy Emailed doc from Fire. No Code violations. Nancy X X X Requests requiring programming REQUEST NO. DATE REC’D NAME/COMPANY 300 10/6/15 Ricky Mendez 301 10/6/15 Donald Morrison 302 10/7/15 Tirzo V. Tec/TEC Industry 303 10/8/15 Akbar Mehr DESCRIPTION Work logs & invoices for March, April & May Graffiti Removal Services. Campus between Foothill & 11th St.Site plan,acres, rentals, number of residents, date built, date demolished, developer & owner. Nuno’s Bistro. Permits, check paying for permit,fees paid for this job. All documents pertaining to Nude Est. DEPT PW NO. OF PAGES COST DATE NOTIFIED $0.00 10/12/15 Comments Requests for ext of time Denied Reques t (Whole /Part) Disclosure Determin ation Given Disclosure of records in electronic format Emailed documents provided by Finance. Nancy X Planning, Bldg, 10/29/15 Per Carlos/Bldg no docs responsive to request due to it being modular homes. Nancy 10/8/15 Emailed documents provided by Carlos/Bldg. Nancy 10/14/15 Emailed doc provided by Finance. Nancy Emailed documents provided by Code & HDL. Nancy X CC, Planning. Code, PD, Planning $0.00 $0.00 10/19/15 X X Requests requiring programming REQUEST NO. DATE REC’D NAME/COMPANY 304 10/8/15 Paul Cushing 305 10/12/15 Jesse Cuevas 306 10/12/15 Lauren Schmid 307 10/12/15 308 10/12/15 Ashutosh Deshpande/1301 San Bernardino Rd. Hazardous Materials Docs. Jonathan Kevles/Staff Report June 8, 2015 DESCRIPTION Resolution 6270 314 W. 14th St. Bldg blueprints/plu mbing plans. Contract with Cite Zone. Invoices from July-September 2015 for Cite Zone. Fire DEPT NO. OF PAGES COST DATE NOTIFIED Comments CC $0.00 10/8/15 CC, Bldg $0.00 10/20/15 CC, Finance $0.00 10/14/15 Emailed Lauren SchmidNo documents pertaining to request. Nancy $0.00 10/14/15 No documents pertaining to this site per Fire. Nancy $0.00 10/12/15 Emailed staff report from June 8, 2015 Nancy Sent resolution 6270. Nancy Emailed docs from Questys. Nancy Requests for ext of time Denied Reques t (Whole /Part) Disclosure Determin ation Given Disclosure of records in electronic format X X X X X Requests requiring programming REQUEST NO. DATE REC’D NAME/COMPANY DESCRIPTION DEPT NO. OF PAGES COST DATE NOTIFIED 309 10/15/15 Ms. Delgado Copy of notice from Code Enfocement/ 104 N. 9th Ave. Code 0.00 10/15/15 310 10/7/15 $0.00 10/15/15 10/20/15 Tract 15337 & Tract 11631 New businesses for September 2015 Planning 311 Carlo Cambare/City of Rancho Cucamonga Alicia Amaro HDL $0.00 10/20/15 312 10/21/15 Judy Tanner/dma claims PW $0.00 10/28/15 313 10/21/15 Rosie Penn/ 1737 N. Redding Way Mountain & Arrow Hwy. trench work. Signs posted for construction. Code violations Code $0.00 10/28/15 Comments Lisa Delgado came in for copies of violation letters. Owner is Ralph Delgado(father)Lisa is Executor. Received court order. Released letters provided by Code Nancy Emailed Resolution 3639 Nancy Emailed new business list provided by Tracy/Finance. Nancy Emailed docs provided by Bob Critchfield. Nancy Requests for ext of time Denied Reques t (Whole /Part) Disclosure Determin ation Given Disclosure of records in electronic format X X X Emailed docs provided by Code, HDL and Finance. Nancy X Requests requiring programming REQUEST NO. DATE REC’D NAME/COMPANY 314 10/14/15 1254 Meadow Ct. 315 10/22/15 430 Alpine St/Alpine Woods Apartments 316 10/22/15 Melinda/Environment Prevention Program/Reachout 317 10/26/15 Dan Clark/Business software Centre 318 10/26/15 Alexandra Sherry DESCRIPTION Account balance, liens, code violations Fire code inspection violations. Data on underage drinking and possession of alcohol. Misc IT information Misc bldg permits issued from January 1, 2000 to present DEPT NO. OF PAGES COST DATE NOTIFIED $0.00 10/21/15 Comments Emailed docs provided by Finance, planning Nancy Requests for ext of time Denied Reques t (Whole /Part) Disclosure Determin ation Given Disclosure of records in electronic format X Fire PD $0.00 10/28/15 Emailed docs provided by Sharon/PD Nancy IT $0.00 11/2/15 Planning $0.00 10/29/15 Emailed information provided by Richard/IT Nancy Emailed permit report from 2000-9/2015 provided by Carlos/Bldg. Nancy X X X Requests requiring programming REQUEST NO. DATE REC’D NAME/COMPANY DESCRIPTION DEPT 319 10/26/15 Jeff Koch/Professional Finders Finance 320 10/20/15 Robert Fellner 321 10/22/15 Brad Austin Stale dated checks, property tax overpayments, deposits, bonds, escrow info. 2014 Employee Compensation Report Unclaimed checks & unrefunded deposits 322 10/22/15 Monica Labosky/Draco International 323 10/26/15 Cynthia Gonzalez NO. OF PAGES COST DATE NOTIFIED $0.00 10/29/15 $0.00 10/27/15 Finance, PW $0.00 10/29/15 Fire Code violations Fire $0.00 10/29/15 Report from Animal Services Animal Services $0.00 10/29/15 HR Comments Emailed docs provided by Rocio and Nisha. Redacted personal addresses on the unclaimed checks. Same response as #321. Nancy Emailed document provided by Rocio. Nancy Emailed docs provided by Rocio and Nisha. Redacted personal addresses on the unclaimed checks. Same response as #319. Nancy Emailed response from Fire-no open violations Nancy Emailed Activity Card provided by Jon/Animal Services. Nancy Requests for ext of time Denied Reques t (Whole /Part) Disclosure Determin ation Given Disclosure of records in electronic format X X X X X Requests requiring programming REQUEST NO. DATE REC’D NAME/COMPANY 324 10/27/15 325 10/28/15 George Soneff/Manatt, Phelps & Phillips Dean Mills 326 10/28/15 Trisha Ray/Draco International 327 10/29/15 North American Procurement Council 328 10/29/15 Ricardo Oliva DESCRIPTION DEPT NO. OF PAGES COST DATE NOTIFIED Water rates, fees, sewer Finance, CC PW $0.00 11/18/15 All doc (payments, grants) pertaining to Chamber of Commerce Code violations, Zoning violations CC, Finance $0.00 11/3/15 Code, Planning $0.00 11/5/15 Bid Tabulation for the San Antonio Canyon Water Treatment Would like the persons phone number that found his dog CC $0.00 10/29/15 Animal Services $0.00 10/29/15 Comments Emailed Minutes & Resolutions. Per Jeannette. Nancy Emailed Minutes, Reso, Finance doc. Nancy Requests for ext of time Denied Reques t (Whole /Part) Disclosure Determin ation Given Disclosure of records in electronic format X X No docs pertaining to request per Planning, Bldg, Code Nancy Emailed-Bid Tabulation is on the City website. Nancy X X Per Ivy-OK to release the phone number only. Gave Ricardo Oliva the owners phone number. Spoke to him over the phone. Nancy Requests requiring programming REQUEST NO. DATE REC’D NAME/COMPANY 329 11/2/15 Naseem Farooqi 330 11/3/15 Nancy Reyes Santiago 331 11/3/15 332 11/4/15 Monica Labosky/1301 San Bernardino Rd/Sycamore Terrace Apt. Tina Mohl 333 11/4/15 Teresa Vaughn DESCRIPTION Planning Commission MeetingsNovember 20, 2013 & June 24, 2015 Dog Bite report DEPT NO. OF PAGES COST DATE NOTIFIED $0.00 11/2/15 Comments Requests for ext of time Denied Reques t (Whole /Part) Disclosure Determin ation Given Disclosure of records in electronic format Emailed docs. Naseen Farooqi sent Keri an email requesting this. Nancy X Animal Services $0.00 11/9/15 Fire Code violations. Fire $0.00 11/4/15 Water history by meter for the last 10 yrs/Mt View Park HOA Pothole repair 11th St and Mountain Ave. 7/3/15-7/13/15 Finance $0.00 11/9/15 PW $0.00 11/4/15 Emailed Bite Report provided by Animal Services. Nancy Emailed documents provided by Fire. No Fire Violations. Nancy Emailed documents provided by Lorrie. Nancy X X Per PW/Rosemary there are no documents pertaining to this request. Nancy X Requests requiring programming REQUEST NO. 334 DATE REC’D NAME/COMPANY DESCRIPTION DEPT NO. OF PAGES COST DATE NOTIFIED 11/5/15 11/2/15 Elaine Lopez Dog Bite report Animal Services $0.00 335 11/5/15 Healthy Massage Violations Code, Planning $0.00 11/12/15 336 11/9/15 Akila Herath/Dr Gwen Arnold Minutes from 2010-2013 CC $0.00 11/12/15 337 11/10/15 Linus Villajin CC, Planning, Bldg $0.00 11/12/15 338 11/11/15 Jennifer Brutus 1757 Henderson Way - Bldg permits, inspection report, Certificate of Occupancy. Annual Budgets/20062013,misc minutes, staff reports $11.75 11/17/15 Comments Emailed Bite Report provided by Animal Services. Nancy Emailed message received from Code-No open or closed violations. Nancy Emailed 2010-2013 Minutes. Nancy Emailed documents provided by Bldg. Nancy Requests for ext of time Denied Reques t (Whole /Part) Disclosure Determin ation Given Disclosure of records in electronic format X X X X CC 47 Emailed documents. Let her know hard copy fee. Gave copies to Scott Williams to give to her 11/19/15 Nancy X partial Requests requiring programming REQUEST NO. DATE REC’D NAME/COMPANY 339 11/16/15 John Ickis 340 11/16/15 Grace Percival/Zap Manufacturing 341 11/17/15 342 343 DESCRIPTION DEPT NO. OF PAGES COST DATE NOTIFIED 11/16/15 Euclid & 25th St. Engineering study for stop sign. Bid award for traffic signs PW $0.00 CC, PW $0.00 12/10/15 Tony Maese New Business list for the past 6 months CC $0.00 11/17/15 11/18/15 Yuri Hurtado/Library 2000-2008 Minutes CC $0.00 11/18/15 11/9/15 Dean Mills Last seven years-all information on Upland Heritage, Carol Timm. CC, Planning, IT, Finance $2.50 11/19/15 Comments Emailed response from Rosemary. Nancy Emailed docs provided by PW. Nancy Emailed April, May, June, July, August, September new business list. Nancy Emailed 2000-2008 Minutes. This took several days to process. Nancy Emailed documents provided by Finance, IT. CD available for purchase w/info provided by Planning. Nancy Requests for ext of time Denied Reques t (Whole /Part) Disclosure Determin ation Given Disclosure of records in electronic format X X X X X partial Requests requiring programming REQUEST NO. DATE REC’D NAME/COMPANY DESCRIPTION DEPT NO. OF PAGES COST DATE NOTIFIED 344 11/23/15 Marisol Chavez Business License receipt. HDL 0.00 11/24/15 345 11/23/15 Sue Hernandez PD $0.00 12/3/15 346 10/28/15 C. Hernandez Police Reports for 1897 San Antonio. Related to vacate due to lack of water. Any contracts involving Acquanetta Warren for the past 10 yrs. 347 11/24/15 Dean Mills Misc info relating to 20/20 Network, Steve Lambert, Sid Robinson. CC, Finance, IT $4.50 11/4/15requested extension. 11/23/15sent email stating request too broad and burdensom e. Nancy 12/3/15 348 11/25/15 Karen Collier CD or PowerPoint presentation of the Veteran’s Monument. IT $0.00 12/14/15 Comments HDL emailed documents to requester. Nancy Emailed docs provided by Code. Nancy Requests for ext of time Denied Reques t (Whole /Part) Disclosure Determin ation Given Disclosure of records in electronic format X X PW, CC City Attorney X Emailed misc docs. Let Mr. Mills know some are available for purchase. Need clarification on the e-mails-too broad. SEE REQUEST REGARDING EMAILS! Nancy Emailed PowerPoint of the Veteran’s Memorial Dedication. Nancy X (partial) X Requests requiring programming REQUEST NO. DATE REC’D NAME/COMPANY DESCRIPTION DEPT NO. OF PAGES COST DATE NOTIFIED 12/10/15 349 11/30/15 Dean Mills Euclid Ave signs PW, IT $0.00 350 11/30/15 Dean Mills Upland Historic Register Planning $0.00 12/10/15 12/22/15 351 12/2/15 Nadine Weeden/SmartProcur e 352 12/2/15 Sanford Shatz 353 12/3/15 Aaron Masanque Purchasing records-Po’s, vendor, date, ck #’s, etc. 1790 N. Euclid Ave. Water & trash information Finance Finance $0.00 12/3/15 List of residential projects/TRACT maps in the process of being approved. Planning $0.00 12/8/15 Comments Emailed docs provided by PW/Nisha. Nancy Per Jeff/need extension until Dec. 23. Nancy Emailed docs provided by Planning. Nancy Requests for ext of time Denied Reques t (Whole /Part) Disclosure Determin ation Given Disclosure of records in electronic format X X X This was a phone call.Lorrie requested Mr. Shatz complete records request form. I spoke w/Mr. Shatz-he said he would get one in but never did. Nancy Emailed document provided by Planning. Nancy X X Requests requiring programming REQUEST NO. DATE REC’D NAME/COMPANY 354 12/2/15 Nadine Weeden 355 12/7/15 Mary Daou 12/14/15 Burtronics Business Systems/Kevin Riley 356 357 12/14/15 Linus Villajin 358 12/10/15 City of Chino/Attorney DESCRIPTION DEPT NO. OF PAGES COST DATE NOTIFIED Comments PO’s, dates, description of purchase, quantity, price, and vendor ID info. City policies on Fireworks being banned/prohibi ted. Requesting Ordinance. Recent Agreements/Co pier & Telephone Finance $0.00 12/10/15 CC $0.00 12/8/15 Emailed Ordinance 1877. Nancy CC, IT $0.00 12/15/15 1720 Crebs Way. Certificate of Occupancy. Safe Yield Reset Agreement / SYRA CC, Bldg Emailed copier agreement. Notified of the fee for coping Telepacific’s agreement Kevin Riley came in and scanned the agreementno fee. Nancy Emailed documents from Questys. Nancy Requests for ext of time Denied Reques t (Whole /Part) Disclosure Determin ation Given Disclosure of records in electronic format Emailed document provided by Finance. Nancy X X 12/21/15 CC, IT, PW $0.00 12/14/15 X X Requests requiring programming REQUEST NO. DATE REC’D NAME/COMPANY 359 12/15/15 Alexandra Maddux/Accela 360 12/15/15 AEI Consultants/Kara Chatham 361 12/23/15 William Schuessler 362 12/21/15 Christopher Contreras 363 12/30/15 Bill’s Lift Service DESCRIPTION DEPT Pricing proposal, score sheets, final contract. 318-364 (Even) W. Foothill Blvd Bldg records, permits Hours & totals regarding marijuana. Misc PD info NO. OF PAGES COST DATE NOTIFIED CC, Finance $0.00 12/21/15 Planning $0.00 12/16/15 CC $0.00 12/30/15 PD $0.00 1/14/16 1032 W 9th Street Upland, 91786, subdivisions CC, PW, DS $0.00 1/7/16 & 1/14/16 Building Permits issued Nov & Dec 2015 DS Comments Requests for ext of time Emailed Final Contract for Tyler Technologies provided by Saleha. Nancy Emailed docs from Questys and Planning. Nancy Emailed response provided by Jeannette. Nancy Emailed pdf files from PD, PRR# 362 Public Records Request - Part 1 Crimes - Pgs 1-80, PRR# 362 Public Records Request - Part 1 Crimes - Pgs 81-137, PRR# 362 Public Records Request - Part 1 Crimes - Pgs 138-215 Denied Reques t (Whole /Part) Disclosure Determin ation Given Disclosure of records in electronic format X X X 1/13/15 x 364 12/30/15 LBC Lighting $1.75 1/14/16 Emailed docs at 12:30pm. Additional Docs came through later in the day, given to JV for review, released 1/14/16 Emailed records from planning; Persons called back and requested print-out of Res. 4324 X x Requests requiring programming